Holographic TV and a new holography method. Holographic TVs very soon Holographic TV will become a reality

The development of technologies for holographic image of objects is carried out in several directions. American and Japanese scientists have been especially successful in this.

1) Using synchronized cameras and computers.

Demonstrated to the world by the CNN channel in November 2008, its host Anderson Cooper conducted a real-time interview with a hologram of the famous performer will.i.am, who is in a completely different place. This required the efforts of SportVu and Vizrt, and a lot of equipment was needed here. The man projected into the CNN studio was filmed simultaneously by 35 cameras high resolution. The cameras together streamed the complex image to the studio, being, in turn, synchronized with the studio cameras so that no overlaps occurred. In addition, infrared scanning was also used for greater reliability. And after all this, the overall picture was processed in real time by 12 computers at once.

And on November 4, 2008, in the CNN studio, viewers were told about the progress of the voting on presidential elections in the USA they told live digital holograms of presenters.

2) FogScreens technology, which creates images in the air using liquid droplets.

Using two FogScreens devices and a projector that controls the movement of two-dimensional images, it is possible to create two flat images, which are then transformed into three-dimensional images, which the user sees without any special devices.

Previously, a similar effect could only be obtained in laboratory conditions, small in size about ten centimeters. Now it was possible to achieve the size of a real room with distances of several meters. The researchers called their device an “immaterial display,” which could have many applications, including virtual tours in museums, teleconferences and telemedicine, various gaming and training systems, e-books with three-dimensional illustrations and other areas.

3) Color electron holography.

In order to create a color hologram using the usual method, it is necessary to illuminate the object separately with red, green and blue laser beams, and this must be done in a dark room; so using this method, it is impossible to obtain a holographic image of moving objects.
New technology allows you to film an object in normal lighting. A holographic image is then created from the captured video using high-speed data processing.
The hologram is displayed on three LCD panels in red, blue and green. Holographic images of the same object are then reproduced by laser beams and synthesized into a 3D video that can be shown in real time.
So far, the size of the reproduced image is only 1 cm, since holography has a small 3D viewing angle of 2°. In the next three years, scientists from the Japanese ICT Institute intend to quadruple the size of 3D video images.

4) Three-dimensional holographic screens.
The author of the new work is Nasser Peykhambarian, a professor at the University of Arizona.
The basis of the device is a new polymer material that can record three-dimensional graphic information, erase it and display a new three-dimensional frame on the screen in a matter of minutes. Despite the fact that the implementation new technology use involves a number of technical difficulties, scientists are confident that they will be able to improve their invention and achieve updating of holographic information at a speed of about 30 frames per minute.

Peykhambarian is confident that within a few years he will be able to bring the speed of updating graphic information on the screen to a level sufficient to create a full-fledged video monitor.
Currently, the range of applications of this holographic device is very limited. It can be used for medical purposes and will also certainly be of interest to the military. It’s also too early to talk about three-dimensional television: in addition to the screen, to watch TV programs you need the TV itself, a transmitting station and cameras that record the program.

The development of technologies for holographic image of objects is carried out in several directions.

      1. Synchronized cameras and computers

Demonstrated to the world by the CNN channel in November 2008, its host Anderson Cooper conducted a real-time interview with a hologram of the famous performer William James Adams, located in a completely different place. The person projected into the CNN studio was simultaneously filmed by 35 high-definition cameras. The cameras together streamed the complex image to the studio, being, in turn, synchronized with the studio cameras so that no overlaps occurred. In addition, infrared scanning was also used for greater reliability. And after all this, the overall picture was processed in real time by 12 computers at once.

And on November 4, 2008, in the CNN studio, viewers were told live about the progress of voting in the US presidential election by digital holograms of presenters.

      1. 3D holographic screens

The author of the new work is Nasser Peykhambarian, a professor at the University of Arizona. The basis of the device is a new polymer material that can record three-dimensional graphic information, erase it and display a new three-dimensional frame on the screen in a matter of minutes. Despite the fact that putting the new technology into use involves a number of technical difficulties, scientists are confident that they will be able to improve their invention and achieve updating of holographic information at a speed of about 30 frames per minute.

Peykhambarian is confident that within a few years he will be able to bring the speed of updating graphic information on the screen to a level sufficient to create a full-fledged video monitor. This holographic device can be used for medical purposes and will also certainly be of interest to the military.

      1. Phased array antenna

For the first time, specialists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology were able to create an optical phased antenna array (PAR). Among other things, it will make it possible to create holographic televisions in which an object can be viewed from all sides.

You can control the light beam in two ways: using mechanical drives that rotate the light bulb, and also by varying the phase of the light. In the latter case, the interference of light from two emitters allows the creation of a directed light beam. Simply put, the light rays of the emitters cancel each other in some directions and enhance them in others, resulting in a directed beam. The phased array principle is well known and used in radar stations, but MIT specialists were the first to manage to make a similar large optical antenna. This is a real revolution in optics.

The MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) optical phased array consists of an array of 4096 emitters, which are placed on a single silicon crystal (576 × 576 μm). The emitters project an image of the MIT logo. In this case, all 4096 light sources emit light, but due to a change in the direction of the rays by several millimeters, the result is not an even spot of light, but a logo. Scientists also demonstrated a second sample of a phased array - with 64 emitters. This chip has the ability to change phase and can create a moving image.

The new technology could find applications in a wide range of areas: from cheaper and more effective rangefinders, to medical devices and holographic TVs. Silicon chips with optical phased arrays can be produced on an industrial scale; the only drawback of the technology is the presence of a large number of control wires (according to the number of emitters). For large phased arrays this can be a problem, although the developers claim that it can be solved.

      Helping firefighters identify objects due to smoke

Scientists at the Italian State Institute of Optics have developed a three-dimensional holography system that will help firefighters identify objects in conditions of heavy smoke.

One of the biggest challenges firefighters face during rescue operations is recognizing moving people through a thick curtain of smoke and a wall of flames.

Firefighters, using modern digital technology, can see people through the smoke. However, due to the powerful radiation emanating from the fire, such tools are limited in use. By using specialized lenses, the researchers created a system that can cope with radiation from flames.

In the newly created imaging system, the infrared laser beam is dispersed throughout the room. Unlike visible light, which cannot penetrate thick smoke and flames, infrared rays pass through unhindered. An infrared beam hitting an object is reflected from it and transmits information that is recorded on a holographic image forming device. It is then decoded to show objects behind the smoke and flames. And the result is a 3-D object.

The next step in advancing this technology is the creation of a portable tripod that will combine a source of laser and infrared radiation. In addition, the development team is exploring the use of this technology in the field of medical diagnostics for the study and monitoring of large aerospace structures.

In addition to using the development in rescue operations, there is potential for its use in studying and monitoring human breathing, cardiac activity or body measurements during exercise.

Veklich A.V.
Erushevich D.A.
Borisov R.A.
Rachek V.B.

Institute of Engineering Physics and Radioelectronics Siberian Federal University
660074, Krasnoyarsk, st. Kirenskogo 26.
Email: [email protected]

This article discusses holography. The principles of operation of holographic television have been studied. From the technology analysis, the prospects for using the technology are highlighted. The emergence of a technology accessible to everyone is predicted.

Keywords: FogScreens, 3D, hologram, holographic television

In this article discusses the holography. Studied the principles of holographic television. Due technology analysis highlighted the prospects for the use of technology. It predicts the emergence of technology, accessible to all.

Keywords: FogScreens, 3D, hologram, holographic television

Holography is a special method of recording and subsequent reconstruction of a wave field, based on recording an interference pattern. It owes its appearance to the laws of wave optics - the laws of interference and diffraction. This one is fundamental new way recording and reproducing the spatial image of objects was invented by the English physicist D. Gabort in 1947, for which he received Nobel Prize in 1971. The experimental implementation and further development of this method by Soviet scientist Yu.N. Denisyuk in 1962 and American physicists E. Leith and Y. Upatnieks in 1963 became possible after the appearance in 1960 of light sources with a high degree of coherence - lasers.

Holography methods, recording holograms in three-dimensional environments, color and panoramic holography, etc., are increasingly being developed. It can be used in computers with holographic memory, holographic electron microscope, holographic cinema and television, holographic interferometry, etc.

The first three-dimensional television image, obtained on a different principle, was demonstrated by Pavel Vasilyevich Shmakov 17 years ago; further prospects for three-dimensional television are associated precisely with holography. The development of such systems is being intensively discussed and appears to be progressing. Thus, there are reports that already in 1967 a model of a commercial holographic camera will be shown. The development of technologies for holographic image of objects is carried out in several directions. American and Japanese scientists have been especially successful in this.

The first person who was able to obtain a working hologram was our compatriot, Yu.N Denisyuk. In 1962, he developed a method for capturing and reproducing holograms, which is still used today. After this, scientists thought: since there is a static three-dimensional image, then why not create a dynamic one - a holographic movie? The idea was good - after all, such cinema does not give the illusion of volume, but volume itself and, accordingly, a vivid effect of the viewer’s presence in the film scene.

There are four areas for the development of holographic television technologies:

Receiving holographic television using synchronized cameras and computers - TV channel host Anderson Cooper conducted a real-time interview with a hologram of the famous performer will.i.am, who was in a completely different place. This required the efforts of SportVu and Vizrt, and also required a lot of equipment. The person projected into the CNN studio was simultaneously filmed by 35 high-definition cameras. The cameras together streamed the complex image to the studio, being, in turn, synchronized with the studio cameras so that no overlaps occurred. In addition, infrared scanning was also used for greater reliability. And after all this, the overall picture was processed in real time by 12 computers at once.

Obtaining a holographic image using FogScreens technology - using two FogScreens devices and a projector that controls the movement of two-dimensional images, you can create two flat images, which are then transformed into three-dimensional ones - which the user sees without any special devices.

Obtaining a holographic image using color electron holography - a hologram is created on the basis of integral photography, when subjects are filmed under normal lighting with a video camera with a lens that imitates the structure of the compound eye of insects. This lens consists of many microlenses. It is also used to display 3D images.

Obtaining a holographic image using three-dimensional holographic screens - now a holographic display, developed by Arizona specialists, has the form of a film less than a millimeter thick and an area of ​​​​about 10 square centimeters. A three-dimensional holographic image can be constructed on such a screen in less than 3 minutes.

Having analyzed the development of technologies related to holographic television, we can predict its imminent appearance in our lives.

According to scientists, by 2020 holographic television technology will be available to almost everyone. We can highlight the main aspects of the future of television:

1. Improvements in television technology will increase the transmission speed and quality of three-dimensional holographic images.

2. The development of laser technology will ensure the creation of ultra-wideband optical communication lines, as well as corresponding systems for modulating and scanning light beams. Usage laser beam is the only way to transmit the colossal amount of information contained in the hologram.

3. Development of dynamic image receivers and faster screens with increased resolution. Today, photochromic materials and thermoplastics seem particularly promising. For the former, permission is at molecular level, but the sensitivity is still low. The latter are distinguished by their speed - already now making a hologram takes several seconds, and this time can be reduced to a fraction of a second.

Let us highlight the main prospects for technology development

Typical of this period, holographic displays cost a lot of money, most of them are now considered a luxury item. However, competition between the main manufacturers will soon be marked by a reduction in production costs, which makes this product affordable for most people. Further improvements in technology are also leading to larger, clearer displays. These screens can be either mounted on a wall (with the laser image displayed against its background), or placed on a table in a horizontal position, placing the remaining components of the device under the table.

Over the coming decades, improvements in this technology will make it possible to create entire rooms “furnished” with holograms.

The chip can be used in the production of a wide range of devices.

The use of technology in all areas of life, from video games to high-precision robotic medical equipment, which is used to perform complex operations.

  1. Holographic TV could be here by 2020 - [Electronic resource],
  2. URL: http/www.dvice.com
  3. Gurevich, S., Konstantinov V., Chernykch D.: Interference-holography studies in space. Proc. SPIE, 1183(1989), 479-485
  4. Gurevich, S., Konstantinov, V., Relin, V., Babenko, V.: Optimization of the wavefront recording and reconstructing in real-time holographic interferometry. Proc. of SPIE, 3238(1997), 16-19
  5. Bat’kovich, V., Budenkova, O., Konstantinov, V., Sadov, O., Smirnova, E.: Determination of the temperature distribution in liquids and solids using holographic interferometry, Tech. Phys., 44(1999)6, 704-708.

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A holographic TV allows, using special technical means (an optical prism installed inside it, an LED panel, etc.) and software (Digital 3D Signage systems), to display three-dimensional images - holograms, using ordinary 2D videos.

A holographic TV forms an image of a regular video inside an optical prism, converting it into a special 3D format. The generated image from the LED panel is projected onto the main optical element of the holographic TV - a specially designed optical prism. The prism glass has a special optical coating that refracts the image rays into the center of the prism and forms a 3D image floating “in the air”. This image can be viewed from all angles and enjoy a fantastic effect.

Holographic TVs are available in all sizes and shapes, decorated in any materials and additions. They do not require much space to place them.

Holographic TV Software:

Digital 3D Signage system is a specially designed software for displaying any digital content on holographic TVs. This is a system for automatically converting regular videos into holographic 3D prism format in real time. This software allows you to use existing conventional videos and output them without preliminary adaptation for holographic media. The holographic TV, using Digital 3D Signage software, automatically changes the video in real time and displays it in a prism in ideal 3D format. Thanks to Digital 3D Signage, there is no need to create special videos for display on holographic media and spend additional funds accordingly.

The Digital 3D Signage system also allows you to create an advertising network on a national scale. Those. a network of holographic TVs can be controlled from one common server over the Internet.


– 3D effect without points,

holographic TVs have an ultra-light and durable body made of metal-plastic materials,

– ultra-light, durable optical prism material is used. Due to this, the weight of holographic TVs was reduced by 4–5 times without loss of quality characteristics,

The capabilities of the prism have been significantly expanded by introducing the “Rotate” function, i.e. the same holographic TV can simply be turned 180 degrees and press the corresponding key on the wireless control panel and it will show videos in the new position. Thus, the same prism can be used both in the N-Prism position and in the V-Prism position, depending on the required location of the prism,

– the best image in terms of clarity, saturation and color rendition,

The general interest in the possibility of implementing volumetric holographic television is understandable. Such television will bring the art and technology of television as close as possible.

reproduction to real conditions and will create an almost 100% presence effect.

Although the first three-dimensional television image obtained on a different principle was demonstrated by Shmakov 17 years ago, the future prospects of three-dimensional television are associated precisely with holography. The development of such systems is being intensively discussed and appears to be progressing. Thus, there are reports that already in 1967 a prototype of a commercial holographic system will be shown, transmitting three-dimensional images and requiring a bandwidth of no more than .

The idea of ​​holographic television was apparently first proposed by Rogers in his 1958 patent - even before the invention of the laser. The most detailed discussion of the requirements for a holographic three-dimensional television system is given in the work. It has been shown that such a system will require a bandwidth of about 10" Hz (with a TV screen resolution of 700 line!), which is four orders of magnitude higher than the bandwidth of a modern TV channel. Therefore, the transmission of three-dimensional images via a regular TV channel is currently possible only for simple objects or in slow scanning mode.

If large-structure holograms are produced by choosing a small angle between the object reference beams, then they can be immediately transmitted on television. The first successful television broadcast of such holograms has already been carried out. However, this method is only suitable for small two-dimensional objects such as a banner. Compared to conventional television broadcasting, it has only the advantages that image information is transmitted in encoded form and that such transmission is highly noise-resistant. Even if you lose up to 90% of the information (for example, 9 out of 10 minutes the connection did not work due to interference), you can restore various contours of the entire original image.

Another possible way- television in the microwave range. Multi-element antenna arrays can be used as a microwave hologram. The amount of information contained in a hologram, which is obtained in the millimeter wavelength range, is not too large to be transmitted by conventional means. Observation at the receiving end of the TV channel is supposed to be carried out by irradiating a reduced hologram with a laser. However, such holograms are very small and do not produce noticeable parallax. If you glue a set of such holograms together, the object

will be seen as if it were being viewed through many small holes in the screen.

Further attacks on holographic television will obviously come from several sides. Firstly, the improvement of television technology will increase the transmission speed and quality of three-dimensional holographic images. Further, the development of laser technology will ensure the creation of ultra-wideband optical communication lines, as well as corresponding systems for modulating and scanning light beams. Apparently, the use of a laser beam is the only way to transmit the enormous amount of information contained in the hologram.

The third direction is associated with the development of dynamic image receivers and faster screens with increased resolution. Today, photochromic materials and thermoplastics seem to be particularly non-responsive. In the former, the resolution is at the molecular level, but the sensitivity is low. The latter are distinguished by their speed - already now making a hologram takes several seconds, and this time can be reduced to a fraction of a second.

In addition, holographic television must find means to save bandwidth. For example, it is possible to reduce the field of view in the vertical direction without significant damage. It is also necessary to take advantage of the fact that successive images are only slightly different from each other. By creating a diverging reference beam at the edge of the hologram, you can significantly enlarge the smallest element of the hologram. Darkening of unimportant image details and other optical tricks are also possible. Finally, not all the information recorded on the hologram is needed to reconstruct the image, and one must learn to manage this redundancy property.

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