Quickly remove the stomach and sides after childbirth. How to quickly lose belly fat after childbirth? How to remove a big belly after childbirth for a nursing mother

Pregnancy is a physiological process of fetal development in a woman’s body. The formation of the baby lasts about 40 weeks, and these weeks are divided into three semesters. During this time, the female body acquires physiological changes that ensure full development of the fetus. After the birth of a child, the mother needs a certain period to get into shape. All organs of the body that participated in the gestation of the fetus require time to recover. What happens to the female body after childbirth?

What happens to a woman’s body after childbirth?

As the fetus developed in the womb, many organs changed their position. Not only the system and functioning of organs changes, but also the woman’s body. The young mother must get used to her new status and to her new body. What happens to a woman and her body after childbirth?

  1. Pain appears in the lower abdomen. After childbirth, the uterus gradually returns to its original position. Help comes from the hormone oxytocin. The uterus contracts, and sharp and unpleasant pain appears.
  2. Constipation. Many young mothers face this problem. This happens because the woman was injected various drugs. Here it is important to restore bowel function within four days.
  3. Hair begins to fall out. This is due to hormonal changes. To restore the balance of hormones, you need to eat right and take vitamins.
  4. Pain in the vagina. The baby passes through the birth canal, stretching and sometimes tearing it. Postpartum uterine discharge appears - suckers. This period lasts approximately three months.
  5. A big belly appears. New mothers may be shocked that their belly hasn't gone away. And a feeling arises that the woman is in a position again. Abdominal volume does not go away immediately. If you do nothing, diastasis will appear. The abdominal and abdominal muscles are stretched. If the belly can be removed, then there is no stretch mark. Here you have to come to terms.

Where to start and what not to do?

Before Use various diets and exercise, you need to find out more about your enemy - fat. There are two types of fat:

  1. Subcutaneous. Naturally, it is located under the skin.
  2. Visceral. In other words, it is invisible fat that surrounds internal organs. This type of fat is what makes your belly look big.

Whatever problem torments a young mother, it is quite difficult to get rid of it in a short time. It is necessary to take into account the fact that after childbirth a woman should rest and gain strength. Remember - you need to engage in figure correction gradually. You can’t suddenly change your lifestyle and start exercising. A woman's body has used up too many resources during childbirth, so it needs some time to recover. And you can start exercising only after consulting a doctor.

In the first month after birth, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are gradually restored. The uterus is shrinking hormonal background is being rebuilt. During this period, it is best not to overwork. You need to start your recovery with the following steps.

  • Walk. In the first month, it replaces physical exercise well. Long walking is what you need to gradually engage your body muscles.
  • Healthy eating. Reduce the amount of consumption of flour, smoked and sweet foods. Eat small portions 5-6 times a day. Remember to drink enough water.
  • Skin care. She may suffer during pregnancy. Become dry and begin to peel. To restore your skin, make various masks.

How to remove belly fat after childbirth:

Big belly may remain long time. This occurs due to an unstable emotional state, overeating or muscle diastasis. And the woman begins to get upset. You can't do this. The main thing is to pull yourself together. Exercise and proper nutrition will help you get rid of belly fat after childbirth.

Important! You can start exercising 6-8 weeks after giving birth.

- physical exercise

You need to increase the number of exercises gradually, since it will be quite difficult to immediately fulfill a certain norm. The main thing is not to overdo it.

  1. Lie on your back and bend your knees. The stomach should be tense. Raise your pelvis and stay in this position for no more than 10 seconds. The first days - 5 repetitions, then increase the number to 20 lifts.
  2. Continue to lie on your back. Legs are bent at the knees. Hands can be placed on the chest or placed at the temples. Exhale, tighten your stomach, and lift your upper torso slightly. As you inhale, take the starting position. Make sure your head does not touch the floor. Do two sets of 20 times.
  3. The next exercise also involves raising the body. Only here you will have to lift the entire body. Take the starting position as in previous cases. Your hands should be on your chest and your feet should rest against something solid (a wall or a closet). Exhale and lift your entire body, completely lifting your back. You need to start this exercise five times and increase it every day.
  4. If you want to work all the muscles in your body, then do a plank. Lie on your stomach, bend your elbows 90 degrees. Slowly raise your torso. It should be so that you rest on the toes of your feet and forearms. You can stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, but gradually increase the holding time.
  5. Don't forget to exercise your abdominal muscles. In such cases, squats are perfect. Repeat fifteen times for 2 approaches.

- nutrition adjustments

In addition to physical activity, you need to adhere to proper nutrition. Remember that you are breastfeeding, which means you should not greatly limit yourself in food. You should start eating right and healthy 1-1.5 months after giving birth. Diet after childbirth is the correct adjustment of nutrition.

Eliminate some foods from your diet:

  • Alcohol and low-alcohol drinks.
  • Strong tea, coffee and cocoa.
  • Crabs, crayfish.
  • Chocolate.
  • Onion and garlic.
  • Products with high fat content.
  • Mayonnaise (can be replaced with low-fat sour cream).
  • Fresh pastries, sweet products, bread.
  • Confectionery.

What then can young mothers eat after giving birth?

  • Dairy products. These are yoghurts, kefir, yogurt and so on.
  • Porridge.
  • Fish and meat (low-fat varieties).
  • Liver.
  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • For sweets, you can eat marshmallows or marmalade.
  • Green tea or herbal infusions.
  • Various compotes, fruit drinks and freshly squeezed juices.
  • Drink 1.5 liters of water per day.

Reference! If a woman is not breastfeeding, then you can start adjusting your diet 2 weeks after giving birth.

- salon procedures

When a woman has free time and money, she turns to specialists for help. Salon masters offer procedures such as body wraps and special massages after childbirth. They also use cosmetical tools. These are ointments, creams and lotions that help restore muscle tone.


After the birth of a child, every mother wants to look good so as not to be ashamed of showing her body to her husband. The main thing is to exercise regularly and eat right. You need to believe in yourself and your strengths.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

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From Guest

Yes, after giving birth, I couldn’t pull myself together for a long time, especially since everyone said that my stomach would go away when we completed the guard. In the end, we completed it quietly, on the advice of friends, a slim mother bought a modelform and lost 8.5 kg, lightness appeared in her body, she had a lot of strength, she was very pleased with the result. Now I’m thinking about going to the gym to work on my abs and butt

From Guest

After the first birth, when I gained the required 12 kg, my belly went away quickly. At 10 months she stopped breastfeeding (she ran out of milk) and immediately started training (boxing, rocking). When my son was one year old, he had an excellent figure. Now I’m 8 months pregnant, I’ve already gained 15 kg, a huge belly, all my legs are full of fat (And I’m not the same age anymore. I’m afraid it won’t work out that way.

When I woke up the next day after giving birth, I got up and went to the washbasin. There was SOMETHING hanging out in the lower abdomen. Then I felt IT with my hands - a bag, just a bag. Like a kangaroo, I thought. The view in the mirror was very unusual. When I was feeding my son, this bag was lying on the bed next to us.

When I was discharged, the dress on me fit snugly in the chest, which was not surprising and pleasant, but in the waist - this was no longer so pleasing. The nurses promised that in a couple of months, after giving birth, it would go away on its own.

Returning home, I decided not to let things take their course. The muscles responded very quickly to my efforts. But fat... Fat bothered me for a very long time... In this article I will tell you my way to a flat stomach and an expressive waist. Read on to learn how to lose belly fat after childbirth...

Fat is a mother's helper. Fat stored in the belly provides additional warmth to a growing baby during pregnancy. Fat deposited on the abdomen, hips and shoulders after childbirth helps the mother “make” full-fledged milk without harm to her health.

During pregnancy, the abdominal wall stretches greatly, the linea alba diverges, under the influence of hormones. This is called diastasis of the white line of the abdomen. The phenomenon after childbirth is completely normal and mostly reversible.

Such a strong stretch does not go away without leaving a trace, and come on, in 9 months the belly has grown to a huge size! It is impossible to remove such a bag instantly. Muscles need time to contract.

Plus, it’s customary for us to spend even a healthy pregnancy “on the couch.” Muscle tissue, under conditions of physical inactivity (reduced level of physical activity), atrophies and is replaced by adipose tissue. This interferes with rapid postpartum recovery.

2. Where to start and where to take the child

My muscles ached after childbirth. My arms and back hurt, but my abs didn’t hurt. Has he completely disappeared, I thought and sucked in my stomach, my stomach sucked in. Okay, looks like he's there! Will be working!

Having collected the remnants of my “pregnant” memory, I remembered the lectures from the institute and decided to start training. Fortunately, I remembered the gymnastics complex in great detail.

I had to go back... I got a hand-me-down child, for which I am very grateful to him. It helped me become a mother.

During our training, the child will help the mother train. Lying on the mother, the baby acts as a burden, next to him he makes the best company in the world.

This is all lyrics... And practice includes training with your baby.

Check out the materials in the article “Exercises after childbirth.” It describes exercises intended for the very early postpartum period. They are simple, but extremely effective - without them, you won’t be able to quickly remove excess fat and make your stomach flat.

Physical contact between mother and child is very beneficial for both. Helps to recover after childbirth, get acquainted, establish breast-feeding and get your flat stomach back :)

Attention! We don’t pump up our abs, even if we really want to. Now this is very harmful.

If you had a Caesarean section, ask your doctor how quickly you can start exercising.

The pain of a contracting uterus will be an indicator for you: As soon as it does not interfere with straining your stomach, start exercising.

  • Lying on your side, you can feed the baby at this time, strain your abs, pulling in your stomach until flat, hold this position for 3-5 seconds and relax. Repeat 5-10 times. Do this every feeding, gradually building up to 20 approaches at a time.
  • Mom is on her back, legs bent at the knees, baby is on mother’s stomach. As you inhale, we protrude the abdominal wall, lifting the baby up, and as you exhale, we relax. Start with 3-5 repetitions, gradually working up to 20.
  • Lying on your back, bend your knees, tighten your abdominal muscles and, without raising your sacrum, press your lower back firmly to the floor. Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds, relax (start this exercise as soon as the postpartum discharge ends)
  • Lying on your back, legs straight, baby on top of mother, contract and relax the muscles of the buttocks.

At the first opportunity (the stitches may hurt), add exercises for the perineum. They may be painful at first, wait a few days and try again.

  • Tighten the muscles of the perineum, at the peak of tension, pull the anus and vagina into yourself. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds and relax your muscles. Repeat several times a day for 5-6 approaches, gradually increase to 30 repetitions at a time.

Stretching. After childbirth, the flexibility of the body is often lost, we will restore it!

Look at your baby - with what pleasure he stretches after sleep. Your task is to arrange the same fights.

This is enough for a start. The training is absolutely not burdensome; you don’t need to make special time for it.

During pregnancy, many women think about how to eat properly so as not to harm the baby and their figure. Of course, this helps to quickly regain your weight after childbirth, but unfortunately, it has little effect on the condition of the abdomen. The fact is that the stretched anterior abdominal wall recovers very slowly. So the question is: how to remove belly fat after childbirth, many women ask themselves. It is best to use several methods at once to achieve a faster effect.

How to remove belly fat after childbirth

During pregnancy, the deposition of belly fat has a deep meaning. The baby receives nutrients from the mother's blood, and the fat layer creates a reserve in case of insufficient nutrition. Therefore, from a physiological point of view, it is easy to explain why the stomach suffers the most after childbirth. Proper nutrition is the key to rapid weight loss. But in order to remove belly fat after childbirth at home, diet alone is not enough. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to restore muscle tone so that the stomach looks toned and slender.

Therefore, you should pay attention to the inappropriate appearance of your tummy as quickly as possible and take the necessary measures to eliminate it. Only comprehensive measures will help achieve results. Don't think about it how to get rid of belly fat after childbirth quickly. Such activities cause more harm to health than benefits. It is better to choose a set of procedures that will slowly but surely help in the fight against a saggy tummy.

When can you start exercising after giving birth?

If the tummy itself does not tighten during the first week after birth, then this process should not be left to chance. In the first month, any physical activity is prohibited, since the uterus has not yet completely contracted. How to remove belly fat after childbirth It is advisable to ask women who have already gone through this. They will tell you about effective or useless ways to lose weight. If the birth took place without complications, then you can safely begin your first training 1.5 months after birth.

If there were complications during childbirth (cervical or vaginal ruptures, weakness of labor, tight placenta or bleeding), then you should wait at least one and a half months. Remove belly after caesarean section a little heavier. Wait at least two months for the seam to become solid and for all the threads to dissolve. And during training, you need to do more exercises on the lower abs in order to even out the folds that appeared due to the operation.

How to remove belly fat after childbirth (exercises)

In order to quickly restore your figure after childbirth, you must increase physical activity. Jogging in the morning, warming up with a jump rope or basic bends left and right will help improve blood circulation in the organs and speed up metabolism. But this is not enough to improve the condition of the anterior abdominal wall. It is important to do exercises regularly to restore your abdominal muscles.

If a woman was in good shape before giving birth, then recovery will be much easier. How to remove belly fat after childbirth with exercises The fitness trainer at the club can also tell you. It’s good if a woman can go to the gym twice a week. There it is easier and simpler to regain your previous appearance, since the trainer constantly monitors the load and effectiveness of the exercises.

The most popular exercises are:

Lying on your back, you need to clasp your hands behind your head. The essence of the exercise: raise your shoulder blades and upper body, bend your legs and pull your knees to your chest. At the same time, we draw in the stomach. Then the left leg must be straightened, but left hanging. The knee of the right leg should be pulled up and pulled towards the opposite elbow. Then the legs change. You need to do several approaches of 5-10 exercises.

Lying on your side, you need to bend your legs slightly at the knees. If a woman is lying on her left side, then she needs to twist her body a little to the right. At the same time, on the count of “one”, you need to sharply reach for your heels, while tearing your shoulder blades off the floor. The duration of the pose should be at least 30 seconds and up to 1 minute.

Then you need to give a load to the oblique muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, since their condition also affects general view postpartum tummy. Starting position as in the previous exercise. The essence is twisting the body, while the knees should be moved to one side and the arms to the other.

Gyms and fitness clubs are useful because women go outside more often. This means that she needs to take care of her appearance and figure. This is the strongest incentive to return to your previous appearance. How to remove belly fat after childbirth without surgery and diets - only with the help of exercises. In this case, it is best to train together with a personal trainer.

How to remove belly fat after childbirth at home?

But not every young mother has the opportunity to visit gyms, since there is no one to leave the child with. Therefore, the only hope left is for home exercises. Of course, many different aspects can be included in a set of exercises, but the most important are two: hoop and abdominal exercises. They need to be performed several times daily, then the results will appear fairly quickly.

You should start with a hoop, as it accelerates the recovery processes in the skin and stimulates the burning of surface fat. You should spin the hoop for at least 15-20 minutes, maybe twice a day. It’s good if you can purchase a weighted hula hoop with massage rollers. Remove belly fat after childbirth effective methods- this is a hoop. But you should not expect the effect in a week, since the stomach will tighten in at least a month of active training.

Abdominal exercises should be done after the woman has twirled the hoop. It is advisable to train the lower, upper and middle abs sequentially. Also, do not forget about the lateral muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. How to remove belly fat after childbirth at home without these exercises? This is simply impossible. It is advisable to do two or three approaches. Each approach contains at least 80 lifts. It is important to put stress on the abdominal muscles, and not on the buttocks, thighs or back. It is better to do fewer lifts, but they must be done correctly.

How to remove belly fat after childbirth ( folk remedies)

You can use folk remedies to improve skin tone on the abdomen or to quickly lose weight. It is difficult to influence the elasticity of the skin, as this is inherent in nature. But you can make it more elastic with special masks. homemade. The main thing is to include honey in their composition. It stimulates metabolism and enriches the skin with mineral compounds. You can wrap your stomach with a honey mask in plastic wrap for food. This will create a warming effect, which will have a positive effect on skin tone.

They have good properties medicinal herbs. For example, there are herbs that suppress appetite. They allow you to reduce the amount of food you eat, which has a positive effect on weight loss. These include marshmallow root, spirulina algae, and flaxseed. How to remove belly fat after childbirth using folk remedies? You can use preparations that remove excess fluid from the body. These are lingonberry leaves, bear ears, horsetail and burdock. You should not drink them for a long time, as they can disrupt the water-salt balance in the body.

During pregnancy, a woman should normally gain no more than 12 kg of additional weight. If she didn't control her eating, then remove belly effective method will consist of a good diet. But in such cases, you should remember that the diet should be complete, but low in calories. This will help you lose weight and get in shape.

There are many ways you can improve your abdominal muscles and reduce the amount of fat around your waist. But should only be used A complex approach, since diet or exercise alone will not have the desired effect. It will take a lot of time, so you need to be patient. But the result will definitely be amazing.

Video. how to remove belly fat after caesarean section at home forum

Have you recently had a baby, but your belly still looks pregnant? Does that soft round belly make you think you'll never be able to get back into shape? Well, most new mothers face this problem, but you have to remember that it took nine months for your belly to stretch to accommodate and grow the baby. So, it will take some time to get rid of the hanging belly after giving birth. In this article, we offer you 10 tips to tighten your belly.

Reasons why you cannot remove your belly and sides after pregnancy:

  • Imagine your stomach is a balloon. As your baby grows, the belly slowly stretches. And then, after the baby is born, the balloon doesn't burst. Instead, the balloon slowly releases air and escapes. But if you notice, balloons tend to retain some air even when they deflate.
  • After your baby is born, hormonal changes in your body cause your uterus to slowly shrink back to its pre-pregnancy shape. But it takes 7-8 weeks to get your stomach in order after the baby is born.
  • The extra food you consumed during pregnancy to feed your baby is stored as fat. And as you know, belly fat is the most stubborn - it will take time and a proper routine to get rid of the flabby belly after giving birth.

How to quickly lose belly fat?

It is very rare that a new mother's belly returns to normal in just a few days. It is difficult to say when the belly will go away after childbirth; most mothers take several months. Unfortunately, some of them do not lose their big belly right after the baby is born. Don't worry because if you are physically active, eat healthy and follow a few good advice, you can quickly reduce postpartum belly. So, let's find out what you should do to get rid of saggy belly after childbirth.

10 best tips for getting your belly in order after pregnancy

  1. Breastfeed your baby

Breastfeeding not only helps strengthen your baby's immunity, but also helps you lose fat and get rid of a big belly. Breastfeeding does this by speeding up the contractions of the uterus. This path will be suggested to you by mothers both after the first and second births.

  1. Take a walk

This is the simplest form of exercise after pregnancy and childbirth to restore your previous figure, but it also works in general. Moreover, the fun part is that the child can be your companion. A great idea is to spend the evening walking in the park or carrying your baby in a sling. Once you gain control of your body, you can make the changes you need.

  1. Eat right

Many women make the trivial but disastrous mistake of skipping meals or substituting proper food dietary supplements. It is essential that you maintain your diet to produce enough milk. It should be enriched with microelements that help maintain the metabolic cycle of the newborn's body and ensure proper postnatal development. Trust nutritionists and doctors when they tell you what you need for your energy. Eat green and non-green vegetables, lean protein, spices, green tea and drink plenty of water to flush out toxins.

  1. Exercise

If you want to lose that stubborn postpartum belly fat, you must do at least 20-30 minutes of cardio and strength training. You can do this while your baby is fast asleep. Do crunches, push-ups, planks, tricep dips, knee raises, jumping jacks, lunges, squats, biceps curls, Russian twists, paper clips, etc. But first, you should talk to your doctor and know your contraindications. Usually on the second day, a nurse or doctor shows you a set of simple exercises that help improve the tone of the abdominal muscles.

  1. Practice anuloma-viloma pranayama

No matter what anyone says, yoga gives its results. Anulom-vilom is a breathing exercise based on drawing air from your diaphragm and holding it in your stomach and abdominal muscles. Regular rhythmic contractions involve significant tension (during inhalation) and relaxation (during exhalation), which help in toning your upper and lower abs. Maintain an upright posture, and as you begin to feel stronger, increase the time you hold the air. It also improves digestion by increasing peristalsis or bowel movement.

  1. Have a rest

Not getting enough rest causes toxins to accumulate in the body, which in turn causes inflammation. When the body is in a continuous state of inflammation, it causes fat receptors to move to the central region. And fat molecules are stored in the abdominal area, causing it to become distended. It will be quite difficult to get a good night's sleep with a newborn, but you still need to get good rest.

  1. Don't resort to extreme diets

Sometimes new mothers panic and become depressed after giving birth. And to get back in shape, they take extreme measures and start following diets, undereating, and ultimately this all affects the health of the child and mother. Fasting will never help, it will only make the situation worse.

  1. Relieve stress through meditation

A newborn baby loves to be held quite a lot, and for a few months you won't be able to do the things you love (like painting, reading books, etc.) to relieve stress. So, it is best to practice meditation - it will help you focus, minimize background noise, release negative energy from the body and improve the quality of your sleep. And most importantly, you will not disturb your baby’s sleep, which is very important for a nursing mother.

  1. Wraps

Wraps help tighten your belly, strengthen your abs and speed up the process of uterine contractions. This is one of the most old-fashioned ways to lose belly fat after childbirth. They also help improve posture and reduce back pain. All you have to do is wrap a piece of soft cloth around your midsection. Make sure it is not too dense or too loose.

  1. Give a full body massage

Massage can be very effective when it comes to weight loss without having to break a sweat gym. Get a massage that targets your belly and this will help you get a flat and beautiful belly. Massage will disperse fat in the body and improve metabolism. It is advisable to do it every week.

These were 10 tips to get rid of a big belly left after childbirth at home. Although it is difficult to get rid of saggy fat and lower skin, as well as loose abs, it is possible. It takes a lot of effort, but he will go away. Down with saggy bellies! Let's remove fat from our abs! Go for it!

The birth of a child is an unforgettable moment in life for every woman. However, not only joy appears in the soul of any woman with the appearance of a small miracle in the house. It’s not for nothing that doctors and psychologists openly talk about the existence of so-called postpartum depression, when a new mother feels oppressed and unwanted. Changes in appearance, which many people experience, also play a significant role in the occurrence of this condition: here and excessive fatness, chronic fatigue, saggy belly after childbirth. How to get rid of this disgrace - read on.

How appearance changes

Many women experience the appearance of extra pounds after nine months of pregnancy. This is understandable - the growing organism of the baby living in the mother’s womb required good nutrition. In addition, even after giving birth, the mother should not stop eating well in order to be able to breastfeed the new family member and give him the necessary amount of nutrients and vitamins. That is why - strict diet unacceptable in the first months of breastfeeding.

The female body undergoes enormous changes during pregnancy.

The most “sick” and pressing problem for new mothers, perhaps, is a stretched and flabby abdomen after childbirth, or more precisely, extra pounds in this area. However, in order to bring your tummy back to normal, you must first determine what happened to it, because the baby has already been born, and the belly has only partially disappeared, which is quite unpleasant.

Why does the stomach become large, stretched and flabby after pregnancy and childbirth?

A big belly after childbirth is a common phenomenon; almost all women of different ages, constitutions and builds experience it. Pregnancy has a significant impact on the human body, rebuilding and changing some processes, including metabolism, in order to make the fetus’s stay in the mother’s womb as comfortable and safe as possible. However, not many mothers in labor were prepared in advance for the fact that even after the joyful birth of the baby, their body would not immediately recover and return to its original form.

Flat stomach after pregnancy for many girls it is due, not deserved; they are simply not ready for the fact that even after nine months of pregnancy and long hours of childbirth, instead of carefree relaxation, they will have to face tedious worries about the baby, but also physical exercises that will return their former beauty to all parts of the body. Seeing what the belly looks like after childbirth, many people not only get upset, but even fall into postpartum depression. In fact, if there is something left after childbirth, you should not despair and panic - the woman needs to be patient and exercise, and then the problem will be solved quite quickly.

In order to determine how to get rid of belly fat after childbirth, you need to understand what physiological processes have turned a flat stomach into something that makes many girls so upset.

The belly is large and hanging: the first reason

The first cause of a large belly in a woman after childbirth is a distended uterus. That is why even thin mothers in labor, after the birth of their baby, are surprised to notice that their belly hangs after childbirth.

Saggy belly after childbirth photo

Fortunately, the uterus contracts completely within a few months after the baby is born, so you just need to wait out this period. Often, if a girl was in excellent physical shape before the birth of the child and regularly exercised, tightening after childbirth occurs naturally after the uterus has completely returned to normal.

Flabby muscles: the second reason

Secondly, abdominal muscles after childbirth They are also stretched, so it is necessary to put them in order with physical exercises. In the same way, you need to get rid of excess fat, which is necessary during pregnancy to protect the fetus. Fat layer, which increases throughout the development of the baby in the womb, unfortunately dear ladies, does not go away even after the joyful moment of birth, so the question of how to restore the stomach can be associated with the question of getting rid of excess unnecessary fat in the abdominal area. When the belly disappears depends not only on your desire and hard work in matters physical exercise, but also on the features female body, which we wrote about in the previous section.

Skin on the stomach: the third reason

To remove excess fat from the tummy, you need to make an effort

It is important to remember that every abdominal exercise after childbirth must be done smoothly and without unnecessary haste. We all understand how eager you are to get rid of excess fat and become stunning again, but method and consistency are especially important in this process. It is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of your belly after childbirth quickly - however, speeding up this process and making your stomach flat in the shortest possible time is quite possible!

Exercise 1

From a lying position, you need to secure your legs in a stationary position, slightly bending them at the knees. You can put your feet under a sofa or chair. After this, we slowly and confidently raise our torso, throwing our hands behind our heads.

The exercise must be performed daily, several times for several minutes a day. At the same time, don’t rush and don’t overdo it, the extra load will not only be useless, but can also cause harm.

Second exercise: strengthening the lower abs

Lying on the floor, slowly raise your legs up. If the exercise seems too difficult, you should not raise your legs too high, gradually increasing the distance from your heels to the floor.

This exercise is aimed at strengthening the lower abdominal muscles, but it also helps burn excess fat in the abdominal area, therefore helping to recover.

Third exercise

From a standing position, with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend in both directions, trying to reach your hand to the floor.

Video: how to make your stomach flat again

All abdominal exercises after childbirth must be performed daily for at least 3 months. At the same time, each lesson must be repeated several times during the day, without overloading the body. You should not exercise until you are completely exhausted - firstly, it will not bring the desired result; secondly, you will still need strength, because in the house Small child in need of maternal care and care.

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