Hedwig is a snow-white polar owl. Hedwig - snow-white polar owl Why Harry Potter's owl has different names


- Errol is the Weasley family's pet owl and does not belong to anyone in particular. Errol mainly delivers packages. Although the owl is already old, she copes with her work (on her last legs). (Appears in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets")

Percy's personal owl. Percy receives it as a gift in 1991 when he becomes Head Boy. Percy takes the owl with him when he leaves home in 1995. (First mentioned in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)

This is a little owlet named Sychik or Owl. This is Ron's owl, but Ginny came up with his name. Ron tried to change his name, but the owl does not respond to other names. Ron received it instead of Scabbers in 1994 from Harry's godfather Sirius Black. Since it was Sirius who deprived Ron of his rat, he thought that the guy would need someone in return. Ron complains about Sychik all the time, but we know how worried he was about Scabbers (which means that Ron loves his pets). (Sychik appears in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", received his name in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire")


The Fuzzies are raised by Fred and George in their joke shop in Diagon Alley. Ginny buys Fluffy from her brothers in a shop in 1996, right before the start of the new school year at Hogwarts. (Arnold appears in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince).

Korosta was part of the family from 1991-1994. At first it belonged to Percy, then it went to Ron. But, in the end, it turned out that Scabbers is the animagus Peter Pettigrew, the servant of You-Know-Who. Although Scabbers was an old pet, she was a good one. For example, she bit Goyle, thereby protecting Ron on the Hogwarts Express. Ron complained all the time about Scabbers, but he was very worried, thinking that Crookshanks had eaten her. Ron also felt betrayed when he learned the truth about the rat. Pettigrew escaped from Hogwarts in the guise of a rat in the boys' third year. (Scabbers appears in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and turns into Pettigrew in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban).

Ron the Frog
In Ron's room there is an aquarium with a frog. We meet this frog (more accurately, a tadpole) when Harry visits the Burrow for the first time. (The tadpole appears in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and turns into a frog in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire).

Round woolly creature (Puffskein) Ron (Puffskein - literal translation of “clump of tightly pulled wool”. There is no such creature in the book, so I don’t know what to call it correctly - approx. per.)

When Ron was little he had Puffskein. Puffskein is a small spherical creature that does not need to be petted and does not bother anyone. It's easy to keep track of and eats everything (including spiders - a big plus for Ron). What happened to this Ron's pet? Fred used Puffskain to practice his Quidditch moves. I don't think the creature survived. (Ron mentions Puffskains in the notes he makes in Magical Creatures and Where to Find Them).

Weasley hens.
I don't know if chickens are considered pets or not, but there are a few brown hens hanging around the Weasley house. Chickens are not like other pets that live in a family because they look like regular chickens. (“Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”).

...but they also live in and around the Weasley house.

Ghoul in the attic.
This is not a pet, but it lives in the Weasley house. The ghoul lives in the attic, making noise and dropping things because sometimes the house becomes too quiet for his liking. When Daily Prophet reporters come to the Weasleys to ask for clarification about Arthur's flying car, Molly threatens to unleash a ghoul on the reporters. (Appears in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets).

Gnomes in the garden.
Gnomes don't even look like pets, but the annoying little creatures are swarming in the garden. Mrs. Weasley sends her sons to get rid of them (this is such a punishment for their mischief). The twins grab the gnomes, shake them until the gnomes lose their normal state of mind, and then throw the gnomes over the fence. But soon the gnomes, having come to their senses, return. Mr. Weasley doesn't seem to mind dwarves too much. So we can consider them animals that live in the Weasley garden. (Appears in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets).

Frogs in the pond.
In the Weasley garden there is a pond full of frogs. Perhaps this is where Ron caught his tadpole, which has now turned into a frog and lives in Ron's room. ("Harry Potter And The Chamber of secrets").

Harry Potter's Owl, by the way her name was Hedwig or Hedwig, many people liked it. After this, many children around the world wanted to have a live polar owl at home. The owl who played the role of Hedwig is called Gizmo, a beautiful snowy owl, playing the very loyal postal owl of the wizard student Harry Potter. Hedwig brings letters to Hogwarts, the School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft, and takes them back. Gizmo shares his role with two trained owls.

Gary Gero, an American owl trainer, has been working in the film industry for over 40 years. While still a teenager, he took part in Alfred Hitchcock's film The Birds, which has since become a classic. He later tamed and trained the animals that took part in Mr. Dolittle and 101 Dalmatians. Gary's biggest challenge was getting the birds that played all the other owls, as well as Hedwig, to do tricks like delivering letters. This turned out to be a difficult task for such a master trainer because owls are difficult to train.

Gary Gareau's colleague, Dave Saucet, spoke admiringly of how gentle and caring the children were towards the animals. For example, Daniel Radcliffe, who played Harry Potter, never forgot that he needed to carefully carry the cage, because the bird in it could be scared at the most unexpected moment.

OWL (Harry Potter) This article is part of a series about the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
original name Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Motto lat. Draco dormiens numquam titillandus "Never tickle a sleeping dragon"
Year of foundation 11th century
Type school of magic
Rector Minerva McGonagall
Students Gryffindor
Location Great Britain

Hogwarts(the official name is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry or, less commonly, Hogwarts Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry, translated as Hogwarts School/Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The clarification in the second book that “Hogwarts” translated into “Muggle” language is “boar” is not accurate. If you rearrange the syllables of the English name (Hogwarts), you get the word warthog, that is, African wild boar, warthog.).

Hogwarts is most likely the only school of magic in England. The training lasts 7 years. There are exams at the end of each year, but the exams at the end of the 5th and 7th years are especially important for the future of students. The exact number of Hogwarts students is unknown, but most likely absolutely all child wizards from Great Britain are accepted there. If we take into account the number of students in one course of one faculty, and on average this is 10 people, then in total there are approximately 280 children studying at the school.

Albus Dumbledore, his deputy is Minerva McGonagall. The Director reports to the Board of Trustees, consisting of 12 people.

Education at the school is free, but students usually buy books and school equipment themselves. However, there is a special fund for the purchase of textbooks and school equipment for low-income students.

School location and general information

a huge, crumbling, rather terrifying-looking castle, with a chaotic tangle of turrets and battlements. Like the Weasley House, this building could not have been built by Muggles because it is maintained by magic.

According to another interview, Hogwarts is located somewhere in Scotland. Numerous spells in and around the school make it impossible for a Muggle to find the school: all a Muggle can see are ruins and a "Keep out" sign. On the school grounds, in addition to the castle, there is a mountain lake, a large forest called the Forbidden because of the dangerous creatures living there (in particular, giant spiders (Acromantulas) and centaurs), greenhouses, a cemetery (by the end of the sixth book, among others, the white marble crypt of the deceased Albus Dumbledore), an owlery, a gamekeeper's hut and a Quidditch pitch. The castle is surrounded by mountains. The stairs (of which there are 142 in the castle) and school rooms move. The castle is hung with paintings of characters visiting each other. Some doors in the castle open only if you touch them in a certain place, others - if you ask them politely, still others are false doors, and behind them there is a wall.

Transgression into and out of Hogwarts is prohibited, but this ban can be lifted for a limited time in a limited space. Electronic and electrical devices do not work on Hogwarts grounds. In the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Hermione explains that the reason is the high level of magic on the school grounds. However, the school has a radio that runs on magic rather than electricity.

The nearest settlement is the small village of Hogsmeade - the only one in England where only wizards live. Hogsmeade is also the name of not only the village, but also the railway station closest to Hogwarts, where the Hogwarts Express train arrives (see below). On the map that J. K. Rowling drew for the filming of her books, the station is located southeast of the school, and the village of Hogsmeade is to the northwest.

Hogwarts slogan - "Draco dormiens numquam titillandus", which means in Latin "never tickle a sleeping dragon". Rowling explained that she wanted to come up with a practical slogan for Hogwarts because most schools have lofty slogans like "Ad Astra" ("To the Stars"). Hogwarts also has a hymn, which is given in Chapter 1 of the book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone."

Information about the number of students at Hogwarts is conflicting. In one interview, Rowling said that there are about 1000 of them in total, in another - that in the past she believed that there were about 600, but now she is not sure about this. There appear to be 40 students in the Potter course, 10 in each house.

The school is run by a principal and a deputy principal. By the time the action begins, the headmaster of the school is Albus Dumbledore, his deputy is Minerva McGonagall. The Director reports to the Board of Trustees, consisting of 12 people.

Little is known about the school's funding. Attempts by the Ministry of Magic to control the school ("Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix") suggest that the school is funded by the Ministry of Magic, although the sources of this funding are not specified.

According to Rowling's interview, the school is multifaith.

The novel mentions similar schools in other countries - Beauxbatons (Beauxbatons) in France and Durmstrang, probably located in one of the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula. In addition, the Salem Witches Institute is mentioned, the name of which suggests that it is located in the United States. It is unclear from the text whether this institute is a school of magic, but Rowling confirmed that this is indeed the case. The fourth book also mentions a school of magic in Brazil.


The magic quill at Hogwarts records the birth of wizards and writes their names on a large scroll of parchment. Every year the scroll is read and invitations to Hogwarts are sent to all English children who turn 11 years old no later than August 31st. It is not necessary to accept the invitation: some parents prefer homeschooling. The invitation must be accepted or rejected no later than July 31st. In the case of a child growing up with Muggles, one of the school staff comes to talk with the child and his parents or guardians and help him with the purchase of textbooks and equipment.

A list of textbooks, uniforms and equipment is sent along with the letter. In 1990, the list included 8 textbooks, as well as:

  • Three simple work robes (black)
  • One simple pointed hat (black) for every day
  • One pair of protective gloves (dragon skin or similar material)
  • One winter coat (black, silver clasps)
  • 1 magic wand
  • 1 boiler (tin, standard size No. 2)
  • 1 set of glass or crystal bottles
  • 1 telescope
  • 1 copper scale

Students can bring an owl, cat, toad or rat. Freshmen are prohibited from bringing brooms with them.

Students usually buy books and school equipment themselves. The sixth book mentions a special fund for the purchase of textbooks and school equipment for low-income students.

The books do not contain information about how children under 11 years of age learn to read, write and count. Children with Muggle parents or guardians are likely to attend regular Muggle primary schools, as was the case with Harry Potter and probably Hermione Granger. Children from magical families may be taught by their parents or may have some form of magic used to teach them through the elementary school curriculum.

The road to Hogwarts and the first day

The standard way (at least for students) to get to Hogwarts is by the Hogwarts Express, which leaves platform 9¾ at 11 a.m. on September 1st. The platform can be reached by passing through the dividing barrier between platforms 9 and 10. The train runs all day and arrives at the magical village of Hogsmeade at midnight.




The following students studied in the Slytherin house at different times: Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Blaise Zabini, Marcus Flint, Theodore Nott, Milliscent Bulstrode, Adrian Pusey, Wayne Black, Tom Marvolo Riddle (Lord Voldemort), Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Regulus Black, Bellatrix Lestrange, Marvolo Gloom, Morphine Gloom, Patricia Dammington, Narcissa Malfoy, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Horace Slughorn.

Semesters, vacations and holidays

The academic year is structured in the same way as in regular schools and colleges in the UK.

The academic year is divided into 3 terms, separated by the Christmas and Easter holidays, starting on 1 September and ending in June, followed by a 9-week summer holiday. During the Christmas and Easter holidays, students have the right to stay at Hogwarts. Those who remain for the holidays do not attend classes, and a holiday is organized for them at Christmas and Easter. During the Easter holidays, teachers assign a large amount of homework to prepare for the annual exams.

There are no other holidays at Hogwarts. There are five holidays at Hogwarts: the first and last day of the school year, Halloween, Christmas and Easter. Sometimes additional celebrations are held, such as the Yule Ball during the Triwizard Tournament.

Items and personnel

There are about 13 teachers at Hogwarts, called (except for the broomstick teacher) professors, and each specializes in their own subject. In addition, the school employs a nurse, a caretaker, a librarian and a forester. About a hundred house elves work in the kitchen and keep the castle clean.

Required subjects

  • Astronomy

Elective subjects

Exams and assessments

Regular papers are usually graded on a 100-point scale (from 0 to 100), although Hermione received a 112% in Charms in her first year and a 320% in Muggle Studies in her third.

At the end of the 5th year, an exam is held in all subjects studied, called OWL - Super Excellent Magic(English) OWLs - Ordinary Wizarding Levels ; other translation options - Standards for Teaching Magic, Standardized Wizard Marks, OWL - Completely Normal Magic Level). The OWL exams have the following grades:

  • Passing grades
    • P - Excellent
    • B - Above Expected
    • U - Satisfactory
  • Failing grades
    • C - Weak
    • O - Disgusting
    • T - Troll (To Ron, this last assessment at first seemed like a joke between Fred and George, but then it turned out to be real).

To continue studying in this subject, you must obtain a grade of at least U, although some teachers require P or IN. Some students who receive low grades continue to study at the OWL level for the last two years.

After the 7th year, students take exams TOAD - Creepy Academic Brilliant Certification(English) NEWT - Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests ; in other translations - SPIDER - The Most Difficult Certification of the Sorcerer's Skills And NEWT - Typically Solvable Grueling Test). The grading system for TOAD is the same as for OWL, but usually 3-4 subjects are taken at a more advanced level.

After passing the exams, graduates get jobs. For many professions or positions, the requirements for candidates include grades, subjects taken and their number in the OWL and TOAD exams.

OWL roughly corresponds to the English GCSE exam, and TOAD corresponds to the A-level exam.

student life

A day at Hogwarts begins with breakfast in the Great Hall. Students sit at their house tables and can eat, socialize, or finish homework. The director and professors eat at the High Table at the far end of the hall. As breakfast continues, the owls bring students mail, usually consisting of The Daily Prophet, letters from parents and friends, and packages from home. The bell signals the start of the first lesson at 9:00.

Morning studies consist of two double (one and a half hour) lessons with a short break, allowing you to move from class to class. After lunch, classes resume at 1:00 pm and continue until approximately 5:00 pm. Some lessons involve one faculty, others involve two departments together. Freshmen are sometimes released on Friday at noon. In the evening, students have dinner in the Great Hall, after which students from different faculties go to their living rooms.

The living rooms have armchairs, sofas, tables for studying and fireplaces for heating. Students can relax or prepare homework. The living room leads to the bedrooms, which are furnished with four-poster beds, faculty-colored curtains, thick pillows, and a tray with a pitcher of water and glasses. There is a bedside table next to each bed.

On some weekends, students from 3rd year onwards are allowed to visit Hogsmeade Village. Minor students require written permission from a parent or guardian to attend. Popular among students, in particular, are the Three Broomsticks and Boar's Head bars, Madame Puddifoot's cafe (a haven for couples), the Sweet Kingdom confectionery and the Zonko magic joke shop.


Secret places in Hogwarts

The room where the philosopher's stone is kept

Entrance through the hatch in the corridor on the third floor. To obtain the Philosopher's Stone, you need to overcome several obstacles; for more details, see the article “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone”. At the end of Harry Potter's first year (1991/2 school year), the philosopher's stone is destroyed.

Chamber of Secrets

Serves as the home of the basilisk. Created by Salazar Slytherin before he left Hogwarts. The basilisk was originally intended to clear the school of Muggle-born students. Located deep underground. The entrance is from the toilet where Moaning Myrtle lives. To open the passage, you need to go to the tap with a snake and say “Open” in snake language. A tunnel opens in the sink. The tunnel leads to a wall decorated with an image of two snakes with emeralds for eyes. The snake's tongue opens into a very long, dark corridor decorated with monumental statues of snakes, including two stone pillars with snakes carved on them touching the ceiling. Between the pillars is a colossal statue of Salazar Slytherin. Inside the statue lives a basilisk, which crawls out of the statue's mouth when its owner, 16-year-old Tom Riddle, calls upon it. In the past, Tom Riddle opened this room and ordered the basilisk to kill Moaning Myrtle. At the end of the 2nd year (1992/3 academic year), Potter, together with the phoenix, kills the basilisk and young Tom Riddle. In the final book, Ron and Hermione reopen the room and use a basilisk fang to destroy one of the Horcruxes, Penelope Hufflepuff's Cup.

Secret passages

There are 9 known secret passages from/to school. Filch knows 4 of them, but where they lead is unknown. The remaining 5:

  • Walk through the Whomping Willow to the Shrieking Shack.
  • The passage behind the mirror on the 4th floor. Where it leads is unknown. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Sirius says that he is large enough for the meeting.
  • Walk through the statue of the One-Eyed Hunchback. To open the passage, you need to tap the statue with your wand and say Dissendium. The hump of the statue opens the door to the basement of the Sweet Kingdom store. First mentioned in the book "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", ch. 10.
  • A passage between two Vanishing Cabinets, one in the school, the other in the Gorbin and Burks shop in Knockturn Lane. The move worked until Peeves trashed the Hogwarts wardrobe in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. In the book "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", Draco Malfoy (Gorbin tells how to repair a wardrobe located in Hogwarts; the second wardrobe is in the shop "Gorbin and Burke") repairs cabinets. The move is not shown on the Marauder's Map.
  • The move from the Room of Help. Opened in the book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" and leads to the Hog's Head Inn. Not listed on the Marauders' Map because it did not exist at the time the Map was created. However, in accordance with the nature of the Room of Help, from there you can open several passages to different places.

Room of Requirement

Another name is So-and-Syak.

The room is located on the seventh floor opposite the portrait of Barnabas the Crazy (official translation - Barnabas the Grumpy), beaten by trolls whom he tried to teach ballet.

You can enter this room only if there is an urgent need for it. Sometimes it is there, sometimes it is not, but when it appears, it is equipped for the needs of the seeker. To get into the Room of Help, you need to walk past the wall three times, concentrating on your desire - then a door will appear in the wall.

At the same time, for each person the room appears different and the way he imagines it. In the seventh book it is said that Neville Longbottom understands the room.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Albus Dumbledore at the Yule Ball says that, having gone to the toilet, he found himself in a completely unfamiliar room with an excellent collection of chamber pots.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Dumbledore's squad held meetings and training in defense against the forces of evil in the room. Harry Potter learned about the existence of the room and how to get into it from the house elf Dobby. This is the description of the room during OD classes:

“A spacious room, illuminated by the light of torches like those that burned in the dungeon eight floors below. Bookshelves lined the walls, and large silk pillows lay on the floor instead of chairs. On the rack at the far end there were instruments - harmful scopes, bitch visors, lie detectors and a large cracked Enemy Developer.”

Dobby himself used the Room of Requirement to help Winky get over his hangover. He also mentions that Argus Filch found cleaning supplies there when his supply ran out.

Battle of Hogwarts- the final battle of the second magical war, in which all the forces that fought on the side of Voldemort and the forces that fought against him came together.

Chronologically, the Battle is divided into two parts: before the hour-long respite declared by Voldemort, and after.

First stage

Knowing that Harry Potter had returned to Hogwarts, the castle was attacked by Death Eaters, giants, Acromantula spiders and Dementors. Warned in advance, the deans of the faculties evacuated students who had not reached adulthood. The first rebuff to the attackers was given by the seventh-year students of Hogwarts, led by their teachers, their friends and relatives, as well as, to the best of their ability, the castle statues and even the poltergeist Peeves. Voldemort did not participate in the battles, he only needed Harry Potter, without Potter the battle for the Dark Lord lost its meaning. Moreover, Voldemort wanted to kill Potter personally. Therefore, when the advantage was clearly on the side of the Dark Lord, he announced an hour-long break, setting a condition: Harry Potter must surrender to him, then, they say, the good Dark Lord will have mercy on the unreasonable defenders of Hogwarts.

While the trial is going on, Voldemort lets his snake go for a walk, but halfway along the way he hits Severus Snape with Nagini, believing that Snape's death will make him the master of the Elder Wand, and leaves him to die in the Shrieking Shack. The dying Snape manages to convey his memories to Harry. After viewing them, Potter learns that he is another, unaccounted for Horcrux, and his death is necessary if he wants to defeat Voldemort. He decides to voluntarily allow himself to be killed by Voldemort, hoping that someone else will finish off the Dark Lord when he becomes an ordinary mortal. Leaving for the Forbidden Forest, where Voldemort’s “headquarters” is located, he meets Neville Longbottom and asks him, if given the opportunity, to kill Nagini. Nagini was the last remaining Horcrux, but Harry does not tell Neville this. He simply asks to kill Voldemort's snake.

Harry Potter was ready to die so that Voldemort would stop torturing people. He voluntarily came to the Dark Lord’s camp and quite consciously exposed himself to his deadly spell “Avada Kedavra”. After his death, Harry finds himself in a certain place between life and death, where he meets the spirit of Dumbledore, who explains that that disgusting screaming creature that looks like a baby is a piece of Voldemort’s soul, from which Harry’s soul has now been freed. And if Harry wants, he can return to the world of living corpses, since for his revival Tom Riddle took his blood three years ago, which still contains the protective magic of Lily Potter.

Meanwhile, Voldemort believes that Potter is dead, the Prophecy has been fulfilled, and now no one can threaten him. He removes Nagini's magical protective cage, carrying the snake simply on his shoulders, orders the captive Hagrid to carry Potter's body ahead of him, and advances at the head of his Death Eaters to Hogwarts. Harry carefully pretends to be dead, although he is very upset by his inability to calm Hagrid.

Arriving at the castle, Voldemort shows the body of Potter and the corpse of Harry to its defenders, believing that resistance has now been broken. Neville tries to attack the Dark Lord, but is immediately disarmed and immobilized. Voldemort puts the Sorting Hat on Neville and sets it on fire. Suddenly the giant Grohkh appears, along with him the thestrals, led by the hippogriff Buckbeak, and the centaurs, who had previously maintained neutrality, attack Voldemort’s army. They distract Voldemort and the Death Eaters, Neville frees himself from the spell, snatches the Sword of Gryffindor from the Hat and cuts off Nagini's head. Taking advantage of the turmoil, Harry hides under the invisibility cloak.

Second phase

Now the defenders of the castle are joined not only by Grohkh, thestrals and centaurs, but also by the inhabitants of Hogsmeade and the house elves of Hogwarts led by Kreacher.

Gradually, the Death Eaters are defeated, the battle moves to the Great Hall of Hogwarts, where only Voldemort remains, fighting McGonagall, Slughorn and Kingsley, and Bellatrix Lestrange, fighting Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood and Hermione Granger. She sends a deadly spell at Ginny, which she barely dodges. And then Mrs. Weasley appears. An angry mother coming to the defense of her child is a terrible sight! Shouting “Don’t you dare touch my daughter, you bastard!”, Molly engages Bella in mortal combat, not allowing anyone to interfere (“Out of the way! She’s mine!”) in their duel. The death of Bellatrix gives strength to Voldemort, he scattered his rivals like dry leaves and wanted to hit Mrs. Weasley, but then Harry lowered the shield charm between them and threw off the Invisibility Cloak.

At the very beginning, Harry asked everyone not to interfere. Just him and Voldemort. “So I need to do it.” Before the fight, he explains to the Dark Lord his most important mistakes: this is Severus Snape, who played on Dumbledore’s side, and Lily Potter’s self-sacrifice, and Dumbledore’s own death planned (and not murder, as Voldemort wanted), and Harry’s own willingness to give his life in exchange for protecting other people... Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes... “It’s time for you to learn from them, Tom Riddle.” Tom Riddle... This name seemed to deprive Voldemort of his throne, his halo of an invincible evil genius, and turned him into an ordinary person. And then Harry tells Tom Riddle who really is the owner of the Elder Wand, which the “heir of Slytherin” holds in his hands and believes to be a fail-safe weapon. A few minutes before his death, Dumbledore, the then Master of the Elder Wand, was disarmed by Draco Malfoy, and Malfoy, in turn, was defeated by Harry Potter... Not believing his ears, Voldemort sends Avada Kedavra to Harry, at the same time Harry shouts out a disarming spell “Expeliarmus”, and the Elder Wand in the hands of Tom Riddle, not wanting to kill its true owner, strikes the Dark Lord himself.

With the death of Voldemort, the Battle of Hogwarts ended.

Participants in the Battle of Hogwarts

Many people fought against Voldemort and his troops. Named in the book (the dead are marked with an asterisk):


Dumbledore's Army (Hogwarts graduates)

Order of the Phoenix

OWL (Harry Potter) This article is part of a series about the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
original name Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Motto lat. Draco dormiens numquam titillandus "Never tickle a sleeping dragon"
Year of foundation 11th century
Type school of magic
Rector Minerva McGonagall
Students Gryffindor
Location Great Britain

Hogwarts(the official name is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry or, less commonly, Hogwarts Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry, translated as Hogwarts School/Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The clarification in the second book that “Hogwarts” translated into “Muggle” language is “boar” is not accurate. If you rearrange the syllables of the English name (Hogwarts), you get the word warthog, that is, African wild boar, warthog.).

Hogwarts is most likely the only school of magic in England. The training lasts 7 years. There are exams at the end of each year, but the exams at the end of the 5th and 7th years are especially important for the future of students. The exact number of Hogwarts students is unknown, but most likely absolutely all child wizards from Great Britain are accepted there. If we take into account the number of students in one course of one faculty, and on average this is 10 people, then in total there are approximately 280 children studying at the school.

Albus Dumbledore, his deputy is Minerva McGonagall. The Director reports to the Board of Trustees, consisting of 12 people.

Education at the school is free, but students usually buy books and school equipment themselves. However, there is a special fund for the purchase of textbooks and school equipment for low-income students.

School location and general information

a huge, crumbling, rather terrifying-looking castle, with a chaotic tangle of turrets and battlements. Like the Weasley House, this building could not have been built by Muggles because it is maintained by magic.

According to another interview, Hogwarts is located somewhere in Scotland. Numerous spells in and around the school make it impossible for a Muggle to find the school: all a Muggle can see are ruins and a "Keep out" sign. On the school grounds, in addition to the castle, there is a mountain lake, a large forest called the Forbidden because of the dangerous creatures living there (in particular, giant spiders (Acromantulas) and centaurs), greenhouses, a cemetery (by the end of the sixth book, among others, the white marble crypt of the deceased Albus Dumbledore), an owlery, a gamekeeper's hut and a Quidditch pitch. The castle is surrounded by mountains. The stairs (of which there are 142 in the castle) and school rooms move. The castle is hung with paintings of characters visiting each other. Some doors in the castle open only if you touch them in a certain place, others - if you ask them politely, still others are false doors, and behind them there is a wall.

Transgression into and out of Hogwarts is prohibited, but this ban can be lifted for a limited time in a limited space. Electronic and electrical devices do not work on Hogwarts grounds. In the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Hermione explains that the reason is the high level of magic on the school grounds. However, the school has a radio that runs on magic rather than electricity.

The nearest settlement is the small village of Hogsmeade - the only one in England where only wizards live. Hogsmeade is also the name of not only the village, but also the railway station closest to Hogwarts, where the Hogwarts Express train arrives (see below). On the map that J. K. Rowling drew for the filming of her books, the station is located southeast of the school, and the village of Hogsmeade is to the northwest.

Hogwarts slogan - "Draco dormiens numquam titillandus", which means in Latin "never tickle a sleeping dragon". Rowling explained that she wanted to come up with a practical slogan for Hogwarts because most schools have lofty slogans like "Ad Astra" ("To the Stars"). Hogwarts also has a hymn, which is given in Chapter 1 of the book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone."

Information about the number of students at Hogwarts is conflicting. In one interview, Rowling said that there are about 1000 of them in total, in another - that in the past she believed that there were about 600, but now she is not sure about this. There appear to be 40 students in the Potter course, 10 in each house.

The school is run by a principal and a deputy principal. By the time the action begins, the headmaster of the school is Albus Dumbledore, his deputy is Minerva McGonagall. The Director reports to the Board of Trustees, consisting of 12 people.

Little is known about the school's funding. Attempts by the Ministry of Magic to control the school ("Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix") suggest that the school is funded by the Ministry of Magic, although the sources of this funding are not specified.

According to Rowling's interview, the school is multifaith.

The novel mentions similar schools in other countries - Beauxbatons (Beauxbatons) in France and Durmstrang, probably located in one of the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula. In addition, the Salem Witches Institute is mentioned, the name of which suggests that it is located in the United States. It is unclear from the text whether this institute is a school of magic, but Rowling confirmed that this is indeed the case. The fourth book also mentions a school of magic in Brazil.


The magic quill at Hogwarts records the birth of wizards and writes their names on a large scroll of parchment. Every year the scroll is read and invitations to Hogwarts are sent to all English children who turn 11 years old no later than August 31st. It is not necessary to accept the invitation: some parents prefer homeschooling. The invitation must be accepted or rejected no later than July 31st. In the case of a child growing up with Muggles, one of the school staff comes to talk with the child and his parents or guardians and help him with the purchase of textbooks and equipment.

A list of textbooks, uniforms and equipment is sent along with the letter. In 1990, the list included 8 textbooks, as well as:

  • Three simple work robes (black)
  • One simple pointed hat (black) for every day
  • One pair of protective gloves (dragon skin or similar material)
  • One winter coat (black, silver clasps)
  • 1 magic wand
  • 1 boiler (tin, standard size No. 2)
  • 1 set of glass or crystal bottles
  • 1 telescope
  • 1 copper scale

Students can bring an owl, cat, toad or rat. Freshmen are prohibited from bringing brooms with them.

Students usually buy books and school equipment themselves. The sixth book mentions a special fund for the purchase of textbooks and school equipment for low-income students.

The books do not contain information about how children under 11 years of age learn to read, write and count. Children with Muggle parents or guardians are likely to attend regular Muggle primary schools, as was the case with Harry Potter and probably Hermione Granger. Children from magical families may be taught by their parents or may have some form of magic used to teach them through the elementary school curriculum.

The road to Hogwarts and the first day

The standard way (at least for students) to get to Hogwarts is by the Hogwarts Express, which leaves platform 9¾ at 11 a.m. on September 1st. The platform can be reached by passing through the dividing barrier between platforms 9 and 10. The train runs all day and arrives at the magical village of Hogsmeade at midnight.




The following students studied in the Slytherin house at different times: Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Blaise Zabini, Marcus Flint, Theodore Nott, Milliscent Bulstrode, Adrian Pusey, Wayne Black, Tom Marvolo Riddle (Lord Voldemort), Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Regulus Black, Bellatrix Lestrange, Marvolo Gloom, Morphine Gloom, Patricia Dammington, Narcissa Malfoy, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Horace Slughorn.

Semesters, vacations and holidays

The academic year is structured in the same way as in regular schools and colleges in the UK.

The academic year is divided into 3 terms, separated by the Christmas and Easter holidays, starting on 1 September and ending in June, followed by a 9-week summer holiday. During the Christmas and Easter holidays, students have the right to stay at Hogwarts. Those who remain for the holidays do not attend classes, and a holiday is organized for them at Christmas and Easter. During the Easter holidays, teachers assign a large amount of homework to prepare for the annual exams.

There are no other holidays at Hogwarts. There are five holidays at Hogwarts: the first and last day of the school year, Halloween, Christmas and Easter. Sometimes additional celebrations are held, such as the Yule Ball during the Triwizard Tournament.

Items and personnel

There are about 13 teachers at Hogwarts, called (except for the broomstick teacher) professors, and each specializes in their own subject. In addition, the school employs a nurse, a caretaker, a librarian and a forester. About a hundred house elves work in the kitchen and keep the castle clean.

Required subjects

  • Astronomy

Elective subjects

Exams and assessments

Regular papers are usually graded on a 100-point scale (from 0 to 100), although Hermione received a 112% in Charms in her first year and a 320% in Muggle Studies in her third.

At the end of the 5th year, an exam is held in all subjects studied, called OWL - Super Excellent Magic(English) OWLs - Ordinary Wizarding Levels ; other translation options - Standards for Teaching Magic, Standardized Wizard Marks, OWL - Completely Normal Magic Level). The OWL exams have the following grades:

  • Passing grades
    • P - Excellent
    • B - Above Expected
    • U - Satisfactory
  • Failing grades
    • C - Weak
    • O - Disgusting
    • T - Troll (To Ron, this last assessment at first seemed like a joke between Fred and George, but then it turned out to be real).

To continue studying in this subject, you must obtain a grade of at least U, although some teachers require P or IN. Some students who receive low grades continue to study at the OWL level for the last two years.

After the 7th year, students take exams TOAD - Creepy Academic Brilliant Certification(English) NEWT - Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests ; in other translations - SPIDER - The Most Difficult Certification of the Sorcerer's Skills And NEWT - Typically Solvable Grueling Test). The grading system for TOAD is the same as for OWL, but usually 3-4 subjects are taken at a more advanced level.

After passing the exams, graduates get jobs. For many professions or positions, the requirements for candidates include grades, subjects taken and their number in the OWL and TOAD exams.

OWL roughly corresponds to the English GCSE exam, and TOAD corresponds to the A-level exam.

student life

A day at Hogwarts begins with breakfast in the Great Hall. Students sit at their house tables and can eat, socialize, or finish homework. The director and professors eat at the High Table at the far end of the hall. As breakfast continues, the owls bring students mail, usually consisting of The Daily Prophet, letters from parents and friends, and packages from home. The bell signals the start of the first lesson at 9:00.

Morning studies consist of two double (one and a half hour) lessons with a short break, allowing you to move from class to class. After lunch, classes resume at 1:00 pm and continue until approximately 5:00 pm. Some lessons involve one faculty, others involve two departments together. Freshmen are sometimes released on Friday at noon. In the evening, students have dinner in the Great Hall, after which students from different faculties go to their living rooms.

The living rooms have armchairs, sofas, tables for studying and fireplaces for heating. Students can relax or prepare homework. The living room leads to the bedrooms, which are furnished with four-poster beds, faculty-colored curtains, thick pillows, and a tray with a pitcher of water and glasses. There is a bedside table next to each bed.

On some weekends, students from 3rd year onwards are allowed to visit Hogsmeade Village. Minor students require written permission from a parent or guardian to attend. Popular among students, in particular, are the Three Broomsticks and Boar's Head bars, Madame Puddifoot's cafe (a haven for couples), the Sweet Kingdom confectionery and the Zonko magic joke shop.


Secret places in Hogwarts

The room where the philosopher's stone is kept

Entrance through the hatch in the corridor on the third floor. To obtain the Philosopher's Stone, you need to overcome several obstacles; for more details, see the article “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone”. At the end of Harry Potter's first year (1991/2 school year), the philosopher's stone is destroyed.

Chamber of Secrets

Serves as the home of the basilisk. Created by Salazar Slytherin before he left Hogwarts. The basilisk was originally intended to clear the school of Muggle-born students. Located deep underground. The entrance is from the toilet where Moaning Myrtle lives. To open the passage, you need to go to the tap with a snake and say “Open” in snake language. A tunnel opens in the sink. The tunnel leads to a wall decorated with an image of two snakes with emeralds for eyes. The snake's tongue opens into a very long, dark corridor decorated with monumental statues of snakes, including two stone pillars with snakes carved on them touching the ceiling. Between the pillars is a colossal statue of Salazar Slytherin. Inside the statue lives a basilisk, which crawls out of the statue's mouth when its owner, 16-year-old Tom Riddle, calls upon it. In the past, Tom Riddle opened this room and ordered the basilisk to kill Moaning Myrtle. At the end of the 2nd year (1992/3 academic year), Potter, together with the phoenix, kills the basilisk and young Tom Riddle. In the final book, Ron and Hermione reopen the room and use a basilisk fang to destroy one of the Horcruxes, Penelope Hufflepuff's Cup.

Secret passages

There are 9 known secret passages from/to school. Filch knows 4 of them, but where they lead is unknown. The remaining 5:

  • Walk through the Whomping Willow to the Shrieking Shack.
  • The passage behind the mirror on the 4th floor. Where it leads is unknown. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Sirius says that he is large enough for the meeting.
  • Walk through the statue of the One-Eyed Hunchback. To open the passage, you need to tap the statue with your wand and say Dissendium. The hump of the statue opens the door to the basement of the Sweet Kingdom store. First mentioned in the book "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", ch. 10.
  • A passage between two Vanishing Cabinets, one in the school, the other in the Gorbin and Burks shop in Knockturn Lane. The move worked until Peeves trashed the Hogwarts wardrobe in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. In the book "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", Draco Malfoy (Gorbin tells how to repair a wardrobe located in Hogwarts; the second wardrobe is in the shop "Gorbin and Burke") repairs cabinets. The move is not shown on the Marauder's Map.
  • The move from the Room of Help. Opened in the book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" and leads to the Hog's Head Inn. Not listed on the Marauders' Map because it did not exist at the time the Map was created. However, in accordance with the nature of the Room of Help, from there you can open several passages to different places.

Room of Requirement

Another name is So-and-Syak.

The room is located on the seventh floor opposite the portrait of Barnabas the Crazy (official translation - Barnabas the Grumpy), beaten by trolls whom he tried to teach ballet.

You can enter this room only if there is an urgent need for it. Sometimes it is there, sometimes it is not, but when it appears, it is equipped for the needs of the seeker. To get into the Room of Help, you need to walk past the wall three times, concentrating on your desire - then a door will appear in the wall.

At the same time, for each person the room appears different and the way he imagines it. In the seventh book it is said that Neville Longbottom understands the room.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Albus Dumbledore at the Yule Ball says that, having gone to the toilet, he found himself in a completely unfamiliar room with an excellent collection of chamber pots.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Dumbledore's squad held meetings and training in defense against the forces of evil in the room. Harry Potter learned about the existence of the room and how to get into it from the house elf Dobby. This is the description of the room during OD classes:

“A spacious room, illuminated by the light of torches like those that burned in the dungeon eight floors below. Bookshelves lined the walls, and large silk pillows lay on the floor instead of chairs. On the rack at the far end there were instruments - harmful scopes, bitch visors, lie detectors and a large cracked Enemy Developer.”

Dobby himself used the Room of Requirement to help Winky get over his hangover. He also mentions that Argus Filch found cleaning supplies there when his supply ran out.

Battle of Hogwarts- the final battle of the second magical war, in which all the forces that fought on the side of Voldemort and the forces that fought against him came together.

Chronologically, the Battle is divided into two parts: before the hour-long respite declared by Voldemort, and after.

First stage

Knowing that Harry Potter had returned to Hogwarts, the castle was attacked by Death Eaters, giants, Acromantula spiders and Dementors. Warned in advance, the deans of the faculties evacuated students who had not reached adulthood. The first rebuff to the attackers was given by the seventh-year students of Hogwarts, led by their teachers, their friends and relatives, as well as, to the best of their ability, the castle statues and even the poltergeist Peeves. Voldemort did not participate in the battles, he only needed Harry Potter, without Potter the battle for the Dark Lord lost its meaning. Moreover, Voldemort wanted to kill Potter personally. Therefore, when the advantage was clearly on the side of the Dark Lord, he announced an hour-long break, setting a condition: Harry Potter must surrender to him, then, they say, the good Dark Lord will have mercy on the unreasonable defenders of Hogwarts.

While the trial is going on, Voldemort lets his snake go for a walk, but halfway along the way he hits Severus Snape with Nagini, believing that Snape's death will make him the master of the Elder Wand, and leaves him to die in the Shrieking Shack. The dying Snape manages to convey his memories to Harry. After viewing them, Potter learns that he is another, unaccounted for Horcrux, and his death is necessary if he wants to defeat Voldemort. He decides to voluntarily allow himself to be killed by Voldemort, hoping that someone else will finish off the Dark Lord when he becomes an ordinary mortal. Leaving for the Forbidden Forest, where Voldemort’s “headquarters” is located, he meets Neville Longbottom and asks him, if given the opportunity, to kill Nagini. Nagini was the last remaining Horcrux, but Harry does not tell Neville this. He simply asks to kill Voldemort's snake.

Harry Potter was ready to die so that Voldemort would stop torturing people. He voluntarily came to the Dark Lord’s camp and quite consciously exposed himself to his deadly spell “Avada Kedavra”. After his death, Harry finds himself in a certain place between life and death, where he meets the spirit of Dumbledore, who explains that that disgusting screaming creature that looks like a baby is a piece of Voldemort’s soul, from which Harry’s soul has now been freed. And if Harry wants, he can return to the world of living corpses, since for his revival Tom Riddle took his blood three years ago, which still contains the protective magic of Lily Potter.

Meanwhile, Voldemort believes that Potter is dead, the Prophecy has been fulfilled, and now no one can threaten him. He removes Nagini's magical protective cage, carrying the snake simply on his shoulders, orders the captive Hagrid to carry Potter's body ahead of him, and advances at the head of his Death Eaters to Hogwarts. Harry carefully pretends to be dead, although he is very upset by his inability to calm Hagrid.

Arriving at the castle, Voldemort shows the body of Potter and the corpse of Harry to its defenders, believing that resistance has now been broken. Neville tries to attack the Dark Lord, but is immediately disarmed and immobilized. Voldemort puts the Sorting Hat on Neville and sets it on fire. Suddenly the giant Grohkh appears, along with him the thestrals, led by the hippogriff Buckbeak, and the centaurs, who had previously maintained neutrality, attack Voldemort’s army. They distract Voldemort and the Death Eaters, Neville frees himself from the spell, snatches the Sword of Gryffindor from the Hat and cuts off Nagini's head. Taking advantage of the turmoil, Harry hides under the invisibility cloak.

Second phase

Now the defenders of the castle are joined not only by Grohkh, thestrals and centaurs, but also by the inhabitants of Hogsmeade and the house elves of Hogwarts led by Kreacher.

Gradually, the Death Eaters are defeated, the battle moves to the Great Hall of Hogwarts, where only Voldemort remains, fighting McGonagall, Slughorn and Kingsley, and Bellatrix Lestrange, fighting Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood and Hermione Granger. She sends a deadly spell at Ginny, which she barely dodges. And then Mrs. Weasley appears. An angry mother coming to the defense of her child is a terrible sight! Shouting “Don’t you dare touch my daughter, you bastard!”, Molly engages Bella in mortal combat, not allowing anyone to interfere (“Out of the way! She’s mine!”) in their duel. The death of Bellatrix gives strength to Voldemort, he scattered his rivals like dry leaves and wanted to hit Mrs. Weasley, but then Harry lowered the shield charm between them and threw off the Invisibility Cloak.

At the very beginning, Harry asked everyone not to interfere. Just him and Voldemort. “So I need to do it.” Before the fight, he explains to the Dark Lord his most important mistakes: this is Severus Snape, who played on Dumbledore’s side, and Lily Potter’s self-sacrifice, and Dumbledore’s own death planned (and not murder, as Voldemort wanted), and Harry’s own willingness to give his life in exchange for protecting other people... Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes... “It’s time for you to learn from them, Tom Riddle.” Tom Riddle... This name seemed to deprive Voldemort of his throne, his halo of an invincible evil genius, and turned him into an ordinary person. And then Harry tells Tom Riddle who really is the owner of the Elder Wand, which the “heir of Slytherin” holds in his hands and believes to be a fail-safe weapon. A few minutes before his death, Dumbledore, the then Master of the Elder Wand, was disarmed by Draco Malfoy, and Malfoy, in turn, was defeated by Harry Potter... Not believing his ears, Voldemort sends Avada Kedavra to Harry, at the same time Harry shouts out a disarming spell “Expeliarmus”, and the Elder Wand in the hands of Tom Riddle, not wanting to kill its true owner, strikes the Dark Lord himself.

With the death of Voldemort, the Battle of Hogwarts ended.

Participants in the Battle of Hogwarts

Many people fought against Voldemort and his troops. Named in the book (the dead are marked with an asterisk):


Dumbledore's Army (Hogwarts graduates)

Order of the Phoenix

When a little wizard goes to school, he can take one animal with him, provided that it is a rat, a toad or an owl. And of course, owls are both more convenient and practical. After all, it is with the help of these birds that wizards maintain contact with each other.

Who gave Harry an owl

In the first book, Potter learns from Rubeus Hagrid that he is a wizard. The Dursleys, his only relatives, hid this fact from him. On the very first day, when Harry and Hagrid are shopping for everything they need for school, the forester decides to give him an owl for his birthday. This is exactly what we will talk about in our article.

Harry Potter's owl, whose name was Hedwig, was a polar owl. This large white bird in the future helped Harry Potter maintain contact with the wizarding world. It is interesting that in the world of wizards and sorcerers, Harry Potter's owl, like other birds, always knew how to find their recipients. In this case, only the name may appear on the envelope itself, and the recipient’s house may be under the Fidelius spell.

Harry Potter's friend

In the first six books, Harry Potter's owl was his loyal, but, of course, silent friend. She has a very expressive look, with which she reproached the boy when, due to the Dursleys' ban, he could not let her out into the street. If she’s angry about something, she’ll simply pinch Potter’s hand harder than usual or even hit him on the head with her wing.

Harry Potter's owl, the drawing of which you can see below, understands its owner perfectly, just as he understands her. It is with her that Potter spends his difficult summer holidays at his aunt and uncle's house. She always brings letters safely, even when she was attacked in the fifth book. Then she carried a letter from Sirius, which said that Harry's godfather would appear at midnight in the faculty fireplace.

How Harry Potter's owl died

In the seventh book, in order to transport Potter to the Burrow with the greatest possible safety, an operation is launched, which Moody calls “Seven Potters”. By the way, this idea belongs to Professor Snape. He was able to sneak her into the Order of the Phoenix through Mundungus.

It is during this operation that Harry Potter's owl becomes the first victim to die from the killing curse. In the book, the dead Hedwig first falls into the stroller, which then falls off the motorcycle. Using the "Burst" spell, the boy explodes the stroller, and the owl burns. In the last film, Harry Potter's owl tried to protect its owner from a killing curse and took the blow on itself. Having lost his faithful friend, Potter experiences the loss very painfully.

How many owls starred in the Harry Potter films?

The exact number of snowy owls that have appeared in films is unknown. What is known is that there were a lot of them. The most famous performer of this role was an owl named Gizmo. It was she who appeared in almost all scenes of the first and second parts.

In honor of whom was Harry's owl named Hedwig?

Once upon a time there lived an aristocrat, Hedwiga of Silesia, in Poland. In her declining years, having outlived her seven children and her beloved husband, she founded a monastery. The nuns who lived there worked in orphanages. After some time, this great woman was declared a saint. She is also considered the patroness of all orphans.

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