How to understand if you have an allergy. How can you find out what you are allergic to? Elimination test and skin tests

Determining the source of an allergic reaction at home is possible through trial and error, which can turn into a life-threatening condition.

Doctors have a lot of ways to find out the cause of an allergy in a more reliable way, without playing a fortune teller. For example, skin test methods, which are divided into the following types:

  • trick testing - using an injection;
  • scratching test - the allergen is applied by scratching the skin;
  • intradermal test - the suspected substance is injected with a syringe.

These types of examinations are carried out by examining the skin of the forearm area after contact with a small amount of purified allergen.

How to find out what you are allergic to in the most informative way? Allergists use provocative testing. The essence of the technique is to place the allergen directly into the hypersensitive organ. In case of a primary reaction from the eyes, the provocateur is injected into the conjunctival sac; in the case of allergic rhinitis, into the nasal sinuses; for asthmatic manifestations, the allergen is inhaled using an inhaler. Such a study of the patient’s condition when interacting with the source of the allergy requires the presence of a physician who can provide emergency assistance if necessary.

How to find out if you have an allergy?

The allergy manifests itself on any skin, can “masquerade” as a runny nose, and the duration of the painful condition lasts from a couple of minutes to several days.

How to find out if you have an allergy? First of all, you need to remember the signs of the development of the disease:

  • redness, a feeling of pain in the eyes, lacrimation;
  • rashes on various parts of the skin accompanied by itching (urticaria, eczema, etc.);
  • changes in stool, nausea;
  • constant, dry cough, mainly at night;
  • pulmonary wheezing, suffocation;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat, soreness and itching;
  • prolonged nasal congestion with clear, watery discharge;
  • swelling of certain areas of the body, most often the face/eyelids;
  • paroxysmal sneezing for no apparent reason;
  • joint pain.

The listed phenomena are protracted, chronic, worsening in the presence of an allergen. For example, when dust accumulates at home, the patient’s painful symptoms increase. Only properly done cleaning brings long-awaited relief.

How to find out if you have an allergy with medical help? A consultation with an allergist is never superfluous. It can be very difficult to independently identify and generally understand whether you have an allergy. Initially, the doctor collects data on suspected allergic manifestations based on your words. Next, a special examination is prescribed - skin testing, which helps to determine the cause of the unpleasant symptoms. If necessary, a blood/sputum test, respiratory function test, and chest and sinus x-rays are performed. After which the doctor can draw conclusions about the presence of the disease.

How to find out what causes an allergy?

Most of us do not like to go to the hospital and try to independently identify the cause of the allergy.

How to find out what causes allergies without leaving home? This can be done with special tests available at pharmacy kiosks. One drop of blood is enough to get results equivalent to laboratory ones. Increased sensitivity to the allergen will be indicated by a plus on the test strip; if there is no reaction, a minus will appear. The duration of the study of each suspected substance takes half an hour.

You can also try to avoid contact with the suspected allergen. Transport your pets and do a thorough cleaning if you notice signs of sensitivity to fur. If the painful symptoms decrease or completely get rid of, you will have to forget about the animals in the house.

The situation is more complicated with children under two years of age. The child’s immune system is still developing, so laboratory diagnostic methods are ineffective and even erroneous. How to find out what you are allergic to in such a situation? If there is a sensitivity to any product, parents are advised to keep a food diary. It is important to record each product and the baby’s reaction in it. This way you can avoid allergic reactions to food. If there is a painful manifestation of several types of foods, you should first cancel all of them, and then introduce the diet one at a time, carefully observing the reaction. Similar advice is also relevant in adulthood.

Even if you get to the bottom of the true cause of your discomfort, still consult an immunologist. A specialist will help you choose the right treatment for your specific situation, while self-therapy can only worsen the situation and lead to chronic diseases.

How to find out what you are allergic to? - an important question, but this is only the first step in a complex medical intervention, including: preventive measures, reducing the strength and frequency of attacks, immunocorrective programs.

It is impossible to completely cure allergies. But, having identified the allergen, you can choose the right medication that will help you forget about this disease for a long time. But how do you find out what you are allergic to? It is almost impossible to determine what your body reacts to on your own. Special tests need to be done.

How to identify food allergies?

If you consult a doctor with a question about how to find out if you are allergic to honey and other foods, first of all, he will recommend that you monitor your body’s reaction to eating a particular food. Symptoms of this disease may appear within a few minutes or a little later, but usually within 48 hours. The main organs that suffer from food allergies are the gastrointestinal tract, skin and respiratory system. Therefore, the most common symptoms are:

  • runny nose;
  • coughing or frequent sneezing;
  • redness, rash, or itching of the skin;
  • nausea, vomiting or intestinal colic.

Having discovered a connection between symptoms and several food products, you can find out what you are allergic to by doing an analysis such as a provocative elimination test - reproducing an allergic reaction by taking an allergen. It will allow you to exclude suspected products that are actually absolutely safe for health. During this study, all antiallergic medications must be stopped.

In addition to provocative elimination tests, studies such as skin tests will help you find out what a person is allergic to. This can be a scratch test with the simultaneous application of different allergens or a prick test. With their help, it is possible to identify not only the causally significant allergen, but also the exact degree of sensitivity of the body to it.

How to identify drug allergies?

Are you going to have surgery with local anesthesia? How do you know if you are allergic to lidocaine or another anesthetic? Intradermal injections will help with this. If you actually have an allergy, a reaction begins to develop. The patient develops: swelling:

  • redness;

Their intensity indicates the degree of sensitivity of the body.

To find out if there is an allergy to anesthesia or medications, both intradermal injections and skin tests are used.

lergen is contained in a special vaseline-paraffin mixture. It is applied to metal plates that are attached to the skin on the back. After some time, she is thoroughly examined for any reactions. Sometimes, in their absence, the patient is asked to undergo a re-examination after 48 hours. This will allow you to check for changes caused by the body's slow response. Skin tests help determine if you are allergic to substances such as iodine, chromium and lanonin.

Another effective diagnostic method is rinsing. oral cavity solution with diluted allergen. After this, a small amount of saliva is sampled. This study is carried out in a hospital. To find out as quickly as possible whether there is an allergy to Penicillin or other antibiotics, it is better for the patient to take a blood test.

How to identify allergies to cosmetics and household chemicals?

If there is a suspicion of an allergy to cosmetics and household chemicals, it is best to use a special patch made of two small strips. They are coated with 24 provocateurs, including cosmetic preservatives, as well as stabilizers. They need to be glued near the shoulder blade. After 2 days, the doctor peels off the strips and determines the allergen from the traces remaining on the skin.

For many centuries, humanity has been trying to find means to alleviate suffering, heal illnesses and prolong life. At first, the search process was carried out entirely at random, but over time and with the help of science, a significant number of funds, both natural and chemical in origin, were selected and subsequently evaluated. In addition, knowledge has been constantly accumulating not only about the positive effects of this or that drug, but also about its harmful effects on the human body.

On modern level development of medical science, we can already talk about a whole formed system drug treatment, which is gaining more and more popularity, especially against the backdrop of the latest developments in the latest medicines.

It would seem that one could object, because there is still herbal and dietary therapy, physiotherapy, but in fact, the first place still remains with medicines. If we take into account that the body, as well as various viruses and bacteria, are capable of developing resistance to many methods of influence, then the use of modern medicines can save many from death and complications, as well as increase life expectancy and improve its quality.

Drug allergies begin to develop after the medication has entered the human body, which is prone to such a reaction, and the immune response is activated. There are many manifestations of drug intolerance; in each patient, such a reaction manifests itself purely individually and does not depend at all on the dosage. There are cases when a patient is given the same medicine, but he has completely different reactions. The greatest number of allergies are caused by antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as voltaren, naklofen and diclofenac. It must be borne in mind that there is not a single medication that cannot cause an allergic reaction.

How to test a medicine for allergies?

A case of drug allergy can be identified by carefully collecting anamnesis from the patient himself or from his relatives. It is important to remember that patients often forget about the medications they take, such as laxatives, dietary supplements, vitamins, creams and body care products. In addition, medications may also contain substances in some food products, for example, as a preservative, such as acetylsalicylic acid. When collecting anamnesis, it is necessary to find out whether the patient has any complaints of any allergic diseases: atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, rhinitis, etc. It is also important to clarify whether he has previously had any negative reactions to medications.

Diagnostic criteria used to identify an allergy to a medication:

- there is a connection between taking the drug and sensitization - an allergic reaction;

- after discontinuation of the drug, there is a noticeable improvement in the condition or even complete disappearance of symptoms;

- a history of allergic reactions to any medication with a similar composition;

- similarity of clinical manifestations with other allergic diseases.

If, during a conversation with the patient or his relatives, the doctor was unable to identify the medicine that led to the allergic reaction, a laboratory test is usually carried out in relation to only those medicines that are more likely to cause an allergy. The reliability of such a study ranges from 65% to 85%, which depends on the characteristics of the drug and the chosen method of determination, which is why technologies continue to improve all the time.

A diagnostic option such as a “skin test”, which is usually used to determine the sensitivity of the human body to food-borne allergens, bacteria and fungi, is not used if a drug allergy is suspected.

Provocative tests are carried out quite rarely, only in cases where medical history and laboratory tests have not given an accurate answer about the relationship between taking the medication and the development of an allergic reaction, and the patient must be prescribed this drug. They are carried out only in a hospital, in a prepared room with a resuscitation kit and in the presence of highly qualified medical personnel.

Provocative tests are not carried out in the acute period of an allergic disease, with a history of anaphylactic shock in the patient, with severe endocrine diseases, during pregnancy and in childhood (up to six years).

There are two types of samples:

- sublingual, with which the patient is given a quarter of the therapeutic dose on a piece of sugar or on the tongue. After a quarter of an hour, the result is assessed;

- dosed, initially the patient is administered small doses of the drug through superficial routes (intradermal or cutaneous), gradually bringing its amount to the therapeutic level. After each administration, the patient's condition is assessed within twenty minutes.

If you have an identified drug allergy, its treatment depends on the severity and symptoms of this condition. In especially severe cases (Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, urticaria, Lyell's syndrome, Stephen-Jones syndrome), the patient is hospitalized. Patients who have been diagnosed with drug allergies are contraindicated to take this drug throughout their lives.


Determined by the main symptoms

  • tearing, inflammation of the eyes;
  • runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • temperature increase;
  • swelling;
  • itching, redness of the skin, rashes;
  • cough and bronchospasm.

All of the above symptoms do not necessarily appear in combination - often the allergy manifests itself in only 2-3 of them.

The most common manifestation is itchy skin and painless red spots all over the body.

As mentioned above, a common allergic reaction is a runny nose, which can be either dry or accompanied by heavy discharge from the nose. Such manifestations can begin literally a few minutes after contact with the allergen.

Examination methods

The main ways to identify allergies are:

Instead of scarification, the application method is also used: tampons moistened with a liquid containing the suspected allergen are attached to the patient’s back using a patch. Based on the diameter of the hyperemic areas, the doctor draws conclusions regarding the likelihood of an allergic reaction. The inconvenience of this method is that these areas cannot be wetted throughout the test. The test is then repeated three days later.

Unfortunately, due to its high cost, this kind of research can make a significant hole in the family budget, and finding a suitable medical facility can take a lot of time. In addition, even an accurately established diagnosis does not eliminate the need for treatment and prevention., and the cost of truly modern and effective desensitizing drugs becomes another unpleasant surprise for the patient.

What alternatives are there?

An antiallergenic collection is a good alternative to expensive tests and diagnostic procedures. medicinal herbs. It completely eliminates allergy symptoms and prevents their occurrence in the future, providing a preventive effect.

A distinctive feature of the collection is that it affects the body’s immune system and promotes its healing and cleansing of toxins. Even if you are not sure that you have an allergy, its use is completely harmless.

If you suspect the presence of atypical immune reactions in the body, you can take a course of this drug, which will be much more economical than specialized diagnostics.

What does collecting give you?

  • You get rid of itching, irritation and rashes on the skin;
  • Your skin becomes smooth and clean;
  • your eyes stop getting mucus, you don’t have to constantly rub them and put drops in them;
  • Allergic rhinitis disappears after the first day of use.

Unlike most medications, having a number of unpleasant side effects, the most common of which are drowsiness and deterioration of biochemical blood parameters due to effects on the liver, the antiallergenic collection is safe to use. The main advantages of the collection are:

  • helps in 70% of cases to completely get rid of allergies; in 98% of cases it relieves symptoms;
  • it is cheaper and safer than undergoing diagnostics and taking pills;
  • affects the immune system (precisely the source of the disease), therefore it treats allergies in all possible manifestations.

Important to consider

It is necessary to take into account the fact that, with all its undeniable advantages, the anti-allergenic collection is not a panacea that can cope with the most severe forms of diseases. Therefore, in the case of severe allergies and rapid development of respiratory failure, emergency measures must be taken. In such situations, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

In addition, it is important to remember that there are many fakes that are offered to the buyer at a lower price. Such counterfeits are not only ineffective, but can also be harmful to your health. That is why we recommend that you purchase anti-allergen collection only on the official website.

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Causes of allergies

An allergy is a strong sensitivity of the body to certain substances, most often it occurs when the immune system is weakened. According to WHO research, 85% of all people on the planet have had a negative reaction to allergens at least once in their lives.

There are two types of irritants:

  • Exoallergens enter the body from the outside.
  • Endoallergens are formed in the body itself.

The following factors can lead a person to an allergic state:

Symptoms of an allergic reaction

Allergies can be recognized by symptoms:

  1. Characteristic rashes, itching and redness of the skin.
  2. Frequent sneezing, mucus from the nose, coughing. Breathing becomes difficult at this moment.
  3. Eye damage - they itch and itch, conjunctivitis may begin.
  4. Disturbances in the digestive system, which are often accompanied by constipation, nausea or diarrhea.
  5. Swelling, most often they appear on the eyelids and lips. If the disease is severe, angioedema may occur.

The most severe consequence of an allergic reaction is anaphylactic shock. The disease is expressed in a rapid decrease in blood pressure, suffocation, swelling, convulsions, and fainting.

In newborns, allergies manifest themselves as redness and itching of the skin, as well as a rash. As a child gets older, he may develop stomatitis and cracks, peeling skin on the palms and feet. The skin and mucous membranes become dry, swelling appears on the lips.

It is most difficult to establish the cause of the disease in children under 2 years of age, since a negative reaction can be caused by anything, and methods for identifying the allergen may show incorrect results. Therefore, it is worth checking with a doctor, but it is better to hold off on testing for irritating components. What should concerned parents do in this case? You should keep a diary in which you will need to note what the child ate and what the body’s reaction was to each product. If symptoms appear on several foods at the same time, it is necessary to exclude them from the diet completely and give the child one at a time - to confirm your guesses.

Allergies and respiratory diseases

Sometimes, under certain conditions, it can be very difficult to find out what kind of illness is tormenting a person - ARVI or an allergic reaction. The fact is that an allergy occurs due to a negative reaction of the body to an irritant that releases histamine, which is quite enough for the appearance of characteristic symptoms. They are: coughing, constant sneezing, swelling of the nasal mucosa and discharge from it.

During colds, the body's natural defenses try to fight off harmful bacteria, which causes a cough and runny nose, as well as difficulty passing air through the respiratory tract. Since the symptoms of the diseases are very similar, allergies and respiratory diseases can be confused and medications taken inappropriately, so finding out what exactly caused the negative reaction is very important.

How to identify the factor that provokes the disease? It must be remembered that colds are contagious and are easily transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one, even with minimal contact. The allergy is absolutely not contagious, so it poses no threat to other people.

How to distinguish allergies and ARVI?

These diseases can also be distinguished by their duration. With respiratory infections, the malaise goes away in 1-2 weeks, while the allergy will continue as long as the irritating component is nearby. While an allergic reaction can appear at absolutely any time of the year, people mostly get colds in winter.

To identify and eliminate the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to contact not only an allergist, but also an immunologist - to improve the body’s natural defenses.

Determining the origin of allergies

Types of methods

How can you determine what a person is allergic to? Diagnostic methods are divided into types:

  • Nonspecific. The action is aimed at eliminating the signs of the disease, as well as eliminating the exacerbation of the disease. Antihistamines and additional medications are prescribed to block the immune properties that cause allergies.
  • Specific. The allergens themselves are eliminated. For example, if you have a negative reaction to dust, wet cleaning, cleaning blankets and pillows will help. Specific desensitization is also prescribed - the introduction of irritating elements through injections and sublingual drops to develop resistance to these substances.

It is impossible to cure allergies completely, but it is quite possible to reduce the signs of the disease to a minimum.

Diagnostic methods

How do you know if a person has allergies? To diagnose the disease, the allergist takes an anamnesis and determines what procedures the patient should undergo.

You can find out what a person is allergic to using the following methods:

  • Skin tests. During the event, allergens are injected into the skin with a syringe. During this procedure, the doctor examines the skin area to see if an allergic reaction or irritation has occurred. If the test result is positive, a hypersensitivity reaction to this component is present.
  • Scarification tests. Irritating elements are introduced when the skin is scratched with a scarifier. The doctor determines an allergy by the appearance of swelling and hyperemia at the site of the scratch. In one procedure, no more than 15 irritating substances can be detected.
  • Blood test for immunoglobulin E. This method is the most accurate and safe. The patient must donate blood from a vein, from which a medical specialist can determine the presence of an allergy.

How can you check for allergies without touching the hand area? There is a method of provocative testing, when the pathogen is introduced into the most sensitive organ. For example, for itching and redness of the eyes - into the conjunctival sac, for an allergic runny nose, drops are prescribed in the nose, if the respiratory tract is affected, the allergic reaction is checked using an inhaler. This procedure can provoke an unpredictable reaction, so it should be carried out by an experienced and qualified doctor who can provide first aid.

How to understand that a person has an allergy if the listed methods did not give an accurate result? The doctor may order an examination of the respiratory tract and an x-ray of the sinuses or chest.

How to understand what you are allergic to at home? Pharmacies sell tests that require very little blood to find out whether a person’s body has a negative reaction to a given substance. If present, a plus sign will appear on the strip; if no allergy is observed, a minus sign will appear. The testing time for each element is 30 minutes.

Elimination testing

How do you know that an allergy is manifested specifically to the suspected factor, and not to another pathogen? You can conduct an elimination test, namely, to eliminate the irritating element.

If the patient assumes that the pet’s fur is the allergen, it is necessary to temporarily give the pet to another home for two weeks and carry out a general cleaning. If the exacerbation does not go away, it means that the causative agent is another object, but if the person’s well-being has improved and the symptoms have passed, the pet will have to look for a new home.

Irritable reactions to pharmaceutical medications are quite common. The main provocateurs are antibiotics, sulfonamide and analgin. Symptoms of the disease: swelling, skin dermatitis, urticaria and rhinitis. Such a reaction is considered a frequent occurrence during vaccination, for example, to yeast or protein. This is accompanied by Leila syndrome and serum sickness. The most dangerous are the bites of bees, wasps and ants.

Hypersensitivity to dust can be minimized by cleaning the apartment and using an air purifier.

Insect bites also often provoke allergic symptoms. Small bumps and itching of the skin are a natural reaction. But if a person has a blister that is getting larger, or hives and this is accompanied by vomiting and nausea, the person most likely has an allergy. The worst thing that a bite can cause is an asthma attack and anaphylactic shock.

It is also necessary to follow the feeding regime, since the disease often appears when overfeeding. You need to be especially careful when introducing complementary foods. Children often exhibit a hypersensitivity reaction to cow protein.

There are several ways to find out what a person is allergic to. The most accurate is an allergen test. Provocative testing should only be performed by a qualified and professional allergist, as complications may occur. The simplest, but far from the most accurate method is the elimination test. It must be remembered that to eliminate allergy symptoms, the most important thing is to identify irritating elements and eliminate them.

Allergy is hypersensitivity on the part of the human immune system to certain substances - allergens. These can be mold and mildew, various synthetic food and non-food additives, natural products ( essential oils, fruits, natural dyes), animal hair, dust, poplar fluff, ultraviolet exposure, flowering plants, insect poison, metals and many other direct and indirect factors.

The symptoms of allergies to different irritants are generally similar. These are hives, runny nose, itching, swelling, pain in the eyes and tearing, headache, sneezing, indigestion and many others. But there are also differences, because for various types allergies are more or less characterized by certain symptoms.

Knowing them and being able to recognize the first manifestations of an allergic reaction is very important for maintaining health. Allergies are a serious problem for humanity, often having disastrous consequences for the body if treatment is not started in time.

The first signs of an allergy in adults may appear immediately after eating, drinking, or other exposure to an allergen, or may only occur when a critical amount of antigen accumulates in the body (as happens with an allergy to metals).


As mentioned above, an allergic reaction can appear immediately (10-30 minutes) or later, slowly (after 2 hours or 2 days). The first type includes urticaria, hay fever (hyperreaction of the immune system to pollen), bronchial asthma, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock.

The delayed type includes several subtypes (cytotoxic, immunocomplex) of allergies, which manifest themselves in the form of hemolytic anemia, myocarditis, contact dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis. A delayed reaction occurs with the use of a number of medications.


The causes of an allergic reaction lie both in the direct effect of hyperallergenic substances on the body, and in the predisposition of the person himself and his immune system to respond to irritants.

Possible allergens

Allergens include:

  • pollen and other parts of wild and indoor plants, especially during the flowering period: ragweed, poplar fluff, wormwood, hazel, many conifers, cereals, meadow grasses, ferns, geranium, azalea, hydrangea, cyclamen, ficus;
  • mold spores (especially the Aspergillus fungus, which can develop in soil from the garden, pots of indoor plants, and in rotten leaves);
  • medications (penicillin, aspirin);
  • cat hair, waste products of dogs, hamsters;
  • metals: nickel, cobalt, chromium, mercury, iron, molybdenum and others;
  • products of animal and plant origin: red, orange fruits, vegetables, smoked meats, seafood, fish, eggs, spices, milk, cheeses, some nuts, oatmeal, bee products;
  • alcohol with admixtures of dyes, stabilizers and other chemical compounds;
  • ultraviolet light in combination with salt water, cosmetics, medications, chlorine from the pool;
  • room and book dust in which mites can live;
  • smells of food, plants, chemical substances;
  • insect bites (bees, wasps, mosquitoes, ants).

Allergen enhancers

Individual intolerance, weakened immunity, hereditary factors, family history (allergy in relatives) can increase the impact of allergens. Some food intolerances may be due to a lack of enzymes (eg lactose, sucrose).

But in principle, almost all products except salt and sugar can become carriers of allergens.

Excessive alcohol consumption along with a large snack is also an aggravating factor in allergies to alcohol and food, since alcohol increases intestinal permeability and undigested proteins, toxins enter directly into the blood, increasing the effect of allergens.

If you are hypersensitive to UV radiation, salt water, cosmetics, bleach, or peeling of the skin can act as an amplifier, as a result of which it becomes even more sensitive.

Non-allergenic triggers (strong, irritating odors, high humidity, cigarette smoke, cold, polluted air) can also increase the effect of allergens.

First signs

The time for the first signs of allergy to appear is from 2 minutes or hours to several days and even weeks. Although usually after ingestion or other direct contact with the pathogen, an allergic reaction occurs immediately.

The body reacts faster to food, alcohol, pollen, wool, and mold than, for example, to metals with which the skin interacts when wearing jewelry, belt buckles and other accessories.

At the same time, one of the most common types of allergies, allergies to food, food additives are the most difficult to combat, since even a minimal dose of allergens can be found in any product.

To stop the effect of the allergen, it is important to immediately give up a particular drink, fruit, confectionery product, or food additive.

The first signs of an allergy:

  • strange rashes on the skin and severe itching in these places;
  • cough, sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose for no apparent reason and fever;
  • itching in the nose, eyes, mouth (considered the indisputable first sign of allergies in adults);
  • diffuse, limited swelling for no reason (Quincke's edema);
  • tearfulness.

All these manifestations appear suddenly, without cause. Therefore, to determine that these manifestations are indeed signs of allergies in adults, analyze what you ate and what you came into contact with the day before (animals, plants, cosmetics, detergents, dust).

Remember whether these signs have appeared before, whether they are related to the time of year, cleaning, working in the garden, buying new jewelry. With probable allergic symptoms Photos of the first signs on the Internet can help in self-diagnosis.

If you notice these signs, it is better to consult a doctor immediately to avoid more serious symptoms.


The main symptoms of allergies in adults vary depending on which part of the body or body system is exposed to the allergen: skin, digestive, endocrine, circulatory system, respiratory organs, mucous membranes of the eyes, nose.

The strength and duration of the effect of the aggressive component on the body also matters. But even with similar external conditions Each person's reaction is individual, and the symptoms of the same type of allergy can vary greatly from person to person. In addition, they can be both local and general in nature.

To find out what symptoms of allergies to alcohol, fruits, vegetables, and food of animal origin occur in adults, check out the following list:

  • skin rashes;
  • itching in the mouth, numbness of the tongue, loss of taste;
  • rhinitis;
  • nausea, vomiting and other signs of gastrointestinal distress.

The same symptoms plus headache, dizziness, depression, nervousness, breathing problems, sneezing, tachycardia, pressure changes can also occur when particles of chemicals contained in cosmetics, hygiene products, fungal spores, wool and pollen, and various protein compounds are ingested. .

When the skin comes into contact with allergens (dust, pollen, ultraviolet radiation, cleaning products), the characteristic manifestations of allergy symptoms are dermatitis and dermatoses. When allergens come into contact with the respiratory tract, rhinitis, asthmatic symptoms, and sneezing appear.

With hay fever, the respiratory system is affected (sneezing, nasal congestion, suffocation), and the mucous membrane of the eyes (symptoms of conjunctivitis).

Insect bites cause a rash, itching in the eyes, tightness in the chest, throat, and rash.

Hypersensitivity of the immune system to metals manifests itself primarily in the form of contact dermatitis and urticaria. The same can be said about allergies to tanning and sun.

Asthma is serious and dangerous symptom allergies. It is associated with shortness of breath, coughing, and suffocation.

The worst manifestation of allergies is anaphylactic shock, in which histamine is released from body tissues. At the same time, blood pressure decreases, pulmonary edema and heart failure are observed. If a dose of adrenaline is not administered, death is possible.


It is sometimes possible to independently identify an allergen by exclusion. If you have a food allergy, eliminate the most commonly consumed foods from your diet for at least 5 days and observe whether the symptoms disappear.

Then, one by one, return suspicious foods to the menu, but eat them in their pure form.

If you are allergic to household chemicals, jewelry, dust, fungus, do the same: do not wash things with a certain powder, do not brush your teeth with this or that paste for a while, do not wear a belt with a metal buckle, then carefully try to return one of the suspected allergens to everyday use.

If, after consuming one of them or other contact with a source of skin irritation, an unreasonable runny nose (communication with a cat, for example), the allergy resumes, blacklist it forever.

Before starting treatment for allergy symptoms, consult an immunologist, allergist, and undergo all necessary allergy tests (blood tests, skin tests).

The allergist needs to provide his own and family history, mention cases of allergies in parents and grandparents, since the tendency to allergies itself is inherited, but its causative agent and symptoms may vary.


If there are signs of allergies in adults, treatment should be individual, comprehensive and based on the exclusion of contact with the allergen.

For specific signs of allergies in adults, symptomatic treatment is indicated to alleviate the manifestations of rhinitis, urticaria, conjunctivitis, and seasonal fever. So, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances and corticosteroids are prescribed to relieve inflammation. They have decongestant, antipruritic, sedative, anesthetic effects.

But sometimes allergies manifest themselves as a consequence of diseases, any problems of the nervous or endocrine system, so it is necessary to treat not only its symptoms, but also this root cause.

The most common antihistamines in the fight against allergies are sedative antihistamines (Tavegil, Diphenhydramine, Suprastin) and non-sedating (Trexil, Gistalong, Semprex, Fenistil, Claritin) drugs and active metabolites (Zyrtec/Cetrin, Telfast).

Preference should be given to the second and third groups of drugs. Metabolites (especially Telfast/fexofenadine) are the safest and most effective and do not cause side effects.

Antihistamines can be used orally, intranasally (for example, Azelastine for rhinitis), in the form of eye drops (Levocabastine, Ketotifen, Azelastine), in the form of ointments for topical use (Polcortolon, Advantan, Fenistil gel).

A good effect is achieved by immunotherapy (careful contact with a substance that provokes allergies, in gradually increasing doses), due to which the body produces blocking antibodies, as a result of which it no longer hyperreacts to allergens.

Desensitization is used to treat symptoms of allergies to pollen, insect venoms, dust, fungus, fur, animal excrement, and penicillin. Food desensitization is not recommended.

The homeopathic drug Lymphomyosot and the dietary supplement Fitosorbovit-plus can also help.

Before calling a doctor, if you have a severe allergy attack, you should take Activated carbon and drink more water.

An allergy cannot be triggered, even if it appears periodically, like an allergy to pollen or poplar fluff.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine reference books contain a lot of advice on how to relieve allergy symptoms. But remember that herbal medicine itself can be a source of a new allergic reaction. Therefore, use the following recipes only after detailed consultation with your doctor.

It is believed that mummy helps with allergies (dilute 1 g of the substance in 1 liter of warm water and drink 100 ml once a day (or twice if symptoms are severe).

A strong solution of mumiyo (1 g per 100 ml of water) can be used to lubricate rashes.

Drinking infusions of dead nettle, celandine, celery, and freshly squeezed juice of this root vegetable also relieve allergy symptoms. A fresh decoction of the string is very useful for allergy sufferers, which should be drunk constantly instead of tea and coffee.

To prevent severe allergy attacks, always carry antihistamines with you. Ensure a healthy atmosphere in the house: eliminate mold, remove allergenic flowers at least from the bedroom, systematically clean, but without chemicals, do not mess with the ground with rotten leaves, stay away from animals.

For seasonal allergies associated with flowering plants, upon returning home, gargle with water with the addition of motherwort and valerian. Take contrast showers more often.

Text: Evgenia Bagma

Pets, citrus fruits, pollen, house dust... How do you know what you're allergic to? How to identify the “criminal” and protect yourself and loved ones from an insidious allergic reaction? Alas, in most cases, only by trial and error.

Laboratory methods for determining allergens

Today, doctors have many methods in their arsenal, how to find out what you are allergic to, so if possible, it’s better not to guess at the tea leaves and not take risks. For example, skin tests are used in which purified allergens are injected in small quantities into the skin of the forearm. There are three types of skin tests - trick test (prick test), scarification test (the top layer of skin is scratched under a drop of allergen), intradermal test (injection of the allergen with a syringe).

Provocative tests are considered the most informative, in which allergens are introduced into the shock organ - i.e. to the organ that is most affected by allergies. So, for allergic conjunctivitis, the allergen is instilled into the lower conjunctival sac, for allergic rhinitis - into the nose, for bronchial asthma, the allergen is inhaled through an inhaler, for a test with a piece of ice, for thermal - a bottle of hot water is placed on the skin of the forearm, to diagnose food allergies the patient is given a product that is a possible allergen and is tested for the number of leukocytes. Exposure provocation tests involve placing the patient in an environment where possible allergens may act. In other words, provocative tests are a kind of laboratory trial and error method: the patient is given or injected with a suspected allergen and the reaction to it is checked, excluding or confirming an allergy.

Detecting allergies at home

How to find out what you are allergic to if you don’t want to see a doctor or don’t have the opportunity? Today, you can purchase tests for diagnosing allergies at home in pharmacies. Blood is taken from the patient and applied to a special test strip. So, if a reaction to some allergen is detected, a plus appears on the strip; if there is no reaction, a minus appears. The result of each test is known within 30 minutes. But, of course, it is better to take a blood test for specific allergens in a laboratory - they will be more informative and correct than those done at home.

Other - non-laboratory - methods for identifying allergies imply the independent exclusion of certain suspected allergens. So, if you suspect a reaction to animal hair, you should temporarily transport your pets, vacuum and treat the room. If after some time the allergy symptoms go away, then most likely you will have to give up your pets. Allergies can be caused by house dust and mites contained in it (about 150 species). Regular wet cleaning and air purifiers can alleviate or completely eliminate symptoms.

It is known that in the first years the baby’s immune system is just developing, so various tests for allergens in a child under 2 years of age are not very informative. How to find out what you are allergic to in this case? In the case of food allergies, it is recommended to keep a food diary, where you would record the foods you eat and your reaction to them. When possible allergens are identified, they are completely excluded from the diet, and then gradually, one at a time, introduced, observing the reaction. These recommendations are relevant for monitoring allergic reactions in both children and adults.

Allergies are not a reason to guess and make assumptions. Even if you have identified allergens yourself, consultation with an immunologist is still necessary. Do not let such a serious condition of the body take its course, and even more so, do not self-medicate.

Determining the source of an allergic reaction at home is possible through trial and error, which can turn into a life-threatening condition.

Doctors have a lot of ways to find out the cause of an allergy in a more reliable way, without playing a fortune teller. For example, skin test methods, which are divided into the following types:

  • trick testing - using an injection;
  • scratching test - the allergen is applied by scratching the skin;
  • intradermal test - the suspected substance is injected with a syringe.

These types of examinations are carried out by examining the skin of the forearm area after contact with a small amount of purified allergen.

How to find out what you are allergic to in the most informative way? Allergists use provocative testing. The essence of the technique is to place the allergen directly into the hypersensitive organ. In case of a primary reaction from the eyes, the provocateur is injected into the conjunctival sac; in the case of allergic rhinitis, into the nasal sinuses; for asthmatic manifestations, the allergen is inhaled using an inhaler. Such a study of the patient’s condition when interacting with the source of the allergy requires the presence of a physician who can provide emergency assistance if necessary.

How to find out if you have an allergy?

The allergy manifests itself on any skin, can “masquerade” as a runny nose, and the duration of the painful condition lasts from a couple of minutes to several days.

How to find out if you have an allergy? First of all, you need to remember the signs of the development of the disease:

  • redness, a feeling of pain in the eyes, lacrimation;
  • rashes on various parts of the skin accompanied by itching (urticaria, eczema, etc.);
  • changes in stool, nausea;
  • constant, dry cough, mainly at night;
  • pulmonary wheezing, suffocation;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat, soreness and itching;
  • prolonged nasal congestion with clear, watery discharge;
  • swelling of certain areas of the body, most often the face/eyelids;
  • paroxysmal sneezing for no apparent reason;
  • joint pain.

The listed phenomena are protracted, chronic, worsening in the presence of an allergen. For example, when dust accumulates at home, the patient’s painful symptoms increase. Only properly done cleaning brings long-awaited relief.

How to find out if you have an allergy with medical help? A consultation with an allergist is never superfluous. It can be very difficult to independently identify and generally understand whether you have an allergy. Initially, the doctor collects data on suspected allergic manifestations based on your words. Next, a special examination is prescribed - skin testing, which helps to determine the cause of the unpleasant symptoms. If necessary, a blood/sputum test, respiratory function test, and chest and sinus x-rays are performed. After which the doctor can draw conclusions about the presence of the disease.

How to find out what causes an allergy?

Most of us do not like to go to the hospital and try to independently identify the cause of the allergy.

How to find out what causes allergies without leaving home? This can be done with special tests available at pharmacy kiosks. One drop of blood is enough to get results equivalent to laboratory ones. Increased sensitivity to the allergen will be indicated by a plus on the test strip; if there is no reaction, a minus will appear. The duration of the study of each suspected substance takes half an hour.

You can also try to avoid contact with the suspected allergen. Transport your pets and do a thorough cleaning if you notice signs of sensitivity to fur. If the painful symptoms decrease or completely get rid of, you will have to forget about the animals in the house.

The situation is more complicated with children under two years of age. The child’s immune system is still developing, so laboratory diagnostic methods are ineffective and even erroneous. How to find out what you are allergic to in such a situation? If there is a sensitivity to any product, parents are advised to keep a food diary. It is important to record each product and the baby’s reaction in it. This way you can avoid allergic reactions to food. If there is a painful manifestation of several types of foods, you should first cancel all of them, and then introduce the diet one at a time, carefully observing the reaction. Similar advice is also relevant in adulthood.

Even if you get to the bottom of the true cause of your discomfort, still consult an immunologist. A specialist will help you choose the right treatment for your specific situation, while self-therapy can only worsen the situation and lead to chronic diseases.

How to find out what you are allergic to? - an important question, but this is only the first step in a complex medical intervention, including: preventive measures, reducing the strength and frequency of attacks, immunocorrective programs.

  • gets rid of harmful bacteria and viruses;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • is cured of various diseases and prevents the development of those for which immunity has already been developed.

However, sometimes the immune system fights falsely dangerous microorganisms.

When our beloved cat appears, we begin to have a strange cough, and flowers given by loved ones cause watery eyes and itching in the nose.

And still doubting the symptoms that have appeared, we ask ourselves a natural question: do I have an allergy or a cold?

Understanding the definitions

A cold is an infectious disease without complications, which is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.

Although the very meaning of the word “cold” means hypothermia of the body, most often it is used as a synonym for acute respiratory infections, i.e. diseases caused by viruses.

Influenza is also caused by viruses, but is more severe and is accompanied by high temperature.

In total, there are more than 250 different viruses that can cause these diseases.

And since some of them also have the ability to change annually, there is no universal vaccine for colds and flu.

Therefore, the best prevention of these diseases is to strengthen the immune system.

An allergy is an increased sensitivity of the body to individual species substances.

These substances are called allergens, and they can be almost anything:

  1. chemicals;
  2. Food;
  3. epidermis of domestic animals;
  4. mites contained in house dust and feather pillows, etc.

When an allergen enters the body, the human immune system produces antibodies and lymphocytes to it.

As a result of histamine release:

  1. blood vessels dilate;
  2. blood pressure decreases;
  3. skin redness occurs;
  4. and the release of fluid from small vessels.

Appears as:

  1. bronchial asthma;
  2. atopic dermatitis;
  3. hives;
  4. allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis;
  5. Quincke's edema.

The most dangerous manifestation of allergies is anaphylactic shock.


The main causes of colds:

  • weakened immune system;
  • hypothermia (for example, in the cold);
  • overheating followed by exposure to cold air (for example, well-known colds due to air conditioners operating in the heat);
  • chronic diseases (undermine the body’s defenses);
  • depression and stress;
  • diseases and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

As you know, the main cause of many diseases is an incorrect lifestyle.

Allergies are no exception here, although, of course, there are many factors that cause allergic reactions in humans.

As in the case of colds, the occurrence of allergies is associated with weakened immunity and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.

In a normal state, foreign food allergens are digested and lose their allergenicity.

But if they are not digested or not completely digested, they enter the bloodstream and a rejection reaction occurs.

Thus, the causes of allergic reactions include:

  • binge eating;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • poor digestion;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • poor liver and kidney function.

Both diseases are often caused by:

  1. stress;
  2. strong emotional experiences;
  3. lack of sleep;
  4. chronic fatigue.

Therefore, it is important to monitor your internal state and be in a good mood.

Which additionally leads to frequent colds.

Other unfavorable factors leading to a reaction to an allergen:

  • heredity;
  • non-compliance with diet during pregnancy;
  • active and passive smoking;
  • the presence of fungi (in the intestines, on nails, in dandruff);
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • chemicals (in food, clothing, household chemicals, etc.).

In children, the disease can be triggered by early refusal of breastfeeding.

Video: What is a seasonal form

Characteristic symptoms

The similarity of symptoms is explained by the fact that these diseases are accompanied by the release of histamine, which causes swelling, spasm of smooth muscles (in particular, bronchi) and general weakness.

Main differences:

  • firstly, a cold without complications lasts from three to seven days, and allergic rhinitis can last for weeks and months;
  • often allergic rhinitis occurs at the same time of year, as a reaction to the flowering of grass or trees, but can also occur year-round if the allergen is, for example, house dust mites;
  • Unlike a cold, allergy symptoms do not appear gradually, but immediately after contact with the allergen.

Symptoms of inappropriate reactions vary depending on its form.

  1. with urticaria, atopic dermatitis itching, rash and redness appear on the skin, swelling, peeling, dryness, etc. are also possible;
  2. conjunctivitis is accompanied by pain and burning in the eyes, lacrimation and redness of the eyes also occur; they itch often;
  3. Allergic enteropathy manifests itself with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain or constipation.

These forms of allergies should not be confused with a cold or flu.

Allergic diseases that affect the respiratory tract (allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, etc.) are similar to acute respiratory infections.

First, allergens enter the upper respiratory tract.

Therefore, the largest amount of them accumulates in the throat and nose, and their mucous membrane largely loses its barrier properties.

With prolonged exposure to allergens, these diseases occur.

Often, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract occurs in people suffering from bronchial asthma.

They may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • itching at the back of the nose, making you want to rub your nose with your hand;
  • sneeze;
  • nasal congestion;
  • discharge of clear mucus;
  • cough (usually dry and occurs at night);
  • wheezing in the lungs;
  • suffocation.

During a cold, a cough and runny nose often occur, and the nose is stuffy. But it usually goes differently:

  1. with acute respiratory infections, body temperature may increase (with flu it is usually above 38°C), which is extremely rare with allergic diseases.
  2. A sore throat and sore throat are also signs of a cold.
  3. Opaque mucus, yellow or green, may come out of the nose, indicating an infection.
  4. headache, pain and muscle aches - all these symptoms indicate that you have an acute respiratory infection.

The main differences between allergies and colds

A prolonged cough without a sore throat and wheezing often indicate an allergic reaction or other dangerous diseases.

In this case, you need to urgently consult an allergist. Try to remember at what time and in connection with what this cough occurs.

Removing the allergen will be the most reasonable solution.

But with a runny nose, even doctors sometimes make the wrong diagnosis.

The following signs can be used to determine whether a person has a cold or an allergy:

  1. with allergic rhinitis, purple, blue-black or gray-blue circles sometimes appear under the eyes;
  2. This type of runny nose goes away for a while when taking antihistamines.
  3. Allergic rhinitis is often accompanied by watery eyes and swelling of the eyes.
  4. eczema, wheezing in the lungs are signs of allergies.
  5. allergic rhinitis is often accompanied by bouts of sneezing (10 – 20 times).
  6. With a cold, nasal discharge thickens after a few days, but with allergies, it remains liquid.
  7. a sign of acute respiratory infections will be enlarged lymph nodes.

If you or your relatives have allergic diseases, then we can assume that a sudden runny nose without accompanying symptoms (headache, muscle pain or throat pain, etc.) resulted from contact with an allergen.

If a person suffers from allergies, then the cold that occurs can be complicated by allergic manifestations and be prolonged.

It is important to carefully select cold medications so as not to worsen the condition.

Differences in treatment

If a reaction to grass pollen occurs, such “treatment” can cause serious complications.

Also in this case, treatment with honey, tea with raspberries, or consumption of citrus fruits (for example, in the form of tea with lemon) will be unsafe.

You should be equally careful when choosing medications: syrups and herbal medications can aggravate the reaction and only cause harm.

During the flowering period of trees and grasses, an important part of treatment for allergy sufferers includes the exclusion of certain foods that can cause cross-reactions.

It is also dangerous to inhale with essential oils.

In case of allergic manifestations, be sure to take antihistamines and decongestants.

In general, treatment requires minimizing exposure to allergens as much as possible.

If this is not possible, then you can resort to immunotherapy - “accustoming” the body to the allergen by gradually introducing small doses of it by injection.

If you have a cold, on the contrary, it is better not to use vasoconstrictor medications for the nose, as this can worsen the course of the disease and even provoke complications.

A viral runny nose can go away on its own without treatment if your immune system is strong.

Unlike a cold, allergic rhinitis can last for months - during the flowering period of grasses or trees.

Differences and similarities of treatment:

Sometimes our well-being leads us to a dead end. If your nose is running, your eyes are red, you want to constantly sneeze, you won’t be able to tell right away whether it’s an allergy or an acute respiratory viral infection? How to understand what exactly is happening in the body, since these ailments are treated differently? Further in the article we will try to understand in more detail how to distinguish allergies from colds in an adult or child.

The role of immunity in allergic reactions

In our country, it has long been customary for those suffering from allergies to suspect a weak immune system and try in every possible way to strengthen it with immunostimulating drugs, vitamins, etc. But the fact is that it is precisely these actions that help its symptoms become even more pronounced. Therefore, in order to understand how to distinguish an allergy from a cold, you first need to understand how the immune system works in the first case and why it declares war on harmless substances.

An allergy is a strong immune reaction of the body to an irritant. That is, the body perceives poplar fluff, ragweed pollen, fruits or vegetables as danger and begins to fight them.

As it turns out, this is due to a general addiction to excessive personal cleanliness and sterility in rooms, especially in the room of a small child. And this, it turns out, can play a cruel joke in the future - the immune system, which is genetically programmed for life in a cave and contact with three billion microorganisms, turns out to be deprived of work and therefore simply “throws itself” at everything that even slightly resembles the “enemy”.

This is how allergies are formed. For many, it takes on a seasonal character - that is, at a certain time of the year (by the way, not necessarily at the time of flowering) a person receives a set of symptoms similar to those of a cold.

Features of allergies

And sometimes it is quite difficult to understand how to distinguish allergies from colds, since their symptoms are very similar: sneezing, redness and swelling of the mucous membranes, runny nose, sore throat.

But there is still a main difference: with allergies, the temperature does not rise, and the mucus secreted from the nose remains clear. General state in this case, the disturbance is mild, and appetite, as a rule, does not suffer.

In addition, with allergies, changes in the patient’s condition are quite often observed. That is, depending on the presence or absence of contact with the allergen, his condition may suddenly change - he, for example, may sneeze and blow his nose heavily while outside, and after entering the house, after some time he already seems absolutely healthy. Viruses, of course, do not behave this way: they attack with enviable regularity.

What is characteristic of a cold

What is colloquially called a cold is the result of a viral or bacterial infection. It usually occurs against the background of hypothermia or decreased immunity due to existing chronic diseases and other factors.

By the way, how to distinguish a common cold from an allergy is usually not very difficult to understand. After all, ARVI is accompanied by very specific symptoms that are not present with allergies:

  • feeling of aching muscles,
  • general malaise, headache,
  • a sore throat,
  • temperature increase,
  • the patient has a loss of appetite,
  • nasal discharge has a greenish or yellowish tint.

By the way, a person with a cold does not sneeze too often, while an allergic person can produce whole attacks of “sneezing.”

The course of ARVI, as a rule, does not exceed 10 days (with complications - two weeks), and an allergic runny nose can bother you for a month or more, depending on the existing contact with the allergen and the timeliness of taking the right medications.

How to distinguish allergies from colds in a child

So, our passion for cleanliness and the desire to protect the child from germs, as mentioned above, has led to the fact that modern children very often suffer from allergies. Their “starved” immunity perceives any microorganism as an enemy and declares war on it. By the way, it has been proven that fair-skinned and fair-haired children have a greater tendency to allergies compared to their dark-haired peers.

Of course, mothers worry, trying to figure out how to distinguish allergies from colds in their infants. After all, he cannot describe his state of health, and an unreasonable reception antiviral agents may aggravate an existing allergic reaction that caused a runny nose and cough. Well, we'll have to watch him.

When a child has allergies, as a rule, the eyes become red, they become sour, the eyelids become swollen, and severe tearing is also noticeable. With a cold, this usually does not happen. Often the listed symptoms are also accompanied by skin rashes - and all this means that you should urgently contact an allergist to prevent pathological condition develop into a serious problem.

A few words about the dangers of an allergic reaction

Many, even having learned how to distinguish an allergy from a cold, try not to pay attention to it. But this is a serious mistake! Untreated allergic rhinitis develops into bronchial asthma in more than 40% of cases. Not to mention the risk of angioedema or anaphylactic shock.

If you have seasonal allergies, you should visit a doctor a month before the start of the period that is dangerous for you, and you should start taking prescribed medications at least 3 weeks before the first manifestations of the pathology.

As a rule, a specialist prescribes not only general medications, but also local antihistamines, the so-called kramons, which help to significantly reduce allergic manifestations.

Once again about how to distinguish allergies from colds

You probably already understand the difference between an allergy and a cold. Still, let’s list the main differences once again:

  • allergies are characterized by itching (in the eyes - with allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis or on the skin - with urticaria);
  • nasal discharge looks different;
  • elevated temperature is characteristic only of ARVI (although it may in some cases accompany urticaria and allergic dermatoses);
  • sore throat, aches, weakness, headache - these are symptoms of a viral infection.

So, before you start treatment, be sure to understand the true nature of your illness. True, in some cases, allergies and colds can be related. How?

The connection between colds and allergies

Everyone knows that viruses, affecting the mucous membranes and spreading in the body, can cause an immune response in the form of an allergic reaction. But it turns out that allergies, if not treated properly, can lead to the development of somatic pathologies - sinusitis or bronchitis.

For example, with an allergic rhinitis, swelling forms on the nasal mucosa, due to which some of the mucus has no outlet and accumulates in the maxillary sinuses. And here a favorable environment is already formed for the development of bacteria, which cause sinusitis. Therefore, in advanced cases, even doctors cannot immediately answer how to distinguish an allergy from a cold.

But if you don’t allow this to happen and seek help in time, then it will be much easier to understand the situation, and using the prescribed remedies will make your life much easier and maintain your health. Do not be ill!

How to distinguish allergies from colds during the season of colds and viral diseases, as well as allergies? Their symptoms are similar, and therefore it is much more difficult to do this. A cold is manifested by a runny nose, cough and high body temperature. The same signs characterize allergic manifestations. However, there are some distinctive features, capable of distinguishing between these 2 pathologies.

Allergy and cold symptoms

It is necessary to distinguish a cold from an allergy. With a large number of similar aspects, diseases have different origins. As a result, treatment through the use of medications will also vary.

Allergy symptoms:

  1. Runny nose - allergic manifestations are characterized by strong mucus discharge from the nasal passages, as well as continuous sneezing and itching.
  2. Lacrimation is pronounced in both eyeballs, there are symptoms of conjunctivitis, as well as redness and itching.
  3. Pain in the larynx - attacks of sore throat rarely occur, accompanied by dryness and pale color of the mucous membrane.
  4. Body temperature – in adults, high values ​​occur in rare cases; they often appear in childhood.
  5. Duration - the disease may disappear if the person avoids contact with the source of the allergy.
  6. Manifestation on the skin - occurs in the form of small rashes, as well as redness and itching.

Symptoms of a cold:

  1. Runny nose - discharge of a pale shade is observed only for a while, after which it becomes thick and the color is yellow or green. In this case, sneezing practically does not appear.
  2. Pain in the larynx - with a cold there is acute pain, characterized by soreness and a prolonged cough.
  3. Condition of the lymph nodes - upon examination, their size is increased, and you can also feel pain in their area.
  4. Body temperature - mostly its values ​​​​exceed 38 degrees, which does not subside for some time.
  5. Duration: for a cold, a little more than a week.
  6. Manifestation on the skin - with colds, hemorrhage or petechiae may occur.

The main thing to understand is that such symptoms affect the body’s immune system. Initially, they occur due to the penetration of a virus or minor hypothermia. Also, the reason for their appearance may be the high sensitivity of the immune system to dust or pollen.

Distinctive features

In young children, the symptoms of the disease do not differ much from those in adults. That is why age characteristics do not play a decisive role. However, there are some differences between babies and their mother.

In infants

Recognizing the symptoms of allergies is not so easy because of the significant signs. But the manifestation of a runny nose has a certain feature - what younger child, the less likely he is to develop such symptoms. In this case, preschoolers have such problems very rarely than adults. But in newborns they are practically absent.

In the presence of such manifestations, the allergic nature of the disease can be determined by the characteristic signs:

  • feeling of restlessness;
  • incessant crying;
  • refusal of breast milk;
  • rash on the skin;
  • regurgitation and stool disturbance.

In adults

What is present: allergies or a cold in the mother? No distinctive signs are observed during pregnancy. However, women in an interesting situation are most susceptible to allergies to dust, animal hair and feather fillings.

This is why they need:

  • exclude any interaction with sources of allergies;
  • ventilate the premises as often as possible;
  • do wet cleaning in the apartment - it is advisable to entrust it to one of the family members so as not to come into contact with dust fibres.

In rare cases, expectant mothers experience characteristic signs of the disease due to changes occurring at the hormonal level.

That is why during pregnancy it is necessary to exercise extreme caution against the penetration of various allergens into the body, regardless of the nature of their distribution.

They can equally affect the health of the offspring, mainly in the early stages of pregnancy.

Relationship between diseases

Many people know that viruses and bacteria affect the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, as a result of which they penetrate vital organs, and in this case the immune system weakens. However, allergies are treated through determining factors.

Failure to comply may result in serious pathologies:

  • sinusitis;
  • bronchitis.

They can quite quickly provoke serious complications, as well as acquire a chronic form of the disease.


So, the presence of an allergic runny nose on the mucous membrane of the nasal passage develops swelling, as a result of which mucus secretions are not able to come out on their own. This creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria, which is why sinusitis develops. In this case, in an advanced situation, even the best specialists cannot distinguish the disease.

Viruses and bacteria that disrupt the respiratory tract can trigger the development of symptoms of a cold, which weakens the immune system.

Both of these diseases require appropriate treatment. In its absence, serious problems arise in other organs.

Features of treatment

Therapeutic measures that eliminate allergic or viral pathologies will be subject to certain differences among themselves.

When treating allergies, a specialist usually prescribes:

  • follow your doctor's recommendations, follow special diets, and also avoid using medicines, which contain an allergen;
  • use antihistamines that help remove histamine - this is a substance that affects the development of breathing problems;
  • vasoconstrictors that relieve swelling of the respiratory system and prevent suffocation;
  • steroid medications into the nasal cavity, helping to reduce mucus secretions and relieve swelling of the nasopharynx;
  • characteristic immunotherapy, which refers to the elimination of sensitivity to irritants through the introduction of certain vaccines into the body, as a result of which resistance to them appears.

For the treatment of colds or viral diseases, the following is prescribed:

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that help reduce pain, as well as inflammation and fever;
  • drugs aimed at eliminating the symptoms of diseases: cough, runny nose, pain in the larynx;
  • drink plenty of drinking water and stay in bed.

Everyone should know how to distinguish allergies from colds in a child. To get rid of the signs of the disease, it is necessary to begin appropriate treatment and prevent adverse consequences.

Prevention measures

Distinctive features also exist in the prevention of diseases.

This requires compliance with certain measures:

  1. Allergies - avoid interaction with allergens, stop using medications that can cause illness. In case of complications, you must follow a special diet, and if your health worsens, call a doctor.
  2. Colds - do not come into contact with patients who have viral diseases. You also need to wash your hands more often, use masks when you are in an infected area, and take certain medications if you have a cold.

Prevention should be carried out with appropriate treatment to speed up recovery and prevent its recurrence. Also follow all doctor’s instructions to quickly normalize your health.

  1. Please note that you can sneeze both with allergies and colds.

    When we sneeze, one of our body's natural defense mechanisms, we get rid of foreign particles. This natural reaction occurs due to both allergens and cold viruses, so sneezing alone usually cannot determine for sure whether you have an allergy or a cold. However, if you are sneezing and you also have the other symptoms listed in the cold or allergy section of this article, it will be easier to guess what you are dealing with.

    • When foreign particles (such as pollen or viruses) get stuck on the tiny hairs in the nose, known as cilia, they can tickle the nose. Tickling makes you want to sneeze to get rid of these particles. When you sneeze, you get rid of allergens or viruses.
    • The most common allergens that cause sneezing include dust, pollen, pet dander, and mold.
  2. Look at your mucus when you blow your nose.

    Although it sounds unpleasant, this is an effective way to help determine whether you are dealing with a cold or allergies. When a virus infection occurs or an allergy occurs, the nose becomes blocked and begins to run. Take a look at the color when this happens:

    • If the mucus is clear, then most likely you are dealing with an allergy.
    • Yellow, green, or grayish mucus usually accompanies a cold.
  3. Watch for pain in the paranasal sinuses.

    Sinus pain feels like an aching or sharp pain and pressure in the nose, eyes, and forehead. The sinuses are air-filled cavities in the forehead, behind the cheekbones and between the eyes. Mucus is secreted from the sinuses, which inhibits the penetration of allergens and other foreign bodies.

    • If the body's immune system releases histamine, the sinuses can become inflamed, resulting in sinus pain.
    • Sinuses can also become sore due to a cold. This is due to the virus that causes the common cold, which can infect the sinuses.
  4. Consider whether you have a sore throat or a sore throat.

    The tonsils are essentially two clusters of tissue that filter and trap germs and other microorganisms (such as allergens) when they enter the respiratory tract. These clumps of tissue are found in the back of the throat and can also produce antibodies to fight infections. If a large number of microorganisms, such as viruses that cause colds, get into the tonsils, the throat may become inflamed.

    • If you have a sore throat caused by a cold, you will likely feel irritated or sore in your throat. You may have difficulty swallowing.
    • If you have a scratchy throat due to an allergy, you will feel like you want to scratch it, like your skin itching.
  5. Pay attention to frequent coughing.

    When your body is fighting a virus or allergens, one of the body's natural reactions will be a cough. This particularly applies to infections or allergens that have reached the respiratory system.

    • A cough caused by a cold may become productive, meaning you start coughing up phlegm.
    • A cough caused by an allergy is usually dry, that is, phlegm will not be produced.

Method 2 How to recognize specific allergy symptoms

  1. Check your body for signs of a rash.

    Allergy rashes typically appear as swollen red bumps or spots. When the body produces histamine in response to allergies, small blood vessels in the skin can dilate, causing the skin around them to become swollen and red.

    • You can determine that you are allergic thanks to this allergic rash.
  2. Keep an eye on any itching that occurs.

    The top layer of skin (scientifically called the epidermis) contains special nerve fibers called C-fibers that are responsible for the sensation of itching. When your body reacts to an allergen, skin cells can become inflamed, in turn affecting or damaging these C-fibers. When this disorder occurs, you feel itchy.

    • As allergies worsen, itching may most often be experienced in the following areas of the body: eyes, nose, ears, throat, lips or around the mouth.
  3. Please note if you feel short of breath.

    When inflammation reaches the airways through which air passes, they narrow. This narrowing of the airways can make you feel like you can't catch your breath or breathe fully. This is called shortness of breath and can be a very dangerous condition if the inflammation gets worse.

    • If you have trouble breathing, take an antihistamine (allergy medicine), tell someone about your condition, and go to the hospital if necessary.
  4. Listen for wheezing and whistling sounds when breathing.

    The chemical compound histamine is released into neighboring cells if the body's immune system detects harmful foreign bodies (in this case, allergens). Histamine causes dilation and inflammation of small blood vessels in the body. When inflammation reaches the throat and airways, the breathing tubes narrow, making it more difficult to breathe. The result is a high-pitched whistling sound with each breath.

Method 3 How to recognize specific cold symptoms

  1. Know that cold symptoms usually last from 2 to 14 days.

    Cold symptoms become noticeable one to two days after exposure to the virus. If symptoms do not go away within 14 days, they may be due to allergies or you may have a bacterial infection.

  2. Check to see if you have a low fever.

    If your temperature is somewhere between 37.2 °C - 37.8 °C, then you have a low temperature. When the body begins to fight an infection, such as a cold virus, it releases pyrogens, which increase body temperature.

    • Many microorganisms, including some viruses that cause colds, cannot survive such an increase in temperature.
  3. Watch for mild fatigue and muscle pain.

    The infection may make you feel tired and weak. This happens because when the body fights an infection, the muscles can become inflamed. This inflammation can be interpreted by the brain as pain, leading to feelings of fatigue and discomfort.

  4. Notice if you have lost your appetite.

    As the body fights an infection, normal eating habits may change. This particularly applies to times when you have a fever. If your body temperature rises, the enzymes in your taste buds stop working, which in turn makes you less hungry.

  5. Check your eyes to see if they are watering.

    If you have a cold, your tear ducts may become clogged and inflamed due to infection. This means that tears can accumulate in the eyes, causing them to water excessively.

    • The lacrimal gland is also known as glandula lacrimalis.

Method 4 Take diagnostic tests

  1. Do an injection skin test to find out if you have an allergy.

    This procedure is carried out in order to quickly determine the presence of an allergy. A few drops containing the allergen are applied to the skin. The doctor will then prick the skin with a needle and wait to see if any rash appears around the area.

    Common allergens tested this way:

    • Dust, pollen, animal hair and food products.
    • Food challenge is another test that is used exclusively for food allergies. The test is only done in a doctor's office and may be risky. During the test, you are given some food that you may be allergic to and watch for signs of an allergic reaction.
  2. Try eliminating foods from your diet to determine if you are allergic to certain foods.

    If you think you have a food allergy, you can talk to your doctor about eliminating certain foods from your diet that may be causing your allergies. This method works according to to the following principle: You need to focus on eliminating a specific food group every week so you can determine the cause of your allergies. You need to alternate food groups until you figure out which food is causing your symptoms.

    • The following foods usually cause allergies: eggs, nuts, wheat, milk and soy.
  3. Ask your doctor to take a throat swab to determine if you have a cold.

    A throat swab is taken to find out what pathogen is causing the cold. The doctor gently runs a sterile cotton swab along the inside of the throat. This can be an unpleasant procedure, but it can help you find the right treatment if you actually have a cold and not an allergy.

    • Once a sufficient amount of sample is collected on the swab, the doctor will send it to the laboratory for testing.
  4. Try testing for a cold with a nasal swab.

    Just as when taking a swab from the throat, mucus is collected from the nose with a swab. Again, only a doctor can do this. Once a sufficient amount of the sample has been collected, the doctor will send it to the laboratory for testing.

    • Results usually come back within 48 hours and can be obtained from your doctor at your next visit.
  5. Get a blood test if you suspect you have a severe allergy.

    When you see your doctor, a nurse will take a blood sample from you. This sample will be sent to a laboratory for analysis. The blood will be exposed to different types of allergens so the doctor can figure out what you are allergic to.

    • This test usually takes several weeks and is usually done for really severe allergies.
  • If symptoms do not go away within 14 days, then you do not have a cold. However, it could be an allergy or a bacterial infection. Make an appointment with your doctor.

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