Icon Sophia the wisdom of God of Kyiv description. Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary “The Wisdom of God Sophia. When they pray before the icon of "Sophia the Wisdom of the Mother of God"


Icon of Sophia, the Wisdom of God (Kiev)

Icon of Sophia, the Wisdom of God occupies a special place in Russian Orthodox Church. There are many lists with the image of Sophia, the Most Wisdom of God, - for example, in Ki-e-ve, Nov-go-ro- de, Vo-log-de, To-bol-ske, in Moscow, in Tro-i-tse-Ser-gi-e-voy lav-re and other places, but they all boil down, basically, to two types: Kiev and Novgorod.

This image first appeared in Byzantium. It was to him that the Justinian Church of Sophia the Wisdom of God in Constantinople was dedicated.

All lists with the image of Sophia, the Most Wisdom of God, depict the Mother of God and embody -from Her Ipo-status Pre-wisdom - the Son of God, you give one main thought.IN the incarnation of the Son of God is inseparable from the thought of the Mother of God, who is called the House of Divine Wisdom, the true Temple of the Living God on earth. This served as one of the grounds for mechanically transferring the content and symbolism of Sophia of the Wisdom of God to the image of the Virgin Mary.

Under Pre-wisdom, or So-fi-ey, they understand the Son of God on the basis of Chapter IX of the book of Proverbs So-lo-mo-new-vyh, where it says: These words contain a reference to Christ, the Son of God, Who is mentioned in the Epistles of the Apostles -va-et-sya with God’s power and “God’s Pre-wisdom”; and in the word “house” there is an indication of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, who served the incarnation of the Son God. On the basis of these words, the image of the icons of St. Sophia, the Most Wisdom of God, is built.

“Sophia, the Wisdom of God” (Kiev)

One of the most ancient lists of icons is the Kiev icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God”, located in Ki-e-ve, in the Sophia Council.

This icon, borrowed from the Church of Yus-ti-ni-a-na in Byzantium, depicts the unity of the Church see Heavenly and earthly through the incarnation of the Son of God - the Most Wisdom of God. On it there is a picture of a house or a temple and in it there is a standing Mother of God in a hi-tone, with a covering on her head, under the canopy, under-live-va-e-my table-pa-mi. Her hands and arms are spread out, and Her feet are established on the grey-shaped moon. On the per-syakh of Bo-go-ma-te-ri po-ko-it-sya the Pre-eternal Baby, with the right hand of the b-word-la-y-y, and in the left-handed country. On the ledge are the words of the book of Proverbs: “Most-wisdom built a house for herself and established the seven tables.” Above the canopy in the middle there is a picture of the Holy Spirit surrounded by a ray of light, and a little higher, also surrounded by a si-ya-ni -I am, God the Father, who has a holder in his left hand, and a blessing in his right hand; From His mouth come the words: “I affirmed Her feet.” On both sides, in the image of God the Father and the Holy Spirit, seven ar-khan-ge-lovs with races were presented -erased your wings and with the signs of your service in your hands:

  • Michael has a flaming sword;
  • Uriel has a lightning bolt pointing downwards;
  • Raphael has alabaster (an alabaster vessel for storing incense, in this case, myrrh);
  • Gabriel has a lily flower;
  • Selaphiel has a rosary;
  • in Jehudiel - royal crown;
  • Barachiel has flowers, and he himself is located on a white board.

Under the ob-la-com with the grey-shaped moon serving under the Bo-go-ma-te-ri, there is an image of a pulpit (the raised platform in front of the iconostasis ), which includes seven steps with inscriptions that carry the deepest meaning for every believer:

  1. Purity (of thoughts);
  2. Glory;
  3. Nobility;
  4. Humility before the Lord;
  5. Love;
  6. Hope;
  7. Faith.

The entire icon is supplemented with the inscription “Wisdom create for yourself a house and establish seven pillars.”

The main purpose of the image is to remind all Christians for what purpose the Savior came to people and from whom He was born.

On both sides of the seven steps are the biblical prophets and forefathers:

  • Moses with skri-zha-la-mi, on which the damn words: “Rejoice, the cry of God, on it is the Father’s finger on the word of God.”;
  • Aaron with the rod (Moses' brother, the first Jewish high priest);
  • King David with the Ark of the Testament;
  • Prophet Isaiah (on his har-ti-i, which hangs from his left shoulder, visible inscription: “Behold the De-va in the womb comes and gives birth to the Son”);
  • prophet Jeremiah with a scroll;
  • the prophet Ezekiel with the gates behind his creation;
  • Prophet Daniel with a stone in his hands.

Seven steps are waiting to be established on the seven tables, on which are taken from Apo-ka-lip-si -sa pictures and their explanations:

  • on the first pillar there are 7 combs with over-pi-sue: “gift of so-ve-ta”;
  • on the second - se-mi-candle-nick with above-pi-sue: “gift of ra-zu-ma”;
  • on the third - a book with 7 suffixes and above-pi-sue: “the gift of pre-wisdom.”
  • on the left side, on the first outermost table, there are 7 pipes and an inscription: “gift of the Creation”;
  • on the second - the right hand with 7 stars and above the pi-sue: “gift of ve-de-niya”;
  • on the third - 7 incense smokes and the inscription: “gift of goodness”;
  • on the fourth and last pillar there are 7 jets of lightning with an over-pi-sew: “the gift of the fear of God.”

In this way, on this icon, with the exception of Bo-go-ma-te-ri and St. Trinity, all persons and things are capable of the seventh number and have a similar meaning -what. This is the image of the Kiev icon of Sophia - the Most Wisdom of God.

“Sophia, the Wisdom of God” (Novgorod)

Another image, similar to the Kyiv one, is located in Novgorod in the Sophia Cathedral and has its own differences. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the Mother of God and John the Baptist pray on it, standing before the Savior. Therefore, the type of Novgorod edition is defined asDeesis (Greek word "de-i-sus" means prayer; that’s what the icons are called, depicting the Savior, and in front of it is the Mother of God and John the Baptist -chu in mo-lit-ven-nom-lo-zhe-nii).

Icon of Sophia, the Wisdom of God (Novgorod)

This icon depicts the Lord Almighty in royal attire, with fiery wings on a fiery throne , I'm waiting to be established on this table. All around is a blue sky, covered with stars. According to us, the images of the Mother of God and John the Forerunner are the closest witnesses of the incarnation of the Word of God -zhia. Above is the image of the Spa-si-tel, raising his hand in a blessing gesture . Above this image, but again there is a blue starry sky and here on the golden pre-st-hundred lies the Evan-he-lie, in front there are six angels (three from each side) who are clinging to the place.

The New City icon of Sophia is considered miraculous . According to all those praying in front of the icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God,” the Blessed Mary does not leave a single request unattended; each one receives an answer in the form of a sign, an event, or simply a resolution to the situation. The co-preserved-niv-she-e-xia is-to-ri-che-news says that from this icon in 1542 the -targeting one woman who suffered from sore eyes.

Days of veneration:

“Sofia - the Wisdom of God” (Novgorod) - August 15/28 ;
“Sofia - the Wisdom of God” (Kiev) - September 8/21.

All the images of Sophia - the Most Wisdom of God - express the thought of Ma-te-ri of God, by serving the living We are the weapons for the incarnation of the hypo-status Pre-wisdom - the Son of God. For this reason, the celebration of the icon of Sophia is with the right-glorious church on the days of God and before property for the Birth of the Bo-go-ro-di-tsy, as in Ki-e-ve, or for the Dormition of the Most Holy Bo-go-ro-di- tsy, as in Novgorod, Vologda, Tobolsk, Moscow and other places where there are icons of Sophia - the Most Wise God's growth.

Troparion, tone 1: Eternal Wisdom, Christ our God! / With Your divine gaze you bowed the Heavens, / You deigned to dwell in the womb of the Pure Maiden, / Having destroyed the mediastinum of enmity, / You sanctified our nature / and You opened Your Kingdom to us; / for this sake of You, our Creator and Savior, / and the Pure Virgin who gave birth to You, / who served the mystery of our salvation, we Orthodoxy magnify.

The Icon of the Mother of God “Sophia the Wisdom of God” has the unique ability to bestow peace and tranquility in the home, to fill with wisdom to solve all life’s affairs.

The meaning of the icon of the Mother of God “Sophia the Wisdom of God”

King Solomon, before ascending the throne, was not particularly intelligent or brave. God promised to give Solomon everything he asked, and the king asked for neither gold, nor troops, nor peace in the country, but only wisdom. How little and how much. Thanks to the wisdom given by God, Solomon's kingdom became the richest in human history.

How often do Christians suffer because of their own philosophies, not trusting all situations and problems to God. The Almighty Creator has given mankind eternal Wisdom, His Son Jesus Christ, knowledge and faith in Whom will lead to the riches of the glory of the Lord in the life of everyone who calls on His name.

In the parables of Solomon, a prophecy is written, the meaning of which is impossible for uninitiated Christians to understand. Proverbs 9:1-2 says that wisdom built a house on seven pillars, slaughtered a sacrifice, and prepared a feast. Next comes the calling that you eat and drink in her house to walk in the way of reason. Jesus Christ is the wise foundation of our lives. By accepting the Holy Gifts at Communion, we accept His Flesh and Blood, cleansing our soul and body, filling our spirit with the holiness of the Lord.

The icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God” can be described and its meaning can only be understood after reading the Word given by the Creator. The Orthodox Church celebrates the Nativity of the Most Pure Mother of God on September 21, and on this day they also celebrate the day of the icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God” in Kyiv.

Icon "Sophia the Wisdom of God"

In the interpretation of the Church Fathers, there is no consensus on the meaning of the image of wisdom. Some of them, including St. Augustine and St. Ambrose, consider Jesus Christ to be the central figure of this image; according to St. Ignatius the God-Bearer, this is the Mother of God. It is safe to say that the holy face is an encrypted image of a spiritual sacrament that gives hope for a future eternal life.

History of the origin of the Holy Image

The image of the Virgin Mary takes its name from the ancient Byzantine capital of Constantinople. Here Emperor Justinian the Great built the Temple of Hagia Sophia according to a vision given to him by an Angel, based on parable 9:1.

Interesting! Wisdom - in Greek Sophia, the Lord put this name into the mouth of the young builder of the temple.

Having carried out many excavations, historians have not been able to find the original source of the holy image. Some theologians claim that this image embodies the unity of the Holy Trinity, for wisdom is French translated as Trinity.

Kiev image of the icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God”

At first glance at the Kiev holy face, a feeling of lightness, holiness, and airiness appears.

Based on the words of the parable, “house” means the Mother of God, whose image is located in the very center. The pillars of the Church are the gifts of the Creator and the prophets. Above the Mother of God there are saints and the Trinity in a crescent-shaped halo. The feet of the Virgin Mary stand on new month located on the clouds.

Icon of the Mother of God “Sophia – the Wisdom of God” (Kiev)

The raised hands of the Most Pure Mother of God symbolize the protection of the Orthodox Church and are a wall for unclean forces and problems. A Child is drawn in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, left hand who is holding a symbol of power - an orb, and the right one is raised for blessing.

The shining halo of the central figure depicts the Holy Spirit under the cover of God the Father, Who is protected by the archangels:

  • Michael with a fiery sword;
  • Uriel holding lightning;
  • Raphael, carrying peace in a vessel;
  • Gabriel holding a blooming lily;
  • Selaphiel fingering his rosary;
  • Jehudiel - keeper of the royal crown;
  • Varahail with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

Seven steps lead to the pulpit.

Important! Only by being filled with faith, hope, love, purity, humility, grace and glory written on the steps can you enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

The foundation of the Lord's economy are the forefathers.

We recognize Moses by the 10 Commandments that he holds in his hands.

Nearby we see Aaron, Moses’ faithful companion, who held his hands during prayers.

David was called a man after the Creator's own heart.

Prophet Isaiah, to whom God revealed the future coming of the Mission in the greatest completeness.

Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel are the great prophets of the Old Testament, conveying the messages of the Lord to the Jewish people.

The canopy is supported by pillars on which the gifts are written; they are spoken of in the book of Revelation:

  • wisdom;
  • adviсe;
  • fortresses;
  • visions;
  • piety;
  • fear of God.

In the holy image, all drawings are multiples of seven. Seven is the number of the Lord's fullness. The estimated time of painting of the Kyiv image dates back to the end of the 17th century. The Kiev Holy Face is miraculous; all miracles are recorded in the temple books.

Distinctive features of the lists of a unique icon

There are several icons in the world with this name, they are different in their images, but have the same meaning - at the center of the whole world is Wisdom, the Lord's economy, the Most Pure Mother of God and the Savior.

No less famous among Christians is the Novgorod icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God,” which has the same meaning, but has characteristic differences.

Icon of the Mother of God “Sophia – the Wisdom of God” (Novgorod)

This image clearly expresses that Jesus, He is depicted in the center, is Wisdom represented in female form. The red tunic, fiery wings of Wisdom, the scepter and scrolls in her hands speak of the power of the Almighty, which conquers the whole world.

Wisdom is the queen of the Lord's house, she sits on the throne and rules the world. On the left we see the Mother of God with the image of the Child on her chest, on the right is John the Baptist, to whom God first revealed His Son, revealing the Holy Spirit over Him in the form of a dove.

As in the previous Kiev image, seven pillars are depicted on the holy face. This image is crowned by a golden throne, on which lies the open Book of Life, a symbol of the Creator, who knows all our affairs. On either side of the golden throne are angels kneeling.

This list of the Mother of God and Savior has been known since the 16th century, although the Novgorod temple was built in 989. Since the end of the 16th century, lists of Christians who received healing near the miraculous face have been kept.

Orthodox Christians worship the Holy Face of Sophia, the Wisdom of God, in Russian cities such as Moscow, Vologda, Novgorod, Tobolsk and others.

What to pray for in front of the icon

Faith-based prayers bring quick answers. Only a deep study of the meaning of this face can instill trust and hope of receiving an answer in the heart of the person asking. We should think carefully about the role of wisdom and trust in God in Christian life, ask the Creator to bestow these qualities in order to bring harmony to your Orthodox life.

With deep reverence, Christians ask for the gift:

  • mind;
  • success in school and at work;
  • bringing back the minds of those who have become clouded in their minds.

By the Lord's grace, a rare icon can be purchased for home use, so that it can become an assistant in resolving family disputes, a guardian of the family from the troubles of evil plans.

Advice! Before reading the prayer, it is necessary to conduct an “audit” of one’s sinfulness and repent, because only sincere appeals will receive an answer.

Incomprehensible and All-sung by the Wisdom of God, Sophia the Preeminent, virgin souls, that is, the Only Begotten Son, the Word of God, accept this prayer song from our unworthy and vile lips. Even if the essence is written: the song is not beautiful in the mouths of sinners, but the thief was saved by one word, the publican was justified with a groan, and the Canaanite daughter was healed with a mother’s petition, because You, Lord, are Good and Lover of Mankind, having enlightened the one who comes into the world, and you forgive the sins of the sinner, and with reason Thou fillest the foolish, and the wise, and the souls thirsting for good words with Thy teaching, as Thou didst drink the Samaritan woman with living water, Thou makest the fornicator chaste, Thou openest paradise to the thief, for Thou art the Giver of all good things, and the Giver of understanding, and the Guardian of the life, O Christ our God, and We send You glory and praise, honor and thanksgiving and glorification and worship with Your Beginning Father, and with Your Most Holy, and Good, and Life-Giving Spirit, and with Your Most Holy and Immaculate Matter, Our Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, now and ever , and forever and ever. Amen.

Icon Mother of God"Sophia - the Wisdom of God"

The icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God” is extremely rare and difficult to find, although there are several churches where this image rests in one of the most honorable places.

Description and meaning

The image “The Wisdom of God Sophia” contains the idea of ​​​​the reincarnation of the Mother of God, allowing one to contemplate Her wisdom. The image of Wisdom on this icon belongs to Jesus, who gave his life for the salvation of people, since that is what he is called in the apostolic epistles. In addition to the Mother of God Sophia, John the Baptist is depicted next to the Son of the Lord, who accompanied the Savior throughout His earthly life. Christ is surrounded by disciples listening to his sermons.

The Mother of God is dressed in a beautiful tunic, her head is covered, and she stretches her palms forward. Seven winged archangels are visible above Virgo standing on the crescent moon. Each of the seven light essences holds one of the symbols of holiness in their hands:

  • Michael has a sword with a flame instead of a blade;
  • Uriel has a lightning bolt pointing downwards;
  • Raphael has alabaster (an alabaster vessel for storing incense, in this case, myrrh);
  • Gabriel has a blossoming lily flower;
  • Selaphiel has a rosary;
  • Jehudiel has a royal crown;
  • Barachiel has flowers, and he himself is located on a white board.

The face of God the Father and the Holy Spirit are visible above all. You can also read the words “I established Her feet” coming from the mouth of God the Father, apparently addressed to the image of Sophia (Wisdom).

Under the feet of the Mother of God there is a church where secret Old Testament records are kept. The icon has an ambo (raise in front of the iconostasis), which includes seven steps with inscriptions that carry the deepest meaning for every believer:

  1. Purity of thoughts;
  2. Glory;
  3. Nobility;
  4. Humility before the Lord;
  5. Love;
  6. Hope;
  7. Faith.

“Sophia” was even mentioned in the book of Solomon, where it was noted that the main purpose of the image is to remind all Christians for what purpose the Savior came to people and from whom He was born.

The entire icon is supplemented with the inscription “Create Wisdom for Yourself a House and establish seven pillars.”

From the history of writing icons

The original purpose of writing was to explain the idea of ​​the trinity of God, his ability to appear in three persons at once: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

According to some historians, the choice of name for this image was not accidental, since it most accurately matches its meaning. The first of the meanings given by the name Sophia is “Wisdom”, and when translating the word from Greek to French it turns out to be “Trinity”.

The source of the image was previously kept in the temple of Constantinople, but in our time no one can say anything reliably about it, although for many years archaeologists have carried out excavations trying to find this particular icon. Information about its iconographic sources was also not found.

In addition, many believers are still trying to figure out for themselves why a female figure was chosen to depict the Divine Wisdom symbolized by Jesus. But the answer is still not found.

According to Athanasius of Alexandria, the image of Wisdom is applicable not only to the Virgin Mary, but also to other manifestations of spiritual life. In particular, this may refer to the church, saints, or even imply the human soul, which is the guardian of the Wisdom given by God.

Archbishop Ignatius of Voronezh noted that the Temple of Sophia, like Divine Wisdom, resides in the heavenly palace along with God and his angels. But he also spoke about the presence of Wisdom in all visible and invisible to humans worlds, in human souls, churches, on earth and in heaven equally.

It is extremely difficult for a person to understand, let alone accept, such ambiguity. But only through this can one comprehend the mysteries of spiritual life. That is why so many pilgrims flock specifically to the images of Sophia.

Copies of icons

In Rus' there were very few editions of Sophia; now there are a little more of them, but two of them have retained their significance for Orthodox people for several centuries.


One of the most ancient lists of icons is the Kiev Icon "Sophia the Wisdom of God". The image originally came from the Byzantine Church of Justinian, and is now located in the famous St. Sophia Cathedral.

The meaning of “Sophia” of Kyiv differs to a certain extent from the generally accepted one. Here there is a symbolic image of the path between the earthly and heavenly worlds. In addition to the archangels, there is an image of the forefathers of the human race.

On both sides of the seven steps there are biblical heroes:

  • Moses (on his tablets there is a command to honor the Word of God);
  • Aaron (brother of Moses, first Jewish high priest);
  • King David;
  • prophet Isaiah;
  • prophet Jeremiah;
  • prophet Ezekiel;
  • Prophet Daniel.

In the image, one can clearly see the repeated emphasis on the symbolism of the seven. For this reason, the second name of the icon is “Seven Pillars”. The prototype of the Mother of God here is Oranta - the patroness and protector. As for the images on the pillars, they themselves and their symbolic meaning were drawn from the book of the Apocalypse.


Another image, similar to the Kyiv one, is located in Novgorod and also has its own differences. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the Mother of God and John the Baptist pray on it, standing before the Savior. Therefore, the type of Novgorod edition is defined as Deesis.

This wooden frame is framed with a gilded silver chasuble. The central figure of the composition on it is not the Blessed Virgin, but the Lord Pantocrator, dressed in royal robes (podir), a crown and a jeweled belt. His right hand ( right hand) clutches a scepter crowned with a cross, and with his left palm he presses a scroll to his chest. Wings of fire are visible from behind God’s back, and he himself sits on a golden throne supported by seven pillars.

In the hands of the Forerunner there is also an unrolled scroll, on which is written “I testify.” Above the fiery-winged Almighty is the Savior, raising his hand in a blessing gesture.

At the very top of the image you can see a throne made of gold, on top of which lies an open book, symbolizing the presence of God. On both sides of him are kneeling angels (three on the left and on the right).

The background of the icon is blue, it should symbolize the firmament decorated with stars. The Novgorod copy of “Sophia” is revered as miraculous. The beneficial power of the image has documentary evidence in the form of historical records. According to them, already in 1542, a woman suffering from an eye disease received forgiveness and healing from the “Wisdom of God.”

It is interesting that “Sofia” first appeared in Novgorod only in the 15th century, although the Novgorod church dedicated to it was rebuilt back in 989 (and the Kyiv church in 1037).

Every year on the day of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Novgorod and Kiev icons attract thousands of Christians, hoping to receive help in business or healing from illnesses from the wise Heavenly Queen.

What to pray for

Presence Icons "Sophia the Wisdom of God" It will have a place in any home, as it helps preserve family well-being. You can pray to her at any time your soul desires.

It would be good if a special holy corner with a lamp and candles was set aside for “Sophia” and other images. Most often this face of the Mother of God is addressed to:

  • resolve disputes;
  • save the family from problems and troubles;
  • protect the house from the arrival of spiteful critics and call into it well-meaning people with pure thoughts.

According to all those praying in front of the icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God,” the Blessed Mary does not leave a single request unattended; each one receives an answer in the form of a sign, an event, or simply a resolution to the situation.

To address the icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God,” you can learn a special prayer, but then you must know it accurately and read it correctly. This prayer is an appeal both to our patroness and intercessor, the Mother of God, and to the Lord God. At the right attitude, the person praying can gain the wisdom needed to make the right decision. The benefit of the Blessed Virgin will help smooth out not only family conflicts, but also resolve work problems.

When asking for help, you should not wait for a “voice from heaven”; most likely, knowledge will come as if from within; you just need to learn to hear and understand what you hear.

In prayer to the Blessed Virgin, one can ask not only for one’s well-being, but also to wish health and happiness to any Orthodox believer who strives to fulfill the commandments and knowledge of the teachings of Jesus, who wants to gain a little wisdom.

Days of veneration:

  • “Sophia - the Wisdom of God” (Novgorod) - August 28/15 (new/old style);
  • “Sofia – the Wisdom of God” (Kiev) – September 21/8.

miraculous icon of the Russian Orthodox Church, unknown in the West. It is found in many churches in Russia and comes down to two types: Kyiv and Novgorod.
The first icon of “Sophia - the Wisdom of God” appeared in Novgorod in the 15th century, although the first church in Rus' dedicated to it was built in 989 in Novgorod and the next one in 1037 in Kyiv.
Fire Angel is the central figure in the icon “Sophia - the Wisdom of God”. The angel sits on a golden throne with seven pillars. He is dressed in a long royal robe (podir) and girded with a precious belt. In one hand he holds a measure, with the other he presses a scroll to his chest. The hair falls over the shoulders, there is a crown on the head and a radiance around the head. The face, arms, wings and shod feet are fiery in color. An angel sits among a radiant celestial sphere dotted with stars. On its sides are the Mother of God with the Eternal Emmanuel in her bosom and St. John the Baptist with a scroll on which it reads: “I bear witness.” Above the head of the Angel is the blessing Christ the Savior, even higher is the “Prepared Throne” (Etimasia) - a symbol of the divine presence. On either side of Etymasia are kneeling angels on a “heavenly scroll.”
Who does the Fire Angel represent? This question was raised from the very appearance of the icon and so worried the minds of Ancient Rus' that there was even a proposal to remove it from church use.
To this day, there are three controversial interpretations:
1. The angel personifies the abstract concept of the Wisdom of God.
2. Angel - a symbol of the virginity of the Mother of God.
3. Angel - Christ, the Word and Wisdom of God, the Angel of the Great Council.
The first interpretation is based on the biblical text: “I, Wisdom, dwell in understanding, and the Lord made Me the beginning of His path” (Proverbs 8:36). St. John Chrysostom says that the Wisdom of God was collected in sacred books and thereby spread throughout the world.
The personification of Wisdom dictating to the Evangelists is found in manuscripts and on wall paintings in the Volotovo Assumption Church, but in such cases Wisdom is depicted not as a Fiery Angel, but as a female figure and without wings.
The second interpretation of the Fiery Angel is explained by the symbol of the Mother of God and the Mystery of the Incarnation, recognized since the early centuries of Christianity by Divine Wisdom. This interpretation, favored by monasticism, was included in the iconographic Original and led to the creation of a completely different image of St. Sophia of Wisdom in the Kiev Cathedral, where the Fiery Angel is replaced by the Mother of God.
According to the third interpretation, the Fiery Angel is Christ. Ap. Paul says: “We preach Christ crucified... Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God... Jesus is to us the Wisdom of God” (1 Cor. 1:23-24, 30). St. Athanasius of Alexandria teaches that, according to Holy Scripture, the Son of God is the Wisdom of the Father. The fiery color of the Angel refers to the prophecy of Isaiah, according to which the symbol of Christ is a “burning coal”. “Our God is a consuming fire,” says the apostle. Paul (Heb. 12:29). St. John the Theologian in his Revelation describes the Son of Man “clothed in a robe and girded across the chest with a golden belt, His eyes are like a flame of fire, His feet... like red-hot ones in a furnace” (Rev. 1: 13-15). In the Khludov Psalter of the 9th century. the feet and face of the Savior are fiery in color.
The crown on the head of the Angel is the crown of Christ, the Son of God: “I have anointed My king over Zion” (Ps. 2: 6). The Angel's feet rest on the earthly sphere, denoting the Lord of the World: “Heaven is My throne, earth is my footstool” (Is. 66: 1).
The seven pillars of the throne are taken from the Proverbs of Solomon, where Wisdom says in the words of Christ: “Eat My bread and drink My wine” (9:5). Inscription on the scroll of St. John the Baptist standing nearby with the Fiery Angel, clearly points to the Angel as the Savior to whom he “testified.”
On the Novgorod icon of “Sophia - the Wisdom of God”, all the images of Christ the Savior are shown, as in many symbolic images: the Angel of the Great Council, the Eternal Emmanuel in the bosom of the Mother of God, the Incarnate Jesus Christ, giving a blessing and the “Prepared Throne” (Etimasia), personifying Christ - Judge at the Last Judgment.
In various monuments of the 14th century. as in prayers and in the Interpretive Paley, it is explained that Wisdom is Jesus Christ. On the paintings of the 16th century, in the golden chamber of the Kremlin Palace, above the image of Sophia the Wisdom there is an inscription: IS. HS.
In 1701, by order of Job, Metropolitan. Novgorod, in the setting of the icon of St. Sophia the Wisdom is inscribed with a troparion and kontakion dedicated to “the Son and Word of God, Christ the Savior.” Under Tsar Theodore Alekseevich (brother of Peter I), the Greek teachers Ioannikis and Sophronius Likhud, invited by him, explained in their “Message” that the Fiery Angel of the Novgorod icon personifies Christ and His Divine Spirit. Their statement is hardly their personal opinion and must be based on the interpretation of the Greek Orthodox Church.
Responding to a request from the Novgorodians for an interpretation of the icon of Sophia the Wisdom, Zinovy, a monk of the Otensky Monastery, wrote: “Stop, brothers, insisting that you don’t know who Sophia the Wisdom is and to whom our church is dedicated. I tell you not from my own imagination, but from sacred sources: Sophia the Wisdom is the Son of God.”
The Fiery Angel also personifies Christ the Savior on another, little-known, icon “Beautiful with Kindness” of the 17th century. He holds a measuring stick with one hand, and in the other hand a scroll with the inscription “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me and He has anointed Me for Teaching.” On the sides of the Fiery Angel are the Mother of God and St. John the Baptist, above Him is the Old Testament Trinity in the person of Three Angels and, instead of Etymasia, at the very top is a sword with the inscription: “My sword in heaven descends for judgment.”
The icon of “Sophia - the Wisdom of God” is celebrated on the day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary and on the Assumption.

Source: Encyclopedia "Russian Civilization"

See what "SOPHIA - THE WISDOM OF GOD" is in other dictionaries:

    The icon, found in the Orthodox East and unknown to the non-Orthodox West, exists in many churches in Russia. Differing in some particulars in its composition, it has two main types or types in the Novgorod and Kyiv icons. WITH… … encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

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With. 40¦ 1. Sophia the Wisdom of God

Double-sided altarpiece icon
First quarter of the 15th century. Tver (?)
Turnover Crucifixion
19th century recording
Wood, tempera. 69 × 54.5
Comes from the altar of the Annunciation Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin
Moscow Kremlin Museum, inv. Zh-1413 (480 events)

Painting in the process of unfolding. The undisclosed parts are under partial 19th-century writing and darkened linseed oil. The original light ocher background was replaced during the renovation with gold lying on a brown spacer. In the lower part of the composition, soil patches are visible.

The time of emergence of the complex iconographic type, to which the icon of the Annunciation Cathedral belongs, in scientific literature, starting from the 19th century, was usually attributed to the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th century. The name of the “Novgorod” version of Sophia of the Wisdom of God was assigned to it, since in the St. Sophia Cathedral of Novgorod an icon of a similar type was revered as a temple image. Allegorical interpretations of the image of Sophia, available in texts of the 16th–17th centuries, led to the contradictory assessments that similar images received in literature, starting from the second half of the 19th century to the present day.

The icon was first published in prorisi by G.D. Filimonov in 1876 as a monument of the 16th century. The same prophecy was used by P. A. Florensky in his extensive essay devoted to the interpretation of the image of Sophia the Wisdom of God. A. I. Yakovleva turned again to the consideration of the Kremlin icon. She dated it to the 60s of the 16th century, noting features reminiscent of 14th century painting 1 . L. I. Lifshits was the first to draw attention to the connection of the icon with a wide range of Byzantine monuments of the 12th–15th centuries and pointed out that such icons were painted not only in Novgorod. In his opinion, the image of the Annunciation Cathedral is included in the circle of monuments of the early 15th century. Based on the peculiarities of color and a number of features of the compositional solution, the researcher attributed the icon to Tver painting, which in the first half of the 15th century acquired features characteristic of metropolitan art and for a short time became equal to the painting of Moscow 2.

1 Yakovleva A. I.“The Image of the World” in the icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God” // Old Russian Art: Problems and Attributions. M., 1977. pp. 388–404. Il. us. 389–391.

2 Lifshits L. I. Angelic rank with Emmanuel and some features of the artistic culture of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus' // Old Russian art: Artistic culture of the X - first half of the XIII century. M., 1988.

Among the numerous texts on which the creators of the iconographic version under consideration were based, first of all we should mention the 9th parable of Solomon: “Wisdom built herself a house and established seven pillars...” and the First Epistle to the Corinthians by St. Apostle Paul: “We preach Christ crucified... God’s power and God's wisdom"(1 Cor. 1:23–24). This understanding of the image of Sophia is confirmed by the seven pillars on which her throne rests, and the image of the “Crucifixion” on the reverse side of the icon. The sources of iconography undoubtedly included the hymns of Maundy Thursday. They glorify the “All-Guilty [i.e. e. being the cause of all things. - E.O.] and giving life, the immeasurable Wisdom of God,” “The uncreated and supernatural Wisdom of God,” who created a temple for herself in the flesh of the Blessed Virgin (Sequence of Matins. Troparions 1–3 cantos 1).

Theologians of the 13th–14th centuries showed particular interest in the image of the hypostatic Sophia as the creative principle of the consubstantial Trinity and its action in the world. The Patriarch of Constantinople Philotheus, an author of the mid-14th century, calls the Wisdom of God and Christ, and “the Divine natural action and grace-filled gift of the great and consubstantial Trinity, through the Holy Spirit from generation to generation given to holy souls.”

Revealing the teaching of the Church about the action of Divine Providence in the world, the creators of the “Novgorod” version built the composition of the icon in three registers, which are equally read from top to bottom and bottom to top. The topmost one is occupied by an image of heaven with a throne erected on it - Etymasia - with the instruments of the passion of Christ, which are worshiped by angels. In the center in the round “glory” is depicted Christ Pantocrator, God the Word incarnate, and below him is a kind of deesis, which occupies the main part of the composition: the Mother of God and John the Baptist stand before Christ, the Angel of the Great Council, the Wisdom of God, seated on the throne.

The tradition of depicting Christ the Wisdom of God in the form of an angel is based on the text and interpretations of the prophecy of Isaiah: “For unto us a Son was born unto us, and was given unto us, and his principality is upon his frame: and the name of his Great Council is called Angel, Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Prince peace, Father of the age to come” (Isaiah 9:6). Among the earliest images of Christ the Angel of the Great Council are miniatures of manuscripts of the Words of Gregory the Theologian of the 9th–12th centuries. They illustrate Word 2 for Holy Pascha: “I stood and looked: and behold a man ascended on the clouds, a very tall man, and his image was like the image of an angel (Judg. 13:6), and his clothing was like the flash of fleeting lightning . He raised his hand to the east, exclaimed with a loud voice... now is salvation for the world, the visible and invisible world! Christ from the dead, rise with Him you too; Christ in His glory, you too ascend; Christ from the grave - free yourself from the bonds of sin; the gates of hell are opened, death is destroyed, the old Adam is put away, the new is made: if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation” (2 Cor. 5:17).

The Angel with red wings sitting on the throne is dressed in royal robes of a soft fawn color, decorated with a shoulder and a crown, and a jagged crown - a symbol of the anointed one on whom the Holy Spirit “rests”: “God reigned over the nations. God is seated on His holy throne” (Ps. 46:9). The invisible presence of the third person of the Trinity - the Holy Spirit, its incorporeality is indicated by the wings of Sophia, but the face of the Angel and the blond hair falling on the shoulders in two strands are reminiscent of images of the Youth Christ. In his right hand the Angel holds a red staff ending in a cross, and in his left hand there is a rolled up scroll. His figure is surrounded by a three-part “glory”, which symbolizes the light of the Trinity. It is dark blue on the inside and two shades of light blue around the edges. And from within it comes a radiance in the form of eight blue rays - a sign of eternity, attributed to the hypostasis of God the Father. The symbol of the incarnation of God the Word is the face and hands of an Angel, painted in a soft pink color: “just as the shell of a pomegranate is enveloped in ruddy skin, so the Only Begotten Son of God the Father was clothed in flesh having blood in it” (Interpretation of the “Song of Songs” by King Matthew Cantacuzina, late 14th century 3). The light illuminating the face of Sophia testifies to the unmerged and inseparable union of human flesh and divine nature: “When the Word of God becomes clear and bright in us, and His face shines like the sun, then His clothes appear white, that is, the sayings of the Holy Scripture [ are in us] clear, transparent” 4.

3 See in the book: Psell M. Theological works. St. Petersburg, 1998. P. 323.

4 Works of St. Maximus the Confessor. M., 1993. Book. 1–2. Chapters on theology. 2 hundred. Ch. 14.

The light, decorated clothes of the Angel indicate that He is not only the King, but also the Bridegroom of the heavenly palace, whose throne in the person of the Mother of God will be With. 40
With. 42
¦ Bride-Church: “He has clothed me with the garments of salvation; He clothed me with the robe of righteousness, as he placed a crown on a groom, and adorned me with finery as a bride” (Isaiah 61:10). The chamber of the wedding feast - the Eucharist - is designed to resemble the throne of Wisdom, which has four carved legs and is supported on seven brown supports - pillars, according to the words of the Book of Proverbs quoted above. The Angel's feet rest on an oval stone of a smoky blue tone, indicating that the House of Wisdom - the Church has “Jesus Christ Himself as the chief cornerstone” (Eph. 2:20), “For no one can lay any other foundation than that which is laid. Christ" (1 Cor. 3:11).

The Mother of God and John the Baptist, convening the faithful to the feast of Wisdom, stand in front of the throne on special stools decorated with a golden assist. Their figures are partially included in the radiance surrounding the Angel, just as in the scene of the Transfiguration into the “glory” of Christ the figures of the Old Testament prophets - Elijah and Moses - are often included. “You should know,” wrote the Monk Maximus the Confessor, “that there are differences among those standing with the Lord, since the words are important for those with an inquisitive mind: “There are some of those standing here who will not taste death until they see the Kingdom of God coming in power.” (Mark 9:1). To those who can follow Him, the Lord is revealed in the image of God, in which He was before the creation of the world" 5 .

5 Ibid. Ch. 13.

The Mother of God holds in front of her, like a medallion, a round “glory”, inside of which is depicted the seated infant Christ in robes decorated with an assist. His right hand is extended in a gesture of blessing, and in his left is a rolled scroll. That is, the infant Christ himself, Wisdom, testifies that He “built for Himself a material and animate house, that is, His bodily temple, from the immaculate blood and flesh of the all-holy Virgin Mother of God, by the good will of the Father and with the assistance of the All-Holy Spirit, one of two, one and the same perfect in Divinity, and the same perfect in humanity” 6. The “glory” around the figure of the infant Christ is painted in two colors - dark blue inside, like the “glory” of the Angel in the middle of the deesis, and pink around the edge, but it is also surrounded by a radiance of eight blue rays, indicating that Christ is “dual in nature , is singular in hypostasis.”

6 Arseny Bishop Philotheus, Patriarch of Constantinople in the 14th century, three speeches to Bishop Ignatius with an explanation of the saying in parables: Wisdom created a house for herself, etc. Novgorod, 1898.

John the Baptist is dressed in a mantle and a short cloak. His right hand is raised with a gesture of prophetic testimony, and in his lowered left hand there is a scroll with the text of the prophecy. Perhaps the text preserved in the recording repeated the original, traditional for images of the Forerunner: “Behold the lamb of God...” (John 1: 29). “For he is the one about whom it is written: “Behold, I send My angel before You, who will prepare Your way before You” (Matthew 11:10).

The half-figure of Christ Pantocrator, presented in two-part “glory,” is directly related to the theme of the Eucharistic meal-feast. It combines shades of lilac-pink inside and Pink colour outside, which, like the pink face of the Angel, speaks of the mystery of the incarnation of God the Word, and the eight blue rays of star-shaped radiance, the same as in the other images, indicate his consubstantiality with the Father. The outer lower edge of the “glory” of Christ intersects with both the halo and the blue radiance of Sophia’s “glory,” partially covering it, which is a sign of the commonality of the trinitarian light emanating from them.

The Almighty, dressed in a tunic with a golden clav and himation, like a bishop, blesses the Mother of God and John the Baptist with both hands: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven: whoever eats this bread will live forever; And the bread that I will give is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world” (John 6:51). The image of the Prepared Throne established in heaven is also intended to remind us of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. The triple arc of heaven “bent to the earth” and the throne are in contact with the edge of Christ’s “glory”: “The throne of glory, exalted from the beginning, is the place of our sanctification” (Jer. 17:12). The throne is presented both as a royal throne and as a church meal. On it lie the red-brown robe of Christ, the closed Gospel, and at the foot in front of it are symbols of Christ’s voluntary sacrifice on the cross, which he made for the salvation of mankind, and the instruments of passion - the Calvary Cross, a vessel with bile, into which a spear, a cane and four nails are inserted: “so that now through the church the manifold wisdom of God might be made known to the principalities and powers in heaven, according to the eternal purpose which He fulfilled in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Eph. 3:10–11).

At the same time, the Gospel lying on the throne indicates the inseparable presence of Christ with the Father in heaven: “Everything below [on earth with people. - E.O.], and the indescribable Word departed from the highest” (Akathist to the Mother of God. Ikos 8); “He who descended, he is also the one who ascended above all the heavens, to fill all things” (Eph. 4:10). Thus, Christ, depicted three times on the icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God” in the form of the Angel of the Great Council, the Child and the Pantocrator, is here revealed as a victim and sacrifice-bearer and as a Trinitarian God who accepts sacrifice.

The complex composition of the icon acts as a kind of poetic commentary on the image of the “Crucifixion” on the other side of the icon, which was completely rewritten in the 19th century.


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  • Ignatius, archbishop. About the icon of St. Sophia in the Novgorod St. Sophia Cathedral // Notes of the Imperial Archaeological Society. St. Petersburg, 1857. T. XI.
  • Filimonov G. D. Essays on Russian Christian iconography. Sophia the Wisdom of God // Bulletin of the Society of Old Russian Art for 1874–1876. M., 1876. Research. P. 20 (shine the icons).
  • Meyendorff J. L" Ikonographie de la Sagesse divine dans la tradition byzantine // Cahiers archéologiques. Paris, 1959. Vol. 10.
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  • Lifshiz L. Die Ikone "Sophia - Weisheit Gottes" aus der Moskauer Kreml". Haustein-Bartsch E. Munchen, 1999. S. 29–42.

E. Ostashenko With. 42

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