Sesame oil bju. Sesame oil - calories and properties. The benefits and harms of sesame oil. Use in cooking

Step 1: prepare the cherries.

Sort the cherries and rinse them thoroughly. Remove the twigs and leaves, and then remove the kernels from the berries. In any convenient way, that's all there is to it.

Place the berries in a saucepan and add 10 tablespoons Sahara. Leave the cherries to stand until they release their juice. And this requires at least one night.

Step 2: make cherry syrup.

You will then need to strain the cherry syrup, separating the berries from the liquid. The berries can be used for baking or frozen.
Weigh the remaining juice and add 1 kilogram sugar for every kilogram of liquid.
Place the syrup on the fire and cook, skimming off the foam with a spoon. You can remove it from the heat when the brew thickens and foam stops forming on its surface.
The resulting thick syrup Place in heated sterilized jars and close the lids tightly. After the sweet preparation has cooled, put it in a dark, cool and dry place.

Step 3: Serve cherry syrup.

You can serve cherry syrup any way you like! Cook with it cold drinks, add to tea, to homemade waffles and pancakes, pour it over shortbread cookies. In any case, it will be tasty, sweet and very healthy!
Bon appetit!

Cherry syrup keeps well for one year.

You can add a little to the syrup for taste lemon juice or citric acid.

Housewives often use semi-finished products to prepare certain dishes. It happens that they are made immediately before cooking the main dish, but sometimes they are used long time were kept in stock. One such product is cherry syrup. The recipe for its preparation is simple, but not unique.

Memory of Summer

In the east of Georgia there is a version according to which numerous housewives prepare cherry syrup. The recipe is simple and does not require special effort. To work, you will need only three main products: for 2 kilograms of fresh cherries - 7 glasses of plain water and 2.5 kilograms of granulated sugar.

You will need a large saucepan for cooking. Next, you need to do everything one by one:

  1. Put all the ingredients together and put the pan on the fire. After boiling, the mixture should cook for about three hours. At this time, foam will be released abundantly. It needs to be removed constantly. The cessation of foaming will signal the end of cooking.
  2. Pour the mixture into another container, straining it through cheesecloth. Cover the resulting product with a towel and leave it in this position for a day.
  3. The next day, repeat the filtration process again.
  4. Heat the resulting product again, bringing it to a boil.
  5. Now all that remains is to cool it a little, and then pack it into prepared containers and seal tightly.

The result is a very tasty and aromatic cherry syrup. The recipe is good for its simplicity, but it takes a lot of time. This is not always convenient.

Possible options

People are constantly preparing for the winter. During the cold season, it's nice to get a product that reminds you of fun, warm days. Cherry is a wonderful berry that is used to prepare the most different dishes. It makes excellent jams and confitures, which can then be used as a decoration or an additional component. But one of the most popular options is cherry syrup. Its recipe directly depends on the cooking method. There are two main options:

1. Cherries are used as fresh berries, and the intermediate product must subsequently be filtered.

2. First, you need to squeeze the juice out of the fruit, which will then need to be boiled in sugar syrup to the desired consistency.

Each method is good in its own way. It all depends on the desire and availability of the necessary equipment. If you don’t have a juicer at home, you will have to use the first option and spend a lot more time. And those who don’t want to bother themselves at all can simply go to the store. Syrup is always sold there.

Alternative way

You can very easily prepare a syrup from the recipe. The recipe requires the availability of the necessary products in the following ratio: for 3 kilograms of cherries - 5 glasses of plain water, 1 ½ kilograms of sugar and one and a half teaspoons of citric acid.

The process usually begins with the preparation of products:

  1. Wash the berries and remove their stems. After this, place the products in a spacious container, knead randomly with your hands and leave in this form for 24 hours.
  2. The next day, pour water into a container, mix everything well, and then strain using cheesecloth.
  3. The resulting juice should sit for a while. After this, you need to strain it again.
  4. Add sugar at the rate of 1 ½ kilograms per liter of juice and put the mixture on the fire to boil.
  5. Add lemon about 5 minutes before the end of the process. It acts as a preservative and flavoring agent.

Now the finished syrup can be safely poured into jars (or bottles) and sent for storage.

Successful combination

You can make cherry syrup from cherry juice a little differently. The recipe in this case will include several additional ingredients: for 640 grams of berries (about 200 pieces), take 80 grams of cherry leaves (also about 200 pieces), 2 kilograms of sugar, a couple of tablespoons of lemon and 2 ½ liters of cold water.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Wash leaves and berries. Remove twigs and stalks from cherries.
  2. Place the ingredients in a bowl, add water and cook for half an hour.
  3. Gently strain the mixture.
  4. Add sugar and lemon to the resulting infusion and bring the solution to a boil.
  5. Immediately pour the product into the prepared container and roll up tightly.

Now at any time you can have syrup on hand, which is perfect not only for making confectionery and desserts. With its help you can make wonderful cocktails or liqueurs. Using the leaves enhances the flavor and makes the finished product richer.

Delicious aroma, divine taste - all this is cherry syrup. The cooking recipes are extremely simple, and the scope of application is very wide.

Cherry syrup without pitting


    Cherry – 2 kg

    Sugar – 2.5 kg

    Water – 7 glasses

Cooking method

    We wash the berries several times and lightly dry them, put them in a saucepan.

    Sprinkle with sugar, add water, stir and bring the mixture to a boil.

    Cook the mixture for at least 2.5-3 hours over low heat, constantly skimming off the foam. As soon as it stops appearing, this is a signal that the product is ready.

    The resulting liquid should be filtered through cheesecloth, covered with a towel and left to infuse for a day. room temperature.

    After a day, strain again, boil, leave for 30 minutes, pour into sterile jars and close.

Cherry juice syrup with citric acid


    Cherry juice – 500 ml

    Sugar – 600 g

    Citric acid – ½ tsp.

Cooking method

    The cherries are washed in cool water, lightly dried on a sieve and sorted. The seeds are removed from selected berries. To extract juice, use a manual or electric juicer. As a last resort, a metal sieve will do.

    Sugar is poured into the hot liquid. Cooking continues until the syrup thickens. It should become viscous.

    If the berries were passed through a sieve, then the mass will need to be strained several times. To do this, the finished syrup is left on the table for several hours. During this time, the remaining pulp will precipitate. The top clear syrup, being careful not to stir, is poured into another bowl, heated and allowed to settle again. This procedure is repeated several times. Three or four approaches is enough.

    The final step is adding citric acid to the mass. In this case, it is a preservative and flavor enhancer.

Syrup based on a decoction of cherry leaves


    Cherry tree leaves – 20 pieces

    Cherry – 1 kg

    Water – 250 ml

    Sugar – 700 g

Cooking method

    Juice is extracted from selected pure berries.

    The cake with drupes is subsequently used in culinary purposes, for example, for preparing jelly and compotes.

    The juice is mixed with sugar. While the crystals dissolve, prepare a decoction of the leaves. To do this, cherry greens are dipped in water and boiled for 7 minutes.

    When the decoction is ready, the leaves are removed and the liquid is mixed with cherry juice.

    The mass is boiled at minimum burner power for half an hour. During this time, the syrup thickens and, with a light hand, it is sent into bottles.

Cherry pitted syrup recipe

This method is ideal for those people who do not bother themselves with unnecessary worries about processing berries.


    Cherry – 2 kg

    Granulated sugar – 2.5 kg

    Water – 1.5 l

Cooking method

    Place clean fruits in a saucepan, add water and sugar.

    The mass is boiled at the lowest heat for about 3 hours.

    The resulting mass is filtered through a fine plastic sieve or through gauze cloth, which is folded in 2–3 layers.

    The resulting syrup is boiled for 2 minutes and distributed into jars.

Frozen berry syrup


    Cherries from the freezer – 2 kg

    Water – 250 ml

    Sugar – 3 kg.

Cooking method

    Whole frozen cherries are placed in a metal bowl, covered with sugar and filled with water.

    Place the mixture on the stove and bring to a boil. There is no need to completely boil the product.

    The stove is turned off and the bowl is covered with a lid.

    The brew in this form should cool completely.

    The procedure is repeated 4 times.

    After the syrup has cooled for the last time, it is filtered.

    The aromatic liquid is put back on the burner and boiled until thick.

Cherry is a widespread berry in our country. It ripens at the end of summer and beginning of autumn, when the preparation of jars for winter and filling the cellar with various preparations is in full swing. Including cherry. Let's look at how to prepare berries, what types of cherries can be prepared for the winter. We will also get acquainted with all the subtleties and nuances of the recipes.

Types of cherry preparations

There are many recipes, so every gourmet will find his own. What can be prepared from cherries for the winter? If we consider the general options, remember:

  • preserves, jams and jams (single-component and with additions);
  • marmalade;
  • cherries in powdered sugar;
  • dried and dried berries;
  • boiled juices;
  • syrup;
  • frozen berries;
  • cherries in gelatin;
  • liqueurs and tinctures;
  • compote.

There are recipes for cooking with the addition of dark chocolate. This is a real treat for sweet tooth lovers!

All these goodies will be happily consumed by small and large sweet tooths.

Marmalade, berries in gelatin, syrups and drinks are consumed in their natural form. And jam, marmalade, dried, dried and frozen cherries can be put into homemade cakes. Biscuits, pastries, unleavened pies and cakes are just a small list of what can be created using cherries. But there are secrets here too:

  • You need to carefully fill the pies with preserves, marmalades and marmalades so as not to overdo it, otherwise the filling will leak out during the baking process and significantly spoil appearance products;
  • Before using dried and dried cherries as a filling, it is better to soak them for a while (5-8 minutes is enough) in warm water, and then squeeze them out - this way the berries in the pie will not be overdried;
  • Under no circumstances should you thaw quick-frozen berries, you need to roll them in wheat flour and immediately put them in the pie dough - in this form the berries will not spread and lose their precious vitamin juice, and the entire pie dough will not turn dark.

Cherry needs preparation

As in any other cases, to make cherry preparations, the main ingredient must be pre-processed. How to do it? Not as difficult as many people think.

First of all - sorting. You need to choose only ripe, whole, benign berries that are not damaged by diseases and pests. Otherwise, an unpleasant foreign taste or smell will appear in the workpieces. It is unacceptable!

Then rinse the berries. It is most convenient to put in kitchen sink large cup and dump the berries into it. Direct a stream of cool water into the cup and at the same time rinse each berry with your hands. Place the washed berries in a pre-prepared colander or sieve. To prevent the water from the cherries from flowing directly onto the table, place a sieve in a saucepan or another cup.

Further action is carried out based on a specific recipe for preparing cherries. This is pitting. For example, they wouldn’t hurt at all in a compote or tincture, but in marmalade or jam they would be simply out of place! This procedure can be done manually using a small knife, or you can use a special device for removing small seeds. The choice is up to the hostess.

Note to the hostess

When cherries are separated from the seeds, juice usually splashes in all directions - on the hostess, on the ceiling and walls. These berries are so juicy. In order not to be splashed with burgundy juice and then not to wash the entire kitchen, furniture and dishes from it, you can use the following tips:

  • put a plastic bag in a large cup, hide your hands there and separate the seeds - the juice will remain in the bag and cup;
  • If you take a large pan and cover the top 2/3 with cling film (pull it tight), you can also stick your hands into the empty space and remove the seeds there, the juice will splash into the film and flow back into the pan.

It’s interesting that the juice that is obtained during the preparation of berries can also be used for its intended purpose - added to jam during cooking, stored for the winter, or made into sweet fruit juice.

Drying or drying - what's the secret?

Drying or drying, which to choose? Let's figure it out.

Drying can be done in a special home electric dryer. Depending on the volume of a particular apparatus, you can dry from 2 to 6 kg of berries in one go. This process is quite lengthy and takes several days. Since cherries are juicy berries, in order for all the moisture to evaporate, several drying sessions of 3-4 hours with breaks will be required. A very important point when using a dryer at home is that you need to periodically rearrange the mesh trays. This is necessary for uniform drying of the berries at all levels of the apparatus.

You can dry cherries with or without pits. If you choose the first option, then you first need to place the peeled berries on a sieve or colander to drain all the juice. And then load them into the dryer.

How to dry pitted cherries? As easy as pie! Load the berries into the dryer and turn it on. The rest of the cooking rules remain the same - periodically turn off the machine and rearrange the baking sheets.

What about drying? Dried cherries at home turn out to be a delicious delicacy! But preparing it is a little more complicated:

  • take 1 kg of cherries and carry out primary processing of the berries;
  • mix 1 glass of water with 1.5 kg of sugar, cook for about 4-5 minutes;
  • immerse the berries in the syrup and cook for the same time;
  • remove from heat and let cool for 3-4 hours;
  • then cook again for 4-5 hours and cool for 3-4 hours - repeat this procedure one more time;
  • Place the berries on a sieve and let the syrup drain;
  • Place one berry at a time on a baking sheet lined with baking paper to prevent them from sticking together and leave at room temperature for 1-2 days;
  • dry in the oven at a temperature of about 120-150°C at intervals of 1-2 hours until fully cooked.

Dried cherries at home are perfectly stored in dry glass jar with a tightly closed lid on a darkened shelf.

Two in one: syrup and jam

Having collected a large number of fresh ripe cherries, I don’t want to put them into one type of preparation. But you can make two types at once - syrup and jam!

After all the seeds have been removed from the berries, squeeze the juice out of the cherries with your hands. Do this manually, since it is undesirable to leave the cake almost dry. After all, jam will be made from it.

Cherry syrup does not take long to cook for the winter. The proportions for adding products are the same as for jam. After combining the juice and granulated sugar, start cooking. Continue until many small bubbles appear on the boiling surface, converging into large caps.

The final stage for these two blanks is similar. You need to pour the syrup into hot sterilized bottles. Transfer the jam into jars treated with boiling water. Seal jars and bottles with sterilized lids. Additional sterilization is not necessary. Next, put the cans and bottles somewhere in the corner so that they don’t interfere. And cover them with a thick blanket or bedspread to ensure additional processing of the lids.

Cooking proportions

The proportions of the ratio of berries and granulated sugar can be 1:0.5; 1:1 and 1:1.5. They are suitable for making jams, preserves, syrups and cherry marmalade. If the preparation is multi-component, then additional ingredients are included in the portion of cherries when preparing proportions for recipes.

Cherry jam recipe

So, for the recipe you will need the following products:

  • cherry - 1 kg;
  • cherries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg.

How to make cherry jam:

  1. Carry out primary processing of cherries, that is, sort out the berries, rinse and remove seeds from them.
  2. Grind the berries into puree. To do this, take a meat grinder, home processor or blender. This procedure can be carried out in several passes. The main thing is that the mixture should be homogeneous in structure.
  3. Place all the berry puree, along with the juice that came out when separating the seeds, into a saucepan or any other container for making jam. Combine with sugar and mix.
  4. Place over moderate heat and cook from the moment it boils for about 40-50 minutes. All this time you need to stir the boiling mass and remove the sweet foam. The spent foam is tasty and can be consumed immediately or spread on a piece of wheat bread for a sandwich for tea. But when storing a jar of jam in winter, it can cause the fermentation process to occur.
  5. Then transfer all the jam into sterilized jars and seal tightly with lids. Leave to cool slowly in the room, and then put it in a cool place.

Preparing juice

You can squeeze cherry juice through a juicer - it’s more convenient to prepare it for the winter. But in this case, you need to remove the seeds first, otherwise the juicing machine will break.

You need to squeeze the juice manually in several steps. After the first time, stir the remaining cake at the rate of 1 kg per 1 glass of boiled water. Boil for a couple of minutes and squeeze out the juice again. Repeat the procedure. In this way, from 15 kg of ripe cherries, 10 liters of juice are obtained.

Mix all the squeezed juice in one cooking container. Add granulated sugar to it. The proportions of the bookmark are half a kilo of sugar per 1 liter of juice.

With or without sugar, bring the juice to a boil and immediately pour into sterilized bottles. Close tightly with sterilized lids and store for further storage.

As you can see, there are many ways to preserve cherries for the winter and as many different nuances in preparing the preparations. Which method should you choose? You can try everything! And then adopt the methods you like.

Cherry berries cannot be kept fresh for a long time, so they are used for various preparations. In addition to everyone’s favorite jam, you can prepare a thick and aromatic syrup from sweet and sour fruits. It is sealed for the winter in small jars, and then used as a filler for drinks, a base for creams, an impregnation for cakes and a glaze for desserts. Modern housewives cook such products with the most different ways. Regardless of its features, each approach is simple and accessible. Even a novice cook can handle it if desired.

Composition and beneficial properties of cherry syrup

Syrup prepared for the winter, with the right approach, will become not only a favorite treat for the whole family, but also healthy food additive. Like all similar cherry products, the aromatic preserve has an impressive list of therapeutic properties:

  • Bactericidal substances help strengthen the body's protective functions. In combination with vitamins, they provide a person with reliable prevention of many infections.
  • Cherry syrup has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. Of course, provided that the product is not abused.

Advice: If you want to enjoy not just candied juice all winter, but a homogeneous and tasty syrup, it is better to seal it not in jars, but in small bottles. Then the containers are closed with stoppers, which are filled with resin and laid out in a horizontal position until they cool completely.

  • The finished product, despite going through several stages of processing, is rich in vitamins A and C. And these components are taken Active participation in most biochemical processes.
  • Finally, berry syrup successfully fights the manifestations of anemia at any age.

Unfortunately, there are a number of contraindications to eating cherry delicacy. It can harm people with high stomach acidity, gastritis, and peptic ulcers.

Simple and unusual recipes for making cherry syrup

Choosing a recipe according to which the syrup will be boiled is not so easy. Fortunately, they are all quite simple, so you can try each approach before you start creating preparations for the winter.

  • An option without the need to remove the seeds. For 2 kg of ripe dark cherries we take 2.5 kg of sugar, 7 glasses of drinking water. We wash the berries several times and lightly dry them, put them in a saucepan. Sprinkle them with sugar, pour in water, stir and bring the mixture to a boil. Cook the mixture for at least 2.5-3 hours over low heat, constantly skimming off the foam. As soon as it stops appearing, this is a signal that the product is ready. The resulting liquid should be filtered through cheesecloth, covered with a towel and left to infuse for a day at room temperature. After this time, filter the product again, boil, leave for 30 minutes, pour into sterile jars and close for the winter.

  • Cherry composition with almond aroma. In this case, wash the fruits, sort them, remove the seeds from them. Without washing or drying, grind the extracted elements with a hammer, then grind them in a mortar to a powder (you can use a coffee grinder). Mix the resulting composition with berries and leave for 24 hours under a towel at room temperature. Then the resulting mass is put into a juicer and processed until juice is obtained. The liquid can additionally be passed through gauze. Heat the component, mix with sugar (in a ratio of 1 to 1 or as you prefer), knead on the stove until the crystals are completely dissolved. At the very end, add half a teaspoon of citric acid and close the product for the winter.
  • Express method. For 500 g of berries, take 600 g of granulated sugar and 600 ml of drinking water. We sort the cherries, wash them, remove the seeds and grind them through a sieve. Sprinkle the resulting mixture with sugar, dilute it with water and place it on the stove. To get syrup, the mass needs to be cooked for only 5 minutes. Cool the finished product, pour into containers and close.

  • Concentrated product. For 500 ml of cherry juice, take 1 liter of sugar syrup (we select the concentration ourselves, based on taste preferences). Just mix the two components and cook first on medium, and after boiling on low heat until the mass thickens. Without insisting, pour it into containers and roll up.
  • Basic recipe. For 1 kg of berries we take 1 liter of water and 600 g of sugar. Fill the washed and dried cherries with their pits with water and place on the stove. Cook the mixture over low heat for an hour. After this, pour the mixture into another container, passing it through a colander lined with gauze. Additionally, the berries can be squeezed a little. Infuse the resulting juice for 2-3 hours until a sediment forms. Carefully pour the mixture into the cooking container, trying to prevent sediment from getting into it. Pour sugar into the liquid and cook it over low heat until it begins to thicken. Then remove the container from the stove, leave for half an hour, pour into jars and seal.

Syrup, prepared according to all the rules and taking into account the proportions specified in the recipe, will retain its freshness, taste and aroma for at least a year. Of course, the preparations can be used for the next winter, but their composition and gastronomic characteristics may already change noticeably. In the process of cooking cherry composition, additional components are used extremely rarely. If you still want to diversify the taste of the syrup, you can add a little cinnamon, ginger or vanilla to it.

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