The benefits of the sun for humans. News of health, medicine and longevity. The benefits of sun rays

Almost all living beings on planet Earth, including humans, need solar energy. People can feel the sun's warmth and light on their skin. But from year to year, all scientists talk about an ever-increasing level of radiation emanating from the Sun. Let's look at the pros and cons of tanning.

The healing power of the sun is known to everyone. It is easy enough to understand the human desire for the sun. The need for sunlight is genetically determined; it is completely different among different peoples - among southern peoples it is undoubtedly much higher than among northern ones. For example, the skin of a southerner who finds himself in the conditions of the Far North experiences severe stress, because the need for solar radiation, formed over generations, is not satisfied by the stingy northern sun.

Sunlight is involved in the reactions of maintaining the synthesis of insulin (pancreatic hormone) and maintains the balance of skin microflora. well and positive influence on the human psyche is no longer disputed by doctors. Let us also remember that under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D is produced - an important regulator of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body - and serotonin - a substance (also called a “chemical messenger”) that controls impulses between the nerve cells of the brain, under whose “supervision” appetite, sleep, mood and human emotions.

When the production of serotonin decreases, the body becomes depressed, increases pain sensitivity, insomnia, and migraine attacks. Serotonin is often called the “hormone of happiness”, since in moments of joy it is produced in large quantities. Light is required for the production of serotonin; lack of sunlight in the winter is the cause of such widespread seasonal depression. In addition, excess light inhibits the formation of another hormone - melatonin, which is important in the occurrence of depressive conditions.

Hardening with sunlight increases the child’s body’s resistance to colds, strengthens the immune system, and trains thermoregulation mechanisms. But the luminary can also cause serious injuries and even illnesses. About precautions when taking air baths we'll tell you today.

Direct sunlight contains ultraviolet rays. Thanks to their effects, antirachitic vitamin D enhances its work. It is also the best natural remedy against anemia. The sun dilates blood vessels, increases arterial pressure and enhances metabolism. In addition, tanning simply makes children look better and their mood improves.

However, due to the increase in the average period of human life compared to the distant past, according to doctors, the benefits of the Sun have become less significant compared to the harm. Over the past three centuries, people have begun to live approximately twice as long. In the past, during a short period of life (up to 40 years), the human body did not have time to accumulate so many mutations, the level of which is dangerous for life (radiation from the Sun is the cause of such mutations). For this reason, skin cancer and other effects of solar radiation were unknown to medicine. Moreover, very often people modern world They live in latitudes for which their genotype is not adapted, they travel a lot, and the sun of distant latitudes is very sensitive for travelers. Doctor of Medicine Stefan Ruppert gives an example that Australian Aborigines have no recorded skin cancer, but white people living in Australia have the highest cancer rate on the planet.

Scientists count more than two dozen different diseases that arise or are aggravated by exposure to sunlight, including xeroderma pigmentosum, squamous cell skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma, melanoma, and cataracts.

The most well-known effect of excessive sun exposure is erythema - skin colored red or tan. A further, less obvious adaptive effect is the thickening of the outermost layers of the skin, which reduces UV radiation penetration to the deeper layers of the skin. All these changes are a sign of skin damage.

Frequent exposure of the skin to UV radiation also causes many degenerative changes in the cells, fibrous tissue and blood vessels of the skin. These include freckles, nevi and lentigines, which are pigmented areas on the skin that spread brown pigmentation. Ultraviolet radiation accelerates skin aging, and the gradual loss of skin elasticity leads to dry, rough skin and wrinkles.

Non-melanoma skin cancers include basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. These carcinomas only rarely lead to death, but are painful and surgical removal does not add attractiveness.

Malignant melanoma, although much less common than non-melanoma skin cancers, is the leading cause of death from skin cancer.

A large body of research indicates that there is a connection between genetic and personal characteristics, UV radiation and malignant melanoma.

The main risk factors for humans:

A large number of atypical moles (birthmarks) is the strongest risk factor for malignant melanoma for fair-skinned people;

Malignant melanoma is more common in people with a pale complexion, blue eyes, and red or blond hair;

High, unsustainable levels of solar ultraviolet radiation are a significant risk factor for the development of malignant melanoma;

The prevalence of malignant melanoma among fair-skinned races increases with decreasing geographical latitude places of residence;

Some epidemiological studies support a link with tanning, especially early-life tanning.

The sun also affects vision. The eye is protected by the brow ridge, eyebrows and eyelashes. Bright light activates pupil constriction to minimize the penetration of sun rays into the eye. However, the effectiveness of this natural protection against UV radiation is limited. For example, in some situations, such as using a sun lounger or strong reflections from sand, water and snow.

Acute cases of the influence of UV radiation are photokeratitis and photoconjunctivitis. These inflammatory reactions are comparable to tanning of the very sensitive skin-like tissues of the eyeball and eyelids, and usually appear within a few hours of sun exposure. They can be very painful, but are reversible and do not cause any fatal damage to the eyes or vision. Extreme forms of photokeratitis are “bunnies” and “snow blindness.”

Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness. Even though cataracts develop in most people as they age, solar ultraviolet radiation (UV-B rays) is a major risk factor for developing cataracts.

Even with these problems, the benefits of the Sun remain invaluable for supporting and strengthening human health, but the sun's rays must be used very carefully.

To prevent skin diseases, in the occurrence and development of which exposure to sunlight plays a decisive role, it is first necessary to exclude or limit the time a person is exposed to UVA and UVB radiation.

Doctors recommend that healthy people take sunbathing in doses in the morning (before 11 a.m.) and evening (after 4 p.m.). Depending on the skin phototype, the time spent in the sun begins to increase daily from minimal (several minutes) to several tens of minutes as a persistent tan appears. When exposed to the sun, you must definitely use a hat, sunglasses and cosmetics that have both UVB and UVA protective filters. It is necessary to protect yourself from the sun not only when you are in southern latitudes or high in the mountains, but also in the spring and summer in the middle zone. It is necessary to avoid even superficial sunburn and direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation on nevi and birthmarks. During the daytime, it is safer to be in the shade, avoiding direct sunlight on unprotected skin. It should be remembered that being in water, on sand, active games and sports reduce the protective properties of photoprotective agents, which requires more frequent application.

Series of sunscreens must be adapted to each skin type, each phototype.

The Fitzpatrick scale provides six phototypes. We will not consider the last two, since their representatives mainly live in Africa and other hot countries. And among us Europeans, only the first four phototypes are found.

  • Type I: very fair sensitive skin, blue or green eyes, blond or red hair, freckles. Such skin should not be exposed to direct sunlight, as it will instantly burn. For protection, you should use the most powerful sunscreens marked “for sensitive skin”: in the first days of sun exposure, SPF 40, then SPF 30. Intensive tanning oil is contraindicated!
  • Type II: fair skin, blue or brown eyes, blond or red hair, freckles. The skin of this phototype can sunbathe, but in order not to get burned, it must be accustomed to the sun's rays gradually. On the beach it is better to use waterproof products: the first days - SPF 30, later - SPF 15.
  • III type: fairly fair skin, dark eyes, brown or light brown hair. This is the most common phototype in our country. Its representatives tan easily and quickly, often bypassing the unpleasant stage of skin redness. Such skin is not afraid of the sun of mid-latitudes, but the scorching southern heat is dangerous for it. During the first days in the sun, you should use products with a protection factor of at least SPF 15, and subsequently - SPF 8-10.
  • IV type: dark skin, black hair, dark brown eyes, no freckles. Representatives of this phototype tan quickly and easily, never getting sunburned. And although such skin does not cause its owners the hassle of sunburn, it still needs to be protected from photoaging with products labeled “for dark skin,” which will moisturize it and make it even more beautiful. Even if the skin does not clearly protest against long exposure to the sun, to protect against photoaging it is advisable to use sunscreen SPF 6-8.

For patients suffering from photodermatoses, who have or have had in the past malignant skin tumors or precancerous dermatoses, exposure to the sun is contraindicated. From photoprotective cosmetics they are recommended special creams with the highest degree of protection, which must be applied daily during the spring-summer period. open areas skin every time you are exposed to the sun. It is recommended for such patients to visit a dermato-oncologist for a preventive examination at least once a year.

If you do get burned, your skin turns red, becomes hot, and is painful to touch, take the necessary measures immediately. The main thing is not to lubricate it vegetable oil and fat-based creams, as they impede heat transfer. The goal is to help the burned area relieve heat. There are many ways.

Your actions

Method 1. Cool sun-damaged skin for five to ten minutes (longer if necessary) with ice cubes wrapped in a clean cloth. Until the pain subsides, American doctors recommend applying a package of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel to the burned skin.

Method 2. Moisten a bandage (gauze) folded in four to six layers. cold water or regular milk from the refrigerator and apply a compress to the burned area. After this, wash off traces of milk with a cotton swab moistened with cool water. Repeat the procedure every two to four hours throughout the day.

Method 3. Another effective remedy is an oat compress, which is used in the same way as a milk compress. Spread the dry oats in a layer of one or two centimeters on a piece of clean cloth, wrap the ends, covering it completely, moisten it with cool water, let it drain and apply the compress to the affected skin.

Method 4. ethnoscience advises covering damaged areas with fresh leaves white cabbage, thinly sliced ​​raw cucumber, potato or apple.

Method 5. Over the next week, take two tocopherol tablets (vitamin E) three times a day. It will relieve skin inflammation resulting from a burn.

Method 6. Until the discomfort goes away, avoid soap, cologne and perfume that irritate your skin. Make sure that the water pressure in the shower is weak - there is no need to further injure the affected skin! For the same reason, forget about the jacuzzi for a while.

Until your burns are completely healed, do not expose your skin to the sun and drink plenty of fluids. Green tea is especially beneficial.

The desire of some people to tan faster and stronger is so great that they sometimes do not take into account that the body cannot instantly adapt to sudden temperature changes environment. Excessive exposure to the sun, especially in calm weather with high humidity, can lead to overheating of the body. As a result of an imbalance between the amount of heat received by the body from the outside and its release into external environment heat or sunstroke occurs.

The first symptoms sunstroke usually caused by malaise, weakness, feeling of weakness and fatigue. Gradually, dizziness appears, headache. Often sunstroke is accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees, nausea and vomiting. A person who has suffered from sunstroke notices a sharp discoloration of the skin in a bright pink color and increased sweat production. In particular severe conditions the development of fainting and even convulsive states is possible. Nosebleeds and tinnitus may also be integral part sunstroke clinics.

To provide first aid, the victim must be moved to a shady, cool place. The patient should take a horizontal position with his legs raised up. After this, you should unbutton your clothes and open the windows if help is provided indoors. The flow of fresh air is an integral part of measures to improve the condition of patients with sunstroke. To cool the skin, you can apply a piece of cloth moistened with cold water. In parallel with this, rehydration therapy is carried out - the patient must receive the optimal amount of fluid, it is better to give mineral or regular drinking water. With clouding of consciousness good action inhalation of ammonia. You can bring a cotton swab soaked in ammonia to the patient’s nose or wipe his temples with it.

Doctors do not recommend using antipyretic drugs. In case of sunstroke, it is better to wipe the victim’s palms and feet with a solution of vinegar diluted half with water.

Symptoms heatstroke are in many ways similar to those with sunstroke. Heat stroke is also accompanied by tachycardia (pulse rises to 120-150 beats per minute), changes in the nervous system(delusions and hallucinations may appear).

First aid for heatstroke is no different from first aid for sunstroke.

Heatstroke and sunstroke usually go away on their own within a day to a week and rarely lead to serious consequences. However, it is better to prevent these conditions than to look for help later.

And to protect yourself from heat and sunstroke, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun or on the beach. It is better to sunbathe not while lying down, but while moving; sunbathing in the morning and evening hours and not earlier than an hour after eating. It is useful to combine them with bathing. Protect your head with a light, light-colored hat, and your eyes with dark glasses. Wear light, light-colored clothing that does not prevent sweat from evaporating. During hot weather, do not eat too much or drink too much liquid. Give preference to fermented milk products and vegetables.

And in conclusion, a few words about what worries mothers and grandmothers so much: is it possible for a child to sunbathe? Pediatricians categorically prohibit children under three years of age from being exposed to direct sunlight. It has been scientifically proven that burns received in childhood subsequently several times increase the risk of developing malignant skin tumors. To avoid the harmful effects of aggressive sun rays on the delicate children's skin, parents should take care of their beloved offspring in advance: buy a special protective baby cream with SPF 30. It must be applied to the child's skin before each walk. But even then, the baby’s skin cannot be considered completely protected. Therefore, you can only walk with your child in the summer in the shade, where ultraviolet radiation is 20% less than in the sun.

Of course, a tanned body color is beautiful and sexy, but we should not forget that the summer sun can be not only gentle, but also merciless. Caution and attentiveness will allow you to fully enjoy the beneficial effects of sunbathing and acquire a beautiful tan without any unpleasant surprises or disappointments.

All living organisms existing on our planet owe this almost entirely to the sun. Largely thanks to the sun, the world around us was formed in the form in which we can observe it; perhaps life on the planet would not have arisen at all, or would have had a completely different appearance, if it had been differently located in outer space relative to the sun. The sun plays a very important role in the development and existence of all forms of life living on the planet; almost all its inhabitants love its light and warmth, which it has generously shared for millions of years, since life began on the planet. The sun is vital for all plants, animals and other inhabitants of our world, including people.

Most people love spending time in the sun. Many are looking forward to summer, some are ready to fly to hot countries in winter just to soak up the sun on the beach. In gray, cloudy weather, many note a loss of strength, a decrease in mood and vitality, they don’t want to do anything, they don’t want to go anywhere, but when bright weather comes sunny days It’s as if we are waking up from hibernation, we are like a magnet drawn to the street, sit under its rays, take a sunbath, lie on the beach or go and have a picnic in nature. All these changes in mood occur on a subconscious level, since it has been proven that under the influence of the sun a substance is produced in a person’s brain - serotonin, which is also called the “hormone of happiness”, and our brain strives to get its dose as soon as possible; such a reaction may not be caused by only sunlight, but also many other factors, for example, delicious food, we are drawn to try some yummy food, because it is tasty and pleasant, and our brain remembers it.
The hormone of happiness improves our mood, gives us strength, and puts us into a state of euphoria for a while, but this can also be dangerous, since many can lose control and stay in the sun longer than they really need.
In moderate doses, the sun helps a person; under its rays, the body produces the very important vitamin D, which strengthens bones, promotes the absorption of many minerals and strengthens the immune system. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, in small doses, can also be useful, it has an antibacterial effect, has a beneficial effect on skin health, acne disappears, wounds heal, blood vessels dilate, blood circulation improves, the skin becomes healthier and more elastic.

: harmful tanning

However, all the benefits of the sun can turn against a person at one moment, and from a friend it turns into a pest for our body, this usually happens when exposed to the sun for too long, because tanning is nothing more than a protective reaction of the body to UV radiation and the first Signs of sun damage usually appear on the skin. Often the next day after spending a day at the beach, the skin begins to hurt, redness and burning appear, and then it begins to peel off, which means that you have received a sunburn. You should find out what phototype your skin has (there are 5 in total), how it perceives UV radiation directly depends on this, the sun is most dangerous for people with skin phototypes 1 and 2, their owners usually have light skin, light eyes and hair (often red-haired), often with freckles. For them, exposure to the sun has a particular risk, since people with such skin are most susceptible to formation melanoma, a disease known as skin cancer. In addition, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation dries the skin and contributes to its premature aging, destroys proteins and other useful material.

: sunstroke

The sun can be harmful not only to the skin, but also to the brain if for a long time Being under the scorching sun with your head uncovered can cause sunstroke; this can be very dangerous for both children and adults. It can be of varying degrees of severity. People who have received a sunstroke have a fever, sometimes up to 40-41 degrees, nausea, increased pulse and heart rate, headache, loss of consciousness, etc.; with a severe headache, even death is possible.

: precautionary measures

Of course, the sun is far from harmless, but if you protect yourself, you can completely avoid all negative impacts from the sun. You should definitely remember that if you are planning to spend a day under the sun in hot weather, then you must have a hat with you; if you are sunbathing on the beach for a long time, then use special tanning products; if possible, it is better to have something to protect you from the sun, for example umbrella. If you do sports or any other activities in the heat physical activity, then be sure to drink more fluids to avoid heat stroke. Another important accessory is Sunglasses, they are no less important, since looking at the sun with unprotected eyes is also very harmful. In any case, in the summer nothing will stop us from enjoying the warmth of the sun's rays, and if we do not abuse its kindness, it will give us a lot of health and joy.

Many of us love to spend time in the sun, some want to bask in the warm rays, and others are chasing a good tan. But is this beneficial for the body and how does it affect human health? Learn about the benefits and harms of sunlight.

The benefits of sun rays

If you approach this issue wisely, tanning will have a positive effect on your health. When exposed to sunlight, vitamin D is produced, which has a beneficial effect on bones and teeth and promotes the absorption of calcium.

Ultraviolet radiation has a beneficial effect on the human immune system. Experts have long proven that exposure to the sun slows down the growth of cancer cells. When exposed to sunlight, the body receives more oxygen, which improves the functioning of the heart muscle and improves blood pressure.

Sun lovers get sick much less often and cope better with stress. When exposed to sunlight, the body activates important processes, such as breathing, blood circulation, metabolism.

Harm from sun rays

Spending a lot of time in direct sunlight increases your risk of skin cancer. Do not forget that prolonged exposure to the sun contributes to premature aging of the skin. To avoid such problems, use various oils and creams that will protect the skin from drying out.

We must not forget about burns; the desire to quickly and deeply tan can bring you a lot of inconvenience and harm your health. Be aware of the risk of heatstroke; do not forget that in strong sunshine, your head should be covered.

What is the best time to sunbathe?

If you come on holiday to warmer climes and if you want to tan, remember for the first 3-4 days you should refrain from long sunbathing. This will only harm you and your skin, and instead of a bronze tan, you may return home with burns.

If we talk about time, we must not forget that in the period from 12:00 to 16:00 the sun is most active and can harm your body. You should sunbathe before noon, preferably before 11 o'clock. The most favorable time is considered to be from 16:00 to 19:00. During this period, the risk of getting burns is minimal. In addition, evening sun rays will not affect your vision.

How to protect yourself from sun exposure

Before sunbathing, you should take care of protection. Be sure to purchase a hat with a visor or wide brim to avoid blows and burns on your face.

Don't forget about sunscreen, which needs to be applied half an hour before going outside. During this time, the cream will be absorbed and a protective film will form. Apply the product every two hours.

Be mindful of your eyes and protect them with a large visor or dark glasses.

Be careful with your health, remember that in pursuit of a tan you can harm your skin. Enjoy the sun wisely. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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The question of how the sun is useful and how it affects the human body was asked back in antiquity. The ancient sages already understood that Fresh air and sunbathing help quickly heal wounds and relieve many external and internal health problems.

Today, the influence of UV rays has been well studied, which means that it is really possible to get the maximum benefit from sunbathing.

Health Benefits of the Sun

Solar radiation that reaches the surface of the earth is divided into ultraviolet A and B. Ultraviolet C is the most dangerous; it is retained by the ozone layer of the atmosphere. UVA and UVB stimulate the production of special substances in human skin. This is due to the positive influence of the sun.

Benefits of contact of UV rays with human skin:

  • stimulation of the production of vitamin D, which is involved in calcium metabolism, protects against malignant tumors and strengthens the immune system;
  • with moderate exposure to the sun, blood pressure decreases and heart rate normalizes;
  • increasing the functioning of the immune system due to the production of antibodies;
  • healing of skin wounds, improvement of dermatitis, psoriasis, acne and acne;
  • increased metabolic processes and activation of cellular respiration.

The sun directly affects mood and overall emotional condition person. With the first rays of spring, a person’s apathy and depression disappear, tearfulness and insomnia go away. This is due to the hormone serotonin, which is actively produced under the influence of UV rays. In addition to serotonin, the sun improves the synthesis of sex hormones in women and men, therefore, in the spring-summer period, sexual desire is increased, and dishormonal conditions are temporarily stabilized.

Tanning is another conditional benefit of the sun, which lies in a beautiful skin color. In fact, this is the body's protection from ultraviolet radiation, but in light fashion trends acts as a positive thing.

The benefits and harms of tanning in the sun

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the substance melanin is formed in the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis. It is synthesized by special cells - melanocytes. The sun's rays only need to touch a person's skin for 5 minutes to trigger the production of melanin and vitamin D. The intensity of their formation depends on the type of skin and the time spent outside. If you sunbathe regularly, your tan will last throughout the warm season. In winter, melanin is partially destroyed and removed from cells. Vitamin D also goes away.

But besides the benefits, there is also harm:

  • the rate of skin photoaging increases (dry epidermis, deepening of wrinkles, including facial wrinkles);
  • the risk of developing skin cancer and its most complex form, melanoma, increases;
  • the likelihood of allergies due to prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • worsening of some chronic skin diseases;
  • the appearance of pigment spots, white spots.

Tanning is especially harmful for people with fair skin and hair, children and nursing mothers. They have increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, and the protection processes, that is, the production of melanin, are not intense. Therefore, exposure to UV rays for more than 20-30 minutes leads to burns.

How to tan properly

Due to the incidence of skin cancer, doctors have created a list of recommendations for sunbathing. Their main rule is moderation and protection. How long to bathe in UV rays, at what time and what protection to use depends on your skin type and region. The closer the region is to the equator, the more intense the solar radiation and the higher the risk of burns.

What is the best time to sunbathe?

Ultraviolet radiation peaks from 12 noon to 4 pm. The rest of the day is conditionally safe. This does not mean that you can only go outside and sunbathe in the morning and evening. It is difficult to maintain such a regime on vacation at sea. Therefore, it is permissible to actively sunbathe from 8.00 to 11.00 or from 17.00 to 20.00. The rest of the time you can sit under an umbrella, on a closed terrace, under a canopy so that direct sunlight does not touch your skin.

Advice! During active sunbathing, it is recommended to wear a hat to prevent heat stroke and protect your hair from moisture loss.

During the first days by the sea, they choose places further from the water's edge, since the surface of the sea is reflective, which means that the risk of burns increases significantly. Also, you should not sunbathe immediately after leaving the water; you must dry your body with a towel.

How long can you sunbathe?

The lighter the skin, the shorter the sun exposure. Active sunbathing begins with a 15-minute sunbath at the permitted time. In this case, apply a protective cream to the skin 30 minutes before going outside. If the skin is white and thin, on the first day tan for 5-10 minutes in the morning and evening.

For 1 week, sunbathing time is increased to 30-40 minutes; for people with active melanin production, this time is increased to 1 hour. If you use a protective cream with a protection level of more than 30, even 2 hours in the sun will not harm your health, but only with preliminary preparation of the skin.

Is it possible for pregnant and breastfeeding women to sunbathe?

Ultraviolet light penetrates only 15 mm into the skin. That is, other tissues and organs do not feel its direct effects. This means that sun tanning is absolutely safe for the fetus, but not always for the pregnant woman. The point is the increased sensitivity of a pregnant woman’s body to any external influences, including sunlight. In combination with a special hormonal status, a woman’s risk of developing age spots on the face and body increases.

Other negative factors of tanning:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased blood flow;
  • allergy.

This reaction does not occur in everyone, but in order not to fall into a risk group, it is better to limit the time of sunbathing to the recommended time.

Sun for children

Ultraviolet light is a good doctor for children. Your baby can be healed with simple sunbathing combined with clean sea air. This will increase his defenses for many months, strengthen his bones and improve his condition. atopic dermatitis. A child's body reacts more strongly to ultraviolet radiation than an adult. All metabolic processes accelerate, vitamin D is actively produced and calcium is absorbed, blood pressure rises and blood vessels dilate.

Some rules for staying in the sun with children:

  • children under 2 years old can only be exposed to direct rays for 10 minutes a day;
  • for children from 3 years of age, the stay is increased to 30 minutes, but with their head and shoulders covered;
  • prohibition on walking at temperatures above 25°C;
  • to exclude quick loss moisture respect drinking regime. They drink often, but little by little.

Sunlight is beneficial for children only in moderation. Any burn is fraught with increased pigmentation in the future and the development of an allergy to UV. If the family goes, 2 weeks in advance they begin to prepare the child for active exposure to the sun. To do this, they walk every day, 2 times in the morning and in the evening, and in hot and sunny weather, lubricate the body with a special cream. They teach the child to wear a hat, preferably a Panama hat with a brim that will protect the face, neck and hair.

How to protect your skin and hair from the sun

When exposed to ultraviolet light for a long time, protection and hydration are important. If the body is often covered with clothes, then the face, hands and hair are almost always open. These areas need to be looked after more carefully. Headdress - the first and most effective remedy protection. This is a cap or a hat with a brim, or a Panama hat mainly white. Hair and facial skin are well protected in this case.

If a headdress is inappropriate, you must:

  • In the morning, lubricate the skin of your face and neck with moisturizer, and 20-30 minutes before going outside, apply a sunscreen spray or cream with SPF 15 or higher;
  • gather your hair into a light hairstyle. Tight and complex hairstyles with hairspray and other styling products increase hair fragility, and in summer they lose a lot of moisture and often fall out;
  • in the evening after a shower, make moisturizing and caring masks for face and hair from natural homemade ingredients 2-3 times a week.

While relaxing at sea, to protect your face from the sun, you should not use lotions containing alcohol. They increase sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and provoke skin pigmentation.

How to choose sunscreen

It all depends on the time spent in the sun, skin type and reaction to ultraviolet radiation. The darker the skin, the less protection in the form of a cream is needed. So blacks don’t need it at all.

The essence of any protective equipment is the reflection of sunlight and the adsorption of ultraviolet radiation. The degree of protection shows how long a person can conditionally stay in the sun without harming the skin. To calculate this time you need:

  • determine how many minutes of exposure to the sun the skin turns red without protection;
  • multiply this time in minutes by the SPF number;
  • So, if the skin becomes redder in 5 minutes, and a cream with a degree of 10 is chosen, then you can be in the sun for 50 minutes (5 × 10).

These are conditional calculations, since individual characteristics are not taken into account. These include age and skin condition. So, up to 35 years of age, the skin can independently cope with moderate UV radiation, and if the UV index does not exceed 3, then on this day you can not use the cream at all. The UV index value can be viewed in weather forecasts for your region. To protect your child from the sun, use creams with an SPF level of 30-50.

The benefits and harms of sunscreens

The action of any sunscreen or spray is based on the filters it contains. Their role is played by substances, for example, benzophenone or titanium dioxide, which, with frequent use, cause allergies or exacerbations. skin diseases. Therefore, it is important to choose a product that is optimally suited for all indicators, from skin type and condition to age and place of residence.

Important! With frequent use, chemical filters accumulate in the upper layers of the skin, and, in addition to allergies or inflammation, provoke cancer.

It is believed that spring tanning is the most aggressive, since the skin after winter is very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, so Negative consequences sunbathing in the form of a burn or allergy is almost inevitable. In the spring, doctors recommend actively using creams with protection from 15 and above, and in the summer switching to a lower level of 2-4 SPF.

If we talk about the benefits, it consists in reflecting ultraviolet radiation and protecting against its penetration into the deep layers of the skin. Burn or pigmentation correct selection creams are not dangerous.

Harm of sun rays to humans

In general, the sun is beneficial for health and general well-being. But harmful effects also need to be taken into account. At risk are people with large moles on the body and those with hormonal levels. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, processes in moles can lead to the degeneration of cells from normal to malignant. This can be determined by their intensive growth, change in shape, and discomfort in the problem area.

The harm of the sun to the skin of people with hormonal disorders is the appearance of large pigment spots. This indicates a disruption in the process of melanin formation in the epidermis of different parts of the body. Typically, pigmentation affects open areas of the body: face, shoulders, chest. Not everyone develops this reaction.

Photoaging is another harm that ultraviolet radiation brings. If the skin is not protected, ultraviolet light penetrates deep into the skin, causing an imbalance in water balance. This causes the skin tone to decrease, it loses moisture, and collagen synthesis processes are disrupted. This causes a network of wrinkles and noticeable aging of the skin to appear on the face and body.

Hypertensive patients and heart patients suffer from hypertensive crisis and tachycardia from prolonged exposure to the sun.

Who should not sunbathe?

The list of contraindications for sunbathing can be presented as follows:

  • hypertension, poor circulation;
  • diseases of the endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland;
  • neurosis;
  • varicose veins (legs and other areas are protected by clothing);
  • children under 2 years of age.

Photosensitivity, old age, obesity, skin diseases are reasons to limit your time in the sun. Sun protection for children should be especially careful, especially if the child has light skin and hair color.

The benefits of the sun for humans have been confirmed. Not in vain best treatment for bad mood and health – resort on the shore warm sea. The production of vitamin D and the happiness hormone serotonin are two components of effective recovery.

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The sun is light, the sun is warmth, the sun is everything that exists. If there were no Sun or if it were different, life on Earth would also be different. Or maybe it wouldn’t exist at all... Many religions are based on the worship of the Sun. In India - Brahma, personifying the principle of good, in Egypt - Osiris - a symbol of eternal life (he dies in the evening, is reborn in the morning), among the Persians - Mithras, Adonai (now one of the names of God in Judaism and Christianity) among the Phoenicians, among the Greeks - Apollo . The Russians also had a sun god - Yarilo. In Islam, the day of the spring solstice, March 21, is celebrated with the special holiday “Navruz”. Breathorians believe that it is possible to live life by subsisting on nothing but sunlight, air, and water.

There is no doubt that the sun is necessary for the body.

Very recent studies by a group of scientists led by Richard Weller (Edinburgh) have found that when a person is in the sun, a person’s blood pressure decreases, the formation of blood clots decreases, and therefore the sun not only improves health, but also prolongs life and can prevent the occurrence of serious diseases such as stroke and heart attack. And if you put on the scale the benefits of preventing heart disease and the harm from the possibility of cancer, then the first will win.

The scientists’ findings are relevant because previously the main benefit of being in the sun was only one thing – the production of vitamin D.

Scientists warn that time spent in the sun will be studied in the future. Only the first conclusions have been made.

Benefits of the sun

  • In the brain, under the influence of the sun, serotonin is produced (let us clarify that serotonin is produced not only under the influence of the sun) - a hormone that plays a huge role in the processes of blood clotting, affects allergic reactions, it is called the “happiness hormone”; the presence of serotonin in the blood in sufficient quantities improves mood and is responsible for sexual arousal.
  • Under the influence of the sun, vitamin D (calciferol) is produced, which helps strengthen bone tissue, helps remove heavy metals from the body, and helps strengthen the immune system.
  • Under the influence of the sun's rays, the body releases biologically inert NO 3 nitrite and turns into nitrate and nitric oxide, which lower blood pressure and reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes.
  • The sun has an antibacterial effect, the number of acne decreases, wounds and cuts heal faster, which means the skin becomes better.

Sun damage

  • Tanning is the body’s protective reaction to the sun’s rays; it is the first sign harmful effects sun on the human body. With further exposure to the sun, you can get a burn (the skin hurts, redness appears, and then the skin peels off). Some people may develop melanoma (skin cancer).
  • Harmful to the eyes/
  • Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays dries the skin, which means it contributes to aging.
  • If you stay in the sun for a long time, sunstroke is possible. Signs: nausea, increased heart rate, increased temperature. Loss of consciousness and even death are possible.

When you are in the sun, you need to take some precautionary measures:

  • Put a hat on your head, preferably a light one;
  • Use special sunscreen products;
  • Put on your sunglasses;
  • Try to avoid being in the sun during the day between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Believing that the sun's rays are harmful, many girls began to replace natural tanning with artificial tanning. Of course, the opportunity to get a beautiful tan all over your body is attractive. But remember that artificial tanning is no less harmful. In addition, it does not bring the joy of being in the sun. A healthy lifestyle will allow you to do without artificial tanning.
Many women are embarrassed to go to the beach because of a few extra pounds. A summer diet will help you lose weight quickly and effectively. Having adjusted your eating in a certain way aside healthy eating You can not only enjoy the sun's rays, but also help your body adjust in such a way as to get not burnt, patchy skin, but a beautiful chocolate tan.

6 components of a beautiful tan:

  • Tyrosine is an amino acid from which melanin is formed and is found in protein foods;
  • Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is not produced in the human body and must be supplied with protein foods; it stimulates the immune system;
  • Beta-carotene is a pigment that helps protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and, therefore, burns, an antioxidant, found in red and yellow foods of plant origin;
  • Tocopherol - vitamin E, prevents the removal of moisture from the surface of the skin, and as a result - aging, the main content in oils of plant origin;
  • Selenium is a chemical element that strengthens the immune system and is found in large quantities in seafood (squid, seaweed), cabbage, garlic;
  • Lycopene is a pigment that promotes an even tan and is found in red fruits.

The sun won't hurt you, but it can punish you. Therefore, do not neglect the rules of sun protection. Whether the sun will bring joy or bring trouble - it depends only on you. Healthy image life without life-giving rays is not possible. Diseases reside where the Sun rarely looks.

Interesting: the sun normalizes the production of female hormones in both women and men. A

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