How to play the warface game. How to play Warface well? Training is the key to success

And launch Mail.Ru Game Center.

2. You can select your own folder for saving distributions of downloaded games or leave the default one. Read the license agreement and check the appropriate box. Click OK when you're ready to continue.

3. After installing the Game Center, the Warface distribution will begin downloading automatically.

4. When the download is complete, click the "Install" button.

5. Specify the folder where the game will be installed and click OK. The installation of the Warface client will begin.

6. After successful installation, click the "Play" button.

8. When you first enter the game, you will need to create your character. Select one of the suggested faces, enter the name of your character (only letters of the Russian alphabet (Cyrillic), numbers, symbols "_", "." and "-") and click "Create".

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and launched the Warface game. Choose the character class you like and go into battle!

To start playing Warface you don’t need to carry out any complex manipulations. Well, for those who still find it difficult to understand, we have compiled instructions that describe the process of installing and starting to play Warface point by point.

1) First you need to register on the Warface website, to do this you need to follow this link (register using this link and receive a unique weapon and VIP status for 7 days), then you need to download the game center
2) In the window that opens, select the path to save the data or leave it at the suggested address. Then check the box like “I agree to the license agreement.” Then click ok

3) When Game Center is installed, the download of the Warface game distribution will automatically start.

How to start playing Warface (photo 2)

4) When the distribution is downloaded, click “Install”

How to start playing Warface (photo 3)

5) Then set the game installation address and click OK

How to start playing Warface (photo 4)

6) The game is already installed on the computer, but there are still a couple of nuances left. Click play

How to start playing Warface (photo 5)

7) Fill out the fields that appear in the window, indicate the data that you specified when registering in the game. Confirm the action by clicking ok

How to start playing Warface (photo 6)

8) After starting the game, you will be asked to select appearance player, namely the face. Then you need to come up with a name for the player. The name must consist of letters of the Russian alphabet; you can use numbers and various symbols “–” “_” “.” Click create

How to start playing Warface (photo 7)

9) That's it, game installation and character creation are complete. In the future, it is impossible to change the player’s appearance (namely the face). After that, you can select the game mode and enjoy. Good luck!

Game release year 2012

Can play from 16 years old

The world of Warface is unlikely to leave fans of client-based first-person shooters indifferent. There is plenty of room for lovers of firearms, 3 battle modes, as well as a special operations mode, which includes missions ranging from storming a skyscraper to blowing up a generator.

Review of Warface

Registration in Warface

The shooter genre is a niche in which it is difficult to be original, as a result of which it quickly became filled with three “pillars” in the form Counter Strike, Battlefield and Call of Duty, and the rest of the games could be called plagiarism to one degree or another. However, Crytek, which released the cult Crysis, long time literally dictating to gamers the maximum power of gaming computers with its parameters, decided not to stop itself with the single-player series and break into the multiplayer industry by releasing its own online project called Warface. It is quite expected that the company was able to achieve success and Warface received recognition among players.

Review of Warface

The main advantage that distinguishes the Warface game is, of course, the graphics and quality of execution of the game itself as a whole, which corresponds to Crytek’s policy, and works throughout for long years. The graphical performance of the game (especially at the time of its release) is significantly superior to its analogues, but at the same time the shooter is suitable for relatively weak computers, making it publicly available.

The Warface game provides only four main character classes - these are:

  • Engineer. Destroys opponents with a submachine gun, and also lays all kinds of mines, arranging unpleasant surprises for enemies;
  • Stormtrooper. A universal soldier - an assault rifle and grenades, what else is needed to effectively exterminate manpower? A portable ammo box that allows you to do this without stopping;
  • Sniper. A long-range class made in the tradition of the genre. It’s a pity that in the realities of local maps there is practically no place for this class to deploy in PvP;
  • Medic. Melee soldier. Always ready to shock enemies with a shotgun, and allies with a defibrillator.

Unlike most similar shooters, Warface implemented successful co-op, which most players liked. And this is not surprising, because here it is not just suggested to “kill n enemy soldiers”, the co-op looks like quite interesting and varied missions like “Escort the convoy” or “Kill the boss”. For lovers of the classics there is standard mode“Survival”, in which players will have to defend themselves in a group against an armada of opponents.

The PvP game Warface is even more diverse, although it includes traditional and familiar modes:

  • Capture the flag - pick up the flag and bring it to your base;
  • Detonation – plant a bomb or defuse it depending on the command;
  • Capture – we capture points and earn points;
  • Team battle – mutual destruction of two teams of players;
  • Destruction - capturing and holding a point until an air strike is carried out on it;
  • Meat grinder - every man for himself.

The only thing that depresses Warface to this day is that the maps are too cramped. The game has collected a large number of players, but they simply have nowhere to stay. Even a short review of the Warface game makes it clear that the developers have left themselves a lot of room for development, and this is especially noticeable in the meat grinder.

Registration in Warface

Registration in the Warface game is a separate pleasant feature, because here it basically does not exist. Today you can hardly find a person who does not have his own mailbox in, and since this company is the localizer of games in the CIS, players have already registered in Warface for free in advance - just go to your mailbox and go to the Games section.

How to start playing Warface online?

In order to start playing Warface online for free, as mentioned above, just go to your own mailbox, go to the Games section and add it there. After this, you will be offered to download the Game Center, through which you will play Warface. It is worth noting that in order to play Warface, you will need to enter the game through this Game Center, then select the Warface game section there and play for free.

  1. Keep your head down - heavy fire falls on the first ones from all sides. Let a few fighters pass ahead and you'll win more than you lose.
  2. Don't throw smoke grenades from the very beginning - how will you then get through the places with a hidden sniper?
  3. If you’re not sure, don’t interfere, wait for help, the team will only thank you. You can always manage to kill one and earn a point, but if you die ahead of time, it will be bad for everyone.
  4. Do not run at a far away sniper or medic; even the most brilliantly executed tackle will not help with this. In any case, they will be immediately joined by an engineer and a stormtrooper, who will help defeat you.
  5. Do not use assault grenades in the first round. A camper will appear - what will you do, since the grenade is no longer there?
  6. Be sure to retreat when reloading. This is not a shame, it would be even more stupid to die like this.
  7. Go immediately around if your colleague nearby was wounded. This way you will catch your opponent by surprise and easily defeat him.
  8. Use the stock as a secondary weapon. When reloading, you need to stand closer to the opponent's possible entry point and act confidently. If not a shot, then a blow from the butt will definitely help.
  9. Buy an additional rescue method - heavy gloves. This unexpected attack instantly knocks the enemy down. Gloves save a lot of times during the game, so the purchase is worth it.

These are really interesting “tricks” that will help you learn how to play Warface well. Try it! Articles from our section

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