What a position in life. Human life positions are the “law of the magnet.” Survey. Types of passive response in conflict

You are at a wonderful age when every day brings something new and unexpected. You discover new interesting books and films. You begin to see things in a new way. The world and people reveal themselves to you in unexpected ways. You begin to make joyful discoveries both in your studies and in your personal life. Based on traditional norms, you begin to build an attitude towards yourself, other people, and the country in which you live. Concepts like Fatherland, small homeland, native land, native language, family, home, begin to be filled with specific content and meaning for you.

Not only do you gain a sense of self-confidence and the ability to rely on yourself, but you also develop behavioral patterns that will allow you to cope with life's challenges in the future. Strength of spirit is formed in overcoming difficulties, just as strength of muscles is formed in overcoming heavy loads.

At this age, interest in the opposite sex arises, and the time comes for the first time to fall in love. For the first time, you begin to think about choosing a path in life, about your future profession.

Your peers achieve results in big-time sports in adult competitions and often receive the titles of masters of sports and international masters of sports.

And you, too, may want to become adults right away, one day.

And we must not forget that during this period there is a real danger of falling under the influence of the ideology of violence and extremist thinking and being involved in terrorist activities.

September 3, 2009 Funeral event in Beslan in memory of those killed five years ago as a result of the terrorist attack

Involvement in terrorist activities is often facilitated by propaganda of the imaginary attractiveness of this step, which is based on the formation of certain false ideas about terrorism. Among them the following are possible:

  • the strength and power of terrorists, the wide popularity of their deeds. But all their forces are aimed at the death of innocent people and the destruction of the life of society, and their activities bear the stigma of crime;
  • a sense of camaraderie and reliable self-sufficiency in a group of terrorists. But terrorists turn teenagers into suicide bombers and drug them;
  • joyful excitement from accepting a new role and a new life: you are already an adult, they trust you and you can do anything. But the bandits, diligently playing the role of older, wise comrades, send teenagers on deadly operations in which life can end at any moment and they may never become adults.

Therefore, it is impossible to become a completely adult one day by deciding to engage in terrorist activities. Anyone who decides to become a terrorist forever deprives himself of many important and valuable things. You live in a family, have the opportunity to communicate normally with others, and you form connections with friends and acquaintances. A terrorist, as a rule, breaks ties with his family; he is not allowed to appear at home due to the constant threat of arrest. He has no friends, he only has accomplices.

You need to remember that adulthood comes to a person gradually, in the process of social development, his formation life experience, based on certain moral positions, qualities and beliefs, including:

  • the desire to understand the world around us and ourselves in it;
  • love for one's Fatherland;
  • respectful attitude towards the history, culture, traditions of one’s people;
  • formation of abilities to work and self-discipline;
  • the desire to be honest, fair and responsive, tolerant of the opinions and lifestyle of others;
  • learn to live in harmony with yourself and others;

The individual’s need for knowledge and skills to adequately respond to dangers arising in the process increases. Everyday life, and in ensuring the protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state. It is generally accepted that:

  • the interests of the individual are in the implementation of constitutional rights and freedoms, in ensuring personal safety, in improving the quality and standard of living, in the physical, spiritual and intellectual development of man and citizen;
  • the interests of society lie in strengthening democracy, in creating a legal, social state, in achieving and maintaining public harmony, in the spiritual renewal of Russia;
  • The interests of the state lie in the inviolability of the constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, in political, economic and social stability, in the unconditional provision of legality and maintenance of law and order, in the development of equal and mutually beneficial international cooperation.

Since the Russian Federation is the homeland of many nationalities, it is important to love culture, value originality, and respect the customs of other peoples of Russia as if they were our own. On September 1, 2009, in his address to schoolchildren, the President Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev said: “ Modern man- educated, respectful and interested in the views and beliefs of other people. But, in addition to the necessary personal qualities, the most important condition success is peace and order in our common home - Russia. There are more than 140 million of us. We are very different... We... all together form a single multinational people.”

Terrorists and separatists of all stripes criminal activity they want to split the unity of the peoples of Russia, which has developed over centuries. As the President of the Russian Federation emphasizes: “There are those who seek to quarrel between nations in order to achieve their own, their own selfish interests. But they will not be able to achieve their goals. We are stronger. Because friendship and good neighborliness are stronger than evil and stronger than hatred.”

Moral police in shaping anti-terrorism behavior

Terrorists try to involve in their activities primarily those teenagers who are easy to manipulate. And it is easiest to manipulate people who do not have convictions and a moral position.

Man was created for a prosperous, happy and long life, which under no circumstances can be compatible with terrorist activities, since they are inhumane and criminal, and, therefore, immoral. Preventing involvement in terrorist activities and developing anti-terrorist behavior as an individual are closely related to your morality. In the Dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov moral is interpreted as the rules that determine human behavior in society, as well as the implementation of these rules.

Each of you needs to develop such rules that determine your behavior in society.

Developing rules of behavior involves following certain life guidelines. These include:

  • a clearly formulated goal of life and the possession of psychological stability in various life situations;
  • the desire to be the master of your life;
  • the desire to receive at least small joys from every day lived;
  • developing a sense of self-esteem;
  • regular sports in the section or in the yard;
  • feeling of optimism;
  • negative attitudes towards drug use and antisocial behavior;
  • formation of anti-terrorist behavior.

You, of course, know and follow many of the listed guidelines. It is necessary that this always be the case.

Physical exercise is an excellent way to improve health and spend leisure time.

Classes in the school shaping section

Since on modern stage As the country develops, the threats of terrorism and drug trafficking are constantly increasing, which means that external risk factors for human life and health are increasing. The negative impact of the human factor on the security of the individual, society and state is increasing.

In this regard, the need of the individual, society and state to ensure the protection of their vital interests from external and internal threats, including from the consequences of terrorist activities, illegal drug trafficking and negative influence human factor.

Thus, everyone needs to develop moral position, by adhering to which you can successfully resist involvement in terrorist activities.

Let us note the main qualities that make a person more protected from the influence of the ideology of violence and extremist thinking:

  • responsibility, i.e. you are responsible for your brothers, sisters, your friends;
  • diligence, i.e. you are able to fulfill everything you promised to your parents and friends;
  • willpower, which manifests itself in the conviction that no one will persuade you to do something that is prohibited by law.

Anti-terrorism behavior depends on the individual characteristics of the individual and involves constant self-education and self-education aimed at the formation of moral principles and beliefs, life values ​​and norms of behavior in accordance with legal guidelines.

Such principles and norms of behavior include:

  • a firm conviction that terrorist activity in all its forms is inhumane and criminal; and participation in terrorist activities under no circumstances can provide you with a prosperous life, therefore, it is meaningless; any participant in terrorist activities will be found and will receive a well-deserved punishment;
  • knowledge of the rules of safe behavior when faced with the threat of a terrorist act to reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim and minimize its negative consequences, as well as reduce the feeling of hopelessness, inevitability, and fear of terrorists.
  • formation modern level life safety culture.

Prevention of bad habits

If you want to live a good life, your moral stance must necessarily include a negative attitude towards drug use.

Nature has endowed man with unique opportunities for prosperous life. His organs and systems can experience stress and withstand stress approximately 10 times greater than those that a person has to deal with in everyday life.

The realization of the potential inherent in a person depends on his lifestyle, everyday behavior, habits acquired by him, and the ability to wisely manage potential health opportunities for the benefit of himself, his family and the state.

Unfortunately, it often happens that a person acquires bad habits- addiction to smoking, alcoholic drinks and even to drugs.

Currently, according to health experts, addiction to smoking and drinking alcohol is considered a type of drug addiction, since the mechanisms of addiction and the consequences of use are similar to the mechanisms and consequences of drug use. Moreover, it is noted that alcohol and smoking act as catalysts (accelerators) in the formation of drug addiction.

Drug addiction- this is an irresistible human need to take a drug.

As a result of drug use, the body, as it were, adjusts to their intake and includes them in its biochemical processes. Gradually, a number of body functions, which before taking drugs were provided by substances produced by the body itself, begin to be performed by drugs, which leads to the formation of dependence on the drug, the need for continuous use.

Let us emphasize once again that habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and beer are a type of drug addiction, and drug addiction is an incurable disease that a person acquires voluntarily when he starts using drugs. The fight against illegal drug use is ongoing throughout the world. In our country, in 1998, the Federal Law “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances” was adopted, which established a ban on taking drugs without a doctor’s prescription. But all these measures will be ineffective if a drug-free culture of life is not formed among adolescents and young people.

To counter drug addiction throughout our society, and especially the younger generation, it is necessary, first of all, to accept as a basis a number of provisions as truth beyond doubt.

  • Drug addiction is a difficult-to-treat disease that a person acquires voluntarily when he starts using drugs.
  • Drug addiction as a disease begins to develop, as a rule, after the first use of a narcotic substance.
  • The person who offers you a drug is the enemy of your health, because for the sake of his own profit, he takes away your health for your money.
Drug addiction prevention- this is the prevention of the first drug try and the four rules “No!” drugs.

Rule one. Constantly develop a firm “No!” any narcotic substances in any dose, no matter how small, in any setting, in any company.

Rule two. Look for sources of joy in daily tasks and activities, not in drugs. Always say "No!" bad mood.

Rule three. Know how to choose your friends and comrades among your peers. Develop a firm attitude: “No!” for those peers and that company where taking drugs is commonplace.

Rule four. Say firmly “No!” their shyness and instability when offered to try a drug. Remember: life is more valuable, and the law is on your side.

Prevention of terrorist activities

To prevent terrorist activity, it is necessary to firmly form a number of beliefs:

  • terrorism in all its forms and manifestations represents one of the most serious threats to Russia's national security;
  • any terrorist activity is inhumane and criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of motivation;
  • terrorist activities will inevitably be exposed, and its participants will suffer deserved punishment;
  • any terrorist activity is destructive for its participants themselves (terrorists and their accomplices), since it puts them outside the law and prevents them from living a normal human life.

The formation of a system of anti-terrorism behavior should be based on conscious compliance with the norms and rules of behavior in our society in accordance with Federal laws and other regulations of the Russian Federation in the field of life safety. The formation of a modern level of life safety culture is a reliable protection against the harmful influence of various extremists who preach the ideology of violence.

To live a full and happy life, you need your own efforts, constant and considerable. To do this, it is important to learn to anticipate events, predict the development of various dangerous situations and behave safely. Have a clearly formulated goal in life and strive to achieve it, resist various temptations of imaginary values ​​and criminal ideals of terrorism.

How anti-terrorism behavior is formed

IN modern world dangerous and emergency situations have become an objective reality in the life of every person. They pose a threat to his life and health, causing enormous damage to the environment, society and the state.

It should be noted that absolutely safe human life does not exist, and currently there is a tendency for increasing dangers of a natural, man-made and social nature. Tension arises in society due to the threat of terrorism and illegal drug trafficking, and the level of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and state decreases. At the same time, an analysis of the tragic consequences of various dangerous and emergency situations, including the consequences of terrorist acts, shows that in more than 80% of cases the cause of death is the human factor. A tragedy most often occurs when a person fails to comply with established safety measures in everyday life and in various dangerous and emergency situations, which indicates a discrepancy between the level of life safety culture of the country's population and the real living conditions of the individual, society and state. >Life safety culture- a system of human views and social values ​​that ensure safe behavior of the individual and protection of society from threats and dangers in all areas.

Life safety culture contains moral and ethical values, intellectual experience in solving life safety problems, and experience in safe communication among people living together.

To develop anti-terrorist behavior, each of you needs to develop certain knowledge. Let us note the main ones:

  • know the organizational foundations of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation;
  • know about government measures to counter terrorism in the Russian Federation.

(The section “Appendix” contains extracts from the Federal Law “On Countering Terrorism” dated March 6, 2006 No. 35-FZ.)

In addition, it is important to develop personal spiritual and physical qualities that help reduce the likelihood of involvement in terrorist activities and the formation of an individual system healthy image life. These qualities will contribute to the formation of your social maturity.

A person’s social maturity is determined by: completed education, acquisition of a stable profession, economic independence, political and civic adulthood, and the ability to create a strong family. All these conditions, which require a high level of self-awareness and responsibility for one’s decisions and actions, begin to take shape at the age of 12-13 and develop in the process of everyday life when communicating with parents, with adults, primarily with teachers in the learning process, with peers, and also in relation to society.

Family and communication with parents are of particular importance for social maturation. Family conditions, including social status, occupation, financial level and level of education of parents, largely determine your life path. Family prepares you for social and labor activity, to running a family household and planning a family budget, instills in you a culture of communication, organizing leisure time, and serves as an example of raising children in the family.

Your relationships with parents and adults should make you want to test your capabilities, discover your strengths and weak sides, learn to achieve success and pay attention to real manifestations of adulthood (instilling responsibility, defining one’s responsibilities, the ability to build relationships with others).

Learn to build relationships with your peers. Communication with peers, group games, etc. develop in you the necessary skills of social interaction, the ability to submit to collective discipline and at the same time defend your rights, correlate personal interests with public ones.

Escaping from home usually ends with meeting employees of the competent authorities. In the reception area at the Kazansky railway station

By focusing on your comrades and imitating them, you cultivate in yourself those qualities that are especially valued by your peers. The growth of peer influence with age is manifested primarily in the fact that the time you spend among your peers increases compared to the time you spend with your parents.

In adolescence, the amount of knowledge not only increases, but also the mental horizon of a person expands. There is a need to understand life not as isolated events, but as an integral process that has a certain meaning and direction. Therefore, at this age, legal knowledge is necessary that defines the boundaries of what is permitted in the relationship between a person and society. This knowledge will allow everyone to avoid offenses that are committed accidentally, for the “company”, and not become a criminal.

This is one of the important components of a culture of life safety: learning to live in a given society, at a given time, observing the norms and rules of behavior accepted in it. This direction is realized by developing a deep conviction in a negative attitude towards antisocial behavior. This is very relevant today.

Test yourself

  1. What life positions can be considered moral? Justify your answer with examples.
  2. What areas of self-education and self-training can be considered more effective for the formation of anti-terrorist behavior?

After lessons

  1. Analyze your views and norms of behavior, evaluate them from the point of view of the reliability of protecting you from the possibility of falling under the influence of the ideology of violence. Determine your direction using an individual system of self-education that will ensure you develop anti-terrorist behavior. Record your findings in your safety diary.
  2. Analyze your behavior in everyday life, try to assess to what extent it can protect you from the possibility of becoming an accomplice of terrorists. Think about what adjustments you need to make to your behavior to increase your level of protection from involvement in terrorist activities. Record your findings in a safety diary.


  1. Find in Tools mass media and the Internet (for example, on the website of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee at www.nak.fsb.ru) examples of the work of anti-terrorism agencies and counter-terrorism operations. Prepare a short message.
  2. Write an essay on one of the topics: “Basic principles of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation”, “Basic concepts of the Federal Law “On Countering Terrorism”.

Where do the problems that abound in our life path begin? Where is their source? According to Eric Berne, the age at which a key scenario decision is made—I am “good” or “bad”—is an interval from 2 to 3 years. First, an individual’s self-image or life position is formed. Until the age of 5-7, she participates in the formation of the script.

The scenario laid down at this age can be both positive and negative. In the first case, it allows you to realize your plans: to get rich, write music and become a famous composer or athlete, a good family man or just a happy person. In the second, it can include negative life programs: an attitude towards lack of money, the development of alcohol and drug addiction and other problems.

The main program components included in the script are formed by parents under 7 years of age. It is at this time that the child receives his first impressions of life. Thus, a person entering a cafe for the first time forms a first impression in a split second: “barn” - low ceilings that press on the head, too bright light and a rustic, cheeky contingent or, on the contrary, - homely, pleasant staff, there are tables , where you can relax and talk, the music is not intrusive, the repertoire is excellent. Even if in a cafe that you didn’t like the first time, everything changes exactly the opposite, you still won’t go there again, since you have already formed the first, most lasting impression.

In the same way, a child under 6-7 years old, answering questions that are important to him, makes his first impression of himself and the world: what he is like, who he is, is it pleasant to study, is school a good place, can he trust his parents, friends, what is friendship? ?

If his initial expectations are deceived, he becomes disappointed in what did not live up to expectations and withdraws into himself. This is nothing more than protection: if I limit contacts with the world, then next time it will not hurt me so much, and if it does, the pain will be much less.

Choosing a position: I'm good - I'm bad

A child falls into a puddle on the playground - he roars, grabs the abrasion on his knee, looks towards his mother. Mom is beside herself with rage - she will have to get her new sandals dirty in a puddle. Instead of soothing strokes and consolation, the mother gives the baby several heavy blows anywhere. The baby falls a second time and breaks into hysterics. The second likely reaction is outright amusement. It’s funny for mom to watch how awkwardly her little man stretches out to his full height. The child is in a state of shock - not only did his expectations of help not come true, but his call resulted in additional stress.

Of course, everything can happen exactly the opposite - the mother will arrive in time, console and fully meet the baby’s expectations.

Negative or positive situations from the child’s point of view are repeated to one degree or another all the time; life brings him to the need to answer the question: why is this happening? And depending on what his answer is, his life position will be formed for the rest of his life. The problem is that at an early age, children trust their parents absolutely: mother is the highest wisdom. She is always right in everything. And the child will not come to the idea that his mother may be “just a fool” until he is 15 years old.

If parents are ready to properly raise a child from the first days of his life, positive content will remain in his life position - a prerequisite for a prosperous and happy life.

4 main life positions

Children come to their first class having already received the first “painful” experience with their position in life: favorites, leaders, losers, choosing the last desks. At school, taking this into account, previously formed psychological reactions are consolidated and developed. Therefore, psychologists strongly recommend: do not choose good school– choose a good class teacher.

There wouldn’t be many broken destinies, and psychologists would have an order of magnitude less work if the attitude of parents towards their children in the first years of their lives was different. If the mother raised it on time, and the dog licked and did not bite, then answering the questions: “What am I like?”, “What is my environment like?” ... and "What is the world like?" ... a child at 2–3 years old will “put pluses.” It will form the life position of a happy and positive person, committed to creation.

Important: there will always be a difference between a person and an action in his world. Therefore, he will never say “You are a complete idiot”, making an enemy or losing a friend, but will note: “Today you acted like an idiot.” This is the scheme: I “+” You “+” “ I AM GOOD – YOU ARE GOOD ».

If the dog nevertheless bit, and the parents were busy with themselves at the crucial moment, laughing or hitting them at the first opportunity, then the child is honestly forced to “minus”. Since his ideas about the world turned out to be erroneous, he concludes that he is bad, that he is a “loser.” A person projects this life position into adulthood. At the same time, the child will always justify the people closest to him - the true culprits of millions of broken destinies at the time of making a decision, giving them his cherished plus sign. Over the years, continuing to stubbornly minus himself for any reason, he admits that those around him are luckier, more perfect, smarter, he is a sucker and an unresponsive lamer. This is how the formation of a life position occurs: I “-” You “+” “ I AM BAD - YOU ARE GOOD».

Any desire to develop, change oneself, and even more so, to create and give, is euthanized in a narcissist at the age of 2–3 years. The main culprits for the skewed life position, again, are parents and grandparents.

Growing up and getting more and more, he still remains dissatisfied with the environment, which does not know how to arrange his life as it should. When choosing his position in life, he diligently “draws a plus” for himself, but his loved ones, who failed to rush in and timely appreciate what gift fate presented them with in his person, receive a minus. This is the scheme I “+” You “-” “ I AM GOOD – YOU ARE BAD».

No less destructive is the life position of a person: I “-” You “-” “ I'M BAD - YOU'RE BAD " This position basically excludes any desire to change in any direction. The usual state of mind of such a person is fatalism and boredom. The logical conclusion of such a life credo is often the desire to end this meaningless existence.

When everything is GOOD

A person who evaluates himself – I am “+”, is able to discern a positive beginning in his loved ones – You are “+”, willingly makes new acquaintances – They are “+”, finds an interesting job – Work “+” – can be considered psychologically healthy.

The child initially begins the assessment and choice of life position with himself - Who am I “+” or “-”? If “+” is selected, the child recognizes himself as strong, talented, smart, capable, just like dad / just like mom.

When things are BAD

If at the age of 2-3 years a child gave himself a “-”, he obviously agreed that he was stupid, awkward, cowardly, alas, all like his father/father’s mother, not interesting to others, not needed. It is precisely this position in life at the age of 13–16 that often leads schoolgirls of completely normal build, pursuing the goal of losing weight at any cost, to anorexia with a fatal outcome.

You are “-” prone to conflicts with members of your microsociety, whom he puts on the list of disadvantaged people. At the same time, his penchant for sarcasm and caustic irony, his desire to re-educate them and his willingness to say goodbye even for a trivial reason are revealed. If the They “-” position prevails, the person avoids new contacts, and only notices shortcomings in new communication partners. Adaptation to an unfamiliar environment occurs at a snail's pace. If Labor is “-”, there is constant dissatisfaction with the material result. Then the person is busy constantly searching better work, striving to improve mainly material well-being.

Important: With the appearance of “-” in one of the positions, the positive content of the others changes. So if “+” disappears from the “+” position, distortions occur in the perception of the Self. Then a person, communicating with loved ones, shows arrogance.

Less often, in almost all life situations, all positions are characterized by “+” - the personality is stable. When at some moments in life positions remain positive, at others - negative - then it is not stable. As Litvak noted, the presence of even one minus in a personal complex entails the appearance of minuses in the others, which sooner or later will lead to neurosis.

Roles, like scenarios, are assigned in advance

As Eric Berne said: “A man’s path in life—his destiny—is determined by what happens in his head when he comes into conflict with outside world. Freedom gives him the opportunity to exercise own plans, and power is to interfere with the plans of others.” But a person decides for himself how he will live and how he will end his life’s journey in early childhood. In the future, a person’s entire life is subordinated to the chosen scenario, which can be called a life plan.

Since the ultimate goal of a person is a happy and balanced life, our main task is to try to learn how to determine our position in life, based on it, read our life script and, by correcting its negative part, change our life path.

It cannot be said that life position is some kind of innate factor. Many of its aspects determine the conditions in which a person spent his childhood and which he encountered. A life position takes on specific forms in the same way as a personality, which a person does not immediately realize. However, although character influences both personality and life position, both can be consciously changed.

Activity in life position determines how successful a person is. He is courageous and proactive, not afraid to act and ready for active achievements. It doesn’t matter whether a person with such a position is a leader or a follower, he always has his own point of view and will not agree to violate his principles.

The opposite in properties is a passive life position. It is typical for indifferent and inert people. Such a person is more likely to avoid difficulties and take weeks to resolve them. Passivity can manifest itself not only in an apathetic and depressed state, although most often such people are characterized by a lack of initiative in solving problems. It happens that a person simply follows other people's instructions without questioning them. Some passive people create the appearance of activity, they fuss and make noise, but the absence of a vector of behavior reveals their inertia.

Some people become passive due to life's troubles. In this case, passivity is often associated with aggression towards more active others; the person shows a desire to reason with and “educate in the right way” those who, like him, have not accepted failures.

Proactive life position

Another subtype of life position is proactivity. Indeed, it happens that circumstances are against a person, and he cannot do anything at the moment. Even an active person sometimes gives in under the pressure of problems. But a proactive person never gives up.

Associated with proactivity is the concept of sphere of influence. There are things that you cannot influence now, but there are others that directly depend on you. No matter how small your sphere of influence is, you must direct your efforts specifically to it and to expanding it. There is no point in thinking and wasting energy on something that does not depend on you. This seems obvious, but most people do it differently. For example, remember how often people around you complain about the government or curse the weather. If you can't change it right now, don't waste your energy on it. It is absolutely certain that there are things that you can do: do as best as possible what depends on you, what you are doing now.

By acting in accordance with this rule, proactive people get out of crises faster and with fewer losses.

The most important thing to understand is that your position in life depends entirely on you. Even if you have been passive at times, you can still become active or proactive right now, and it will never be too late.

Today about your connection life position and 4 types of passive behavior in response to life situations. Addition to the webinar where the connection between positions in life, roles in the drama triangle and psychological games was discussed.

4 types of psychological passivity.

Passive behavior - this is an avoidance of life's difficulties, not effective method behavior in conflicts and disputes.

Psychological passivity resembles the behavior of an ostrich, when we unconsciously bury our heads in the sand, thinking that this is the most careless way to behave in problematic situations.

4 types of passive behavior and life position.

Let's look at the connection with the 4 types of passive responses to a problem.

How do you react to the problem?


Read the description of the 4 types of responses to a problem and determine which passive behavior applies to you.

Based on the type of passive behavior in the diagram (see figure “Passivity and Life Positions”), identify what life position you usually take in a conflict.

What position do you take in conflicts?

4 types of passive behavior.

1 type of passivity. DOING NOTHING.

Or zero response to the problem. Feel, think and do absolutely nothing . This often happens when people are paralyzed by danger. However, doing nothing can also be a common reaction to any problem. Waiting position.


Middle-aged and elderly people who do their best to resist learning how to use computers and the Internet.

A woman who remains silent during a conflict with her mother-in-law, clenching her teeth tightly.

Corresponds to the life positions of HOPELESS and INADEQUACY.

Type 2 passivity. OVERADAPTATION.

This type of passive response is understood as “too obedient” adherence to rules or regulations from other people, which relieves us of the responsibility to think for ourselves.


An employee who obediently follows all instructions from management, without really understanding what he is actually doing and why.

A child who nods to all the comments of his parents with a blank face.

Corresponds to the life position of INADEQUACY.

3 type of passivity. EXCITATION.

Unconsciously carried out intensive activity, devoid of constructive goals instead of trying to solve the problem. Or simply vanity for the sake of vanity. There is a lot of noise, but no action. For example, when we drum our fingers on the table excitedly during a difficult conversation.


An office worker who is hostile to any changes to the routine, without offering any alternatives.

A man who violently expresses complaints in a store screams hysterically and blushes.

Corresponds to the life position of AGGRESSION.

4 type of passivity. DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR.

The degree of expression of thoughts and feelings that are disproportionate to the reasons that caused them. Physical violence against an innocent person who does not even know that he is “guilty.”


An alcoholic who throws his fists at a social worker who invites him to enroll in a treatment course.

A mother who beats her child for bad grades and then drowns her guilt in beer.

Corresponds to the life position of HOPELESS.

Consequences of passive behavior in life.

Psychological passivity always leads to negative consequences - first of all for the person himself, but often also for the people around him.

Undesirable effects of passive behavior can be very diverse: these include “unsolvable problems”, low efficiency performance, different kinds addictions and negative conditions, accidents, illnesses and even death.

Survey. Types of passive response in conflict.

Select 1 or 2 options from the proposed ones. Be honest with yourself. How do you react, how do you behave during a conflict?

Commenting on an article means being aware.

In the comments to the article , Give examples from life of one or more types of passive behavior. What feelings do you experience when you remember them?

Share the information with your friends!

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A person’s determination of life goals is one of the main conditions for achieving success. Moreover, it is important not only to set goals, but also to often think that you are able to achieve them and that you will achieve them.

You should not think about obstacles on the way to your goal and imagine ominous darkness. Focus on the fact that achieving each goal can dramatically improve your life. The more you think about how your goals will change your life for the better, the stronger your desire to realize them will be. A natural desire for specific actions will awaken in you.

If a goal inspires you, then you will in any case begin to act towards achieving it. It doesn’t matter how much time you have to implement it, because you like the path itself and the fact that you feel more and more satisfied with yourself. This state encourages you to act actively, so your level of productivity will only increase.

If you are having difficulty choosing your life goals, you can use examples of other people's goals from the list of 100 human life goals.

Read also the article by Gestalt therapist Sergei Smirnov: " " (editor's note)

100 life goals

Personal goals:

  1. Find your life's work;
  2. Become a recognized expert in your field;
  3. Stop drinking and smoking;
  4. Make many friends and acquaintances around the world;
  5. Learn to speak 3 languages ​​fluently, except your native one;
  6. Become a vegetarian;
  7. Find 1000 followers of your business/blog;
  8. Wake up every day at 5 am;
  9. Read a book a week;
  10. Travel all around the world.

Family goals:

  1. Start a family;
  2. Make your spouse happy;
  3. Give birth to children;
  4. Raise children to be worthy members of society;
  5. Provide education to children;
  6. Play a children's wedding;
  7. Celebrate your own silver wedding;
  8. Babysit grandchildren;
  9. Celebrate the golden wedding;
  10. Gathering for the holidays with the whole family.

Financial goals:

  1. Live without debts and loans;
  2. Organize passive sources of income;
  3. Receive a monthly aggregate stable high income;
  4. Every year increase savings by 1.5-2 times;
  5. Own property on the seashore;
  6. Build a dream house;
  7. Cottage in the forest;
  8. Every family member has a car;
  9. Leave a substantial inheritance to your children;
  10. Regularly help those in need.

Sports goals:

  1. Get in shape;
  2. Run a marathon;
  3. Do the splits;
  4. Go diving;
  5. Learn to surf;
  6. Jump with a parachute;
  7. comprehend martial arts;
  8. Learn horse riding;
  9. Learn to play golf;
  10. Do yoga.

Spiritual Goals:

  1. Learn the art of meditation;
  2. Read 100 best books world literature;
  3. Read 100 books on personal development;
  4. Regularly engage in charity work and volunteering;
  5. Achieve spiritual harmony and wisdom;
  6. Strengthen your will;
  7. Learn to enjoy every day;
  8. Experience and express gratitude every day;
  9. Learn to achieve your goals;
  10. Do charity work;

Creative goals:

  1. Learn to play guitar;
  2. Learn to draw;
  3. To write a book;
  4. Write blog entries every day;
  5. Decorate the interior of the apartment to your liking;
  6. Do it yourself useful thing;
  7. Make your own website;
  8. Learn public speaking and not experience stage fright;
  9. Learn to dance and dance at parties;
  10. Learn to cook deliciously.

Travel destinations:

  1. Travel around the cities of Italy;
  2. Relax in Spain;
  3. Travel to Costa Rica;
  4. Visit Antarctica;
  5. Spend a month in Taiga;
  6. Live 3 months in America;
  7. Go on a road trip around Europe;
  8. Go to Thailand for the winter;
  9. Go on a yoga tour to India;
  10. Go to trip around the world on a cruise ship;

Adventure Goals:

  1. Play in a casino in Las Vegas;
  2. Fly in a hot air balloon;
  3. Ride a helicopter;
  4. Explore the ocean in a submarine;
  5. Go kayaking;
  6. Spend a month in a tent camp as a savage;
  7. Swim with dolphins;
  8. Visit medieval castles around the world;
  9. Eat mushrooms from shamans in Mexico;
  10. Go to a transmusic festival in the forest for a week;
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