Abramova Svetlana Eduardovna born in 1960. Presenter Svetlana Abramova: biography and personal life. Attitude towards plastic surgery

March 08, 2016

The host of the “10 Years Younger” project on Channel One and her boyfriend, physicist Anton, told TV Program their love story

The host of the “10 Years Younger” project on Channel One and her boyfriend, physicist Anton, told TV Program their love story.

“I dreamed of a person with a technical profession”

- How did you meet?

Svetlana:- It was more than two years ago. At the beginning of summer. My friend and I were walking around St. Petersburg, after which we stopped by the “Happiness” cafe. I didn’t want to eat, but some unknown force pulled me there. Beautiful terrace, gorgeous views, St. Isaac's Square. And suddenly a young man appears on the horizon. I really liked him right away. Anton did not look like a St. Petersburger: businesslike, fast, characterful, dynamic. In a suit and white shirt. Our imposing Peter was not used to seeing such people... Anton quickly ran into the cafe, bought a glass of espresso and was about to leave the establishment. But he slowed down and looked at me. I have seen. He looked. I have seen. He hesitated a little. And, as they say, some spark flashed between us.

Anton:- I came up first and started a “St. Petersburg conversation” - on some absolutely abstract topic... I came to St. Petersburg for work. Noticing Sveta, I thought: I don’t need to rush right away, I need to pause. This, I thought, is St. Petersburg, not Moscow. Here the girl won’t be taken away while I’m getting coffee.

Svetlana:- Anton sat down at our table. And I... was confused. She behaved like a fifth grader. She was silent and sighed more and more. The conversation was led by my talkative friend. Anton talked about what he does: about nanotechnology, microelectronics and the hadron collider, but in a language we understood. We stayed until closing time, after which we decided to take a walk around St. Petersburg at night. We wandered around the city, discussed a million other things and somehow unexpectedly said goodbye without even exchanging phone numbers.

Anton:- I have never gone to bed so late in my life. By that time I was probably like a zombie.

Svetlana:- Already in the taxi I realized that we would never see each other again. I thought I was lost forever. In general, it was sad, I was very worried. I was sad for a day, sad for two, sad for three, four... At this very time, Anton, a man with technical education, as it turned out, he didn’t waste any time.

Anton:- I compared facts, details, went to the Internet, restored a long-deleted page in one of social networks. And I found Sveta’s account.

Svetlana:- I go to VKontakte and see a message: “Hello!” I was incredibly happy. Although she didn’t show it - so that Anton wouldn’t delude himself too much. Two workaholics met... We made the most of our rare dates. We crossed paths in St. Petersburg and saw each other in Moscow. Something led me and something attracted me.

It was thanks to Sveta that Anton understood and fell in love with St. Petersburg. “I enjoy St. Petersburg’s impressiveness!” - he says.

- But now you are inseparable?

Anton:- I have significantly reduced the number of flights. We are trying to combine all our movements around the country.

Svetlana:- Now we really spend almost all our free time together. And not free either. They completely immersed themselves in each other.

Anton:- Sometimes I come to Sveta for filming and wait until two o’clock in the morning. Sometimes she flies with me to conferences. If earlier I liked to hang out in noisy men's companies, Sveta preferred the company of her friends, such microcosms, but now we are together all the time. At presentations, social events, filming...

Svetlana:- I, a person with a legal education and a humanitarian, am increasingly attracted by the professional terms of physicists. I always dreamed that a person from a different, non-creative field, a technical profession, would be with me.

Anton:- I used to have a terrible attitude towards St. Petersburg. It seemed to me that people there, let’s say, live slower, talk slower. Sveta taught me not to compare the northern capital with Moscow. And as soon as I stopped doing this, I learned to relax in St. Petersburg. I enjoy St. Petersburg's impressiveness. In Moscow they call it idleness, but I call it relaxation, culture, courtliness and spirituality. They say that foreign languages are better studied if you live with a foreign girl. If you live with a real St. Petersburg girl, then you will get to know the culture of this city better.

- How do you feel about each other’s shortcomings? Everyone has them!

Svetlana:- Anton has no flaws. Not a single one at all, I think it’s perfect. Is it true!

Anton: - I also don’t see any shortcomings in the Light. I call her a goddess - jokingly and not jokingly.

- Have you changed a lot in the 2.5 years you’ve known each other?

Svetlana:- I really have changed a lot. On the one hand, Anton and I are incredibly similar, in some ways even like brother and sister. But at the same time, incredibly different. Anton is a person who has a clear division into black and white, plus and minus, bad and good. I always succeeded in something in between; I was always flying somewhere. Thanks to Anton, I became punctual, tough, and began to take off my rose-colored glasses more often. We learned to be each other's friends, mothers, fathers, educators and little children.

Anton:- Conceptual role-playing games! (Laughs.)

"Some women don't want a man - they want to get married"

The couple dreams of a big family. And the parents are already hinting: they say, we want grandchildren!

- How important is the stamp in your passport for both of you - about marriage, of course?

Svetlana:- What is important to me is the person and the continuation of the relationship with him, and not some kind of seal. Some women don't want a man - they want to get married. On the contrary, I always wanted to find the man of my dreams.

Anton:- For us, everything develops gradually and by itself. Of course, we live in a society where the presence of a press is condemned, and the absence of a press is also condemned. However, relationships and emotions are a hundred thousand times more important.

Svetlana:- On the other hand, you know, this seal is important to me. There are couples who believe that living in a civil marriage for ten to fifteen years is normal. I think this is something outrageous. Although you don’t need to go to the registry office a year after meeting each other.

- Sveta, are you ready to take your spouse’s last name? For many men, this is quite an important thing.

Svetlana:- Perhaps I’ll change it in my passport, but for TV viewers I’ll leave my maiden name.

Anton:- I used to take this very seriously. Now I think: well, no, no. A woman is not obligated to change her last name.

- Have you already met each other’s parents?

Svetlana:- Certainly. But we are very independent children. We regularly communicate with our relatives, but I, for example, am far from being a mother’s daughter.

Anton:- I have exactly the same thing. Therefore, any choice we make will be accepted by our parents.

Svetlana:“The main thing for them is that we are happy.” After all, I am already 28, Anton is 30. Although sometimes it seems to me that after we met, age began to go in the opposite direction. We feel like students or 11th graders. And all because of fantastic emotions. We have learned to enjoy basic things.

Svetlana is ready to take Anton's last name. True, he does not insist on this.

- Svetlana, are you ready to take a break from your television career for the sake of having a child?

Svetlana:- You know, I almost immediately introduced Anton to my creative family.

Anton:- It was a real show. Scarier than meeting your mother! (Laughs.)

Svetlana:“My colleagues then said: “Sveta, if you get pregnant, it will be even good. You will gain even more confidence.” The fact is that in the “10 Years Younger” project I communicate with older women. And if I sit in the frame with my stomach, the heroines will begin to open up more... But, of course, for the sake of relationships, family and the birth of a child, I am ready to take a break.

- Are parents already demanding grandchildren?

Svetlana:- My mother, a woman of the old school, began to demand them when I was 17 years old (smiles). Naturally, all parents want grandchildren.

Anton:- I dream that we have many, many children. So that, as they show in American films, he would come to us for Christmas a large number of relatives and we all sat at a large festive table: the elderly head of the family, his wife, children, grandchildren... I am the only child of my mother and father, so I always wanted a big family.

- Svetlana is a media person. Surely they are overcome by fans, fans, crazy people...

Anton:- Some guys are paranoid about their significant other. Any sigh or sneeze is perceived as something terrible. There are people who feel deep satisfaction from the fact that their girls are media characters, everyone pays attention to them. I don’t consider myself one or the other. I feel only slight jealousy of Svetina’s work, which takes up a lot of her time.

Svetlana:- We try to look into each other's eyes and not pay attention to the looks of others.

Makeup: Elmira Grekova. Hair - Yuri Kosolapov (“Beauty Studio on Petrovsky”).

Private bussiness

Svetlana Abramova was born in St. Petersburg. Graduated Faculty of Law St. Petersburg State University. Finalist of the Beauty of Russia 2007 competition. In 2008 she studied at the Higher National School of Television and Radio. Since 2009, she has been a presenter on the Ren TV channel (programs “Coming Out” and “100 Percent”). Since March 2015, she has been the host of the project “10 Years Younger” on Channel One.

Abramova Svetlana is a woman whom almost every Russian knows. She is a TV presenter on the REN TV channel. For many, Svetlana is an example, because she is not only beautiful and well-groomed, but also smart, educated, famous and successful. It was Svetlana Abramova who was able to conquer a huge number of men’s hearts and become the idol of millions of female representatives who admire her appearance and character. In this regard, it is interesting how she managed to gain such popularity and become a famous and successful TV presenter.

Svetlana Abramova. Biography

Very little is known about the TV presenter’s youth, but it is worth saying that she creative path and the achievements were never kept secret. Abramova Svetlana studied at the Higher National School of Television and Radio, from which she graduated in 2008. Already in next year the girl started working on television. Abramova became the presenter of sports news, as well as press reviews on the Russian channel REN.

She developed and worked hard, after which in 2011 Svetlana Abramova became the host of a well-known and beloved program called “Coming Out.” It is important that it was after this program that she became known throughout the country.

It is worth saying that presenter Svetlana Abramova became the winner of the Miss SPSU beauty contest, which took place in 2007. However, the beauty’s achievements did not end there. A year later, Svetlana managed to reach the finals of the “Beauty of Russia” competition, and then “Miss Moscow”.

"The publication"

“Coming Out” is a weekly television poster that presents the channel’s viewers with all the major cultural events that have occurred in the country over the past last week. TV presenter Abramova talks about all the details of the events that are planned to be held in the near future. It is also worth noting that the program also talks about films, which absolutely everyone can visit over the next week.

It is worth saying that after viewing the “Coming Out” television poster, information about all current concerts and exhibitions taking place in the country’s capital becomes known.

Svetlana Abramova's first broadcast

Many people are very interested in what the first broadcast of the famous and popular TV presenter was like. The girl shared that she was very worried before she had to go live. However, the TV presenter managed to pull herself together and stop worrying. Abramova said that at first, naturally, there were mistakes, but she tried her best to correct them and improve. Svetlana succeeded, and she continued her career as a TV presenter.

The show “10 Years Younger” and its host Abramova

On March 29, 2015, a show called “10 Years Younger” was launched on Channel One, created and hosted by Abramova. The main task of the program is the transformation of the main character. At the very beginning, a survey of random passers-by is conducted on the streets, who share their impressions of the girl, and also say how old they think the main character of the show looks. The arithmetic mean is derived from all people's opinions, after which the fun begins. The best professionals in the country are ready to take on a woman’s appearance and inner attitude and make her “10 years younger.” The stylist, makeup artist, plastic and hairdresser must decide what procedures the main character needs for transformation.

“Our women are ready to do anything for their men!”

Svetlana Abramova has said more than once that, in her opinion, the majority of women who come to the program are unhappy. Often this happens because the personal life of the heroines leaves much to be desired. However, despite all the failures, women are ready to do a lot in order to become more beautiful and make their husbands fall in love with them again. Abramova shared that many heroines of the program are very afraid surgical intervention, but nevertheless nothing stops them. “Our women are ready to do anything for their men!” - says the famous TV presenter.

Originality and individuality

Svetlana Abramova is a talented, successful, beautiful and smart TV presenter. Photos of a woman convey how happy she is, how satisfied she is with her life and herself. The girl does not want to be like others at all and loves to stand out. It was this desire for perfection and individuality in everything that made adjustments to the program “10 Years Younger.” Svetlana shared that almost all viewers love programs about the transformation of the main characters with the help of makeup, changes in style, hairstyle, etc. However, the TV presenter wanted to distinguish herself from them, and therefore the show team decided to pay special attention to plastic surgery and dentistry. She believes that these are very serious manipulations to correct their appearance, which will benefit the main characters of the “10 Years Younger” program.

Attitude towards plastic surgery

Svetlana Abramova has repeatedly shared that she has an ambivalent attitude towards plastic surgery. She believes that there is no point in promoting these services, because many women, after watching the show, may decide to transform their appearance with the help of a surgeon. Abramova believes that this is not very good, since not all doctors will be able to perform the operation efficiently and without consequences. However, even the surgeon Sergei Nikolaevich (who is participating in the project) has repeatedly repeated that it is worth thinking many times and finding a highly qualified professional before going under the knife and drawing hasty conclusions.

Why did Abramova become a TV presenter and not a lawyer?

It is interesting that Svetlana has a legal education, but she decided not to work in her specialty, but to connect her life with publicity and cameras. The girl shared that since childhood she liked everything related to the stage. “That is why becoming a lawyer would be, at a minimum, illogical,” says the famous TV presenter. In her last year at university, she was lucky enough to move to Moscow, where her career began. She for a long time I studied and learned the skills of a presenter, after which I began to get used to the cameras. Abramova trained on the REN channel, thanks to which she had an excellent opportunity to train and study in a real studio. “Naturally, there were mistakes that we sorted out together with my teacher,” the girl shares, but she successfully managed to overcome everything.

Svetlana Abramova, presenter: how old is the beauty?

It is worth saying that, despite the popularity and fame of the TV presenter, very little is known about her age. There is no publicly available information about when Svetlana was born and how old she is. Like a true woman, she most likely hides her age, but it must be said that in any case, our heroine looks simply beautiful!

A smart, famous, beautiful, educated and successful woman is Svetlana Abramova. REN TV became an excellent start for her in her career as a TV presenter. It was after the program “Coming Out” that she became famous and recognizable, as she worked in the field that she had loved since childhood. Abramova has become an example for most women because she manages to be successful, in demand and at the same time look great and help those representatives of the fair sex who need support and transformation of their appearance.

Svetlana Abramova born in St. Petersburg. In 2007 she graduated from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University.

In 2008 she graduated from the Higher National School of Television and Radio. In 2009 Svetlana Abramova came to the REN TV channel and became a presenter of sports news and press reviews.

In 2011, she became the host of the “Coming Out” program on REN TV. Weekly TV Poster "The publication" told REN TV viewers about the main cultural events of the capital, and its presenter Svetlana Abramova revealed all the details of the upcoming events. “Coming Out” did not contain critical reviews, providing the most detailed information about the events that every viewer could attend, in an easy and unobtrusive form. Each issue of Coming Out featured a detailed story about 5-6 new films with comments from the creators and film experts.

On March 29, 2015, the show “10 Years Younger” started on Channel One ", which was hosted by Svetlana Abramova. The task of the experts of the show “10 Years Younger” is to transform the main character.

The host of the show “10 Years Younger” Svetlana Abramova: “Most women come unhappy, and the reason often lies in their personal life. But our heroines are ready to go to great lengths to become more beautiful. All women want to use the services of a plastic surgeon, but when they directly encounter this - they come to the clinic, undergo standard procedures - panic begins. Even the bravest have fear. But this is the peculiarity of Russian women - to make sacrifices for the sake of men!”

First, a survey is conducted on the street; passers-by are asked how old the heroine looks. From this the arithmetic mean is derived. Then a whole team of specialists, consisting of a plastic surgeon, dentist, stylist, makeup artist and hairdresser, decide what procedures the heroine needs. Plastic surgery, Botox, laser eye surgery - professionals in their field will take on the work and reshape the heroines’ faces and bodies.

Svetlana Abramova. Personal life

In December 2016, the host of the reality show “10 Years Younger” on Channel One, Svetlana Abramova, received a marriage proposal from her lover Anton Larsen. The chosen one of the TV presenter works in the field innovative technologies. Svetlana Abramova met her future husband in her native St. Petersburg by chance: Anton approached the TV presenter in a cafe.

In March, Svetlana and Anton went to Honeymoon to Venice. “My beloved says that he will give me the whole world, but he started with Venice. I dreamed of visiting here from the moment I heard that St. Petersburg was called the Venice of the North. Hurray, there is an opportunity to find similarities and differences,” the TV presenter wrote in her microblog.

In July 2017, a wedding ceremony took place in the Barvikha hotel near Moscow among close friends. Officially, Svetlana Abramova and Anton Larsen registered their relationship a few weeks before the celebration in St. Petersburg.

The wedding ceremony was performed by one of the heroes of the “10 Years Younger” program - a professional showman Igor Lychev, who worked in Cannes with world-class stars, including Eva Longoria. Among the invited guests at the wedding of Svetlana Abramova and Anton Larsen were experts from the show “10 Years Younger”: a plastic surgeon Sergey Blokhin, dentist Oleg Konnikov, stylist

The experience of a TV presenter helped this charming girl change herself. And then she began to help change the lives of those who could not do it on their own, but found the strength to seek help from specialists. The show “10 Years Younger” helped many who despaired and gave up on themselves to find a “second wind,” and Svetlana Abramova became their inspiration and opened their eyes to true possibilities.

Nadezhda: Svetlana, are you lucky with your work team?
“Going to work is like going to a holiday” - this phrase is definitely about me. I was very lucky with the team, we are all “on the same wavelength”, we value and respect each other, only in such an atmosphere can an interesting, lively, memorable show be born. It happens that we start filming at 5 am, finish at 2 am, cheerfulness, enthusiasm, energy retains the feeling of celebration, joy and fun.

Nadezhda: What about the heroines of the show “10 Years Younger”?
The heroines, from the first day, getting into our “family”, begin to feel differently - to see the world differently. We communicate with them and set them up for the best. Many people leave and say that they have never received so much kindness, warm words and emotions in their entire lives. During the existence of the show, I became convinced that many women lack exactly this - a good attitude, encouraging words and tenderness. The rudeness, tactlessness, bitterness, and soullessness of our society and our men make women gloomy, insecure, with a lot of complexes and fears. Women often write to me on social networks, asking me to take them on the project. They send photos that are supposedly disgusting. I see a young pretty girl on them. Under the photo there is a long text about how “ugly” she is – and she has a protruding ear, and wrinkles under her eyes, and an uneven oval of her face, and a lot of other “terrible” things. I always answer such letters, I write that this is not so, that you need to love yourself, I advise how you can change your hairstyle, what clothes will refresh your image. But in response: “Thank you, of course, but I’ve already accepted that I’ll be alone all my life! Who needs such a scarecrow?” At such moments you understand: there is no end of work for a psychotherapist. So, due to the biased, inadequate attitude towards ourselves of the applicants for participation in our show, it is difficult for us to find a suitable heroine. Many people do not believe that participation in the project is absolutely free. They write, offer money, they say, I have 300 thousand saved up, I’m ready to give it all to you, make me young and beautiful. Taking this opportunity, I will repeat that the only way to get to our project is to fill out an application on the Channel One website and wait to be approved.

Nadezhda: What do you think viewers of the show like or don’t like?
Many viewers condemn me for addressing the heroines as "you". They are accused of ignorance and lack of education. Naturally, this offends me. In those distant times, when our entire production center was planning the reality show “10 Years Younger,” we decided that it would be good for the presenter to communicate with the heroines on a first-name basis, in order to liberate women in communication, as well as reduce their psychological age. To our joy, the heroines eagerly agreed to such informal communication. But, as reviews from respected viewers have shown, it “disturbs the ears” from the screens.

Nadezhda: So, there are enough difficulties?
Working on the show is very interesting, but you have to give a lot of energy and emotions. After intense filming, I just want to stay at home for a couple of days, communicating only with those closest to me. Weekly flights between St. Petersburg and Moscow add dynamics to my life. It so happened that for a long time I have been living in two cities. I work in Belokamennaya, relax in my native St. Petersburg. For the heroines, we organize memorable surprises, for example, a parachute jump or a trip to the roof of a Moscow high-rise with a bunch of balloons, which we release into the sky with childish delight. For those who come to the capital for the first time, we arrange excursions around Moscow, by boat or by car. I take a direct part in all these events, which makes my life brighter and richer. Sometimes you even think that if it weren’t for work, I would hardly be able to, say, jump with a parachute.

Nadezhda: How did your career begin, your path to Channel One?
My career path began with training. For two years I studied speech techniques and mastered the skills of a TV presenter. It was difficult to find teachers who are directly connected with the TV channel, but I was lucky. This is how my individual lessons took place on REN-TV. I immediately found myself on the other side of the screen. For the first time I saw how a news release was born, how many people, strength, and nerves it required. Practice is important for a TV presenter. A couple of years later I “sat in the frame.” I anchored the morning sports news in live. Then I was entrusted with studying the morning press, choosing the most interesting and talking about it, again, live. Then there was an information and entertainment program “Coming Out”, a poster of events. Behind it “100 percent” is an entertaining program of small but information-rich stories on a wide variety of topics. And only then a serious project - the reality show “10 Years Younger” and a debut on Channel One.

Nadezhda: What difficulties did you encounter?
Having moved to Moscow, I was cut off from home and friends. I had to get used to the ways of the capital and the television world. After the first live broadcasts, naturally, there were those who criticized me without mincing words. For me, as a vulnerable girl, and also a newcomer to the profession, such unceremonious criticism turned out to be painful. However, it pushed me to do even more work on myself. I remember at some point I developed an unhealthy fear of the camera, of live broadcasting. From the first seconds there was a clouding of consciousness, the head refused to work, the result was mechanical speech, and this resulted in ridiculous mistakes and a frightened look. Then I had to go to a psychotherapist, I remember he said: “On the other side of the screen there are living people who understand that you are also a living person, which means you can make mistakes, cough, laugh. Don’t worry!” It’s difficult to go to a shoot and be cheerful, cheerful, quick-witted, and have a sparkle in your eyes when, for example, you’re sick. There is no “don’t go, lie down” option. You can’t let the whole team down. Now, after long filming, sometimes I get tired, but then I try to rest. You simply cannot work well without inner drive. Moreover, the camera muffles emotions. So, if the inner fire goes out, things are bad. I know many non-creative professions, communication with them distracts, calms, makes me look at many things from a completely different perspective. Cleaning the house helps me. For me, doing household chores, calmly, without rushing, is a great relaxation. Sports also helps a lot. If the morning began with an intense workout - good mood guaranteed for the whole day. I often fly to St. Petersburg. There I rest both soul and body. Atmosphere northern capital calms down.

Nadezhda: You live in two cities, why don’t you finally stay in Moscow, because there’s work here?
I'm getting tired of Moscow, let's just say I'm losing myself in it. Moscow is an interesting, incredibly dynamic city. There are plenty of entertainment and places where you can have a great time. But, despite this, I lack spirituality, humanity, and unity in who and what surrounds me. When I’m in Moscow for a long time, I get a feeling of emptiness. I was born and raised in St. Petersburg. Mom lives there and best friend, there are many pleasant acquaintances left. And, most importantly, the city itself, like a living organism, gives strength and energy, calms and “listens”. Definitely, only these two cities together can create a comfortable space and atmosphere for me.

Nadezhda: What happens in family life?
Now I have a young man. We love each other. We enjoy every minute spent together. We have very interesting story relationships. Both he and I were always more concerned own work, career. But from the first glance at each other, fantastic, completely magical feelings and emotions were born. Both he and I tried to maintain composure for a long time, but then it became obvious that we couldn’t live like before, and most importantly, we didn’t want to.

Nadezhda: How did you meet your boyfriend? Is he connected with television or works in a completely different area, which one?
We met more than two years ago in the "Happiness" cafe in St. Petersburg, on St. Isaac's Square, by the way, a very romantic place. It was a summer evening, I was sitting with a friend on the terrace, carried away by a nice conversation. He popped in at the end of a busy workday to grab an espresso and head to the hotel. He himself is from Moscow and, when we met, he couldn’t stand Peter, he came only when absolutely necessary. When we saw each other, it was like a spark was lit. He came over and introduced himself to us. He is not connected with television - he works in the high technology field.

Nadezhda: If you go to St. Petersburg, does he go with you? If not, how do you cope with the breakup, what helps? Or do you need privacy from time to time?
We try to synchronize our schedules. It often happens that he also needs to be in St. Petersburg for work. This is how we spend our time – either in St. Petersburg or in Moscow. When we part, we are sad, of course, but we understand that work is important for everyone.

Nadezhda: How do you spend your free time and vacation?
Free time I spend it with my loved ones, with friends. We attend interesting events, go to the theater and cinema. We recently went to a quest and liked it. I take care of my appearance, go to the gym. In winter I try to get out to the ocean. I flew to the Dominican Republic for two years in a row. In love with this region. I don't like ski resorts. For me, it’s much more pleasant to fly from a black and gray winter to a colorful, warm summer. The ocean is something fantastic, a real panacea for mental disorders!

Nadezhda: When traveling, do you like to lie on the beach or do you prefer more active recreation - sightseeing, shopping?
I like to lie on the beach and watch something. All together - everything according to my mood.

Nadezhda: What do you do to maintain your beauty style?
Doing sports. On days free from filming, I try to go to the gym. I love all kinds of massages and spa treatments. I rarely go to a cosmetologist - I don’t feel the need for it. I try to get enough sleep, but, as with sports, I can’t do it regularly, however, when possible, I can sleep for 12 hours. At the same time, in any weather, I open the window so that there is a lot of light in the room. fresh air. Drink herbal teas, eat fresh vegetables and fruits. In general, I can’t say that I strictly adhere to healthy eating. I can eat pizza and drink cola for company. I think it is important to maintain harmony in everything. Beauty is supported by a state of joy and serenity. No one has yet canceled the hormones of happiness.

Nadezhda: Are there diets?
When I want to lose a couple of kilograms, I just try to eat less, and generally limit sweets to a minimum.

Nadezhda: Some beauty tips for our readers.
Watch your diet and exercise. Fall in love! Find yourself an interesting hobby. Dress in such a way as to hide your flaws and highlight your strengths. Accept and understand yourself, find your style, your “zest”. Live in harmony with the world. If you have problems with your appearance that prevent you from feeling confident and happy, don’t be afraid to turn to professionals.

Simple truths, but which are true. Svetlana has a great future, because she has found herself in this life, lives in harmony with herself and those around her, and in her heart burns a flame of love for her soul mate, her mother, and even for the heroines who leave her project truly happy. Good luck to her and the project!

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Svetlana Abramova. Born on July 2, 1987 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian TV presenter.

According to Svetlana, since childhood she dreamed of becoming an actress and loved everything related to the stage.

WITH early years I’m used to making all decisions myself and being responsible for them.

After graduating from school, she chose between journalism, law and theater school. Svetlana considered that she was too serious a girl for theater and applied to the law - “Putin” - faculty of St. Petersburg State University. Therefore, her first education is legal.

While studying at the university, she participated in beauty contests. In 2007 she became the winner of the Miss SPSU beauty contest. And in 2008 she reached the finals of the “Beauty of Russia” and “Miss Moscow” competitions.

All this time she worked not only on her education, but also improved her body: “From the third year of institute, she began to participate in beauty contests. And although not everyone there is “90-60-90”, there are thin ones and plump ones, in my head I kept thinking: “I need to lose weight!” I think a lot of girls with curves feel the same way. I have, as they say, a heavy bone. What the scale says doesn't always correlate with appearance. With a height of 171 centimeters and 50 kilograms, I look painfully thin." In the end, I chose optimal ratio between weight and height.

Her craving for creativity finally took over and Svetlana moved to Moscow, where she found a teacher in speech techniques, who taught her all the intricacies of the TV presenter profession.

In 2008 she graduated from the Higher National School of Television and Radio.

Since 2009, Svetlana Abramova, the presenter of the REN TV channel, started with sports news and press reviews.

In 2011 she began hosting the program "The publication" on REN TV about the main cultural events of the capital.

In the program “10 Years Younger,” experts are trying to transform the main character. First, a survey is conducted on the street; passers-by are asked how old the heroine looks. From this the arithmetic mean is derived. Then a whole team of specialists, consisting of a plastic surgeon, dentist, stylist, makeup artist and hairdresser, decide what procedures the heroine needs. Plastic surgery, Botox, laser eye surgery - professionals in their field will take on the work and reshape the heroines’ faces and bodies.

"Ask yourself, how many times do you live? Only in what you love can you achieve success. Listen exclusively to yourself, only you know what you really need. Surround yourself with like-minded people, those who believe in and support you. A person is capable of achieving any goal, the main thing is - desire, motivation and support. Remember, you are unique, believe in yourself", says Svetlana Abramova.

Svetlana Abramova's height: 171 centimeters.

Personal life of Svetlana Abramova:

He is in a relationship with Anton Shkurenko, he is a physicist. As Svetlana said, they met, as Svetlana clarified, on July 13 in a cafe in her native St. Petersburg.

It later turned out that at the time of their acquaintance Anton was married to a girl named Valeria, with whom he lived for 12 years and had a daughter.

“This Abramova is a pike who has set her sights on someone else’s husband!” Diana Romanova, a relative of Anton’s ex-wife, told reporters. As Romanova said, due to the specifics of his work, Anton often went on business trips, and upon his return he presented his girls with various expensive gifts and attention. Therefore, Valeria had no idea for a long time that her husband was in a relationship with another woman. According to Romanova, Anton pretended that he was leaving on business, while he rushed to his eminent mistress: “And so he powdered Lera’s brains for a very long time. Until she caught her eye on a magazine, on the pages of which her glamorous hubby showed off with TV presenter. It was right before March 8th. A good gift, right? Just imagine what a shock she experienced!"

At the same time, Anton with his ex-wife was marriage contract. In June 2016, he divorced Valeria and, according to media reports, his ex-wife robbed him completely. "Antosha gives ex-family all his salary, and he lives at the expense of his mistress-presenter. He also lost his apartment - Anton’s parents gave it to their ex-daughter-in-law and granddaughter, so at the moment Shkurenko lives in St. Petersburg with Abramova,” Diana Romanova reported.

In December 2016, Svetlana Abramova announced that she and Anton were going to get married: “Anton proposed completely unexpectedly for me. And only then we realized that we met on the night of the 13th to the 14th three and a half years ago. Anton did not want to tie this event to holidays and dates; according to his idea, it should have become a separate event. But it turned out again symbolically, as everything in our relationship coincides and develops by itself, as if someone above is guiding us, and we can only listen to our hearts.”

In July 2017 in one of the prestigious hotels in Barvikha.

Svetlana Abramova and Anton Shkurenko - wedding

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