What messages are there on the topic of sports? Definition of sport, its types and differences from physical education. Roller skating

Sport is an educational system that occurs through physical activity in the form of competitions or preparation for them, in which a person’s capabilities are assessed.

The main part of sport is its competitive activity. The structure of rivalry is a fundamental condition in sports. Competitive play revives vitality, increases interest and triggers the hormone of happiness in a person. With the help of competitions, a person’s functionality moves to a new level, and the effect of training and exercise increases.

History of the development of sports in Russia

For example: in the writings of Rus' it was said about battles held during holidays. In the old days, a physically developed person was considered successful. In Rus', competitions were often held to find the best athlete.

IN Lately modern world Sports are gaining in popularity. It is the key to health and happiness for many years.

Power in sports

Active life position gives a person self-confidence, vigor, and also improves health and ensures balance of spirit and body.

For some physical exercise- this is daily exhausting work, but for others it is entertainment and relaxation.

With the help of exercises you can feel lightness and flexibility in the body, muscles, abs. But the benefits of sports are not only physical exercise. He gives good mood all day.

Start off sports training better in combination:

Sport promotes physical and psycho-emotional development, and also promotes family or team unity. It is a powerful factor in preserving human strength and potential. Physical exercise is recommended for both young and old, as it has a positive effect on the immune system and protects against many diseases.

News healthy image life is very useful.

Thanks to sport, the following changes occur in the human body:

  • regulates blood pressure;
  • oxygen saturation;
  • normalizes heart function;
  • improves intestinal motility;
  • prevents premature aging;
  • rejuvenates the body.

With the help of physical exercise, willpower is formed, urges to laziness are overcome, and some personal records are achieved.

Any person wants to be healthy, strong and always feel good; all you have to do is go in for sports.

Sport is life, energy, strength!

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  • Country Austria - report message

    The Republic of Austria is located in Central Europe on the border with Germany (Federal Republic of Germany), Switzerland, Slovakia, Liechtenstein, Italy, the Czech Republic and Hungary. The country is governed by a president elected for a term of 6 years.

Artistic gymnastics, athletics, skiing, skating, swimming, rowing, cycling, wrestling, boxing, weight lifting are main sports. Each of them has its own characteristics, which consist mainly in the effect it has on the body. When choosing, you should be guided by these features and take into account the individual inclinations of those starting to play sports. However, you should always remember that the health-improving effect mainly depends on the training method, that is, on how much and how a particular sport is practiced.

Characteristics of the main sports

Let us briefly describe main sports:

. The so-called basic gymnastics, which includes both morning hygienic and general developmental gymnastic exercises used by athletes of various sports specialties, pursues the goals of maintaining health and general physical development. Sports, or apparatus, gymnastics on the horizontal bar, parallel bars, rings and other apparatus brings human motor abilities to high perfection. Movements become precise, smooth, muscles are well developed. However, the presence of a large number breath holding exercises may have an adverse effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in cases where the gymnast does not combine gymnastics with athletics exercises such as running, walking, skiing, skating, and swimming.

- This walking, running, jumping and throwing discus, javelin and shot. These natural views the movements are especially well dosed and can be widely used by beginners in sports.
In adolescence and adolescence, short-distance running (from 60 to 100 meters) is recommended. At the age of over 40 years, when speed qualities deteriorate, endurance running exercises are mainly recommended. Athletics activities conducted all year round on fresh air, have an extremely beneficial effect on the body: nervous system, heart , lungs , blood. This allows us to recommend athletics even to people who have some deviations in their health.

is one of the most popular and accessible types of physical exercise. When skiing, people are involved in work large muscle groups, breathing and blood circulation are activated. The winter landscape has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Learning to ski is relatively easy. After the movements have been mastered, you can gradually increase the dosage of walking, mainly due to the distance. The age range for skiing is very wide. Skis can be recommended for children from 5–6 years of age. Sports activities are practiced from the age of 12.


Classes speed skating also have a beneficial effect on the body, like skiing. Ice skating is a fun form of active recreation for both schoolchildren and older people. Sliding on ice reduces the effort spent on movement during normal running, and this allows you to use speed skating, even with pronounced deviations in health. Speed ​​skating can be recommended in middle and even old age with a particularly gradual increase in load.

Hygienic value swimming very large. A person experiences a whole range of influences here:
  1. water affects the skin,
  2. air procedures,
  3. sunbathing.

The difference in temperature when entering and leaving the water hardens the body and accustoms it to proper thermoregulation. Overcoming water resistance with active movements is breathing exercises. At the same time, the chest becomes convex, which creates the most favorable conditions for the functioning of the lungs. The work of the heart during swimming due to difficulty in inhaling is increased more than in other sports. Therefore, in order to avoid negative influence on the cardiovascular system it is necessary, first of all, work off correct breathing , and only then move on to speed swimming. Children can start swimming from the age of 6–7 years. At the age of 12 they can practice swimming and participate in competitions.

– one of the most tiring types of physical activity. All muscles of the body are involved in the work - arms, legs, back, abdominals. Therefore, rowing requires good preliminary general physical preparation. Rowing as a sport cannot be recommended for people with abnormalities in the cardiovascular system. You can learn rowing from the age of 10, and engage in rowing from the age of 14, very gradually increasing the load and under the guidance of experienced teachers. When rowing, like swimming, an important health element is natural breathing exercises. It is impossible not to mention rowing as the most effective means of strengthening abdominal muscles. Despite the very intense load, with systematic training and rowing you can do it until old age.

has some features that make you be very careful about this type of physical activity. The prolonged bent position of the cyclist and the work of the legs with a motionless torso create not entirely favorable conditions for blood circulation and breathing. Therefore, a cyclist should especially remember the need for versatile physical activity: systematic exercise general developmental gymnastics, running and so on. Only in this case will cycling bring the desired healing effect. When using a bicycle for walking, you only need to gradually increase the distance, without bringing yourself to clear signs of fatigue in the first weeks. Children as young as 8–9 years old can be taught to ride a two-wheeled bicycle. At 11–12 years old, you can allow them 30–40-minute bicycle walks, and at 13–14 years old, cycling.

Lifting weights, or weight-lifting, is very popular among the population due to the visual and quick effect of practicing it. Indeed, weightlifting exercises with barbells and kettlebells perfectly develop
body muscles, muscles of the arms, torso, chest. However, the impact on the nervous system, respiratory system and blood circulation with one-sided hobby of lifting weights may turn out to be negative, because associated with holding your breath. Success in this sport can only be achieved through long-term general physical training: gymnastic exercises in combination with other types of physical exercise and sports. And even when you start lifting weights, you need to systematically include them in your training. running, skiing, skating and so on. This sport is allowed to people who do not have significant health problems starting from the age of 16.

– one of the oldest sports. There are many types of national wrestling. The most widespread are classical or Greco-Roman wrestling and freestyle wrestling. The impact on the body of all types of struggle is very great. Resistance exercises are good for developing muscles and intensively affect internal organs. However, one-sided training in wrestling, saturated with elements of tension, can, just like lifting weights, lead to overexertion nervous and cardiovascular systems. Required here thorough preparatory work and combination with other types of physical training of the athletics type(running, skiing and hiking). You can engage in wrestling from the age of 14, but the first 2-3 years of training should be of a preparatory nature - general developmental exercises and the study of technical and tactical techniques. In middle and old age, you can only continue the wrestling lessons you started in your youth. It is not recommended to start wrestling after 40 years of age, as this may have a negative impact on the cardiovascular system.

refers to the so-called speed-strength sports. The combination of alternating movements of the arms and torso with the work of the legs contributes to good muscle development. In the process of preparing to fight in the ring, boxers necessarily use athletics exercises - running, throwing, jumping, general developmental gymnastics. The boxing match itself is replete with various situational moments that foster speed. reactions, agility, determination, endurance and other moral and volitional qualities. With proper training management, boxing does not cause negative changes in health and perfectly strengthens the body. Boxing classes are allowed from the age of 13. From a brief overview of the health value of the main sports, it is clear that they are all good in their own way and the result of practicing them mainly depends on the correct organization of the training process in accordance with age, health, physical fitness and the regularity of training. Only systematic exercise gives lasting healing effect, ensure sports success, significantly prolong performance.

Sport. Just one word, but how much it means! Playing sports is a certain type of human activity aimed at achieving a given result in a person’s physical development.

Sports - component physical culture, in which the main emphasis is on the physical development of a person, strengthening his health and well-being.

Professional sport is that part of it in which athletes participate, aimed specifically at achieving a certain result in their physical activity, at achieving victory and new sports records. Sports competitions, including the Olympics, Championships and Tournaments, reveal best athletes. Of course, the dream of every athlete is victory in Olympic Games ah, the largest world competitions that arose back in Ancient Greece, and subsequently gathered participants from all over the world.

Over its history of development, and the history of sports extends far, far into the past, starting almost from the Stone Age, a large number of sports have emerged in which everyone can realize their most outstanding abilities. Sports training is provided by various sports organizations specializing in certain sports.

The development, promotion and popularization of sports is carried out by various Sports Federations, Associations and Unions, although the main role in this is played by the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation.

Sport surrounds us almost from birth, in kindergarten, school, institute. Many choose it as their profession. And this is greatly facilitated by the huge and ever-growing popularity of sports and sporty image life.

Sport is probably as old as the human race itself. It evolved with the development and growth of humanity.

All over the world, people of all ages love sports and sport games. Sport not only helps people become stronger and develop physically, but also makes them more focused and organized in their daily activities. It supports a healthy mind in a healthy body. Sport helps people maintain good health.

We all need to exercise. Even if you don't plan to make a career as an athlete, you need training.

Regular exercise gives you more energy. Therefore, people suffering from general fatigue need physical activity more than rest. Exercise improves your health and appearance.

The most best exercises are those that involve repetitive movements, such as walking, running or swimming. Bending and stretching will give your body flexibility and a feeling of lightness.

Among the sports popular in our country are: football, basketball, volleyball, swimming, hockey, tennis, gymnastics, figure skating. Anyone can choose a sport for any time of year, for any taste.

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Athletics is an Olympic sport that includes running events, race walking, all-around, running, cross-country and technical events. Athletics is usually called the queen of sports, because it is one of the most popular sports and its disciplines have always played greatest number medals at the Olympic Games. Track and field athletes are athletes who participate in one or more types of athletics.

Athletics Federations

The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) was founded in 1912 and unites national federations. The association's headquarters are located in Monaco.

The All-Russian Athletics Federation (ARAF) is engaged in the development and popularization of athletics in Russia, and also manages the holding of all-Russian competitions.

European Athletics is the European governing body for athletics.

History of the development of athletics (briefly)

Athletics is considered a very ancient sport, as evidenced by widespread archaeological finds (coins, vases, sculptures, etc.). The oldest of the athletics sports is running. By the way, the running was carried out over a distance equal to one stage - one hundred and ninety-two meters. It is from this name that the word stadium comes.

The ancient Greeks called all physical exercise athletics, which in turn was divided into “light” and “heavy”. They classified exercises that developed agility and endurance as athletics (running, jumping, archery, swimming, etc.). Accordingly, all exercises that developed strength were classified as “weight” athletics.

Koroibos (776 BC) is considered to be the first Olympic champion in athletics; this date is considered to be the beginning of the history of athletics. The modern history of athletics begins with competitions in running over a distance of about 2 km by college students in Rugby (Great Britain) in 1837. Later, the competition program began to include short-distance running, steeplechase, weight throwing, and long jump and take-off altitude.

In 1865, the London Athletic Club was founded, which popularized athletics.

In 1880, the Amateur Athletic Association was organized, uniting all the athletics organizations of the British Empire.

The rapid development of athletics is associated with the Olympic Games (1896), in which it was given the largest place.

How did athletics come about?

Athletics competitions have been held throughout the existence of mankind. Initially, people were interested solely in raising warriors capable of bringing victories in battles. Military interest in raising physically developed men gradually began to degenerate into sports games, the main competitions in which were endurance and strength. From this moment the birth of athletics began.

Athletics rules

The winner in athletics competitions is the athlete or team that shows the best result in the final races or final attempts of technical disciplines.

Running athletics are usually divided into several stages:

  • qualification;
  • ¼ final;
  • ½ finals;
  • the final.

The number of competition participants is determined by the competition regulations, while men and women do not participate in general starts.

Athletics stadium

Athletics stadiums can be open or closed. Usually the stadium is combined with a football stadium and a field. The outdoor stadium consists of a 400-meter oval track, which in turn is divided into 8 or 9 tracks, as well as sectors for technical disciplines. Often, javelin or hammer throwing competitions are moved outside the stadium for safety reasons.

Indoor stadiums (maneges) differ from open ones by having a shorter track (200 m) and the number of tracks into which it is divided (4-6 pieces).

Types of athletics

Let's look at what sports are included in athletics. Race walking is an athletics discipline that differs from running sports in that the athlete must have constant contact with the ground. Race walking competitions are held on a track (10,000 m, 20,000 m, 30,000 m, 50,000 m) or road (20,000 m and 50,000 m).

Running is one of the oldest sports for which official competition rules were approved; it has been included in the program since the very first Olympic Games of modern times in 1896. Running in athletics is represented by the following types: sprint, middle-distance running, running long distances, hurdles, relay race.

Types of running in athletics:

  • Short distance running (100 m, 200 m, 400 m), non-standard distances include 30 m, 60 m, 300 m.
  • Middle distance running (800 m, 1500 m, 3000 m), additionally 600, 1000, 1610 m (mile), 2000 m can be distinguished.
  • Long distance running (5000 m, 10000 m, 42195 m).
  • Steeplechase 2000 m in the arena and 3000 m in the open stadium.
  • Hurdling (women - 100 m, men - 110 m, 400 m).
  • Relay race (4x100 meters, 4x400 meters).

Jumps are divided into vertical (high jump and pole vault) and horizontal (long jump and triple jump).

  • High jump is an athletics discipline that refers to vertical jumps of technical types. A jump consists of a run-up, preparation for take-off, take-off, crossing the bar and landing.
  • Pole vault is a technical discipline that refers to vertical jumps. In this jump, the athlete needs to go over the bar (without knocking it over) using an athletics pole.
  • The long jump is a horizontal jump and requires athletes to have sprinting qualities and jumping ability.
  • A triple jump consists of a run-up, three alternating jumps and a landing.

Throwing is an athletic exercise that requires “explosive” muscle effort. The goal in this form is to move the projectile to maximum distance from an athlete. Types of throwing in athletics:

  • Throwing a grenade or ball, grenade weight - 700 g for men, women and middle-aged boys throw a grenade weighing 500 g. Balls weigh 155-160 g.
  • Shot put, the men's shot weighs 7.260 kg and the women's 4 kg.
  • Hammer throw, the men's hammer weighs 7.260 kg, and the women's hammer weighs 4 kg.
  • Discus throwing, men's discus weighs 2 kg, women's - 1 kg.
  • Javelin-throwing. A man's spear weighs 800 g and has a length of 260-270 cm, a woman's spear, respectively, 600 g and 220-230 cm.

All-around is a sports discipline that includes competitions in several disciplines of one or different types sports

What does athletics include?

Running events, race walking, all-around events, runs, cross-country events and technical events.

Today, the Olympic Games program includes 24 events for men and 23 events for women. Athletes compete in:

  • running 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500, 5000 and 10,000 meters,
  • marathon running (42.195 km),
  • 110 m hurdles (women's 100 m),
  • 400 m run,
  • steeplechase - 3000 m steeplechase,
  • race walking 20 and 50 km (men only),
  • high jump,
  • pole vaulting,
  • long jump,
  • triple jump,
  • shot put,
  • discus throwing,
  • hammer throwing,
  • javelin throwing
  • all-around events - decathlon for men and heptathlon - for women,
  • relay races 4 x 100 and 4 x 400 meters.

Cyclic types of athletics include: race walking, sprinting, middle and long distance running. Technical types of athletics include: throwing, vertical and horizontal jumps.

Athletics Championships

  • Summer Olympic Games.
  • The World Athletics Championships have been held since 1983, every two years in odd-numbered years.
  • The World Indoor Championships have been held since 1985, every two years in even-numbered years.
  • The European Athletics Championships have been held since 1934, every two years.
  • The World Junior Championships have been held every two years since 1986. Athletes no older than 19 years old are allowed to participate.
  • The World Championships for boys and girls are held every two years since 1999. Athletes who will be 16 and 17 years old during the competition year are allowed to participate.
  • The European Indoor Championships have been held since 1966, every two years in odd-numbered years. The next championship was held in 2015 in Prague.
  • The IAAF Continental Cup is held every four years. The next Cup was held in 2014 in Marrakech (Morocco).
  • The World Cross-Country Championships are held every two years.
  • The World Race Walking Cup is held every two years.

What does athletics develop?

The main physical qualities are endurance, strength, speed, flexibility. In addition, during athletics, the skills of coordination of movements, fast and economic movement and rational performance of complex physical exercises are acquired.


We tried to cover the topic as completely as possible, so this information can be safely used when preparing messages, reports on physical education and essays on the topic “Athletics”.

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