A daughter’s prayer for her mother for health is powerful. Prayer for mother's health. A mother's prayer for her daughter: for help in childbirth and the birth of a healthy baby

For everyone living in the world, mother is the closest and dear person. Mother and child are bound by the strongest bonds - bonds of blood that will not be broken throughout their lives. And, of course, just as mothers and fathers take care of children, so it is the indispensable duty of children to take care of their parents. In difficult life situations, when the mother needs not only physical support, but also Divine help, independent support serves as support. prayer for mother. There is a good prayer: “Forgive those who hate and offend us.” This prayer can be read for the mother, but let her read it herself. The Lord does not leave those who ask, and sooner or later everything will fall into place. Everything will be as it should be.

I recommend reading this prayer for health: “Much-merciful and All-merciful Lord! I am a sinful person and I do not understand how it should be, but You, Merciful One, enlighten me on how to act!” This prayer is suitable for solving difficult life situations, but it is also a church prayer. prayer for mom. When a mother has problems or is seriously ill, we need to trust in God, because... every person is in his hand. The Lord will perform in your life, and in the life of your parents, a spiritual birth for eternity, if you ask him about it. “May the Lord destroy all the actions of the forces of Darkness in our family. May His will be done in everything. Amen".

These words can be repeated daily with the thought of your parents; this is also a strong prayer for your mother’s recovery.

For God there is no distance. He will hear your prayers. All you have to do is pray, and don’t give up praying. You can read prayers from the prayer book, you can offer prayers from the heart, spoken in your own words. “Our Heavenly Father, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, my Orthodox prayer for my mother’s health. Come and help, show a miracle of healing! I believe in the promise given to us who believe in You. By Your stripes we were healed, and You bore our sicknesses and illnesses to the cross. And may it be according to our faith! Lord, we are all in Your hands, we trust in Your boundless mercy. Amen".

Text of prayer for mom's health when she is sick

“Lord, bless Your servant (name), free her from sins and curses. Show her the path for speedy healing, soften her pain, give her the strength to endure everything. Cancel everything harsh sentences, fill your palms with her gifts. Our Heavenly Father, show Your mercy for the sake of Your Name, have mercy on Your daughter (name). Hear the prayer and send healing to Your daughter (name). Amen".

If your mother is threatened by ill-wishers, read these short prayers for mother. “Lord, save, preserve and have mercy on Your servant (mother’s name), direct Your mercy to her good and salvation. Soften and enlighten the hearts of her enemies. Holy Mother of God, pray to the Lord for His servant (mother’s name).

Mom is the main shrine in every family. From the early childhood Children should be taught to respect their parents, because they gave life. Situations vary, and sometimes it is impossible to resolve some issues on your own. Then you need to turn to the Lord. Of course, you can read well-known prayers from the Orthodox prayer book without much emotion, but it is much more effective to pray in your own words, coming from the heart. It may not be so beautifully formulated, but it should be emotionally rich. Only such words are accepted by the Lord. Prayer for mom carries enormous power.

How to pray for parents?

Father and mother should be one unit for children. Therefore, it is better to read for them to their mother together; in this case, it will be much stronger and more pleasing to God. Of course, there are situations when one of the parents is no longer alive, then you should turn to the Lord with other prayers. But if the parents are alive, then it is better to ask for the benefit of both of them. Every child, whether he is small or already an adult, worries about the health of his mother should not leave the child’s lips. What words can you use to address the Lord?

Prayer for the health of parents

O my Lord, may it be Your will that my mother will always be healthy, so that she can serve You with sincere faith and instruct me to serve You. Give my parents food, success in business and well-being, so that our whole family can serve You in joy. Mom is the most precious thing I have. Protect her from all the hardships of life, give her strength and wisdom to cope with difficult situations and send her physical and spiritual health. May my mother and father raise me with dignity, so that in life I can do only things pleasing to You. Give them health and all sorts of blessings, bestow Your blessing on them so that they can warm my heart with their warmth. Fulfill all my requests that come from my heart. May my words and the intentions of my soul be pleasing to You. I trust only in Your mercy, my Lord. Amen.

A prayer for mom is a reverent appeal to the Lord. And, first of all, we should express our deep gratitude to God for giving us such parents.

Prayer for mother and father

Oh, all-merciful Lord, I thank You for everything you give me, especially for my parents. My gratitude to them knows no bounds. I pray to You that I can always adequately appreciate their selfless service to their children, their exorbitant efforts, and always express my gratitude to them in such a way that it reaches their hearts. Lord, I pray You, reward my parents for all their labors. Give them health and grace. Send them happiness and peace of mind. My Lord, teach me to always please them, love, respect and help. Send your blessing to our entire family so that it can be one heart and soul. Amen.

There is another wonderful prayer for mom.

Praying for you my mom

Oh Lord, help my mother, take away all her worries and quench all her sorrows. Save her kind heart from mental anguish and save her from all suffering. Take away all illnesses, physical and mental, from my mother, heal from all illnesses. Be merciful, God, to my mother, strengthen her faith in You and give her strength. For the sake of Your Mother, the Most Pure Virgin Mary, hear my prayer. Do not leave, Lord, my mother in troubles and difficulties without Your protection. Show her Your grace and bestow upon her boundless mercy. You always hear my prayers, coming from the very heart. Mom is the most precious thing I have. I ask You, my Lord, that I will always be grateful to her for everything she does for me.

This prayer can be changed and supplemented. The main thing is that it be sincere and sound from the heart.

Mother is the most precious thing in every person’s life. It was she who gave birth to us, so we must always honor her. Sometimes problems happen when someone close to you gets sick. Then you need not only to trust in the doctors, but also to pray for subsequent recovery. God and many saints will definitely help if the prayer was said sincerely.

Every prayer is a correct energy message that has colossal power. It gives you a chance for a bright future. A sick mother will have positive mood, and your health will improve significantly.

Reading rules

  • Every prayer read only at a time when your mother is experiencing serious health problems. In addition, it is allowed to pronounce them when the mother is threatened by an unknown force.
  • You should pray in the morning and evening, best before bed. Even if a person is an atheist, he can pronounce sacred words. The merciful God will hear them and will definitely help.
  • It is not forbidden to pray in your own words if you can't remember the lyrics. The most important thing is to put into the message a sincere belief in a miracle.
  • In addition, you can always visit the temple. Candles should be lit for saints in church. Prayers are read before their faces.
  • It is recommended to offer prayers to both parents at once. Such messages are much more powerful. Doesn't matter, Small child or already an adult. In any case, he must understand how to ask God to heal a loved one.
  • It should be remembered - parents must be baptized. Of course, you can ask for health for a person who walks without a cross. However, the effectiveness of prayer in this case is significantly reduced.
  • You can help your mother get rid of any ailments not only with the help of prayer, but also thanks to a church prayer service. It is pronounced by priests upon prior request. By ordering such a service, you increase your chances of recovery.


  • grumble against the Lord
  • condemn (even in thoughts) other people
  • blame someone for a loved one's illness
  • doubt the miraculous power of prayer

Having cleansed yourself of , you will be able, with God’s help, to save your loved ones from serious illnesses. And don’t forget to regularly give your mother holy water, it will also help her.

Request for recovery of parents

The first is pronounced to the Creator. It should be read at least three times.

“Our Heavenly Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, my Orthodox prayer for my mother’s health. Come and help, show a miracle of healing! I believe in the promise given to us who believe in You. By Your stripes we were healed, and You carried our sicknesses and illnesses to the cross. And may it be according to our faith! Lord, we are all in Your hands, we trust in Your boundless mercy. Amen."

In the next short holy message, in addition to the Lord, we also ask the Most Holy Theotokos. Repeat the sacred words several times daily, and you should always imagine what your mother will be like after recovery. Think about her happiness and joy when he gets rid of the disease. The Creator has no barriers or distances; He hears requests from every person. The most important thing is not to allow even minimal doubts into your heart.

“Lord, save, preserve and have mercy on your servant (mother’s name), direct your mercy to her good and salvation. Soften and enlighten the hearts of her enemies. Most Holy Theotokos, pray to the Lord for his servant (mother’s name). Amen."

In the prayer below, Moscow can save. To do this, be sure to find an icon with her image. It is not available in every temple. However, the holy face is sold in specialized stores. Buy it and put it at home. This Saint will help any person, since even after death she promised not to refuse anyone.

However, you should also follow the minimum rules:

  • go to temple more often
  • give alms
  • bring donations

The text of the prayer is:

“Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. You heal the weak and glorify the believers. Heal my parents from bodily ailments, deliver them from enemies and illnesses. Protect them from evil people and from sinful diseases. I pray for health, thank you. Let it be so. Amen."

One more prayer Mother of God about health:

“What should I pray to You for, what should I ask of You? You see everything, you know it yourself, look into my soul and give it what it needs. You, who have endured everything and overcome everything, will understand everything. You, who entwined the Baby in a manger and took Him with Your hands from the Cross, You alone know all the heights of joy, all the oppression of grief. You, who have received the entire human race as adoption, look at me with maternal care. From the snares of sin, lead me to Your Son. I see a tear watering Your face. It’s over me You shed it and let it wash away the traces of my sins. Here I have come, I’m standing, I’m waiting for Your response, oh, Mother of God, oh, All-Singing, oh, Lady! I don’t ask for anything, I just stand before You. Only my heart, a poor human heart, exhausted in longing for truth, I throw at Your pure feet, Lady! Let everyone who calls You reach the eternal day with You and worship You face to face. Amen."

This prayer is addressed to the Lord. Sincere faith invested in miraculous words will definitely help:

“Loving God! You show Your goodness to everyone. Under pain of being deprived of Your blessing, You have entrusted me with the obligation to strive for the education of my heart. You commanded me to honor those to whom I owe my life and upbringing and who for me constitute Your image on earth. For this, accept my humble thanks and help me to fulfill this duty and this commandment with precision; listen to my prayer, which I offer to You for my beloved mother. Bless all her intentions, bless every moment of her life, grant her blooming health, her high and true happiness. Help me never give her any reason to be angry or sad. Send Your help so that I can become her consolation, joy, adornment and glory. May my devotion to her, my labors and merits be for her, at least in part, a reward for the worries, deprivations and labors that she bears for me every day from my birth. Grant her a venerable and vigorous old age. And when, after long days of life, it comes last hour, may she go away to receive the reward prepared for the Lord’s chosen one, in the hope that the fate and happiness of her children and family are guaranteed. I pray to You for this through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen."

You can also use this strong prayer for the health of both parents:

“May it be Your will, Lord our God, that our father, our mother and we ourselves be healthy and strong to serve You truly. And send them and us food in abundance and great prosperity and well-being in everything, so that we can serve You truly and joyfully. Teach our hearts to obey the voice of father and mother, deliver us from stumbling, so that we always treat them with respect, for such is Your good will, and we will serve You truly. May father and mother raise us for good deeds, may they be overshadowed by health, all goodness and prosperity, so that with spiritual disposition they may also endow us with wedding gifts, gifts and kind participation. Fulfill everything we ask for good. And may the words of my mouth and the intentions of my heart be pleasing to You. The Lord is my support and my salvation. Amen."

Remember that a sick mother must also ask the Creator to heal her. He will never leave someone who asks him sincerely. God loves his children and always helps them.

When turning to the Saints and the Lord for help, do not forget about medical treatment. Higher powers can send recovery to the mother through other people (in this case, doctors). At the same time, in no case should we forget about the great power of prayer. They help in any situation. Read prayers at home and in church. Thanks to them, you can enlist the support of the Higher Powers.

Orthodox Christians can pray to God, Matrona Blessed or St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for the health of their mother. The prayer texts are simple and can be read or learned by heart.

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Muslim prayers (dua) for the deliverance of a parent from illness are an appeal to Allah for help. Reading Surah Al-Fatiha from the Holy Quran contributes to the rapid recovery of the mother and serves as reliable protection against all diseases.

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      Orthodox prayers for mother's health

      When a mother is sick, children try to do everything possible to save a loved one from an illness or fatal illness. In the Orthodox faith, turning to the Almighty comes to the rescue. You should pray every day with a pure heart and good thoughts, so that every word of prayer is spoken from the heart.

      • "Our Father" is the most popular prayer, which is suitable for any occasion and is familiar to everyone since childhood.

        Strong prayer appeals for mom’s health:

        • Matrona of Moscow Blessed;
        • Jesus Christ;
        • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
        • To the Most Holy Theotokos.

        Prayer appeal to Matrona

        Matrona Blessed will come to the rescue when the mother is in the hospital, and there is little hope for medical help. You can pray like Orthodox church near the icon, and at home, kneeling in front of the image of the Matrona of Moscow. You need to cross yourself three times and say the prayer text:

        “Blessed Matrona of Moscow, heal the servant of God (mother’s name) from deadly ailments and diseases. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

        Cross yourself after reading right hand three times.

        “Blessed Matrona! You heal the sick and bless the faithful. Heal my mother from serious illnesses, deliver her from terrible illnesses and unkind thoughts. Protect my mother from evil people and from all sorts of ailments. I ask for health, I pray to you, thank you, Blessed Matrona. Yes it will be so. Amen."

        Prayer to Jesus Christ

        The prayer to Jesus Christ has special power:

        Lord Holy Jesus Christ, Son of God. I turn to you with a prayer for your mother’s health. Have mercy on the servant of God (mother’s name) and help her cope with serious illnesses and incurable diseases. Give her strength to pray sincerely, righteously, and prolong your mother’s years of life on our sinful Earth. Let your will be done. Amen.

        Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

        Saint Nicholas is endowed with the power of healing, so you need to contact him, kneeling in front of the icon and ask for help from your parents’ illnesses with the following text:

        "Wonderworker Saint Nicholas, I appeal to you with a prayer. Protect my mother from loss of health, from mortal illnesses and reproach. Help her find Orthodoxy and righteous faith. I pray, prevent all troubles from sin and the fall of mortal life. Intercede for her before the Lord God, take away illness from my mother. Let your will be done. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

        Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

        The Most Holy Theotokos will not remain indifferent and will heal the mother of her ailments, so you need to turn to her while standing in front of the image:

        “Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. I pray for your holy intercession, and send down Divine grace. So that my mother, the servant of God (name), may be healed as soon as possible, and not languish in mortal pain and serious illnesses. May your will be done. Amen.”

        The prayers of children are able to heal parents from fatal diseases against which medicine becomes powerless. We need to turn to God not only during illness, but also in joyful moments with words of gratitude. Faith in the Lord gives a person real happiness, peace and health.

        Muslim duas

        In Russian, Muslim prayers sound as follows:

        “I pray to the Great Allah the Almighty Day of Judgment for healing from all ailments for my mother. Only by the will of Allah will the mother be healed of fatal diseases.”

        “There is no one stronger and more powerful than the Great Allah.” For the mother to recover, she needs to read this Kalima (text) 99 times.

        The Quran heals any disease, so it is effective to read the surah (chapter) “Al Fatiha” if the mother is in the hospital:

    1. 1. I begin with the Great Name of Allah - the One Lord Almighty. He bestows blessings, is merciful and omnipotent, and is merciful to those who believe in Islam in the hereafter (Akhirat).
    2. 2. Praise be to Allah Almighty, the God of all Worlds, for everything that Allah has given to His servants. Glory to Allah Almighty, He is the Creator and the Almighty Lord.
    3. 3. Ar-Rahman Allah (Have mercy on everyone in the world) and Ar-Rahim (have mercy on believers in Islam after the death of the body).
    4. 4. Allah rules the world, he is the only ruler of the Day of Judgment, repentance and retribution. The power on the Day of Judgment lies only with Allah and no one else. Power over everything lies only in the hands of Allah.
    5. 5. We pray to the only Allah and ask for help, and do not rely on anyone else.
    6. 6. May Allah protect us who believe in Islam.
    7. 7. Lead your slaves along the right path, you have given us insight and faith in Allah One, guiding us along the straight path of Islam. Allah has given the paths of the prophets and angels to believers in Islam. Do not lead us along the path of those who have lost their way and those who have lost their holy faith, those who despair and have ceased to believe in the Great Allah.
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