What foods do you need to eat for energy? Nutrition to improve your mood and increase energy. Chicken breast for strength and energy

A person spends energy to live and maintain health, which means that energy replenishment is vital for the body. In the previous article, we found out: a person can be healthy only if he has a correctly balanced ratio of Yin, Yang and five elements energy. Help us balance this ratio

When we eat, we receive energy along with the food.

But not every food can benefit the body. Only energy food can not only replenish our energy, but also increase it. We fill our stomach with empty, non-energy food, and this is tantamount to voluntarily accepting poison, which then begins to spread through the blood and poison the entire body, bringing it all sorts of things. But we don’t understand that we ourselves provoke illnesses and deterioration of the body through improper nutrition.

Very interesting fact: in order for our body to be fully provided with the necessary energy, it is necessary to a large number of energy food. Little food - a lot of energy. If we eat a lot and incorrectly, our body suffers from both overeating and hunger, since the huge amount of food eaten did not provide our body with the required amount. useful substances and energy.

As soon as we start eating the right energy foods, our body, and it is very intelligent, analyzes the difference, reacts very sharply to the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods, and will no longer want to return to the previous diet.

To begin with, of course, you need to know foods that are filled with the right amount of Yin and Yang energy.

One glance at these lists is enough to see that they differ in the number of products. The first group is foods rich in Yang energy. That is, the energy of Heaven. The second group, much larger, is products rich in Yin energy - the energy of the Earth. Or, which is closer to man, Yin is the energy of the body, and Yang is the energy of the spirit

Everyone knows or has heard thatman is created as an indivisible whole , as a being equally earthly and heavenly, or bodily and spiritual.

But we forget about the spirit because we are constantly busy with earthly problems and our body. For the most part, we begin to remember the spiritual component when we get sick. Nature forces a person to remember this through illness. We hardly begin to understand that food is required not only by our body, but also by the spiritual component, because the habit of thinking only about the body dates back thousands of years! But, if we prefer to eat food containing Yin, an imbalance occurs in our body, because our spirit does not receive support, which means illness and suffering are inevitable.

Nowadays, products rich in Yin energy are widely and loudly promoted, while infringing on Yang. Even without knowing exactly what foods a person eats, you can determine how energetically balanced they are according to his appearance. Excess Yin causes our body to blur as Yin energy promotes expansion. Look around and you will see a huge number of people suffering from overweight. And this happens due to the fact that these people eat mainly Yin-rich foods.

In contrast to Yin, Yang energy helps contraction. By switching to macrobiotic nutrition, we not only help transform our spirit, which becomes stronger and more powerful. We become slimmer and younger, all processes in our body are balanced, all organs and systems begin to perform their functions more efficiently.

Interesting: with the correct balance of Yin and Yang in nutrition, there is practically no desire to eat any unhealthy foods, such as ice cream, cake, alcohol, etc.

By observing yourself and your illnesses, knowing the constitution of your body, you can determine whether Yin or Yang predominates in you. Then, you need to adjust your diet either towards Yang foods if you have a Yin type, or towards Yin foods if you have a Yang type.

Just be sure to know when to stop! There is a Ukrainian proverb: “Too much is not healthy.” Don't go to the other extreme. You don’t need to start eating either only Yin or only Yang foods, you just need to slightly increase their ratio in your diet and only until the body comes into balance. And then try to maintain an equal ratio of Yin and Yang in the daily amount of food.

Many people are intimidated by the term macrobiotics because they think it is a diet or abstinence from animal foods. Macrobiotics accepts both animal and plant foods, but in combinations and methods of preparing food that are healthy, which are set out in the rules.

Nutrition rules

How food is prepared determines how much energy it retains. Therefore, it is very important to follow the rules of nutrition and preparation. These rules are easy to remember and easy to follow.

Rule one.

Prepare food for yourself and your loved ones from foods that have not been processed. Try not to include food that has undergone industrial processing in your menu in the same way as food prepared by someone else’s hands or production (in canteens, restaurants, various fast food outlets).

Rule two.

Rice and grains made from whole, unmilled grains are foods that you can always eat. Make grains the basis of your diet (50 to 60 percent of your daily intake can come from grains). And be sure to prepare it yourself.

Third rule

Recommendations for preparing vegetables and fruits are given. Of course, it is advisable to eat them raw, or boil them briefly. If possible, try to eat with the skin on. This is the largest portion (25–30 percent) of the daily food intake. Remove fried vegetables and fruits from your diet.

Rule four.

Let your menu include, approximately 5-10 percent of the daily food volume, legumes (peas, lentils, beans), as well as seaweed.

Rule five is dedicated to soups .

Be sure to include 5-10 percent of vegetable and grain soups in your daily meals, these are very healthy.

Rule six.

If desired, fish, nuts, and seeds in an amount of 5–10 percent can diversify our daily menu.

Rule seven.

Exclude from the daily diet, and include in your menu only occasionally, such foods as meat, poultry, dairy products, fats, eggs.

Rule eight.

Drinks such as lemonade, coffee and black tea have a bad effect on our energy - try replacing them with green tea, excellent herbal teas. By the way, in Russia there are such excellent drinks as fruit drinks, compotes and jelly.

Rule nine.

No need to fry food. It is better to boil or stew in water, as a last resort, add a spoon for variety and change the taste vegetable oil. But even without it you can cook very tasty food.

Rule ten.

Try to eat less often vegetables such as eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes, which are oversaturated with Yin.

Rule eleven.

It's great if you know how to bake bread yourself. Try to bake bread from wholemeal flour. It's even better if your bread contains bran and whole grains. When buying ready-made bread, also avoid white bread, now there is a large selection of more useful things.

Rule twelve.

Be sure to chew all food thoroughly (50, or even better, 100 times). You need to chew food for as long as you can feel its taste. Truly healthy food tastes better when chewed. Chew until you can taste the food. Energy is absorbed from food until its taste is felt.

Rule thirteen.

Ancient wisdom says:

if you got up from the table feeling like you were full, it means you overate; if you get up from the table feeling like you've eaten too much, it means you've been poisoned

The feeling of fullness comes half an hour to an hour after eating, after the food begins to be absorbed. If you finish your meal feeling full, then after half an hour you will feel all the consequences of overeating. It is better to finish eating slightly hungry - after a while this feeling will disappear.

Nature has given us food that has no equal in terms of energy – cereals. They became the basis of macrobiotics.

Since ancient times, grain was revered by our ancestors as food given by God. For nutrition, it is extremely important that the grains are whole, that is, that neither the bran, nor the germ, nor the shell are separated from the grain during processing. What’s interesting is that only whole grains, the cheapest, contain all the substances necessary for humans in ideal proportions.

Katsuzo Nishi gives an example:

“The secrets of health and longevity are hidden at the bottom of a classic Japanese 150-gram rice bowl. If this rice is cooked without salt and without oil, then there is no more fat in it than in one third of a loaf of bread; protein - as in half a glass of milk; calcium - as in one tomato; There are enough vitamins, iron, and essential plant fiber.

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You slept well all night, but in the afternoon an irresistible drowsiness comes over you. Coffee doesn't help either! But right after work you still have to do a hard workout in gym! Where is the way out? It turns out that you need to look for it in your kitchen!

Weight training activates hormonal secretion. In particular, the production of insulin and other hormones associated with digestion. As a result, the digestion process goes at full speed, but at the same time it has an offensive “side” - it takes energy from the brain. In addition, when there is excess insulin, glucose leaves the blood too quickly. As a result, the brain and nervous system do not receive their main “fuel”. The result is an irresistible desire to fall asleep... To always be in shape, you should meticulously select foods for your table. Some of them are “dangerous.” They "take away" energy. You want the opposite effect. Products should “charge” you!


These common fruits are very rich in quercetin. It exhibits the properties of a vitamin, antioxidant, decongestant, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent. In general, another, truly miraculous effect of quercetin is much more important to an athlete. It interferes with the functioning of muscle cells and causes them to produce more energy! Scientists gave sports college students apples for a week, and noted a noticeable decrease in fatigue after training in everyone. The recovery rate has also increased.

» Tip: Eat a couple of apples before your workout and you will be surprised how much easier your workout becomes. Just don’t even think about peeling the apples! The peel contains the most quercetin!


Bananas are good because they contain two types of carbohydrates at once - “fast” and “slow”. Therefore, it is useful to eat bananas before and after training. In addition, this fruit contains a lot of potassium, which determines the strength of muscle contraction. But this is not at all the potassium from which “dead” pharmaceutical tablets are made. Bananas contain potassium in a bioactive form, which is absorbed much better and is welcomed by all cells of the body.

» Tip: Be sure to blend a banana and add it to your pre- and post-workout protein shake.


It is generally accepted that beef is a heavy food, but contrary to expectations, it clearly adds strength. Nutritionists explain this by the presence of bioactive iron in beef. Iron has a positive effect on the blood's ability to accumulate oxygen. The rest is clear without further explanation: the more oxygen in the body, the higher its tone. Plus, beef contains natural “energy boosters” such as creatine, B vitamins and zinc.

» Tip: Buy fresh, grass-fed beef. There is twice as much CLA fat. Don't buy frozen meat. In the refrigerator, such meat loses up to 50% of its moisture, and therefore a steak from such beef looks like a soldier's sole.


Oysters, octopus and squid, as well as the inhabitants of bivalve shells, sea and freshwater, have been part of the human menu for centuries. The answer to this love for food, which sometimes looks very unappetizing, is simple: shellfish significantly add strength. Scientists who studied this phenomenon came to the conclusion that the reason lies in the “energy” vitamin B12, which is very abundant in shellfish. Moreover, in a bioactive form, which is much better absorbed. This vitamin stimulates the functioning of the cerebral cortex. In addition, shellfish contain a lot of tyrosine. Tyrosine increases the production of the hormone norepinephrine, which has a similar effect on the body as adrenaline.

» Tip: Freezing does almost no harm to shellfish, so don’t be afraid to buy frozen “sea mix”. Cook according to instructions and add to pasta or rice. It is useful to eat a portion of shrimp at night from time to time. They contain a lot of zinc, which will help testosterone secretion at night.


Caffeine is a popular stimulant, however, you need to know that a cup of coffee also contains substances that have a relaxing effect on the muscles. This is precisely what explains the cases of coffee addiction. Many nervous and sensitive people feel paradoxical relaxation from the invigorating drink. It is contraindicated before training, so you need to replace coffee with a couple of pure caffeine tablets. It will not only improve your psyche, but also increase your strength. Moreover, the latter has been proven by numerous scientific experiments. Even mature strength athletes under the influence of caffeine increase their performance by 1-2 extra repetitions.

» Tip: If you drink coffee, you should not add cream or sugar to your cup, except perhaps low-fat milk. An hour before training, take 200-400 mg of caffeine tablets.


They contain leucine, which is not only a key element in protein synthesis, but is also responsible for energy production during resistance exercise. In addition, eggs contain many B vitamins, which stimulate energy production in the body's cells. It’s also good that chicken egg whites, when mixed with carbohydrates in the stomach, slow down their absorption. Due to this, a meal that includes an omelet or scrambled eggs guarantees a stable blood sugar level.

» Tip: Eat 2-4 whole eggs for breakfast. This will help you maintain a high energy level.


Honey should be added to your post-workout protein shake. It contains the type of sugar that the liver best converts into glycogen. It is worth recalling that of the 24 microelements that are contained in our blood, 22 can be found in honey. Among them are those that are directly responsible for energy, in particular, iron, calcium and phosphorus.

» Tip: After a workout, add a tablespoon of honey to a protein shake or dissolve in a glass of cool water and drink.


Oatmeal is recommended for breakfast, but it is not suitable for everyone. Some people, and often children, who have the so-called. “congenital weakness” of the liver, oatmeal in the morning can even provoke cirrhosis. Especially for those who live in poor environmental conditions. The beneficial property of oatmeal to actively interfere with the functioning of the liver and stimulate the production of liver enzymes will play a disservice in this case. Be that as it may, you should also eat a portion of oatmeal 3 hours before training. Science says it improves endurance and fat oxidation during strength and aerobic exercise.

» Tip: Add a scoop of casein to your morning oatmeal, as well as apple and banana slices. This will not only make the dish tastier, but will also ensure high activity in the first half of the day.


These seeds contain a lot of magnesium. This trace element is actively involved in metabolism, in particular, it enhances protein synthesis and energy production in cells. As scientists have established, magnesium deficiency is guaranteed to reduce muscle strength and endurance. It would seem that magnesium tablets can be bought at a pharmacy. However, tablets cannot compare with “live” magnesium. In addition, the seeds contain many other natural compounds that help magnesium to be absorbed.

» Tip: The seeds should be roasted thoroughly. Then they can be crumbled into oatmeal and added to vegetable salads.


There is no better side dish for meat and fish than rice. However, white rice is not suitable for an athlete. It is cleared of grain shells, which contain insoluble fiber. Instead of such rice, you should consume unrefined wild (or brown) rice. Fiber inhibits the digestion of starch and helps you last longer after eating.

» Advice: You shouldn’t soak rice, especially for a long time. During the process of soaking rice, negative enzymatic processes begin that make this product hazardous to health.


These nuts contain omega 3 fats, which our body immediately uses for energy needs and therefore does not store under the skin. Nuts provide a real boost in strength because they also inhibit the absorption of carbohydrates. It is good to eat walnuts at night to slow down digestion and prevent your muscles from starving during a long night's sleep. Walnuts should also be taken throughout the day. This will give a noticeable increase in daytime tone. » Tip: Chop walnuts into oatmeal and vegetable salads without restrictions.


The energizing effect of Argentine mate tea is less than that of coffee, since a cup of mate contains 85 mg of caffeine versus 135 mg in a cup of coffee. However, the mate also contains theobromine and theophylline, known mental stimulants. They act on the brain in a different way than caffeine, but interact with it synergistically. As a result, mate really increases energy. » Tip: The unusual taste of mate can be easily masked by adding a slice of fresh lemon to it.

During the day, many people periodically feel tired, while others feel tired all the time. Lack of energy negatively affects life and overall productivity, which is why it is so important to increase its level in a timely manner.

The state of vigor is caused by many factors, one of them is our food. Its quantity, type and even method of preparation affect the functioning of the body, including daily activity.

27 foods for energy and vitality

Despite the fact that all food provides people with energy to one degree or another, there is a separate list of foods that have the highest percentage of nutrients, vitamins and microelements. They allow you to maintain a charge of vivacity around the clock, good mood and high concentration.

1. Bananas

Bananas are a unique fruit that provides great energy for the whole day. The fruits are a natural source of potassium, vitamin B6 and beneficial complex carbohydrates responsible for activity. One recent study found that eating just one banana before a 75-meter bike ride was as effective in improving athletes' endurance as drinking one carbohydrate-based energy shake.

2. Oily fish

Fatty fish (salmon, tuna) are the best source of protein, fatty acids and B vitamins, making the product an ideal addition to even a dietary diet.

One serving of fatty fish contains the daily requirement of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12. Omega-3 deficiency leads to various inflammatory processes, which cause fatigue.

Recent experiments have confirmed that foods high in unsaturated fatty acids significantly reduce the risk of chronic fatigue (especially in patients with cancer, during the postoperative and recovery period after chemotherapy).

Vitamin B12 in combination with folic acid helps improve the production of red blood cells, which normalizes iron levels in the blood and recharges the body with energy.

3. Brown rice

Unlike regular white rice, brown rice is minimally processed, making it more nutritious and healthy. One cup (150-200 g) of brown rice contains about 3.5 g of fiber, as well as 88% of the recommended daily intake of manganese, an enzyme that promotes the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and active energy production.

Due to its high fiber content, brown rice has a low glycemic index. The product will be an excellent addition to the menu for those who monitor their blood sugar levels and want to get rid of frequent fatigue.

4. Yam (sweet potato)

Sweet potatoes are not just a tasty root vegetable, but also an additional source of energy. One medium-sized tuber contains about 23 grams of carbohydrates, 3.8 grams of fiber, 28% of the recommended daily value for manganese and 438% of vitamin A, which is 4 times the daily value.

Thanks to increased content complex carbohydrates and healthy fiber, the body digests sweet potatoes slowly, providing constant energy throughout the day. Manganese, a nutrient breaker, helps produce additional energy.

5. Coffee

When it comes to feeling energized, the first thing people think of is coffee. And indeed: the caffeine contained in this drink blocks the action of adenosine, a substance that calms nervous system. As a result of this interaction, the production of adrenaline is activated, stimulating the functioning of the whole body.

Despite its minimal calorie content (only 2 calories per cup), coffee will perfectly invigorate you and help you concentrate.

6. Eggs

Eggs are a rich source of protein that will keep you energized without raising your blood sugar levels. IN chemical composition Egg white contains the amino acid leucine, which stimulates energy production in several ways. First, leucine helps cells receive sugar without a sharp release of insulin. Secondly, the amino acid stimulates the breakdown of fats. Eggs also contain a large amount of vitamin B, which, when interacting with enzymes, activates the processing of food to produce energy.

7. Apples

One medium-sized apple (180 g) contains about 25 g of carbohydrates, 19 g of sugar and 4 g of dietary fiber. Natural sugars, fiber, and antioxidants that slow the absorption of carbohydrates promote slow digestion and stable energy production throughout the day. Therefore, apples are also an ideal option for a quick but nutritious snack.

8. Water

Water makes up about 60% of your body weight, so staying hydrated is especially important. Lack of fluid not only leads to dehydration, but also slows down the functioning of all life support systems. It is for this reason that when there is a lack of water, a person feels tired and sleepy. Regular and plentiful drinking regime will fill the body with energy and help overcome the feeling of lethargy. Moreover, it is necessary to drink water not only in case of severe thirst, but also for the general maintenance of water-salt balance.

9. Dark chocolate

The cocoa content in dark chocolate is an order of magnitude greater than in dark or milk chocolate. The chemical composition of cocoa includes beneficial antioxidants that activate the body's metabolic processes and improve blood flow. This property allows oxygen to be transported faster to the brain and muscle tissue, which is especially useful during sports. In addition, active blood circulation relieves mental fatigue and improves mood.

In addition to antioxidants, dark chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, which have a positive effect on mental performance.

10. Yerba mate herbal tea

Yerba mate is a unique drink made from the dried leaves of a plant that grows in South America. Paraguayan tea contains a lot of caffeine and antioxidants. A standard mug of drink (250 ml) contains about 8.5 mg of caffeine: the same amount as a small cup (60-80 ml) of coffee.

Thanks to the use of yerba mate, the body is charged with vigor: caffeine activates the production of adrenaline. But, unlike other herbal stimulants, this drink does not increase blood pressure or increase heart rate.

Modern research has proven that yerba mate tea improves not only physical activity, but also concentration, mental abilities, mood, and memory.

11. Goji berries

Goji berries have been used for centuries Chinese medicine thanks to the huge number of benefits: fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, beneficial minerals - all this is contained in large quantities in red fruits.

Scientists have found that goji berry juice activates the brain, relieves fatigue and invigorates. A small handful of berries (30 g) contains about 2 g of fiber, which slows down digestion and thereby increases energy production time.

These berries can be consumed either fresh (in yoghurts, smoothies) or processed (in baked goods, sauces, preserves, jams).

12. Quinoa

Quinoa is a popular high-protein grain. A standard serving of quinoa contains about 39 g of complex carbohydrates, 5 g of dietary fiber, 8 g of protein, as well as a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. Despite the presence of carbohydrates, quinoa has a low glycemic index, due to which it is slowly digested, charging the body with energy for the whole day.

Quinoa also contains folic acid, magnesium and a high percentage of the daily recommended intake of manganese - 20%. All these microelements are successfully used by enzymes to produce energy.

13. Oatmeal

Whole grain oatmeal will provide the body with energy for a long time. Oatmeal contains the polysaccharide beta-glucan, which turns the flakes into a viscous mass when combined with liquid (water, milk). Due to the presence of beta-glucan, oatmeal coats the walls of the stomach and other organs of the digestive system, which slows down the absorption of glucose into the blood.

Oats are rich in vitamins and beneficial minerals (manganese, iron, B vitamins), which have a positive effect on physical activity.

14. Yogurt

Yogurt is an ideal snack for quick satiety and energy. The chemical composition of yogurt includes simple carbohydrates (lactose, galactose), which provide the body with instant energy when broken down. Yogurt is also rich in protein: it slows down the rate of carbohydrate absorption and prevents the rapid release of glucose into the blood.

Yogurt contains a lot of B vitamins (B2, B12) - active participants in cellular work. These trace elements help form adenosine triphosphoric acid molecules, which human cells use as fuel.

15. Hummus

Hummus is an original snack made from chickpea puree, sesame paste, olive oil and lemon juice. The combination of these ingredients makes hummus an excellent source of energy.

Chickpea puree is rich in slow carbohydrates and fiber, and sesame paste and oil contain healthy fats. All components significantly slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, which avoids spikes in blood sugar.

Hummus can be consumed as a separate dish, as a sauce, salad dressing, or in combination with other foods.

16. Edamame soybeans

Edamame beans are a low-calorie, light and tasty snack with a huge content of protein, fiber, and carbohydrates. A standard serving of edamame contains about 17 grams of protein, 16 grams of carbohydrates and 8 grams of dietary fiber.

The vitamins and minerals contained in these soybeans have different effects on activity. Folic acid (121% of recommended daily norm) with iron combat fatigue due to anemia, and manganese (79% of the recommended daily value) helps generate energy by quickly breaking down proteins and carbohydrates. The active processing of nutrients is also facilitated by the mineral molybdenum, a natural enzyme stimulator.

17. Lentils

Lentils are not only a source of protein, but also a source of nutrients that help increase physical activity. Lentil beans are rich in fiber and healthy carbohydrates: a serving of cooked lentils contains 40 grams of carbohydrates and about 16 grams of dietary fiber.

Fiber slows down the process of food processing in the stomach and regulates blood sugar levels, which helps maintain energy and a feeling of fullness for a long time. Lentils also replenish the body’s energy resources thanks to a large number of microelements: folic acid, manganese, zinc, iron. They normalize the processes of breakdown of nutrients and activate cell functions.

18. Avocado

Avocado is not in vain considered one of the healthiest foods. Its fruits are rich healthy fats, fiber. Scientists have found that monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid, contained in avocados, improve the absorption of nutrients and are used as additional energy resources for the body.

Avocados contain a huge amount of B vitamins, which are essential for the healthy functioning of mitochondria, which are responsible for burning calories and producing cellular energy.

19. Oranges

Oranges are famous for their high amount of vitamin C. One fruit contains 106% of the recommended daily intake of this microelement. In addition to vitamins, oranges are rich in antioxidant compounds that protect body cells from oxidative stress.

Research has found that cellular damage due to oxidation causes feelings of fatigue. This means that including oranges in your regular diet will reduce the incidence of fatigue.

One of the latest experiments involved 13 women. For three months, three times a week, they did aerobic training for an hour and drank 500 ml of orange juice before starting classes. The results proved that orange juice not only significantly reduces muscle fatigue, but also helps increase overall performance and endurance.

20. Strawberry

Strawberries are considered a delicious source of strength and energy. The chemical composition of the berry contains carbohydrates (about 12 g per standard serving), dietary fiber (3 g) and sugar (7 g). Strawberries are also famous for their high vitamin C content, which is 149% of the recommended daily intake.

The microelements contained in this popular berry successfully fight inflammation, and antioxidants prevent fatigue.

You can include strawberries in your diet either fresh or as an additional ingredient in desserts, smoothies, and fruit salads.

21. Seeds

Including seeds (chia, pumpkin seeds, sunflower and flax seeds) in your regular menu helps increase physical activity. They contain a huge amount of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids: scientists have proven that their deficiency leads to fatigue and the development of inflammatory processes. Healthy fats not only help cells function properly, but also accumulate energy, creating a kind of resource potential.

Among other things, the seeds are rich in protein and fiber, which slow down the absorption of food and thereby prolong energy production.

22. Legumes

Legumes contain many nutrients. Despite the wide variety of bean types, their chemical composition is almost identical: carbohydrates, fiber and protein.

Beans are digested slowly, which allows the body to maintain stable blood sugar levels and maintain energy balance. The antioxidants contained in legumes help fight inflammation and fatigue.

The most famous varieties of legumes are black beans and black peas. These products are rich sources of folic acid, iron, potassium, and manganese. They normalize energy production and participate in its active transportation through the cells of the body.

23. Green tea

Green tea is known to everyone as a storehouse of antioxidants that prevent oxidative stress. The drink contains not only caffeine, which replenishes the body's energy reserves, but also L-theanine. This is an amino acid that, if necessary, reduces excess caffeine and subsequent reactions (tremors, nervous overexcitation, anxiety), and also evenly distributes energy resources throughout the cells.

Modern research has revealed that it is the combination of L-theanine and caffeine that increases concentration and improves mental performance.

Green tea is an ideal stimulant for physical activity. It relieves fatigue well due to the production of the hormone norepinephrine.

24. Nuts

Nuts are an ideal option for a filling and energizing snack due to their richness in nutrients. Despite high calorie content, all the fats that make up nuts (cashews, almonds, walnuts) are healthy: they quickly saturate, but are slowly absorbed, charging the body with energy for the whole day.

Nuts contain amino acids, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which prevent inflammation and fatigue. Carbohydrates and dietary fiber provide stable activity throughout the day.

Just a handful of nuts will help get rid of fatigue due to the presence of beneficial microelements (manganese, iron, vitamins B and E).

25. Popcorn

Popcorn is a low-calorie snack that can energize you. It is rich in fiber and slow carbohydrates, which means it is suitable even for a diet. 100 g of popcorn contains 78 g of complex carbohydrates and an amazing amount of fiber - 15 g. Regular consumption of popcorn (if prepared from healthy ingredients) will significantly replenish the body's energy resources.

26. Beetroot

Beets are popular for their invigorating properties and ability to improve endurance performance, which is especially important for athletes. Recent experiments have determined that the root vegetable improves blood flow due to its large amount of antioxidants and natural nitrates. Natural nitrates are the name of nitric acid salts, minerals that promote vasodilation, reduction blood pressure, saturate cells with oxygen, increase activity.

Also, a standard serving (100-150 g) of beets contains complex carbohydrates, fiber (3.8 g) and sugar (9.2 g).

27. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables (spinach, cabbage) are a storehouse of nutrients, and therefore stable energy. Vegetables are rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, as well as vitamins of various groups (A, C, E, K). In addition to vitamins, green leafy vegetables contain huge amounts of folic acid, dietary fiber and beneficial antioxidants.

As you know, fatigue is most often provoked by a deficiency of iron and vitamin C. Green leafy vegetables contain both of these microelements in large quantities: iron prevents chronic fatigue, and vitamin C promotes its rapid absorption. Moreover, iron activates the production of erythrocytes, red blood cells, which deliver oxygen to the cells and thereby supply the body with energy.

Spinach and cabbage accelerate the formation of nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels and normalizes blood circulation.


There are many foods in the world, the use of which can charge the body with vigor. First of all, they contain dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates and protein: these substances take longer to process, which means the duration of energy production also increases. In addition to replenishing energy reserves, such products increase physical endurance, actively fight inflammation, relieve fatigue and normalize metabolism.

The fact is that the type and amount of food you eat plays an important role in determining your energy levels throughout the day.

While all foods provide energy, some foods contain nutrients that can help boost energy levels and help you feel more energetic and more focused throughout the day.

Here is a list of foods that have been proven to increase energy levels.

One study found that eating a banana before a 75-kilometer bike race was as effective as a carbohydrate drink in boosting performance in athletes.

2. Fatty fish

Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, which is common cause fatigue().

In fact, some studies have determined that taking omega-3 supplements may reduce fatigue, especially in cancer patients and those recovering from cancer (,).

3. Brown rice

In addition, due to the fiber contained in brown rice, this product is low. Therefore, consuming it can help regulate blood sugar levels and maintain consistent energy levels throughout the day ().

4. Yam (sweet potato)

Besides being delicious, sweet potatoes can also be an important source of energy for those who want to increase their energy levels.

Sweet potatoes are also an excellent source of manganese, which helps break down nutrients for energy production ().

5. Coffee

Coffee may be the first food you think of when you want to boost your energy.

It is rich in caffeine, which can quickly travel from your bloodstream to the brain and inhibit the activity of adenosine, a neurotransmitter that calms the central nervous system ().

As a result, the production of adrenaline, a hormone that stimulates the body and brain, increases ().

Even though coffee contains only two calories per cup, its stimulating effect on the body can significantly improve your feeling of alertness and concentration ().

6. Eggs

Eggs are not only a very tasty product, but also energy for your day.

Eggs are rich in protein, which is a constant and sustainable source of energy because it does not cause spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels when digested ().

Additionally, leucine is the most abundant amino acid in eggs and is known to stimulate energy production in several ways ().

Leucine can help cells take in more sugar from the blood, stimulate cellular energy production, and increase the breakdown of fat for energy ().

In addition, eggs are rich in B vitamins. These vitamins help enzymes perform their role in breaking down food for energy (,,).

7. Apples

Apples are one of the most popular fruits in the world and are a good source of carbohydrates and fiber.

A medium-sized apple (185 grams) contains about 25 grams of carbohydrates, 19 grams of sugar and up to 4 grams of fiber ().

Thanks to their high levels of natural sugars and fiber, apples can provide a slow and steady release of energy ().

Additionally, apples have high levels of antioxidants. Research has shown that they can slow down the absorption of carbohydrates so they release energy over a longer period of time ().

8. Water

Water is essential for life. It makes up up to 60% of your body weight and is involved in many cellular functions, including energy production ().

Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration, which can slow down your body's functioning, leaving you feeling sluggish and tired (,).

Drinking water can give you a boost of energy and help combat feelings of fatigue ().

You can stay hydrated by drinking water even if you are not thirsty. Try to drink water regularly throughout the day.

9. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate has a higher cocoa content than milk chocolate.

Antioxidants in cocoa have been shown to have a variety of beneficial properties, such as improving blood circulation throughout the body ().

Improved blood circulation helps deliver oxygen to the brain and muscles, which improves their function. This can be especially useful during physical activity ( , , ).

Additionally, improved circulation due to the antioxidants present in cocoa may help reduce mental fatigue and ().

10. Yerba mate

Yerba mate is a drink made from the dried leaves of a plant native to South America. Its consumption has been shown to provide many health benefits ().

Yerba mate contains antioxidants and caffeine. A regular cup (240 ml) contains about 85 mg of caffeine, which is similar to the amount in a small cup of coffee ().

The caffeine in yerba mate promotes the production of the hormone adrenaline, which increases energy levels. However, unlike other stimulants, yerba mate does not seem to affect blood pressure or heart rate ().

Animal and human studies have shown that yerba mate can improve mental focus, memory, mood, and even physical performance (, ,).

11. Goji berries

Goji berries have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries for their many beneficial properties.

Research has shown that goji berry juice can provide antioxidant protection, improve mental performance and alertness, and reduce feelings of fatigue (, ,).

In addition, goji berries are rich in fiber. One 30-gram serving contains 2 grams of fiber, which can help slow digestion and lead to a slow release of energy (,).

Goji berries are easy to eat in combination with yogurt, smoothies, baked goods and sauces. Or you can just eat them raw.

12. Quinoa

Quinoa is a popular seed due to its high protein content.

A 185-gram serving of cooked quinoa contains 39 grams of carbohydrates, 5 grams of fiber, 8 grams of protein and significant amounts of vitamins and minerals ().

Although this food is rich in carbohydrates, it has a low glycemic index, which indicates that its carbohydrates are absorbed slowly and can provide a sustained release of energy (,).

In addition, this serving of quinoa provides the human body with more than 20% of the RDA for manganese and folate. All of these nutrients are used by enzymes in the process of producing energy (, ,).

13. Oats

Oatmeal is a whole grain porridge that can provide you with energy for a long period of time.

It contains beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that forms a thick gel when combined with water. The presence of this gel in the digestive system delays gastric emptying and absorption of glucose into the blood (,).

The combination of all these nutrients makes oatmeal an ideal food for long-lasting energy release.

14. Yogurt

In addition, yogurt is loaded with protein, which helps slow the absorption of carbohydrates, thereby slowing the release of sugars into the blood ().

In addition, yogurt contains large amounts of vitamins B2 and B12, which are involved in cellular functions. They help form the molecule ATP, which your cells use for energy (,).

15. Hummus

Chickpeas in hummus are a good source of complex carbohydrates and fiber, which the body uses for long-term energy (,).

In addition, the sesame paste and olive oil in hummus contain. These ingredients also help slow the absorption of carbohydrates, which helps avoid spikes in blood sugar levels (,).

You can enjoy hummus as a dressing for vegetables or in combination with other dishes such as sandwiches or salads.

16. Edamame

Edamame can be a light and filling snack.

It contains relatively few calories but significant amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fiber. A 155-gram serving of edamame contains up to 17 grams of protein, 16 grams of carbohydrates and about 8 grams of fiber ().

In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, which can help increase energy levels. One such serving of edamame provides the body with 79% of the RDA for manganese and 121% of the RDA for folate ().

Folate works with iron to help increase energy levels and fight fatigue and anemia, while manganese helps generate energy from the breakdown of carbohydrates and protein (,).

Finally, edamame contains high amounts of molybdenum, which stimulates enzymes and helps break down nutrients for energy ().

17. Lentils

In addition to being an excellent and inexpensive source of protein, lentils are a good source of nutrients and help boost energy levels.

The fiber in lentils promotes slower stomach emptying and a more controlled rise in blood sugar. Therefore, not only will you feel full longer after you eat it, but you can also expect stable energy levels ().

Additionally, lentils can boost energy levels by replenishing folate, manganese, and iron. These nutrients promote efficient energy production in cells and the breakdown of nutrients to release energy ( , , , ).

18. Avocado

Avocado is considered a very healthy product due to big amount which he possesses.

For example, avocado is rich in healthy fats and fiber. About 84% of the healthy fats in avocados are monounsaturated fatty acids ().

Additionally, avocado fiber accounts for 80% of its carbohydrate content, which can help maintain consistent energy levels ().

Avocados are also a good source of B vitamins, which are essential for optimal functioning of the mitochondria in your cells, where cellular energy is produced (,).

19. Oranges

Oranges are famous for their high levels of . One orange can provide the human body with up to 106% of the RDA for vitamin C ().

Additionally, oranges contain antioxidant compounds that may provide protection against oxidative stress ().

Research has shown that oxidative stress can cause feelings of fatigue. Therefore, the antioxidant protection provided by the compounds in oranges may help reduce fatigue (,).

In fact, one study found that 13 women who consumed 500 ml and did three hours of aerobic exercise per week for three months experienced decreased muscle fatigue and improved physical performance ().

20. Strawberry

Additionally, this same portion will give you 149% of the RDA for vitamin C ().

In addition to helping fight inflammation in the body, the antioxidants in strawberries can help fight fatigue and give you energy (,,).

You can include strawberries in many recipes and use them in smoothies, parfaits, or salads.

21. Seeds

Seeds such as chia seeds and , can also boost your energy levels.

These seeds are typically rich in plant-based omega-3 fatty acids. Low levels of omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to increased inflammation and fatigue ().

Fatty acids are also an important source of stored energy and help your cells function properly (,).

Additionally, the seeds are a good source of fiber and protein. The fiber in the seeds promotes slow absorption of nutrients, resulting in a sustained, long-lasting release of energy ( , , ).

22. Beans

Beans are rich in nutrients and are an excellent source of natural energy.

Even though there are hundreds various types beans, their nutrient profiles are very similar. They are a rich source of carbohydrates, fiber and protein ().

Beans digest slowly, which helps maintain stable blood sugar levels and provide you with energy for a long time. In addition, beans contain antioxidants that help fight inflammation and increase energy levels ().

Black beans and 83 93 95).

A 100-gram serving of popcorn contains 78 grams of carbohydrates and a whopping 15 grams of fiber, making it one of the. Therefore, it can provide a sustained release of energy ().

Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of iron deficiency ().

Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale are excellent sources of iron and vitamin C, which not only replenish iron deficiency but also increase its absorption in the body ().

Iron boosts red blood cell production to efficiently deliver oxygen to your cells, which is known to fight fatigue ().

Additionally, green leafy vegetables can also enhance the production of nitric oxide, which helps blood vessels dilate, thereby improving circulation (,).

27. Beetroot

Beets have recently gained popularity for their ability to improve energy levels and stamina.

Nitrates are compounds that help increase nitric oxide and improve blood circulation in the body, providing better oxygen delivery to tissues. This allows for increased energy levels, especially for enhancing athletic performance ().

In addition, beets contain carbohydrates, fiber and sugar, which helps long time receive energy.

One 135-gram serving of beets can provide your body with 3.8 grams of fiber and 9.2 grams of natural sugars ().


  • There are a huge variety of foods that can boost your energy levels.
  • Whether it's carbohydrates for easily accessible energy or fiber and protein for slower-release energy, these foods can help increase your strength and endurance.
  • In addition, many of these foods also contain significant amounts of other nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
  • All of these compounds have been shown to be involved in energy production in your cells, and they all have many other beneficial properties.
  • If you want more energy, include these foods in your diet.

About 30% of all the energy that a person receives with food is spent by the body on the digestive process itself. This includes the synthesis of enzymes, hormones, bile, filtration, removal from the body and other physiological processes, without which food simply will not be absorbed.

What food gives the most strength to the body? What is special in these products that allows you to increase the body’s performance and keep it in good shape? What to eat to restore strength and vital energy? All the answers are in our article.

Why do some foods give energy, while others take away energy?

The body “produces” energy The two main sources are sugar and fat. All of them, through simple biochemical reactions, are ultimately transformed into the simplest carbohydrates, which are synthesized into pure energy.

However, sugar is actually a carbohydrate and its absorption requires a minimum of time and energy, but fat is a complex component. Moreover, the adult body works in such a way that simple and complex carbohydrates are absorbed immediately after consumption, but fats are stored “in reserve.”

Also directly responsible for the feeling of vigor brain, its oxygen saturation, the level of dopamine and serotonin produced. These same goromny are also responsible for raising the mood.

That is why there are so-called “energy drinks” and stimulants, which in fact do not increase energy, but only create the illusion of a feeling of vigor. Many drugs work on this principle. However, their use provokes a complex disorder of digestive function, which will only harm health.

Accordingly, what food should be included in the diet in order not to experience a lack of energy? These are simple and complex carbohydrates, but all this must be supplemented with proteins, vitamins, minerals and clean drinking water.

Naturally, if you constantly eat sweets (they contain the most carbohydrates), then this will not end well, since the body will begin to lack other micronutrients and nutrients.

Top 10 invigorating products

So, what are the most effective performance-enhancing foods? Let's look at a selection of 10 of the most proven options that give you a surge of energy throughout the day and best meet your energy needs.

1. Oatmeal or muesli

In addition to simple and complex carbohydrates, it also contains magnesium, vitamin B1 and phosphorus, which are involved in intercellular metabolism.

Oatmeal is a good source of energy, but it doesn’t last long.

2. Dried fruits

Contains fructose and fiber. The first is one of the simplest carbohydrates, which are absorbed within 5 - 10 minutes after consumption, and fiber helps the body digest food and prevents intestinal upset.

The only caveat is that it is better to eat eggs boiled or fresh.

It is worth remembering that raw chicken eggs may be a source of salmonellosis. But quails have “immunity” to this infection, since the pores of their shells are so small that even bacteria are not able to penetrate through them. Therefore, you should only eat raw quail eggs, it’s still better to give up chicken.

4. Honey

Honey is one of the foods with a high concentration of carbohydrates. It contains virtually no fat, but, in addition to sucrose, there is a wide list of minerals, metals and vitamins, which help normalize the biochemical composition of the blood.

But you shouldn't abuse it. Otherwise You can get your body used to it to the fact that he receives energy only in this way - simple products will become less effective.

6. Fruits and vegetables

Including it in your diet is a universal solution. They all contain fiber, which is necessary for energy and normalization of digestion. At the same time, both fruits and vegetables are easily digestible foods.

They must be included in the diet when prescribing gentle diets, for example, during the recovery period after treatment for gastritis or stomach ulcers.

7. Natural yogurt

Easily digestible, contains a fruit base and a small amount of sugar. At the same time, it also contains lactic acid bacteria, which form the basis of beneficial intestinal microflora.

Regular consumption of yoghurt will not only normalize the functioning of the entire digestive system, but also receive a considerable boost of energy. It is also good for women's health.

8. Mackerel

It contains vitamin B 12 and.

These substances directly involved in the production of serotonin and dopamine in the brain - hormones that are responsible for the feeling of joy, and also help neurons absorb oxygen.

As a result, mackerel acts as a stimulant, but without any negative consequences for the body. In addition, mackerel contains simple proteins and easily digestible fats, as well as minerals.

9. Beans

Although, in theory, all legumes can be included here. Almost all of them consist of proteins and complex carbohydrates, which are used by the body throughout the day.

Breakfast based canned beans- no worse option than traditional oatmeal. If you don't like beans, this will suit you pea soup or various kinds of salads with peas (but better without mayonnaise and fatty meats).

10. Nuts

Walnuts are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, omega-3 fatty acids and minerals. All this maintains the nominal concentration of nutrients in the body, which will have a positive effect on your metabolic rate.

Accordingly, if you just eat nuts, you will have minimal energy. And if you add them, for example, to dessert, it will help the body quickly get a boost of energy.

How often should I use them?

It is immediately necessary to clarify that the above products should not be consumed regularly. Ideally, only before “planned” physical activity. In principle, you can follow the popular rules:

  1. breakfast– should be rich in simple carbohydrates, as this will help you cheer up as quickly as possible;
  2. dinner– without excessively fatty dishes, but always satisfying;
  3. dinner– simply filling, without simple carbohydrates (complex ones are possible and even necessary).

And at the same time, 2–3 hours before your planned sleep, it is better to refuse food altogether. Otherwise, you can end up with chronic insomnia, from which even the most “energetic” breakfast will not help in the morning.

Folk remedies to keep the body in good shape

In addition to nutrition, which gives strength, there are many traditional methods and anti-sleep herbs that help you get a quick boost of energy in the morning - this can be done not only with coffee. Vivid examples of this are citrus essential oils, bran infusion, rose hip jelly.

1. Essential oils

There are certain ones. Their specialty is that they help cope with psycho-emotional fatigue. And citrus and rosemary essential oils are best suited for this.

How to use them? It is enough to add 3 – 5 drops to the aroma lamp (or 2 – 4 drops to the diffuser). They can also be added, for example, to a hot bath. 1 – 2 such “therapy” per day will be more than enough.

2. Bran infusion

One of the most popular remedies against chronic fatigue — .

Prepare as follows:

  1. Mix 200 grams of bran with 1 liter of cold water;
  2. bring to a boil and cook for 1 hour;
  3. After cooling, strain through cheesecloth or a sieve.

Take 100 – 200 milliliters 3 – 4 times a day. The minimum course of “treatment” is 2 weeks. This remedy is also an excellent method for cleansing the intestines of accumulated toxins.

3. Rose hip jelly

This gives the body a large amount ascorbic acid which helps cope with background fatigue infectious diseases. Prepare like this:

  1. chop 2 tablespoons of rosehip (fresh or dried - it doesn’t matter) and pour 0.5 liter of boiling water;
  2. Cover the container containing the mixture with a lid, wrap it in a thick towel and let it sit until it cools completely.

You can add 1 tablespoon of honey to the finished jelly.

Take with dinner as dessert– in the morning you will feel many times more energy reserves.

We also recall that in the last article we looked at those based on various herbs.

What should you eat before training?

The diet for athletes is somewhat different from the usual. Firstly, it contains more carbohydrates– they help maintain tone during grueling workouts, and secondly, it include proteins– with their help, muscle mass is built up.

Therefore, to obtain energy before training, it is recommended to consume:

  • turkey omelette;
  • oatmeal;
  • cabbage rolls with chicken;
  • baked chicken with sweet potatoes;
  • cottage cheese with fruit.

All this is also complemented by protein bars and shakes. Many manufacturers produce sports nutrition in the form of ready-made mixtures for use before training - they consist of approximately 2/3 protein (which is the very protein), simple and complex carbohydrates. They give a great surge of strength and energy, helping to wake up the body and brain for the upcoming workout.

But in order not to feel a loss of strength after training, you should literally eat a small portion of sweets in the first 30 minutes after physical activity. It could be a chocolate bar, yogurt, banana, orange, tea with honey.

What food makes you feel tired?

But including the following in your diet only takes away energy and increases the feeling of fatigue:

  1. Fat meat. In principle, this includes any food rich in animal fats. These are foods that require much more energy to digest than most others. But you shouldn’t completely abandon them - namely meat products are the main source of proteins. It is better to give preference to lean meat dishes.
  2. Pasteurized products. This includes milk and various kinds of canned food. They contain a minimum of micronutrients and nutrients, but the body still carries out a full range of metabolic processes with them that take energy.
  3. Alcohol. Like any toxin, it quickly begins to be eliminated by the body, and also. A lot of energy is spent on its removal, but ethyl alcohol brings practically no benefit - it is not commensurate with the harm.
  4. Sugar. This also includes those containing a high content of trans fats. They are practically not digestible. That is, they have minimal energy, but they take quite a long time to split. And all this time the body loses energy.

Now we invite you to watch the video:

Overall, keeping yourself in good shape is quite easy if you know what foods to include in your daily diet. The most important thing is not to forget about its diversity. The body must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and there are no “universal” products that would contain all this.

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