Functional speech styles examples. Functional speech styles will help decorate your speech

The Russian language is the national language of the Russian people, a form of national Russian culture. It includes all the linguistic elements of the Russian ethnic group, including dialects, dialects and jargons. Highest form manifestations of the Russian language is the Russian literary language, which is characterized by a variety of speech styles used in various spheres of communication.

The concept of functional style

Studying the system of language styles, norms and methods of using the literary language depending on the conditions linguistic communication, depending on the type and genre of writing, on the sphere public life, deals with a special section of linguistics - stylistics.

The functional style of speech is usually understood as a variant of a literary language that has a specific sphere of use and has stylistically significant linguistic means. To correctly understand what speech styles are, you need to know the features of each individual style.

Currently, there are five functional styles in the Russian language. At the same time, there is a distinction between colloquial and book styles: official business, scientific, journalistic and style fiction(artistic style).

Conversational style

Conversational style of speech is a tool for direct communication between native speakers. It serves to transmit information in everyday situations, outside of official settings. With its help, a person can convey his feelings, thoughts and emotions, therefore the conversational style of speech is often accompanied by gestures and facial expressions, which makes speech lively and expressive. The conversational style of speech may contain colloquial and even profanity.

The most common form of using a conversational style of speech is dialogue, because... Usually the colloquial style is used orally. In writing, the conversational style can be observed in personal correspondence or diary entries.

In the colloquial style of speech, many different linguistic means are used. For example, incomplete sentences modal words, repetitions, introductory words, interjections, suffixes of subjective assessment, etc.

Scientific style

It shows quite clearly what a style of speech, a scientific style, is. It serves to disseminate scientific information and evidence of its truth. It is the language of science and is most often found in scientific research and publications, monographs, articles, educational literature.

As a rule, the scientific style is expressed in a written monologue form, but oral presentation (message, report) is also possible. The scientific style is characterized by logic, accuracy and generalization. In a scientific style text, nouns, terms, and words with abstract meaning predominate.

Formal business style

Officially- business style speech serves to convey information in an official setting in the field of legal, business, official and industrial relations. This style of speech is used when drawing up various kinds of documents (orders, laws, regulations, contracts, etc.). Its distinctive features are:

  • accuracy;
  • impersonal character;
  • standardization;
  • due character;
  • lack of emotionality.

It becomes obvious that this style of speech involves the use of speech cliches, abbreviations, nomenclature names, and verbal nouns. Typically, formal business style is used only in writing.

Journalistic style

The main task of the journalistic style is to influence the audience through means mass media. This is the language of political, socio-economic, cultural relations. In addition to communicating information, journalistic style implies the formation of a certain reader’s opinion in relation to what is being communicated.

The journalistic style of speech, an example of which can be found in such genres as a newspaper article, essay, interview, feuilleton, etc., is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary in the text, emotionality, appeal, evaluativeness and logic.

Fiction style

Artistic style is the language of a work of art. Its main task is to influence the thoughts and feelings of the reader through the images created by the author. In an effort to convey to the reader his vision of the picture of the world, the author can use a variety of artistic techniques, which significantly expands the visual possibilities of the artistic style. In the artistic style of speech in the text, the use of speech templates and stencils is excluded, because Each author tries to find new forms to express his thoughts. Therefore, the artistic style is characterized by an abundance expressive means and techniques (epithets, metaphors, inversions, comparisons, etc.), as well as a variety of genres.

The artistic style belongs to the book class of speech styles, therefore it is based on the Russian literary language. However, to create a credible image, the author can use elements various styles, be it scientific terminology or colloquial vocabulary.

In addition to the emotional impact, a work of art is also intended to have an aesthetic function, which is the main difference between the artistic style and other styles of speech.

So, understanding what a speech style is and the ability to choose the right word depending on the stylistic situation allows native speakers to avoid mistakes in oral and written speech.

Functional speech styles

Each functional style of language is based on its inherent literary norms. There are five language genres:

  • Scientific;
  • Official business;
  • Journalistic;
  • Colloquial;
  • Art.

Scientific style of speech

The scientific style of speech, called the style of scientific narration, has the following characteristics:

  1. Scope of application - science and research articles;
  2. Addressees are scientists, specialists and people competent in scientific terminology;
  3. The purpose of style is to describe patterns, events and educate the readership;
  4. The function of style is to communicate and prove the truth of information by citing established facts or statistical forecasts;
  5. Genres of scientific style – monograph, essay, article, etc.;
  6. Type of speech – written, monologue.

The scientific style of speech is characterized by the use of abstract vocabulary, real and small terms, mainly nouns, evidence and unambiguity.

Formal business style

The official business style of speech has the following characteristics:

  1. Scope of application – law, storytelling in an official environment (legislation, office work). Using a business style, official documents are drawn up - a law, a resolution, a protocol, a certificate;
  2. Addressees – lawyers, diplomats, citizens, state;
  3. Type of speech – reasoning (written, oral) in the form of a monologue;
  4. A type of interaction is public communication;
  5. Style features - imperativeness, standardization and accuracy, lack of emotional overtones;
  6. The function of style is to convey information.

The official business style of speech is characterized by the presence of speech cliches, abbreviations, and complex irreducible words.

Journalistic style

The journalistic style of speech, narrating through the media, has the following characteristics:

  1. Scope of application – articles, essays, interviews;
  2. Addressees – specialists, society;
  3. Style features - emotionality, vocabulary used, logic, nationality, publicity, appeal, imagery;
  4. The function of style is to narrate events taking place in the country and the world, influence the masses and form a certain opinion regarding what is being announced;
  5. Type of speech – written, oral;
  6. Direction – feelings of opponents.

Journalistic style is characterized by the use of socially widespread and political vocabulary.

Conversational style

Conversational style is used in the process of normal interaction and communication. The author conveys to the addressee his own subjective thoughts and perception of reality in an informal environment. Characteristic features of the style:

The artistic style is widespread exclusively in the literary genre, influencing the recipients - readers through sensory perception and a wealth of lexical devices. A preliminary selection of linguistic means is made in the style. Characteristic features of the style:

  1. The type of vocabulary used is descriptive (artistic) narration;
  2. Style features – emotionality, coloration, fantasy;
  3. Form of style – written, monologue;
  4. Linguistic means – all types of linguistic means are used when creating book images;
  5. Addressees – society, possibly divided by gender and age composition;
  6. Direction – feelings of opponents;
  7. Type of genre - novel, story, short story, fable, comedy, etc.



Compiled by: Zhdanova Oksana Valerievna,

teacher of Russian language and literature




Text These are several sentences or paragraphs connected into a whole by a topic and main idea. The text can consist of one paragraph, or it can be an article or a book.

Main features of the text:

    thematic and compositional unity of all its parts;

    the presence of a grammatical connection between parts (chain, parallel);

    semantic integrity, relative completeness.

Connection of sentences in the text

    Chain link – this is a connection in which sentences are connected to each other sequentially, along a chain (the second sentence is connected to the first, the third to the second, the fourth to the third, etc.).

The peculiarity of this type of connection is the repetition of the keyword, its replacement with a synonym, synonymous phrase, pronoun, repetition of one or another member of the sentence.

For example:

The cherished goal that Nikolka thought about all these three days, when events fell into the family like stones, a goal associated with the mysterious last words of the one stretched out in the snow, Nikolka achieved this goal. But to do this, he had to run around the city all day before the parade and visit at least nine addresses. And many times in this rush Nikolka lost his presence of mind, and fell, and got up again, and still achieved.

(M.A. Bulgakov)

2. Parallel communication – This is a connection in which sentences are not linked to one another, but are compared and subordinate to the first sentence. With such a connection, all sentences complement and clarify the meaning of the first.

The peculiarity of this type of connection is the same word order, the members of the sentence are expressed in the same way grammatical forms, sometimes by repeating the first word of sentences. Parallel connections are used very often in poetry.

For example:

How many excellent words exist in the Russian language for the so-called celestial phenomena!

Summer thunderstorms pass over the ground and fall over the horizon. People like to say that the cloud did not pass, but fell.

Lightning either strikes the ground with a direct blow, or blazes on black clouds, like branchy golden trees uprooted.

(K. Paustovsky)

Subject of the text - this is something common that unites sentences in a text, this is what or who is said in this text.

Idea of ​​the text - this is what this text calls for, what it teaches, for what it was written.


Literary language serves different sides people's lives, so it is divided into functional styles. The choice of style depends on the purpose of speech and the speech situation, which, in turn, is related to the conditions in which communication occurs. Depending on the tasks of speech, styles are divided into two groups: conversational and bookish(scientific, artistic, journalistic, official business). Each style has its own characteristic features.


The conversational style is presented both orally and in writing - notes, private letters. The sphere of conversational style of speech is the sphere of everyday relations.

Target: communication, exchange of thoughts.

General signs: informality, ease of communication; unpreparedness of speech, its automaticity; the predominant oral form of communication.

The conversational style is widely used in fiction to figuratively depict certain events, as well as to characterize the characters’ speech.

    in vocabulary and phraseology – words that have a colloquial connotation; specific vocabulary; many words and phraseological units with expressive and emotional overtones; common and neutral words;

    suffixes of subjective assessment with the meaning of laxity, disapproval, magnification, with a colloquial coloring are widely used (sweetheart, cold storage, overnight, dead meat, doctor); formation of adjectives of evaluative meaning, verbs (big-eyed, thin, lose weight, talk); to enhance expression, doubling of words is used (big-big-big, big-eyed-big-eyed);

    in morphology – there is no predominance of the noun over the verb, verbs are more common, pronouns and particles are used more often, possessive adjectives are very common; participles are rare, gerunds are almost never found, short adjectives are rarely used;
    The tense meanings of the verb are varied (past and future in the meaning of the present), verbal interjections are widely used (jump, skip, bang);

    syntax – incomplete sentences; interrogative and incentive sentences; the order of words in a sentence is free; Impersonal sentences are widespread.

The telephone rang in the Golikovs’ apartment:

- Ale! Bear, is that you? No? Call me Mishka. Hurry up!

- What's wrong?

- I want to know: did he solve the problem with the answer?

- Who says this?

- Sanka.

“Tell me, Sanya,” the Golikovs’ grandmother asked in a whisper, “doesn’t this problem ask whether it’s convenient to get you out of bed at one in the morning with a phone call?”

“No,” Sanya was taken aback, but now he found it: “What’s wrong with that?”

(A. Sukontsev)

Fyodor pulled out a canvas on a stretcher, a box...

Savva Ilyich raised his head:

- Fedyushka, what are you doing?

- Sleep, sleep, Ilyich.

- Where there? I sleep like a bird of God. What are you doing?

- I want to prime the canvas.

- It seems like it’s not working time – it’s night?

- Need it by morning.

- That guy is careless, I see. Needed by morning, not ready.

Savva Ilyich began to rise.

- Go to sleep!

- I’ll help... careless, you’re upsetting me. You don't take things seriously.

(V. Tendryakov)


Scientific style – a type of book style of literary language. It is used in oral and written speech.

The main function is an evidence-based presentation of scientific information. Scientific speech is a monologue speech. The scientific style is characterized by accuracy, strict logic, and clarity of presentation.

The main type of speech: reasoning and description.

The most characteristic language means:

    in vocabulary - terms, unambiguous words, frequent repetition of keywords, lack of figurative means;

    word-formation features – suffixes that give abstract meaning; international roots, prefixes, suffixes;

    in morphology – predominance of nouns, frequent use of abstract verbal nouns; infrequency of pronouns I, you and 1st and 2nd person verbs singular; the infrequency of exclamatory particles and interjections;

    syntax – direct word order; widespread use of phrases “noun.” + noun in r.p.”; the predominance of vaguely personal and impersonal sentences; rare use of incomplete sentences; abundance of complex sentences; frequent use of participial and participial phrases.

An important means of logical organization of a coherent text is its division into paragraphs.

A paragraph is a section of written text from one red line to another. In terms of content, a paragraph serves as an expression of the completeness of a part of the whole, a separate link in the overall dynamics of thought and a transition to the next part, to the next link of thought. Properly organized paragraphs are very helpful in following the logic of the author's thoughts. The inability to divide text into paragraphs leads to a decrease in the logic of speech and significantly complicates its perception.

(B. N. Golovin)

Autumn is a time of year that lasts in the northern hemisphere of the Earth from the autumnal equinox (September 23) to the winter solstice (December 21 or 22). In everyday life, the months September, October and November are usually called autumn.

(Encyclopedia article)


Journalistic style - This is a style of newspapers, magazines, public speaking, which is used for propaganda purposes. The main function is the function of influence (agitation, propaganda).

Target: impact on listeners or readers.

The journalistic style is characterized by strict logic of presentation, accuracy of facts, as well as emotionality, imagery, evaluativeness, and appeal.

Genres of journalism - article in a newspaper, magazine, essay, report, interview, feuilleton, oratory, judicial speech, speech on radio, television, at a meeting, report.

The most characteristic language means:

    in vocabulary - widespread use of socio-political vocabulary, vocabulary denoting the concepts of morality, ethics, medicine, economics, culture, words from the field of psychology, words denoting the internal state and experiences of a person; much attention is paid to evaluative vocabulary; use of figurative means, figurative meaning words;

    word-formation features – use of foreign words (time-out, consensus, know-how);

    syntax – frequent use of nouns in the genitive case as an inconsistent definition; verbs in the form often act as predicates imperative mood, reflexive verbs; frequent use of interrogative and exclamatory sentences, rhetorical questions, appeals; the use of homogeneous sentence parts, introductory words and sentences, participial and participial phrases, complex syntactic constructions.

The greatest value of a people is its language. The language in which he writes, speaks, thinks. He thinks! This must be understood thoroughly, in all the polysemy and significance of this fact. After all, this means that a person’s entire conscious life flows through his native language. Emotions and sensations only color what we think about, or push the thought in some way, but our thoughts are all formulated in language.

(D.S. Likhachev)

Why don’t you powerfully raise your voice against the madness that threatens to envelop the world in a cloud of poison? Every moment, somewhere under the scythe of death, a person falls, and every moment, in some other corner of the earth, a woman, triumphant in victory over the elements of destruction, gives the world a new person... Thousands and thousands of your sons have covered themselves with brilliance and glory throughout the centuries. They enriched our lives with great discoveries, their work, the work of your sons, created man from the beast - the best of all that has been seen on earth. How can you allow the person you have born to degrade again to a beast, to a predator, to a murderer?

(M. Gorky)


Formal business style of speech used in the field of legal relations, official, industrial. Its main function is the accurate transmission of business information. It is used for writing various official documents, business papers.

The official business style is characterized by accuracy, conciseness of presentation, standardization and stereotyped construction of the text. All documents are devoid of emotionality and expressiveness.

Most characteristic features:

    in vocabulary– lack of vocabulary of limited use (dialectisms, colloquial words, etc.); lack of emotionally charged vocabulary; widespread use of standard figures of speech, special terminology, and stable phrases of a non-emotional nature;

    in morphology– use of imperfective verbs (in charters, codes, laws); perfect form (in more specific documents - protocols, orders, acts); short adjectives; large quantity denominative prepositions and conjunctions; verbal nouns in the genitive case; masculine nouns to designate female persons by their profession;

    syntax– complicated simple sentences; strict word order in a sentence; Impersonal and infinitive constructions and complex sentences predominate.

Business letter

Members of the exchange are banks that have received a license to carry out transactions with securities and having accepted all obligations arising from the Securities Law and the Charter of the Stock Exchange.

Banks are required to approve and submit a list individuals authorized by them to carry out transactions with securities, who must also obtain a license to carry out transactions with securities.


Fiction style- this is the style of works of art: stories, novels, plays, etc. The main function is to influence the reader and also inform him about something.

The artistic style is distinguished by imagery, expressiveness, and emotionality.

Target: impact on listeners or readers of works.

Most characteristic features:

    in vocabulary - use of vocabulary and phraseology of other styles;

    use of figurative and expressive means (metaphor, hyperbole, aphorism, epithet, comparison, personification, etc.);

    the use of rhetorical questions, sentences of various syntactic structures;

    manifestation of the author’s creative individuality.

The sun was already setting behind the forest; it cast several slightly warm rays... Then the rays went out one after another; the last ray remained for a long time; it, like a thin needle, pierced the thicket of branches, but that too went out.

(I. S. Turgenev)

A wavy cloud

Dust rises in the distance;

On horseback or on foot -

Can't be seen in the dust!

I see someone jumping

On a dashing horse.

My friend, distant friend,

Remember me!

(A. Fet)


The objects of our statements are surrounding objects, phenomena, animals, people; various concepts; life situations. Depending on this, texts are divided into three semantic types: narration, description, reasoning.


Narration – a semantic type of text that describes events in a certain sequence.

Narrative text comes in the form of colloquial and literary styles.

A literary narrative text is built according to the following compositional scheme: exposition, plot, development of action, climax, denouement. Works of the narrative type can begin immediately with the beginning and even the denouement of the action, i.e. an event can be transmitted in direct, chronological order and in reverse, when we first learn about the denouement, and only then about the action itself.

The expressive and visual power of storytelling lies primarily in the visual representation of action, the movement of people and phenomena in time and space.

Since the narrative reports events, incidents, and actions, a special role here belongs to verbs, especially past perfect forms. They, denoting successive events, help unfold the narrative.

About an hour passed like this. The moon shone through the window, and its beam played across the earthen floor of the hut. Suddenly, a shadow flashed across the bright stripe crossing the floor. I stood up and looked out the window; someone ran past him a second time and disappeared God knows where. I could not believe that this creature would run away along the steep bank; however, he had nowhere else to go. I stood up, put on my beshmet, belted my dagger, and quietly left the hut; a blind boy meets me. I hid by the fence, and he walked past me with a faithful but cautious step. He carried some kind of bundle under his arms and, turning towards the pier, began to descend along a narrow and steep path.

(M. Yu. Lermontov)


Description - semantic type of text that describes the characteristics of objects, phenomena, animals, humans.

Descriptive text can be in any style.

Composition of the description, its most characteristic elements:

    general idea of ​​the subject;

    description of details, parts, individual features of an object;

The description widely uses words denoting the qualities and properties of objects.

Verbs are more often used in the form of the imperfect past tense, and for special clarity and figurativeness - in the form of the present tense; An important role is played by agreed and inconsistent definitions, nominal and incomplete sentences.

The sea hummed menacingly beneath them, standing out from all the noises of this anxious and sleepy night. Huge, lost in space, it lay deep below, far away whitening through the darkness with manes of foam running towards the ground. The chaotic hum of the old poplars outside the garden fence, which grew like a gloomy island on the rocky coast, was also terrifying. It was felt that in this deserted place the night of late autumn now reigned powerfully, and the old big garden, the house packed up for the winter and the opening of the gazebo at the corners of the fence were eerie in their abandonment. One sea hummed smoothly, victoriously and, it seemed, more and more majestic in the consciousness of its strength. The damp wind knocked us off our feet on the cliff, and for a long time we were not able to get enough of its soft, penetrating freshness to the depths of our souls.

(I. Bunin)


Reasoning – semantic type of text in which some phenomenon, fact, concept is affirmed or denied.

Reasoning differs from narration and description by more complexly constructed sentences and vocabulary.

Text-reasoning comes in the form of scientific style and its varieties. Reasoning can appear in different genre forms: in the form of a letter, article, review, report, student essay, polemical speech in a discussion, polemical dialogue.

The reasoning is based on the following plan:

    thesis (some idea is expressed);

    arguments proving it;

    conclusion, or conclusion.

The thesis must be provable and clearly formulated.

The arguments must be convincing and sufficient to prove your thesis.

This is a strange thing - a book. There is, it seems to me, something mysterious, almost mystical. Now another new publication has been published - and immediately it already appears somewhere in the statistics. But in fact, although there is a book, it is not there! Not until at least one reader reads it.

Yes, a strange thing - a book. It stands on the shelf quietly, calmly, like many other objects in your room. But then you pick it up, open it, read it, close it, put it on the shelf and... that’s it? Hasn't something changed in you? Let’s listen to ourselves: after reading the book, didn’t some new string sound in our soul, didn’t some new thought settle in our heads? Don’t you want to reconsider something in your character, in your relationships with people, with nature?

Book …. This is a piece of the spiritual experience of humanity. While reading, we voluntarily or involuntarily process this experience and compare our life gains and losses with it. In general, with the help of a book we improve ourselves.

(N. Morozova)


    A.I.Vlasenkov, L.M. Rybchenkova “Russian language. Grammar. Text. Speech styles" textbook for grades 10-11 educational institutions. M.: “Enlightenment”, 2006

    M.T. Baranov, T.A. Kostyaeva, A.V. Prudnikova “Russian language” reference materials. Textbook for students. M.: “Enlightenment”, 1993

    Speech development lessons for grades 5, 6, 7. Methodological manual for teachers. Edited by G.I. Kanakina, G.V. Prantsova. M.: Vlados, 2000

    T.M. Voiteleva, K.A. Voilova, N.A. Gerasimenko and others. “Russian Language” is a large reference book for schoolchildren and those entering universities. M.: “Bustard”, 1999

Depending on the purpose and context of communication in the Russian language, there are five main f.s. r.: conversational style, scientific style, official business style, journalistic style and ... Dictionary of literary terms

Speech historically established system speech means, used in one or another area of ​​human communication; a type of literary language that performs a specific function in communication. There are 5 functional styles: scientific meaning... ... Wikipedia

Styles distinguished in accordance with the main functions of language associated with a particular field of human activity (see functions of language). Functional styles do not form closed systems; there is wide interaction and influence between styles... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

FUNCTIONAL STYLES- FUNCTIONAL STYLES. Styles are distinguished in accordance with the main functions of the language associated with a particular field of human activity. F. s. do not form closed systems, there is wide interaction between styles, the influence of one on... ... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

Functional styles in relation to colloquial speech and artistic speech- – see Artistic style of speech, or artistically figurative, artistically fictional; Conversational style...

This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can... Wikipedia

Main article: Functional styles of speech Scientific style is a functional style of speech, literary language, which is characterized by a number of features: preliminary consideration of the statement, monologue character, strict selection of linguistic means, ... ... Wikipedia

Artistic style of speech, or artistic-visual, artistic-fictional- – one of the functional styles (see), characterizing the type of speech in the aesthetic sphere of communication: verbal works of art. The constructive principle of H. s. R. – contextual translation of the word concept into the word image; specific style feature - ... ... Stylistic encyclopedic Dictionary Russian language

Functional style, or functional variety of language, functional type of speech- is a historically established, socially conscious speech variety that has a specific character (its own speech systematicity - see), formed as a result of the implementation of special principles of selection and combination of linguistic means, it is... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

SPEECH DEVELOPMENT at school- purposeful ped. activities to develop students’ speech; equipping schoolchildren with practical skills. possession of native lit. language as a means of communication. In the process of working on R. r. students master pronunciation, lexical, morphological. And… … Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia


  • Russian language. Culture of speech, T. E. Timoshenko. IN textbook the characteristics of language as a sign system for transmitting information are given; the functions, basic units and types of communication are considered; functional styles of speech are described; presented... eBook
  • Functional styles. Study guide, Shchenikova Elena Viktorovna. The textbook presents characteristics of the functional styles of the modern Russian literary language, distinguished within the framework of the classical system of five styles. The manual is intended for…

Style is the main element of speech. In essence, this is the “clothing” of the text, its design. And people's clothes speak volumes.

A man in a formal suit is probably a business worker, and a guy in sneakers and stretched sweatpants is either out to buy bread or is still an athlete.

Likewise, by the stylistic “clothing” of the text one can understand in what area it “works” - functions.

Workshop “Delicious text”

For those who want to write brightly, imaginatively, stylishly. Come if your texts have the following problems:
... boring to read;
… the texts are like an information guide;
... there is a narrative, but no emotions
... the text is impersonal and gray, there is no brightness in it, but there is a lot of repetition and clericalism.

Speaking scientifically, style is a system of various linguistic means and the ways in which they are organized, which has developed over the entire historical period of language development. The use of each of the existing systems is typical for a strictly defined sphere of human communication: for example, scientific field, official business, the sphere of activity of the media, fiction or the sphere of communication in everyday life or on the Internet.

By the way, please note: in some sources text styles are called speech styles. Both phrases are the same thing.

Types of text (speech) styles

The Russian language has historically developed four functional styles. Later, the style of fiction emerged from the journalistic style.

Thus, there are currently five speech styles:

How to distinguish one style from another? For example, male business suit- This is a combination of trousers, shirt, tie, jacket and shoes. And style is also a combination of certain “subjects” - elements: words, sentences (syntactic structures) and text structure.

Characteristics of speech styles

So, how can you recognize the scientific style by “clothes”?

Rich expressive and emotional vocabulary. Metaphors and comparisons at every step. “Colorful” words are slang, abusive, outdated. Sentence structures that are easy to understand (“It was getting dark”). Bright author's position.

How to identify?

First of all, this is a style for everyday live communication between people. In writing, it is used when the author wants to establish a closer, personal contact with his readers. Personal notes on a blog, selling texts, notes with social networks etc. It is characterized by live speech, pronounced expression, colloquial and vernacular words and phrases, colorfulness, high subjectivity and evaluativeness, repetitions, incomplete sentences. Sometimes obscene language is also used.

Thus, when working on a text, it is important to combine stylistic elements. Otherwise, you risk being left without a reader, and your manuscript being locked in the desk. Why? Are you going to apply for an office job in torn jeans and an elongated T-shirt? I think not.

So you shouldn’t write in a scientific style. However, in an artistic style you can use elements of each - scientific, conversational, journalistic... The main thing is to understand why you are doing this, for what purpose, what effect you want to achieve.

Therefore, in order not to look stupid, find out the features different styles, their elements and - learn to work with them.

And don’t forget - you are greeted by your clothes. And not only people, but also texts.

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