Konstantin Khabensky became a father for the second time. Olga Litvinova: Khabensky married the former lover of Maxim Vitorgan Konstantin Khabensky married an actress

Recently, a gathering of a troupe of artists from the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater took place, to which Olga Litvinova, who is involved in several productions, did not come. Journalists found out that she had a good reason to miss an important event - she was expecting a child. Informants told EG.ru that the wife will give Konstantin Khabensky a baby in December. Allegedly, Olga will give birth in Moscow.


The couple traditionally do not comment on the good news, but the paparazzi managed to photograph Litvinova on the street. Dressed in casual clothes - a white T-shirt, a denim shirt, a vest and short jeans, the actress could not hide her impressive belly. It is noteworthy that the interesting situation does not prevent Litvinova from driving a car. By the way, Olga is the owner of an elite foreign car.

Very little is known about the personal lives of Khabensky and Litvinov. In a conversation with media employees, people from the artists’ close circle noted that Olga, even before meeting Konstantin, preferred not to advertise the details of her private life.

“We found out about her affair with Max Vitorgan when they had already been living together for a year and a half. They were encrypted as best they could. It’s unclear why. Both were free,” Irina Vetrova, who studied with Olga Litvinova at the Moscow Art Theater School, told reporters.

Konstantin Khabensky and Olga Litvinova are raising two children. His first wife, Anastasia, gave birth to the actor’s son, Ivan. She died of cancer in 2008. In the summer of 2016, his second wife Olga gave the artist a daughter, Alexandra. They say that the children spend a lot of time in Spain, where Khabensky acquired real estate.

successful actor theater and cinema, caring husband and father. He said many times that in his family main role the beloved woman plays: “A strong man is not afraid to be henpecked.”

Khabensky's first wife - Anastasia Smirnova

The young charismatic actor was always surrounded by fans, but Konstantin was not carried away by frivolous relationships. In 2000, he married journalist Anastasia Smirnova.

Photo: Instagram @khabenskiy_official

They met in 1999 in one of the cafes near the theater where the artist worked. Khabensky immediately liked the cheerful dark-haired girl, and he invited her to his performance. The wedding ceremony was modest - just a few friends and relatives. Anastasia did not want pomp, and her future husband supported her.

In September 2007, their common child, son Ivan, was born. Almost immediately after giving birth, the girl was diagnosed with a serious illness - a brain tumor. She underwent several operations, but the treatment did not help. Khabensky sold almost all of his property for examinations and treatment in foreign clinics. Anastasia died in December 2008.

Konstantin Khabenkiy and Anastasia Smirnova

For a while, his son was taken away by his mother-in-law, who lived in the USA, and Konstantin plunged into severe depression. He often says about his son's mother: “I know that you are always there for us. We remember you, honey!

Olga Litvinova - Konstantin's new wife

After the death of Smirnova, Khabensky for a long time was alone. In an interview, he admitted that he was being hunted by an army of annoying fans: “I know that there are women who are trying to find out where I live, with whom, my phone number. Dear ladies, I am flattered by your attention, but I ask you to give me the right to choose my own companion.”

Olga and Konstantin work at the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov

The artist met his second wife Olga Litvinova closely while working on the play “Duck Hunt”. According to the plot, a whirlwind romance begins between the main characters. Fans are sure that they brought the game on stage into real life.

Actress Olga Litvinova

They first came out as a couple in 2012. Before Khabensky, Litvinova had a relationship with Maxim Vitorgan, but it quickly fizzled out. Olga says that Konstantin made her feel like a woman.

“He looked after me so touchingly! A real knight in armor."

They got married in 2013. The registration of the relationship was kept secret, even in the theater they didn’t know. Several of the closest people were present at the ceremony. The only thing the bride insisted on was luxurious Wedding Dress. Konstantin gave his beloved an expensive designer outfit from Vera Wang.

In 2016, 44-year-old Konstantin Khabensky had a daughter, Alexandra. Olga was on maternity leave for more than a year and a half. Star parents do not have a nanny or housekeeper. Khabensky is a very secretive man and does not like strangers in the house. Grandmothers help take care of their little daughter.

Children of Konstantin Khabensky

Son Ivan

10-year-old Ivan lives with his grandmother in Spain. He studies at a prestigious boarding school.

Son Ivan with grandmother

As a rule, he spends summer holidays with his father in Russia. Konstantin says that his son has an excellent relationship with his new wife: “He calls Olya mom, they get along great.”

The actor often flies to Barcelona to visit his eldest child. The boy studies in a class with a humanitarian focus and is already fluent in English and Spanish.

Daughter of Alexandra

Khabensky's daughter was born a little ahead of schedule, but this did not affect her health in any way. Sasha is growing up as an active and inquisitive girl. She will turn 2 years old in June 2018. She doesn't go to school yet kindergarten, but attends various developmental classes. Her photo is not on social networks. Konstantin is sure that there is no need to show such a small child to the public again.

Charitable Foundation of Konstantin Khabensky

After the tragic death of Anastasia Smirnova, the actor founded. He was helped by his colleague and friend Sergei Bezrukov. The organization provides assistance to children with cancer.

Charitable Foundation of Konstantin Khabensky

There are many areas of work: assistance in organizing examinations and treatment; organization of rehabilitation courses; purchasing necessary medications; informational and psychological work with parents of sick children.

Photo: Instagram @khabensky_fund

The Konstantin Khabensky Foundation is one of the most popular in Russia. The actor actively takes part in his work. Through social networks, he raises money for the treatment and rehabilitation of sick children and organizes various entertainment events for them.

Konstantin Khabensky visiting Yuri Dud

At the end of April 2018, the artist gave an interview to the famous journalist Yuri Dudu. The main topic of the conversation was the work of a movie star in Hollywood. Konstantin starred in the film “Wanted” and “World War Z.” The journalist asked: “What is it like, a kiss with the recognized beauty Angelina Jolie?” The Russian actor said that he considers the girl a real professional.

“We were at work, nothing personal.”

According to him, it was a bloody kiss: “I had to throw out a sea of ​​​​blood and adrenaline on Angie. I hope it worked out."

Konstantin Khabensky talks with Yuri Dudem

In the film "World War Z" the artist worked with ex-husband Jolie - Brad Pitt. Khabensky recalled that he offered “Brad Ivanovich” many ideas, and together they made changes to the script: “Pitt agreed to make many adjustments. The plot was far from real life in Russia".

How the Khabensky family lives now 2018

In 2016, immediately after the news of his second wife’s pregnancy, Konstantin bought a new spacious apartment in Moscow. They say it cost the artist 70 million rubles. The apartments are located in the elite residential complex "Makhaon". It is known that Khabensky sold a three-room apartment on Vernadsky Avenue, where he lived for many years.

Konstantin lives with his wife and daughter

IN new apartment the actor lives with his wife and daughter. They are often visited by relatives and friends. Olga keeps the house clean herself. Khabensky also doesn’t mind washing the floors or taking out the trash: “Anyone can hire a housekeeper, but doing something yourself is more difficult.”

The family has two premium cars. The actor admits that he bought himself a great SUV. Together with his wife and daughter, he often goes on trips on it. Fans wish Konstantin good health and for long years happy family life!

Actress Olga Litvinova- second wife Konstantin Khabensky. Looking at all these photos Olga Litvinova Olga Litvinova Alexandra Litvinova. Family Olga Litvinova Konstantin Khabensky. Before Khabensky at Olga Litvinova had an affair with Vitorgan, but mutual friends Oli And Emanuilovich Litvinova harsh and strict, and Vitorgan Olga Litvinova Olga Litvinova Konstantin Khabensky And Olga Litvinova it was very easy Olya And Kostya came to MARRIAGE REGISTRY

IN 2013 year Olga Litvinova And Konstantin Khabensky got married and June 3, 2016 their daughter was born Alexandra Konstantin Khabensky became in 34 of the year.

Photos Olga Litvinova Olga Lega Litvinova

In this photo, Olga Litvinova is with her mother.

And in this photo you can see Konstantin Khabensky with his daughter Alexandra.

Actress Olga Litvinova- second wife Konstantin Khabensky. Looking at all these photos Olga Litvinova, I thought that she was a gray mouse, born in some provincial town. But everything turned out to be not so simple. Olga Litvinova- the only daughter of a very influential producer Alexandra Litvinova. Family Olga Litvinova Quite wealthy, in addition, educated and intelligent. In general, the public's favorite did not marry a girl from the people Konstantin Khabensky. Before Khabensky at Olga Litvinova had an affair with Vitorgan, but mutual friends Oli And Emanuilovich claim that the lovers did not get along in character, allegedly Litvinova harsh and strict, and Vitorgan flexible and soft. This is what it's all about! Again, looking at the photo, I would never have thought that Olga Litvinova a formidable person, it would rather have occurred to me that she has absolutely no voice of her own, but simply hides behind the broad shoulders of her man and relies solely on him in everything. But what is true is that Olga Litvinova A very unpretentious girl, she doesn’t like the hype around her person and once again prefers not to appear in public. So, for example, a wedding Konstantin Khabensky And Olga Litvinova it was very easy Olya And Kostya came to MARRIAGE REGISTRY and signed without any solemn speeches, witnesses or designer clothes. To be honest, I admire such couples; they do not broadcast their relationship to the whole world, but even without words it is clear that they are happy and feel good together.

IN 2013 year Olga Litvinova And Konstantin Khabensky got married and June 3, 2016 their daughter was born Alexandra. That is, for the first time the second wife was a mother Konstantin Khabensky became in 34 of the year.

Photos Olga Litvinova there's not much on the net, it's clear that Olga not a fan of photo shoots, and most of her photos were most likely taken for a professional portfolio. Looking at all the photos Oh Lega Litvinova, we can conclude that we have an interesting person in front of us. And the right makeup and hairstyle can make her even more beautiful.

Olga Litvinova- Russian theater and film actress. She became famous thanks to her roles in the films “Crew” and “Snoop-3”.

Olga Litvinova is the leading artist of the Moscow Art Theater and the leading role in the comedy detective film “Double Lost”.

In this article we will talk about the features of her and her creative achievements.

Childhood and youth

Olga Aleksandrovna Litvinova was born on August 4, 1981 in. Her father, Alexander Georgievich, headed the Mosfilm film studio for a long time. Later he began working as a producer.

After graduating from school, Olga entered the Moscow Art Theater School, where she studied with the famous.

After receiving her diploma, Litvinova began working in the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov. It was there that she was able to hone her acting skills.

Films and theater

The first performance in Litvinova’s biography was “Misha’s Anniversary”. After this, several more productions followed, in which she managed to show her good side.

Soon the young actress began to be offered leading roles. For the role of Irina in the play “Duck Hunt”, Olga received an award from the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda”.

Over time, Litvinova began to be trusted by the most different images. She perfectly played both negative and positive characters, masterfully conveying her heroines.

The most successful productions with her participation are considered to be “Hamlet”, “Sonechka”, “Amadeus” and “Ondine”.

Gaining increasing popularity, Olga Litvinova began playing on stage with famous Russian actors.

One day, Konstantin Khabensky became her partner, whom she liked not only as a talented artist, but also as a man.

In parallel with this, Olga starred in various films. Initially, she had several episodic roles in TV series.

In 2003, she starred in the film “One Life,” playing a supporting character. An interesting fact is that she starred in this film together with.

After 2 years, Litvinova was entrusted with the role of school friend Slavka in the military melodrama “Attention, Moscow is speaking!”

In the same year, she was approved for the main role in the film “The Head of a Classic”. It talked about, or rather about his head, lost during the reburial of the writer’s remains.

In 2006, Olga Litvinova played a girl technician in the drama “Nanjing Landscape”. Her roles in the films “Double Lost” and “Phonogram of Passion” brought her some popularity.

An interesting fact is that the actress herself loves theater more than cinema.

In 2013, Olga starred in the popular TV series “Live On,” as well as in the melodrama “Embracing the Sky.” In 2016

Litvinova received an offer to participate in the filming of the film “Crew”. It is worth noting that Vladimir Mashkov and Danila Kozlovsky starred in this film. The film turned out to be interesting to Russian audiences and collected about $25 million at the box office.

Personal life

Litvinova met her future husband Konstantin Khabensky at the theater. Things started between them friendly relations, which over time developed into a love affair.

Their relationship was actively discussed in the press, since after the death of his wife, Khabensky remained lonely for a long time.

Olga Litvinova with her husband Khabensky

Any appearance of Litvinova together with Khabensky caused a stormy reaction in society and the press. However, the couple was in no hurry to make any statements. Only in 2013 did they decide to officially get married.

It is interesting that the wedding of the star actors was quite modest. Only close friends and relatives of the newlyweds were present at the ceremony.

In 2016, Litvinova and Khabensky purchased an apartment in the very center of Moscow. That same year, they had a girl, whom they decided to name Alexandra.

It is worth noting that Khabensky already had a child from his first marriage, who currently lives in.

Olga Litvinova and Konstantin Khabensky

In the fall of 2018, news appeared in the media that Olga Litvinova was pregnant with her second child.

Spouses do not really like to talk about their personal lives. It is only known that they are actively involved in charitable activities, providing assistance to sick children.

Olga Litvinova today

After Olga married Konstantin, she was forced to take a creative break due to the birth of her daughter.

In 2018, the actress appeared in the famous Russian detective story Bloodhound-3 in the image of Evgenia Smolich.

In the future, we will probably see Litvinova more than once in new films and performances. It is quite possible that the married couple will star together in some interesting film.

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The personal life of actor Konstantin Khabensky did not work out for a long time. His first wife died after a serious illness, and he remained alone for a long time. Until I met Olga Litvinova.

Khabensky’s current wife is an actress, artist of the capital’s Art Theater, plays in “The Bloodhound”, the detective story “Double Lost”.

Her biography begins with her birth in 1981. The girl’s father, Alexander Litvinov, is an influential person in the world of cinema, deputy director of the Mosfilm film studio. He later created his own production company and has produced dozens of popular TV series and films.

After the birth of their daughter, the couple gave their first interview, where they talked about happiness and showed photos of them together. Today the woman is pregnant again.

Konstantin Khabensky: biography, personal life, first wife and second

The future actor was born in Leningrad in 1972. Soon the family moved to Nizhnevartovsk. Kostya studied at an aviation technical school, but without graduating from the university, he dropped out in the 3rd year.

Then Khabensky worked as an assembler at the Saturday Theater, where he tried to connect his destiny with acting. In 1990, he entered LGITMiK, and in 1994 he starred in his first film, “Whom God Will Send.”

After graduating from the institute, Konstantin worked at the Perekrestok theater, began broadcasting on television, and played mainly supporting roles in the Satyricon theater.

Success came to him in the late 90s, when he played his first leading roles in the films “Natasha” and “Women’s Property.” For the movie “House for the Rich,” the actor receives the award for Best Actor.

Khabensky became truly famous after the series “Lethal League”. But he didn’t stop performing in the theater. Some of the actor’s most famous roles are in the films “Night” and “Day Watch”.

There is a tragedy in Konstantin's personal life. He outlived his first wife.

Khabensky's first wife - Anastasia Smirnova

Konstantin met wife No. 1 in 1999. He saw a dark-haired girl in a cafe who he liked in appearance. Unlike most of the girls who already hung around his neck in those days, this one behaved coldly. But Konstantin persuaded her to go to the performance. Thus began their love story.

Nastya worked as a journalist on Radio Moscow. For about a year, the lovers lived in different cities, communicating occasionally. And in 2000 they got married. The wedding was modest, in a cafe surrounded by close friends.

They lived well. Like all spouses, there were disagreements. But acquaintances assure that Anastasia and Konstantin sincerely loved each other, so they always found a common language. The actor's wife was not a public person, but sometimes appeared on screen. For example, she starred in the TV series “Line of Fate” as a journalist, and played an episode in “Deadly Force.” There were also roles in the films “9 Months”, “Sapiens”.

In 2007, the couple had a son, Ivan. It would seem that they have everything they need to be happy...

Why did Khabensky's wife die?

Almost immediately after giving birth, something terrible happened. Khabensky’s 34-year-old wife was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Treatment began immediately. One operation followed, and a repeat operation a few weeks later. But the treatment was unsuccessful.

To save his beloved, Khabensky sold almost all his property and got into loans and debts. He took the woman to a Los Angeles clinic. American doctors, after reading the medical history, prescribed treatment. But neither modern chemotherapy nor other advanced methods helped. The tumor has not stopped growing.

At that time, Khabensky grabbed any job and was torn between Moscow and Los Angeles to pay for his wife’s treatment. In 2008, the woman died.

It is believed that the rapid growth of glioblastoma, the cause of Nastya’s death, was provoked by artificial insemination (she underwent IVF). During the procedure, the body is injected with large doses of hormones, which can trigger the development of a tumor. It should be noted that the story of Khabensky’s wife is similar to what happened.


Khabensky's wife was buried at the Troyekurovskoye cemetery in an atmosphere of secrecy. Only the closest people were present at the farewell ceremony for the deceased. Troyekurovskoye Cemetery is known for the fact that only family burials and burials with an urn (in a grave or sarcophagus) are allowed here.

Anastasia died in 2008 after a long illness. Her date of birth is 1975. She was 34 years old at the time of her death.

After the death of his wife, Konstantin fell into severe depression. To pay off his debts, he sold his new house in Tolstopaltsevo. The child was taken in by his mother-in-law, who lived in the USA. For some time, Konstantin communicated with his son only via the Internet.

After the death of his wife, Khabensky organized a charity foundation to help children fight cancer. On behalf of the foundation, creative development studios have been created in many cities of Russia. The teachers at these studios are mostly older actors who share their experiences with children.

Konstantin Khabensky's wife - Olga Litvinova: their wedding

The actor remained alone for a long time. There were rumors about his novels online, but Khabensky did not comment on them, so they quickly faded away. And in 2010, he began to be seen more and more often in the company of his colleague Olga Litvinova. At first, the couple restrainedly answered questions from journalists that they were friends.

In the theater they didn’t know about their romance either. It was believed that the kind, open Olga was simply taking care of the actor due to her gentle nature. Her love brought Konstantin Khabensky back to life. He realized that we were loved and began to rejoice and smile every day.

In 2013, the couple legalized their relationship. They did not arrange a magnificent ceremony, did not marry Valaam, but simply celebrated the event with close people. In 2016, the actor’s second wife gave birth to a daughter.

Khabensky and his last wife live quietly and modestly, not making details public. But recently new wife revived her Instagram page and started posting photos there. She explained it this way: “It is better for people to find out reliable information about the family first-hand than to believe various rumors.”

Khabensky beat his wife

The couple live happily and have a daughter. But due to the fact that both are secretive people, fans lack information about the spouses. In this regard, false information appears about problems in the family. But the birth of a child together and the imminent expectation of a second one indicate that everything is fine with them.

Khabensky's wife is pregnant

In September of this year it became known that Anastasia Litvinova was pregnant again. The wife will give Khabensky a second child in December. The woman is going to give birth in Moscow.

Traditional spouses do not comment on this news. But the journalists managed to photograph Olga on the street. It clearly shows that she is in an interesting position, and already at a fairly advanced stage.

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