General description of the zodiac sign Pisces. Zodiac sign: Pisces. Pisces: description of the zodiac sign, full characteristics

Planet Pisces

The patron planet of Pisces is considered to be Neptune - the god depths of the sea. This planet symbolizes the area of ​​the unconscious, rules the kingdom of mysticism and illusions.

Those born under this sign are distinguished by high spirituality and generosity, they are sensitive to other people's pain and compassionate. But they are too carried away by their dreams and ideas about events as they think they should be.

To say that they look at the world through rose-colored glasses would not be too much of an exaggeration. Many Pisces immerse themselves in art and other forms of creativity, seeing it as a way to achieve balance, and in doing so they show a lot of talent.

Element Pisces

Pisces is associated with Water. They are able to feel a lot, but are just as often prone to making mistakes. Pisces are susceptible to outside influences and can make you cry if circumstances allow.

They are romantic and can endow their lovers with non-existent ideal traits. They are kind and sociable people, although discreetly shy. They are modest to the extreme. They like to live in their fictitious bright world.

Fish is a sign of limit and eternity, since this is the last, twelfth, sign of the zodiac and carries within itself a mixture of all other signs. This is another dual sign, its symbol is two fish swimming in opposite directions, so such a person constantly suffers from conflicting desires.

These are selfless, spiritual people who are focused on their inner world. They attach great importance to their feelings.

Wealth does not attract their attention. Some of them have money, but most often when they inherit it.

Helping others is the basic instinct of Pisces. They rarely occupy positions of responsibility and rarely stay in one place. They don't seek power. Pisces are born tired, they do not have the energy to remove obstacles, to make daily efforts to overcome petty worries.

Pisces are very good-natured and calm and are rather indifferent to reality. They are characterized by carelessness about tomorrow. In life, Pisces are rarely successful. The reasons are that they prefer to work independently but despise hard work. In any endeavor, if you want to succeed, you deliberately expose yourself to difficulties. Pisces instinctively look for the easy way. They do not like to fight and overcome environmental resistance, so they follow the path of least resistance. They prefer to go with the flow rather than fight it. But Pisces has no shortage of talents. Among them there are many creative and artistic people.

They have good manners. They are lazy, kind and indifferent to other people's opinions. And in general this sign is indifferent to many important things. Very little can make them act. Of course, Pisces have character. If angered, they can be sarcastic and mocking. But this irritation quickly passes.

Pisces are easiest to meet in the center of a company, surrounded by admirers. People are attracted to their charming manners and unobtrusive friendliness. Like Scorpio and Cancer, Pisces love alcohol. Many of them drink more than normal, so among Pisces there is a large percentage of alcoholics.

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Like other representatives of the water element, Pisces have developed intuition and use it competently. People born under this zodiac sign are well versed in psychology and are sensitive to changes in the moods of their loved ones. They cannot always give reasons for their worries, and this is not necessary - Pisces just don’t panic. Feeling that someone from their immediate circle is in trouble, they are the first to come to the rescue before they are informed about what happened. Among Pisces there are a decent number of famous psychologists, astrologers, psychics and outstanding teachers.

Character Weaknesses

Pisces is the dreamiest and vulnerable sign of the zodiac, inclined to idealize other people, and sometimes life itself. When starting a new business or meeting an attractive representative of the opposite sex, they get so carried away that they refuse to notice the futility of their occupation or the shortcomings of their chosen one. Pisces is far from a stupid zodiac sign; they see the essence of the problem, but due to their nature they do not want to admit that their pre-conceived optimistic scenario is irrelevant. Troubles remain unresolved and grow like a snowball, and the person loses control over the situation. Suppressed by a feeling of hopelessness, the representative of the Pisces sign leads himself to depression. In the most severe cases, such people prefer to solve problems by escaping reality with the help of alcohol and drugs.

In personal life

Pisces dream of a stable life partner, but rarely limit themselves to one marriage. Representatives of this zodiac sign have a clear idea of ​​the “ideal person” with whom they would like to start a family, but when faced with the first difficulties in their relationship with their chosen one, they are instantly disappointed in him, after which they resume the search for their ideal. The thought that a loved one comes from the same planet as themselves, and therefore is endowed with completely earthly advantages and disadvantages, seems scary to them. For this reason, many Pisces are unhappy in marriage, believing that they started a family with the wrong person, or have an overwhelming number of marriages and love unions, alternating with extraordinary speed.

Pisces is a rather secretive zodiac sign, so even close people often know very little about them. For their spouse, Pisces remains an unread book throughout their life. Representatives of some other zodiac signs feel tense around Pisces, because they do not understand their true attitude towards themselves. Pisces can achieve the highest level of mutual understanding with the signs of their element - and.

See the compatibility of Pisces with other zodiac signs:

Pisces Man

A man born under the sign of Pisces is calm, intelligent and courteous. He is pleasant to talk to, not prone to rudeness, and attentive to other people's opinions. In a conflict or controversial situation, he will not prove that he is right, but rather stop unpleasant communication. He is friendly and caring, but prone to lying. It is unlikely that there is any malicious intent in this - most often he acts this way, not wanting to upset someone, or simply for the sake of the “beauty of the moment.”

Most often, a Pisces man has a creative occupation, which does not always bring him a stable income. He spends his irregular earnings with extreme speed, without worrying about the future. Pisces do not see the point in hoarding - for them, money acquires value only when it has already been invested in something. They are not so much pleased with their earnings as they are delighted with their purchases, even if purchased at the expense of the family budget.

The Pisces man is afraid of difficulties and tries to avoid responsibility. For women who want to find a reliable shoulder in their life partner, such an alliance is not the best solution. The Pisces man really knows how to sincerely love, is romantic and selfless, capable of empathy and care, but is often not ready for strong-willed actions and making serious decisions. He will wait patiently for everything to be decided for him.

Pisces Woman

Pisces is one of the most feminine signs of the zodiac. The Pisces woman is gentle, sexy and attractive. She has incredible tact in communication, takes the problems of loved ones to heart and surrounds those she loves with care. She may be a reliable and sincere friend, but she is unlikely to be able to offer anything more than understanding and sympathy. She tends to exaggerate her own troubles, preferring an escape from problems to solving them.

The Pisces woman loves her home, and tries to maintain order in it, albeit peculiar, but still, order. She likes to surround herself with beautiful things, purchasing which she forgets about her real financial capabilities. She manages to earn money with great difficulty, except for a favorable set of circumstances when she has the opportunity to realize herself in creativity.

She is picky when choosing a life partner, but if in her youth she dreams of unearthly love, then over the years she is increasingly attracted to a prosperous life and stability. The Pisces woman is drawn to men with a strong-willed character in order to feel like she is behind a stone wall, but at the same time, she needs care and tenderness more than representatives of other zodiac signs. Of course, it is unlikely that such qualities of nature can be combined in one person. There comes a time when she has to choose between an indecisive intellectual and a courageous but prone to rudeness. It may take her many years to work through her own internal contradictions.

Video: PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign

Ruling planet:♆ Neptune, ♃ Jupiter. Element: Water.

Pisces character

Perhaps in the entire Zodiac circle there is no sign more mysterious than Pisces. The depths in which they swim are truly bottomless, leaving little chance for mere mortals to look into them. Their face may be serenely calm, and their behavior may demonstrate daydreaming, indifference, and even some laziness. Even with all the desire, those around them are unlikely to be able to make Pisces angry: neither scandals, nor accusations, nor stormy scenes can truly deprive them of deep inner harmony.

Even life itself, with its eternal problems and bustle, is not able to force Pisces to overcome their blissful balance and roll up their sleeves and decisively get down to business. On the contrary, most often they prefer to rely on Fate and, despite the circumstances, continue to go with the flow, feeling peace and tranquility in their souls.

However, Pisces cannot be called indifferent to everything in the world. It’s just that external events don’t carry too much weight for them. Yes, they will not consciously strive for career heights, fame or money, but if the benefits of civilization for some reason fall on their heads, Pisces will take them for granted and calmly appreciate them.

Much more important than the external world for Pisces is the internal world, and not only their own. This is why Pisces have such a keen sense of art: they themselves can be talented (and even brilliant) creators and, like no one else, are able to pay tribute to the works of great masters.

It is not difficult to pity their tender, sensitive soul, which hides under a serene shell, and make them empathize. They are ready to selflessly help in any way they can, to the point that those around them often shamelessly take advantage of their compassion, trustfulness and kindness. Soft and pliable, Pisces are generally poorly oriented in real life, which is why they have a lot of misunderstandings and problems.

Having many talents from birth, Pisces are not always able to realize them - dreaminess and lack of incentive prevent them from achieving much in life. However, if, due to upbringing or circumstances, Pisces nevertheless begin to show will and character, Fate readily elevates them to the very top.

The sensitivity of Pisces and their harmony with nature makes them incredibly receptive, even psychic abilities. They may have prophetic dreams, and insights may come to them. Even the usual anxiety of Pisces or their reluctance to do something is worth listening to: behind this there may be a premonition, which Pisces themselves are not always aware of, but which in the end may turn out to be important and even save someone’s life.

The element of Pisces is deep Water, and their planet is Neptune, which gives them dreaminess, spirituality and emotionality. Altruism and inspiration, sensitivity and fantasy, harmony with the world and love for everything make Pisces not only the most mysterious, but perhaps also the most happy people in the world. Everyday problems hardly affects them. Any storms can rage on the surface of the ocean, but they cannot penetrate into the depths - where the world is silent and beautiful and where Pisces own all the secrets of the Universe and all the treasures of the Earth.

It's no secret that your zodiac sign influences your character. Pisces are very eccentric personalities, all astrologers are unanimous in this. Their destiny is controlled by Neptune - a curator who is famous for his romance and mysticism. At first meeting, Pisces may seem like dreamy idealists, but everything is much more complicated. So what kind of character do they have?

Pisces: character of the zodiac sign

The symbol of the sign is two fish looking into different sides, however connected by one thread. This hints at the constant discord between soul and body that persists throughout life. Duality is a trait that has a great influence on their character. Pisces are people who don't like to make decisions. Representatives of this sign can be stunned even by the need to choose one of two options.

Pisces' mood is constantly changing. Today they can be in a state of “black” melancholy, and tomorrow they can turn into convinced optimists. Representatives of the sign diligently avoid conflicts and do not like to defend their opinions in disputes. They are ready to accept injustice if it allows them to give up the fight for their rights.

The secret of the charm of these people lies in their excellent sense of humor, thanks to which they easily win the sympathy of others. Indifference to material wealth is another trait that has a direct impact on character. Pisces would rather rather than fight for a place in the sun.


The role of a martyr attracts Pisces; representatives of this sign love to feel sorry for themselves. They often suffer. People around them may think that Pisces have trivial problems, but they attach great importance to them.

It is harmful for Pisces to communicate with people who have a tendency to criticize. Representatives of the sign very easily acquire mental wounds, the healing process of which takes a very long time. Pisces' desire to inflate their problems is a quality that should definitely be fought against. Also, people born under this constellation need to learn to calmly accept criticism in childhood, otherwise it will be very difficult for them to coexist with other people.


Gullibility is another trait that can influence character. Pisces tend to blindly trust people they like. Thanks to this, representatives of this zodiac sign are very easy to mislead. However, liars usually only manage to achieve this once.

As already mentioned, individuals ruled by Neptune forever remember the grievances inflicted. Having recognized the deception, in most cases they move away from the person who betrayed their trust and begin to be suspicious of all his words and actions. Deception - The best way to be forever removed from their list of close friends.


Sacrifice is another trait that cannot be forgotten when describing the character of the sign. Pisces are the last representatives of the zodiac system. It is not surprising that they often give themselves last place, allowing others to be in charge. People ruled by Neptune are ready to do anything for others, but they often do not expect a response. It is easy to maintain good relationships with Pisces, as they are tolerant of the shortcomings of those they like.

Representatives of the sign often choose professions in which they can fully demonstrate their characteristic dedication. They are willing to work and live in uncomfortable conditions if it allows them to benefit other people. Selfishness is not characteristic of individuals born under the sign of Pisces. They are ready to sacrifice any of their desires for the sake of their own mission, which is to help others.


Absent-mindedness is a quality that cannot be ignored when considering the character of a zodiac sign. Pisces are not people who easily concentrate on one task. Therefore, routine work is absolutely not suitable for them; they suffer if they are constantly engaged in activities that require attentiveness and perseverance.

Pisces are individuals who absolutely do not know how to handle money. They are famous for their generosity, readily helping friends and relatives in difficult situations. Representatives of the sign would prefer to forget about the debt than demand its return. Among Pisces it is extremely rare to come across frugal people who monitor their expenses, as they love


Pisces are individuals whose moods are impossible to follow. Their desires are constantly changing, as are their plans. Many people find their fickleness charming. Representatives of the sign make others fall in love with them thanks to their mystery. Even close friends and relatives cannot fully understand them.

It's no wonder that Pisces are always popular with members of the opposite sex, who like to reveal their secrets. Charm helps people ruled by Neptune to easily find like-minded people.


The nature of the Pisces zodiac suggests that they subtly sense the mood of other people, can easily put themselves in their place and understand the motives of their actions. This quality, coupled with developed intuition, allows them to achieve great success in professions that require acting skills. It is easy for representatives of the sign to try on the image of a personality that has nothing in common with them, because they are accustomed to putting others in the forefront.

Pisces are people who are naturally endowed with a rich imagination. This is due to the fact that they love to spend time alone with themselves. It is not surprising that representatives of the zodiac sign demonstrate excellent results when choosing a career as a writer. In addition, they make good journalists. They also have an innate musicality.

Pisces are creative people, which they should definitely take into account when choosing their life’s work. If they find themselves in the wrong place, they will certainly suffer.

Strengths and weaknesses of character

Like all zodiac constellations, the sign of Pisces endows its representatives with positive and negative qualities. The character of people who live under the control of changeable Neptune allows them to become almost ideal husbands and wives. They are devoid of egoism, always strive to reach a compromise, and show sympathy whenever their partner expects it from them. Tenderness and romance are traits for which representatives of the sign are especially loved by the opposite sex.

Of course, there are also certain disadvantages. Pisces are not people who can boast of willpower. They often abandon started projects halfway through, due to loss of interest in them. Representatives of the sign tend to become dependent on other people, so it is important for them to accustom themselves to independence in their youth. It is also impossible not to note that individuals born under this dual constellation easily succumb to temptation. Other halves should not count on their loyalty, however, Pisces know how to hide their infidelities well.

Love horoscope: men

It will help to understand what people born under this constellation are like. love horoscope. Pisces, whose character indicates that they are not fighters by nature, will never impose themselves on the object of their passion. Men ruled by Neptune will not fight with rivals for a woman. They will prefer to withdraw themselves, wishing the chosen one to find her happiness with another. Such individuals never make scenes of jealousy.

Indecisiveness is a trait without mentioning which it is impossible to reveal their character. Pisces men do not like to make the first step, giving this right to the woman they like. Interestingly, it is difficult for them not only to start a relationship, but also to end it. It is not surprising that Pisces often stay with their partners, even when they have lost interest in them. Men born under this sign are often “collectors,” but they never boast about their love victories. Even close friends are often unaware of their romances.

Love horoscope: women

Pisces women exist in a world that they invent themselves. Representatives of the opposite sex are attracted by their qualities such as mystery and variability. Today they can be femme fatales, and tomorrow they can be transformed into devoted wives and mothers who care about the well-being of the family. Women ruled by Neptune find it difficult to choose a specific person. They are ready to wait for years for the prince, whose image they came up with back in early childhood. Romantic gestures are something without which it is impossible to win their heart. Like Pisces men, they prefer to leave the initiative entirely in the hands of their partners.

Characteristics of the sign

The image dates back to Greek myth about Aphrodite and Eros, who turned into fish in order to jump into the river and escape from the monster named Typhon.
The symbol represents two fish holding in their mouths a “silver thread” connecting them. Usually fish are depicted looking in different directions, which denotes a conflict in a person between body and soul.
Compassion, versatility, self-denial. This is a hypersensitive sign, reacts very strongly to the thoughts and feelings of other people. Pisces tend to unconsciously absorb other people's ideas and ideas. Pisces do not have a very strong will; they depend on circumstances. It is useful for them to learn to stand on their own two feet.
A sign of duality. Pisces find it difficult to make decisions, they are often tired, this prevents them from playing sports or doing strenuous work. Pisces are not fighters. Their aversion to argument makes them timid. For them, injustice is better than being forced to fight for their rights.

If Pisces' patience breaks, they can become so angry that it takes a long time to calm them down. Pisces are charming, their charm, humor and sympathy open many doors for them. They can be diligent and precise, like a fish swimming upstream. Pisces' mood ranges from extreme optimism to black melancholy.
Pisces do not strive for material wealth, since they instinctively understand that the search for their own Self will be successful for them only if physical needs are not a source of concern for them. It is often useful for Pisces to learn to handle both their own and other people's goods more carefully.

Pisces are good at feeling the subtle currents in human relationships and tend to stay aloof from others. They protect their individuality and listen carefully to their inner voice. They love to live their dreams. If this ability is developed and controlled, excellent acting skills can be developed. Poets, musicians, and sculptors are born under this sign.
Musicality is an innate quality of Pisces. There are many singers among them. Pisces are often distinguished by more than a rich imagination. Thanks to this, they feel well the painful reaction of others to words and deeds. They are distinguished by sincere sympathy.

Many Pisces are ready to do anything in the name of alleviating the suffering of people, in particular, to work in poor conditions. They devote themselves to the sick and desperate and do not demand any reward. If they have found themselves, they are kind, selfless, loyal, selfless. Their feelings are tender and sincere, they turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of their loved ones.
The disadvantage of Pisces is fatalism. They must learn to understand that they are not powerless in their destiny, look at themselves realistically, and use all the opportunities at their disposal. Not realizing their fatalism, Pisces are confused and lost. Awareness of it gives them the opportunity to develop.
The motto is “I believe.”
Most compatible with: Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo
Average compatibility with: Gemini
Least compatible with: Aries, Leo
Born under this sign: Michelangelo, Rossini, Chopin, Handel, Einstein, Renoir, Hugo, Caruso, Washington, M. Gorbachev, Rimsky-Korsakov, Elizabeth Taylor, Steinbeck.

Were you born under the sign of Pisces?
Then be sure to watch this video

Children's horoscope

You have a quiet, peaceful and friendly child. He dreams a lot and often confuses fantasies with reality. Babies can confuse the time: they will sleep when they should be awake, and vice versa. Their childhood illnesses are atypical: chickenpox can be similar to an allergy, and an allergy to chickenpox. Only an experienced pediatrician can figure this out. They may have strange likes and dislikes when it comes to food. A mother should not get upset, much less yell at her child. It is better to calmly remove food that the child does not want to eat. But they are funny. If you want your child to definitely eat the food you offer, come up with some funny game. The child will have fun and quietly do what you want from him. These kids love playing with water fairy tales with miracles and reincarnations. But they cannot stand noise, screams, violence. Violence terrifies them. They should not watch TV before bed, and they should not listen to sad or gloomy music. In general, these children get upset and upset easily. They may get sick because of this.

The most important thing for them is a quiet, peaceful environment. They have difficulty communicating with noisy or violent children. Invite only people they love into your home. Children are eager to interact with your child, and everyone loves his peaceful nature and always ready to laugh.
Sometimes it may seem to you that you are losing contact with your child; he is in some kind of dream world. You need to develop in him a sense of reality, practicality. It is difficult for a child to concentrate on one thing, it is difficult for him to make a definite decision. Sometimes he cannot solve even such a simple task: putting on a coat or raincoat, boots or shoes. Develop in him the ability to make decisions on his own and insist on it. These children, as a rule, do not understand anything about money. Give your child pocket money and teach him how to handle it.

It is difficult to understand what a child's talent is for. Most often, those born under the sign of Pisces are capable of everything in the world. It is useful for them to engage in art; it improves their mood. It is also useful and pleasant for a child to have pets.
As a rule, Pisces have no ambition at all and it is useless to develop it. These children learn easily. But sometimes they lack self-confidence, and they may miss a favorable opportunity for themselves. Spanking, screaming, and punishment never achieve their goal in communicating with Pisces. But they are easily susceptible to peaceful influence.
Give them a specific time and place to practice. The child should have his own corner, the space and dimensions should be thought out and the child likes it.

Class times must be strictly observed. A solid daily routine will greatly benefit your child. These children easily absorb any influences: both good and bad. This is their strength and weakness. Until a child has learned to distinguish good from bad, he may fall under bad influence. Despite the outward softness and pliability of a child, it can be difficult to wean him away from bad company if he has already fallen under its influence. Therefore, parents should keep an eye on who his friends are. Try to establish emotional contact with your child. It is important to choose the right moment: it is best to have a sincere conversation with him in a calm, quiet environment before going to bed.

The illnesses in these children are atypical, as mentioned above. The child's overall vitality is not very high. Parents should protect him from grief, since if he is upset, he can get sick with any disease (possible diseases of the throat, lungs, digestive disorders, diseases associated with the mucous membrane and endocrine glands). The sign of Pisces symbolizes the feet of a person. Choose your child's shoes carefully; he may have calluses, flat feet, or crooked toes. There is also a tendency to somnambulism and hypochondria. Make sure your child is not sad, upset, or nervous. Then the likelihood of illness will be much less.

What is contraindicated for your child?
Horror stories on TV, scenes of violence, sad music. A group of noisy or violent people. Any screams, noise, nervousness. A company of adults or children that has a bad influence.

What does your child need?
In a quiet peaceful atmosphere. In art classes, in pets. Teach him to make decisions and insist on them, to distinguish dreams from reality.
Be able to concentrate. If possible, teach how to handle pocket money.

Temperament and character

This is the last of the zodiac signs. Pisces usually understand everyone except themselves. All his life he can search for his own “I”, moving by touch and stumbling, not knowing how to perceive this “I”.
Pisces is led and controlled by the hidden side of life. It is difficult to connect them with anything; each moment has its own truth for them, they are like a leaking gas. Pisces are born tired, they do not have the energy to remove obstacles, to make daily efforts to overcome petty worries. Their life is like a house without glass windows; any wind blows through this house.
Any pain, heat, cold - everything affects them and immediately affects them, making the poor inhabitant of this house even poorer and tired. Others, on the contrary, have a nervous, energetic nature, which can keep them awake for days, weeks, during which most of them exhaust themselves, starting many unfinished tasks, projects, plans, postponing them until tomorrow, etc. An enthusiastic, strong Pisces type who controls himself, but more by persuasion and persuasion than by force.

Pisces are citizens of the Universe, they do not belong to themselves, they are nowhere and everywhere. Rarely feel welcome, they need to be told at least twice that you want to see them or treat them before they think that you might actually want to see them.
Pisces are interested in everything and everyone, but in a very specific way; for them there is nothing truly worthwhile, but there is no potentially more internally rich person than the developed Pisces. But these are rare, since working on yourself requires concentration, effort, strength of will, Pisces is somewhere halfway between zero and infinity. They oscillate between the bad and the majestic, between the monastery and the prison, from innocent compliance to masochistic destruction, from compassion for human misfortune to wallowing in self-pity.
Pisces are victims of themselves and others. Pisces are sinless children who can remain calm in the face of real danger and panic from nonsense.

Perhaps these are the most devoted and affectionate people of all the zodiac signs.
You want to take them with you, soothe their pain, help them find themselves, take their hand, clear their fog, but they rarely allow you to do this. They cling to their suffering, which they mistake for reality. Usually their “reality” wins and drags the helper into a deserted land of despair. This is why there are many fatal women among Pisces. Mysticism and fantasy predominate when choosing clothes; they care little about the demands of fashion, and may even be careless in their clothing.
It is easier for a woman to be a Pisces than for a man, since society considers a languid, dreamy, indecisive woman charming and does not approve of these traits in men.

Psychosexual characteristics

Of all the 12 signs of the Zodiac, Pisces is the most difficult to describe. If there are any clues to their sex. life in general, it can be found in the influence of Neptune in the field of sex, as well as in the highest octave - Venus, which makes Pisces over-idealistic and spiritual. Pisces will readily agree that finding a person with all the virtues they are looking for is almost impossible. That's why they don't even try.

Another way to describe their sex. life is to study the various traditional characteristics attributed by astrologers to the 12th house of the horoscope, which is ruled by Pisces (it is called the house of secret enemies and doom). He deals with mental illness, sexual deviations. It also controls unforeseen tragedies in a person’s life, damage to the senses, and solitude. Therefore, they are often compatible with people of knowledge. Virgo and Libra, especially in the spiritual emotional area, because... these signs also have their difficulties regarding the physical side of love.
Pisces are prone to relationships between men and women of the “slave-master” type; they themselves often act as a slave. Their desire to be under someone's power makes them look for strong-willed people who rule over them with almost military severity in all areas of life.

Non-sexual maneuvers
Pisces, of course, with some exceptions, are among the most cunning and unfortunate people in non-sexual maneuvers. Neptune makes them masters of deceiving other people. They use all unworthy means to achieve well-being and emotional release. But in defense of Pisces, I can say that in most cases they themselves are not aware that their behavior is dishonest.
Most Pisces achieve their goals by trying to manipulate the emotions and sexual desires of others.

How to satisfy Pisces
Most Pisces live in a world of illusions. No matter how liberal they are in sex. relationships, you need to play pretend with them. They often behave as if sexual intercourse is not really happening or as if their participation, even the most insatiable, is only a gesture to satisfy the partner. For the sake of consent, it is better to allow them to be indifferent to sex.

Many Pisces women are sexually frigid and behave cunningly, domineeringly, rudely with any man, insulting him in order to compensate for their unhealthy attitude towards sexual passion. Such people most often put on a mask of virtue and self-sacrifice.
This behavior is not typical for Pisces men. They are usually romantic, attentive and devoted lovers, husbands who want to please their partner. If incompatibility is revealed in their marriage, they rarely get divorced. Instead, they enhance the positive aspects of their relationship.
Since Pisces is a water sign, they are extremely emotional. Pisces are completely dependent on their loved ones. They constantly test their partners so that they prove their love and prove that the fears and suspicions of Pisces are just a fantasy. Pisces must guard against paranoia and feelings of being betrayed. They must develop their positive qualities: empathy, hospitality, generosity. They should also beware of hypersensitivity and incessant chatter.

Positive features
Pisces have many positive traits, but due to their susceptibility to self-destructiveness and negativity, they have to struggle more than others to bring out their good qualities.
Their intentions are usually honest, and they do not expect them to be found in other people. They are forgiving of mistakes. They love the beauty of nature. They seem to acquire knowledge subconsciously and often state facts and truths that they have not fully comprehended, but which will still turn out to be true. They have a highly developed sense of humor. They are often too conscientious in their work, but they must learn to be more methodical and organized. They also need to have more faith in themselves and their abilities, and trust their intuition. They are sympathetic to shortcomings; they cannot see or even hear about the suffering of others.

Negative traits
Perhaps their biggest flaw will not be called a flaw by other people, but for Pisces it is a negative quality: they would rather withdraw into their fantasy world than face real life. They would be calmer if they learned to live for today.
Pisces must try to stabilize their personality and resist the winds that blow them in all directions. They should also try to be less distracted in their thoughts and take a stand. Sometimes they may feel that their mood has suddenly changed dramatically and that they will later regret the wrong choice. But this is even better than their constant indecisiveness.

Economics of love
If everything I have already said about Pisces in this regard makes you think that they are weak and helpless, then I have misled you. They are among the most skilled players in the economy of love.
Due to feelings of insecurity and fluctuating moods, they learn in early childhood about the power of money. If they don't always know how to make a lot of them themselves, they skillfully manipulate those who can make money. If there is such a person who has an excess of money and he does not know how to spend it, he should come in contact with a fish who has a luxurious art and will help him get rid of the excess money quickly and in a good style.

Most suitable partners
Until the age of 29.5, you should look for the most suitable partners among the signs of Cancer and Scorpio. All three are water signs and until the age of 29.5 their relationships are very close, emotional, passionate and often stormy. In their youth, Pisces are attracted to the domineering personalities of Scorpio and the childish, impractical personality of Cancer.
After 29.5 years they can be compatible with the sign of Libra. Libra attracts Pisces with its calm grace and sense of balance. Mature Pisces are attracted to Aquarians, who expand their world of communication and help suppress their over-emotionality.
After 41.5 years, Pisces have already acquired greater stability and have come close to their best partner and friend - Virgo, the opposite sign of Pisces. Both signs are birds of a feather, under the harsh astrological skin, together they stabilize each other. Both signs are indifferent to sex.
In conclusion, I encourage Pisces to try each of the 12 signs, since Pisces are the most difficult to find a partner.

Fidelity Score
Pisces are usually very loyal people, especially in their youth, when they have deep and lasting connections with strong personalities who will guide and dominate their relationships. But the latter must endure the modest and shy nature of Pisces.

Erotic horoscope

Her world is the world of actors, artists, writers, the world of bohemia. She lives in a kingdom of dreams and hopes that she has invented. Her eroticism is realized in adoration, love “drama,” play, but not in physical intimacy. And although she tries in her rich imagination to turn her partner into a prince, her low temperament does not bring her complete satisfaction from intimacy. Her life passes in anticipation of a miracle, in the hope of meeting someone who will shower her with roses. As a rule, men do not return to her because they do not really like romantic tears during intimate caresses. Not understanding that in sex one must be able not only to take, but also to give, plunges her into a state of melancholy. She is kind by nature, and many young men gain their first experience in her arms. In marriage, she often commits infidelities, which neither she nor her husband can explain.

Those born under this constellation are endowed with great sensuality. His rich inner world is full of experiences and contrasts, and erotic motives occupy not the least place in it. His sensuality excites women and gives them a lot of pleasure. But he gently but surely rejects any of their attempts to penetrate his soul. When such attempts become persistent, he quietly leaves, letting the woman know that he is “a cat that walks on its own.” He understands well the truth that a woman “loves with her ears,” and is capable of driving her crazy with her speeches. Even his best friends do not know about his intimate relationships. It is enough for him to experience his victories alone. He is a collector at heart, but a collector who knows how to value his acquisitions. He enters into marriage quite consciously, although he does not feel the need for either a wife or children. His married life is quite stable, but his wife will miss his sincerity.


Their attitude to work is more intuitive than rational; they need to work at their own rhythm. They respond well to given circumstances, do not impose their power, “do not press” and deviate from pressure from above. They are devoted to important and personal work to the point of self-sacrifice.
Pisces are extremely talented - they are writers, artists, actors, musicians, i.e. people of art.
The following fields of activity are suitable for them: medicine, pedagogy, research work, shipbuilding, shoemaking, fishing, stock exchange business, and also among them there are often cheaters, swindlers, and rogues.
Many of them show interest in everything unusual: yoga, astrology, palmistry, the theory of rebirth and others occult sciences. They make good mediums.
Some succeed where others fail, and fail where others succeed. Attitudes towards money change depending on your outlook on life.


There are as many variations as there are Pisces in the sea. A man ranges from Don Juan, eager to give himself to all women (a shark in the ocean of love) - to a silently suffering victim of love.
Women from the romantic, mystical, femme fatale - to the soft, devoted, although not very submissive wife, who belongs to one man entirely and forever, who seems too good to believe.
There is also a “deity” who adores his own at a distance and does not reveal his feelings to anyone, especially to the object of passion. Love takes pride of place, they can love at the highest exalted level, or not love at all, reducing love to the lowest level - it could be heaven or hell.

There is no more complex heart than the heart of a Pisces - it is wide, mysterious, incomprehensible like the sea. It is inhabited by diverse impulses. Love comes to Pisces secretly and grows unnoticed. They themselves rarely know where it began and where it ended. The apparent indifference is explained by internal constraint or fear of being tied down for a long time. They can maintain platonic relationships and experience their passion alone, without obvious need, their sensuality is strong and contagious.
They are not conquerors, but prefer to be chosen, but it should be clear that you prefer them and no one else. They do not fight with an opponent, they would rather get out of the way and wish you happiness with another person. They prefer to make a difficult sacrifice rather than create a scene of jealousy. The main difficulty is that they don’t know how to start a relationship with a person, but they also don’t know how to break it off.

They hesitate - to leave, leave or return. Silent gloom, many fall in love with flawed people, moral and physical cripples, whom they try to save with their love, since love for many Pisces means help, they should feel welcome, understood, and be happy without a doubt. If this is so, then there is no more devoted, flexible, forgiving partner.
Lesson for Pisces: learn not to sacrifice the bird in your hands for the sake of a pie in the sky.
Pisces are happy with Virgo, Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn, they understand Scorpio without words. They should avoid Libra and Gemini.


They usually take care of their health. Like Virgos, they begin to take precautions and look for symptoms of the disease. At the first news about the flu, read all types of medical journals and manuals, sometimes not the most popular ones. They often deceive themselves.
Pisces are delicate and susceptible to all sorts of diseases that can strike unexpectedly and seriously. Pisces are picky eaters and love delicacies. There are many vegetarians among Pisces.
Weak spots: feet, heels, limbs, they are often prone to swelling, especially in the ankles, varicose veins, rheumatism, abscesses, tumors, polyps, colds. More than other zodiac signs are predisposed to schizophrenia.
Measures: warm, dry climate, avoid damp areas. Physical exercise, frequent vacations, vacations on temperate sea coasts, in open mountainous areas. Keep your feet dry and warm. Regular foot bath and nasal hygiene with sea salts.

Gastronomic horoscope

The last sign of the Zodiac, and that's why they are all so different. Mentally mobile, but very changeable. Some are too lethargic, others are active, but all PISCES have great inner strength. Greater sensitivity, emotions and passions greatly influence their mental state. In the metabolic processes of FISH, the weak link is the neutralization and removal of poisons and toxins. That's why diet and foods containing potassium sulfate, iron phosphate, iodine and sulfur are so important to them.
Recommendations. Avoid fried, fatty foods, hot sauces and gravies, caustic spices, as well as strong alcohol, nicotine, and drugs. Porridges made from whole grains and rice are most suitable for PISCES. The best fruits to choose are grapes, apples and pomegranates. It is good to eat nuts and seeds - sunflower and pumpkin. Among the early vegetables - radishes.

Your stones


Color: light greenish-blue, less often bluish-green.
The mineral is a transparent variety of beryl, a silicate of beryllium and aluminum.
Compliance with the sign Zodiac - Pisces, in the Middle Ages, astrology attributed the stone to Libra.
It is recommended to wear only during daylight hours.

Properties of the stone. Aquamarine has positive energy and improves mood. Not at all effective for liars; the stone does not tolerate deception. Relieves toothache, stomach and liver pain, and also protects against seasickness. Able to calm a storm, including cooling passion. The stone is a symbol of true friendship and promotes eloquence and prudence. Revitalizes the mind and cures laziness. Helps clairvoyants.

From the history of stone. Named at the beginning of the seventeenth century from Latin words"water" and "sea". Used as a talisman and as jewelry. The largest stones were mined from deposits in Brazil; crystals weighing up to 110 kg and a length of 49.5 cm are known. In Russia, a similar stone weighing 82 kg was found at the end of the eighteenth century. In faceted form, the largest aquamarine belongs to a jewelry company in California - an oval measuring 14.6, 4.7 and 3.8 cm, weighing 518.8 g, i.e. 2594 carats!


The color is varied with a rainbow play of colors.
The mineral is a solid silicon oxide hydrogel.
Correspondence to the zodiac sign - Pisces.
It is recommended to purchase on the eighteenth day of the lunar month.
Properties of the stone. It is recommended to be worn by people with a very strong spirit, who are able to determine the approach of danger by changing the shine and color of the stone. The stone is capable of causing illusions and deceptive hopes. Opal can seduce weak and insecure people from the true path and give them over to the power of black forces. A donated opal can quarrel between a person and the giver of the stone. Excites fear of the dark and develops phlegmatism.

From the history of stone. The name of the stone comes from the Sanskrit “upala” - “precious stone”. IN Ancient Rome It was customary to decorate the staffs of military leaders with opals; it was believed that this would bring victory in battle. Until the second century AD doctors attributed the ability to opal to stimulate cardiac activity, prevent heart disease and fainting, and save from tumors. In the Middle Ages, they began to attribute unfavorable properties to the stone. It has been hailed as the Stone of Thieves for its supposed ability to hypnotize the victim of a robbery. In the sixteenth century in Italy, opal was credited with the ability to cause plague epidemics. But in England during the time of Elizabeth the First, opal was highly valued. Queen Victoria gave opal rings to all of her daughters for their weddings, and none of her daughters suffered an untimely death. In 1909, in one of the opal mines in Australia, the skeleton of a small reptile about 15 cm in length, completely opalized, was found. All the details of the skeleton were preserved; they were replaced with opal with a magnificent play of colors. Now this rarity is in a private collection.


Color - has a greenish iridescence or a light stripe that changes its position when the stone is turned. This optical effect is very similar to the iris of a cat's eye.
The mineral is a precious variety of chrysoberyl or a greenish variety of quartz with the inclusion of asbestos fibers, which is an ornamental stone.
Zodiac sign: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.

Properties of the stone. Stabilizes human health and spirit, prevents foreign influences and helps strengthen the family.
From the history of stone. Stones with similar light phenomena have always been considered magical and were used to make amulets-amulets. The largest cat's eye weighing 313.2 carats is kept in the Tower of London. The yellow cat's eye, called Hope's chrysoberyl, weighs 45 carats and is on display in the British Museum. Of the gems, the most famous are kept in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. For example, a gray-green stone from Sri Lanka weighs 1,715 carats, and a yellow-green stone from Brazil weighs 114.3 carats.

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