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This wonderful mushroom of the Russula family is a real decoration of mixed forests and birch groves. The volnushka mushroom, or as it is also called volnyanka or volzhanka, got its name for appearance with its pink hat, reminiscent of waves emanating from a stone thrown into the water. It is more common at the end of summer, but in cool, rainy weather these mushrooms appear as early as July. We will look at the benefits of pink mushroom, recipes and properties of this mushroom in this article.

Externally, the wolffish looks a little like a large chanterelle; it has a hard cap of cream or light pink color with a fibrous surface. Often, moths grow in groups, which makes them much easier to collect. Moreover, for the most part, the cap of the large mushroom is funnel-shaped, although there are also young mushrooms with a beautiful rounded cap. Distinctive feature This mushroom is that when cut, it releases a white liquid, bitter and unpleasant to the taste, with a barely perceptible smell of geranium. This means that before cooking, the volushka must be soaked in cold water, changing it several times. It is precisely because of its characteristic bitterness that in European countries this mushroom is considered inedible, however, after soaking, Volushka can be pickled and salted like other mushrooms.

Of course, when soaked and cooked, the volushka loses its amazing coloring, for which mushroom pickers love it so much. The mushroom becomes simply gray. However, all this is more than compensated for by the taste of volnushka, which in this component is inferior only to saffron milk cap.

Volnushka, along with chanterelles, saffron milk caps, boletuses and milk mushrooms, is the most valuable mushroom, both in terms of its taste and healing properties. Like other mushrooms, they contain many vitamins and microelements that can support the human body. Each of these eukaryotic organisms has a huge amount of protein, which is three times more in mushrooms than in chicken egg and the same amount as in fish. It follows from this that this mushroom is useful for overwork, exhaustion of the body, after suffering from serious illnesses, as well as for vitamin deficiency.

However, with all this, it is necessary to remember that mushrooms are heavy food, they should not be consumed by people with liver and kidney diseases, that is, those with diseases such as cholecystitis, kidney failure and hepatitis. Persons with diseases gastrointestinal tract and those with serious illness should also refrain from eating mushrooms. In addition, doctors do not advise giving such food to children under 5 years of age, and before the age of 10, mushrooms should be consumed in strictly limited quantities.

To reduce your exposure to fungi digestive tract And internal organs They are best used as soups, and there should be more vegetables in such soups than mushrooms. However, milk mushrooms, like milk mushrooms, are not suitable for making soup. These mushrooms are used exclusively for pickling and pickling. Let's look at a few classic recipes making tremors.

Recipe No. 1. Pickled volnushki

  • trumpet mushrooms – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 2 tsp;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp;
  • cloves – 4 buds;
  • pepper (peas) – 0.5 tsp;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • salt – 1 tbsp.

Before preparing the volushki, they must be soaked in water for 1 day, changing the water 2-3 times. Moreover, the water needs to be salted (for 1 liter of water - 2 g citric acid and 10 g of salt) to remove the bitterness from the mushrooms.

To marinate the mushrooms, boil the soaked mushrooms for 5–10 minutes over low heat. At the same time, you need to make a marinade, for which onions, carrots, sugar, salt and spices are placed in a container with water. It is necessary to cook until the vegetables are ready, that is, 10-15 minutes, after which you need to add mushrooms and vinegar to the marinade. Reducing the heat, cook for another 15–20 minutes, stirring the contents regularly. Having laid out the volushki in sterilized jars, they need to be filled with marinade and rolled up.

Recipe No. 2. Cold-salted volnushki

  • wavelets – 1kg;
  • water – 1l;
  • citric acid – 2g;
  • salt – 50g;
  • spices and seasonings - to taste.

Initially, the volushki should be soaked using classical technology, that is, in salt water and with the addition of citric acid. Soaked mushrooms should be washed cold water, place the caps down in the barrel, sprinkling each layer generously with salt and spices. The top of the mushrooms must be pressed down with pressure. After 2-3 days, the volushki will release juice and thicken. After placing the mushrooms in a cold place, they need to be left until fully cooked, that is, for 1.5 months.

As you can see, cooking mushrooms in this way does not take much time. Now, knowing what the pink mushroom is, the recipes and properties of this mushroom, you will not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying these wonderful dishes. Bon appetit!

Volnushki grow in birch and mixed forests until October. There are white and pink waves in color, and they also differ in the size of the cap. When the mushroom is cut, a very thick, oily, burning juice is released. This characteristic feature creates difficulties for preparing dishes from volushki.

General information about the mushroom

Volnushka is a conditionally edible mushroom from the genus Lactarius of the Russulaceae family. The mushroom is found under popular and local names: volvenka, volvyanitsa, volnyanka, volzhanka, volnovkha, volminka, krasulya, rubella, decoction.

Characteristics of the wave


The cap of the moth reaches 12 cm in diameter. In a young mushroom it convex shape, but gradually flattens, leaving a small depression in the center of the cap. The edges of the cap are turned down and slightly pubescent. There is a vague concentric pattern on the skin of the cap. The color of the cap ranges from light pink to pure white. The skin is slimy. After touching, dark spots remain on the skin.


Pulp white, dense, strong, making the mushroom easy and convenient to transport over long distances. It tastes islandy. The milky juice is white, does not change color when oxidized, and is released abundantly.


The height of the leg is about 6 cm, the diameter is up to 2 cm, the color is light pink. A young mushroom has a dense, solid stalk, while a mature mushroom has a hollow stalk. There are small grooves and slight pubescence on the surface of the stalk.

Volnushki are very widespread in Eurasia; the mushroom is especially common in Russia, as it likes to grow next to birch trees. Volushka grows on old trees in deciduous forests. It is less common in mixed forests.

White wave grows from August until the end of September. Season for pink wave begins in the second half of June and continues until October. The most widespread period of appearance of these mushrooms covers the end of July and lasts until the end of August.

Volnushka is a conditionally edible mushroom good quality. The peoples of the north often prepare volushka for the winter. In Central and Southern Europe, this mushroom is not eaten. And, for example, in Finland, they blanch for 5-10 minutes, fry and use in the preparation of first and second courses.

Volnushka is a difficult mushroom to prepare due to the bitter juice it contains. Therefore, the wave is well soaked in salted water.

Volushka is eaten salted and pickled, and also fresh in main courses. These mushrooms are great for frying and making sauces for meat and vegetables. Volushki are also good as a side dish: simple frying with onions and sour cream gives delicious dish. Young mushrooms (cap diameter up to 3-4 cm) are valued in pickling; they are called “curls.” Before cooking, the volushka is thoroughly soaked and blanched.

After heat treatment, the volnushki retain both their consistency and row useful substances which they contain. And their rich smell becomes a decoration for any dish.

Insufficiently cooked volushka before cooking causes irritation of the mucous membranes and can cause intestinal upset. Salted tremors are consumed 45-50 days after salting.

Volushki are harmful to people with low acidity of gastric juice, cholecystitis or pancreatitis. This mushroom is limited in the diet of people with a removed gallbladder.

Types of fungus mushroom

The cap is 4-12 cm in diameter, convex at first, then becomes flat, with a depression in the center, the edge is pubescent, turned down. Thick and coarse villi are located on the skin in uneven concentric circles; the skin is slightly mucous, pale or gray-pink in color, darkens when touched. The pulp is white, dense, and the taste is pungent. The milky juice is released abundantly, sharp, white, and does not change color in the air. The stem is 1-2 cm in diameter, 3-6 cm in height, cylindrical in shape, strong and hard; in a young mushroom it is solid, then hollow, pale pink, tapering towards the base. The surface is covered with fluff. The plates are white, frequent, and not wide. The spores are white or cream-colored.

It differs from the pink wave in its white cap and smaller size.

It is also a conditionally edible mushroom that forms mycorrhiza with birch. Grows in clusters. The cap is funnel-shaped, up to 8 cm in diameter in adult mushrooms. In young mushrooms, the cap is convex, densely pubescent, gradually it becomes prostrate, and a depression appears in the center. The skin is white, there is no concentric pattern, it is slightly darker in the center. The plates are descending, adherent, narrow, white. The stem of adult mushrooms is up to 4 cm in height, its diameter reaches 2 cm. The shape of the stem is cylindrical, it is smooth, less often - with weak fluff. In young mushrooms, the stem is dense, while in adults it is brittle and hollow, white or cream in color. The milky juice is released abundantly, it is caustic, white, and does not change color when oxidized.

Poisonous and inedible species of trevally

The similarity of the trumpet mushroom with inedible or poisonous mushrooms has not been described. The species with which it can be confused is the pale milkweed, which has a hairless edge of the cap.

This is a conditionally edible mushroom that grows in coniferous and mixed forests. The cap of a mature mushroom reaches a diameter of 7 cm. Its shape is first flat-convex and then becomes funnel-shaped. The edge is slightly turned down, wavy. There is a small tubercle in the center of the cap. A faintly concentric pattern is visible on the cap. Distinctive feature The color of the cap for this mushroom is determined by the waves: from gray to purple. The plates are descending, frequent, narrow. In young mushrooms they are white, in mature ones they are fawn. The length of the leg is up to 8 cm, the height is about 1.5 cm. The shape of the leg is cylindrical, regular. In a young mushroom, the stem is dense; in a mature one, it becomes hollow and brittle. The milky juice is white and turns gray when oxidized. The pulp is fragile, fawn in color, and becomes gray when cut.

Planting and obtaining the mycelium of moths is done closer to autumn, since the season for moths in the forests begins only at the end of summer. Before this time, it will not be possible to obtain planting material.

To grow wolves, you need overgrown wolves, as well as sawdust, straw or foliage.

To obtain mycelium, overgrown moths are found in the forest, cut into small slices, and dried in the shade for a day. While the mycelium is drying, prepare a place for planting mushrooms. The soil is dug up and well fertilized with organic fertilizer. Then dry pieces of volushki are sown in deep furrows. The planting is mulched with sawdust (but not coniferous trees), and covered with leaves or straw on top.

There is another way to breed volnushki. To do this, overripe trumpets are cut into pieces, placed in a basin and soaked in cold water. The contents of the basin are stirred several times a day with a wooden stick. After 24 hours, water the planting with water from the basin. And they also make a layer of mulch from sawdust or straw.

For a good harvest of white trumpets, choose a planting site that is well-lit and not very humid. The pink wave, on the contrary, prefers shady places and high humidity. A layer of wet moss is laid on top of the sown pink waves.

With the beginning of spring, it is better not to disturb the planting of tremors. If weeds appear, remove them manually. The first harvest is not harvested, but is left to fully ripen. This results in additional seeding. But with next year The second harvest is completely removed, cutting off the mushrooms at the root with a sharp knife.

The harvest of tremors ripens once a year.

Calorie content of volnushka

The calorie content of the mushroom is 22 kcal per 100 g. The composition of the mushroom includes:

  • Proteins………………….2.5 g.
  • Fats………………….0.5 g.
  • Carbohydrates……………..1.7 g.

  • Volushki contains lecithin, which prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the human body, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and improves metabolism.
  • Volnushki contain vitamin A and are useful for people with poor eyesight.
  • Microelements that are part of the pulp of the trumpet improve brain function, reduce fatigue, strengthen nervous system, prevent stress and fatigue. Volnushka has a tonic effect on the human body.

The article will tell you how to distinguish an edible moth and which one nutritional value it benefits the body.

Volnushka mushrooms - what they are, what autumn pink, white, yellow, meadow, oolong, false mushrooms look like: photos with names

Volnushki are mushrooms that can often be found in the forest. They are distinguished by an unusual hat, the pattern of which is similar to waves. Volnushki are in many ways similar to white mushrooms, but unlike them, Volnushki have a stronger stem and a cap with a yellowish or pinkish color.

IMPORTANT: Volnushki in the West are considered not edible mushrooms, which cannot be said about the CIS countries.

Volushka grows mainly on sandy and siliceous soils. Very often they can be found under trees such as birches. The width of the cap of this species can reach from 2 to 10 cm. It is slightly convex with a concave center. The edges of the cap are always turned inward. You can also distinguish the mushroom by how the cap is covered with hairs.

The plates of the wavefish (those under the cap) always have the same color (pale and yellowish). Its stem is light (lighter than the cap), but quite dense and very smooth. The length of the leg is about 5 cm and very rarely it is hollow. The taste of volushka is not unambiguous: some people like it, others don’t. Raw volushka is caustic, only when heated, it loses its bitterness. Some people may find cooked volushka spicy. The mushroom has a pleasant earthy smell, both raw and fried, as well as boiled.

How to distinguish saffron milk caps from edible and false saffron milk caps? Where do Volushka mushrooms grow, when do they appear, when to collect?

How to distinguish:

  • The hats of saffron milk caps are much wider than those of saffron milk caps.
  • In adult saffron milk caps, the cap is not curved, but smooth
  • The wet cap of saffron milk caps is slightly sticky
  • The color of the camelina darkens if you press on the mushroom (on the plates)
  • Saffron milk caps grow mainly in spruce forests
  • The cap of saffron milk caps is no more than 9 cm.

Video: “How to distinguish a saffron milk cap from a saffron milk cap?”

Volushka mushrooms: edible or not, is the pink volushka poisonous?

The “pink” wave, which grows in mixed or birch forests, is found in small groups of mushrooms. Volnushka should be collected from July to October. You can distinguish them by the presence of pink circles on the cap. The pink wave has “doubles”:

  • For example, pink “milky” (also distinguished by a pinkish hat).
  • Milkweeds do not have fluffy hair on their caps
  • Milkies are smaller than wavefish

Is the “volnushka” poisonous or not?

Volushka mushrooms: benefits and harm to humans

The nutritional value:

  • Protein - 3 gr.
  • Fats– 0.4 g.
  • Carbohydrates– 3.3 g.

The calorie content of volushki is small, only 22 kcal per 100 grams (fresh mushrooms). In addition, mushrooms contain 93 grams of water (for the same amount) and 1 gram of fiber.

Features of the mushroom:

  • Has a pleasant taste
  • Has benefits for humans
  • They have a rich chemical composition

Chemical composition:

  • Glucose and fructose
  • B vitamins
  • Vitamin C
  • Folic acid
  • A nicotinic acid
  • Thiamine
  • Riboflabin
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Calcium and other minerals

Benefits of the wave:

  • Mushrooms have a small but noticeable anti-inflammatory property.
  • Can provide an analgesic effect
  • Useful for the prevention of rheumatic pain (eg back or joint pain).
  • Have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties
  • “Kill” pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Help the human body recover easier and faster.
  • Improve mental performance
  • Makes vision sharper
  • Improves the condition of skin, hair and nails

Contraindications for eating trumpet mushrooms:

  • Presence of cholecystitis
  • Presence of pancreatitis
  • Presence of acute diseases of the stomach and intestines
  • Do not give to small children (who are under 7 years old).
  • It is not recommended for nursing mothers and pregnant women to eat.
  • Those who have undergone surgery to remove the gallbladder should not eat.

Video: “Pink hornwort: poisonous?”

Volnushka is considered a common mushroom that grows in those forests where there are birch trees. This fruiting body forms mycorrhiza only with this tree. In this way, plants support each other throughout life.

The mushrooms grow in large groups, so if you find a clearing with these mushrooms, you can reap a huge harvest. Mushrooms are found in birch thickets, windbreaks, and even in open and well-lit clearings.

Beginning mushroom pickers, going into the forest, always ask themselves: Do voles have false representatives? Note that in special reference books there are two types of wavefish - white and pink. Although in European countries the mushroom is considered poisonous, in our country it is a conditionally edible mushroom. With short boiling (20-25 minutes) or long-term soaking (from 1.5 to 3 days), the trumpets lose their toxicity and can be eaten. They make good pickled and salted preparations for the winter.

Are there false waves that are similar to the real species: white or pink? Let us answer in the affirmative that the redfish have no poisonous or inedible counterparts. So feel free to collect these delicious mushrooms and prepare for the winter.

But despite the fact that false moths do not exist, they are often confused with the pale milkweed, which is also considered a conditionally edible mushroom. Fortunately, with the help of a photo you can determine what false waves look like:

False mushrooms are popularly called milk mushrooms that look similar to them - mushrooms with a pinkish cap, but without a edge along the edge and are smaller in size.

Faded milkmen, just like the moths, prefer to form mycorrhiza with birches and grow in places with high humidity. How to distinguish wavefish from false mushrooms, such as the milkman? The main difference is the absence of a characteristic edge on the surface of the cap on the milkweed. However, we note that even these mushrooms, having undergone pre-treatment - soaking and boiling, do not pose any danger to humans. Milkweeds can be pickled and pickled for the winter.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the description and photo of false moth mushrooms, which will help you correctly identify these fruiting bodies:

False alarms: description and distribution

Latin name: Lactarius vietus.

Family: Russula.

Synonyms: sluggish milkweed, pink mothweed, marsh mottleweed.

Hat: from 2.5 to 10 cm in diameter, fleshy but thin, with a bulge in the center in young specimens. The color ranges from wine-brown to brown, with a darker center and lighter edges. A visual photo showing how to distinguish false waves is presented below:

Leg: in diameter from 0.7 to 1.3 cm, length from 4 to 8 cm, sometimes grows up to 10 cm. Cylindrical shape, with expansion towards the base, sometimes flattened. When young it is solid, when mature it becomes hollow. The color is much lighter than the cap and may have a cream or light brown tint.

Pulp: brittle, thin, white, odorless. The milky sap has a pungent odor and turns gray or olive in color when cut.

Records: frequent, with a whitish tint, descending along the stem. When pressed or damaged they turn gray.

Kira Stoletova

The pink trumpet mushroom belongs to the genus Mlechnik, included in the Russula family of the Agaricomycetes class. Belongs to the department Basidiomycetes.

Botanical characteristics

According to the botanical description, the pink trumpet has a mushroom cap that grows in diameter up to 4-12 cm, in rare cases - up to 15 cm. Initially, the cap has a convex appearance, but over time it becomes flat. In its central part, adult mushrooms form a small depression.

The edges of the mushroom cap are pubescent, curved towards the stem. The surface is covered with a thick layer of coarse fibers that form uneven concentric circles. The skin on the mushroom cap is slimy. The color is pale pink, sometimes with a gray tint, and also varies from yellow-orange to light beige. In the absence of rainy weather, the color of the pink wave changes to almost white (fades). When mechanically applied to the surface, the mushroom cap acquires a dark shade.

The pink trumpet, or Lactarius torminosus, has popular names: rubella, volnyanka, krasulya, volzhanka, etc. Many are the same root as the word “wave”, because the surface of the mushroom cap is similar to ripples on the water surface.

The mushroom pulp is white. Its structure is dense and strong. Fruiting body has a pungent aftertaste. Highlights white milky juice with pungent taste characteristics and an interesting resinous smell, abundant, and does not change color when in contact with air.

The mushroom stem is pale pink, its height is 3-6 cm, its width is 1-2 cm, the shape of a regular cylinder, slightly tapering closer to the base. The structure is quite strong and solid. In young mushrooms there is no cavity at the stem, but as the mushroom grows it becomes empty (hollow). The surface is covered with fluff, sometimes there are small depressions (pits).

Mushroom plates - hymenophores, are colored milky, closer to white, a pink tint is also acceptable. They are often planted, have intermediate plates (small ones located between them), are not wide, and descend along the mushroom stalk. With age, the color of the mushroom plates changes to yellowish.

Geography of distribution

The growing habitats of the pink moth cover the northern parts of the forest zone. It can be found in birch or mixed with birch forests. They appear in well-lit areas in grass thickets, and are less common in damp areas. The species is mycorrhizal. Representatives of the species are capable of forming a symbiotic association of mycelium with the roots of birch, mainly old trees.

The active growth season occurs in the second half of June and lasts until the end of October. Massive fruiting of pink volyanka is observed in 2 stages: initially in the last days of July and again in the first days of September.

Similar varieties

In nature, the pink trumpet has similar edible and conditionally edible varieties, including:

  • Lactarius spinosulus, or spiny milkweed: which is distinguished by the absence of terry pubescence on the edges of the mushroom cap. They are smooth and even in this species. The mushroom is conditionally edible and can be eaten salted.
  • Lactarius pubescens, or white wave: has a less contrasting color of the mushroom cap, almost white, and the mushrooms themselves are smaller. The diameter of the cap of the white wave is slightly smaller than that of the pink wave.
  • Lactarius deterrimus, or spruce camelina And L.deliciosus, or R. real: have milky juice colored bright orange. It is released when the mushroom pulp is mechanically damaged.

Practical use

According to its nutritional quality characteristics, pink volnushka belongs to category 2. It is a conditionally edible mushroom. It is acceptable to eat salted and pickled, or fresh in some dishes.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

Despite the unique biochemical composition, the pink hornwort in the countries Western Europe classified as harmful and inedible mushrooms. There they are strictly positioned as poisonous mushrooms, which are strictly prohibited for use. The famous French mycologist writer Gerard Houdou considers this mushroom to be poisonous. In his book “Mushrooms. Encyclopedia”, published in Russia in 2003, he claims that roseate has toxic properties and its consumption as food is impossible due to the occurrence of intestinal disorders. However, the practice of Finland and the Russian Federation shows that in many Russian regions and on the territory of Finland, the pink trumpet is the leader in home preparations for the winter.

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