Unusual shapes of male genital organs. All types and forms of members with descriptions of features. Which ones do girls like?

What are the types of male members by shape and classification. Full review types of male reproductive organ, what size is considered ideal in shape and size. Curved and curved, conical and cylindrical, mushroom-shaped and barrel-shaped. Full classification in our article.

Types of male members: what men and boys have

Men at a young age wonder whether the penis is of normal size and shape. It is worth noting that penises may differ anatomically, but this does not indicate pathology. Types of male members are divided depending on size:

  • small - penis length 10 - 12 cm and thickness up to 3.5 cm;
  • medium - length in the range of 12 - 15 cm, and thickness up to 4.5 cm;
  • large - from base to head 15 - 20 cm and up to 5 cm thick;
  • very large - over 20 cm in length and 5 cm in diameter.

The size depends on nationality and heredity. Large and small sizes can fully satisfy a woman.

Shapes of male penises in men and adolescents: how to determine

Men and teenagers from 14 years old study the penis. It is important for them to understand whether it is sufficient to satisfy women. Based on this, conceit develops. There are scientifically accepted classifications that make sense to get acquainted with.

Twisted and Bent

Twisted and curved is common in men. In most cases, this does not require special treatment. This form can be an acquired or congenital feature.

Men who experience not only curvature of the penis, but also the following symptoms should seek the help of doctors:

  1. Erection problems.
  2. Pain.
  3. Reducing the length of the penis with circular movements.
  4. Seals at the site of curvature.

Pathological signs are a reason to contact a urologist to prescribe treatment. The curvature is corrected surgically.

Conical and cylindrical

The conical penis resembles a cone when erect. The head is smaller in volume than the shaft of the penis. Men with this condition experience less intense sensations during sex due to insufficient friction of the head against the vaginal walls.

The cylindrical penis is characterized by the same width and length. This is the most common type, which allows both sexual partners to receive full satisfaction from sexual intercourse.

Mushroom and barrel shaped

The mushroom has a wide head, which is well stimulated during sex. Due to this, both partners receive a vivid orgasm. A barrel-shaped penis is rare. In this case, the penis has a small head and a wide base. During sex, painful sensations may be noted with active movements.

Correct and perfect

Any penis shape is acceptable. At the same time, for women, men with a mushroom-shaped penis and a cylindrical penis have an advantage. Such forms help both partners get the most pleasant sensations from sex.

Arrow shape and unusual

An arrow-shaped penis is found in some men. In this case, the head is pointed and expands closer to the foreskin. There are also other forms of male dignity, the following names are found in the sources:

  1. Hammer.
  2. Pencil.
  3. Banana.
  4. Cucumber.
  5. Carrot.

Types of erect male members by category

Types of male members can be determined by appearance, length and thickness. Let's look at each classification in more detail.

Thick and thin penises

In an erect state great importance has thickness. The following types are distinguished:

  • thin - up to 3 cm;
  • normal 3.5 - 4.5 cm;
  • thick - over 5 cm.

Judging by experience, normal indicators are enough for full sexual intercourse.

Long and short penises

The types of male genital organs are also divided by length. This is a common classification:

  • short: 10 - 12 cm;
  • medium: length in the range of 12 - 15 cm;
  • large: from base to head over 15 cm.

They are also divided according to the characteristics of the fabrics:

  1. A veiny penis is hard and thin when erect, sometimes retaining its length even after ejaculation.
  2. Fleshy penis - has an impressive size even at rest, during arousal it is characterized by a large diameter and hardness.

There are varieties of the male reproductive organ. They depend on external signs and affect sensations during sex.

Metal, water, wood, fire, earth

In the East, they approach sex philosophically. Members there have the following five-point classification. From the elements' point of view:

  • metal - has a large long head, in which case no lubricants are required, since natural lubricants are released in sufficient quantities;
  • water - the head of the penis is wide and flat, the lubricant is similar to sperm, a man with such a penis prefers oral sex;
  • tree - the penis has a small diameter, both at the base and at the head;
  • fire - the head of the penis is pointed, the sperm has a pinkish tint;
  • earth - has a thick head and protruding veins, sex with such a man will have no restrictions.

The description of species according to Tao helps to understand not only the structural features, but also the character of the owner.

How can it be adjusted with age?

With age, the size of the penis changes. In boys, active penis growth begins at the age of 12. Within 3 years it reaches adult size. Slight growth continues until age 20.

The size is affected by the weight of men. As you gain excess weight, the length begins to decrease. Therefore, men are recommended to monitor their body mass index.

Shapes and types of genital heads: how they differ, classification

The glans penises can be described according to classification. The following types are distinguished:

  1. Pointed.
  2. Mushroom-like.
  3. Flat.

Depending on the shape of the head, the sensations received during sex differ. Some men are willing to resort to glans piercings. They are convinced that this will improve the sensations for their partner. The following types of piercings are distinguished:

  1. Prince Albert - urethral passage.
  2. Apadravia is a vertical puncture.
  3. Dido - double piercing.
  4. Ampallang is a horizontal glans piercing.

A puncture can only be done by a doctor and after consulting a urologist.

What is a micropenis

A micropenis is a penis that is 2.5 standard deviations smaller than the average. This condition is a pathology and occurs in 2% of men. This can occur for several reasons, such as a lack of hormones.

Micropenis requires professional supervision and appropriate treatment.

Recumbent - at rest: description of species

At rest, the penis can be assessed. A length of 5 - 15 cm is considered normal. When lying down, a short length is normal. When excited, the small one can increase, while the long one remains unchanged, only acquiring hardness.

Men need to take good care of their penis to ensure it remains in working condition for a long time. So, in case of rashes, diseases, or infections, you should immediately consult a doctor for help.

The sexual reaction of women to the sight of manhood is the release of lubrication. This indicates a state of excitement. In addition, women may experience dilated pupils and rapid breathing. The labia gradually begin to swell. This indicates a woman's readiness for intimacy.

Every girl experiences a situation where she sees a penis for the first time. In this case, it has been established that many do not experience delight. Some treat this with indifference, while others with disgust. After sexual experience the sight of the genital organ begins to cause arousal and strong sexual desire.

Men tend to create acts of mental torment for themselves and worry about the size and appearance of their own genitals. They worry less about leg size, plump or thin lips, long fingers or other items that may not correspond to their own canons of beauty.

Considering that the anatomy of every man is basically the same and the structure of the penis is no different different men and external differences for the most part represent variants of the norm, if not accompanied by pathological phenomena and processes.

In contact with

It is necessary to examine the question of what classification there is, as well as what shape of penis girls like and what can be done to change this characteristic.

What types of male penises are there?

So, what are the types of members? It is impossible to answer such a question with one or two examples, since the classification of such a parameter will include seven options at once. And each of the examples is quite common among men, so it could be included in this list.


The type of penis that belongs to the category of thick is characterized by the fact that it is quite voluminous, but on the contrary, it is short. Most often, such a member visually resembles a barrel. However, there are situations when a man has quite impressive both the length and width of the phallus.


Thin types of male members are characterized by rather modest indicators of the diameter of the genital organ, but the length can be either insignificant or, conversely, impressive. But their typical shape is arrow-shaped in most cases.


The length parameter of long penises is often impressive and exceeds the 15 cm mark. Moreover, most often, despite their considerable length, their width noticeably lags behind in development.



It is worth considering that this type of member belongs to the category of pathology. Its development is often associated with a disruption in the functional activity of the endocrine system; in this case, an insufficient amount of testosterone is synthesized in the body. Namely, testosterone directly affects the development of the reproductive system in a man and in many ways its effect is aimed at the formation of the penis.


The fleshy appearance of men's penises is always has an impressive size, even in a completely relaxed state. They are often quite voluminous in all respects, although sometimes there are combinations of large diameter with short length.

Why fleshy members are called nothing less than huge can be seen in the photo.


Owners of this type of penis can have any anatomical model, and the striking difference of such an organ is pronounced swollen veins. Such organs look quite impressive and even rude, but at the same time they evoke an enthusiastic reaction from girls.

The photo clearly shows examples representing these types of penises.

Member Forms

It is no less interesting what types of penis there are. But this characteristic is also rich in options and depends on many factors, the main one of which is the heredity of the young man.

Warped or bent

This type of penis is characterized by a deviation of the head or shaft from its middle in any direction. Deviation is most often observed in straight directions: right, left, up or down. But sometimes there may be a curvature in an oblique direction. This option is more common for those whose shape has been affected by frequent improper placement of the penis in underwear.


Cylindrical is one of the most common shapes. In this case, it looks smooth, without any veins or irregularities, even the veins on it are not striking. In this case, the head and barrel have approximately the same diameter, and the transition between them is difficult to determine. The head is rounded.


Members of a conical shape are also common, which are characterized by a fairly thick and long trunk with a much smaller head, due to this ratio general form resembles a cone, which is widened towards the base and significantly narrowed towards the apex.


We often see types of male penises called “mushroom-shaped”. In this case, men have a rather thin trunk, but it expands and visually resembles a mushroom cap. The shape of the head can be more narrowed towards the tip, resembling a cone, or rounded with a uniform width.

The barrel-shaped penis is characterized by the fact that The length of the phallus is not large, but the diameter is impressive. In a state of rest it is not noticeable, but in an excited state it is not very long, but thick, and resembles a barrel.


What is the correct or normal shape of a penis is difficult to answer. In fact there is no complete and generally accepted idea of ​​the correctness of this characteristic. Each nationality perceived different options as the only correct ones. For example, the Chinese were convinced that this category included mushroom-shaped organs.


There are also many opinions about what the ideal shape of a penis is. In fact, any physiological figure is obviously ideal, but both the man himself and his partner can have more specific ideas in any direction.


Unusually shaped members can be classified as this category includes:

  • banana shape. In a state of full erection, the head of such a penis is directed to the south and slightly curved. Also, such an organ has a natural bend, up to 10 degrees, and with a larger deviation, a visit to the hospital is necessary, since this is an example of pathology.
  • C-shaped. When an erection develops, such a penis begins to bend to the right, and most often this phenomenon is observed in those who make a mistake in placing the organ in their underwear or have encountered an injury to this area.
  • Graviola. This variant visually resembles the ripe fruit of the East African plant for which it is named. The phallus in this case is short, most often about 10 cm, and extremely wide. The scrotum also contains impressively sized testicles.


Often there is a type of penis called an arrow, for which the type of head is most important. This can be explained by the fact that such an organ has a fairly pronounced narrowing from the base to the head and, in an excited state, resembles an even arrow.

The shapes of the members are clearly visible in the photos presented above.

Other differences

The shape and size of the penis are not the only differences between the genital organs of men. This variety can manifest itself in color, texture, and even the size of the foreskin.


In most cases, in men, the shade of the penis matches the rest of the skin. However, there are member types that differ in some way from the classic version, for example:

  • The penis is darker than the skin tone, close to brown and sometimes even reddish in color.
  • The skin of the phallus is lighter than the main shade on most of the body.
  • Observed dark spots on the penis, sometimes this is combined with the same spots all over the body, but this phenomenon is possible only on the male dignity.

It is worth mentioning that the shade may not be constant, that is, in an excited state the penis is one color, and in a relaxed state it is another. This phenomenon is physiological only if it is not combined with pain or the appearance of any pathological elements.


Most men have penises that are far from perfectly smooth. In a normal and classic situation, there are visible and even protruding veins on the genital organ, especially during an erection. Other men have hair follicles on the phallus, located on the shaft and tactilely perceived as small bumps.

A man needs to be careful when it comes to hair follicles. As soon as redness, irritation, itching or burning, or several signs at once, appear, you need to worry and visit a dermatologist, as this clearly indicates the development of a pathological process.

Approximately 25% of the male population have tiny and smooth balls, resembling pearls, located on the head of their dignity. They initially appear at a young age and are harmless; moreover, they are not sexually transmitted, so they should not cause concern.

And in 50% of the population there are so-called ones, which are located on the trunk or scrotum and look like light red tubercles. This phenomenon is also harmless and is not transmitted to the partner.

It is worth considering that the appearance of irritation or an increase in granules indicates the presence of pathology and requires an urgent visit to the doctor.

Foreskin size

There are differences in the types of penises based on the size of the foreskin, which is passed on to them from their parents. However, there are a number of other factors that influence this characteristic. These include:

  • Surgical procedures and injuries affecting this area. Under the influence of external factors, the formation of a curved model is possible, which can be associated either with trauma to the penis or even tissue rupture, or with improperly formed scars on the skin after surgery.
  • Diseases of various etiologies. For example, a large number of venereal diseases, especially in the last stages, have bad influence on the tissue of the penis. And as a result of the influence of certain pathogenic microorganisms, these tissues can not only be deformed, but even completely destroyed, which leads to curvature of the organ. A striking example of such a pathology is syphilis.
  • Impact of conditions environment. Changes in the shape and size of the penis can be affected by pesticides, synthetically created antibacterial substances, which negatively affect the endocrine system of men and lead not only to deformation of the phallus, but sometimes even to its gradual destruction.
  • Underwear. What is important here is not the underwear itself, its material or brand, but how the penis fits into it, especially this option affects the penises of adolescents.

Effect of erection

Erection does not have a direct effect on the development of the shape of the penis. In fact, the erect state only shows whether there is any curvature of the penis, which may not be noticeable in the relaxed version.

Men are also interested in what shape of penis girls like.

There is no clear answer to this question, because Each representative of the fair sex has her own preferences in matters of sexuality, and so if one person likes mushroom-shaped penises, then another may prefer cylindrical ones.

However, if a man correctly assesses the shape of his dignity and chooses appropriate comfortable positions for sex, his option will be ideal for his partner.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video with information on the importance of penis size and shape:

How can you change and correct the parameters of the penis?

Men often want to ensure that they have the correct shape of their penis. To this end, they can resort to a variety of methods, which include:

Despite the huge difference in possible external views male virtues, there is no clear understanding of what shape a member should be. Without pathological abnormalities, injuries or diseases, a man can lead a full sex life and impress his sexual partners by the right choice poses and availability certain skills in sex.

The penis can be called the main organ of the male genitourinary system. It is an external male genital organ designed to provide the functions of urination, ejaculation and sexual intercourse. Any representative of the male half of the population needs to have an idea of ​​​​what the structure of the penis is and what its features are - this will help maintain the condition of both the urinary system and the entire body in proper shape.

Features of the structure of the penis

What does the penis consist of? The male penis (phallus, penis) has many structural features. All elements of the reproductive system male body can be divided into external and internal. The external elements include the penis, which consists of the following parts:

  • Base (root);
  • Trunk (body);
  • Head.

How does the penis work? The base of the penis is attached to the bones of the symphysis pubis. Two types of bodies are involved in the formation of the trunk: spongy and cavernous. They contain a large number of depressions that can easily fill with blood. At the end of the phallus, the corpus spongiosum is expressed by a cone-shaped thickening - the head of the penis. Its edge covers the ends of the corpus cavernosum, merging with it. Thus, a thickening around the circumference (corolla) is formed, followed by a coronal groove. The head has a delicate covering of thin skin called the foreskin, on which there are a large number of glands that produce smegma (a secretion that acts as a lubricant).

The head of the penis is equipped with many nerve endings, which gives it increased sensitivity when touched. The shaft of the penis is also highly sensitive. In the upper region of the head there is an opening - the exit of the urethra, through which urine and sperm are excreted.

The foreskin of the penis can partially or completely cover the head. On the back of the penis there is a junction between the foreskin and the head of the penis through a longitudinal fold - the frenulum. Between the foreskin and the head of the phallus there is a slit-like cavity, the formation of which usually ends by the age of two. It is where smegma most often accumulates.

As the penis grows older, signs of hair follicles appear on the body, and later hair develops from them. The penis contains a large number of veins, blood vessels, bulbourethral glands, and the prostate - all this ensures the normal functioning of this organ. Most of the internal parts of the genitourinary system are hidden, but with the help of palpation the prostate and testicles can be detected.

Blood supply to the penis

After it has become clear what the male penis consists of, it is worth understanding the features of its blood supply. The anatomy of the male penis is quite complex. The abdominal aorta divides into a pair of iliac arteries, from each of which the internal iliac artery arises. Large vessels branch from it to the gluteal muscles, after which this artery is usually called the internal genital artery. Branches already extend from it to the perineum, rectum and bladder. Passing further through the urogenital diaphragm, this blood vessel becomes the artery of the penis, located in the horizontal plane. The last branches of the penile artery are the urethral, ​​bulbous, dorsal and deep arteries. Each of them is a pair; they are connected together by deep and superficial anastomosis, which ensures effective blood supply to the penis.

Having entered the penis, the bulbous artery divides into several branches, one of which goes into the corpus spongiosum, and the rest remain at the beginning. In the place where the spongy body of the phallus fits into the lower groove, the urethral artery penetrates it. Then it passes inside the corpus spongiosum to the head of the penis, where it connects with the branches of the dorsal artery. First, the urethral artery passes into the capillaries that form the venous plexuses of the mucous membrane of the urinary canal, and then goes into the cells of the corpus spongiosum. This is how the tissues of the urethra and the spongy body of the penis are supplied with blood.

The most significant of all the blood branches in the penis are the deep arteries.

Deep arteries penetrate the phallus at the junction of the cavernous bodies into the shaft of the penis. These blood vessels act as the basis for the supply of arterial blood to the erectile tissues of the cavernous bodies, which are something like dilated capillaries. As the deep artery moves through the corpus cavernosum, it gradually becomes thinner, giving off lateral branches. In the upper part of the cavernous body, this artery merges with the vessel of the same name on the opposite side and the last branches of the dorsal artery.

The diameter of the dorsal artery is equal to the deep one; it acts as a direct continuation of the artery of the phallus. It runs along his back from the unpaired vein of the same name on both sides, located under the fascia. So it reaches the head, where it forms anastomoses with its terminal branches. Throughout their entire path, these blood vessels have many branches: to the membranes of the penis, branches give rise to vessels that go into the spongy tissue, as well as arterial trunks that supply blood to the cavernous and spongy bodies and the skin of the phallus. The skin of the penis is partially supplied with blood from the external pudendal artery, which arises from the femoral artery, which, in turn, is a continuation of the external iliac artery.

Venous outflow is carried out through the deep and superficial veins of the penis, the structure of which implies their communication.

The superficial vein collects blood from the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The vein is located immediately under the skin, at the base of the penis it bifurcates, then flows into the large saphenous vein or directly into the femoral vein on each side. From the spongy and cavernous bodies, the outflow occurs for the most part through the systems of the deep dorsal and deep central veins. From the center of the cavernous bodies, the outflow occurs into the deep veins, leaving this area at the divergence of the bodies, then they flow into the urogenital venous plexus. The bulbous veins of the cavernous bodies also flow into the same place.

Important! The largest vein of the penis is the deep dorsal vein; it has a well-developed valve system.

During sexual arousal, the penis increases in size several times, and it also becomes very dense. By reducing venous outflow, maintaining an erection is ensured. This is facilitated by the contraction of special muscles located at the root of the penis. When the excitement subsides, the muscles relax and the blood that has filled the organ begins to flow out. This is how the penis takes on its normal size and ceases to be hard. In a state of erection, the head of the penis is always less elastic and more elastic than its shaft, thereby reducing the risk of injury to the female genital organs.


The structure of the male penis implies considerable diversity in its sizes and shapes. The penis in boys is noticeably different from the penis in men. About the normality of sizes male organ can only be judged by comparing averages. According to research by scientists, the size of an erect penis varies on average from 12 to 18 cm. The length of the penis in a relaxed state varies from 6 to 10 cm. It is worth understanding that deviations in both directions are periodically observed, but they are quite rare. During puberty, measuring the size of the penis does not make much sense, since at this time the penis is actively growing. An important parameter when measuring the phallus is its width. Its average size usually varies from 7 to 16 cm in girth when excited.

Important! The size of a man's penis is influenced by hormone levels during adolescence. If there is a high level of hormones, the size of the penis will be larger than with a reduced level. Maintaining healthy image life also significantly affects the formation of the body in adolescents.

Penises also differ in shape. There are 3 main forms: cylindrical (head and base are approximately identical), mushroom-shaped (massive head and thin base) and pointed (wide base). Quite often, curvature is observed, which can only be attributed to aesthetic shortcomings.

As can be seen from the above, a man’s penis is a very complex mechanism, with many nuances of structure and perception, which is a rather subjective question. If there are any suspicions arising about the health of the male genitourinary system and the penis in particular, it is necessary to seek qualified medical help.

Each penis is individual; they are distinguished by size, thickness, type, shape and size of the foreskin. All this data fits into medical standards.

The size of the penis is its indicators in a calm state and in an erect state, when it increases due to the filling of the cavernous bodies with blood. For a man this is more important than for his partner. For some reason, a man believes that all failures in his personal life depend only on the size of his penis. Small size lowers self-esteem and causes severe psychological discomfort. But does this idea always coincide with scientific data?

Types of the genital organ depending on size and photo

Let's look at the lengths of the smallest and largest penises in men.

Members vary in size:

  1. Ultra-small (micropenis) - male members up to 8 cm (in medicine they were found less than 2 cm).
  2. Small or small penis – sizes 9-12 cm.
  3. Average – 13-18 cm.
  4. Large – 18-20 cm.
  5. Huge or largest - more than 20 cm in length.

The largest recorded erect penis size is 34 cm, the smallest is 2 cm. All these sizes are indicated for erect penises.

The penis in a state of relaxation normally has other parameters: it should fit within the range of 7-10 cm. If it is less or more than these numbers, then this is already a deviation from the norm.

Sizes vary by race. Asians are considered to have small penises, on average - 12-14 cm in erection, Europeans have about 15, Africans 20 cm. The average size of the penis in length should be on average 12-18 cm, in diameter in erection - 3-4 cm. This is as convenient as possible in all respects. Such men live a full sexual life much better and more actively than those with large or small sizes.

Measurement conditions also play a role. The point is that, for example, in the cold, the length of the penis is slightly shortened due to the outflow of blood from the cavernous bodies. And in warm air, its size, on the contrary, increases. Therefore, the true size should be determined when room temperature, in normal humidity and in a state of comfort.

The penis reaches its maximum length upon completion of sexual development - by the age of 20. During andropause, it begins to contract slightly. Also, the length of the penis depends in inverse proportion on the body mass index. The more obese a man is, the smaller his penis.

Photos on this topic are presented.

Varieties according to penis shape

Penises are classified according to their shape as follows::

  1. Pointed (conical)– the head of the penis is smaller in diameter than its body. If the genital organ itself is thin, then visually it will resemble an arrow, and if it is thick, then it will resemble a cone.
  2. Mushroom– the head is much wider than the trunk and visually resembles a mushroom cap.
  3. Cylindrical– the width of the penis along its entire length is approximately the same. This is the most common form. Such a penis is almost smooth, there are almost no grooves or veins on it, and the transition from the body to the head is also barely visible.
  4. Barrel-shaped- a short but voluminous phallus. Its length is small, but its diameter is impressive. This is not visible at rest, but an erection makes it barrel-shaped.
  5. Warped or curved shape– characterized by deviation of the head or trunk from its middle in any direct direction: sideways or vertically. Rarely, oblique curvature may be observed. This option occurs for those who often incorrectly positioned their penis in their underwear.

There is no generally accepted idea about the correctness of forms. Each nationality has its own ideas about the ideal. For example, among the Chinese the mushroom shape is considered the norm. From an anatomical point of view, any physiology is ideal, but a man and his partner always have more specific ideas.

Classification of unusual shapes:

  1. banana shape– during an erection, the head of such a penis is directed to the south and slightly bent. If the bend in such cases exceeds 10 degrees, this is considered a pathology, its owner should visit an andrologist.
  2. C-shaped– the penis begins to move to the right during an erection. This is typical for those who were not concerned about the correct placement of the penis in underwear or who suffered an injury to the genital organ.
  3. Graviola or guanabana– visually resembles a ripe East African fruit medicinal plant, after which it is named. Its shape is almost pear-shaped, or resembles a giant strawberry. Such a penis is wide and short - about 10 cm. In the scrotum, the testicles are also large and wide.
  4. Arrow– such an organ has a pronounced narrowing from the base to the head and when erect it resembles an even arrow.

Other differences

The genital organ may be stringy. In a state of excitement, it is quite thin, its shape can be different, but its distinctive feature is pronounced swollen veins. The meaty member is impressive even at rest. It is often voluminous in all respects, although sometimes the length may be insignificant.


Most penises are about the same color as human skin. But there are penises that are darker than the skin - brownish or reddish. It is also possible to have a lighter color than the surrounding skin. Some men have dark spots on their penis. In half of the cases they are combined with spots on the arms and body. In some cases, the color of the penis can be changed by trauma.

The male penis in a state of arousal and rest has a different color. This phenomenon is physiological in the absence of other manifestations.


Most penises are not completely smooth. Usually veins appear on them. Especially when the organ is excited. Many also have hair follicles on the shaft, like tiny bumps. If they are small and not red, this is normal. Some men have had tiny, smooth “pearly” bumps on the head of their penis since adolescence (25% of cases). They are absolutely harmless and cannot be transmitted sexually.

Fordius spots occur in every second representative of the stronger sex.. These are small light red or skin bumps on the shaft or scrotum. They are absolutely natural and harmless. But if they are large and red, irritated, then this is an indication of a sexually transmitted disease. A doctor's consultation is required here.

A rash may sometimes appear on the genitals, which is caused by irritation from aggressive soaps and aromatic shower gels. Normally it goes away on its own. But if it does not disappear for more than a week, you need to contact a venereologist. It could be herpes or a fungus. The irritation is easy to treat and often occurs in uncircumcised men.

Presence of foreskin

There are circumcised and uncircumcised penises with normal foreskin. Uncircumcised is a normal option if the head opens completely during erection. When aroused, such uncircumcised foreskin is usually completely retracted, exposing the head of the penis.

Direction when erect

Classification of types of penises according to direction when erect:

  • hook– upward bending of the penis;
  • root– downward bend;
  • pike– directed outward horizontally;
  • root hook– goes up from the base, but is still curved horizontally;
  • rooted pike– horizontal at the base, but then curves downward;
  • hooked pike– normal at the base, then curves upward;
  • hammer shape– large head and small shaft;
  • fixed root– goes down from the base, then bends horizontally.

Which ones do girls like?

Women's preferences for the length and girth of the male penis indicate that “bigger” is not “better.” But at the same time, through surveys, it was revealed that size matters. More than 50% of women are forced to fake an orgasm so that their partner does not become depressed about the small size of the penis. The only question is how long will this happen and will there be a desire to experience an orgasm for real with someone else?

Men are mistaken in thinking that size for a woman is not as important as the ability to excite a woman.

When conducting one of the surveys among 50 thousand women from 19 to 49 years old about the importance of the size and volume of the penis, only 25% said that these parameters are not important to them!

It is also interesting what shape of penis girls like. But there cannot be an exact answer here, because as many women there are as many opinions. If a man is sexually savvy, correctly assesses the shape of his penis, and always chooses comfortable sex positions, his option will be ideal for his partner.

Men think that the longer the penis, the more delight it will cause in their partners, but According to research, women are more concerned about the thickness of the penis. The larger it is at the time of erection, the more pleasure a woman receives from coitus. On the part of the woman, it is important to contract the vaginal muscles.

What about divorces? They often depend not on the length of the penis, but on the sexual illiteracy of the partners.

Is it possible to change the parameters of manhood?

Helps restore and increase penis size:

  1. Special gymnastics – Kegel exercises.
  2. Surgeries - experts have a negative attitude towards the use of silicone or other types of fillers. Surgery is indicated only in cases of truly small penis size - 5 cm or less in a quiet state (8 cm or less in an erect state). But there are very few such men.
  3. Taking various dietary supplements such as Vimax pills capsules (to increase potency).
  4. The use of special gels and creams that help increase the length of the penis. For example, the Ayurvedic remedy Penon Cream, VIPTitanGel cream.
  5. The use of mechanical stretchers - extenders. These devices are designed to: correct penile curvature. They make the organ longer and somewhat thicker. They are usually used with ointments to enlarge the phallus.
  6. Using a vacuum pump to enlarge the penis. Judging by the reviews, it is ineffective.
  7. Use of hormones. Possible only with a doctor's prescription!
  8. Regular lovemaking.

Many doctors believe that the only way to enlarge the penis is to perform surgery, but surgeons do not think so. This method is very dangerous. Moreover, its effect is temporary.

Any home method in the form of exercise, massage, taking pills, etc., can really help add a few centimeters to your dignity. But often such procedures have unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is better to contact specialists.

According to surveys, more than 45% of men consider their penis small. Aggressive advertising campaigns offering products to increase penis size add fuel to the fire. We can often talk about elementary psychological self-deception. After all, when you look at your penis from above, it seems small. But if you look at him in front of the mirror, this optical illusion will not be.

Despite so many classifications, there is no clear understanding of the ideal member. Full sex life depends on the right choice of poses and sexual literacy. The ideal penis size is always different for each man and his partner.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video about the forms and varieties of manhood:

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