Punk band Pussy Riot translation. Poll of the week: Do you know how the name of the group Pussy Riot is translated into Russian? What is known about the composition of the team

Pussy Riot known as a feminist punk band that stirred global community in 2012. Their performances are illegal and take place in unconventional places. Thus, actions in the metro, on the roof of a trolleybus, in a pre-trial detention center and even in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and on Red Square became famous. Pussy Riot does not have clear frontmen; the soloists perform under pseudonyms, which they often change. In public, the participants appear exclusively in balaclavas covering their faces, bright multi-colored dresses and tights.

Pussy Riot was born in 2011. According to its participants, after the Arab Spring they realized that Russia lacked sexual and political liberation. They decided to inject audacity into society, a feminist whip, and demand a female president. IN politically The group's interests revolve around feminism, the fight against law enforcement, decentralization of government and "anti-Putinism."

Representatives of Pussy Riot consider themselves to be part of the “third wave of feminism”; they have a fairly clear philosophical worldview, are critical of dictatorship and promote freedom of thought. The group actively advocates for gender freedom and calls for the abandonment of the generally accepted opposition between hetero- and homosexuality.

The views of Pussy Riot were repeatedly fleshed out by the participants. Thus, they vehemently protested against fraud in the 2011 elections and advocated for the resignation of Vladimir Putin. They classify it as a symbol of patriarchal views, citing as an example words about the tasks of women in society (childbirth and passive service to men). Pussy Riot defends the ideas of releasing political prisoners, abandoning restrictions on abortion and promoting homosexuality.

The group expresses itself creatively. First of all, the girls perform their own songs. The performances are illegal events with live performances accompanied by an electric guitar, filmed and actively distributed on the Internet.

One of the most scandalous performances, followed by punishment, was a punk prayer service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior
“Mother of God, drive Putin away”, performed on February 21, 2012. After him, three representatives of the movement were detained - N. Tolokonnikova, M. Alyokhina and E. Samutsevich, who during the investigation did not confirm their involvement in Pussy Riot. The investigation continues under close scrutiny. foreign funds mass media and with the active support of Pussy Riot by residents of France, Finland, Poland and other countries who hold rallies in defense of girls near Russian embassies.

This past week, the attention of all of Russia was again focused on the scandalous case of the girls from Pussy Riot, one of whom was released with the help of a lawyer from Kazan. In one of her first interviews, she immediately challenged the opinion of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who, answering a question about Pussy Riot in an interview with Russia Today, said that he did not intend to pronounce the Russian translation of the group’s name on air, since he considered it indecent. Since deciphering the name of the group contains an important detail of the scandal (like the devil is in the details), experts and business representatives of the Republic of Tatarstan, at the request of BUSINESS Online correspondents, voiced their versions of the translation.

Dmitry Puchkov- Russian self-taught translator, author of numerous so-called. “correct” and six parody translations of Hollywood films and TV series, writer and online publicist:

Pussy is a diminutive name for a cat - kitty, kitten, pussy. Nevertheless, this word has long had an obscene, to put it mildly, connotation. The analogue in Russian is “pilotka,” which has recently been a euphemism for an obscene word denoting the female genital organ. Accordingly, pussy riot is a rebellion of caps, a riot of caps. The only trouble is that the obscene meaning of the word “cap” in our country is understandable only to young people who never leave the Internet, but in America the word pussy in this context is understandable to everyone. Accordingly, if you translate pussy riot into Russian so that our citizens understand, then the phrase will turn out obscene.

By the way, no one pays attention to this - all the scandalous activities of the so-called punk band are addressed to the English-speaking audience, and not to Russians. If you translate the name into Russian, the attitude towards this group will change radically.

Vladimir Belyaev- Professor of KNITU KAI named after. Tupolev, doctor political sciences:

I have an established opinion on this matter, I have already thought about it. It’s very strange, did our president never hear the English children’s song Pussy cat as a child? Everyone who has ever learned a language knows it. Pussy is just a term for the female gender of an animal, in this song it was a cat. But in this context, if we look at the word order, we see that the word pussy comes first, which indicates that it is an adjective. In dictionaries it is translated as “affectionate, gentle, velvety.” Riot is an uprising, a revolution. All together translated as the “velvet revolution.” There is no one of indecent importance here. They had in mind exactly the same revolution that took place in Czechoslovakia. The global idea is a change of power without bloodshed. I am sure that this is the only correct translation.

I am following the work of this group. They did the right thing by releasing Samutsevich, but it was necessary to give freedom to all participants. They committed an offense for which they should have been given a fine or 15 days. And since they were kept in custody for much longer, they should have been released. I, of course, am categorically against any desecration, but the sentence is too harsh.

Svetlana Ivanova- Deputy General Director of the Globus-M translation center:

Pussy riot has an ambiguous translation. In a milder translation, this phrase sounds like “rebellion of the cats.” It can also be translated as “obscenity of female genital organs”... In any case, this phrase has a negative connotation, since this is a punk band, and these communities aim to challenge society. I believe that the punk prayer service in the temple was a PR stunt for them, and it turns out that they achieved their goal.

I am watching the Pussy Riot case. It’s funny and at the same time unpleasant to me that some youngsters committed petty hooliganism, and the whole country is discussing them. They must be punished, and no questions should arise about this. Otherwise, they will be an example for others - some people will decide that it is good to commit hooliganism and then gain worldwide fame.

Vasil Sakaev- Head of the Department of Political Sciences of the KFU branch in Naberezhnye Chelny:

Riot is translated as “uprising”, and pussy is Russian for “cat”. That is, the name of the group translates as “rebellion of cats.” Of course, I am following the developments around this group, but where to go? It's hard not to follow when they're on the news every other day. Accepted in their regard judgment ambiguous, and I am inclined to agree with a number of well-known lawyers who believe that the sentence does not comply with Russian legislation. They claim that Pussy Riot’s offense is not criminal, but administrative, and should be considered by the court on the basis of the Administrative Code.

Artem Prokofiev- Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan (fraction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation):

Yes, I know how to translate pussy riot. Should I voice it? Okay, I’ll make a gentle translation - let there be a “women’s revolt.” This is quite mild, although not verbatim. As for my attitude to the last loud act of this rock band, I think that it was simple hooliganism, an administrative offense. And how this turned out shows that today our secular state is under threat. We have not yet fully realized this.

But in fact, these are the processes that we saw earlier in the republics of the Caucasus, then in other national regions, and today we see this already on the scale of Russia, including the influence of Orthodoxy. I think that here we all just need to think soberly and understand that in fact a secular state is significant not only for atheists, for secular people, but also for believers themselves. Because a secular state goes hand in hand with the principles of religious freedom. And if we put the secular state at risk, then freedom of religion is immediately under threat. I take this seriously and I think that over time these processes will be given a sober assessment by most people, including government officials. Because you should always be very careful in matters of faith, religion and their influence on society...

Of course, I am following the trial of Pussy Riot. I generally follow the news closely, and this is one of the trends. I hope that common sense will prevail and there will be no criminal punishment, especially with imprisonment.

Alfiya Khanieva- Director of LLC " Interbridge Travel»:

I can’t translate the name of the group correctly, only in obscene words. But to put it mildly, a pussy riot is a “woman’s riot.” I consider this name provocative and I try not to be interested in this matter, since all these actions are political PR. Pussy Riot acted badly, but they were punished too much...

Marat Fatkulin- art director of RA Origami:

The name can be translated as “wrath of pussies.” Their name is on the verge of jargon, and their creativity is on the verge of a foul. Moreover, the last action is still the most innocent, because there were orgies and other outrages in their record. I’m not so interested in the Pussy Riot case that I constantly monitor information in the press and analyze it, but I do follow the events. I believe that the punishment was determined to be disproportionate to their action, which is an administrative punishment.

Marat Bikmullin- Chairman of the Board of Directors of Information Systems LLC:

If we translated Schiller and Goethe word for word, we would also probably hear a lot of indecent expressions. That's the case with this punk band. I think that translations creative groups must be done based on their creativity. I think the phrase Pussy Riot translates to “protesting women.” And Putin is simply deliberately clinging to words...

I am watching the work of this punk band. My opinion on this matter is this: our state is secular, and this presupposes not only a tolerant attitude towards other religions or atheism, but also towards the way of expressing one’s feelings. There is a law that clearly states what is prohibited and what is allowed. They say that the girls violated this law. I read it, and I think that this law was read with bias... There is no need to impose such a law on them prison term! A biased reading of the law is lawlessness. Very sad for Russia...

Guzel Bagautdinova- Head of the Star School foreign language training center:

How is the name of this group translated? Yes, these are unprintable words... “Riot” can be translated as “frenzy”, “disorder”, “excitement”. This word implies a crowd that goes berserk and destroys everything in its path. The first word - Pussy - is the female genital organs. “Uterine rabies” - this is how, to put it mildly, the name of this group is translated.

I watched an interview on TV about these girls when the events discussed just happened. I don’t know what they did there, I didn’t watch the video. But everyone around says: “ Oh, something terrible, something terrible!..“I recently read that this punk band made a political action, they wanted to insult believers. But personally, I think the girls just wanted to be famous.

Lyudmila Kostycheva- General Director of Land Service LLC:

We need to be more tolerant, I think, of their name, it is their right to call themselves what they call themselves. Pussy Riot is definitely a slang entity. In any case, the nomination itself, the combination, is associated with a violation of lexical norms. And, in general, this is what is aimed at - violation of language norms is associated with violation of social norms. There's a challenge in the name itself. Any slang is used by a very limited circle of users. As for whether or not to say out loud even swear words, as a fact of language, we cannot deny this - everyone has the right to be called whatever they want. Another question is ethical. The main thing is that the actions are decent, not names. I consider what the group did as a challenge.

Maxim Fedorov- Deputy of the City Council of Naberezhnye Chelny, Director of Concor-Optics LLC:

It can be translated in different ways: and English version offer, both American, literal, and slang. I have talked with musicians, and I know that in this environment they deliberately choose names that can be interpreted ambiguously. Let’s put it this way: if you translate the words individually, you get “a riot of pussies.” And if you add the inherent semantic load, you get profanity; I cannot offer such a translation publicly.

What Pussy Riot did is, of course, ugly towards Christians, but demonstrating bad upbringing is not worth a real sentence. In our country, they often give five years for murder, and there is a suspended sentence for pedophilia. This summer I myself offended the feelings of believers when I climbed the Western Wall in Israel - I took off my kippah, a small Jewish cap, from my head. I have a short haircut and the kippah doesn’t stay on, so I took it off. Why should I be imprisoned for two years? They just took me out.

I consider community service to be an adequate punishment for hooligan behavior. Brooms in hand - and forward, work ennobles. What kind of actions, after all, can be expected in such a sick society, where sacred church premises are rented out? When I learned about this fact, I was more shocked by it than by the actions of these girls.

I don’t follow the progress of the Pussy Riot case - I just watch the news, which cannot be done without them. The only thing is that yesterday I specifically went online to watch the last court hearing, but this was because of the Kazan lawyer. Here you go - one of the group members did not participate in the “show”, how was she convicted? This is further confirmation that the law does not work for us. People are protesting not because of their love for Pussy Riot, but against the existing judicial system.

Eduard Zamaleev- Head of the Russian Express representative office in Kazan:

- English word“pussy” is translated ambiguously into Russian, and in some translations the name of the group will sound completely indecent. I am not a supporter of this team and at the same time I do not share the decision to punish them. It would be much better if they were given a punishment in the form of community service. I follow the group’s work from latest news, interesting news was about the participation of a Kazan lawyer, with the help of which one of the participants in the “Pussy riot” was released.

Maria Gorshunova- General Director of Maidan LLC:

How do you translate Pussy Riot? This is almost an abusive expression, very ugly...” Mad, enraged, vagina" - this is how this phrase is translated. I have been following the case of this punk band and I am deeply disgusted by what these girls did. Of course, the sentence is very harsh. But, on the other hand, this is a demonstrative flogging for those who encroach on something similar.

Elena Afonina- Associate Professor of the Department foreign languages KNITU im. A.N. Tupolev:

Officially, the phrase “Pussy Riot” is translated as “ Fluffy Riot" The word “Pussy” translates as “fluffy kitten”, and “riot” means riot. But Putin hinted that there was an obscene connotation in this phrase. I agree with him.

Larisa Akkulova- manager " Studios stylish weddings »:

Translated into Russian, the name of the group will sound like “rebellious vaginas.” And if the media had used Russian translation instead of English in their publications, the public perception would have been completely different. The group would not have attracted so many sympathizers. After all, what a riot is is chaos and destruction. And the use of this word in connection with the female genital organs indicates feminization. "Pussy riot" opposed traditional family, supported homosexual relations. It is not normal. This is a form of perversion.

In addition, the media greatly inflated this whole story. The press focused on the negative and the negativity in society only intensified. Previously, they were not able to achieve such glory, but now, when the church and Putin’s person were involved, they received this glory. Actually, they needed fame. I believe that punishment does not play a significant role for them, because main goal they have reached.

Vyacheslav Egorov- Director of the Avangard-Realt company:

I have no idea how Pussy Riot is translated. Never thought about it. I’m not interested in this question at all; I don’t keep track of what’s happening behind this inflated case. For what? But here even Putin’s reaction itself, his refusal to pronounce the translation of the group’s name, is indicative.

Anna Zakonova- Development Director at TeamSoft:

It’s even inconvenient to voice the translation. There are two versions. The first one is decent. If you translate “pussy” as pussies, then the name of the group will sound like “pussy riot.” I will not voice the second version. Still, it's a good name for a punk rock band. I believe that the case is exclusively political, fabricated and is indicative of the opposition. The punishment itself is exaggerated. I follow the events around the group: I read materials from the publication “Snob” and listen to the radio station “Silver Rain”.

Yulia Ziyatdinova- Head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​in Professional Communication of KNRTU (KHTI):

In my opinion, this expression is obscene. The word "pussy", of course, has a lot different meanings. The first is “kitten”. But native speakers, of course, immediately have a different association. It makes no sense to translate “riot” separately in this phrase. I don’t follow the work of this pack group - I’m not interested.

Ruslan Zinnatullin- Chairman of the regional branch of the Yabloko party in the Republic of Tatarstan:

There are several translation options. For example, some translate the name of the group as “mad vaginas.” But there are also softer options. One way or another, the name conveys the content of the group - punk rock direction.

I am following the process and believe that the punishment was unfair. In my opinion, the feelings of believers here were not greatly offended, but the conduct political action in the church was not the best solution. Firstly, people go to temples to communicate with God and this place should remain inviolable. Secondly, religion should be kept away from politics. Now, if the band members had chosen Red Square for the punk prayer service, it would have been appropriate.

The punishment of imprisonment for 2 years is very harsh. This is judicial chaos. Everything suggests that the case is political and fabricated, because they only expressed their opinion. The maximum punishment for their act is 15 days of administrative arrest. On the other hand, the authorities, through their actions, only popularize the group, creating a political halo around “Pussy riot” and raising their ratings.

Farida Adgamova- General Director of the educational agency LF School:

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Poll of the week: Do you know how the name of the group Pussy Riot is translated into Russian?

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Pussy is a diminutive name for a cat - kitty, kitten, pussy. Nevertheless, this word has long had an obscene, to put it mildly, connotation. The analogue in Russian is “pilotka,” which has recently become a euphemism for an obscene word denoting the female genital organ. Accordingly, pussy riot is a rebellion of caps, a riot of caps. The only trouble is that the obscene meaning of the word “cap” in our country is understandable only to young people who never leave the Internet, but in America the word pussy in this context is understandable to everyone. Accordingly, if you translate pussy riot into Russian so that our citizens understand, then the phrase will turn out obscene.

By the way, no one pays attention to this - all the scandalous activities of the so-called punk band are addressed to the English-speaking audience, and not to Russians. If you translate the name into Russian, the attitude towards this group will change radically.

Vladimir Belyaev- Professor of KNITU KAI named after. Tupoleva, Doctor of Political Sciences:

I have an established opinion on this matter, I have already thought about it. It’s very strange, did our president never hear the English children’s song Pussy cat as a child? Everyone who has ever learned a language knows it. Pussy is just a term for the female gender of an animal, in this song it was a cat. But in this context, if we look at the word order, we see that the word pussy comes first, which indicates that it is an adjective. In dictionaries it is translated as “affectionate, gentle, velvety.” Riot is an uprising, a revolution. All together translated as the “velvet revolution.” There is no obscene meaning here. They had in mind exactly the same revolution that took place in Czechoslovakia. The global idea is a change of power without bloodshed. I am sure that this is the only correct translation.

I am following the work of this group. They did the right thing by releasing Samutsevich, but it was necessary to give freedom to all participants. They committed an offense for which they should have been given a fine or 15 days. And since they were kept in custody for much longer, they should have been released. I, of course, am categorically against any desecration, but the sentence is too harsh.

Svetlana Ivanova– Deputy General Director of the Globus-M translation center:

Pussy riot has an ambiguous translation. In a milder translation, this phrase sounds like “rebellion of the cats.” It can also be translated as “obscenity of female genital organs”... In any case, this phrase has a negative connotation, since this is a punk band, and these communities aim to challenge society. I believe that the punk prayer service in the temple was a PR stunt for them, and it turns out that they achieved their goal.

I am watching the Pussy Riot case. It’s funny and at the same time unpleasant to me that some youngsters committed petty hooliganism, and the whole country is discussing them. They must be punished, and no questions should arise about this. Otherwise, they will be an example for others - some people will decide that it is good to commit hooliganism and then gain worldwide fame.

Vasil Sakaev- Head of the Department of Political Sciences of the KFU branch in Naberezhnye Chelny:

Riot is translated as “uprising”, and pussy is Russian for “cat”. That is, the name of the group translates as “rebellion of cats.” Of course, I am following the developments around this group, but where to go? It's hard not to follow when they're on the news every other day. The court decision taken against them is ambiguous, and I am inclined to agree with a number of well-known lawyers who believe that the sentence does not comply with Russian legislation. They claim that Pussy Riot’s offense is not criminal, but administrative, and should be considered by the court on the basis of the Administrative Code.

Artem Prokofiev- Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan (fraction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation):

Yes, I know how to translate pussy riot. Should I voice it? Okay, I’ll make a gentle translation - let there be a “women’s revolt.” This is quite mild, although not verbatim. As for my attitude to the last loud act of this rock band, I think that it was simple hooliganism, an administrative offense. And how this turned out shows that today our secular state is under threat. We have not yet fully realized this.

But in fact, these are the processes that we saw earlier in the republics of the Caucasus, then in other national regions, and today we see this already on the scale of Russia, including the influence of Orthodoxy. I think that here we all just need to think soberly and understand that in fact a secular state is significant not only for atheists, for secular people, but also for believers themselves. Because a secular state goes hand in hand with the principles of religious freedom. And if we put the secular state at risk, then freedom of religion is immediately under threat. I take this seriously and I think that over time these processes will be given a sober assessment by most people, including government officials. Because you should always be very careful in matters of faith, religion and their influence on society...

Of course, I am following the trial of Pussy Riot. I generally follow the news closely, and this is one of the trends. I hope that common sense will prevail and there will be no criminal punishment, especially with imprisonment.

Alfiya Khanieva- Director of Interbridge Travel LLC:

I can’t translate the name of the group correctly, only in obscene words. But to put it mildly, a pussy riot is a “woman’s riot.” I consider this name provocative and I try not to be interested in this matter, since all these actions are political PR. Pussy Riot acted badly, but they were punished too much...

Marat Fatkulin- art director of RA Origami:

The name can be translated as “wrath of pussies.” Their name is on the verge of jargon, and their creativity is on the verge of a foul. Moreover, the last action is still the most innocent, because there were orgies and other outrages in their record. I’m not so interested in the Pussy Riot case that I constantly monitor information in the press and analyze it, but I do follow the events. I believe that the punishment was determined to be disproportionate to their action, which is an administrative punishment.

Marat Bikmullin- Chairman of the Board of Directors of LLC " Information Systems»:

If we were to translate Schiller and Goethe word for word, we would also probably hear a lot of indecent expressions. That's the case with this punk band. I believe that translations of creative groups should be done based on their creativity. I think the phrase pussy riot translates to “women protesting.” And Putin is simply deliberately clinging to words...

I am watching the work of this punk band. My opinion on this matter is this: our state is secular, and this presupposes not only a tolerant attitude towards other religions or atheism, but also towards the way of expressing one’s feelings. There is a law that clearly states what is prohibited and what is allowed. They say that the girls violated this law. I read it and believe that this law was read with bias... They should not be given such a prison sentence! A biased reading of the law is lawlessness. Very sad for Russia...

Guzel Bagautdinova– Head of the Star School foreign language training center:

How is the name of this group translated? Yes, these are unprintable words... Riot can be translated as “frenzy”, “disorder”, “excitement”. This word implies a crowd that goes berserk and destroys everything in its path. The first word - pussy - is the female genital organs. “Uterine rabies” - this is how, to put it mildly, the name of this group is translated.

I watched an interview on TV about these girls when the events discussed just happened. I don’t know what they did there, I didn’t watch the video. But everyone around is saying: “Oh, something terrible, something terrible!..” I recently read that this punk band made a political action, they wanted to insult believers. But personally, I think the girls just wanted to be famous.

Lyudmila Kostycheva- General Director of Land Service LLC:

We need to be more tolerant, I think, of their name, it is their right to call themselves what they call themselves. Pussy riot is definitely a slang formation. In any case, the nomination itself, the combination, is associated with a violation of lexical norms. And in general, this is what is aimed at - violation of language norms is associated with violation of social norms. There's a challenge in the name itself. Any slang is used by a very limited circle of users. As for whether or not to say out loud even obscenities as a fact of language, we cannot deny this - everyone has the right to be called whatever they want. Another question is ethical. The main thing is that the actions are decent, not names. I consider what the group did as a challenge.

Maxim Fedorov– Deputy of the City Council of Naberezhnye Chelny, Director of Concor-Optics LLC:

You can translate it in different ways: you can offer the English version, the American version, the literal version, and the slang version. I have talked with musicians and I know that in this environment they deliberately choose names that can be interpreted ambiguously. Let’s put it this way: if you translate the words individually, you get “a riot of pussies.” And if you add the inherent semantic load, you get profanity; I cannot offer such a translation publicly.

What Pussy Riot did is, of course, ugly towards Christians, but demonstrating bad upbringing is not worth a real sentence. In our country, they often give five years for murder, and there is a suspended sentence for pedophilia. This summer I myself offended the feelings of believers when I climbed the Western Wall in Israel - I took off my kippah, a small Jewish cap, from my head. I have a short haircut and the kippah doesn’t stay on, so I took it off. Why should I be imprisoned for two years? They just took me out.

I consider community service to be an adequate punishment for hooligan behavior. Brooms in hand - and forward, work ennobles. What kind of actions, after all, can be expected in such a sick society, where sacred church premises are rented out? When I learned about this fact, I was more shocked by it than by the actions of these girls.

I don’t follow the progress of the Pussy Riot case - I just watch the news, which cannot be done without them. The only thing is that yesterday I specifically went online to watch the last court hearing, but this was because of the Kazan lawyer. Here you go - one of the group members did not participate in the “show”, how was she convicted? This is further confirmation that the law does not work for us. People are protesting not because of their love for Pussy Riot, but against the existing judicial system.

Eduard Zamaleev- Head of the Russian Express representative office in Kazan:

- The English word pussy is translated ambiguously into Russian, and in some translations the name of the group will sound completely indecent. I am not a supporter of this team and at the same time I do not share the decision to punish them. It would be much better if they were given a punishment in the form of community service. I’m following the group’s case; the latest news was interesting about the participation of a Kazan lawyer, with the help of which one of the Pussy Riot members was released.

Maria Gorshunova- General Director of Maidan LLC:

How is pussy riot translated? This is almost an abusive expression, very ugly... “Mad, enraged, vagina” - this is how this phrase is translated. I have been following the case of this punk band and I am deeply disgusted by what these girls did. Of course, the sentence is very harsh. But, on the other hand, this is a demonstrative flogging for those who encroach on something similar.

Elena Afonina– Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​at KNRTU. Tupolev:

Officially, the phrase pussy riot is translated as “furry riot.” The word pussy is translated as “fluffy kitten”, and riot is “rebellion”. But Putin hinted that there was an obscene connotation in this phrase. I agree with him.

Larisa Akkulova– manager of the “Stylish Wedding Studio”:

Translated into Russian, the name of the group will sound like “rebellious vaginas.” And if the media had used Russian translation instead of English in their publications, the public perception would have been completely different. The group would not have attracted so many sympathizers. After all, what a riot is is chaos and destruction. And the use of this word in connection with the female genital organs indicates feminization. Pussy Riot opposed the traditional family and supported homosexual relationships. It is not normal. This is a form of perversion.

In addition, the media greatly inflated this whole story. The press focused on the negative, and the negativity in society only intensified. Previously, they were not able to achieve such glory, but now, when the church and Putin’s person were involved, they received this glory. Actually, they needed fame. I believe that punishment does not play a significant role for them, because they have achieved the main goal.

Vyacheslav Egorov- Director of the Avangard-Realt company:

I have no idea how pussy riot is translated. Never thought about it. I’m not interested in this question at all; I don’t keep track of what’s happening behind this inflated case. For what? But here even Putin’s reaction itself, his refusal to pronounce the translation of the group’s name, is indicative.

Anna Zakonova- Development Director at TeamSoft:

It’s even inconvenient to voice the translation. There are two versions. The first one is decent. If we translate pussy as “pussies”, then the name of the group will sound – “riot of pussies”. I will not voice the second version. Still, it's a good name for a punk rock band. I believe that the case is exclusively political, fabricated and is indicative of the opposition. The punishment itself is exaggerated. I follow the events around the group: I read materials from the Snob publication and listen to the Silver Rain radio station.

Yulia Ziyatdinova– Head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​in Professional Communication of KNRTU (KHTI):

In my opinion, this expression is obscene. The word pussy, of course, has many different meanings. The first is “kitten”. But native speakers, of course, immediately have a different association. It makes no sense to translate riot separately in this phrase. I don’t follow the work of this punk band - I’m not interested.

Ruslan Zinnatullin- Chairman of the regional branch of the Yabloko party in the Republic of Tatarstan:

There are several translation options. For example, some translate the name of the group as “mad vaginas.” But there are also softer options. One way or another, the name conveys the content of the group - punk rock direction.

I am following the process and believe that the punishment was unfair. In my opinion, the feelings of the believers were not greatly offended here, but holding a political action in the church was not the best decision. Firstly, people go to churches to communicate with God, and this place should remain inviolable. Secondly, religion should be kept away from politics. Now, if the band members had chosen Red Square for the punk prayer service, it would have been appropriate.

The punishment of imprisonment for two years is very harsh. This is judicial chaos. Everything suggests that the case is political and fabricated, because they only expressed their opinion. The maximum punishment for their act is 15 days of administrative arrest. On the other hand, the authorities, through their actions, only popularize the group, creating a political aura around Pussy Riot and raising their ratings.

Farida Adgamova- General Director of the educational agency LF School:

Pussy riot translates to “cat revolution.” I can’t comment on whether there is an obscene context there, since I don’t follow the punk band’s case and am not at all interested in this situation.

IN Lately Quite a lot of attention is paid to the members of the punk band Pussy Riot.

Of course, the authors of this article have their own opinion and attitude to everything that happens with this punk band, but we will not express an opinion and judgment on this issue; there is plenty of information about this in other places on the Internet.

In this article we want to dwell on the features of translating the phrase Pussy Riot into Russian, since there is no clear information on this matter, and mechanical translators are of little help.

Correct translation of the name of the punk band Pussy Riot.

Google gives a translation of the word Pussy - pussy, vagina, pussy. In this case, the word pussy has portable the meaning does not mean a purring affectionate creature at all, but rather a pussy. This is easily confirmed by the presence of the word Pussy in the list of categories of any porn site, for example.

Google gives a translation of the word Riot - unrest, riot.

There are several inaccurate translations floating around the Internet. Which one is the exact one?

According to the rules in English, a noun before another noun becomes an adjective. Accordingly, pussy here is pissy. Then vaginal disturbances are more correct?

Another meaning of the word riot is pomp, abundance, riot (of colors, for example).

The third meaning of the word riot is revelry, unbridledness. Vaginal wildness then? That is, in Russian - fornication or bla...st.

Riot - in the first challenge

rebellion, unrest, unrest.

Race riot - race riots.

Does this mean that correct translation -

Pissing disorders?

Don't think. The second meaning of the word riot is revelry, unbridledness.

Well, very subtle connoisseurs will think about the third meaning of the word riot.

However, the connoisseur’s interpretation does not in any way contradict the second, accurate one.

It should be noted in conclusion that what these chicks did was nothing more than “fucking” in the figurative sense.

But perhaps the fornication into which the girls flew was already contained in the most ambiguous name of the punk group Pussy Riot

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