What type of disability group is cerebral palsy? Cerebral palsy (CP). Modern methods of treating cerebral palsy

1. In 2003, I was 40 years old and was given disability (regional) group 3 (problem with one arm, birth injury, does not rise above 35 degrees). But they did not give IPR (individual rehabilitation program for the disabled). (I recently learned that I have the right to IPR). But I was warned that in the place where I have a commission - MSEC in Ufa, which should give me an IPRA, it could deprive me of the group completely, despite the obvious defect... since the commission is not objective, with obvious disabilities (including cerebral palsy ), those who are not capable of full-time work, are deprived of the group completely, after passing the commission, instead of simply providing an individual program.. Question, since I have the right to IPR, I would like to protect myself from injustice so that the group is not removed from me completely ... and who should I contact first for advice?

Lawyer Ishchenko N.N., 176 answers, 111 reviews, on the site from 06/06/2019
1.1. Hello! I advise you to make hidden and open video and audio recordings. Cases like this happen everywhere and even in the courts, so only proactive actions can be taken in advance. Write inquiries to the Administration and the prosecutor's office, for example, about how lawful such actions could be in such and such a place... as well as complaints. Obviously, this is illegal, however, once the inspections begin, employees of institutions will commit illegal actions much less frequently.

2. A neurologist suggested that my child (2.5 years old) undergo a disability commission. We have hallux valgus, a risk group for cerebral palsy. The probability of getting a disability is about 80%, according to the doctor. But the baby has every chance of becoming a healthy, happy toddler in a couple of years. The question is this: I heard that a mark on childhood disability serves as a reason for 100% refusal when applying for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc. Security forces, cadet corps, gives a complete deferment from the army... For my family this is a very important point. Is this true? Is it possible to avoid problems in the future after the disability is lifted?

Lawyer E. B. Nacharkina, 22 replies, 8 reviews, online since 10/11/2019
2.1. If you have cerebral palsy you will not be allowed into strong structure, because This diagnosis is written on the card. It is up to you to decide whether to register a disability or not.

3. The child was denied disability 2 times, the first time at the local medical center, the 2nd time at the main bureau, citing that they received little treatment, the child has several diagnoses and at 3 years old he has no self-care skills, we have a different form of cerebral palsy due to cerebral gliosis. We need rehabilitation, which is provided free of charge for disability, otherwise it’s all paid and expensive, I was fired from my job because I have to sit with the child and go with him to the compensation kindergarten. My husband’s salary is only enough for food and accommodation, since we are a low-income family. What remains is to write a complaint to the federal bureau in Moscow? And how to write a complaint to the Ministry of Social Protection?

Lawyer Grudkin B.V., 9819 answers, 4132 reviews, on the site from 05/12/2010
3.1. Yes, in your case you should file a complaint with the ITU Federal Bureau. The complaint should emphasize that, due to his actual condition due to the disease, the child has serious limitations in his life and objectively needs various types rehabilitation.
They treated little - they treated a lot, and who exactly is to blame for this - these are not issues that the ITU should take into account when establishing disability.

4. This situation has developed. The child is disabled with cerebral palsy and cannot walk. Registered in the Tyumen region. where are the parents. He receives a disability pension there. But he lives in the Krasnodar region. G. Yeisk with his grandmother and aunt. Studying at a boarding school (at homeschooling) the policy is linked to temporary registration. The IPR took place in Yeisk. Until today, the FSS in Yeysk received referrals to technical services for rehabilitation. Now they are talking. Either you receive everything there or register here. What should we do? So that the child lives in Yeisk for now, but can also receive those aids.

Lawyer Kalashnikov V.V., 188682 answers, 61692 reviews, on the site from 09/20/2013
4.1. They say it right. The place of registration must correspond to the place of residence. Because According to this principle, assistance is provided in the prescribed manner.
Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ (as amended on July 18, 2019) “On social protection disabled people in Russian Federation", Art. 17

Lawyer Shishkin V.M., 62653 answers, 25534 reviews, on the site from 02/11/2013
4.2. That's right. You need to register your child in Yeysk. Then there will be no problems

Assistance is provided at the place of registration.
Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ (as amended on July 18, 2019) “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”, Art. 17.

Lawyer Lugacheva E.N., 511 answers, 329 reviews, on the site from 09/25/2019
4.3. Good afternoon.
According to Art. 11.1. Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ (as amended on July 18, 2019) “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”
Technical means of rehabilitation are provided to disabled people at their place of residence by authorized bodies in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as other interested organizations.

Lawyer Karavaitseva E.A., 57885 answers, 27457 reviews, on the site since 03/01/2012
4.4. The child has the right to those. rehabilitation means at the place of temporary registration (at the place of stay). You need to confirm the fact that you do not receive the required benefits at your permanent place of residence. To do this, you need to provide the relevant social security authority at the place of temporary registration with a certificate from settlement, where permanent registration is registered. Social security authorities can make a request to their own department in another city if you know the name and exact address of the relevant service, so it is not necessary to go independently to get a certificate.

Article 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation prohibits restriction of the rights of citizens, including on the basis of place of residence.

Lawyer Ikaeva M.N., 14665 answers, 6712 reviews, on the site since 03/17/2011
4.5. Hello Valentina

You do not have the right to refuse to further receive those funds for rehabilitation, the requirement for re-registration is illegal, this is indicated in the order of social protection of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2019 N 43 n. 4, you have the right to receive everything necessary for a disabled child according to your choice

In case of violations, contact the Prosecutor's Office with a complaint.

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2019 N 43 n "On amendments to some orders of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation on the appointment and payment of pensions"

1. In the Rules for applying for an insurance pension, a fixed payment to an insurance pension, taking into account the increase in the fixed payment to an insurance pension, a funded pension, including employers, and a pension for state pension provision, their assignment, establishment, recalculation, adjustment of their size, in including persons who do not have a permanent place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation, conducting checks of documents necessary to establish them, transferring from one type of pension to another in accordance with the federal laws “On insurance pensions”, “On funded pensions” and “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2014 N 884 n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 31, 2014, registration N 35498), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Labor and social protection of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2016 N 290 n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 4, 2016, registration N 42730) and dated February 13, 2018 N 94 n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 14, 2018 , registration N 51077):

A) in paragraph 4:

In paragraph one, replace the words “at your place of residence” with the words “at your own choice”;

In paragraph three, replace the words “points 5-7, 9, 11, 12, 15” with the words “points 9 and 12”;

Add the following paragraph:

"Citizens living in the Far North and equivalent areas, in order to establish an increase in the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension, a fixed payment to the disability insurance pension, a fixed payment to the survivor's insurance pension, as well as an additional increase in increases in the fixed payments to the specified insurance pensions provided for by parts 9 and 10 of Article 17 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", citizens living in rural areas, in order to establish an increase in the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension, an increase in the fixed payment to the disability insurance pension provided for Part 14 of Article 17 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", citizens living in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, in areas with severe climatic conditions, requiring additional material and physiological costs for citizens living there, in order to increase the size of the state pension in connection with residence in the specified areas (localities) in the cases provided for in paragraph 5 of Article 15, paragraph 3 of Article 16, paragraph 4 of Article 17, paragraph 7 of Article 17.1, paragraph 5 of Article 17.2, paragraph 2 of Article 18 of the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation", an application for a pension is submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence (stay, actual residence) in the specified areas (localities) ).";

Lawyer Ligostaeva A.V., 237177 answers, 74620 reviews, on the site since November 26, 2008
4.6. --- Hello dear site visitor! This option will not work. According to the law of the Krasnodar Territory, a disabled person must be registered in the Krasnodar Territory, and not otherwise! Disabled people have the right to rehabilitation - to receive medical care aimed at full or partial restoration of health or social and everyday skills (Chapter 3 of the Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” No. 181). Also, disabled people can receive the necessary technical equipment: crutches, wheelchairs, hearing aids, etc. (government order No. 2347-r).
--- And this is where the discrepancy between the laws begins, namely, you need to contact the SME at the place where the disability group was established, at the place of permanent residence of the disabled person, to receive a wheelchair!
Required documents
Birth certificate (passport)
Documents proving the identity and powers of the parent or legal representative (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee)
ITU Conclusion
SNILS of the child and parent or legal representative
The Pension Fund may request other documents if those provided are not sufficient to confirm the status. You are given 3 months to provide the missing documents.

Documents are submitted by parents or other legal representatives.
Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

The following circumstances may be taken into account: for example, the defendant moved to a lower paid job; got married and has a dependent spouse from his second marriage; took out a mortgage, etc.

29. Married, 2 children - 14 and 7 years old, the youngest is disabled - cerebral palsy. My husband has had another woman for 5 years now, he won’t go to her, her husband is sick. I don't agree to divorce. I want to apply at least for alimony, but I think that he will not provide me with a salary certificate. He works as a security guard, his salary is in an envelope. What can I do, what do I have the right to do in this situation?

Lawyer Kolkovsky Yu.V., 100,710 answers, 46,996 reviews, on the site from 07/05/2015
29.1. You have the right to a fixed sum of money in the amount of the subsistence minimum for each child.

30. My son has been disabled since childhood; he has cerebral palsy. Is it possible for us to undergo re-examination of disability into the adult category in absentia? We are just undergoing treatment in France.

Lawyer Sukhanov M.A., 3261 answers, 2057 reviews, on the site since 03/20/2017
30.1. Firstly, the examination can take place according to documents in the absence of the person being examined. But you may have problems due to the inability to control the progress of the examination and in the event negative result(refusal to establish disability) is more difficult to challenge, because They themselves refused to attend and, as a result, the experts might not have found out something important.
Secondly, if there is evidence (not just words) of a good reason for the inability to undergo re-examination on time, you have the right to present this evidence to the ITU Bureau, ask to undergo re-examination, in which experts can recognize the reasons for missing the deadline as valid and establish disability for the past with more an early date (when it was necessary to undergo the examination, and not when it was actually completed).
But we must take into account that experts have no obligation to recognize the reason for missing a deadline as valid. They may find her disrespectful.

The “Accessible Environment” program developed by the state for people with disabilities should not be ignored, but, on the contrary, is intended to rationalize the mechanism for passing the MSE (medical and social examination).

Although the main goal of the program is to provide citizens with limited mobility with unhindered access to necessary facilities and services, the difficulties of obtaining social benefits should not be forgotten. Quite often you can hear from parents of children suffering from cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy) how much agony they have to endure while they get through all the specialists.

How much effort will be required to collect and bring a sick child to the clinic, stand in all the queues with him, and then watch and worry in the office how his condition will be assessed by doctors. And it’s good if the child can move independently and does not need to be carried around all floors...

For information in a wheelchair

Unfortunately, probably only in Moscow there is a hospital where everything is equipped to carry out medical examinations for disabled children. The offices of the necessary specialists are located here, as well as a room intended for performing medical examinations.

Therefore, a mother with a sick baby manages to undergo this difficult procedure relatively painlessly. And immediately bewilderment arises, why has this not yet become the norm in all cities of the country? What is needed to organize such an institution on the basis of a district hospital or clinic?

However, parents of children with cerebral palsy have to face the painful reality every year when the time comes to undergo MSA. After all, they first need to visit a pediatrician, neurologist, orthopedist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, ENT specialist, and they need to make an appointment with each in advance.

The situation becomes much more complicated when specialists are located in different clinics, which is why it is simply unrealistic to see everyone in one day. If the child cannot walk independently, then the mother carries him in her arms to the offices and asks the patients waiting for their appointment to let her skip the line.

Of course, she has every right to go first, but not all people are able to understand her situation and react calmly. Often, an already unhappy woman has to listen to streams of negativity and rudeness, which adds even more negative emotions to her life.

After the doctors examine the sick child and write their conclusion, you need to go to the head of the children's clinic, who should make a note based on the results obtained. Then you will need to stand in a long line of people with disabilities in the area at the clinic for adults in order to have the collected documents verified.

A mother can come here without a child, but if there is no one to leave a disabled child with, then this will become the next difficulty for her. Then the package of signed papers will need to be taken to the document collection point for ITU, which will become another obstacle for parents.

Disability and benefits

On the one hand, registration of disability is a very important action for a family raising a child with cerebral palsy, because it is an opportunity to receive a pension and certain benefits. But on the other hand, the insignificant social benefit that is paid to children with a similar disease does not cover even a small part of the costs, especially considering that one of the parents, as a rule, cannot afford to work.

The purchase of high-quality wheelchair equipment is made by parents exclusively at their own expense.

Not everything is going smoothly with benefits either. If formerly family could purchase the required technical or rehabilitation equipment (wheelchairs, corsets, crutches, orthoses, splints), and then the state compensated for these expenses, then in 2011 this law ceased to apply.

As a result, parents are left to either take what is offered by the state free of charge, purchased through a tender, that is, cheap and low-quality, or purchase high-quality, but expensive and at their own expense.

In this case, compensation will be only partial, approximately a third of the amount spent.

Registered disability allows free treatment in sanatoriums and rehabilitation centers, but here, too, relatives face another disappointment due to disagreements between laws and reality.

It has long been recognized throughout the world that best time for the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy - up to three years, but disability is very difficult to register before this age, and most centers refuse to accept children who do not have this status.

Getting an education

Of all the socially significant facilities indicated in the “accessible environment” program for young disabled people with cerebral palsy, the most important is a children’s educational institution. But at the same time, there are neither specialized kindergartens nor groups in ordinary kindergartens for children with moderate and severe forms of cerebral palsy.

The time comes for such a child to go to school, and parents once again find themselves in a situation where the rights of a disabled person must be defended through many conflicts. A real nightmare for families with a disabled child becomes the PMPK or the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

According to the adopted law, its decision is solely advisory in nature, and the type of training program chosen depends only on it. For example, children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system are trained according to the 6th type program, the 7th type is correctional and the 8th is auxiliary, according to which children with disabilities are trained. mental retardation.

Parents by law have the right to choose a form of education for their child (school, family or home-based), as well as a school, but almost everywhere they are denied this. The refusal is most often justified by the decision of the PMPC, that is, if it states that a type 8 program is required, then educational institution The 6th type will not take a small disabled person.

Of course, before passing the PMPK, not only the parents, but also the baby are worried, because this decision completely determines what kind of education he will receive in the near future and how he will complete it further development. And as you know, anxiety is a bad helper in any tests and inspections.

The right type of education for children with cerebral palsy allows the child to achieve maximum results

Modern approach

There is at least one good thing - that not everyone remains indifferent to the grief of others. New forms of socialization of children with cerebral palsy are gradually being introduced. IN Lately There is a lot of talk about inclusive education, thanks to which the majority of children with this disease will be able to attend kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions on an equal basis with healthy people.

Of course, some people speak negatively about this approach, since it seems to them that, being in the classroom during a lesson, a disabled child will slow down the learning process, demanding most teacher's attention.

Fortunately, not everyone thinks this way, and for the second year now, an experimental inclusion class has been successfully operating in school No. 8 in the city of Zheleznodorozhny, located in the Moscow region.

The amenities and activities of the class, which has 20 students, two of whom have a severe form of the disease, are provided by the Our Children charity foundation. But I want to believe that the time will come, and inclusive education will firmly become part of modern schools, and the state will take care of its compliance with the standards for sick children.

We are glad to welcome regular and new visitors to our portal. In the current material we will discuss the question of whether disability is given for cerebral palsy and whether it is always possible to get at least the third group. We will tell you what gives a child a special status, what benefits a person with disabilities and his parents receive with him.

Cerebral palsy manifests itself from childhood; the sick child needs outside help and support from an adult. Assigned disability implies some concessions. It is important for the applicant and his representatives to know their rights in order to protect them if necessary. To do this, you should study the reasons and the order itself.

General concepts

Which group is determined for cerebral palsy?

Which disability group will be assigned to a child with a disability when he reaches the age of 18 will depend on the degree of his disability. With minimal deviations, a person can successfully attend a group, get a job in simple jobs, and take care of himself in everyday life. At ITU, certain criteria and factors are assessed.

First group

It is prescribed to persons who are unable to care for themselves independently. We are talking about eating, changing clothes, going to the toilet, walking and other household needs. The patient's ability to communicate with people around him and to navigate in space is impaired. Requires outside care and control.

Cerebral palsy groups

Cerebral palsy is traditionally divided into three main groups.

The first group is true cerebral palsy. This is the most complex form of the disease, which is characterized by the presence of hereditary factors and genetic disorders in the embryonic development of the fetus.

A fetus with such lesions is underdeveloped, its cerebral convolutions are weakly expressed, the cerebral cortex is also underdeveloped, and there is no clear differentiation of the gray and white matter of the brain. At the time of birth, such a fetus turns out to be intellectually and biologically defective; it has a number of other quite serious anatomical and functional lesions of the brain.

There are several reasons for the development of primary infantile paralysis, these include genetic disorders and the impact of various unfavorable factors on the fetal brain. In most of these cases, the severity of brain damage is incompatible with life. If such a child can be saved, it is impossible to restore the normal functioning of his brain and spinal cord. According to official statistics, children with such a severe diagnosis account for no more than 10% of the total number of patients with cerebral palsy.

The second group of cerebral palsy. This group includes cases of acquired true cerebral palsy. There are also several reasons for the development of this serious disease:

Heavy birth injuries with hemorrhage in the brain;
- the traumatic effect of toxic substances on the fetal brain, including the effect of anesthesia;
- severe infectious brain damage in late pregnancy or during childbirth.

All these conditions can have a traumatic effect on brain cells, cause their death and form a severe picture of the disease.

Main hallmark Cerebral palsy of the second type from the first group is the absence of a hereditary nature of the lesion. With active rehabilitation therapy, such patients can be more or less adapted to life in society, so that in adult life they can take care of themselves independently and move independently. Statistics show that the number of patients with this form of cerebral palsy also does not exceed 10%.

The third group of the disease is non-acquired, non-true cerebral palsy. In most cases, this disease can be considered a secondary cerebral palsy syndrome. This group is the most numerous - about 80% of patients suffer from this particular form of cerebral palsy. Such children at the time of birth have a fully formed, intellectually and biologically complete brain. The cause of various dysfunctions in the functioning of parts of the brain is birth trauma, which leads to disruption of individual functions.

The main difference between these children and the first two groups is that they retain their intelligence and have good opportunities to restore impaired functions. The main reasons for the development of cerebral palsy of the third group are oxygen starvation fetal brain during perinatal development, exposure to toxic substances or improper delivery techniques.

More information about the disease and its treatment

Causes of cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy groups
Forms of cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy statistics
Exercise therapy for cerebral palsy
Symptoms and signs of cerebral palsy in children
Treatment methods for cerebral palsy
Rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy
Features of development of children with cerebral palsy
Mental development of children with cerebral palsy
Speech development of children with cerebral palsy
Mental development of children with cerebral palsy
Physical development of children with cerebral palsy
Massage for cerebral palsy
Exercises for children with cerebral palsy
Treatment of cerebral palsy in China
Treatment of cerebral palsy in Israel
Treatment of cerebral palsy in Hungary
Treatment of cerebral palsy in Germany
Treatment of cerebral palsy in the Czech Republic

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