How to get rid of the cemetery demon. How to cast a demon out of a person: effective prayers for exorcism. What prayers should be read against demons?

Killing a dead person is not customary among any people in the world. The reasons are different, but Slavic lands It is believed that long crying and deep melancholy can attract a demon - a devil who, taking the form of a deceased person, begins to visit a person, gradually depriving him of his vitality, killing him.

There are a great many such examples, so protection against evil spirit, and this has been protected for many centuries. People change, the language changes, the place of residence changes, but the ritual of expelling the werewolf demon remains unchanged. It is only necessary to convince the “patient” that under the guise of a person dear to him, it is not he himself and not his soul at all, but an evil that is as eternal as this world itself.

If this is successful (and with this conviction it can be difficult), then the “patient” must then act on his own.

Most often, women fall into such dependence, as they are more subtle and sensitive natures. But if a man is “sick,” then only the endings in the dialogue-conspiracy change from female to male, the ritual itself remains unchanged.

Let the “sick” sit on the threshold of her house (apartment, room) and lay a new white towel under her feet, throwing a few small coins on it, not counting - a ransom. The threshold can be anywhere, at the entrance or exit, inside a residential building, in a bathroom or closet, it doesn’t matter, an evil spirit must cross it anyway, in search of its victim - that’s their rule. And our task is to prevent him from doing this.

The “sick woman,” without any jewelry on her body or head (even invisible ones are not allowed!) must sit on the threshold, put her feet on a towel and start combing her hair. You need to pour seeds into the hem of it, which she will husk from time to time, pouring the peels directly onto the floor.

Anyone who appears at the threshold will definitely ask: “What are you doing?” The answer should be “unexpected,” but the demon is always “led by it”: “Yes, I’m scratching my head, and I’m snapping lice with my teeth!” Now I’ll kill everyone and go to the wedding - in the next house a brother is marrying his sister!” The demon will ask further: “Where has it been seen that people eat lice?” Or: “When did brothers and sisters marry?” You need to answer in a free form, but it must be said: “Where has it been seen that the dead walk to the living?!” After this phrase, the demon will disappear, but so that he does not appear again, the towel that the “sick” had under her feet must be taken along with the coins wrapped in it to the cemetery and placed on any grave with the name of the deceased and said: “I give and protect.” . You should lie in the ground, but I should be alive! Just as the moon and the sun walk across the same sky, but do not come together, so you and I cannot be brought together! Amen!" And you need to leave there, of course, without looking back.

Secret recipes for partial magic Erofeev Valery

How to drive out a demon

How to drive out a demon

Some people who are demon-possessed Often there is a bad mood and bad thoughts appear(eg thoughts of suicide).

This means there is a demon in this person’s head. Clairvoyants can see it as a ring rotating clockwise.

First way

It is preferable to film this “obsession” somewhere outside the city, in the country or in the forest. It is imperative to build a fire that will burn during the entire duration of the ritual. You need to cut a thin aspen branch 30 cm long. Select a branch with as big amount processes. It is necessary that after cutting off the shoots there will be knots three centimeters long. Then the healer, or operator, crosses himself 3 times and says the words: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.” The patient should stand facing the fire, looking at it in the direction from west to east. The healer takes an aspen branch in both hands and, standing behind the sick person, begins to rotate it in his fingers counterclockwise (away from himself) above the patient’s head. The length of the demon is approximately 5 m. After the demon is completely “wound” on an aspen branch, the healer must throw this branch into the fire and leave with the patient.

If the patient is tall, you can sit him on a chair so that the healer can comfortably perform the ritual. You can only come for a chair after the fire has burned out.

Second way

A hot steam bath with a birch broom is very suitable for this purpose. Birch broom should have small leaves. The steam room should be alternated with wiping with snow. Repeat the procedure at least four times. It is best to go to the bathhouse every other day. You should take a new broom each time, and immediately burn the used one.

Third way

Similar to the first one. Only instead of an aspen branch you need to imagine a beam of light. The beam must be of such a color that when mixed with the rotating ring, a different color is obtained. For example, if the ring is blue, then the beam should be yellow, etc.

The beam must be rotated from top to bottom towards the movement of the ring. Execute as soon as this imp is activated.

For example, the patient has a black circle. Then the beam is white. The result is a gray color.

Fourth method

To do this you need to get a small magnet. Tie it overnight to the widest part of the ring (on the forehead). The magnet must be attached for at least 5 hours. Repeat for three days in a row. Then take the magnet to the forest.

Fifth method

Exorcise the demon in the following way possible on Thursday. First you need to take a five-kopeck coin and place it on your forehead for three hours. Place the coin with the heads facing out, tails towards the head. After three hours, remove the coin. Put it in your left pocket and go to church. In the church, place seven candles near the icon of Jesus Christ. Give a coin at the exit. It is advisable to take the coin out of your pocket and throw it into the hand of the person asking, without touching his hand, if possible so that the coin lands heads up.

Sixth method

It is best to apply on Friday, at approximately one o'clock in the afternoon (best at 12.50). To the left closed eye put three whitish carnelian beads for ten minutes. Then look at a piece of paper for 11 minutes blue color. It is advisable to take a larger sheet and look at it at arm's length.

After this procedure, you should not drink or eat for 30 minutes. After the session, it is best to go and lie down to rest.

If a person begins to hear voices in his head that bother him and do not allow him to sleep, then first of all it is necessary to constantly have at home and burn a church or white candle on a white saucer.

First way

To drive out demons, you need to take a red ribbon 1.5–3 cm wide, preferably made of silk. Tie this ribbon on your forehead and tie three knots on the side from which voices are heard, or above the right temple so that the ends of the ribbon are 3–7 cm long. It is advisable to tie the bandage in the evening between 21.00 and 22.00, or you can do this do it later if it is not possible to tie it at the specified time. But it should be kept in mind that the bandage must be on the head for at least 8 hours a day. In the morning, untie the bandage and place it out of sight. This action must be repeated 7 days in a row. On the eighth morning, the bandage must be removed without untying the knots. Then put it in an opaque bag and take it to the cemetery before 12:00 noon. You should leave the bandage behind the fence on the territory of the cemetery, but not on the grave, so that no one can find it and untie the knots. Leaving the bandage behind, you have to think that all the chatterboxes had their tongues tied and left here where they couldn’t get out.

Then leave the cemetery without looking back. Until the threshold of the house, you cannot talk to anyone or answer questions asked by passers-by. You should return home by a different route. Treatment should not be started on Saturday and Sunday. It is best to carry out treatment on the waning moon.

Second way

Go to church, take holy water and drink three sips every time before eating. At night, wash with holy water, 3 times right hand rinsing your face. In the morning go to church, light one candle for the icons Mother of God, Panteleimon the Healer, Nicholas the Wonderworker. This must be done within a month.

Third way

Every day for a month, take one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice before meals 3 times a day. Wipe your temples several times a day (3-4 times) lemon juice. And also whiskey should be wiped at night.

Removing unknown witchcraft

In order to get rid of witchcraft that is sent down the wind as if from nowhere, from invisible spheres, and that witchcraft that came from nowhere, an ancient, refined method is used. To do this, on Wednesday, preferably early in the morning, at about 7 o’clock, you need to go to the river, taking new clothes with you.

By the river you should take off all your old clothes and leave them under a tree. Undressing should begin from the bottom up, that is, from the shoes. Shoes should be placed at a distance of half a meter from the tree, on the north side. The rest of the clothes should be folded between the tree and the shoes.

Shoes should be placed level next to each other, and clothes should be neatly folded or, if possible, hung on the lower branches of the tree. Then say:

“It’s DAWN, I’m taking off my clothes and leaving the sickness behind.

ZARI DERI, who will take the clothes,

He will take the illness for himself. ZARI DERI.”

Repeat 5 times.

It is advisable to carry out the ritual near the river, so that you can then go into the river and swim. After swimming, put on new clothes and leave. You should dress from top to bottom.

Those who took someone else’s clothes for the wrong purpose or out of greed, and then, after a while, felt unwell, should perform the same ritual on Thursday on the waning moon, leaving the taken someone else’s clothes. And next Wednesday, repeat the previously described ritual, but with your own clothes.

If there is no river, stream or other body of water in your area, then healing can be achieved in the following way. After you undress, fold your clothes, say the words of the spell, you need to lie on the ground and make three turns from right to left, and then vice versa: turn from left to right 3 times. Get up, stand for 3 minutes, put on new clothes in the correct order, from top to bottom, and leave without looking back.

About 2 years ago, exhausted by the painful consequences of the sin of unnatural fornication, I accidentally learned about the services of a grandmother who supposedly knows how to look at water and remove damage, and turned to her. When I got there, she whispered some prayers over a cup of water, then put the cup on my head and read a certain sequence of spells and prayers and gave me a drink. At the same time, I felt some strange warmth, and it was as if I was enveloped in some kind of whitish fog. Being in this strange aura, I saw everything as if through some kind of cloudy whitish fog. After which the grandmother gave me instructions to perform certain procedures, and, returning from there, I continued to remain in this foggy aura. In confession, I told the priests about visiting my grandmother, and they warned me that it was a sin, and that the demon would return and bring 7 others with him, however, I ignored their warnings and continued to visit my grandmother. In addition, I dared to offer a willful prayer for the return of the enlightened state of consciousness that I had previously achieved, etc. in the same spirit, and repeated this request before the church several times. At the same time, I seemed to feel some kind of increased prayer power within me. But a few days later, when I was sitting alone, I felt as if some kind of stream of strange sweetness was entering me in the chest area, and at the same time I felt someone’s presence right in front of me, although I did not see anyone. I stood up and bowed before this invisibly standing figure, while I felt his ghostly feet on the floor, from which some ghostly streams of energy spread and flowed into my head. When I tried to pray, with every word some kind of sweetness flowed into my soul, which made me even want to speak, but this sweetness was somehow false. At the same time, my mind was distracted from the things I was doing and I became unable to do normal things. After some time, information began to come into my head from somewhere outside about people whom I had previously known, information about events that had previously happened to me, previously unknown to me, and my mind was increasingly immersed in a state of some kind of alienation from real world, and I even began to feel the urge to leave the house. I was almost convinced that I had been visited by a miraculous visitation and had been given spiritual gifts, but just before going to bed I remembered what I knew about the state of delusion and realized that I was in a state of delusion. So the next morning I went to church in fear, called the priest and began to tell him what had happened. Without listening to the end, he brought a confession, began to speak for me, and as soon as he baptized me, it was as if this veil had fallen from me, and I saw everything in a different light, different from ordinary consciousness, and I felt the Divine power prevailing over me, which everything grew and caused me something like an overwhelming burning sensation, in short, I apparently came to a state free from delusion and fell into the hands of the Zhivago God. After which the priest came up, lifted me to my feet, blessed me to receive communion and said that in the Vvedno church there was a lecture from Father Alexander, and I needed to go there. After which they brought me home, and I gradually descended back from this state of grace, in which it was very difficult for me to remain, and at the same time I felt the presence of demonic forces next to me. After which a whole series of demonic obsessions followed, and, probably, only through the efforts of the Guardian Angel did I not become completely possessed. However, demons took possession of my mind, and under their influence I was in a state mental disorder for a whole week, until he was finally taken to Father Alexander for a lecture. After which my psyche returned to a normal state, and the demons, apparently, left me, but they continued to fake intimidation in my dreams for some time. However, about a year after my first visit to my grandmother, all sorts of dark thoughts and fantasies gradually began to creep into my head, into which my mind was actively involved; in short, I entered some kind of painful state of consciousness, in which my soul and mind were painfully tense and constrained from the inside, and the senses came into a state of painful tension. Then I again had to go to lectures to exorcise the demon. This made me feel better, but I continued to feel some kind of painful disorder in the functioning of the mind, psyche and sense organs. After a few more months, unpleasant sensations arose again, which were expressed in the fact that I either felt my body suspended in the air like a rag, or felt complete discord and insomnia in my head, and could not put my consciousness together, etc. Only after I went to the lecture again did I feel better, but I am afraid that after a while the attacks of demons will begin again at the most inopportune moment. In addition, in a random conversation with fellow students, the conversation came up about my grandmother, and I ended up giving my grandmother’s phone number to one of them, which probably aggravates my guilt even more. To make amends for my guilt, I brought her to the prayer service as well. When I told Father Alexander about my visit to my grandmother and the consequences during the reprimand, he said that I had violated the Law of God, and that I needed to write a general confession from the age of 7 and the curse needed to be lifted from me. When I said that in confession I had already repented of this sin many times, he asked if they had read a prayer over me to remove the curse? I answered that no, then he repeated that I needed to write a general confession and repent properly, but I still didn’t understand about lifting the curse. So I wrote here to find out mainly these questions: Did I bring a curse or something like that on myself by visiting my grandmother, and if so, what is this curse? If this curse is an act of calling upon me demonic forces, as a result of which they gained certain access to me, then how far does it spread over time, what consequences does it have and what is necessary to remove it? Is it enough that I confessed this sin, took communion and attended a prayer service to cast out demons, or is something else required - a prayer to remove the curse or something else like that? To what extent is it even possible to get rid of all these consequences? Are all the painful symptoms described above a consequence of the fact that the demon comes to me at a certain distance and spreads some of its waves or something else onto me? What worries me even more is that, perhaps, since I once came into contact with my grandmother, the conductor of the devil’s power in this world, the consequences of this are not limited to the fact that a certain number of demons came to me at a certain distance and do some obsessions and illnesses. If Satan is the prince of this world, and the information that I have gleaned about him indicates that he is an airy prince, a ruler of the world, that he stands everywhere, etc., then this leads me to assume that by visiting my grandmother I violated the alienation and protection of my soul and my entire structure from Satan established by Baptism and that my soul has now come into contact not only with individual demons, but also with Satan, who, apparently, is not only a person, but also an integral integral part of the current universe, since he is the ruler of the world, etc. And that the protective shell, which previously separated me from the world-holding and omnipresent power of Satan and made my soul alien to him, has now, as a result of a visit to my grandmother, been destroyed, and I am now in my spiritual being not only in contact with God, but and with Satan, who now has direct access to my soul for his destructive influences. It seems that it is the Mother of God who makes a protective shell around a person, and my fears that it has been destroyed partially or completely are based on the fact that, as I described above, streams of satanic energy flowed into my soul, producing a feeling of false sweetness in it. My greatest fear is that streams of satanic energy are flowing into my eyes and head, and that the protective covering has been removed from my eyes. These concerns are based on the fact that I experienced some hallucinations while watching TV, etc. I hope that these assumptions of mine are incorrect, but this cannot be left to chance, and if you are competent in these matters, please confirm or refute them. AND.

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

Dear I.! The protective shell you write about is nothing more than our physical body in a certain state. Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) writes about this: The divinely inspired writer of the Book of Genesis says that after the fall of the first people, God, having pronounced judgment on them, even before their expulsion from paradise, made them garments of skins and clothed them (Genesis 3:21). Leather vestments, according to the explanation of the Holy Fathers (St. John of Damascus. An exact exposition of the Orthodox faith, book 3, chapter 1), mean our coarse flesh, which, during the fall, changed: it lost its subtlety and spirituality, and received its present plumpness. Although the initial cause changes and there was a fall; but the change took place under the influence of the Almighty Creator, through His ineffable mercy towards them, to our greatest good. Among other beneficial consequences for us that flow from the state in which our body now finds itself, we must point out that by allowing our bodies to become fat, we have become incapable of sensually seeing the spirits into whose region we have fallen. Man has free will and, unfortunately, often abuses it. Consciously turning to evil spirits deprives our body of its ability to be a natural defense. Demons find access to the soul and lead it to a painful state. A person’s sincere appeal to God through the sacraments of repentance, communion and unction deprives demons of power over a person. Alive in the help of Vyshnyago. He will dwell in the shelter of the Heavenly God. Says the Lord: Thou art my protector, and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him.(Ps.90:1). When a person begins to live in the grace-filled experience of the Church, his will is freed from direct dependence on fallen spirits. However, the soul, having gone through the terrible experience of the fall, continues to experience the consequences of the violence committed against it for a long time.

Dear I.! You must believe that the Lord wants and can heal you. You do not need to look for any special prayers and think about removing the “curse”. Sincerely and regularly participate in the prayer and liturgical life of the Church, zealously approach the holy sacraments, be sure to observe fasts, and follow the morning and evening rules. Prayerfully proceed to the healing relics of the saints of God: St. Sergius of Radonezh, Saints Mitrofan of Voronezh and Tikhon of Zadonsk, Blessed Matrona of Moscow and others. Decisively distance yourself from everything harmful: TV, reading unhealthy books, etc. Otherwise, the healing of your spiritually weakened soul will be delayed.

The “hallucinations” you write about are a subjective phenomenon. This is caused by demons who want to instill fear in you. There is no need to be afraid of them. Spiritually they are nothing. Their apparent power appears only when we are powerless and give them meaning. You have a “protective shell”, because church sacraments heal not only the soul, but also the body. Through them a person is reborn. The devil is not “an integral part of the current universe.” He is called the prince of peace (John 14:30), world ruler of the darkness of this age(Eph.6:12) because he rules the part of humanity that has fallen away from God.

With humility and reverence let us follow the teaching of the Holy Fathers, the tradition Orthodox Church! Let us reverently submit to the decree of God, who covered our souls with thick curtains and shrouds of bodies during our earthly journey, separated us with them from the created spirits, and shielded and protected us with them from the fallen spirits. We do not need a sensual vision of spirits to complete our earthly, arduous journey. For this we need another lamp, and it is given to us: The lamp of my feet is Your law, and the light of my paths (Psalm 119, 105). Those who travel under the constant radiance of the lamp - the Law of God - will not be deceived either by their passions or by fallen spirits, as Scripture testifies(Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov).

In ordinary life, as long as it goes on steadily, without incident, we don’t even think about the fact that in parallel with us there exists a world of other entities. Its main “residents” are angels and devils). The Holy Scriptures are rich in descriptions of the effects of demons on human souls. The Bible names the signs of a demon-possessed person. The Holy Fathers have attached great importance to this since the Middle Ages. Little is known about angels: they are protectors, and we do not necessarily know about their methods of protection. Demons are serious enemies of the human race, and in order to resist them, it is necessary to study methods of combating this evil spirits. Christ himself emphasized that they can only be driven out through fasting, the cross and prayer.

How did the Evil Spirit appear?

Before the Creator created the universe, there was a world of angels. The most powerful one was called Dennitsa. One day he became proud, rose up against God himself, and for this he was expelled by the angry Lord from the angelic world.

Every Christian knows the signs of a possessed person: speaking in someone else's voice, rejection of church values, the ability to levitate, the smell of sulfur, and more. But there are also signs of the devil’s presence that are difficult to recognize.

To protect yourself from a possessed person, best advice- do not contact him, since the possessed does not control his own mind. Only church rituals will help drive demons out of him.

How does the devil possess a person?

Anthony the Great claims that humanity itself is to blame for the fact that demons find refuge in the souls of people. These are incorporeal creatures that can take refuge in a person if he accepts their nasty thoughts, temptations and will. This is how people agree with existing evil. The stories of priests about the presence of the devil are quite frightening and scary. On your own personal experience They have more than once been convinced of the reality of the actions of dark forces, therefore they know all the signs of a possessed person, can recognize him and try to save the soul. Even strong prayer does not immediately help get rid of the invading evil spirits.

So why are demons able to enter humans? The Holy Fathers claim that their place is where sin already lives. Sinful thoughts, an unworthy lifestyle, many vices - it is easiest for the devil to penetrate a vicious person.

Many people wonder why God allows this. The answer is simple. In fact, from the Almighty we are endowed with freedom of choice, will. We ourselves must choose whose power is closer to us, the Lord or Satan.

The clergy divide demoniac people into two types.

The first is that the demon subjugates the soul and behaves like a second personality inside a person. The second is the enslavement of the human will by various sinful passions. Even John of Kronstadt, who observed the possessed, noted that demons would take possession of the souls of ordinary people due to their innocence and illiteracy. If a spirit enters the soul of an educated person, then this is a slightly different form of possession, and fighting the devil in these cases is quite difficult.

in the church

There is a statement in christian church, that a person’s obsession, which does not manifest itself in Everyday life, comes out, as soon as the possessed person approaches the church or sees the icon and the cross. There have been cases when, during a service, some people begin to rush about, howl, cry, shout blasphemous speeches, and swear. All these are the main signs of a possessed person. This is explained by the fact that the demon tries to protect the soul from divine influence. The devil is intolerant of everything that somehow reminds us of faith in God.

Educated, intelligent people with a demon in their souls, it would seem, are accustomed to taking into account the opinions of others, they are measured and sedate, but as soon as you start a conversation with them about religion, all their respect comes to naught, their faces immediately change, and rage appears. The demon living inside cannot transgress his essence as soon as it comes to his eternal enemy - God. The way demon-possessed people behave in church only confirms the fact that the demon tries to avoid sources of danger and is afraid of being cast out. In fact, it is not people who are afraid of the church and the Creeds, but the unclean essence that is in them.

Possession can be divided into several signs: in some cases, the demon simply whispers nasty things to a person, encourages him to do obscenities, and go against God. Having penetrated the body, the demon can act to the detriment of other people, causing them harm. Having taken possession of the bodies of the dead, the devil in the guise of ghosts torments people.

Physical Signs of a Demon Possessed Person

Church ministers identified phenomena indicating signs of demon-possessed people. In the treatise “On Demons” by Peter of Tire the following points of demon manifestations are indicated:

  • the voice acquires an eerie demonic timbre;
  • Any voice changes are possible;
  • paralysis of the body or some limbs;
  • an incredible display of strength for the average person.

Other demonologists also highlight:

  • a huge belly unusual for humans;
  • rapid decline, weight loss leading to death;
  • levitation;
  • split personality;
  • imitation of animals;
  • obscene behavior, thoughts;
  • the smell of sulfur (the smell of hell);
  • blasphemy against God, church, holy water, cross;
  • mumbling in a non-existent language.

This is not a complete list of signs. Of course, many points of possession can be explained by some kind of physical illness; for example, in the Middle Ages, demonic behavior was often confused with symptoms of epilepsy. Mental disorders were passed off as public sinful orgies, and imitation of animals was confused with schizophrenia. In fact, it is really difficult to define in everyday life what a possessed person means. Many character traits, behavioral stereotypes, promiscuity, ignorance - all this resembles demonic possession.


The traditional "cure" for possession is to expel the demon from the body. Exorcism rites are performed by clergy who read special prayers, fumigate with incense, and conduct confirmation. Most often, during the ritual, people strongly resist, even faint. A priest should not be alone; he definitely needs assistants - other representatives of the church. Modern doctors and psychologists do not believe in such rituals and claim that it is just then how to explain that such attacks occur exclusively with church intervention and after the ritual people feel significant relief? There are still no answers to these questions.

You can cast out demons through sincere faith, prayer and fasting. Before the process of expulsion, one must receive communion and confession. The reprimand can be performed by a monk who has not known sin or carnal pleasures. The key point is strict fast. An unprepared soul itself will not be able to cope with the exorcism of demons. Prayer may not work and the result may be unpredictable. The reprimand will be carried out by a monk who has received instructions from senior spiritual brethren; he is endowed with divine protection and special power that will help cope with demons. The prayer being read is called an exorcist prayer. After pronouncing it multiple times, signs of possession by demoniacs disappear, confirming the presence of hellish forces.

When exorcising the devil, the prayer must come from the lips of a sincere believer; magic is strictly excluded. People involved in the occult become possessed by demons in 90% of cases.

Prayerful protection from evil spirits

Evil spirits can easily attack us, move into our homes, plot intrigues, and make a person obsessed. In Orthodoxy there are many prayers that help protect against the attacks of evil spirits. The most famous are the prayer to Seraphim of Sarov, Pansofia of Athos “From the attack of demons”, St. Gregory the Wonderworker and, of course, the prayer to Jesus Christ.

Orthodox believers know that the text should always be carried with them, because in times of rampant evil spirits there is always a chance of falling under its influence. At any moment along the way you may encounter a possessed person, what should you do in this case? A prayer word will save.

Many people learn the text of the prayer by heart. But in stressful situations, a person usually gets lost and forgets about everything in the world, so it is better to always have protection with you. You can give yourself confidence in a difficult situation by reading the text of the prayer from the page. It is very important to follow some rules:

  • Always carry the text of the prayer with you. Style and Old Church Slavonic words are reinterpreted and faked modern language It’s not worth it, it can reduce the power of words prayed for centuries.
  • You need to pronounce the text yourself; online auditions are not suitable here; the emotional component and sincerity of the spoken phrases are important.
  • When reading the prayer, you must be protected by a cross or icon. Shameless demonic spawn can easily penetrate unprotected lost souls and nullify the words of prayer.

Protect yours vital energy and your home. For example, it will be more difficult for demons to enter a house consecrated by the priest.

Obsession from a scientific point of view

What does official science say about demonism? Scientists call obsession a mental illness called cacodemonia. It is believed that seizures most often affect dependent people, open, impressionable or, on the contrary, passive. For the most part, they are susceptible to outside influence. Sigmund Freud called cacodemonia a neurosis. According to him, a person himself invents a demon within himself that suppresses his desires. So what is obsession - a curse or a disease? Scientists explain the signs of demon possession various diseases, but it is worth noting that often medical methods are not able to solve the problem.

  • The obsession is explained by epilepsy. When losing consciousness during convulsions, a person is able to sense contacts with the immaterial world.
  • Depression, euphoria, and sudden mood swings are characteristic of affective bipolar disorder.
  • Tourette's syndrome is also confused with obsession. Out of frustration nervous system Nervous tics begin.
  • A disease known in psychology is accompanied by split personality, when several personalities live in one body, showing themselves at different periods.
  • Schizophrenia has also been compared to obsession. The patient experiences hallucinations, speech problems, and delusional ideas.

If an unclean essence enters a person, this is reflected in his appearance. How to recognize a possessed person is listed in the article above. You can also add to this that those possessed by demons change the color of their eyes, they become cloudy, although their vision remains the same. The color of the skin may also change, it becomes darker - this sign is very dangerous.

Real cases of obsession

There are stories of people being possessed by demons that have been recorded and documented. Here are just a few of them.

Clara Germana Celje. Story from South America. The girl Clara, at the age of 16, told the priest in confession that she felt the presence of a demon in herself. The story took place in 1906. At first they did not believe her words, since it is not easy to identify a possessed person. But her condition began to worsen every day. There is documentary evidence from people that says that the girl behaved inappropriately and spoke in someone else's voices. The exorcism ritual was performed on her for two days, which saved her.

Roland Doe. The story of this boy took place in 1949. His aunt died. After some time, Roland tried to contact her through a seance, but incredible things began to happen around him: screams were heard, crucifixes shook, objects flew, and so on. A priest invited to the house saw objects falling and flying. At the same time, the boy's body was covered with various symbols. It took 30 sessions to drive out the evil spirit. More than 14 sources confirm the fact that the bed with the sick boy was flying around the room.

The Emily Rose Story

I would especially like to note the case of Annaliese Michel. This is the most striking example of a person’s demonic possession. The girl became the prototype of Emily Rose in the famous film.

When the girl turned 17, her life became a nightmare. In the middle of the night she was attacked by paralysis, it was impossible to breathe. Doctors diagnosed him with Grand Mal seizures or epileptic convulsions. After Annalize was admitted to a mental hospital, her situation only became worse. Drug treatment did not bring any relief. The demon constantly appeared to her and talked about the curse. She began to develop deep depression. A year later, in 1970, the girl was discharged from the hospital. She herself turned to the church and asked for an exorcism, claiming that the devil had entered her body. Church ministers know how to understand that a person is possessed, but they refused to help her and advised her to pray more. The girl began to behave more inappropriately. She bit her family members, ate flies and spiders, copied dogs, mutilated herself, and destroyed icons. This went on for five years. Relatives had difficulty persuading the clergy to perform an exorcism. The ceremony began in 1975 and ended only in 1976; it was held twice a week. A great many evil spirits were expelled from her body, but her health still deteriorated, she could neither drink nor eat. As a result, the girl died in her sleep. According to her, before her death, the Virgin Mary came to her and offered her an option for salvation - to leave her body, which was enslaved by demons.

How to deal with a possessed person

If suddenly you discover signs of demon possession among your loved ones, it is important not to get lost at this moment, try to create conditions so that the person does not harm himself or others. There are several tips on how to protect yourself from a possessed person:

  • You should not provoke a possessed person into an attack of aggression, since he is not capable of taking responsibility for his own actions. Agree with him and control the situation.
  • Protect the possessed person from moving. Sit or lay on the bed. Make sure he can't harm himself.
  • If demonic possession manifests itself, try to calm the person down and bring him to a normal state. If an attack is provoked by icons or crucifixes, remove them.

Protect yourself and your loved ones from the attacks of demons. True faith, fervent prayer, and a life of piety will not allow the devil to take possession of your soul and body.

    The demon told me his name - Benjamin. But he sits quietly as if he is not there. Benjamin, eldest son of the biblical patriarch Jacob. I'm trying to get rid of him.

    Evgeniy, you probably already have a lot of experience in the question of how to get rid of a homesteader.
    I also want to get rid of it, they write a lot of things, but I haven’t found a clear way. Please tell me what to do?
    Is there any point in going to church for a reprimand? I don’t understand, if people are expelled from a crowd at the same time, then where do all these demons go? One will jump out, and another may come in instead......

    You yourself attract them, all entities. You can try going to church, you can find exorcists, but you shouldn’t do this yourself! If a demon lives in you, then think about where you are living incorrectly and what you are doing incorrectly, the demon cannot just end up in you, and if you drive it out and you live as before, you will constantly exchange an awl for soap.

    Really worthwhile and interesting article. I read and learned a lot of interesting things. Still, if I had a demon in me, I probably would not have decided on such a ritual myself. We still know little about this, but the description of how the demon comes out is frightening. In my opinion, everyone should do something in which they are a master. Exorcist is not just a title, but a calling. I don't want to take up anyone's space.

    I felt strangely anxious after reading the article. Are the demons in me worried and afraid of my exoccistical tendencies?) Don’t be afraid, I definitely won’t come to you myself, live for now))) And now seriously. The topic is interesting, hundreds of films on it have been watched. It was interesting to read this article, good selection information. I don’t particularly believe in demons, or rather, I don’t believe that they can possess them, but if this happened to me, I would definitely run to church.

    There was one little man in our house, people said that he was possessed. Such a strange one. Sometimes he laughs inappropriately, sometimes he glares and bares his teeth. Horrible in one word. It was scary to walk near him; people avoided him. I don’t know whether people were telling the truth about him or not, but he disappeared one day and was gone for a long time. And then a young man moved into his apartment. Quiet and decent. And only a year later we found out that they were two people. The transformation happened before our eyes.
    I liked the article and inspired a story from my childhood. Thank you very informative!

    Fascinating article. I read it like a mystical novel. Thank God I haven’t encountered such a phenomenon myself, and God forbid I encounter it. But I also think that personal expulsion cannot be done. It is not known how the Bes will behave in the process. It's better to trust the professionals.

    My mother told me that when I was little they got an apartment when they moved out, that is, not in a new house, but after someone else. When we moved in, we didn’t know who lived there before. It was later that the neighbors told them that my aunt had hanged herself in our apartment. I was little, I don’t remember. Mom told me that there was hell in the apartment, they called the priest to light the apartment, it seemed to help.
    I liked the article, it was interesting to read.

    The article caused a double impression. I rather liked it, but I definitely won’t use it in practice. But to consider it as educational is quite okay. The world of demons and demons is subject to too powerful a force and it is not worth playing with it. Moreover, experiment with expulsion. If such a misfortune happened to you or one of your loved ones, I would advise you to go to church.

    I read the article and came to a conclusion: lead a decent lifestyle, go to church and believe in God. No demons are afraid of you! Of course, these recipes of mine will not protect your home; a demon can settle here, regardless of your lifestyle and faith. But I support the majority opinion. It’s definitely not worth doing the expulsion yourself. Thanks for the article - interesting

    What are you people talking about? one lives with a demon inside and tries to come to an agreement with it, the second asks for advice on how to get rid of it. Are you out of your mind? At the slightest suspicion, run to find a professional! This is not a joke, believe me. I don’t want to tell you how I myself encountered an evil spirit, I’m afraid my writing abilities are not enough, take my word for it, just DO NOT! Thank you for the article.

    From a historical point of view, the article is true. Useful for the layman. But you still don’t need to put it into action. To be expelled, it is not enough to possess the qualities and virtues listed in the article. First of all, you need to be churched! That is, to believe and go to church, attend services and receive absolution, pray and know the church canon.
    Thanks to the author for his efforts!

    Useful article, I liked it! Of course, I’m not an angel and I’m sinning little by little. But I still want to believe that the demon in me will not like it. I go to church on holidays and there are icons at home. But if, God forbid of course, I had to face the demon inside me... Most likely, I would not even try to get rid of it myself. When I imagine this picture (thanks to the movies), it’s creepy. I would start looking for some kind of magician or priest, but definitely not myself.

    I went to a “knowledgeable” woman about one issue. On my second visit to her, it turned out that I had two “roommates”. They showed themselves. I experienced terrible stress, divorce, job loss, intensive care, loss of interest in life... So I got it. Now I'm fighting for myself. There are few exorcists. Mainly in Ukraine. There is one in Moscow, I’m going there.

    I haven’t been able to get rid of demons for a whole year, what should I do?

    Olesya, could you tell who?

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