Ugly nipples. Ugly breasts, exercises that can help correct their shape. Various exercises with improvised objects

Nipples are mysterious things. Everyone has them, and they provided the first food for many of us, but still they remain an unspoken social taboo. What do we even know about nipples?

10. Look, no nipples!

We are so used to seeing nipples on our breasts that we hardly think about what our breasts would be like without them. However, this is the harsh reality for the small number of people who have the rare condition alyea, a rare genetic disorder in which nipples simply do not develop. Sufferers of this condition are born with only one nipple or no nipples at all.

Atelia can be a separate disorder, but for most it is a symptom of ectodermal growth disorder (ED) or Younis-Varon syndrome (YVS). ED is a genetic disorder that can also affect the development of teeth, hair, nails and sweat glands. Approximately 7,000 such cases have been diagnosed worldwide.

Those who suffer from YVS are even less fortunate. In addition to ectodermal tissue problems like ED, the disease also affects the skeleton, respiratory system, and heart. This syndrome was first diagnosed in the 1980s, with fewer than 15 diagnosed cases reported since then. While sufferers with ED can live relatively normal lives if their disease is under medical control, many of those diagnosed with YVS do not survive infancy.

9. Nipple prostheses.

Prostheses. For most, this word is associated with artificial legs and arms. But today a lot of people want to increase the size of their nipples and nipple prosthesis is a very popular operation. But prosthetic nipples were created for a nobler reason than just fashion. Nipple replacements provide emotional and psychological relief for breast cancer patients who have undergone a mastectomy—the complete or partial removal of one or both breasts, which often means losing the nipples.

Women who undergo mastectomy suffer significant psychological distress after breast loss. Prostheses are an inexpensive and reliable alternative to expensive and painful nipple reconstruction. Since constant tension can be detrimental to proper recovery and can even affect the rate at which cancer cells grow, nipple prostheses can be a lifesaver.

8. Cosmetics for nipples.

Japan is home to some pretty quirky subcultures and fashion trends. And the latest trend is pink nipples. Because methods of permanently changing nipple color, such as tattooing, can be painful and expensive, some have turned to cosmetics. As a bonus, consumers of these cosmetics can choose from a variety of different colors, depending on their desire or mood. You can have a new nipple color every day if you want.

But Japan does not have a monopoly on nipple cosmetics, they are not even the first to invent it. Attempts to achieve pure pink nipples have been documented since the Renaissance. In those days, Venetian ladies had several tricks to delight knights with their pink nipples. One of the tricks was called pezzuola di Levante - a small piece of fabric dyed with pigment, ladies used to give a beautiful reddish tint to the lips, cheeks and nipples.

Nowadays, one of the companies that produces cosmetics for nipples is located in the United States. In 1977, a San Francisco cosmetics company called Benefit decided to fulfill the whim of an exotic dancer who wanted their product to "make her nipples look pinker." The result was a product called Benetint, which is used to tint lips and cheeks, but was specifically created for use on any part of the body that the consumer wants to make pinker.

7. Women of Koro.

Koro is a cultural psychological disorder that primarily affects Southeast Asian men and is characterized by intense paranoia that their penis is being sucked into their bodies. But koro can also occur in women, although much less frequently. Women with Koro believe that their nipples are sucked into their breasts.

Traditionally, the cause of female koro is believed to be a malevolent female ghost or fox spirit. The recommended treatment is to make a loud noise, usually using a gong and setting off fireworks, to scare away the ghost. If scaring away the ghost doesn't work, use banishment through pain. The sufferer's head is first covered with a fishing net and then severely beaten. During an exorcism, the woman's nipples are also pulled, which is believed to cause the evil spirit's instant death.

6. Nipple orgasms.

Orgasms caused solely by nipple stimulation may seem unrealistic, but one study recently showed startling results. Scientists at Rutgers University used fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) to look at the brain activity of women touching themselves in different places. When women stimulated their nipples, it affected the area of ​​the brain associated with sexual stimulation and had the same effect.

But don't despair guys, we have good news. This study showed that men also experience a similar effect.

5. The strongest nipples in the world.

Nobody wants to experience the famous "nipples in a vice", but Sage Werbock has absolutely no worries about it. Better known by his stage name "The Great Nippulini", Werbock has built a career on his unusual abilities. He is a strongman who lifts and moves heavy objects using his nipples alone.

Werbock noticed that his nipples were larger than those of the guys who first tried this method of lifting weights, and wondered if he could use his nipples instead of breasts to lift larger weights. He can lift 32 kilograms on each nipple and with this figure he became the world record holder in 2009. Apparently unsatisfied with just one world record, he set another in 2011, dragging a 1,000-kilogram vehicle over a distance of 20 meters. As you guessed, he was pulling the car with his nipples. Werbock reached these heights even after a mishap occurred during a performance in 2004 when one of his nipples was partially torn. He claims that his performances do not hurt him.

4. Fashion for naked nipples.

When we imagine women of centuries past, we always think of tightly laced dresses and bare nipples definitely don't come to mind. However, recent studies of medieval fashion have shed new light on this issue. It seems that our venerable ancestors were not much different from modern people, to some extent they were even more daring. For example, an image of bare breasts with nipples was fashion trend among artists between the 14th and 18th centuries.

It all started with Agnes Sorel, mistress of the French king Charles VI. Since King Charles's wife chose to stay home to care for the children, Agnes soon assumed regal duties, acting as the king's consort during public ceremonies and events. With her influence over the king and her constant presence at court, Agnes had great influence over the nobility, especially the women. Being one of the most beautiful women her age, she liked to show off her feminine charm, especially flaunting her wonderful breasts. She ordered dresses designed to allow one or two breasts to be exposed, and many noblewomen followed her example. The exposure of Agnes's nipples became such a concern for the church that the bishop asked the king to stop her sinful actions.

Several decades after Agnes's death, an influential noblewoman from Mantua named Isabella d'Est revived the fashion in the Italian and French courts. She was so successful that even the Queen of France joined in the fun. Noblewomen during this period were so concerned about keeping their breasts and nipples in great shape that they hired wet nurses to breastfeed their children, avoiding the negative effects of breastfeeding.

3. Drugged nipples.

Thailand is a beautiful and rich country with magnificent natural wonders and exotic cultural heritage, which will charm any traveler. The country has become one of the most visited places in last years, making the tourism industry one of the main sources of income. Much of the industry caters to the sexual appetites of foreigners thanks to liberal prostitution laws. Therefore, Thai gangs began to look for ways to siphon money from wealthy tourists.

These gangs have an unusual modus operandi - in 1997, several gang members in Pattaya were arrested during an investigation into more than a dozen fatal drug overdoses among tourists. Their strategy is both simple and incredible: a female or kathoey (transsexual) gang member would drug the nipples, lure an unsuspecting tourist to a hotel room or other isolated location, and ask him to lick the nipples, rendering him unconscious within minutes. . When the tourist woke up, if he woke up at all, his pockets were empty. Thai police deny this is still going on, but if you're thinking of taking an Asian holiday, it's best to be careful when it comes to cute strangers.

2. Extra nipples.

Humans usually have two nipples, but thanks to some quirks of nature, approximately 1-5 percent of the population have more. In medicine, this deviation is called polythelia. The extra nipple appears along the milk ducts and is an evolutionary trace of our ancestors. But they can also grow on other parts of the body. For example, one woman had a well-formed nipple with a halo and hairs on her leg. Because most extra nipples are not fully formed, they are often mistaken for moles or warts, which means some people don't even know they have them.

In the Middle Ages, extra nipples were called "witches' nipples" or "witches' marks" and were believed to be a sign that the wearer had access to diabolical powers. Demonologists of this period believed that the extra nipples were used by witches to feed the imps their blood.

1. Sucking the king's nipples.

Royal ceremonies have the highest level of pomp. However, if modern monarchs followed the same rituals and traditions as the ancient Irish, many rituals would be rated 13+. The ancient Celtic people considered the king's nipples sacred, and they demonstrated their obedience by ritually sucking the royal nipples during various ceremonies.

But Ireland was not always a safe place for the king's nipples. Scientists who examined bodies found in Irish bogs decided that ritual distortion of nipples was a sign that their owner was a high-ranking member royal family. So if the king was deprived of his crown, then the first thing he sacrificed was his nipples, as a symbol of power.

Also, kings were considered the husbands of the Celtic goddess of abundance, and famine or pestilence was the result of her dissatisfaction with him. To do this, it was necessary to sacrifice something and the king's nipples became the sacrifice.

The first thing most men pay attention to when meeting is female breast. It is she who inspires many writers, poets, artists, and kindles strong, exciting feelings and desires in men.

Every woman wants her baby's shape to be perfect. At the same time, every second woman is dissatisfied with the fact that she has ugly breasts, especially after the birth of a baby, when the roundness loses its attractive shape, fullness and elasticity.

What to do if your breasts are small, how to enlarge them?

Nature cannot reward absolutely everyone with ideal body proportions. Some have fat, large breasts, others have small breasts, and even ugly in shape. If you can still fight the abdominal area, for example, correct it with diet and exercise, then making your décolleté larger on your own is much more difficult.

To do this, you need to work hard, perform a set of physical exercises at least 3 times a week. Physical exercise influence the muscles of the chest, strengthen them, increase their volume. The décolleté area becomes firmer and more beautiful and increases in size. Some of the most effective sports for strengthening and growing the chest muscles are rowing and swimming. If you work out in the gym, then you need exercise equipment that has a lot of weight, a barbell will do.

The main thing is to practice them correctly and follow them correct breathing to have the desired effect.

You need to breathe calmly and rhythmically, effort - inhale, relaxation - exhale.

  1. Dumbbells . They will help to enlarge the problem area and pump up your arms at the top. They need to be pumped in a lying position on your back. There is no need to straighten your arms completely, bend them slightly at the top. As you inhale, you need to move your hands away from you, while exhaling, bring them closer to you. Repeat 20 times;

Second exercise: one hand is along the thigh, the other rises up at chest level. Hands change places alternately. Dumbbells, of course, will not add several sizes, because the female décolleté area consists of a layer of fatty tissue and mammary glands. Muscle tissue will make it a little larger, tighten it and give it elasticity.

A small breast can look attractive and seductive if it has a beautiful roundness. And if it looks unattractive or has any defects, then these problems can be corrected physical activity, with the help of which the ugly shape of a woman’s breasts will become seductive, acquiring new sexual features, firmness, elasticity and roundness.

Ugly female breasts, their sagging

Many women console themselves with the hope that with the onset of motherhood, the décolleté area will become larger in size. Yes, it can increase, but it is possible that the process will be reversed, when the condition of the mammary glands changes, they become smaller, stretch and sag, and the roundness loses its former appearance. What to do if a woman’s breasts are saggy and ugly?

The main factors influencing loss of roundness are:

  • weak chest muscles that support the glands;
  • lethargy and flabbiness of the skin, it loses its elasticity.

Causes of skin laxity:

Causes of weak muscles:

  • lack of physical load;
  • incorrect body position, hunched back, stooped shoulders;
  • weak back muscles;
  • large mammary glands.

The décolleté area is fully formed by the age of 23, but changes in it (decrease, increase) occur during menstruation, during pregnancy and lactation. The larger the size, the more the mammary gland will sag. Therefore, you need to feed your baby correctly if you want to have a beautiful and elastic upper body in the future.

To maintain the form, you must adhere to the following rules when feeding:

  • do not allow milk to stagnate inside;
  • do not express with your hands, use a special suction;
  • try to have an equal amount of milk in both halves;
  • Before going to bed, empty both halves to avoid stretching one of them under the weight of the liquid.

Ways to lift sagging breasts

Many women wonder what to do if their breasts sag and become ugly because of this? Correcting sagging breasts involves a whole range of measures, and not just one exercise or the use of only one ointment.

Two methods are required here:

  • natural lift;

Natural lift

Includes the use of supportive bras.

It is important to maintain the correct position when feeding your baby. You should not use a kangaroo to carry a child, because it creates a load on the front part of the body and strongly pulls the shoulders, back, and chest in a downward arc.

It is good to massage the glands regularly with olive oil, 2-3 times a week will be enough.

Circulation in their tissues improves, oxygen is supplied in sufficient quantities, collagen is produced, which gives the skin elasticity. The upper zone should be moisturized with creams and lotions that contain echinacea, collagen, lemongrass, mint, and cypress oils.

To give the skin elasticity, you can make a mask. Grate the cucumber, add the yolk, olive oil, mix and apply to the décolleté area, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Exercise stress

Posture correction

Poor posture affects the sagging of the gland. When the shoulders drop, it is not supported, it hangs freely, so the posture needs to be changed, equalized. This can be done using the activities shown in the photo.

Bust tightening exercises

If it sags, you need to strengthen the chest muscles.

Various exercises with improvised objects

Some people dream that their “pride” will be great, while for others it causes a lot of problems. Large glands often sag due to their heaviness, losing their elasticity and beautiful roundness. In addition, pomp can also bring discomfort, this is manifested by the presence of pain in the back and thoracic region; curvature of the vertebrae; the presence of grooves on the skin from bra straps; the occurrence of diaper rash and maceration under the natural fold. The consequences can be quite unpleasant.

PapaiMama / Beauty salon (all articles) /

At the planning stage of corrective mastopexy, as we have already said, the question of installing implants may arise. Having assessed the individual characteristics of the patient, the doctor already knows during the first visual examination how to make the breasts more beautiful. And, based on

Based on the available absolute indications, makes a decision on the use of prostheses.

Indications for mammoplasty with implants:

  • small volume, inexpressive breast shape;
  • too small, undeveloped glands, previous plastic surgery, defects;
  • asymmetrical breasts;
  • breasts that have lost volume and firmness after childbirth and breastfeeding;
  • installation of prostheses after breast removal.

Modern endoprostheses are absolutely safe and reliable. The shape of the implant resembles a drop-shaped bag enclosed in a silicone shell. Inside it there is a gel that is quite thick in consistency. In the future, it will form the elasticity and volume of the mammary glands, as well as their shape and, possibly, a new, increased size. Methods for installing implants today make it possible to achieve a completely natural result without visible seams or scars. To the touch, the reconstructed breast is practically no different from the usual one, and visually it is close to the ideal shape.

You need to stop taking the medications. Go to an appointment with an endocrinologist. After six months, do an ultrasound of the mammary glands.

If the glands do not shrink, then you will need to have surgery to eliminate gynecomastia.

Hello! breast correction is necessary, reducing the left one to the volume of the right one. What types of surgery can be performed? What is the maximum cost for these surgeries?

Reduction mammoplasty of hyperplastic breasts will be required.

During the operation, part of the mammary gland is excised while simultaneously lifting it.

Thanks for the answer! Mine are also completely very dark. I also want it to be a boy! We'll check it on 02.08 with an ultrasound :-) Be sure to write the results :))))

This is hyperpigmentation (like the stripe above the navel and spots on the face). After the birth everything will pass.

Yes, by the way, there are also spots on the face! That's what I wouldn't want! otherwise, thanks to my belly, I had a black eye - the blood vessels are already weak, but at night I rubbed my eye, and that’s it - I woke up!

It will go away after giving birth... and when exactly? Mine are still dark, but the stripe has become lighter :)

And not only did my nipple darken, but quite a bit around the nipple on my chest was covered with such dark dots.:009:, such pinpoint pigmentation.

Probably, so as not to miss;)

01-08-2007, 19:01

Girls, some mini warts began to appear on one of my breasts. :008::001:I really don’t know what to do. I tear off the very small ones with tweezers, :010: and I’m afraid of the larger ones. My husband shouts that I shouldn’t touch anything, but now I don’t touch it, I just watch. Has anyone had such happiness? Do they disappear later?

Kokhnetka :)

Nipple areola reduction: surgical technique

Irina, 23: I would like to ask if it is possible to reduce the areola not by simple surgery but by laser? I read somewhere that this is a less traumatic way.

Reducing the areola with a laser is a commercial gimmick. It has no advantage over a conventional scalpel or other method of tissue dissection. Moreover, no one can say that your tissue will respond to a laser better than to a regular incision. It's often the other way around.

Nutrition Improper diet, consumption of fast food and other unhealthy foods, alcohol affects the entire body, including the chest. Excess adipose tissue and loose skin look unsightly, especially at a young age. Correcting your diet, consuming vitamins and microelements, and drinking enough water will save you from many health problems.

  • Nipple division. In this case, half of the nipple is excised from a healthy breast and transplanted to the operated gland.
  • In some women, the nipples are too small and it is not possible to separate the graft from them. In such a situation, the surgeon creates a new nipple using a petal or T-shaped incision and then modeling the resulting bulge.
  • Nipple shaping is performed under local anesthetic. If complex mammoplasty is indicated, then, of course, general anesthesia is performed. Typically, operations last no more than an hour. In most cases, 2 weeks before the planned correction of the nipples, it is recommended to wear vacuum attachments. They carry out additional stretching of the connective tissue of the mammary glands.

    Breast areola restoration

    You need to come for a consultation or send photos of your breasts to me by email.

    The cost of a conventional augmentation with anatomical implants is from 160 thousand rubles.

    Hello! How much does breast augmentation surgery cost? Will I be able to breastfeed a child after such an operation and after what period of time can I give birth! (I have a child 1 year and 1 month old) I am not breastfeeding at the moment.

    Answered by Dr. Andrey Andrievsky


    and I...I'm worried

    and also the girls, okay, their nipples have darkened... they have become unrealistically huge... I don’t like it... it’s not beautiful, it’s even scary to look at... such milking and sucking....:001: will this pass?:005:

    03-08-2007, 19:08

    MupoHoBa (

    Oh thank you, I even calmed down. They have already become smaller:008:

    Udochka I think there’s no need to worry. I have much less of them. If they don’t come off on their own, we’ll remove them with nitrogen after feeding. And the breasts have really not become very good: (from the standing 2nd, hanging 3.5 with dark warty nipples: 001: Oh, girls...: 010:


    04-08-2007, 08:38

    Girls, did everyone have a stripe from the navel down? For me it generally starts somewhere from the diaphragm :)

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