Is it possible to mix natural and dry dog ​​food? Is it possible to combine industrial cat food with “homemade” food? Is it possible to alternate dry food and natural food?

The desire of owners to choose the best type of food for their pet is welcome, but they need to think carefully before making a decision. It is precisely this balanced approach that is required by the question of combining a dry diet and natural food in feeding a dog or cat.

Dry and natural - what's the difference?

If by natural feeding we mean preparing food for an animal from ingredients purchased and mixed in the correct ratio, rather than food from the table, then the differences between industrial and home diets are small.

Both are food products consisting of various components, which ideally should satisfy the animal’s daily need for all nutrients, vitamins and macroelements.

However, when we talk about combining both types of feeding in an animal’s diet, serious questions arise about the appropriateness of this approach.

Balance is the alpha and omega of healthy eating.

Most dry pet foods are complete foods. In practice, this means that you can feed your cat or dog only these and not worry that the animals will not receive any important nutrients. In order to ensure this complete nutrition, the composition of the feed is developed, which is not without reason called a formula, it is so precisely calibrated. Moreover, in high-quality dry food the composition does not change from batch to batch, but remains guaranteed to be the same as indicated on the packaging.

When you create a diet yourself, you, of course, cannot guarantee the exact ratio of ingredients and, for example, provide the same level of protein in each serving. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, because if the diet is prepared correctly, these fluctuations are insignificant, and if your pet didn’t get something at dinner, it may well “finish it” for breakfast.

But if you combine dry food and natural food, is it possible to talk about such compensation? As already mentioned, the composition of a commercial diet is constant, a natural diet fluctuates, and you simply cannot say exactly how many nutrients your animal received.

The situation with vitamins and macroelements is even more complicated. As part of dry food, their content is precisely adjusted and corresponds to the daily needs of a cat or dog in terms of the daily feeding rate. The natural diet needs to be fortified and enriched independently with the help of special additives. It is difficult to imagine what complex calculations need to be made to determine how many supplements will be needed, taking into account the fact that the pet will receive some of the necessary substances with dry food.

Thus, a balanced diet cannot be achieved by combining different types of nutrition. In the best case, the imbalances that arise will be so insignificant that they will not affect the health of the animals; in the worst case, you will end up with a chronic deficiency or excess of nutrients, which can lead to the development of diseases.

Calories: the eternal question

The question of the amount of food the animal receives deserves special mention. The daily calorie content of dry food is strictly fixed, and the recommendations are designed for the different physiological state of the dog or cat, their level of activity, age, etc. Let’s say you experimentally determined the daily intake of natural food and roughly divided it in half in order to combine it with dry food at different feedings. You can even, albeit with difficulty, imagine an owner who would scrupulously calculate the calorie content of each ingredient in the food he prepared for his pet.

But even in this case, the difference in the moisture level of dry and natural diets nullifies all these efforts, because in order to determine the exact calorie content, as well as the ratio of ingredients, it is necessary to bring these indicators to a common denominator - one level of moisture (in dry food it is approximately 10% in dry food, in natural food - about 80%).

Thus, when combining two types of food, you will have to come to terms with the fact that you feed your pets “by eye” both in terms of volume and in terms of the ratio of nutrients. At the same time, the calorie content of food is the only indicator that directly affects the formation of fat deposits, and regular overfeeding very quickly materializes in the pet’s rounded sides. The number of diseases associated with excess weight already numbers in the dozens and is constantly growing. Therefore, cute fatties are always potentially sick animals, and this must be remembered.

Why combine dry food and natural food?

All owners recognize the convenience of feeding commercial diets, but embark on experiments, feeling distrustful of the quality of these products. Unfortunately, there are reasons for this, and dry food varies greatly in its composition.

When we talked about balance, we deliberately omitted one very important point, which we plan to talk about now. There are different ways to achieve the formally correct ratio of proteins, fats and other essential components in dry food. For example, the required percentage of protein can be easily obtained from both wheat and meat, and without studying the composition of the feed, you will never know about this, because the guaranteed analysis does not indicate which protein, animal or vegetable, makes up the coveted figure.

You can also add processed products instead of muscle meat, meat flour instead of a fresh source of animal protein, vegetable oil instead of animal fat, etc. And modern food production makes it possible to obtain hydrolysates - the raw materials from which they are made are sometimes unknown even to the manufacturer, because he buys them ready-made from suppliers.

Formally, the food will be balanced, but in fact, carnivores, which should eat mainly meat, will receive a very strange mixture. The enzyme system of their digestive tract, unfamiliar with the composition of dry food, will break it down as it should. To assimilate a large amount of carbohydrates, it will release insulin, which will cause a jump in blood glucose levels, break down plant protein into amino acids - and of course, many of them will be missing, since only animal protein is complete for carnivores - and so on.

This is why competent owners who care about the health of their pets are so often perplexed when reading the list of ingredients of some foods, and willy-nilly they come to the conclusion: it is better to buy meat, vegetables and a vitamin and mineral supplement in the store and do everything yourself. And they can be understood, however, trying to independently improve your pet’s diet by combining convenient dry food and “healthy” natural food, as follows from all of the above, is not the best way out.

It is preferable to stop at one thing and if you choose dry food, then spend time studying the range on the market and find the product that combines the advantages of both types of nutrition. The criteria for this choice are simple. Followers of natural feeding for dogs and cats like to say: “I know exactly what I’m giving to my pet!” - exactly the same knowledge should be expected from studying the list of ingredients on the dry food label.

When all ingredients are listed accurately and clearly, such as “fresh turkey,” “dehydrated chicken,” “beef tallow,” etc., rather than “meat and meat products,” “animal meal,” and “oils,” when sources of animal protein occupy more than half the volume of the food (and you can easily be convinced of this, since the proportions of the components are indicated), when the food does not contain grains - sources of “empty” carbohydrates that do not bring any benefit to the pet, you can be sure that you are feeding your pet your beloved friend as if you were cooking for him yourself. You really know which components and in what ratio you give to your cat or dog, how much and what substances they receive, what is the daily calorie content of the food they eat. After this, when asked whether it is possible to combine dry food and natural food, you can firmly answer: “Yes, it is possible, but why?”

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In order for the dog to please the owner with excellent health and to be active and energetic, special attention should be paid to its nutrition. After all, with food, the pet receives all the microelements, vitamins and minerals necessary for its body. But not every owner knows how to choose the right diet for their beloved friend, and many rely on the advice of friends and acquaintances in this matter. And the most common mistake owners make is This is feeding the dog with natural products mixed with dry granules. Why is it undesirable to mix dry and natural food, and what harm can such a menu cause to a dog?

Dogs are predators and are closely related to wolves, so meat products and bones should make up the bulk of their daily menu . But most people are mistaken in believing that wolves in the wild feed exclusively on meat, because these wonderful predators do not miss the opportunity to feast on berries, plant roots, bird eggs and fish.

Meat products and bones should be on your dog's daily menu.

In addition to meat, also in a dog's diet various cereals and vegetables should be present. You can sometimes feed your pet fish, after thoroughly cleaning it of bones. In addition, animal food should additionally contain: add vitamins, necessary for the normal functioning of the doggie’s body and digestive system.

Ready-made feed

Some owners prefer to feed their four-legged pets ready-made food, which is available in the form of dry granules and canned meat. And, although there is still fierce debate among experts about ready-made dog food, such food is very popular among many dog ​​lovers, as it is affordable and does not require preparation.

Dry food is very popular among dog owners.

Which menu to choose for your dog, ready-made food or natural food depends only on the personal preferences of the owner. But the main condition is that the food must be nutritious and contain all the vitamins so that the dog is always healthy and active.

Natural food: pros and cons

Adherents of natural nutrition believe that only fresh food prepared with one's own hands can be beneficial for a dog.

Natural food is considered healthy for dogs.

There is some truth in this statement, because when feeding a pet with natural food, the owner is always sure that there is no spoiled or low-quality products.

Which is better to choose?

What foods are suitable for dogs? First of all, this is, of course, meat and offal. Should choose lean meat(beef, rabbit, chicken) and it is advisable to boil it or pour boiling water over it before feeding. The fact is that raw meat may contain various bacteria, most of which die during heat treatment. Such microbes will not cause significant harm to healthy dogs with a strong stomach, but It is not advisable to feed elderly and weakened animals with raw meat.

It is advisable to give your dog boiled chicken.

Don't forget about cereals, which are a valuable source of fiber that promotes better digestion. Best suited for feeding dogs buckwheat, millet and rice porridge. But experts do not recommend including oatmeal and wheat groats in the menu for animals, as they can cause constipation.

Vegetables can also help diversify your dog's diet. (carrots, zucchini, cauliflower). Vegetables are pre-boiled and served either separately or mixed with meat.

Undoubtedly, natural food is beneficial for dogs, but it also has disadvantages. Natural products do not contain enough vitamins and their must be added to food.

In addition, the owner does not always have time to prepare a fresh portion of food, especially if the owner took his pet on a trip or trip.

Thus, feeding a dog with natural food causes a lot of trouble for the owner and it is not surprising that many people prefer ready-made food.

Granular dry food: pros and cons

The advantage of dry food is that it does not need to be prepared.

Since ready-made dog food went on sale, many owners of four-legged friends have breathed a sigh of relief. When choosing ready-made food to feed your dog, the owner no need to independently calculate the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, since the manufacturer has already done this for him.

The undoubted advantages of ready-made food include its availability and the ability to purchase in reserve, because dry granulated food or canned meat can be stored for a long time at the appropriate temperature.

It is also important that the owner does not need to prepare separate food for the animal , because to feed your pet it is enough to fill its bowl with the contents of a bag of ready-made food.

Minerals and vitamins

Most manufacturers add to the composition of dry granules all minerals and vitamins, necessary for the health of the dog and the owner does not have to buy them at the veterinary pharmacy and mix them into food.

But ready-made food also has disadvantages. First of all, this concerns the price of such food. Foods belonging to the super premium and holistic class, are quite expensive, so not every owner can afford to buy them.

Premium food has a high price.

The danger of cheap feed

And cheaper food is made from low-quality products, and with the addition of various preservatives and flavorings, which makes such food harmful to the dog's health.

To be sure that the finished dog food is chosen correctly, you should ask a specialist for advice. A professional will help you choose exactly the food that is most suitable for your four-legged pet.

The specialist will tell you which food is suitable for the dog.

Natural and ready-made food: can they be mixed?

Many owners, preferring dry food, sometimes feed their pet with natural food, for example, meat or vegetable dishes. At the same time, they are confident that a piece of cutlet or the dog’s favorite slice of cheese will not cause harm to the animal’s body.

But is this really so and is it possible to feed a dog by mixing natural and?

Experts have a unanimous opinion on this matter: The dog's food should be separate. And if natural food is chosen as feeding, then it is absolutely forbidden to mix it with dry granules!

Natural food cannot be mixed with dry food.

The whole point is that natural and dry food are digested at different intervals. Food from ordinary products begins to move into the intestines within forty minutes after entering the stomach and is completely poisoned within two hours.

Dry granules

But dry granules only begin to swell in the stomach after forty minutes, so their digestion takes much more time - from three to five hours.

Thus, if you mix dry food with porridge or vegetables, then in forty minutes the digested porridge will enter the dog’s intestines, and along with it the unpoisoned granules, which will rot in the colon.

But this does not mean that when feeding dry food, you cannot pamper your dog with his favorite dish made from natural products. Occasionally, you can feed your pet boiled meat or cottage cheese, following one rule: Do not give your dog natural food earlier than five hours after the main meal.

Occasionally, you can give your dog cottage cheese.

Top dressing

The same applies to feeding dry granules, which can be given to the dog two hours after eating.

If a pet sometimes begs its beloved owner for a piece of meat or a cookie, this will not cause irreparable harm to its health. But it is strictly forbidden to mix two types of food, otherwise, due to such carelessness of the owner, the dog will pay with problems with the digestive system.

A piece of cookie after eating will not harm the dog.

Video about dry and natural dog food

If we briefly describe all the main advantages of the new model of a well-known corporation, then this car has very good dynamics, it is convenient and easy to drive, and the smoothness of the car is of a high level. Comfortable driving conditions are due to excellent visibility, spaciousness and build quality. The car is very economical, fuel consumption is minimal even on the most difficult roads, and this does not affect its cross-country ability in any way.

Well, then you can describe in more detail the Mercedes-Benz GL 350 BlueTEC car and Mercedes characteristics. It is worth mentioning that the world-famous Mercedes-Benz company, as well as all its Mercedes dealers in different countries, produces models with incredible technical and external characteristics that have no equal among car manufacturing companies. This time they also pleased their fans and connoisseurs with a new product - a wonderful GL class crossover. Photos of Mercedes look gorgeous, so all motorists paid special attention to the newcomer.

The corporation introduced the first GL class cars back in 2006; to this day, Mercedes dealers produce the first generation of these cars both in the United States and in Russia. The company might not even be in a hurry to create new cars, since the first generation is still valued in the market, but time passes, new technologies appear, and cars from 2006 become obsolete. Therefore, in 2012, the creation of the second generation GL class began. The first photos of Mercedes appeared almost immediately; the Mercedes-Benz website was filled with colorful photographs of the new crossover. The new line of cars was represented by several models - 350 BlueTEC, 400, 500 and AMG. It is worth paying special attention to one of these charming cars - the already famous Mercedes-Benz GL 350 BlueTEC, which Mercedes services presented as a leading model.

Speaking about the exterior of the car, I would like to say that it is a bit reminiscent of the M-Class model from Mercedes; they have a common platform, so this is understandable. The parameters of the newcomer in the luxury class are simply mesmerizing - its length is 5120 mm, height - 1850 mm, width - 2140 mm, and a wheelbase - 3075 mm. For a top-end luxury model, these are excellent figures that demonstrate its power and spaciousness. From the photo of the Mercedes you can see that its design has a touch of brutality and aggressiveness in every detail. But the external Mercedes characteristics also have a couple of smooth, neat details, for example, a round-shaped radiator grille, nice main optics and some stampings on the sides of the car.

But these changes are not so strong compared to the modified bumper; it has been adjusted the most, so it has larger air intakes and built-in LED lights. The taillights have become much larger than those of the previous Mercedes-Benz GL class model, the line under the windows has become even more curved, and the shape of the trunk and its lid has also changed. The dynamism of the new car is enhanced by a flat roof, a long hood and wheel arches, which Mercedes dealers also decided to enlarge.

The threshold of the new car is reliably protected by a very powerful step, which helps a lot when getting into the car. The appearance of the model from the Mercedes photo can be described as a stylish and confident restyled car. The creators worked on it for a long time, so every little detail here is very individual and thought out. Adding sportiness to the newcomer are chrome roof rails along the entire length of the roof and turn signal repeaters.

The color range of cars for sale is limited. Sales of Mercedes models are open in white, black and metallic colors. Metallic, which is presented in seven shades, gives the style a certain richness; the car turns into a large, powerful and at the same time expensive GL-class model. There is no pretentiousness here, the car looks elegant, impressive, but modest and neat.

Interior of the Mercedes-Benz GL 350 BlueTEC model

There are no complaints about the quality of finishing, everything is done perfectly, there is nothing to complain about and there is no need to complain. The materials have been selected with special care. Despite the fact that the interior is made of expensive and high-quality materials, it is comfortable and cozy. The functionality of the crossover can only be envied. The spaciousness of the model is one of the main advantages over other crossovers of the corporation. It can easily accommodate up to 7 people, and each of them will feel comfortable. The car has 3 seats on the second row and 2 seats on the third. Using the Easy Entry function, you can move the second row with one keystroke, this is very convenient when boarding passengers in the third row. The Mercedes-Benz GL 350 BlueTEC is an unusual seven-seat crossover, it is roomy not only for children and thin teenagers, it can easily accommodate adult passengers. The Mercedes-Benz website provided some photos of the Mercedes, which fully confirm the huge amount of free space in the rear seats of the car.

The comfort of the model is visible in every detail - its soft and comfortable front seats with heating and lateral support with an adjustment system, many massage modes and a driver's seat with various comfort settings fully confirm this. To make it more convenient, Mercedes services decided to transfer the seat automation to the doors; the tailgate also has an electric drive. Multimedia functions in the car interior will help make the trip more interesting and will not allow passengers in the back to get bored.

The instrument panel has also undergone some changes. Now the Mercedes-Benz GL 350 BlueTEC has a four-spoke functional steering wheel made of leather and wood, informative instruments located conveniently for the driver, an on-board computer screen, as well as a joystick for controlling the automatic transmission. The screen with multimedia functions is located right in the center of the front panel. The sound insulation in the car interior deserves special attention; the Mercedes-Benz website demonstrated the main changes that influenced the improvement of sound insulation in the cabin - a rigid body structure, a modernized chassis and high-quality insulating materials. Sales of Mercedes are expected to be very large due to such excellent capabilities of the car.

The ventilation nozzles in the cabin have become rectangular; in the predecessor they were more rounded. The luggage compartment has a total volume of 680 liters, in addition to a very roomy interior. By folding the rear rows of the car, you can get a simply colossal luggage compartment volume of 2300 liters. If you fold only the third row, the volume will reach about 1240 liters.

Safety Mercedes-Benz GL 350 BlueTEC

Thanks to the new technologies embodied in the safety systems of the Mercedes-Benz GL 350 BlueTEC, you can feel absolutely safe while driving. The main systems that are available in the model are ABS, ESP, ASR, Pre-Safe. The latter system helps prevent collisions and their consequences, recognizes driver fatigue, and stabilizes driving in strong crosswinds. In addition, Mercedes dealers gave the newcomer the latest cruise control Distronic Plus and Bas Plus. The cabin has a large number of airbags, armrests, and Neck Pro headrests. In addition, the proprietary Collision Prevention Assist system and night vision technology are installed.

As for the modifications of the second generation Mercedes-Benz GL 350 BlueTEC, they are represented by one single model, which has a three-liter diesel engine with a capacity of 240 horsepower. The car has all-wheel drive and a seven-speed automatic transmission, which has a self-steering function. The 7G-TRONIC PLUS transmission can select gears flawlessly even on the most difficult sections of road or off-road. The model accelerates to 100 km/h in 7.9 seconds, and the maximum speed to which this roomy “beast” can accelerate is 220 km/h.

Mercedes-Benz website about the price and equipment of the GL 350 BlueTEC

The simplest modification is equipped with parking sensors, bi-xenon headlights and adaptive headlights; in addition, the base model has a folding third row of seats, heated seats in the first and second rows, a heated washer, an anti-theft package of functions, a package of mirrors and an Easy Pack tailgate.

The Mercedes Benz website offers to buy this new model for 3,550,000 rubles. If you pay extra for the top version of the car, the buyer gets a car with a rear view camera, a lane control system, ventilated seats, a heated steering wheel, and the latest multimedia system in the rear rows for greater passenger comfort.

The car's suspension is very durable, it performs well on difficult roads, so Mercedes won't need repairs for a long time. In addition, you can choose the suspension mode yourself thanks to the On-Offroad system. The 4 Matic all-wheel drive vehicle moves easily, behaves smoothly on the roads and, if wheel slip is detected, immediately redistributes the traction force to all wheels. To inspect or repair a Mercedes, you can contact the Mercedes service center, where you can also select new functional additions to the car and purchase various small items for the interior.

Fuel consumption per 100 km is 8 liters in the city and 6.9 liters on the highways. For this class, these are excellent indicators, given that the model is considered one of the best cross-country vehicles. Such a roomy vehicle can even overcome fords more than half a meter deep. By purchasing such a luxurious car for yourself and your family, you can forget about discomfort and fully enjoy a comfortable and safe ride...

Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

Mercedes Corporation always produces unsurpassed Mercedes S-Class models, and this time they also did not change their principles. Now we can present with admiration one of the newest cars from Mercedes-Benz - the luxurious top-end S63 AMG model. And the color is completely unimportant when buying this beast; the car is so magnificent that it outshines the entire line. Its Mercedes characteristics have improved significantly compared to previous models; the Mercedes has become faster, more powerful and more practical. All modern qualities are combined into one in the new brainchild of the corporation, the S63 AMG.

As everyone already knows, the AMG segment produces powerful and sports car models, and the S-Class is considered the most popular division of Mercedes. The Mercedes dealer himself is rightfully considered the founder of car fashion and dictates his own rules in the design of models. The new Mercedes S63 AMG model can be called that very ideal model from the category of “six hundredths”, which have long become the standard of power and beauty. Those technologies that are introduced into Mercedes characteristics are unattainable for other companies producing cars. The new Merc combines style, beauty, and practicality, without forgetting about incredible power figures. Mercedes services are loudly talking about this.

Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

The exterior of the model is very interesting. Its thin carved lines of the body add solidity, the headlights hint at “wild possibilities”, and the silhouette of the car itself, looking at the photo of the Mercedes, is simply mesmerizing. The previous generation can't compare to this newest car, it's appearance makes you think of unrestrained speed, incredible power and perfect shape.

In Russia, this year the S-Class model will be sold only with an extended body due to poor sales of the “short” versions, according to data provided by the Mercedes-Benz website. The “long” model will have both rear and all-wheel drive, which is undoubtedly a plus.

Looking at the photo of the Mercedes, the subtle style in the design becomes noticeable - although the model name is present, it does not dazzle the eyes, and the graceful lines of the body complete the composition. Looking inside the cabin, you can find even more luxurious interior elements - from the interior trim with completely non-standard details to the Swiss watch in the most prominent place. All subtleties can be considered a hint of superiority over other models.

Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

The acoustics are represented by the Burmester® High-End 3D Surround Sound System in silver color, it perfectly transmits sound and creates excellent acoustic waves in the cabin. The top version of the Mercedes S63 AMG is not too different from the standard one, there are only a couple of extra little things. Most control systems can be customized using a “puck” on the center console on a large color screen. There you can even choose the color of the dashboard lighting. Photos of a Mercedes cannot fully convey the cozy atmosphere in the middle of the cabin, but being in the driver's seat, you can feel comfort and confidence. All systems work harmoniously and smoothly carry out the driver’s commands.

Dashboard Mercedes S63 AMG

Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

The corporation deviated a little from its usual solutions and presented the dashboard as a “parade of planets.” There are no longer standard design principles here and the company’s signature is not so noticeable. And this is a very profitable move, because such changes in appearance added glamor and elegance to the car.

The driver's seat should be given more time. The Mercedes S63 AMG model differs from its predecessors in the number of adjustments in the driver's seat; it has a lot of new settings that literally adjust every centimeter of the seat. A person will feel comfortable, regardless of body size and height. Such Mercedes characteristics make competitors fear and envy. During sharp turns, the chair holds the body firmly and confidently, supporting the weight.

Interior of Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

Anyone who dares to get behind the wheel of this luxurious beast Mercedes S63 AMG can prepare for a relaxing massage. This car literally does it all! It is equipped with six massage programs lasting up to 15 minutes. This is perhaps one of the most interesting devices in a car, which can replace a personal professional masseuse. Such massage functions can be especially useful in a parking lot or in a traffic jam; you just need to press a button, close your eyes, relax and enjoy.

Another innovation that the same Mercedes S63 AMG has is... autopilot! Yes, you didn’t think so, it was the Mercedes S63 AMG that became the first car to be tested for driving without human control. Mercedes S-Class can travel without a driver for 100 km on regular roads. To enable the autopilot function, you need to look into the Assistant Plus system, there is a whole package of settings that will be able to control the ride themselves. The driver can simply take his hands off the steering wheel and his feet off the pedals. The new technologies introduced into the Mercedes characteristics are pleasing to the eyes, during the test drive the car behaved calmly, the driver was present in the cabin, but did not touch the pedals, only on sharp turns the nerves could not stand it and the hands themselves reached for the steering wheel.

Mercedes S63 AMG specifications

Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

Mercedes services, of course, praise the interior and appearance of the car with all their might, but it is worth paying attention to the engine, that very powerful beast under the hood of the elegant S63 AMG. And there the new product hides a magnificent modernized V8 5.5 biturbo engine with a power of 585 horsepower and a torque of 900 Nm. Engine power has increased by 44 horsepower compared to its predecessor, and this is an excellent indicator according to the data provided by the Mercedes-Benz website. In addition, Mercedes services also clarify that the newcomer’s acceleration to 100 km/h occurs 0.5 seconds faster when comparing the Mercedes characteristics of the new and previous versions of the S63 AMG. The S500 loses the acceleration speed of the S63 AMG by as much as 0.8 seconds, which is a very significant difference.

Acceleration to 100 km/h on a test drive in 4 seconds is simply incredible. At the same time, the driver experiences only pleasant echoes of trembling on his body, there are no shortness of breath, the acceleration occurs smoothly and carefully. A car that weighs 2 tons shows excellent results on a test drive.

Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

The exhaust system of the S63 AMG is made intelligently; no unnecessary sounds are observed, but at the same time a characteristic “growling” rumble is noticeable, which demonstrates the full power of the model, which is represented by Mercedes services all over the world. This hum accompanies the driver in sport driving mode, creating an atmosphere of freedom and confidence. The headrest does not press, the seats keep the body in the correct position without pressing into itself at high speeds. Therefore, you can safely press the gas pedal without thinking about comfort. Gear shifting occurs absolutely imperceptibly, all movements are smooth and balanced. You can feel some shifts only when you press the accelerator, only then can you feel the transition to a “lower” gear.

The Mercedes dealer has always presented the new model as a comfortable autopilot car and it is impossible to argue with him, because this is an absolutely accurate description of this representative of the S-Class. Mercedes spare parts are always available in every car dealership in the world, so if the driver wants to improve his new car with updated devices, he just needs to contact Mercedes services, where they can advise and help purchase Mercedes spare parts.

Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

Returning to the newcomer’s engine, it’s worth saying that it’s a pity that photos of a Mercedes cannot convey the power that the driver feels inside the car. Depending on the selected driving mode, the sound in the cabin has a different tone. For example, when selecting Sport or Manual modes, you can enjoy a truly “roaring” exhaust due to automatically opening flaps. Modes can be changed by pressing just one key on the front panel; the equipped suspension does not fail and works smoothly in any conditions, regardless of the selected driving mode.

If desired, you can complement the car with the latest intelligent Magic Body Control system, which is capable of scanning the quality of the road surface in front of the car while driving and reporting this to the driver in a few seconds, automatically adjusting the shock absorber stiffness. The only downside is that this system is only available on rear-wheel drive models.

Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

There is also a pleasant surprise for car passengers - in addition to the excellent conditions in the car interior, which can be seen in the Mercedes photo, a special adjustment system is installed in the rear seats, so you can practically lie down in the back. Of course, you have to wait to customize the chair for yourself, but it’s worth it - soft cushions, footrests, heated armrests, a pull-out table, a personal screen and even a piece of the sky for greater relaxation, which can be viewed through two panoramic glass roofs.

The S63 AMG is suitable for everyone. Of course, not everyone has two million rubles, but having purchased such a luxurious model, you can every day enjoy the incredible options of the new product, which are accompanied by a powerful “beast” under the hood. On weekdays, this car faithfully serves its owner, and on weekends it carries it away from the bustle of the city at incredible speed along an endless highway. Isn't this the ultimate dream of many connoisseurs of freedom? Only the S63 AMG will be able to make all dreams come true and transport the driver to another world - the world of speed, drive and chic.

Feeding pets is often debated not only by beginners, but also by experts. How and what to feed, what is better, natural or dried, how to choose food and does a high price always mean quality. Another hot topic is can you feed your cat dry and wet food at the same time? Here we are talking about both mixing industrial feeds and alternating drying and natural feed. Let's look at the prohibitions and facts that we know.

Industrial cat food is becoming increasingly popular and there are many reasons for this. The food does not need to be prepared, just pour it into a bowl - it’s convenient and saves time. Good food contains an optimal balance of nutrients, vitamins and microelements. Composing a complete diet, especially for a picky pet, is a difficult task, but food solves this problem.

Many owners find the convenience of storage a plus, because natural products quickly deteriorate, and drying, subject to certain conditions, can be purchased several months in advance. Only dry food is suitable for using an automatic feeder, since natural food should only be served fresh and warm. Dry food is easy to dose, and by pouring a certain amount of granules into a bowl, you can be sure that your cat will get everything she needs. Enough positives, don't you agree?

Where there are pros, there are also cons. Feed is usually divided into classes:

  • Economy– a useless or even harmful product for cats. The basis for this food is beans or soybeans, and the meat is the remains of carcasses - hooves, bones, skin, fat. There is no talk about vitamins and microelements. Economy food is a useless stomach filler that the cat will not benefit from.
  • Premium and super-premium- everyday food, which, logically, should be fully balanced and fortified. By the way, not every food of these classes meets the declared characteristics, but we’ll talk about this below.
  • Holistic– the highest class of food, as close as possible to the natural composition. Manufacturers guarantee that the ingredients of holistic food are grown in the best conditions and do not contain additives, hormones, antibiotics, dyes, flavor enhancers and preservatives.
  • Medicinal– food for animals with chronic health problems. It is important to understand that medicated food cannot be given to a cat for prevention, since it will most likely cause her to get sick.

  • Dry or dry food– compressed granules with a minimum amount of water. Once in the stomach, the granules absorb a lot of liquid, so it is important to ensure that the cat always has water.
  • Semi-moist food or pieces with gravy are a more appetizing looking and smelling delicacy. Semi-moist food has a short shelf life.
  • Pate- the same semi-moist food, but highly crushed. Feeding pate is not relevant unless we are talking about a kitten and the cat has healthy teeth. It is important to understand that the teeth will remain healthy as long as the cat uses them, that is, chews food.
  • Treats– vitamins, hygiene sticks and dried meat. These products are used for rewards, disease prevention and dental problems.

The choice is rich and it’s difficult not to get lost in it. An unambiguous recommendation is only one natural one is better than economy feed. It is worth understanding that you will not be able to save money by putting your pet on cheap food; more precisely, your savings will quickly turn into substantial bills for your pet’s treatment. Natural feeding of a cat is not as complicated a science as it seems. Yes, there are nuances, it takes time, knowledge... but aren’t these sacrifices worth the health and longevity of the pet?

Trust but check

Always read the fine print, even when choosing food. Do not trust advertising and labels placed on food. You'll always see a happy cat and bright letters on the front of the package, but you should be interested in what's written on the back.

The composition should be understandable to a “mere mortal”. All ingredients must be clearly stated, for example, veal, not a mixture of meat. The composition is always arranged in descending order, that is, meat should come first on the list, not grains or vegetables. The composition must contain the full range of additives and preservatives. Please note that products with a long shelf life may not contain preservatives.

The next important point is the integrity of the pack. Refrain from purchasing food in bulk or make sure you are dealing with a reputable seller. Once opened, dry food oxidizes within a few months, making it useless and even harmful to the cat. To sell leftovers, dishonest sellers often mix stale or expired food with granules from a fresh bag. Please note that when sold by weight, feed should be stored in closed food-grade plastic containers and not in bags.

About mixing feed - important to know

Experts voice categorical prohibitions regarding mixing feed. It is not recommended to mix drying with canned food and natural products.. According to experienced breeders and veterinarians, such “liberties” can lead to digestive disorders. However, the experience of thousands of owners who mix food suggests otherwise. Perhaps the cats that were kept on a mixed diet were simply lucky. The second option is the effect of advertising, which was so convincing that it became the truth.

Agree, it is much more profitable for producers of mixed feed if their consumers do not get carried away with natural food. It’s not for nothing that there is no strict ban on mixing dried and canned goods of the same brand and line. That is, the manufacturer still wins, and the owner does not violate the “truths.” Let's not start a witch hunt and voice what has not been proven. Below we will consider the facts and opinions that have received publicity, then it’s up to you to decide.

Drying and canning

Dry food is convenient, but it has a significant disadvantage. Constant chewing of granules, especially by an older cat, leads to tooth damage. Some owners believe that their pets get tired of eating the same thing and need to diversify their diet. In theory, a cat is only picky about mixing food, that is, it is unnecessary to give milk, meat and vegetables in one bowl; there is no official data on the fact that a pet may get tired of the taste of dry food.

Feed manufacturers recommend not mixing dried and canned food of different brands or series. That is, in order to diversify your diet, you need to buy canned food with the same name and purpose. A number of questions, or rather, inconsistencies arise here:

  • Dry, wet and semi-moist food differs only in the amount of water - this is a fact, because the composition is the same.
  • Cats are more likely to eat wet food... so should you feed them dry food?
  • How to correctly measure the daily intake of a mixture of dry and wet food if their nutritional value differs?

Thanks to these inconsistencies, the recommendation to mix dry food and canned food is more like an advertising ploy to increase sales. By the way, is it by chance that one food advertisement often shows a cat eating dry food and then wet food? If there is a ban, such a commercial is not logical, and if there is no ban...why tie advertising to two specific types of food?

Drying and natural

There are even more questions about mixing natural and industrial feeds. Almost all veterinarians and experts reflexively recommend not mixing different types of food, but no one explains why this should not be done.

If you look a little more closely, there is logic in the ban and here’s why:

  • Natural food is digested in the stomach for about 2 hours, after which it moves to the intestines.
  • Dry food that enters the stomach gains moisture in about 2 hours, is digested in about 2 hours, and then moves to the intestines.

That is, if you mix granules and natural food, the second will stay in the stomach for 2 hours longer or the first will enter the intestines unready for breakdown. In both cases, one of the components will rot, disrupt the microflora and harm digestion.

From the above, two conclusions can be drawn:

  • The cat can eat dry and natural food in different meals.
  • The digestion time of drying and natural products can be equalized if the granules will soak before serving.

Everything is logical, but there are several more nuances, the first of which is the energy value of food. Even an experienced expert will hardly be able to correctly calculate the correct proportion of drying and natural food so that the cat receives all the necessary substances. The second question, vitamins and microelements, is even more complicated. High-quality food contains all the necessary additives, but natural food is very different in composition. When mixing feed, how can you understand whether there are enough vitamins and microelements in the food? By the way, an excessive intake of nutrients is no less dangerous than their deficiency.

It is difficult to give clear recommendations in this case. The only indicator by which you can judge is the condition of the pet. If the cat looks healthy, then feeding is appropriate for her. However, there is also a bottleneck here - a long-term deficiency of even one substance needed by a pet can lead to the development of a disease... and ailments can be chronic and incurable. Weigh the pros and cons, and if you do not have extensive experience in keeping cats, then it is better to refrain from experiments.

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