Tree horoscope by date. Which tree did you fall from based on your date of birth? Description of the signs in the Druid horoscope

Druids were priests among the Celtic tribes that inhabited Gaul, Ireland, and Brittany. According to their pagan beliefs, man was created by the gods from trees, which means that each person (like a tree) has some features and characteristics unique to him, each requiring certain living conditions.

The Druid horoscope not only determines a person’s destiny and helps to recognize his character. With its help you can adjust your life. To change it for the better, “communicate” with your tree more often. If you plant a patron tree near your house or acquire crafts from its wood, happiness will soon knock on your door. The tree has the greatest power on your birthday and during the active periods of the sign.

The Druids attached very important importance to the winter and summer opposition of the Sun, the spring and summer equinox. On these days, solemn processions were organized and white bulls were sacrificed. In general, the position of the Sun relative to the Earth serves as the basis of their horoscope. In accordance with it, the fate of a person, his future, character and abilities depend on the distance of the Sun from the Earth on the day of his birth. Therefore, each sign has two periods of validity.

Druid horoscope by trees

This horoscope divides the whole year into 40 segments and 22 different signs. Moreover, only four of them are single. A single sign is one that includes one day each: the spring and autumn equinox, as well as the winter and summer solstice. The remaining 36 parts of the year are divided into pairs. Each pair corresponds to one sign with the name of the tree.

Sign according to the Druid Horoscope

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Month January February March April May June July August September October November December

One of the most sexy and attractive, magnetic signs of the horoscope of the Druid trees. Natural and incredibly sincere, devoid of selfishness and even the slightest skills of pretense, the Apple Tree is often used by others. She is able to give her last shirt and penny to someone who needs it without a doubt, and never regrets it. The ward of the Druid tree, the Apple tree, lives for today, without thinking about tomorrow, constantly thinking about something. Friends sometimes call such people philosophers of everyday life. They know how to explain and tell everything that happens to them simply and at the same time interestingly, putting it in the form of a philosophical fairy tale. As the Celtic horoscope suggests, Apple Trees are often homebodies, especially at those stages of life when family is most important to them. Then they especially value an orderly, comfortable life.


Fir is the owner of a strict and cool beauty, sometimes as if rickety. These traits apply more to Pikh women than to men. They have their own carefully designed, original style. The wards of the Fir druid tree are very cultured and behave intelligently in society. Their self-esteem deserves attention and respect. As the Druid calendar assures, people of the Fir sign love works of art and ancient jewelry. They have a weakness for sweet perfumes, old houses, opera and theater. As a rule, they are quite capricious, difficult to live together, withdrawn into themselves, and often melancholic. They like to be alone. In fact, a feeling of misunderstanding accompanies Fir people almost constantly, regardless of whether they are actually alone or surrounded by a whole crowd of people.


People born during this period feel great in this life. Intelligence, practicality, intelligence and common sense help them in this. Although, it must be said, beauty plays an important role. The elm is beautiful, very slender, solid. He is endowed with a certain charisma, but, unlike Walnut or Maple, he does not care at all about his image, constantly wears stretched sweaters and jeans, even after 40. As the Druid horoscope assures, he does not have exorbitant ambitions and demands, he does not make a fool of himself elephant, does not like difficulties. The surroundings surprise you with their calm and balance. This wood sign also has a highly developed sense of humor, which saves you from life's disappointments.


Cypress is a tree with a strong, slender and straight silhouette. Such people are built exceptionally harmoniously, they have extremely regular facial features. They are mature, independent, self-reliant and self-sufficient. This allows them to avoid problems, uncomfortable situations that are too difficult for people striving for happiness, peace and harmony. Their stoic calmness is associated with a reluctance to create their own destiny and fight negative circumstances. According to the Celtic horoscope, the wards of the Cypress Druid tree are quite satisfied with the position of fatalists who are confident that even without their body movements “everything is written in heaven.” They live in their calm and simple rhythm, and for them making decisions that threaten to turn their lifestyle 180 degrees is a big risk (but also a great discovery).


The Celts greatly appreciated the attractiveness of Poplars, but, drawing a parallel with Birch and Linden, they argued that representatives of this sign cannot enjoy everyday joys and do not appreciate the beauty of life. These very slender, graceful and beautiful people begin to create problems for themselves from an early age. They are obsessed with the idea of ​​the frailty of life and constantly experience the feeling (even at 30 years old) that their time has already passed irrevocably. Needless to say, their souls are filled with various vain fears! A pessimistic mood is a feature of Poplar. As the Druid horoscope warns, you should behave very, very carefully with Poplars. Because they take even the simplest jokes painfully personally.


All cedar dreams of is convenience, but it adapts quickly to any situation. This tree symbol is always very confident and dynamic, spinning in the center of everyone's attention. He is able to take anyone by surprise and can get out of any situation. crisis situation. Cedar is suggestible, so it can easily become a weapon in the wrong hands. When she finds something she loves, she devotes herself entirely to it, with persistence and trepidation. As a rule, the life of such people is very diverse, and the soul is intelligent, receptive, sensitive and sentimental. He has a developed sense of humor and is a great joker, but, for the most part, his witticisms are dedicated to himself. He is ready to do everything to attract attention, to shine in the company, to surprise people.


Pine is a pronounced rationalist. Her need is very great for all her views, decisions and even feelings to be rational. This approach has its advantages, but an excess of common sense is sometimes expressed in overly conservative, cool, and sometimes soulless manifestations. An overly analytical mindset often becomes a flaw that interferes with development and happiness. The horoscope warns that the wards of the Pine druid tree antagonize their surroundings with their excessive practicality or poorly hidden misanthropy. At the same time, it should be recognized that most Pines do an excellent job of working on themselves, but this requires appropriate motivation, inspiration and suitable conditions. Perhaps that is why her only weakness is love.


Full of illusions and chimeras, sometimes surprising even herself, Iva amazes her friends by persistently asserting that she is the type of loner who loves vast empty spaces and does not feel comfortable in an overly crowded circle. After all, those who know her better know that first she will say this, and then plunge into the whirlpool for a long time public life. And he will remain there until he falls into melancholy and withdraws into his loneliness. If the Druid tree is Willow, then it seems that her ward is completely unable to control her changing mood. In her capriciousness, she is, however, not noisy and does not particularly disturb anyone. Willow Man claims that he doesn’t like to complicate his life, but that’s exactly what he often does.


A symbol of comfort and a stable way of life. Charming, spreading a wonderful aroma around her, Lipa has always been a female deity, personifying motherhood. Women born under this sign of the Druid tree horoscope are under her protection. They are healthy, live without much stress, are balanced, and become wonderful mothers. Linden trees love stability and comfort, but if the need arises, they will feel great even in a hut, where a developed imagination will help them create a homely atmosphere. If the Druid tree is Linden, according to the horoscope this is a quiet, calm, slightly timid person who may give the impression of being a little weak-willed. Another characteristic of those born during this period is the sympathy they arouse for themselves and their greed for flattery.


The fruits of the hazel tree were used in many rituals as a symbol of fertility. It was also believed that its branches had magical powers. The hazel tree is inconspicuous, as if bent down by the weight of its fruits - this is exactly the impression it makes at first sight. However, at the same time, he has some amazing magical charm that attracts others like a magnet. This tree may seem weak and inconspicuous at first glance, but in fact it is charming and exudes originality of mind. Hazel, one of the few who is able to be content with little, and also adapt to any living conditions, and at the same time is kind, wise and patient, restrained and modest, but always noticeable. With such a tree person, compatibility is a difficult issue to resolve, since his sophisticated anger often becomes a stumbling block.


Don’t let her gentle appearance, light gait and incredible charm deceive you. Stress resistance, courage - this is the huge potential of the Rowan man. You can't even imagine how much self-control and willpower is behind her eternal cheerful smile and optimistic behavior! Laughter through tears is her thing. The wards of the Rowan Druid tree value the dynamism of life: restlessness, movement, emotional storms. Representatives of this sign of the Celtic horoscope have excellent taste, know how to emphasize their advantages, dress well, and always perfectly complement their appearance with accessories. These are very sensitive, decent, loving, honest people who you can always count on and rely on.


The tree is not very impressive in height, but it wants to stand out from others at any cost, to emphasize its own exclusivity and uniqueness. Dressed in clothes from leading designers, well-groomed, a little flirtatious, the Maple man often lives in fashionable clubs and restaurants, at the most interesting theater premieres and high-profile film screenings. At the same time, there is no special posturing: Maple knows perfectly well who he is, and does not want to pretend to be someone else, even if it would benefit him. Well, maybe just for fun - then yes, of course! If the patronizing tree of the Druids is Maple, then her ward is a pronounced individualist. Shy and shy by nature, he remains this way only in his personal life. He always has a lot of ideas, sometimes unusual and even extravagant. He loves new items and surprises. He is an avid avant-garde artist in any field.


Nature has endowed Nut with a strange, complex and full of contrasts character. He gives the impression of a calm, balanced, self-controlled person who is in control of circumstances. However, if someone had the opportunity to look into the soul, they would find many doubts and contradictions there. If the Druid tree is a Nut, its ward is an egoist, often ruthless and aggressive, but at the same time fair and noble. Naturalness is not his virtue. He works to “present” himself in the most at its best. In addition to giving the impression of being a well-to-do person, Walnut cares about refined style and manners. In fact, this may be due to simple shyness.


Noisy, full of thirst for life and communication, free, perfectly mastering the difficult art of communication, Jasmine often becomes an object of general interest, although very rarely she consciously strives for this herself. People who know him superficially perceive him as balanced, cheerful, not burdened with problems, and expect a great mood from communicating with him, bringing variety. There are few who know Jasmine as a friend and know him better. This is the only way to understand what such a person is like. Only his friends know how sensitive he really is, how often doubts and disappointments settle in his soul. It turns out that he is a disguised pessimist, often dissatisfied with himself and the world around him.


Well-tailored and personable, Kashtan gives the impression of a man who does not seem to understand that with these qualities he attracts the attention of others. Upon closer inspection, it becomes even more attractive. Only now can one see how original and unusual its beauty is. Meanwhile, if the patronizing tree of the Druids is chestnut, then its ward is a very complex type from a psychological point of view. An independent individualist who surprises people with his controversial behavior, judgments and ideas. But he wants everything to be good, never knowingly harms anyone, does no evil, and has very idealistic views on justice, morality and love. But idealists, as you know, always have a very difficult life.


Strong, beautiful tree. It attracts the eye with its strength, but at the same time with its proportionally folded silhouette, freedom and elegance of movements. The ward of the Druid tree, Ash, surprises even members of its own sex. His charm seems to be universal also because this man can fit into the canons of beauty of different eras, including those far removed from each other. Ash trees were liked, liked and will probably always be liked by others. It must be admitted that the most interesting representatives of this sign of the Druid tree horoscope are Ash men. However, in order not to fall into excessive idealization, you need to immediately dot all the i's: Ash is the owner of a very complex character, and living with him is not easy. He wants to be the center of attention of his loved ones at any cost. He is very independent by nature, but requires complete dedication from his other half and friends. The most important person in his life is himself.


The Hornbeam Man is an esthete who is interested in the form rather than the content of phenomena. He practices the same approach towards people, especially towards representatives of the opposite sex. Surely you have noticed that when you talk to Grab, he does not even try to pretend that he is interested in your conversations. At the same time, his gaze may glide over your outfit or remain focused on your shoes. This is the ward of the druid tree Hornbeam: in the people he meets on his way, he is most interested in external beauty. Perhaps because spiritually and intellectually he is interested, first of all, in “polishing” his own perfection.


Extremely impressionable, sensitive, possessing a subtle psyche, a little complex, the Fig man does not feel like himself everywhere. A touchy realist is quite lenient towards others, and is forced to struggle with laziness all his life. As the Celtic horoscope assures, he needs space, a warm, favorable atmosphere. In unpleasant conditions, it weakens and dries up, and is not particularly resistant to adversity. But in good conditions literally radiates warmth and kindness. He flourishes when people show interest in him, give him warmth, and respond in kind - with kindness and the ability to listen.


Proud, brave, resilient, persistent... A true ideal! However, Oak also has some “human” traits. This person does not accept compromises, it is difficult to argue with him. He is characterized by a pronounced sage complex. Another thing is that in most cases he actually turns out to be right! The ward of the oak tree, according to the Druid horoscope, is quite independent and does not recognize pressure in any form. In extreme situations, when someone tries to influence him, he turns aggressive, but never becomes vulgar and does not give up his innate sense of taste.


Birch is the most original and spectacular of trees, extremely thin, delicate and elegant. People of this sign in the Druid calendar are the same. Around themselves they spread an aura of calm, complacency and “radiant” happiness. This is a very harmonious personality. The Birch Man does not create problems in everyday life together; he is very good, friendly, and has sympathy for others, animals, and the whole world. Such people are completely devoid of aggression, envy and jealousy. They are very practical, attentive and tolerant, they never impose their tastes and preferences on anyone, and they do not try to force their relatives and friends to do anything. They are usually quite pleased with themselves, although it is difficult to call them self-loving egoists. Their position is quite logical: they love life, people, the whole world - and therefore themselves as part of it.


Not too noticeable, sometimes on the verge of beauty and ugliness, the Druid Olive tree bears fruits with a refined and tart taste. Both the plant and the person love the sun and bloom beautifully in the warmth. By its nature, Olive is full of common sense and prudence. Avoids any aggressive situations, does not like harshness. Both in her personal and professional life she is very restrained, patient, sensitive, and incredibly far from indifference. He worries about the affairs of his loved ones very deeply. Her behavior is understandable, and her character is calm. She has a very strong sense of justice and responsibility for her own behavior. This is a “freelance psychoanalyst” for his family and friends. She tries to understand the situations in which they are confused. It would be good if this person could use his similar skills and open a small psychological support office.


Slender, with beautiful article Druid tree Beech lives to a ripe old age, while retaining many of the qualities inherent in it in its youth. Those born under this sign are guaranteed longevity without loss of flexibility and dexterity. Until old age their companions are good mood and coquetry. As the Druid horoscope warns, the Beech man is a rather complex type. On the one hand, he is vain, very concerned about the impeccability of his image, thrifty to the point of greed, sometimes critical to the point of anger, and does not hide his (often controversial) opinion on various issues. On the other hand, Buk is generally friendly towards people, is an excellent organizer, an interesting conversationalist and the soul of the company.

Druid horoscope compatibility

Druids have always been inclined to combine opposites. This was a deliberate system of casting horoscopes. They understood perfectly well that harmony is the unity of two opposites (the so widely used Yin-Yang). Only together are such people capable of psychological and, most importantly, energetic unity.

The Druid horoscope represents compatibility in accordance with one's interests. At the time when their tribes lived, humanity needed not only to survive, but also to increase in number. That is why it was necessary to give preference not to the similarity of characters, but to the similarity of energy. Such compatibility was more relevant for that time.

It is believed that in an energetically intact couple many children are born, that family members live longer and get sick less. But this does not make the Druid horoscope simple. Not all signs will be able to get along with their copies. Preference is still given to people from the opposite segment of the horoscope and season of the year. As a rule, summer trees choose winter trees, and autumn trees prefer spring trees.

The ancient horoscope of the Druids gives compatibility to trees in single signs. For example, someone born on the vernal equinox may choose as a mate a person born on the autumn equinox. The winter solstice sign is suitable as an energy pair for the summer solstice sign.

You can calculate the horoscope of sign compatibility yourself. First of all, you need to find your own sign. For example, take the hazel sign. If the sign is counted third from it, then it fits. That is, linden, cedar, and so on are perfect for hazel. The exception is the 9th sign, that is, cedar in our case. The 9th sign has conflicting compatibility. For other signs it is very low. People don't feel interested in each other.

Single signs can start a family with anyone. It is believed that it is much easier for them to find a partner, even without using a compatibility horoscope by date of birth. These are the features of compatibility in accordance with the ancient Druid horoscope. Anyone who wants to create a strong family can use it.


According to the Druids, every person has his own totem - an animal. A person born under the sign of a particular animal is given their character traits accordingly. Although this calendar is less known than the Celtic tree calendar, it is also quite interesting.

December 24 - January 20.
Gaelic name: Damh
Patron planet: Sun.
Stone: Rhinestone
Key words: independence, greatness, honesty, pride
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Snake and Salmon people. Good relationships with the Seal, Otter and Goose people.
People who are patronized by deer are very sensitive to the world around them,
subtly feel its beauty and balance. They are good friends and love company and traveling with friends.

January 21 – February 17
Gaelic name: Corr
Ruler Planet: Uranus
Key words: intuition, originality, patience
Stone: olivine
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Bee and Swan people. Good relations with the Bear, Owl and Cat people.
Those under the protection of the crane have a sharp mind, extensive knowledge, which
know how to apply it in practice. They have an optimistic view of the world and are open to everything new and unknown. They love to improve both spiritually and physically, and strive for the harmonious development of their personality. Crane people are unusually intelligent people with special skills and talents, as well as bright prospects in life. Sensitivity to another world, magic, penchant for travel

February 18 – March 17
Gaelic name: Ron
Key words: spirituality, tact, hypersensitivity
Stone: coral
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Otter and Goose people. Good relationships with Salmon, Deer and Snake people
Those born during the seal are able to empathize with others. They are eager to help
others, change the world in better side. Romantics and dreamers, artistic and emotional. Strength Their nature is to quickly adapt to any changing conditions of existence.

March 18-April 14.
Gaelic name: Art/Airch
Ruler Planet: Mars
Key words: achievements, strength, instinct.
Stone: ruby
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Cat and Owl people. Good relationships with Crane, Bee and Swan people.
Bear people feel a strong connection to their family. Filled with courage
and looking for adventure. Physically strong, extroverts. Bear people hold on to family very tightly. Relatives mean a lot to them; blood relationships are of great value. They are usually quite strong physically and love to play some kind of sport. They are characterized by courage and nobility. Somewhat simple and unsophisticated. Protection, travel and sensitivity to another world.

April 15 – May 12
Gaelic name: Nathair
Ruling Planet: Moon
Key words: transformation, healing, life energy.
Stone: moonstone
Compatibility: Harmonious relationships with Deer and Salmon people. Good relationship with Otter and Goose people.
Unique ingenuity. Love for your family. Excellent memory. A penchant for healing, magic, transformation.

May 13 – June 9
Gaelic name: Beech
Patron planet: Vulcan (I don’t understand what kind of planet it is)
Key words: organization, community, analytical mind
Stone: topaz
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Crane and Swan people. Good relations with the Bear, Cat and Owl people.
Charm, generation of new ideas. Liveliness, spontaneity, sociability.
Influence, inclusion in the life of society. Creative potential. They often become good leaders, ideologists of new ideas

June 10 – July 7
Gaelic name: Dobhran
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Key words: family, benefit, intuition
Stone: diamond
Compatibility: Harmonious relationships with Goose and Seal people. Good relationships with Salmon, Snake and Deer people.
People under the protection of the otter are characterized by optimism and a positive attitude. They are cosmopolitan, with a broad outlook. They adapt well to circumstances, love change, travel, and a change of scenery. broad horizons and breadth of vision. Optimism, personal magnetism. Protection, transformation, travel.

July 8 – August 4
Gaelic name: Kati/Ka-Chi
Guardian Planet: Earth
Key words: creativity, sensitivity, nobility
Stone: red carnelian
Compatibility: Harmonious relationships with Owl and Bear people. Good relationships with Crane, Bee and Swan people.
Those born under the auspices of a cat have crystal honesty, reliability,
devotion. They are very caring, family comes first for them. They are hardworking and creative, have the ability to change the world, bring new things. They have their own scale of values.

August 5 – September 1
Gaelic name: Bradan
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Key words: wisdom, inspiration, rejuvenation
Stone: amethyst
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Snake and Deer people. Good relationships with Otter, Seal and Goose people.
People under the patronage of salmon are observant, insightful,
sociable. They often achieve a lot in their careers, They know when to be tough. knowledge in the fields of art and science. They have a penetrating mind and powers of observation. Initiation, transformation, connection with the fairy world.

September 2 – September 29
Gaelic name: Ila (Eala/Ellah.)
Ruling Planet: Venus
Key words: beauty, love and soul.
Stone: emerald
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Crane and Bee people. Good relationships with Owl, Cat and Bear people.
The swan gives people born in its time calmness and an easy attitude towards
life, skill in love. They have high creative potential and high socialization. Calmness and serenity with high sensitivity.

September 30 – October 27
Gaelic name: Geadh
Ruling Planet: Moon
Key words: camouflage, leadership, vigilance, endurance
Stone: opal
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Seal and Otter people. Good relationships with Snake, Deer and Salmon people.
Those born under the auspices of the goose are generous, kind and caring. Possess
developed intelligence and sense of humor. Creative professions are very suitable for them, in which they achieve high results. generosity, concern for safety. Powerful intellect, wit. Artistry. Protection, abundance and creativity

October 28 – November 24
Gaelic name: Cailleach-oidhche
Ruling Planet: Pluto
Key words: wisdom, change, impartiality.
Stone: jasper
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Cat and Bear people. Good relationships with Bee, Swan and Crane people
The owl gives those born in its time tranquility and personal magnetism that fascinates people. These people are very passionate and sensual. Emotional, give in to impulses. Initiation, sensitivity to another world, magic.

November 25 – December 23
Gaelic name: Bran
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Stone: lapis lazuli
Compatibility: harmonious relationships with Seal and Salmon people. Good relationships with Crane, Snake and Cat people.
People born under the auspices of the raven have a calm character.
They are hardworking and finish what they start. They have a resourceful mind, they know how to turn any situation to their advantage. They have a sober outlook on life, the ability to survive in a losing fight. Discipline and patience.
Transformation, sensitivity to another world, contact with the fairy world.

...if you are a fan of all kinds of horoscopes, then you have definitely heard about the Druid horoscope at some point. The latter is a special way of predicting the character and characteristics of a person using trees. What are the features of this horoscope and how to correctly interpret the information received from it? Let's talk further.

Tree Druid Horoscope

The Druid horoscope is a reflection of nature. ...the main 22 signs are directly related to the names of various trees. This is why the horoscope has the second name P horoscope of trees.

The horoscope suggests that a person born on a specific day of the year is under the influence of a specific patron tree. At the same time, it is characterized by the same features and traits as a plant. “How the interconnection of human energy and the energy of nature is reflected in the world.

Basic signs


Representatives of the sign rarely have too bright an appearance. Despite this, they always look very harmonious and attractive. Tree people are very gentle and sensitive individuals who are ready to devote their entire lives to family, children, and their favorite work. They don't care too much about other people's opinions and always live for their own pleasure.


Extraordinarily beautiful characters both externally and internally who strictly observe all kinds of traditions. -person-Pikhta R is very capricious and demanding. Always expects the best from life.

Large, beautiful and discreet “Laz R noble simplicity. Representatives of the sign are very generous and kind, always and everywhere requiring increased attention. ‘As a rule, one chooses one’s calling in life in early childhood and devotes one’s entire adult life to it.


Man-Iparis R is a real seeker of happiness. “Neither money, nor fame, nor universal recognition are important to him. The main thing in R’s life is to find his soulmate as soon as possible, have a strong family and live a long, joyful life.


The people whose patron is Opol are very correct and moral natures. ‘ early childhood They understand perfectly well what is possible and what is not. 'Polys are connoisseurs of beauty who pay a lot of attention to their appearance and are always bitter about the passing of their youth.


Representatives of this sign are distinguished by a special inner strength. In any difficult situation, Kartas will find the optimal way out and can solve any problem. Kartas' circle always respects his authoritative opinion and almost never contradicts it. Some people do not strive too much for fame, but do not miss any opportunity to demonstrate all their abilities to those around them.


Regardless of what form the main person is in (he is healthy or sick, handsome or sloppy), he is always in sight. †loving and attentive to every little detail, ‘basins love home comfort and stability. They always strive to surround themselves with beautiful things and attractive people in order to be able to admire their treasures 24 hours a day.

“People born under the sign of you are not so much beautiful as they are original. He is distinguished by his special intelligence, charm and slight mystery. “Adding to all these qualities goodwill and openness, you can easily understand why you are always in the center of attention, surrounded by many fans and admirers.


Cute and attractive in appearance, P types love to show off in public. They easily win sympathy in any environment and almost always make a very good and positive impression on other people. While people are well versed in the psychology of other people, they rarely succeed in understanding themselves during their lives.


Quiet and calm Ashnik R is a person who is hard to notice and pick out from the crowd. Inconspicuous, with a quiet voice, representatives of the sign do not have much charisma and are rarely original. It is possible to notice the numerous virtues of a decision-maker (wisdom, restraint, kindness and openness) only after long-term communication with him.


Elovek-Yabina R is a character who is almost never in a bad mood. Representatives of this P sign are very open and good-natured people who are always ready to help even a complete stranger. Yabina never complains about life and strives to live it cheerfully and brightly.


People born under the auspices of Elen are very active and friendly, never sit still and are interested in a little bit of everything. Representatives of the sign are always at the epicenter of the most interesting and memorable events, trying to experience unique feelings. The Ellen man may have a nondescript appearance, but thanks to his character and inner charisma, he never seems boring and boring.


Man-Nut R is very open and sweet, but ready to show his character and selfishness when his interests are affected. People whose patron is a mighty tree are often aggressive and capricious, unpredictable for their environment. “Even those closest to Nut can’t always guess that he’s going to die in the next minute.


A very open and sociable †asmin R is a person who radiates kindness and positivity everywhere. ‘It’s nice to communicate with him and spend time, share problems and sorrows. Despite all this, representatives of the sign are very vulnerable and sensitive. Fate is usually not very favorable to such characters: any achievements and successes are given to them with great difficulty.


People born under the sign of Chestnut have a lot of advantages. Despite this, they never talk about their advantages and abilities, trying to attract attention exclusively with good deeds and noble deeds. Chestnuts are endowed with enormous vital energy, which in 99% of cases they spend in the wrong direction.


Representatives of this sign are distinguished by pronounced self-satisfaction and narcissism. Yesenies always have a beautiful appearance, which helps them achieve a lot in life. Having decided to throw in your lot with such a person, you should immediately come to terms with his capriciousness, arrogance, and excessive demands. -man is sure that his environment should care only about him, give everything free time and attention only to him alone.


A man born during the reign of Grab is very sweet and good-looking. Representatives of the sign are often naturally endowed with good taste and wild imagination. They need universal recognition of their merits, public gratitude and favor, but at the same time they rarely take active action to achieve their goals.


‹people born during the period of the patronage of Engir are very unremarkable and unattractive in appearance. It’s hard to notice Inzhir in a crowd, because he never stands out. ‚ modern society Such people are strangers with many different problems, life troubles and difficulties, in whose eyes you can only notice grief, sadness, and nothing more.

People born under the sign of Uba are very beautiful and energetic. They have a fairly tough character and not a drop of softness. In any life situation, the ub behaves very courageously, without fear of general contempt, misunderstanding, or gossip. ...if difficulties arise, representatives of this sign never ask for help, preferring to solve their problems on their own.


Representatives of the Berez sign are distinguished by special flexibility, pleasant mannerisms, diligence and kindness. “These characters are very kind and delicate, they never offend other people. The main thing in life is the constancy and attention of loved ones, which they try to win in all possible and impossible ways.


An atypical and very peculiar appearance, which I may or may not like. This is exactly what people born under the Olive sign look like. Representatives of this P sign are very heat-loving people who feel comfortable only in warm weather.

The Man-Huk R is very handsome and active from a young age to a very old age. People born under the auspices of Hook pay a lot of attention to their own health, which allows them to live a long and happy life.

We determine our tree according to the Druid horoscope

To get an answer to the question of which tree is your patron (what sign were you born under), you should find the corresponding time period in which you were born and, according to the information presented in the table, determine which tree you are according to the Druid horoscope.

“Helper trees and enemy trees”

As you already understand, the tree under whose auspices you were born is your assistant and patron in life. In life, it is very desirable to surround yourself with objects and things (furniture, household items, etc.) made specifically from it.

However, we can often hear such a term as Enemy Tree. Despite the fact that the creators of the tree horoscope truly believed in the benevolence of nature towards man and their positive influence However, they did select trees that were not very favorable and desirable for each sign.

To determine which tree is your enemy according to the horoscope, you should count 40 days from your date of birth and look at the patron of this period. It is he who is undesirable for you.

‘compatibility according to the Druid horoscope

...if you delve into the interpretation of the signs according to the horoscope of trees, you can see that they are all divided into 2 categories: male and female (in accordance with the type of tree). It is depending on belonging to a particular group that you can determine the compatibility of different people.

“Representatives of one group (male or female) show excellent compatibility. “What kind of partners can complement each other perfectly. ...if we are talking about representatives of different groups, then compatibility is considered bad: the main features of your characters will be in constant opposition to each other.

In such a situation, relationships can only develop if representatives of poorly compatible signs are ready to work on themselves and make certain concessions.

Druid horoscope by color

‘There is another version of the Druid horoscope, which is also associated with flora, namely with different colors.

– branch horoscope P is three dozen patron flowers, which are distributed among themselves with an interval of 10 days.

‹people born in a particular time period (during the period of supremacy of a certain flower) have pronounced character traits that the Well-Wishing Flower endowed them with.

To determine who you are according to your flower horoscope, use your date of birth.

January 1 R January 10 (Gentian).“kind, unusually open and slightly naive people who easily fall under the influence of other people.

January 11 R January 20 (-ertopolokh). A little removed from reality, such people are very friendly. However, those around them rarely notice positive traits representatives of this sign.

January 21 R January 31 (Immortal). Very independent individuals who always achieve everything with their own work and mind.

1 February R 10 February (Melya). Very proud characters who never miss a chance to admire themselves and their virtues and demonstrate them to those around them.

February 11 - February 19 (Rasavka). Very homely individuals who value family and relationships with loved ones and friends.

February 20 R February 29 (Kimosa). Emotional, slightly mysterious. “Kimosa people constantly arouse interest among others, they love to be the center of attention always and everywhere.

March 1 R March 10 (Mak).“People with a wonderful sense of humor who always stand out from the gray mass thanks to their bright appearance and special charisma.

March 11 R March 20 (‹orЯ).“Very private and mysterious people who love to devote themselves and their lives to something magical and unusual.

March 21 R March 31 (Fingles). People who are almost always unhappy in love. “For their environment, such people R good example for imitation. They are always held in high esteem both in the family and at work.

April 1 R April 10 (Magnolia). ‹leaders who are demanding not only of themselves, but also of their environment. What is valued most in life is well-being and personal happiness.

April 11 R April 20 (Hortensia). Attractive in appearance and very seductive, Hydrangeas R are the favorites of the public, who always have something to tell and show.

April 21 R April 30 (Dahlia).“Hurry and very talented people who, with their own work, achieve unprecedented heights in their careers and any creativity.

May 1 R May 10 (lily of the valley). Emotional and sensitive lilies of the valley are demanding natures that need increased attention and affection.

May 11 R May 21 (Portulac). Real pessimists, constantly complaining about their own lives.

May 22 R May 31 (Domashka).“Rather insidious and cunning characters who seem nice and kind to those around them until a certain point in time.

June 1 R June 11 (Bell). Bell R is a family man who cannot stand betrayal and arrogance.

June 12 R June 21 (Dais).'modest individuals who often become very successful in life.

June 22 R July 1 ('ulpan). Real darlings of fate, for whom luck constantly smiles throughout their lives.

July 2 R July 12 (July lily). Representatives of this sign R are people who are not afraid of any difficulties and go through life with their heads held high.

July 13 R July 23 (“ialka”).“I, talented and wise persons, are favorable only to those whom they love.

July 24 R August 2 (? ipovnik). Very soft and vulnerable people who may actually seem evil and insidious to an unfamiliar environment.

August 3 R August 12 (Sunflower). Great optimists who rejoice in every sunny day, striving for great fame and universal recognition.

August 13 R August 23 (Joseph).‘Loving and proud roses consider themselves better than others. They are always and in everything born leaders who do not accept competitors on the horizon.

August 24 R September 2 ("elphinium"). Quiet, calm faces who cannot stand lies and betrayal, always take any failures to heart.

3 SEPTEMBER R 11 SEPTEMBER (Carnation).-Carnation-man R is someone who values ​​truth and openness. Representatives of the sign always stand their ground, even when they are wrong.

September 12 R September 22 (Ђstra). Great optimists who see only the good in everything and everyone.

SEPTEMBER 23 R OCTOBER 3 (Heather).‹people who know the value of themselves and their talents, who never work for pennies.

OCTOBER 4 R OCTOBER 13 (Chamelia).“lovers of fun and an idle life, who are not afraid of any work and know how to earn good money.

OCTOBER 14 R OCTOBER 23 (‘iren’). Very sociable and open personalities who often fall in love with interesting and attractive characters of the opposite sex.

OCTOBER 24 R NOVEMBER 2 (“resiya”). Great manipulators who always get their way in life.

NOVEMBER 3 R NOVEMBER 12 (Orchid). Mysterious individuals who strive to appear very creative and unusual in order to achieve their own goals.

NOVEMBER 13 R NOVEMBER 22 (Jion). Peonies are not afraid of physical work; they take on any task that they like. Simple and easy to communicate.

NOVEMBER 23 R December 2 (Gladiolus). Characters who rarely achieve great heights in life and who can boast of good luck.

December 3 R December 12 (dandelion). Extraordinarily loving natures, loving fun and constant celebration around themselves.

December 13 R December 22 (‹lotos). “lovers of cleanliness, order, adherents of strict rules.

December 23 R December 31 (delweiss).– self-motivated individuals moving towards their goals. They are ready to do anything and even more to achieve their goal.

Druid horoscope by stones

Stones are also part of nature. It is precisely because of this that they can tell a lot about a person born in a particular period of time.

Druid horoscope based on stones P is thirteen signs, each of which characterizes a person who was born during the period of protection of a particular mineral.

Rock crystal (24.12 Р 20.01) P are independent and goal-oriented individuals.

Oliven (21.01 R 17.02) P people with excellent intuition and unconventional thinking.

Coral (18.02 R 17.03) P persons with a rich imagination, a deep inner world.

Rubin (18.03 R 14.04) Characters who set high goals for themselves and strive to achieve them.

‹moonstone (15.04 R 12.05) R are kind and very sensitive people with well-developed intuition.

'opaz (13.05 R 09.06) P are unusually responsible and honest, kind to other people.

Elmaz (10.06 R 07.07) For such people, the highest value in life is family and work.

Red carnelian (08.07 Р 04.08) Individuals who do not accept lies and hypocrisy are hostile to any betrayal and deception.

€zumrud (02.09 Р 29.09) R are attractive internally and externally people who have a passion for art.

Ћpal (30.09 R 27.10) They are strategists who are distinguished by good endurance and genuine prudence.

Yishma (28.10 R 24.11) They are purposeful individuals who always achieve their goals and constantly strive for new knowledge.

‹Japis lazuli (25.11 R 23.12) They are unusually calculating and caustic personalities, capable of getting out of any situation.

Believing the horoscope of the Druids, listening to it or not is a personal matter for everyone. At the same time, finding your Patron in nature, using its energy and taking into account its characteristics will not be amiss for every person.

Among the many varieties of horoscopes, the Druid horoscope remains one of the most mysterious. This ancient tribe no longer exists, despite this, after thousands of years, their secret knowledge remains with us. Scientists all over the world deciphered them in order to transfer this knowledge to us. The Druid calendar consists of trees according to date of birth, which are a talisman for every person, protecting him.

A little history

Celtic tribes lived in the forest and mainly idolized nature and everything connected with it. They had developed astronomy, astrology, mathematics and other sciences, with the help of which the Druid tribes were able to create their own calendar to divide each person by date of birth. Every living creature has its own soul- they believed, and even the trees and flowers.

The Druids believed that the whole world came from the energy of living nature. They worshiped forest spirits and performed rituals in the thickets of the forest. At the same time, they spiritualized every animal, plant or tree, considering it a living embodiment of a deity. The Druids compiled special calendars, according to which they determined what ritual should be performed during this period. Usually events were tied to the summer and winter solstices, as well as the equinoxes.


Thus, the entire annual period was divided into several segments, which were patronized by one or another spirit. A person born in a certain period of time was given a name characteristic of his patron tree. So each person got his own guardian spirit in the form of a plant.

Unlike conventional astrological The Druid horoscope contains not 12, but as many as 22 signs. This is due to the different division by dates of one or another zodiac sign. According to the Celtic horoscope, the same zodiac sign can be suitable different types trees.

These 22 signs include four symbols depending on the equinox and solstice, they have only one period of activity. The remaining 18 signs have two periods of activity. Despite the apparent complexity, determining who you are according to the Druid horoscope is very simple. Let's take a closer look at the calendar.

Important dates

  1. Apple tree. Periods (23.12−01.01 Capricorn 1 day) and (25.06−04.07 Cancer 1 day).
  2. Fir. Periods (02.01−11.01 Capricorn 2d.) and (05.07−14.07 Cancer 2d.).
  3. Elm. Periods (12.01−24.01 Capricorn 3 days) and (15.07−25.07 Cancer 3 days).
  4. Cypress. Periods (25.01−03.02 Aquarius 1 day) and (26.07−04.08 Leo 1 day).
  5. Cedar. Periods (9.02−18.02 Aquarius 3 days) and (14.08−24.08 Leo 3 days).
  6. Pine. Periods (19.02−29.02 Pisces 1 day) and (24.08−2.09 Virgo 1 day).
  7. Hazel. Periods (22.03−31.03 Aries 1 day) and (24.09−4.10 Libra 1 day).
  8. Rowan. Periods (1.04−10.04 Aries 2 days) and (4.10−13.10 Libra 2 days).
  9. Maple. Periods (11.04−20.04 Aries 3 days) and (14.10−14.10 Libra 3 days).
  10. Nut. Periods (21.04−30.04 Taurus 1 day) and (25.10−2.11 Scorpio 1 day).
  11. Chestnut. Periods (15.05−24.05 Taurus 3 days) and (12.11−21.11 Scorpio 3 days).
  12. Hornbeam. Periods (4.06−13.06 Gemini 2 days) and (2.12−11.12 Sagittarius 2 days).
  13. Figs Periods (14.06−22.06 Gemini 3 days) and (12.12−21.12 Sagittarius 3 days).


All zodiac signs in the horoscope of trees according to date of birth are divided into three decades (1, 2 and 3 days), respectively at the beginning, middle and end. Depending on what period of the constellation you were born in, it depends what sign you are according to the Druid horoscope.

  • Apple tree. Sentimental people, whose feelings and emotions often take precedence over reason and logic. They can be very generous, always love to give gifts and forget debts. But their extravagance often leads to a financial crisis. Apple trees are sentimental and vulnerable, they always focus on what their partner wants, and are ready to give all of themselves for their loved one.
  • Fir. Proud and independent people born under the sign of fir delight others with their beauty and elegance. They are always impeccable in their clothes and accessories and are never careless. They always pay attention even to the little things. These people, as if carved from stone, are calm, independent and firm in their convictions. However, due to their perseverance, they may not succeed in love, because not everyone can get along with such a person.
  • Elm. Always conservative and constant. They love stability and comfort in almost everything. So, having become interested in something in childhood, an elm can easily devote its whole life to it. Their hobbies do not pass by, and if such a person decides to study something, he will see his work through to the end. They are also constant in marriage. These people, having found a friend in life, remain faithful to him all their lives; they do not like to switch from one to another. They do not strive to change their lifestyle, habits or work, even if it does not completely suit them.
  • Cypress. Somewhat melancholic and calm people. They are ready to do anything for their soulmate. They can often be reserved and do not like conflicts and quarrels. At the same time, they are optimists and always think about the good and try not to lose heart. In order not to get lost in the gray everyday life, these people find themselves in the world of fantasy and happily engage in creativity. They often make excellent writers or musicians. However, non-passionate professions are not for them. They begin to languish in office work, and most likely will not succeed.
  • Poplar. These people are usually very beautiful especially when they are children. They have an elusive charisma that allows them to attract others. They are always brave and can stand up for themselves and others. Despite this, in ordinary life they are calm and non-conflict. In adolescence, they very often fall under the influence of bad companies, so they should be protected from unwanted influence from others. At a more mature age, having matured as individuals, they feel their superiority and independence. They often achieve career success and blossom only after 35 years. They always have high demands on their partners, so it is not easy for them to find their life partner.
  • Cedar Optimists in life, these people burst into everything like a hurricane with enormous energy. Their innate intelligence and charm allow them to stand in the spotlight and be an excellent leader. They often achieve success in their careers, but in their personal lives they often cannot find a permanent partner in life.
  • Pine. People under this sign are characterized by kindness and sincerity. They are great friends, the ones who are always ready to help. These people are very sensitive and prone to narcissism. They do not tolerate criticism and love compliments. Having found their soulmate, they immediately lose their heads, giving her all of themselves without a trace.
  • Willow. These people love to show themselves off. Since childhood, they have artistic abilities, which they boldly apply in life. They may cry in public or appear overly cheerful. They are often not taken seriously, but they are very smart, and all their theatricality is just an attempt to hide their deep, sensitive world.
  • Linden. People born under this sign are quite chaotic by nature. They often do not understand where to go, they can change their place of work many times and, starting to study a profession, give it up and rush into trip around the world. They do not like to burden themselves with responsibilities and worries; it is important for them to have a person nearby who will take full responsibility.
  • Hazel. People have good intuition. Always confident in themselves and their superiority. They are excellent leaders. However, in personal relationships it can be difficult with them. He can plan far ahead, predict far-reaching events and be at his best in various fields of activity.
  • Rowan. Diplomatic natures who perfectly understand their interlocutor. Thanks to their innate intuition, they can know well when and how to act. Sensual and faithful natures, they are faithful in marriage, but require love and attention.
  • Maple. People are cheerful and energetic, always ready for exploits. They can be wonderful friends and comrades. They always have a lot of friends. Their sociability and optimism attracts people around them like a magnet. Despite this, they often cannot choose a partner because they are very fickle and can even marry several times.
  • Nut. Energetic and impulsive, these people always know their worth. They may think they are superior to others and act somewhat arrogant and overly decisive. He is always very selfish and loves when people compliment him. Their passion, determination and high intelligence allow you to quickly achieve a high position at a young age.
  • Jasmine. Always very soft and sensitive. Their pleasant, easy-going nature makes them excellent conversationalists. Their innate charisma and sense of style gives them a special charm. These people always strive for family comfort and warmth. Having chosen a partner, they stay with him all their lives, maintaining love and giving themselves completely.
  • Chestnut. These people are quite reserved and uncommunicative. Their introversion forces them to find a small circle of friends to socialize with. They usually only have one or two friends whom they value very much.
  • Ash. The person is narcissistic and loves praise and compliments. Often exalts himself greatly over others. Their communication style and beauty make them excellent leaders in society. They can be very generous, they are not greedy, they always like to give expensive gifts to others.
  • Hornbeam. This sign is quite conservative. Doesn't like to change his habits. He is faithful to the traditions of his family and always honors his elders. He has special respect for family values. These people are very family-oriented, they become attached to their partner, with whom they maintain a warm relationship throughout their lives.
  • Figs. This sign is very sensitive and gentle. There is some tendency towards depression, they may consider the people around them as enemies. Fig people do not tolerate criticism. They require a lot of attention. They need constant support and approval from others. They can get offended over trifles, so it is very difficult to find your soulmate.

A person's fate is determined by a tree. It can also reveal his character. Using the Druid horoscope you can correct your life, changing it for the better. Pay attention to your tree more often - come to it, talk, listen to its advice.

Everyone needs to know their tree. However, you need to be able to communicate with him:

  • find your green patron;
  • lean your whole body against its trunk;
  • feel the transition of life-giving energy;
  • be alone for a few minutes;
  • feel relief and peace;
  • thank him for the gift of healing;
  • decorate with a bright ribbon and present the tree with words of gratitude.

My green horoscope

The greatest power of the tree manifests itself on a person’s birthday, as well as during the active period of the sign. To determine the patron tree, the ancient Druids created and structured a horoscope, which is often called green.

Apple tree (December 22 – January 1; June 25 – July 4)

The beautiful apple tree knows how to please the eye, and internally attracts you with its indescribable cordiality and charm. She is a sentimental, sensitive and versatile tree. In love, the fruit-bearing woman is always faithful, uncalculating and unselfish, because of this she can be extremely easy to deceive. Despite the fact that the apple tree, by its nature, is capable of giving away its last shirt or piece of bread, it is not a simpleton, full of imagination and philosophizing. A tree that lives today is scientifically inclined, thoughtful, intelligent and logical. In order to dispel the monotony in the emotional sphere, which the apple tree abhors, it is capable of life complications.

Fir (January 2 - January 11; July 5 - July 14)

Fir is capricious, thin, loves isolation and, nevertheless, is capable of suffering from loneliness even when in a crowded place. A taciturn and gloomy coniferous soul, proud, intractable and demanding - it is difficult for her to communicate and live life together. Fir always achieves its goals, perhaps because it is truly serious and conscientious in its work, and is also meticulous. The calling of the fir is to choose the most difficult path and follow it to its logical end; it never loses faith, hope and presence of mind. You can rely on it, and fir love is capable of limitlessness, picky about little things, but satisfied with big things.

Elm (January 12 - February 24; July 6 - July 25)

A balanced and calm elm is attractive to others. Its noticeable and almost only drawback is its slowness. Elm is so open and straightforward that it can literally disarm with its sincerity, as well as a developed sense of duty and responsibility. He prefers to lead rather than obey, but this can and should be treated with patience because the elm can be incredibly loyal. This wood sign also has a highly developed sense of humor, which saves you from life's disappointments.

Cypress (January 25 - February 3; July 26 - August 4)

The opportunistic cypress knows how to be content with little in any situation. He is not interested in fame and success in life, he is not attracted to money - cypress needs friendship, a large family and constant communication much more. He does not accept loneliness, loves animals and long walks. A mentally calm, dreamy and pleasant person in society, he is often quite harsh with loved ones.

Poplar (February 4 - February 8; August 5 - August 13)

Topol is a person of warmth, without a touch of sentimentality, pleasant in society, and occasionally may seem a little rude. He is a dreamer who can easily and without doubt surrender himself to the flow of life. He has an elastic, intelligent and reasonable character, and in his loyalty he is inaccessible and incomprehensible. In the circle of loved ones, the life of a poplar is like a quiet, flowing stream.

Kedr (February 9 - February 18; August 14 - August 23)

All cedar dreams of is convenience, but it adapts quickly to any situation. This tree symbol is always very confident and dynamic, spinning in the center of everyone's attention. He is able to take anyone by surprise and can extricate himself from any crisis situation. Cedar is suggestible, so it can easily become a weapon in the wrong hands. When she finds something she loves, she devotes herself entirely to it, with persistence and trepidation. As a rule, the life of such people is very diverse, and the soul is intelligent, receptive, sensitive and sentimental.

Changing the topic of conversation

Druids determined character by date of birth. Their horoscope, as well as the year, is divided into two periods, each of which consisted of nine segments, several days long. Each tree name corresponded to its own time period. Tree horoscope Druids consists of 22 signs: 18 paired and 4 single;

Sosna (February 19 - February 28/29; August 24 - September 2)

The irresistible pine appreciates home and beautiful interior, loves beautiful things, and creates her own cute corner for herself. Pine is courageous, rebellious, unshakable, stubborn, perhaps thanks to these qualities, it is successful in its work. The coniferous beauty is able to get out of any incredibly difficult situation with dignity and without losing face. She is precise in her actions, incapable of excessive generosity, although deep down she is impulsive and sensitive. Perhaps that is why her only weakness is love.

Willow (March 1 - March 10; September 3 - September 12)

Sensitive and romantic on the outside, willow is actually decisive and businesslike. She is consumed by the colorlessness and routineness of everyday problems, and love suffering makes her life chaotic. But you shouldn’t take her word for it in her suffering and wringing of her hands, because if her feelings don’t decorate her suffering, they won’t attract her attention.

Lipa (March 11 - March 20; September 13 - September 22)

The charming linden tree, without a doubt, can turn anyone's head. Meanwhile, she is filled to the brim with contradictions - timid, pessimistic, silent, serene and unreliable. Lipa is a patient listener, but in love affairs she loses face and becomes capable of jealousy without any reason.

Hazel (March 22 - March 31; September 24 - October 3)

This tree is weak and inconspicuous at first glance, but in fact it is charming and exudes originality of mind. Hazel, one of the few who is able to be content with little, and also adapt to any living conditions, and at the same time is kind, wise and patient, restrained and modest, but always noticeable. With such a tree person, compatibility is a difficult issue to resolve, since his sophisticated anger often becomes a stumbling block.

Rowan (April 1 - April 10; October 4 - October 13)

Rowan is charming and sweet, has good taste and loves to give joy. But despite the above, relationships with her are complex, contacts are difficult, and compatibility with her is always a big question. Rowan is sensitive and naive, you can rely on it, in love it demands as much as it gives and does not forgive deception and disappointment.

Maple (April 11 - April 20; October 14 - October 23)

Maple is always neat and full of energy - literally tireless, especially when it comes to his fantasies and unusual plans. The character of this tree is multifaceted - it is restrained, not bold, and at the same time capable of risky decisions. He is able to provoke frankness, and he expresses his thoughts well, possessing a harmonious sense of humor, and also loves when people talk about him.

Nut (April 21 - April 30; October 24 - November 2)

Nut is timid, capricious, selfish, sometimes aggressive, but despite this, it is hospitable and polite, prone to loyalty, fidelity and yet fickle.

Loves to suffer himself or makes others suffer, because... This sign is not at all characterized by balance. His influence must be resisted, otherwise he will absorb and crush anyone with his strategic mind and speed of reaction.

Jasmine (May 1 - May 14; November 3 - November 11)

Lively and sociable jasmine literally attracts with skillful conversation. The delicate flower is vulnerable, prone to disappointment and a pessimist from birth. The diplomatic side of his nature makes jasmine cautious and far-sighted. Married life with him is not easy, since even in his own home he wants independence. He is not the enemy of his soul mate, but he can quickly become disappointed in her and leave her. It is worth noting that Jasmine loves children and feels great around them.

Chestnut (May 15 - May 24; November 12 - November 21)

Chestnut is full of vitality and needs space. He is fair, hates prudence, is sensitive and impressionable, which is why he is in dire need of a huge amount of love, but in relation to it he is an enemy for fear of losing it. Among the shortcomings we can note stubbornness, passion for comfort, intractability in the extreme, and an amazing ability to shock. Kashtan is a monogamous man and his life and abilities completely depend on the people who surround him.

Ash (May 25 - June 3; November 22 - December 1)

The demanding ash tree has a lively character, which makes living with it not easy. He strives to surround himself with the care of others and at the same time forces everyone to live by his own rules. This sign prefers an independent and independent life, is quite proud and capricious, but in contrast - generous, has unique intuition and insight. The tree-man named ash is always reliable and only sometimes tries to flirt with fate.

Hornbeam (June 4 - June 13; December 2 - December 11)

It is difficult to say anything by the date of birth, but you can tell a lot by the name of the tree. Hornbeam is an esthete, attracted to form rather than content, a dreamer and an intellectual. He is capable of obedience and discipline, and his sense of justice and responsibility is extremely developed. This tree is an excellent partner, but duty chooses between duty and love.

Figs (June 14 - June 23; December 12 - December 20)

Tree-man is delicate from birth, subtly impressionable and unadapted to the difficulties of life. Figs really need warmth and space, a family hearth and stability, however, figs themselves are fickle, emotional and impulsive. A touchy realist is quite lenient towards others, and is forced to struggle with laziness all his life.

Oak (vernal equinox - March 21)

This sign is majestic and overflowing with virtues. The date of birth completely determines the inflexible character of the oak - there is nothing fragile in it, it is bold and courageous, strong-willed and self-possessed, irreconcilable and independent. But despite this, the oak tree endures illness hard, and lives like a true conservative, not interested in other people's lives and completely devoid of intuition.

Birch (summer confrontation - June 24)

Birch is flexible, sweet and aristocratic, delicate and restrained; the Druid horoscope speaks of it as a modest and elegant puritan. Sentimental, faithful, intelligent, inventive, the birch tree needs only the minimum from life: a close heart and a good library.

Olive (autumn equinox - September 23)

The olive tree in the horoscope borders between the beautiful and the ugly. A tree nymph prone to rheumatism really needs sunny days for your own health. Olive is calm and balanced, delicate and caring, she has excellent self-control and needs peace. She is followed by a good memory, she is loved and appreciated by those around her, which makes her almost always happy.

Buk (winter confrontation - December 21/22)

Buk is dexterous and resourceful, even in unfavorable situations he is capable of success. This sign is always full of plans and firmly follows the intended path. The ideal husband or wife, beech is generous and decent with others. He needs children, who are the flowers of life for him. A flamboyant materialist - loves wealth and happiness.

Video about the horoscope of the ancient Druids:

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