Jackfruit - what is it? Jackfruit breadfruit of the tropics How to distinguish jackfruit from breadfruit

Jackfruit belongs to the mulberry family. The plant is found in the tropical climates of South (India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka) and Southeast Asia (Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia), East Africa and Brazil. This fruit is especially popular in countries such as Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Barbados.

It is safe to say that jackfruit is a record holder for the size of the fruit, which reaches a weight of 36 kg, a length of 90 cm and a diameter of 50 cm. Their thick yellow-green peel is equipped with thorns.

Ripe fruits are very sweet and tasty. To get to the edible part, you need to open the jackfruit and remove the bright yellow pods from the very core. By the way, unripe fruits with uniform green pulp can also be eaten.

In addition to its delicious exotic taste and aroma, reminiscent of the pungent aroma of a banana, jackfruit is endowed with beneficial properties. It is rich in important nutrients (vitamins A and C, calcium, potassium, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, niacin and magnesium).

Niacin is good for the skin and nervous system, and vitamin B6 reduces homocysteine ​​levels in the blood (a relationship has been established between high homocysteine ​​levels and cardiovascular diseases).

And all these benefits with a surprisingly low calorie content: 94 calories per 100 g of fresh product.

Healing qualities

For immunity

Jackfruit is an excellent, albeit very exotic source of vitamin C, which is famous for its antiviral and antibacterial properties, strengthens the immune system, and supports the activity of leukocytes.

For cancer

In addition to vitamin C, jackfruit is also rich in phytonutrients such as isoflavonoids, saponins and lignans with strong anti-cancer and anti-aging properties. These substances slow down cell degeneration, which can lead to degenerative diseases.

For digestion

Helps fight peptic ulcer and digestive disorders. The high percentage of fiber in these fruits prevents constipation and helps cleanse the colon of chemicals.

For healthy skin and good vision

Contains vitamin A, known for its beneficial qualities for eyes and skin cells. It also prevents other vision-related problems such as macular degeneration and night blindness.

Natural energy drink

Along with many other fruits, it gives a person energy due to the presence of simple sugars (fructose and sucrose). At the same time, it does not contain fats and harmful cholesterol, which makes it an excellent source of strength.

Reduces blood pressure

Scientists have found potassium in jackfruit (about 300 mg per 100 g of product), which plays an important role in lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart attack.

Strengthens bones

Rich in many minerals. One of them is magnesium (37 mg per 100 g of product), which is involved in the absorption of calcium, which is very important for strengthening bones and preventing osteoporosis.

Prevents anemia

Iron (0.6 mg per 100 g of product), which these exotic fruits are rich in, prevents anemia and controls healthy blood circulation in the human body.

Benefits the thyroid gland

Copper plays a significant role in thyroid metabolism, especially in the production and absorption of hormones. It’s good that jackfruit is literally “loaded” with this important trace element.

If you have the opportunity to introduce this exotic fruit into your diet (fresh, canned, dried or frozen), be sure to do so. Jackfruit is an excellent vegetarian substitute for meat. It’s not for nothing that its modification, preserved in sea water, was nicknamed “vegetable meat.”

The seeds, hidden in sweet pods (bulbs), can be roasted like chestnuts or boiled in water.

The root also has medicinal properties. Its extract is used to treat fever, asthma and diarrhea, and when used externally it helps to cope with skin problems.

There is a misconception that jackfruit- the same thing breadfruit, which is mentioned so much in adventure novels of past centuries. If you imagined a tree on which loaves, buns or Easter cakes grow, then we will disappoint you - jackfruit looks different. Despite the fact that it belongs to the Mulberry family, this plant is not a breadfruit tree. But the relationship between these exotic fruits is so close that we can safely consider jackfruit a cousin breadfruit.

Jackfruit is a powerful tropical tree plant with fruits weighing up to 35 kg. Jackfruits sold in Thai markets are the size of large watermelons and weigh about 15 kg.

Bangladesh and India (Eastern Ghats) are considered to be the birthplace of the plant. Today it is widespread in the Philippines and Southeast Asia. Jackfruit is cultivated on the African continent (Uganda, Kenya), on the islands of Oceania, and in the American tropics. The planting area of ​​the exotic fruit in South India is 26 thousand hectares, in Sri Lanka (grown mainly for wood) - about 4.5 thousand hectares. In Thailand, jackfruit is comparable in popularity to banana and mango. However, breadfruit is even more widespread in the Southeast region. Perhaps the popularity of jackfruit is hampered by the unpleasant smell of the “waste” remaining after eating it.

Botanical description of jackfruit

Jackfruit is a tropical evergreen tree that grows up to 20 meters in height. It has oval, leathery leaves that are dark green in color. The length of the leaves is about 22 cm. Jackfruit is a monoecious tree. Its inconspicuous female and male flowers are collected in unisexual inflorescences: small male ones hide in the foliage, and larger female ones grow on the trunk - from the ground to the lower branches. This arrangement of female inflorescences (future fruits) is due to the fragility of thin jackfruit branches, which are unable to withstand the weight of heavy fruits. IN wildlife the plant is pollinated by insects and wind, and the cultivation method often uses hand pollination.

Jackfruit is a record holder plant. Its fruits are the most large edible fruits, growing on trees. With a diameter of about 20 cm, their length reaches 110 cm. The thick peel is dotted with big amount cone-shaped protrusions. Young jackfruit is green, when ripe it turns slightly yellow and begins to make a booming sound when tapped.

Each fruit is internally divided into large lobes, the sweet yellow pulp of which consists of slippery juicy fibers. Each lobe contains an oblong light brown seed (2 - 6 cm long). The number of seeds reaches 500 pieces per fruit. The seeds and peel of a ripe jackfruit make a sound pungent and unpleasant odor, vaguely reminiscent of the “aroma” of rotting onions. In contrast, the flesh smells pleasant, reminiscent of a mixture of banana and pineapple odors.

Jackfruit in Thai beliefs

The Thai name for jackfruit means " help, support" Residents of Thailand believe that this plant brings good luck, and its seeds have the ability to protect against gunshot and puncture wounds. This is why jackfruit trees can be seen in many Thai yards.

Useful properties of jackfruit

A ripe jackfruit contains up to 40% edible pulp, about half of which is carbohydrates (starch). Due to its low cost, in India jackfruit is called " bread for the poor" 38% of jackfruit seeds are carbohydrates, 0.4% are fats, 6.6% are proteins. The seeds are most often eaten roasted. Jackfruit calories:

  • 100 g of canned fruit - 92 kcal;
  • 100 g raw - 94 kcal.

In medicine, jackfruit is used to treat diarrhea (infusions from the roots of the tree), increase milk production in nursing women (tea from the leaves), and to treat skin diseases (juice of unripe fruits).

Is jackfruit harmful?

You should not start your acquaintance with jackfruit by eating large portions of it. This may cause stomach upset. In addition, there are known cases of allergies in people with individual intolerance to substances that make up the fetus.

Jackfruit: methods of use

All parts of jackfruit contain sticky latex. Thais cut it with rubber gloves, having previously lubricated their hands with oil. Ripe jackfruit can be found as a light snack in many restaurants in Thailand. The fruit pulp can be boiled. If you mix it with garlic and green onions, and then fry, you can get a dish that will become the “highlight” of the menu. Jackfruit is an ingredient in many Thai recipes. national cuisine: sauces, soups, salads, sweet desserts. It is boiled, fried, pickled and dried.

How to store jackfruit

Jackfruit should be stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life of ripe fruit is up to 5 days. Jackfruit will last two months in the freezer before it begins to lose its flavor.

Other Applications

Jackfruit in Thailand is used not only as a garden crop. Its wood is used to make furniture and musical instruments, build houses. Back in the 19th century, the Thais learned to obtain a yellow pigment from jackfruit, which was used to dye cotton and silk. Latex is extracted from the trunk of the plant - the basis for the production of high-quality glue.

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is a plant of the Mulberry family with large leathery oval leaves called Indian breadfruit. It reaches 20 meters in height, however, the branches of jackfruit are not strong, and the fruits are formed on the largest and hardiest of them.

Jackfruit fruits can be called the largest edible fruits that grow on trees. The length of the jackfruit reaches 110 cm, the diameter of the fruit is about 20 cm, and the weight can reach 34 kg. The peel of the fruit is thick, covered with many cone-shaped protrusions, and emits an unpleasant putrefactive odor, while the pulp of the jackfruit, consisting of juicy yellow fibers, smells pleasantly of banana. The peel of the jackfruit is covered with sticky latex, which is used to make high-quality glue, so it is recommended to wear rubber gloves when cutting the fruit.

An unripe jackfruit is green in color; a fully ripe one is brownish-yellow and makes a hollow sound when tapped. Overripe jackfruit has a rich brown tint and quickly spoils, however, in a cool place it can survive for about 1-2 months without losing its taste.

India is considered to be the birthplace of the fruit: in this country, jackfruit has a similar distribution to banana and mango. The area of ​​cultivated jackfruit plantations is 26,000 hectares. Today, jackfruit is cultivated in Southeast Asia and is grown primarily for its timber. Due to the unpleasant odor that its waste gives off, jackfruit is less popular than breadfruit.

Nutritional value of jackfruit

Ripe jackfruits contain about 40% carbohydrates, which explains the fruit's other name - “bread for the poor.” The plant is also rich in vitamins A, B, C, folic acid, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus, as well as coarse fibers - substances called “ballast”. The coarse fibers present in jackfruit reduce the synthesis of lipoproteins, cholesterol, as well as the rate of absorption of disaccharides in the intestines, which protects the body from a sharp increase in blood sugar. In general, “ballast substances” ensure the normal functioning of everything gastrointestinal tract.

Ripe jackfruit has a mild laxative effect. Brewed jackfruit leaves, consumed as tea, increase lactation in lactating women.

Jackfruit seeds are also used as food: they contain about 38% carbohydrates, 6.6% proteins and 0.4% fat. Most often they are roasted like chestnuts.

Uses of jackfruit

The properties of jackfruit are universal. The plant is believed to bring good luck - therefore it is grown in many gardens of the Republic of Bangladesh, being its national fruit. Jackfruit seeds are often used as a talisman to protect its owner from wounds caused by sharp objects.

Jackfruit is used for medicinal purposes: the flowers of the tree are antidiuretics - substances that inhibit the release of fluid by the body. Jackfruit roots are used to treat diarrhea.

Ripe jackfruits are used to make desserts: jelly, marmalade, jam, ice cream or fruit salads. Unripe ones are prepared in a similar way to vegetables - they are fried, stewed, boiled or used to make fillings for pies. In addition, jackfruit is an excellent addition to meat and fish dishes.

It is noteworthy that the wood of the plant is not damaged by termites and is not affected by fungus, which makes it possible to use it as building material for the construction of houses, the manufacture of furniture and musical instruments.

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Jackfruit or Indian breadfruit is a plant of the mulberry family, close relative breadfruit. Jackfruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh.

Jackfruit fruits are the largest edible fruits growing on trees: 20-90 cm long and up to 20 cm in diameter, they weigh up to 34 kg. Their thick skin is covered with numerous cone-shaped projections. Young fruits are green, when ripe they become green-yellow or brown-yellow and when tapped they make a hollow sound (unripe fruits are hollow). Inside, the fruit is divided into large lobes containing yellow, aromatic, sweet pulp consisting of juicy soft fibers. Each lobe contains one rather large oblong white seed, 2-3 cm long. The cut fruit has a pleasant specific smell, slightly reminiscent of banana and pineapple. Along with the smell of exotic fruit, the bouquet contains a light, almost imperceptible shade of artificiality, close to the smell of acetone (if you have ever tasted very ripe bananas or melon, this shade is also present there).

The peel has a specific, slightly unpleasant odor and contains sticky latex, so it is recommended to lubricate your hands with sunflower oil or wear rubber gloves before cutting the fruit.

Overripe fruit turns brown and spoils quickly, but can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 months.

Jackfruit wood is used to build large houses, as well as furniture and musical instruments, as the wood is famous for its durability and beautiful golden color. In the 19th century, the yellow dye, which was obtained from the peel and trunk of the jackfruit tree, was a highly valuable trade product. In Thailand it was used to dye silk, cotton and monks' clothing. Latex is also extracted from the tree trunk, which is contained in the fruit itself and in the leaves and has excellent viscosity; Very high quality glue is made from it.

Selection, storage, use

The peel of the jackfruit should be greenish-yellow and intact.

It should feel dense to the touch, but not hard. When the fruit ripens, the peel tightens, becomes elastic and emits a subtle aroma. Too strong a smell indicates that the jackfruit is already overripe.

To peel the fruit, cut it lengthwise and remove the oleoresin. Also remove the core and press on the peel to separate the parts of the fruit from each other. Cut out the pulp with a knife and select the seeds.

Jackfruit can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3-5 days, and in the freezer for up to two months.

Useful properties of jackfruit

Jackfruit calories

Low-fat, but quite nutritious product due to the high carbohydrate content. 100 g of raw jackfruit contains 94 kcal, and 100 g of canned jackfruit contains 92 kcal. Eating this fruit in moderation will not lead to excess weight.

Blanched fruit flowers are added to hot capsicum or shrimp sauce. The young leaves can be added raw to papaya salad.

Absolutely everything is used. The peel can be candied or pickled and is also suitable as animal feed. Fruit of Thailand - giant jackfruit

Jackfruit pulp goes great with ice cream and other fruits and sweets, especially the pulp in coconut milk in the form of fruit salad. You can use jackfruit to make unusual fillings for pies and even cut and bake the fruit like vegetables.

Jackfruit goes well with all meat and fish dishes; The fruit can also be cut into cubes and topped with savory snacks, such as fish or chicken salads.

The vinaigrette with the addition of jackfruit acquires a very tempting and delicious taste. To prepare a side dish for meat, simply chop the jackfruit and grill it for a few minutes. Jackfruit can be stuffed into chicken, which will give the meat an exotic, spicy aroma. The jackfruit tree is believed to bring good luck as its Thai name means “support, help.” Therefore, in many gardens near houses there are savoury trees. It is believed that due to its copper-green color (copper is considered a magical metal in Thai folklore), jackfruit seeds have talismanic properties that protect the owner from gunshot wounds and wounds caused by sharp objects.

Jackfruit is also used for medicinal purposes.

The roots of the tree are used to treat diarrhea, and the flowers have anti-diuretic properties. Young, unripe fruits have astringent properties and are applied to the skin.

The ripe fruit has laxative properties. It is believed that cooked in the form

herbal tea

Jackfruit leaves increase milk supply in nursing mothers.

Jackfruit is considered a close relative of breadfruit., but not so popular due to the unpleasant smell of the peel. After all, when the fruits are grown and harvested en masse, this becomes a rather serious problem. And yet, jackfruit is quite common; in South Asian countries its popularity is comparable to mangoes or bananas. These trees are also grown for wood. These trees make excellent houses, furniture and household utensils because termites do not eat it.

The plant itself can reach a height of 20 meters, and its dark green leathery leaves never fall off. An interesting sight is the blooming jackfruit. Larger flowers are located directly on the trunk, and smaller ones are located on the branches. From flowering to fruit ripening, it takes from 3 to 8 months. They form precisely closer to the trunk, because fragile branches cannot support the weight of massive fruits.

It is believed that the name of this plant comes from a corruption of an Indian word that means “big and round.” Really, Jackfruits are the largest fruits growing on trees. Their weight reaches 34 kg, length can be from 20 to 90 cm. The fruit itself is similar to a melon, but its thick peel has many protrusions, like pimples. The color of this fruit can be yellow-green or yellow-brown; unripe jackfruit has green color.

The structure of the jackfruit is also interesting. Inside, it is divided into many lobes covered with a leathery film. Each segment consists of juicy yellow pulp and a seed, the length of which can reach 4 cm. Jackfruit pulp has a pleasant, delicate smell, reminiscent of a mixture of pineapple and banana. But the smell of the peel cannot be called pleasant. It is said to resemble a rotten onion. When cutting jackfruit, you need to lubricate your hands with vegetable oil. The fact is that the peel contains a sticky substance, which will be difficult to wash off later. Some people prefer to peel while wearing gloves. Jackfruit can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months, but in a warm place it spoils quite quickly.

Composition and calorie content of jackfruit

Jackfruit is a low-calorie product; 100 g of pulp contains approximately 90 kcal. Due to its high carbohydrate content (22.4 g per 100 g), it is called "the poor man's bread" in India. This fruit is very nutritious. Jackfruit contains much less protein and very little fat. But it contains a lot of water, dietary fiber, ash and saturated fatty acid. Among the vitamins, the leading position is occupied by vitamin C; the fruits also contain vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B9 and PP. Jackfruit is very rich in potassium, per 100 g of pulp there is up to 303 mg of this mineral, it also contains quite a lot of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, and contains sodium. Of the microelements, jackfruit contains the most iron; it also contains zinc, copper, manganese and selenium.

Benefits of Jackfruit

The main value of jackfruit lies in its nutritional value.. As already mentioned, it contains even more carbohydrates than bread. And at the same time, jackfruit contains much less calories than flour products. Therefore, it can well be called a dietary product.

In Eastern medicine, jackfruit is used as a medicine.. Jackfruit pulp is used to treat pharyngitis, stomach ulcers and indigestion. In general, these fruits are useful for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; the fibers they contain help normalize the intestines. This fruit also helps to keep a sober head during feasts, reducing the effects of alcohol.

In Vietnam, jackfruit is used in oriental medicine. The pulp of the fruit helps with pharyngitis and other diseases. It also helps treat stomach ulcers and indigestion. Its fibers are useful for the gastrointestinal tract. However, you should not eat this fruit in large quantities, because it has a laxative property of medium strength. Jackfruit fruits are also good because they help lower blood pressure and strengthen the immune system. In some Asian countries it is also used to treat fever. Roasted jackfruit seeds are also known to act as an aphrodisiac.

Not only the fruits are useful, but also other parts of this plant. For example, the roots of jackfruit are used to treat diarrhea, and the flowers of this plant are used as an antidiuretic. In the east, nursing mothers drink a decoction of jackfruit leaves to increase their milk supply.

How to eat jackfruit

Jackfruit is eaten both fresh and various dishes are prepared from it.. You can make jelly, marmalade or jam from it. And if the fruits are unripe and green, then they can be cooked like vegetables - boiled, fried, stewed, etc. Unripe jackfruit is made into pies, used as a filling, or cut into cubes and baked. It is great as a side dish for meat and fish; it is also used as an ingredient in all kinds of salads and appetizers. You can even stuff chicken with it. Jackfruit slices can be stored in the freezer for quite a long time. And its seeds are usually roasted like chestnuts. They are also very nutritious and healthy.

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