Men without pussies. Types of members and their forms: how they differ, what they depend on and how they are adjusted. If the member is under the auspices of Fire

Today we will introduce you to some fun facts about the male penis that you probably didn't even know:

22.V English language There are two correct options for the word "penis" in plural: “penises” and “penes”.

21. Smoking helps reduce penis size. This occurs due to the fact that the blood vessels narrow and blood flow deteriorates, which leads to a decrease in the length of the penis by 1 centimeter.

20. Erections in boys can even appear in the womb.

19. Even corpses can have erections.

18. U attractive men often higher quality sperm. According to the results of the experiment, men whom women consider attractive have higher quality and more fertile sperm.

17. The length of the largest penis in the world is 34.3 centimeters.

16. From a statistical point of view, men's dissatisfaction with the size of their genitals actually has nothing to do with the size itself. Almost 30% of men are unhappy with the size of their penis (while 35% find their size satisfactory). Most often, among those 30% of those who are dissatisfied, only a small part is endowed with truly small penis sizes.

15. Shoe size has nothing to do with penis length.

14. Diet affects the taste of sperm. As it turns out, meat and dairy products are the worst enemies for those who want their sperm to taste good. Usually these products make it taste salty and not particularly pleasant.

13. Doctors are able to perform skin grafts on burn victims using the foreskin of circumcised infants.

12. The sensitivity of the penis decreases with age. This process usually begins at age 25. However, according to doctors, older men usually complain about erectile dysfunction and problems with ejaculation rather than loss of sensitivity.

11. The penis is actually twice as long as its visible part. An MRI showed that in fact half of the penis was hidden in a body cavity. In reality, the penis is shaped like a boomerang.

10. The average man ejaculates on average 7,200 times in his lifetime.

9. According to a global survey conducted in 2007 by WHO, almost 30% of men over 15 years of age are circumcised. In the US, this figure was 80%. As you know, the obsession with this idea befell Americans in the 19th century, when it was believed that circumcision was in a good way prevent masturbation.

8. King Louis XVI of France made considerable efforts to make circumcision fashionable.

7. Sperm is a low-calorie product. A teaspoon of semen contains between 5 and 25 calories. It includes lemon acid, amino acids, fructose, enzymes and water.

6. On average, men have up to 11 erections per day.

5. The testicles are located one above the other so as not to hit each other.

4. On average, sexual intercourse lasts 2 minutes 50 seconds.

3. On average, up to 100 million sexual acts occur per day.

2. Germany ranks first in the world in the number of penis enlargement operations. According to International Society aesthetic plastic surgery, 18% of all penis enlargement surgeries are performed in Germany. Slightly less popular are Venezuela, Spain and Mexico.

1. In reality, there are two types of penises: the first are small in size in a calm state, but during an erection they increase several times, and the second are initially large in size and do not increase so much during an erection. According to the survey results, 79% of men have type 1 penises, while only 21% have type 2 penises.

A man's penis is the key to his personality © Flickr

According to Eastern philosophy, sex is not only a way to obtain purely physical pleasure or to procreate, but also a spiritual act.

“Sex can lift a man and a woman to enormous heights and just as easily lower them to the level of unconsciousness of an animal,” say adherents of Tao. And they claim that a man’s penis is a symbol of his spiritual strength, a special sign of his psyche and health.

What kind of penis a woman “gets” largely determines her physical health.

There are five types of male members

In the east, a man’s penis is called much more beautiful: a jade rod, for example.

According to Tao, the appearance of the penis and the quality of sperm are determined by the elements: Earth, Fire, Metal, Water and Wood.

If Metal reigns

The penis of such a man is long and muscular, the head is large, fleshy, and pronounced.

For sex with a man whose penis is under the protection of Metal, no lubricants are needed: the head of such a penis abundantly secretes a transparent secretion similar to saliva.

© Flickr This “saliva” is very useful for a woman’s body: it strengthens her immune system.

The sperm of a “metal” man heals a woman’s kidneys and relieves her of diseases Bladder.

A man with a “metal” penis never speaks during sex, moreover, he doesn’t even moan.

If a man’s penis is under the protection of Water, get ready for oral sex

This is the favorite pastime of the “water” man.

You can distinguish a man with a “water” penis by his head: it is flat, wide, with a barely noticeable ring at the base.

The lubricant released during sexual intercourse is similar to sperm and is very desirable for women with diseases of the endocrine system.

Men with a “watery” penis love sex outdoors and in daylight. They really like it role-playing games, especially if the girl is actively seducing the unapproachable hero.

A small nuance: alcohol greatly spoils a “water” man. Keep this in mind for picnics!

Tree member

External features: thin, with a not clearly defined head and a soft rim.

The secreted secretion is similar to sweat and is very useful for women with diseases circulatory system. And just for anemia.

A man with a “wooden” penis does not like sex with, preferring to quickly get to the point. But “quickie” sex in a dirty entrance is not for him either. “Everything should be beautiful” is the main attitude of the “tree man” and his member.

© Flickr A man with a “wooden” penis rarely agrees to sex in order to relieve stress, intuitively feeling that his sperm at this moment is not best quality. But the mood can quickly change if you offer the “Tree” aromatic oils and incense.

A “wooden” member also determines a man’s gastronomic preferences: such guys are very fond of citrus fruits.

(Here's a hint: if a man throws himself at oranges, don't go to his grandmother: his penis is thin, with a small head).

If the member is under the auspices of Fire

Oh, men with a “fiery” penis can be proud of the grace of their boyfriend. The head of the “fiery” penis is pointed and looks very intriguing. The secretion of the “fiery” penis is similar to viscous mucus and is very useful for the female digestive system.

The sperm of Fire also has a characteristic appearance and taste - it is hot, pinkish in color, with a bitter taste.

But this sperm cannot be used as a face mask (a very popular cosmetic procedure, by the way, it is pure protein) - due to its fiery qualities, such sperm can easily cause allergies.

A man with a “fiery” penis loves to take the initiative in bed and dominate sex. The “fiery” member is especially tireless if candles are burning next to the bed - keep this in mind!

The favorite position of a fiery man is the cowgirl position. Practice!

A man with a penis can be identified by the veins on his penis.

The element of Earth gave men a penis with a powerful, thick head and a thick ring at the base. The body of the penis is often sculpted, with clearly visible, protruding veins.

Subject: Potency as at 18 years old!

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Hello! My name is
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And here is my story

At the age of 35, due to a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, the first problems with potency began, “I began to have only one time,” the duration and quality of sex decreased significantly. When I turned 38, real problems began, I began to panic and in order to somehow establish sex life began to resort to Viagra and its analogues. And the pills seemed to “work,” but later I realized that without the pills the erection disappeared completely! But Viagra is quite expensive, and besides, it has a huge amount side effects, which have an extremely negative impact on the entire body. All this led to constant quarrels with my wife, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, everything was very bad...

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The ejaculate is usually whitish in color, although some men produce ejaculate. If a man experiences or is unable to ejaculate, he should consult a doctor. Ejaculate that has a greenish tint should also be examined in a laboratory.

Seminal fluid has different consistencies and textures. At times, semen may be thicker than usual. In general, there is no need to worry about this. Its consistency and composition can be influenced by a variety of factors, including when the person last ejaculated, how long he was aroused, and even what he ate early in the morning for breakfast.


It is important to remember that all people are different, there is no ideally shaped penis. Healthy penises don't all look the same, so a man shouldn't worry or compare himself to others. Remember that a man can always talk to his doctor if he has any concerns.

Men tend to create acts of mental torment for themselves and worry about the size and appearance of their own genitals. They worry less about leg size, plump or thin lips, long fingers or other items that may not correspond to their own canons of beauty.

Considering that the anatomy of every man is basically the same and the structure of the penis is no different different men and external differences for the most part represent variants of the norm, if they are not accompanied by pathological phenomena and processes.

In contact with

It is necessary to examine the question of what classification there is, as well as what shape of penis girls like and what can be done to change this characteristic.

What types of male penises are there?

So, what are the types of members? It is impossible to answer such a question with one or two examples, since the classification of such a parameter will include seven options at once. And each of the examples is quite common among men, so it could be included in this list.


The type of penis that belongs to the category of thick is characterized by the fact that it is quite voluminous, but on the contrary, it is short. Most often, such a member visually resembles a barrel. However, there are situations when a man has quite impressive both the length and width of the phallus.


Thin types of male members are characterized by rather modest indicators of the diameter of the genital organ, but the length can be either insignificant or, conversely, impressive. But their typical shape is arrow-shaped in most cases.


The length parameter of long penises is often impressive and exceeds the 15 cm mark. Moreover, most often, despite their considerable length, their width noticeably lags behind in development.



It is worth considering that this type of member belongs to the category of pathology. Its development is often associated with a disruption in the functional activity of the endocrine system; in this case, an insufficient amount of testosterone is synthesized in the body. Namely, testosterone directly affects the development of the reproductive system in a man and in many ways its effect is aimed at the formation of the penis.


The fleshy appearance of men's penises is always has an impressive size, even in a completely relaxed state. They are often quite voluminous in all respects, although sometimes there are combinations of large diameter with short length.

Why fleshy members are called nothing less than huge can be seen in the photo.


Owners of this type of penis can have any anatomical model, and the striking difference of such an organ is pronounced swollen veins. Such organs look quite impressive and even rude, but at the same time they evoke an enthusiastic reaction from girls.

The photo clearly shows examples representing these types of penises.

Member Forms

It is no less interesting what types of penis there are. But this characteristic is also rich in options and depends on many factors, the main one of which is the heredity of the young man.

Warped or bent

This type of penis is characterized by a deviation of the head or shaft from its middle in any direction. Deviation is most often observed in straight directions: right, left, up or down. But sometimes there may be a curvature in an oblique direction. This option is more common for those whose shape has been affected by frequent improper placement of the penis in underwear.


Cylindrical is one of the most common shapes. In this case, it looks smooth, without any veins or irregularities, even the veins on it are not striking. In this case, the head and barrel have approximately the same diameter, and the transition between them is difficult to determine. The head is rounded.


Members of a conical shape are also common, which are characterized by a fairly thick and long trunk with a much smaller head, due to this ratio general form resembles a cone, which is widened towards the base and significantly narrowed towards the apex.


We often see types of male penises called “mushroom-shaped”. In this case, men have a rather thin trunk, but it expands and visually resembles a mushroom cap. The shape of the head can be more narrowed towards the tip, resembling a cone, or rounded with a uniform width.

The barrel-shaped penis is characterized by the fact that The length of the phallus is not large, but the diameter is impressive. In a state of rest it is not noticeable, but in an excited state it is not very long, but thick, and resembles a barrel.


What is the correct or normal shape of a penis is difficult to answer. In fact there is no complete and generally accepted idea of ​​the correctness of this characteristic. Each nationality perceived different options as the only correct ones. For example, the Chinese were convinced that this category included mushroom-shaped organs.


There are also many opinions about what the ideal shape of a penis is. In fact, any physiological figure is obviously ideal, but both the man himself and his partner can have more specific ideas in any direction.


Members unusual shape can be classified because this category includes:

  • banana shape. In a state of full erection, the head of such a penis is directed to the south and slightly curved. Also, such an organ has a natural bend, up to 10 degrees, and with a larger deviation, a visit to the hospital is necessary, since this is an example of pathology.
  • C-shaped. When an erection develops, such a penis begins to bend to the right, and most often this phenomenon is observed in those who make a mistake in placing the organ in their underwear or have encountered an injury to this area.
  • Graviola. This variant visually resembles the ripe fruit of the East African plant for which it is named. The phallus in this case is short, most often about 10 cm, and extremely wide. The scrotum also contains impressively sized testicles.


Often there is a type of penis called an arrow, for which the type of head is most important. This can be explained by the fact that such an organ has a fairly pronounced narrowing from the base to the head and, in an excited state, resembles an even arrow.

The shapes of the members are clearly visible in the photos presented above.

Other differences

The shape and size of the penis are not the only differences between the genital organs of men. This variety can manifest itself in color, texture, and even the size of the foreskin.


In most cases, in men, the shade of the penis matches the rest of the skin. However, there are member types that differ in some way from the classic version, for example:

  • The penis is darker than the skin tone, close to brown and sometimes even reddish in color.
  • The skin of the phallus is lighter than the main shade on most of the body.
  • Observed dark spots on the penis, sometimes this is combined with the same spots all over the body, but this phenomenon is possible only on the male dignity.

It is worth mentioning that the shade may not be constant, that is, in an excited state the penis is one color, and in a relaxed state it is another. This phenomenon is physiological only if it is not combined with pain or the appearance of any pathological elements.


Most men have penises that are far from perfectly smooth. In a normal and classic situation, there are visible and even protruding veins on the genital organ, especially during an erection. Other men have hair follicles on the phallus, located on the shaft and tactilely perceived as small bumps.

A man needs to be careful when it comes to hair follicles. As soon as redness, irritation, itching or burning, or several signs at once, appear, you need to worry and visit a dermatologist, as this clearly indicates the development of a pathological process.

Approximately 25% of the male population have tiny and smooth balls, resembling pearls, located on the head of their dignity. They initially appear at a young age and are harmless; moreover, they are not sexually transmitted, so they should not cause concern.

And in 50% of the population there are so-called ones, which are located on the trunk or scrotum and look like light red tubercles. This phenomenon is also harmless and is not transmitted to the partner.

It is worth considering that the appearance of irritation or an increase in granules indicates the presence of pathology and requires an urgent visit to the doctor.

Foreskin size

There are differences in the types of penises based on the size of the foreskin, which is passed on to them from their parents. However, there are a number of other factors that influence this characteristic. These include:

  • Surgical procedures and injuries affecting this area. Under the influence of external factors, the formation of a curved model is possible, which can be associated either with trauma to the penis or even tissue rupture, or with improperly formed scars on the skin after surgery.
  • Diseases of various etiologies. For example, a large number of venereal diseases, especially in the last stages, have bad influence on the tissue of the penis. And as a result of the influence of certain pathogenic microorganisms, these tissues can not only be deformed, but even completely destroyed, which leads to curvature of the organ. A striking example of such a pathology is syphilis.
  • Impact of conditions environment. Changes in the shape and size of the penis can be influenced by pesticides, synthetically created antibacterial substances, which negatively affect the endocrine system of men and lead not only to deformation of the phallus, but sometimes even to its gradual destruction.
  • Underwear. What is important here is not the underwear itself, its material or brand, but how the penis fits into it, especially this option affects the penises of adolescents.

Effect of erection

Erection does not have a direct effect on the development of the shape of the penis. In fact, the erect state only shows whether there is any curvature of the penis, which may not be noticeable in the relaxed version.

Men are also interested in what shape of penis girls like.

There is no clear answer to this question, because Each representative of the fair sex has her own preferences in matters of sexuality, and so if one person likes mushroom-shaped penises, then another may prefer cylindrical ones.

However, if a man correctly assesses the shape of his dignity and chooses appropriate comfortable positions for sex, his option will be ideal for his partner.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video with information on the importance of penis size and shape:

How can you change and correct the parameters of the penis?

Men often want to ensure that they have the correct shape of their penis. To this end, they can resort to a variety of methods, which include:

Despite the huge difference in possible external views male virtues, there is no clear understanding of what shape a member should be. Without pathological abnormalities, injuries or diseases, a man can lead a full sex life and impress his sexual partners by the right choice poses and availability certain skills in sex.

What exactly do men consider categorically unsexy? In what cases can the efforts of the fairer sex to impress a man have the opposite effect?

Here's what the top things women get wrong:

1. Vulgarity- in general, vulgarity is a very loose concept. Some consider a loud voice and the inability to use a knife and fork at the same time vulgar. Others call it unacceptable to swear out of the mouth of your beloved, or flirt with several men at once. Here you will have to find out the tastes of your man and adapt a little to them.

2. Hairstyle on intimate place - the reaction to her is almost always different from what the woman expects. On the one hand, no man will object to a neat hairstyle in the bikini area. But it’s still not worth surprising your partner with completely shaved pubic hair or an image of a heart in the most intimate place. The fact is that an intimate hairstyle can confuse, make you laugh or even upset a man. All this will spoil the love mood.

3. Headbands- they just get in the way. According to various studies, men like to stroke women on the head, and they are very annoyed when some foreign objects come into their hands. And it doesn’t matter that you spent a long time getting ready, preparing for the meeting and carefully styling your hair, creating an intricate hairstyle. Men are also irritated by hair stuck together from hairspray - it looks unnatural and is unpleasant to the touch.

4. Men's underwear and perfume- representatives of the stronger sex do not understand women's passion for men's underwear and perfume. Sometimes, as a game or love foreplay, men like to see their women in huge shirts or jeans that are clearly not the right size. But if, at the most crucial moment, a lady suddenly finds herself wearing striped panties, shorts, they are also family panties, then the man may simply get scared. This will point him towards and push him away from you.

5. Lack of underwear- many men admitted that they get very excited at the thought of a naked body under clothes. But this is only sexy if the girl is not wearing lingerie exclusively for her man. But if the young lady spent the whole day like this, then this thought will not please anyone. Traditionally, going without underwear is associated with a willingness to have sex with anyone, anytime, anywhere.

6. Questions- men are sure that they themselves must decide what to tell and what not to tell. But women are more than curious creatures and therefore they are ready to fight to the last, just to find out: Why are you gloomy? When will we go to the cinema? Who called? How was your day? What do you want for dinner? Have I gained weight? And of course, we shouldn’t forget the signature female question that all men are afraid of: Do you love me?

Curiosity and attempts to find out something that a man is clearly not ready to tell only lead to one thing - your partner will either close himself off even more or begin to get irritated. And in such a mood, sex is out of the question. So women have to be patient and wait.

7. Scarlet lipstick- the stereotype that men are turned on by red lips comes from the movies. There, movie divas look like vamp women, and movie heroes, having defeated all their enemies, passionately kiss the charming and bright lips of their beloved under the credits. But we're not at the cinema! As practice shows, natural shine excites men much more. Red lipstick attracts the eye, not only of your partner, but also of all other men. Plus, the color red says, “Look, but don’t touch.”

8. Tight and revealing clothes- this is, of course, sexy. A deep neckline or a narrow skirt sets a certain mood and awakens the imagination. But wearing too revealing clothes will only harm the matter. Men need to anticipate, achieve and solve mysteries. And if everything is clear and there is no mystery, then the man may experience disappointment...

9. Complaints- men quickly notice that a woman does not have a high opinion of herself. As a result, they consider their partner depressed and unattractive. To remain the sexiest for your lover, you should not complain about life too often and discuss your excess weight, bags under the eyes, cosmetics, failures at work, your mother, girlfriends and ex-husbands who turned out to be scoundrels and seriously wounded you to the heart. Talk to everyone about this a couple of times - a man will still endure it and understand. But discussing all these topics when you two are under the same blanket is clearly not the best idea.

10. Bad habits- Most men want their woman to be the most ideal. And for this you need to give up smoking, not be considered a Friday, stop biting your nails and constantly chewing gum. Not only will this make you more attractive in the eyes of your partner, it will also keep you healthy!

By the way, many men believe that a woman who smokes is disgusting in itself. And non-smoking men often refuse such women without a second thought.

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