Pearl-colored remarks from teachers in school diaries. Funny notes in school diaries Funny entries in a teacher's diary about students

Absolutely does not know Pushkin! Dear parents! Please introduce me!

Running in the toilet!

Running in gym class!

She ran after the boys around school with a stick.

Without the teacher's permission, he hanged himself on the uneven bars.

He was disgraceful at work. Broke the vice. Made the teacher cry.

He threw $100 at the teacher’s feet, putting him in an awkward position.

At every lesson, Vasily undresses me with his eyes, like an experienced man without shame or conscience.

Your child is more afraid of the goat than of me. Gym teacher.

Your child missed the Saturday disco! Figure it out!

Your son saw decimal logarithms in his coffin.

Your son inflated rubber products for adult use in physics. I reprimanded him. And he vulgarly advised me not to pretend to be a sexually retarded girl.

Your daughter has become interested in looking not only at boys, but also at male teachers.

I played the entire lesson on the computer I brought from home. But he didn’t give it to me!

The whole lesson I fucked my neighbor on the desk, not paying attention to the teacher.

Falls in love with all the girls - please figure it out, finally.

During a botany lesson, Eidelman is discovered under your daughter's desk!

Howled in class.

He blew his nose at his friend's drawing.

He looks at the board ambiguously.

He pulled the pigtails of elementary school students.

Trained a cockroach in math class. Could have waited for biology!

Lived my life in biology class.

I forgot to bring a stool sample.

He played on his nerves, and out of tune.

As Sergei’s class teacher, I need to meet with you at any time convenient for you, specifically on December 6 at 16:30.

I smoked in the teachers' lounge.

I smoked in physical education, ran during recess, but it should have been the other way around!

During recess, Maxim swore with such choice obscenities that even I was covered with shame all over my body.

He put the gas mask on other parts of his body.

He carries a brick in his briefcase. Why - he doesn’t say.

Covered the girl with drool. I ask you to take action now.

pay attention to appearance your son. His trousers are always ironed, his hair is neatly combed, his nails are trimmed. Where does this purity come from?!

Snarled along with the teacher.

Before entering the head teacher’s office, he knocked on the door with the conventional knock of a physical teacher.

I washed the floor in the classroom with the head teacher's shawl.

Try to teach your son to respect the woman in me, otherwise he will end badly.

Turned a trip to the circus into a farce!

I came to school bald. Please take action.

I came to school without a shift and drunk!

Receipt. I, Strigin Arkady, a student of 2nd grade A, undertake to follow safety precautions, that is, not to run around the school, since the school is in disrepair. Strigin. Parents are informed: .......

I was talking during a singing lesson and dared the teacher to say that it was rap.

Disrupted algebra class by sticking his feet out into the aisle.

I copied from a poor student.

Comrade parents! Teach your child to jump over a goat!

Uv. parents! Give your child a haircut. I want to look into his eyes.

U.r. let the child sleep. He sleeps in class!

I want to warn you, as a teacher, as a woman and, ultimately, as a mother, that your daughter needs an eye and an eye in the area of ​​​​the cuteness of her nature.

Showed up to class without panties. (Entry in the diary of a physical education teacher)

A diary is important in developing positive motivation in students.
What does a diary mean for a student? This is his social passport. This is the plan of his life, this is a list of his achievements and failures. But often it becomes precisely a list of failures. It becomes a list of reminders of failures instead of a list of reminders of strengths of his personality, which the student could use further.

Nevertheless, the diary is very significant for the student. It is for this reason that it is hidden when the teacher intends to write a remark there.

Two main principles:
1.Increase the number of positively motivating entries in your diary
2.Transform and reduce the number of negatively motivating entries in the diary.

Diary entries that address positive motivation are entries that contain
a) unconditional recognition of the student’s identity
b) records containing conditional recognition of the student. This is recognition given to a student for a job well done.

The most difficult thing may be to express unconditional recognition and acceptance of the student, since the school is focused primarily on successful activities. However, it is possible. Unconditional recognition is expressed primarily through a respectful form of address. Unconditional recognition can be expressed through an address by name (to the student), by name and patronymic (to parents), through written congratulations on national holidays - an entry in the diary from the class teacher, from the school principal. (Remember: Suvorov A. knew each of his soldiers by name). These could also be parting words and wishes from the class teacher to have a good holiday - at the end of the quarter, half-term.
The so-called “conditional” recognition should be expressed for academic success, extracurricular activities, for personal achievements. It can also be not only a mark, but also praise,
for example - for attentive work in class, for an excellent answer at the board. Comments on grades are important, clarifying the nature of the work done by the student, containing recognition of success, and clarification of the opportunity to correct a bad grade. It can also be gratitude, for example: for helping the teacher in class, for participating in extracurricular activities, for being on duty at school, in class, gratitude for a message in class, for help provided to a classmate.

We can say that writing in a diary is a special form pedagogical work with the students, because, as the people say, “What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax.”
A diary is not a notebook from which you can tear out and throw away the wrong page. Is this the reason why students lose their diaries so often? At the same time, losing a part of your life that you want to quickly forget about. And those who did not lose them during school year, with great relief of heart at the end of the year, they throw the diary into the trash bin in order to quickly forget about the huge red twos, appeals to parental and student conscience, about their grievances against teachers, about the feeling of helplessness in the face of circumstances and adults that they are not capable of influence... To forget at least for the summer...
Will the time come when diaries will begin to be carefully preserved as a memory of personal successes, noble deeds, class and school events, the nobility and help of teachers, the knowledge gained in favorite subjects, and the new step taken by the student into an interesting, adult life? It would be nice if it came.
So let's give our students gratitude, appreciation, love, admiration, respect, social recognition of success, the importance of what they have done, the results achieved, self-confidence and in the future, self-confidence.
Let school life become such that there is no need to be afraid of the wrong answer, ridicule of classmates, irony of the teacher, public criticism, silent (or not silent) anger of parents.

I offer 10 specific methods that allow you to establish positive contact, influence a student’s behavior, and invite parents to cooperate in raising a child. The description of these 10 methods can be used as instructions when working with a student's diary.

10 methods to establish rapport and enhance student success
1. Method of establishing contact. Entry in the diary begins with addressing the student by name, and the student’s parents by name and patronymic (instead of: “Dear parents...” or: “Fill out the diary!”).
2. Method of positive reformulation Positive reformulation of negative behavior into positive qualities. (Instead of: “He got into a fight during recess!” - “Your son knows how to stand up for himself. We hope that next time he will do it in a safe way.”)
3.Direct request method. Describing what student behavior is desirable rather than describing undesirable behavior. (Instead of: “Systematically late for the first lesson!” - “Petya, come to class on time”) To achieve results from another person, including a student, it is important to positively formulate what you want to get from him, and not what you don’t want to get it from him.
4.Advance method. Any quality that you want to develop or strengthen in a student is advanced to him. (Instead of: “You didn’t listen attentively in class” - “Vova! You are able to listen carefully in class” or “Petya! You are able to arrive on time”
5.Method of permission, permission. The wording begins with the words: “You can...” For example: Sasha! You can study well!” or “I’m glad when you arrive on time...”
6.Method of accurately describing behavior (Instead of describing the student’s personality). Specification to a specific situation instead of generalization of quality or behavior for the entire future.
7. The method of comparing the student with himself, with his own results in the past, instead of comparing him with other students or with the required standard “today you were more attentive than yesterday”
“I only got into a fight once this week” “Thank you for your attentive work in class”
8. A method of talking about yourself and your feelings, instead of talking about others. Addressing your feelings. Instead of describing other people. For example: “Dear Anna Pavlovna! I am concerned about your son's grades in physics. Please come on the 14th at 17:00 to discuss the issue.”
9. Method good wishes“I wish you a better grade in the next lesson!” I hope for the same excellent work in the next lesson (next trimester, next academic year)!”
10. A method of analyzing and determining the purpose of the appeal - especially to parents - how, why, for what purpose, in what form. When an entry is made in a diary, it is important to determine exactly what the purpose of the entry is, what result you want the student to achieve through this entry, and relate the entry to the intended result. This is especially important when communicating with parents - very precise wording is important, so that there cannot be different understandings of what teachers want from parents. An entry in a diary should not be a pedagogical puzzle that parents need to solve in order to understand what kind of help the teacher wants from them. She must make it clear enough to parents what is expected of them.

Requirements for keeping a school diary

N.V. Lushpayeva ,
Deputy Director for Educational Work, School No. 402, Moscow

A diary is the main document of a student while he is studying. Its maintenance and completion is regulated certain rules which must be observed by all participants in the educational process.

The older a child becomes, the more resourceful he becomes in order to hide negative school news and facts from his parents. Most students do not want to show their parents their unsatisfactory grades or report a new call to their educational institution or mention the amount of homework. As usual, at the most crucial moment, the diary is “forgotten”, “loaned to a sick classmate”, “lost”, “spoilt”, etc. To prevent such “accidental” troubles and increase parental control, a system of electronic diaries is additionally being introduced in modern Russian schools . However, it is still impossible to do without traditional diaries.

A student's diary is:

  • a journal in which a student's grades are recorded;
  • student performance indicator;
  • remedy for appeals schools to parents.

Please note: not “communications with parents,” but specifically “school appeals to parents.”
I will leave aside some of the senselessness of such one-way communication, but it is curious that the instructions even regulate the text of the notes that the teacher can make.
Is there any point in communicating here, with this approach?

The modern printing industry is turning the diary into a fashionable school accessory, offering a choice of diaries in different formats, with colorful covers (varnished, foil-embossed, matte, laminated), with colored endpapers containing various reference materials, maps, etc.

The bright design distracts the student, he forgets that the diary remains the main document of the student, and its maintenance and completion is regulated by certain rules. Otherwise, the diary becomes formal, not interesting even for “good” and “excellent” students, and an unnecessary subject for parents.

Requirements for keeping a diary by students, subject teachers, class teachers, school administration and parents are fixed only by a local act educational institution(Regulations on keeping a diary). Neither the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” nor other legal acts regulating the activities of educational institutions mention the student’s obligation to keep a school diary.

What should a student know about journaling?

The student must be periodically reminded that the diary is his school document, by which diligence and level of consciousness can be judged, and that he must fill it out in strict accordance with the instructions set out in it and in the Regulations on Keeping a Diary.

on uniform requirements for maintaining and filling out a student diary

The diary is a student's school document. The responsibility for its obligatory and accurate maintenance lies with the student himself.

  1. The student makes all entries in the diary in blue ink.
  2. The student completes the front cover; writes down the names of subjects and surnames, first names and patronymics of teachers; provides a lesson schedule, extracurricular activities and, as appropriate, extracurricular and extracurricular activities; indicates the month and day. Extraneous entries and drawings in the diary are unacceptable.
  3. The student writes homework for independent work every day in the columns of the day for which they are assigned; During school holidays, a plan for extracurricular and extracurricular activities is drawn up.
  4. The student presents the diary at the request of the subject teachers and the class teacher.
  5. The teacher, evaluating the student’s answer, puts a mark in the class register and at the same time writes it in the diary and certifies it with his signature.
  6. The class teacher monitors weekly the fulfillment of the requirements for keeping a diary, the presence in the diary of marks received by students during the week, and notes the number of tardiness and missed classes. At the end of the diary, the class teacher provides final information about the student’s progress and attendance and certifies them with his signature in specially designated columns.
  7. Records of the work performed by the student during the period of labor practice are made by the persons responsible for organizing this work.
  8. For notes from teachers and the class teacher, free columns or specially designated columns and diary pages are used.
  9. Parents weekly, as well as at the end of the academic quarter (academic trimester), half-year and year, review and sign the diary, and, if necessary, control its maintenance.
  10. The school administration exercises systematic control over the keeping of diaries for students in grades 2–11 in accordance with these requirements.

The student must be aware of the obligation to produce his/her diary when requested by school staff.

A respectful attitude towards the diary can be formed during various educational activities: classroom hours, round tables (for example, on the topics “Why do you need a diary?”, “What are the differences between a passport and a diary?”).

Subject teachers' work with schoolchildren's diaries

IN Lately teachers often use verbal assessments. They help to increase the student’s self-esteem and positive emotional state.

Subjects of posts can be varied:

  1. Verbal assessments, praise (“Well done!”, “Clever!”, “Did a great job!”, “Very well prepared!”, “Excellent!”, “Brilliant!”, “Wonderful!”, “I’m proud that I have such a student!”).
  2. Notes.
  3. Acknowledgments (“Gratitude is declared (expressed) ...”, “Thank you for ...”, “I express my gratitude ...”).
  4. Invitations (“Dear ________________________! I invite you to a parent meeting on the topic _______________________________________________________, which will take place __________ in office No. __________. Class teacher _____________________”).
  5. Ads.
  6. Recommendations (“Please pay attention to...”).
  7. Informing parents about the progress of their children.
  8. Notifying parents about upcoming joint activities at school.
  9. Happy holidays.
  10. Congratulations on your victories at the Olympics and achievements in sports.
  11. Appeals to parents.

If it is necessary to write down a remark or appeal to parents, then this should be done correctly, briefly and clearly, without humiliating the dignity of the student, and without any hints to the parents about the poor upbringing of children. Illiteracy, violation of norms literary language in wording, illegible, careless handwriting, violations of etiquette (tactlessness) are not acceptable for a teacher!

It is important to remember that similar entries and frequent comments in the diary, especially if it concerns behavior or unlearned lessons, are addictive and do not have any effect on an unscrupulous student. It would be more effective to invite parents to the school, perhaps even with a special notice.

The teacher is responsible for monitoring student recordings. homework in their subject, paying special attention to low-achieving and unsuccessful students; Regularly display all grades received by students for the lesson.

Work of class teachers with schoolchildren's diaries

The work of class teachers with student diaries is regulated by their job responsibilities in the educational institution.

The class teacher is obliged:

  • check the diaries of students in your class weekly;
  • monitor students' compliance with the requirements for keeping a diary;
  • control the presence in the diary of all marks received by students during the week;
  • note the number of missed lessons per week and the number of tardiness;
  • control: accuracy, literacy of records, correct errors in them; correct filling of the diary; feedback from parents;
  • certify with your signature the verification of the diary.
  • reflect the activity and effectiveness of the student’s participation in the life of the class and school.

The variety of printed versions of diaries makes it difficult to check them, since not all of them have pages for comments, vacation notes, quarterly schedules, etc. Therefore, we suggest purchasing identical diaries for the class (by decision of the parent meeting held in May or August, or the parent class) taking into account school-wide requirements.

Parents checking a student's diary

Parents should review and sign the diary weekly, as well as at the end of the academic quarter (academic trimester), half-year and year, and, if necessary, check the correctness of its maintenance.

A diary completed in accordance with the requirements allows parents to: see the successes or failures of their child; control his school fees; know about the regime training sessions, holiday events; and also keep abreast of school events.

Work of the administration of an educational institution with schoolchildren’s diaries

The school administration carries out systematic control (according to the HSC plan) of keeping diaries of students in grades 2–11 in accordance with the requirements set out in the Regulations on keeping diaries. During administrative control of diaries, the presence in them of:

  • information about class teachers;
  • lesson schedules for the quarter (trimester) and for the current week;
  • bell times for lessons;
  • schedule of sections, extracurricular activities, project activities, etc.;
  • homework;
  • data on absences and tardiness for training sessions;
  • unethical comments to students and appeals to parents from subject teachers and the class teacher;
  • current grades that should be given by subject teachers, not class teachers;
  • parents' signatures;
  • marks given for written work on the day of its completion.

In addition, the quality and frequency of checking diaries by the class teacher is controlled, as well as the culture of keeping and the aesthetics of diary design by students.

Based on the results of administrative control, the administrator who checked the diaries draws up a certificate in which he indicates the identified violations, formulates comments and makes recommendations for eliminating the violations over a certain period of time.

based on the results of an administrative check of student diaries

Date of: _________________ 20 ____

Purpose of the check: monitoring the readiness of student diaries for the beginning of the school year.

According to the results A check of student diaries in ___ classes revealed the following:

Notes on Journaling Class FULL NAME. class teacher Student names
The uniform form of keeping diaries is not followed
Not issued title page diary
The page with the list of teachers is not completed
FULL NAME. Teachers' students' classes are recorded with errors
The page with the call schedule is not filled out
The lesson schedule is not fully written
Most students in the class do not write down their homework in their diaries.
No signature from the class teacher at the end of the school week
No parental signature at the end of the school week for all or most of the students in the class
Worst diaries from an aesthetic point of view
  1. Conduct Classroom hour in order to eliminate shortcomings in the design of the diary.
  2. Please draw the attention of students and their parents to the following:
  • the diary is kept only with a pen with blue ink (entries with a pencil, pens with ink of other colors or markers are not allowed);
  • entries should be made carefully, legibly, without the use of correction tape or liquid;
  • it is necessary to indicate the current month and dates on the pages with the lesson schedule and homework;
  • when writing down homework, do not overuse the phrases “in the notebook”, “lecture”, etc.;
  • It is unacceptable to tear out pages from the diary;
  • the diary should be submitted to the subject teacher during the answer for marking or at the first request of the teacher or any other school employee.
  1. Check and sign diaries weekly.
  2. Draw the attention of subject teachers to the fact that marks in diaries should be entered immediately, comments and appeals to parents should be formulated correctly and correctly.
  3. Submit the diaries of the following students for re-checking:

Checked by: ___________________ _____________ ___________________

(position) (signature) (full name)

17 August 2011, 17:41

Uv. parents! Give your child a haircut. I want to look into his eyes. I played the entire lesson on the computer I brought from home. But he didn’t give it to me! Absolutely does not know Pushkin! Dear parents! Please introduce me! Hey there! Hello! What's with the money for breakfast? Bring 100 rubles to bribe the manager. gorono. Dear parents! Please come to school sober. Your son turned out to be a daughter. Pay attention to this. I was wasting my life in chemistry class. Played cards in class. He can't count whists. Your child missed the Saturday disco! Figure it out! Mathematics - 1 Chemistry - 1 Russian language - 1 Geography - 1 TOTAL: 4 (good) The life of the youth in the lesson of the Law of God was taught by the greats. He ejected the kernels from chewed paper through a plastic pipe, through which the clerk became crippled and blind. I cast the demon out of the classroom. I ask you to behead the son of a bitch on the bottom with a twig, deprive him of food and cinema, or beat his forehead against the wall! Smoking incense in the toilet. He smoked in the punishment cell. Pay attention to your son's appearance. His trousers are always ironed, his hair is neatly combed, his nails are trimmed. Where does this purity come from?! I smoked in the teachers' lounge. I washed the floor in the classroom with the head teacher's shawl. Your son saw decimal logarithms in his coffin. Pay attention to your daughter's appearance. They don’t wear black and green anymore, the waist line needs to be lowered! Forbid your daughter from tying her sleeve! He brought vodka and disrupted the teachers' meeting. Throwing bananas in geography class. Comrade parents, your son jumped out the window after his bull, thrown out by a classmate. I ask you to take action, namely tie his bulls to his hands with a thread! We ran in physical education class! Beat the teacher half to death! Comrade parents, your son makes strange sounds with a smell in math class. In the diary of a seventh-grader: I came to school without a shift and drunk! During a botany lesson, Eidelman is discovered under your daughter's desk! During recess I threw a cactus and a rag! Spoke in Russian! I used a brush for sweeping a workbench to brush my classmate’s hair, please take action. Tried to break the vice! Tumbled without swearing. Parents, take action! He took revenge on a classmate in class. He brutally tortured his comrade! Hit a friend on the head with a briefcase. Comrade parents! Your son’s briefcase is too heavy, make sure there are no extra books! It interferes with teaching the lesson with your own opinion. I painted all over my neighbor's desk and shoes. She threw cheesecakes at the ceiling. I dared the class to eat the collection of seeds in the biology classroom! He doesn’t listen in class, he just lies down on his desk and lies there. Parents, pay attention! The child is morally empty! I fought on the rulers with the teacher! He allowed himself to be barked at. Comrade parents! Teach your child to jump over a goat! Your child is more afraid of the goat than of me. Gym teacher. Howled in class. He dropped Smirnov along with the chair. Spit out the open window in chemistry class. He threw a chair out of the window. Deliberately spoiling the air in the classroom. It's buzzing in class! Lets down a friend's team (in physics) Shows a three-finger combination (in physics) Chased the boys down the corridor with a mop! Two for behavior. Hit the boy on the head with two construction sets. Organized a race in the class. Dasha and Oksana drew cards and played them. Take action! I didn’t show up for the dictation, I was riding the slide! Broke a fork in the dining room. I sat without a uniform in the girls' locker room. During math class, she pushed her desk neighbor into the aisle. Climbing on chairs with the boys during a rhythm lesson. Grunts in class. Having fun in class. She demands to buy her a writing pen! I broke the lampshade with a felt boot. Dropped a flower pot on the head teacher. Head teacher I got into a fight with a classmate in the girls' restroom! Late for class - sitting in the toilet! He went out into the street through the window. Doesn't know where his left leg is. It was not humanly possible to sit on a chair. Scared the kids with chewing gum. The entire lesson was in my briefcase. He blew his nose at his friend's drawing. Sits on the sofas. She sings in class, citing the fact that she wants to become an opera singer. Talked (about 55 comments in one diary for 4th grade) Doesn’t show the teacher a notebook on penmanship! I signed my diary for my parents! Talks loudly and pushes children away. I played with a magnifying glass in class! Came to physical education class without panties. I ate a visual aid during botany class. Comrade parents, give your child money for breakfast! I copied from a poor student. He looks at the board ambiguously. Snarled along with the teacher. I wrote an obscene word on my desk in honor of a classmate. He pulled the pigtails of elementary school students.


Parents want their child to have no comments, conflicts with teachers or quarrels with students at school. Needless to say, the fewer claims the school makes against the child, the calmer the atmosphere in the family. Parents of students are especially sensitive to comments junior classes. Moms and dads of a small and still obedient child idealize him and expect only success.

Often, writing in a diary comes as a shock to parents. This mainly happens in families where the right parents and grandparents motivate the child to excel in school and have a successful future. Or parents who are too busy take the position: do what you want, but so that there are no comments - I don’t have time to do this. Ambitious parents know that their child is the best, and perceive his failure as a personal defeat.

In order not to react painfully and not to aggravate the child’s trauma, you need to understand: what happens within the walls of the school does not happen to you, but to your child. All mom or dad can do is listen, teach them to negotiate, forgive, and defend their opinion. A note in the diary is a wish or a cry from the teacher for help. For parents, two extremes are equally wrong: taking the child’s side and taking the teacher’s side.

Parents on the child's side

The student needs the support and interest of his parents. It is best to show interest in a confidential conversation. It is not at all necessary to interfere in his relationship with the teacher at every opportunity and tell the teacher what kind of relationship your child deserves. There is no ideal school, there is always something - a lot of tasks, a strict teacher, hard physical education, uncomfortable desks, stupid children.

Following the lead of an offended child, you can change class, teacher, school, several schools. But it is much more important to teach your chick to overcome difficulties in communication, and here he may not be able to cope on his own. It is at school that the child receives his first experience of conflict and avoidance of conflict. Try (if you are asked to do so) to analyze the situation. Together, think about where you can act or speak differently. Do not criticize the child, speak softly and patiently, and share your experience.

Please note: If you unconditionally take the child’s side, if you believe only him, he may not tell you the whole truth. Show that you respect the teacher, never speak badly about the teacher, or discuss him in the presence of the student. If you think that your child has been treated unfairly and you need to intervene, talk to the teacher without witnesses. Clarify the essence of the problem, listen to complaints and express your opinion. The correct approach is to support and protect the child, but do it alone with the teacher.

Parents are on the teacher's side

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In general, parents should support the school. You sent your child to this school? So, with school rules have read and agree. But if a child knows that you will support adults in any dispute, he will not be able to turn to you for help. Sometimes situations arise that require parental intervention. For example, bullying or being bullied by other children. Slander of a child when he finds himself in the minority and someone else’s misdeed is blamed on him. Finally, an argument with a teacher when the child’s word is against the adult’s word. He tells his story, and the teacher declares that everything was different. Do you know whose word will be more significant?

The child should know: where he cannot solve the problem, you will take his side. Believe him and be happy that in difficult times the child has someone to turn to for help. In special cases, the child may refuse to talk about the essence of the conflict and simply ask to leave school. Parents do not always have to act as a judge and make a decision, but they should always help a loved one who finds themselves in an insoluble situation.

How to reconcile two sides

This is a chance for parents to teach their child a life lesson. In the event that you yourself are able to negotiate, hear others, apologize and forgive. The teacher is humanly wrong. He can simply make mistakes, like any person. Fatigue and mood “happen” to him. Finally, he was just doing his job. This is really difficult - thirty not always friendly teenagers, each with a couple of adults behind them, well-read American psychologists. Believe me, no teacher is interested in continuing the conflict. We all move through life by making friends, not by making enemies. Show with your example how you can find a common language, giving in on the small things, and winning on the main things.

Word to the teacher

“Almost 50 years of work - and not a single comment. I always thought: I don’t know the parents well, what if they punish the student. This will turn him against the teacher, he will try less, and may withdraw into himself. A teacher, like a doctor, must do no harm. Advice to all teachers: never miss an opportunity to praise and encourage a student - both in personal conversation, in class, and at meetings, even for small successes.” (Alla Alekseevna, 70 years old, French)

“Just today I wrote a couple of comments. “Didn’t listen to the teacher,” “Refused to write in class.” I hope your parents read the diary. It’s hard for all children after the summer holidays, but in the third grade you can’t be capricious, like in kindergarten. There are many children in the class, I see how difficult it is for them and how hard they try. I made a remark verbally several times. And if I don't write it down in my diary, the intruder will win. In addition, I spent time on one student that belongs to everyone: I interrupted the lesson, took a diary, and made a note. Personally, I am not very pleased with this, but this is how justice is manifested. We teach children that good behavior should be rewarded and bad behavior punished.” (Valentina Aleksandrovna, 34 years old, primary school teacher)

“What kind of parents? It was not enough for them to interfere with educational process. We can handle it just fine ourselves. We have one indicator - solid knowledge. Parents want their child to go to university, which means studying, working, just plowing away. There is a goal, and I help achieve it.” (Nina Anatolyevna, 60 years old, mathematics)

“Yes, I checked in. I recorded “Yawning in class” for a 7th grade student. Mathematics is a serious subject that requires attention and mental effort. Here we need to think. If a student struggles to sleep for half a lesson, he is showing disrespect for me and disregard for the subject. Let his parents put him to bed on time. It is my right. The guy interfered with our class work, and I shamed him in front of his classmates.” (Alexey Vladimirovich, 38 years old, mathematics)

“Sometimes it's inevitable. Now there is no behavioral assessment at school, the character reference has been cancelled. You can’t put him in a corner and kick him out of class. The diary is the teacher's last chance. Already in middle school, a child knows which subject he needs and which is not useful. With the consent of his parents, he gets bored in “unnecessary” subjects, distracting other students. In such cases, the teacher needs the help of parents. And this is not a request, this is a requirement: respect your classmates, do not interfere with their studies, do not violate discipline. Although, in my opinion, idleness in class when everyone is working should be equated with absenteeism.” (Svetlana Mikhailovna, 45 years old, Ukrainian)

Parents' stories

“We were horrified when Artem brought “I didn’t try.” They scolded me, demanded that I do everything, and generally put pressure on me. They really wanted him to study well. And a month later it turned out that he couldn’t write beautifully with curved sticks, as in the letter “m”. I would like the remark to be not just a remark, but a recommendation for parents - what to pay attention to and how to help the child.” (Tanya, 32 years old, son Nikita, 7 years old)

“We learn everything from eyewitnesses when we take Sasha to school. She is an active and lively girl. One day the children were jumping around the class, and the teacher punished everyone by putting them at the blackboard. Sasha asked not to tell dad, but you can’t hide an awl in a bag. Dad had a conversation. He explained why at school one must behave decently and respect the work of the teacher, it seems that after this her attitude towards studying changed. There were no further complaints." (Lydia, 35 years old, son Sasha, 8 years old)

“I'm tired of these comments. I’m trying to figure it out, but if there are complaints about behavior, then, according to Denis, it’s always not his fault. Someone started first, they threw a piece of paper at him, they took away his notebook... I read and sign, but what should I do? I think bad behavior is a form of protest or defense. Perhaps the teacher does not respect the students. There was a case when a teacher accused her son of changing his version of a test. She tore up my notebook and called me to school. When we figured it out, it turned out that on the day of the test he was sick, he wrote the work separately from the class, and the teacher put the notebook in a common pile. For three years now, she has not missed the opportunity to remember: “This mother always protects her son.” And she forgets that she was wrong, and sometimes no one except the mother will protect the child.” (Elena, 35 years old, son Denis, 15 years old)

“The little one hasn’t shown her diary for a year now. She thinks she's an adult. Mostly comments about clothing. If he wears a uniform, he tries to decorate himself - a belt with a flower, a tie, a bright hairpin. As a man, I think that this is normal - it is important for a girl to realize her individuality and attractiveness. As a father, I will say that these are trifles against the background of the fact that children choose a specialization, like ours - humanities, and receive permission to not care about mathematics and physics...” (Andrey, 40 years old, Natasha, 14 years old)

“I react easily. I called the teacher and said, thank you, we talked, we shamed him, but what to do? This is a boy, he is so playful. Previously, he didn’t listen at all, and only now, thanks to your efforts, thank you very much, he worries that he has upset you... And everyone is happy. The teacher knows that he has been heard. And for me the main thing is that the child develops freely” (Tatiana, 35 years old, Sasha, 11 years old)

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