January 4 is a church holiday. What a church holiday. The life story of the Great Martyr Nastasya

Published 01/04/18 00:39

Today, January 4, 2018, also celebrates Newton Day, National Spaghetti Day in the USA and other events.

January 4 is a national holiday - Nastasya's Day. On this day, the Church remembers the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia, who was called among the people the Pattern Maker, as she helped get rid of difficult bonds and suffering. Saint Anastasia is the patron of pregnant women.

On this day, mothers and the entire family are honored.

It is customary for Nastasya to cook lean porridge and treat it to pregnant women. It is believed that she intkbbee gives them strength, health and protects them from miscarriage.

In Rus', on this day, pregnant women and young girls embroidered birth towels - amulets during childbirth. The peasants were preparing for the Christmas table: they killed a pig and made sausages from it.

Anastasia lived in the 3rd century in the capital of the Roman Empire - Rome. At that time, Diocletian ruled the empire. Anastasia was born into a family of a pagan and a secret Christian. Her mother, secretly from her father, raised her in faith in Jesus Christ. After the death of her mother, Anastasia was married to the pagan Pomplius, but she remained devoted to her faith. Unknown to her husband, the girl dressed up as a beggar and helped prisoners languishing in prison. One day the maid told everything to her husband, for which he tortured his wife and locked her in the house.

While corresponding with her teacher, she learned about the imminent death of her husband in deep sea. The prediction came true. After the death of her husband, Anastasia began to distribute all the property he had acquired to the poor and needy.

One day, Emperor Diocletian ordered the execution of all Christians who were in a Roman prison, and Anastasia’s mentor, Chrysogon, was brought to him. Neither interrogation nor torture could break the faith of the great teacher, as a result of which he was beheaded and thrown into the sea. Presbyter Zoilus found the body of the martyr and hid it in his house. At night, he dreamed of Chrysogon and predicted the imminent death of three Christian women living nearby. He ordered Anastasia to be sent to them in order to strengthen their faith in the Lord God. After the execution of the martyrs, she buried their bodies and went on a journey.

Anastasia was captured in Illyria, but thanks to her faith in Christ she managed to be released. Soon she was detained again and sentenced to starvation. However, hunger could not cause her great suffering, so an order was received to drown her with other convicts. Left on a ship with holes drilled in the bottom, the prisoners were about to drown, but Saint Theodotia appeared and led the ship to land. Anastasia and Eutychian baptized 120 saved people.

Having learned about this, Diocletian ordered Anastasia to be seized and crucified. She was stretched between 4 pillars over a fire, but the fire did not touch her body, but her soul simply left her. She was buried in the garden of the Christian Apollinaria.

According to signs, what the weather is like on Nastasya’s day, it will be like this in October.

If there are a lot of icicles hanging from the roofs, then the year will be fruitful.

January 4, 2018 is Newton Day. The holiday is celebrated by scientists, researchers, and lovers of scientific experiments. On this day it is customary to visit Newton's grave in Westminster Abbey in London.

Sir Isaac Newton is a great English scientist, a genius, a unique one. He was born on January 4, 1643 (December 25, 1642 - old style) in a farmer's family. Isaac was born premature and sickly. But he was able to show his character, perseverance and survive.

National Spaghetti Day in USA

On January 4, the United States celebrates National Spaghetti Day, a type of pasta with a round cross-section. It can also be long and thin thread-like round noodles. The first historical references to boiled noodles can be found in the Jerusalem Talmud.

Some information suggests that noodles were invented by the Arabs several thousand years ago. Today we compare pasta with the Italians. They invented the most different shapes pasta. Thanks to them, pasta today is an integral part of our culinary dishes. In America, spaghetti is very popular. 1.3 million pounds of spaghetti in 200 were sold in American grocery stores.

Anastasia, Dmitry, Fedor

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  • 1896 - Utah became the 45th US state.
  • 1908 - Anna Pavlova first performed the choreographic miniature The Dying Swan.
  • 1943 - American Time magazine named Joseph Stalin the Man of 1942.
  • 1985 - a girl was born in London to the world's first gestational surrogate mother.
  • 2004 - The American rover Spirit landed on the surface of Mars.
  • Isaac Newton 1643 - English physicist and astronomer.
  • Giovanni Pergolesi 1710 - Italian composer.
  • Louis Braille 1809 - French teacher and author of the alphabet for the blind.
  • Zurab Tsereteli 1934 - Soviet and Russian artist and sculptor.
  • Oleg Romantsev 1954 - Soviet and Russian football player.
  • Julia Ormond 1965 - British actress and producer.
  • Tigran Keosayan 1966 - Russian film director, screenwriter and actor.

Today, January 4 (December 22, old style), the Orthodox Church celebrates the Orthodox Church holiday:

Christmas (Filippov) fast from November 28 to January 6. Forefeast of the Nativity of Christ.

* Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker (c. 304).
Martyrs Chrysogonus, Theodotius, Evod, Eutychian and others (c. 304); Zoila. Hieromartyrs Demetrius (Kiranov) and Theodore (Poroikov) archpriest (1938).

Memorial Day of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker

The Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker was born in Rome. Her mother, a secret Christian, entrusted the upbringing of the little girl to Saint Chrysogonus, famous for his learning. At the end of the teaching, Anastasia was spoken of as a wise and beautiful maiden. After the death of her mother, regardless of her daughter’s wishes, her father married her to the pagan Pomplius. In order not to break the vow of virginity and avoid the marital bed, Anastasia constantly referred to an incurable illness and remained pure.

There were many Christian prisoners in the prisons of Rome at that time. In beggarly clothes, the saint secretly visited prisoners - she washed and fed the sick, unable to move, bandaged wounds, and consoled everyone who needed it. Left a widow, she used the inheritance for the same merciful purposes.
After Saint Chrysogonus was executed by decision of Emperor Diocletian, Saint Anastasia began to wander in order to serve Christians imprisoned wherever possible. This is how she received the gift of healing. With her works and words of consolation, Saint Anastasia eased the imprisonment of many people; by caring for the bodies and souls of the suffering, she freed them from the bonds of despair, fear and helplessness, which is why she was called the Pattern Maker. In Macedonia, the saint met a young Christian widow, Theodotia, who helped her in her pious labors.

When it became known that Anastasia was a Christian, Emperor Diocletian ordered the saint to be taken to the high priest Ulpian, so that he would persuade her to sacrifice to the pagan gods or betray her cruel execution. The priest invited Saint Anastasia to make a choice between rich gifts and instruments of torture, placed on both sides near her. The saint, without hesitation, pointed to the instruments of torture: “Surrounded by these objects, I will become more beautiful and more pleasing to my longed-for Bridegroom - Christ...” Before subjecting Saint Anastasia to torture, Ulpian decided to desecrate her. But as soon as he touched her, he became blind, a terrible pain gripped his head, and after a while he died. Saint Anastasia was freed and, together with Theodotia, continued to serve the prisoners.

Soon Saint Theodotia and her three sons were martyred by the anfipat (region commander) Nikitios in their hometown Nicaea. Saint Anastasia was imprisoned for the second time and tortured by hunger for 60 days. Every night Saint Theodotia appeared to the martyr, approved and strengthened her in patience. Seeing that the famine did not harm the saint, the hegemon of Illyria ordered her to be drowned along with the convicted criminals, among whom was Eutychian, persecuted for his faith.

The soldiers put the prisoners on the ship and went out to the open sea. Far from the shore, they got into a boat, and made several holes in the ship so that it sank. The ship began to sink into the water, but the prisoners saw the martyr Theodotia, controlling the sails and guiding the ship to the shore. 120 people, amazed by the miracle, believed in Christ - Saints Anastasia and Eutychian baptized them. Having learned about what had happened, the hegemon ordered the execution of all the newly baptized. Saint Anastasia was stretched over the fire between four pillars. This is how Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker completed her martyrdom in 304.

The saint’s body remained unharmed; the pious Christian Apollinaria buried him. At the end of the persecution, she built a church over the tomb of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia.

Today, January 4, is significant for a number of memorable dates, which are mainly relevant for other countries, and not for Russia. However, we will definitely focus on holiday events. At the same time, let us dwell in more detail on a church holiday and an event from the folk calendar.

Today, the fourth of January 2017, this is what catches your eye: interesting holiday like Newton's Day. It refers to international holidays. At the same time, we must not forget that today there is also a church holiday - the Day of Remembrance of St. Anastasia. Besides, in folk calendar Nastasya's day is celebrated.

Sir Isaac Newton is one of the greatest scientists who lived in the 17th century, a genius, a unique person, a personality. He studied physics, mathematics, mechanics, astronomy, alchemy and theology. At the end of his life he devoted himself to history and theology. A holiday called Newton Day was organized in his honor. It takes place in 2017 on January 4.

According to tradition, on this day many pundits visit the grave of their great colleague in Westminster Abbey. The epitaph on the monument lists only some of his character traits. But this is enough to understand that a great man lies here.

Isaac was born into the family of an English farmer just before civil war, January 4, 1643. For a long time they did not want to baptize him, since he was born premature and sickly. But character and perseverance were already evident in the little body. Newton survived and lived a long life rich life, leaving behind many discoveries in the natural sciences.

The most famous of them is the discovery of the secret of universal gravity. The legend says (and, as historians have proven, this is more than a legend) that an apple that fell next to Newton raised a question in his head, the answer to which later made the scientist famous throughout the world.

What church holiday is today, 01/04/2017: St. Anastasia’s Day

The Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker was born in Rome. Her mother, a secret Christian, entrusted the upbringing of the little girl to Saint Chrysogonus, famous for his learning. At the end of the teaching, Anastasia was spoken of as a wise and beautiful maiden. After the death of her mother, regardless of her daughter’s wishes, her father married her to the pagan Pomplius. In order not to break the vow of virginity and avoid the marital bed, Anastasia constantly referred to an incurable illness and remained pure.

At that time, many Christian prisoners were languishing in the dungeons of Rome. In beggarly clothes, the saint secretly visited prisoners - she washed and fed the sick, unable to move, bandaged wounds, and consoled everyone who needed it. Left a widow, she used the inheritance for charitable purposes.

After Saint Chrysogonus was executed by decision of the Emperor Diocletian, Saint Anastasia began to wander in order to serve Christians imprisoned wherever possible. This is how she received the gift of healing. With her works and words of consolation, Saint Anastasia eased the imprisonment of many people; by caring for the bodies and souls of the suffering, she freed them from the bonds of despair, fear and helplessness - for this reason Anastasia is called the Pattern Maker.

As noted above, today we remember Saint Anastasia, also known as Anastasia the Pattern Maker. Living in Rome in the 3rd century, Anastasia, at the height of the persecution of Christians, fearlessly helped those people who were imprisoned for the new faith, for which she received her nickname.

On Nastasya's Day, mothers taught their daughters to embroider, showing them what patterns, symbolizing fertility, could be used to decorate birth towels that had been kept in chests until that day or before the birth. The nickname of Saint Anastasia also echoes the fact that embroidery was previously called patternmaking, and embroiderers were called patternmakers.

On Nastasya's day, they served Lenten porridge and treated pregnant women to it so that they would be full of strength and not get sick. It was also necessary on this day to glorify the ancestors of the family and especially those who give life - mothers.

Based on the weather on Nastasya's day, they wondered what it would be like in October, and if they noticed clouds running against the wind, they expected snowfall.

Nastasya's Day (St. Anastasia's Day) - this church and folk holiday is celebrated annually on the same day - January 4. In this article we will tell you what kind of holiday this is, how to celebrate it, what signs and traditions there are on this day, what you can and cannot do on Nastasya’s Day.

4 January Orthodox Church on this day the memory of the holy great martyr Anastasia the Pattern-Resolver is honored - they say that this saint delivers those who pray to her from suffering and heavy bonds. The Saint is also considered the patroness of pregnant women.

Nastasya's Day (St. Anastasia's Day) January 4: history of the holiday

Anastasia lived in the Roman Empire in the 3rd century during the reign of Diocletian. Anastasia's father was a pagan, and her mother was a secret Christian, who raised her daughter in the Christian faith in secret from her husband.

By her father’s decision, Anastasia married the pagan Pomplio; by that time, her mother had already died, but the woman, but a saint, secretly continued to help the Christian prisoner. One of the maids told Pompileus about this, and he cruelly punished his wife and locked her in the house. However, Anastasia could correspond with her teacher, who predicted that her husband would soon sink into the depths of the sea.

The prediction came true and after the death of her husband, Anastasia distributed all his property to the needy and disadvantaged.

One day Diocletian gave the order to execute all Christians in prison in Rome. And he ordered Chrysogon, who was Anastasia’s mentor, to be brought to him. However, no amount of torture could force Anastasia’s teacher to renounce his faith. As a result, Chrysogonus was beheaded and his body was thrown into the sea. Presbyter Zoilus found him and hid him in his house. At night, he dreamed of Chrysogon, who predicted the imminent death of three Christian women living nearby. Zoil ordered Anastasia to be sent to them so that she would strengthen their faith in the Lord. After the execution of the martyrs, Anastasia buried them and then went wandering.

Anastasia was detained in Illyria. However, faith in the Lord God helped her to be released. She was then captured again and sentenced to death by starvation. However, hunger could not cause Anastasia much suffering. Then she was ordered to be drowned along with other convicts. The prisoners were left on a ship with holes in the bottom, in the middle of the sea, where they all had to find their death, and Anastasia was among them. However, Saint Theodotia appeared to them and helped them lead the ship to land. After this, one hundred and twenty of those saved were baptized. They were baptized by Anastasia and Eutychian.

Diocletian, having learned about this, ordered Anastasia to be seized and crucified. She was tied and stretched between four posts over a fire. However, the fire did not touch her body, her soul simply left it. Anastasia was buried in the garden of the Christian Apollinaria.

Anastasia, who spent her entire life helping people get rid of difficult bonds and suffering, was nicknamed the Pattern Maker and helps all those who suffer from any bonds. Saint Anastasia is the patron of pregnant women and prisoners.

What is customary to do today:

  • Pregnant women are advised to prepare lean porridge today. People believe that this simple dish, prepared and eaten today, will give a pregnant woman strength, protect her from disease, and prevent miscarriage.
  • On this day, ancestors were treated with special respect and mothers were glorified.
  • A towel embroidered today for a pregnant woman can serve as a talisman during childbirth.

St. Anastasia's Day: what not to do on this holiday

  • Today you cannot beat animals; anyone who raises a hand against an animal on this day can overcome illnesses and problems with their legs.
  • You can’t get a piercing on Nastasia’s Day—it will take a long time to heal.
  • Today, folk superstitions advise against walking barefoot: it was believed that this could lead to the arrest of one of the relatives.
  • Also, in order to avoid the arrest and imprisonment of one of your relatives, you cannot knit today.

Another interesting sign: if you have a bad dream today, then it is prophetic. Dreams for January 4th folk signs they prophesy trouble, and if a person did not dream of anything last night, this is a good sign.

Folk signs for January 4, Nastasya's Day

  • Those born on this day will bring glory to their home. They should wear jasper.
  • The weather on Anastasia Day, January 4, foreshadows the weather in October.
  • If a woman gives birth to a child on Anastasia Day, then this, according to signs, portends good luck. The birth will be easy, and the child will be born strong and healthy.
  • A lot of icicles on the roof of a house on January 4th foretells a fruitful year.
  • If on January 4 the clouds are floating against the wind, expect snowfalls in the coming days.
  • If there is less water in the river, it means that the year will be unfavorable for fishing. In addition, such a sign foreshadows drought in the summer.

ANASTASIA, a Roman by birth, accepted the faith of Christ early, but, obeying the will of her father, she married the pagan Pomplius. By inventing the disease, she preserved her virginity. Dressed as a beggar, accompanied by a maid, she visited prisons: she fed, treated, and often ransomed prisoners who suffered for their faith in Christ. Having learned about this, Pomplius subjected his wife to torture and locked her at home. The teacher of her youth, the Christian Chrysogonus, having learned this, called on her in a secret letter to arm herself with patience and faith and predicted the imminent death of Pompius at sea. Soon Pomplius actually drowned while heading to Persia. After his death, the saint began to generously distribute her property to the poor and suffering.

The then reigning emperor Diocletian issued an order to kill all the Christian prisoners in one night, and to bring Chrysogon to him for interrogation, after which, unable to persuade him to renounce, he ordered his head to be cut off and thrown into the sea. The remains of the martyr were found on the shore and hidden by presbyter Zoilus. Then Saint Chrysogonus appeared to Zoilus and revealed to him that the martyrdom of three Christian women living nearby was approaching, and he ordered Anastasia to be sent to them. Also in the vision, he showed Anastasia the way to Zoil. Having found the said virgins through the presbyter, she spiritually strengthened them before torture, and when they gave up their souls to the Lord, she herself buried them. After this, Anastasia began to master the art of medicine; Having received the necessary knowledge, she began to wander. Everywhere she zealously served the prisoners. For her work in healing people professing the Christian faith, she was given the name Pattern Maker.

In Illyria, Anastasia was captured and handed over to the priest Ulpian. Having laid out gold, precious stones and clothes in front of her on one side, and terrible instruments of torture on the other, the priest offered her a choice. Rejecting wealth, she chose instruments of torture. Then the priest decided to desecrate her purity, but he became blind just by stretching out his hand to her. Rushing to run, he fell on the road and died. Having been released, Anastasia, together with her assistant Theodotia, again devoted herself to serving suffering Christians. Soon Theodotia was executed along with her three sons; Anastasia, who was captured a second time, spent 60 days in prison without food. In the end, it was decided to drown her along with the convicted criminals. When the ship went out to the open sea, the warriors drilled holes in it, and they themselves moved into the boat. But Saint Theodotia appeared to the prisoners and led the ship to the shore. On land, miraculously saved people believed in Christ. Soon they were all captured and suffered martyrdom. Saint Anastasia was stretched out crosswise between four pillars over a fire. Her body, undamaged by the fire, was buried by a certain pious woman in the garden. This happened in 304. See also

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