Breed of meat ducks for household use. She has many advantages. Here are the main ones. Description of duck breeds for meat

Duck meat is highly valued in cooking due to its taste, nutritional value and beneficial properties. According to experts, boiled duck cleanses the body of carcinogens, improves complexion and skin structure, regulates metabolic processes, and also stimulates potency. That is why modern poultry farmers give preference to meat breeds of ducks (especially since ducks are significantly inferior in egg performance compared to laying hens). Read on to find out how to choose the best meat breed.

Distinctive features of meat duck breeds

A striking characteristic of any broiler-type livestock is intensive growth and increase in body weight. Individuals of meat breeds are distinguished by fertility and excellent health. And their sirloin stands out for its juiciness, nutritional value and taste.

Important! The daily diet of a healthy bird should consist of 15% protein foods of animal and plant origin, 45% cereals, 20% fresh herbs and root vegetables, 3% yeast, 1.5% fish oil, 5% hay meal.

To recognize the meat breed of ducks, just look at their exterior. Representatives of this species always have a more massive body with a well-developed muscle corset. And the weight of the average adult male and female varies between 3.5–4 kg. It is characteristic that at 2 months of age, ducklings are already suitable for slaughter.

Criteria for choosing ducks for meat

The success of fattening hybrid ducks in households largely depends on the quality of the birds selected for breeding. To be sure of the correctness of your preferences, experts advise taking into account the following qualities of ducklings:

  • endurance regarding conditions of detention and temperature;
  • vitality level;
  • physical health and body characteristics (chicks with crooked legs, broken wings and beak deformities should be immediately rejected);
  • rate of weight gain;
  • nutritional value of meat (taking into account the fat it contains);
  • amount of feed consumed;
  • disease resistance;
  • timing of puberty and fertility;
  • maternal instinct in hens;
  • safety of the herd;
  • hatchability of chickens.

The best meat ducks

Breeding broiler ducks is not difficult and very profitable. But success in it largely depends on the genetic characteristics of the breed. Let's take a closer look at duck meat varieties, which are especially popular among poultry farmers.

Important! In the first days of life, it makes sense to give broiler ducklings the antibiotics “Bacitracin” and “Grisin” for preventive purposes, which will help prevent possible diseases at the stage of immunity formation.

Black white breasted

The breed was created by breeders of the Ukrainian Institute of Poultry Breeding by crossing Peking, Ukrainian White-breasted and Khaki Campbell ducks. Its distinctive characteristics are early maturity, high-quality meat with high fat content and satisfactory egg production.

Breed standard

Black white-breasted ducks stand out:

  • dense, strongly raised body;
  • well developed wings;
  • deep chest;
  • powerful black legs;
  • elongated back;
  • convex dark beak;
  • big sparkling eyes.
In females and males, the feather color is completely black, with the exception of the belly and sternum. Drakes are characterized by a dark purple tint.

Description and productivity

These birds gain weight very quickly, fully meeting the requirements of the meat type. By the age of 2 months, ducklings weigh about 1.5 kg, but the maximum weight of females does not exceed 3.5 kg, and males - 4 kg.
Representatives of the breed quickly reach sexual maturity. Each duck produces about 130 eggs weighing up to 95 g. In addition, the breed is distinguished by its high vital activity and good preservation of the herd (the adult and young generations survive by 96%).

Important! When choosing ducklings, be sure to pay attention to their mobility, appetite and external signs of physiological health. Drowsiness, lethargy, and refusal to eat are unacceptable in high-quality young animals. Make sure that the chicks you like have eyes and cloacawere clean.

Among the advantages of the breed, breeders highlight:

  • high meat and egg productivity;
  • excellent quality of meat (according to experienced chefs, it is the best among other meat breeds);
  • omnivorous and undemanding to living conditions;
  • precocity;
  • endurance and good safety of livestock.
Only the low hatchability of ducklings, not exceeding 65%, is considered a disadvantage.

Muscovy ducks

In everyday life, the musk breed is better known as the Indian duck. It originated in the farms of South American Indians and over time became desirable in all countries of the world. The name of the variety is due to the specific smell of the carcasses.

Breed standard

The variety is characterized by:

  • long tail;
  • short legs;
  • large wings tightly pressed to the body;
  • wide body;
  • all kinds of feather colors.

Black and white and brown individuals are more common, less common are white and smoky ones with a pattern. Some experts discard motley birds, considering only a single color to be a sign of purebred birds.

Description and productivity

Muscovy ducks can be easily recognized by their unusual, bright appearance. . They are distinguished by a narrow and hook-shaped light beak, which, like the eyes, is framed by pink skin without feathers. Very often, red, warty growths form in these areas.
Red warty growths on Muscovy ducks Fright and surprise in birds is always accompanied by a display of a funny, bristling crest. A characteristic feature of the breed is the hissing that ducks emit instead of the typical quack, which is why they are also called “mute ducks.”

Indian ducks weigh about 6 kg in adulthood, and 2-month-old ducklings weigh no more than 4 kg. Usually at this age they are sent to slaughter. The sirloin part of the carcasses has a delicate structure and low fat content. Experts classify meat as dietary and note that it contains 85 percent muscle mass. During the year, females bring no more than a hundred eggs, each of which weighs no more than 70 g.

Did you know? Wild ducks can live into their twenties.

Advantages and disadvantages when breeding

The positive qualities of the musky breed are: :

  • well-developed maternal qualities in females (poultry farmers often use them to incubate chicken and goose eggs);
  • calm disposition;
  • high vitality and independence;
  • land-based lifestyle (such pets can easily be raised without a pond);
  • little feed requirement.

Experienced owners call the excessive heat-loving nature of their feathered creatures a disadvantage. This feature affects the safety of the herd and requires special conditions.

Video: care and maintenance of musk ducks

Recently, poultry farms have become increasingly interested in this meat variety of ducks, due to the profitability of its industrial fattening. The hybrid was obtained by crossing Muscovy, Peking, Rouen ducks and Orpington.

Breed standard

Distinctive features of the breed are:

  • well-developed muscular body;
  • oblong back;
  • pink-yellow short legs with rounded bars;
  • reddish beak;
  • non-standard color.
Most often, white birds are found with a black oblong spot on the top of the head, but there are rare dark specimens.

Description and productivity

Mulards grow quickly and are good brood hens, but their eggs are infertile. Therefore, the hybrid is considered one-season. In just a few months, ducklings, even on regular grazing, manage to gain 3–3.5 kg of live weight, and adults can weigh up to 7 kg. Culinary specialists especially value half a kilogram of duck liver, which is a unique ingredient for the foie gras delicacy.

Advantages and disadvantages when breeding

Among the advantages of this breed, experts call:

  • high taste of meat and offal;
  • aesthetic external signs of the exterior;
  • precocity;
  • cleanliness;
  • calm disposition;
  • moderate gluttony.

Among the shortcomings noted:
  • sterility;
  • strong domestic dependence on humans, which requires appropriate care and conditions for maintaining the herd.

Did you know? During seasonal flights, wild ducks rise to a height where a person cannot breathe without an oxygen mask. A sad fact went down in history when an American airliner collided with a flying duck wedge at an altitude of 10 kilometers from the surface of the earth.

The first representatives of this breed appeared in the last century in northern France. The best samples of birds domesticated at that time were selected for breeding work. The result is a new generation of meat ducks with a tendency towards obesity and excellent fillet taste.

Breed standard

The variety stands out:

  • horizontally positioned body;
  • wide oblong back;
  • deep chest;
  • small oval head;
  • medium thick neck;
  • short powerful paws of bright orange color;
  • yellow-green or light brown beak;
  • brown eyes.
Males and females have well-developed muscles, although they are not visible visually. The plumage of Rouen ducks is very similar to wild ones: dark brown with a gray belly; on the head there are dark stripes on a light background. In drakes, the head and part of the neck are colored green mother-of-pearl with a white edging, and the chest is characterized by red hues.

Description and productivity

These birds require a competent approach to nutrition, since they quickly become fat. Therefore, it is important to take into account the amount of fat, protein and carbohydrates in the feed composition from the very first days. With a moderate diet, 2-month-old females weigh about 3.5 kg, and males - no more than 4 kg, but if you increase nutrition, you can achieve a weight of 5.5 kg.

The breed is characterized by rapid weight gain. However, a large accumulation of fat affects the fertilization of eggs. In a year, laying hens can collect up to 90 eggs weighing about 75 g. But most of them may be infertile.

Did you know? Drakes cannot quack. Screaming is characteristic only of females. In addition, the sounds made by ducks do not have an echo.

Advantages and disadvantages when breeding

Judging by reviews from breeders, this variety has many advantages, including:

  • high meat and satisfactory egg indicators;
  • undemanding conditions of detention;
  • precocity;
  • omnivorous.

But against the background of these positive qualities, significant disadvantages of Rouen ducks are noticeable:
  • tendency to obesity;
  • gluttony, which requires a special approach to the feeding process and the choice of a nutritious diet;
  • noisiness;
  • variegated color, which is why the carcass has a gray tint (it was this quality that caused the cheapness of Rouen duck and the massive abandonment of industrial production of this variety).

The variety was the result of breeding experiments by scientists at the Blagovarsky breeding plant. Its distinctive features are high meat and egg productivity and ease of care.

Breed standard

Externally, representatives of Bashkirs are characterized by:

  • massive powerful body;
  • wide back with well-developed muscles;
  • concave beak;
  • flattened head;
  • wide-set orange paws.

They have dark green or white breasted plumage.

Description and productivity

Pedigree ducks are a source of juicy, tender meat with a specific pleasant taste. It contains a high fat content. By the second month of life, ducklings gain up to 3.5–4 kg of live weight. The yield of meat products from one carcass reaches 70%. In addition, laying hens produce about 230 eggs weighing up to 85 g per year. Their hatchability reaches 80%.

Advantages and disadvantages when breeding

Among the positive characteristics of this duck variety are:

  • undemanding to living conditions (Bashkirs easily and quickly adapt to any environment and are not picky about food);
  • excellent meat and egg indicators;
  • precocity;
  • resistance to low temperatures and typical poultry diseases;
  • high egg fertilization;
  • good preservation of the herd.

The only downside is the need for walking on reservoirs, where the bird quickly gains weight.

Important! When keeping poultry, do not overcrowd the pen - in crowded conditions, ducks do not gain weight well and often get sick. Therefore, calculate the area in such a way that no more than 16 ducklings up to 1 month old can fit on 1 square meter. And in the future their number should be halved.

This duck breed was born thanks to the efforts of specialists from the Ukrainian Poultry Research Institute of the Borki state farm. Today it leads the list of popular varieties of meat.

Breed standard

Expressive signs of purebred gray Ukrainian ducks are:

  • wide muscular body;
  • powerful build;
  • fragile bones;
  • thick plumage with a color reminiscent of wild counterparts;
  • concave dark beak.
Most often in culture there are individuals with clay or white feathers.

Important! Experts recommendgive for ducks in the summer up to 25% of grain from the total feed composition. But in the cold season this term is increased to 50%. The rest is occupied by potatoes, apples, cabbage and pumpkin.

Description and productivity

This bird is distinguished by its enviable endurance, cold resistance and ease of care. The ducklings grow quickly and gain weight well. By 2 months of age they weigh about 3.5–4 kg. Laying hens produce up to 120 eggs per year with an average weight of 85–90 g. It is characteristic that gray ducks are able to fully develop on grazing and independently obtained duckweed alone.
But for more intensive weight gain, it is important to introduce cereals and feed into their diet. There is no need for additional additives or special feed.

Experienced breeders note that the gray Ukrainian breed can winter well in unheated poultry houses. The main thing for its representatives is a thick layer of fresh litter.

Advantages and disadvantages when breeding

The advantages of these ducks are obvious:

  • good meat and egg productivity;
  • high resistance to low temperatures and bird diseases;
  • intensive growth;
  • precocity;
  • omnivorous;
  • high rates of safety of young and mature livestock.

The disadvantages include:
  • uncleanliness of feathered charges;
  • noisiness.

Important! Domesticated ducks should be allowed out for walks even on cold winter days. But there should be no drafts in the poultry house.

The Moscow White breed originates from the Khaki Campbell and Pekin ducks. It can be found in almost every agricultural farmstead in Russia. Poultry farmers speak well of the meat performance and unpretentiousness of their charges.

Breed standard

Externally, birds are characterized by:

  • white-cream plumage;
  • wide muscular body with a horizontal stance;
  • rounded sternum;
  • fragile elongated neck;
  • big head;
  • bright pink beak.

Many experts tend to think that the presence of yellowness on the feathers is a disqualifying sign of purebred.

Description and productivity

Moscow ducks are advantageous in terms of meat and egg production. In adulthood, drakes weigh more than 4.5 kg, and females are only half a kilo behind them in weight. During the year, laying hens lay more than 125 eggs with an average weight of 95 g. In addition, high egg production persists for many years. According to the breeders, the meat is distinguished by its delicate structure, softness, juiciness and excellent taste.

The breed is characterized by rapid puberty, loudness and increased vital activity. The herd of any age category has excellent safety (up to 97%). Ducklings are often suitable for slaughter at 60–65 days of life.

Advantages and disadvantages when breeding

  • high resistance to low temperatures;
  • good immunity to common duck diseases;
  • unpretentiousness to the diet;
  • independence and vitality.
The disadvantages of the breed are inherited from ancestral varieties:
  • strong loudness;
  • uncleanliness.

Did you know? Geese and ducks have a very complex genital structure. The penis of drakes is characterized by a spiral shape and can reach the length of the entire body. A similar design is inherent in the ovary of laying hens, and the more sophisticated it is, the more complex the drake’s penis.

This breed appeared relatively recently in the meat industry. It is based on the genes of black white-breasted, Peking and Bashkir ducks. As a result, the breeders of the Blagovarsky breeding plant received a hardy, productive and early-ripening bird.

Breed standard

Purebred favorites are characterized by:

  • elongated powerful body;
  • deep sternum;
  • medium elongated fragile neck;
  • flat orange beak.
The feather color of females and drakes can be smoky, black and brown.

Description and productivity

The authors of the breed set themselves the goal of obtaining highly productive ducks with good meat and egg qualities. At the same time, the instinct of incubation was relegated to last place. Thus, the new variety inherited from its ancestors high vital activity, independence in obtaining food and excellent fattening characteristics.
Chicks at the 60th day of life weigh about 3 kg, and adults weigh between 4.5–5.5 kg. But the composition of fatty substances in duck fillet is much less in comparison with the Peking and Bashkir breeds.

During the oviposition period, the female lays up to 150 eggs, each of which weighs up to 85 g.

Advantages and disadvantages when breeding

The positive aspects of growing representatives of the blue favorite include:

  • high vitality;
  • omnivorous;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • independence;
  • cold resistance;
  • strong immunity;
  • good safety of livestock;
  • high productivity;
  • precocity;
  • intensive growth.

Among the shortcomings, one can note only the lack of maternal instinct in females.

Did you know? In some species of ducks and geese, the male and female form a permanent pair, but the females are in danger of being "raped" by other males. In order not to withdrawoffspring from strangers, the ovarian cavity of these birds may have several false pockets where unwanted sperm are blocked.

At the beginning of the 19th century, duck breeders first learned about this breed, which is characterized by its bright appearance and high productivity. It was bred by Swedish breeders and popularized by German farmers, who liked the adaptability and endurance of the birds.

Breed standard

Purebred ducks, according to the requirements of the standard, are evidenced by:

  • dense muscular body of massive size;
  • flat chest;
  • oval head;
  • flattened beak;
  • wide back;
  • short tail;
  • grayish-black plumage.

Experts say that purebred individuals are distinguished by single large white feathers growing on their wings. Moreover, only the rarest specimens exactly correspond to the standards. Therefore, many farmers classify every duck with a bluish tint of feathers as a Swedish blue breed.

Description and productivity

There is no need to create special conditions for this variety. Initially, it reproduced in harsh climatic latitudes, so it stands out among its fellows for its cold resistance and strong immunity. In addition, he easily communicates with people and gives excellent productivity indicators.

Did you know? Ducks are especially popular among the Chinese. They raise more than 2 million birds each year, accounting for three-quarters of global production.

Adults at 2 months of age weigh between 3–4 kg. Females lay about 150 eggs weighing 75–80 g each season. They are also distinguished by their early maturity and well-developed maternal instincts. Young animals practically do not get sick and are characterized by good preservation, thanks to the genetic fund of the body's defenses.

Advantages and disadvantages when breeding

Among the advantages of this breed are:

  • ease of rearing due to the rapid adaptation of chicks to any climate;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • omnivorous;
  • high productivity;
  • good hen instincts;
  • trust in a person;
  • excellent survival rate of young animals;
  • precocity;
  • fruitfulness;
  • aesthetic qualities of the appearance of ducks.
Experienced breeders consider the following disadvantages of Swedish ducks:
  • voracity;
  • uncleanliness;
  • loudness.


This meat breed dates back to the 18th century, when the Chinese were actively searching for highly productive poultry. Let us note that during the entire period of its existence it has never disappointed duck breeders and today it is the most widespread in the world.

Breed standard

Peking cats can be easily recognized by the following features:

  • an elongated and slightly raised massive body;
  • wide chest;
  • big head;
  • thick neck;
  • strongly convex forehead.

They have very wide bright orange limbs, powerful wings with well-developed muscles, dark gray eyes with a specific shine, a medium-sized bright beak and dense pure white plumage.

Important! Peking ducks react very painfully to a sudden change in diet. At the same time, the wards often experience sudden molting and a sharp decline in egg production.

Description and productivity

Judging by reviews from breeders, the bird is characterized by a restless disposition, increased loudness and excessive gluttony. These nuances are due to the slight excitability of the nervous system of birds and the physiological characteristics of metabolic processes. Therefore, the poultry farmer must ensure that his animals always have food in their feeders. In general, each head needs about 340 g of feed per day.

The live weight of females is no more than 3.9 kg, and drakes - 4.2 kg. At 23 weeks of growth, hens begin to produce eggs. In a year, you can collect about 140 pieces from one bird with an average weight of 85 g.

Advantages and disadvantages when breeding

The advantages of the breed are:

  • good meat and egg indicators;
  • resistance to diseases and adverse environmental factors;
  • omnivorous;
  • independence;
  • increased vital activity.

Important! Lethargy and lifelessness of ducks can be caused by improper temperature conditions in the poultry house.

The disadvantages include:

  • poorly developed maternal instinct in hens;
  • excessive timidity;
  • irritable noise;
  • voracity.

In order for duck breeding to be profitable, the breeder should take care in advance about the living conditions of his charges. Experts advise providing for these purposes a spacious and dry room where reliable ventilation is installed.

Before settling the birds, the enclosure must be disinfected by whitewashing the walls and washing the floor with any cleaning products. In addition, you should take into account the level of lighting, as well as the temperature and humidity conditions. The optimal parameters for ducks of meat breeds are a stable temperature of 23–24°C, 65–70% humidity and a daylight period of at least 12 hours.

For small chicks, it is advisable to install round-the-clock heating lamps. Throughout the entire period of chick development, air exchange in the room is of significant importance.

Experienced poultry farmers advise covering the floor with a 20-centimeter layer of straw or peat litter, and under it, to prevent high humidity and to disinfect the air, pour lime fluff at the rate of 0.5 kg per square meter. It is important to keep the room clean and prevent sour or putrid food debris from appearing in the feeders.
Straw bedding for chickens At 60–65 days of life, broiler ducklings can be prepared for slaughter. It should be taken into account that birds begin a period of juvenile molting, accompanied by the formation of “pads” that spoil the presentation of the carcasses and contribute to weight loss.

In addition to the floor method of raising meat breeds, many duck breeders prefer to save feed costs by naturally raising their animals. In such conditions there must be a body of water nearby. Although, according to experts, it is very difficult to achieve the required weight of chicks on pasture.

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Every private farm has a poultry yard where chickens live.

But many people believe that chicken meat has become an everyday item, but duck meat is considered a delicacy.

Almost every farmer tries to raise his own domestic ducks.

By making the right choice in breeding a particular breed of duck, you can very well provide your table with delicious meat, and also make very good money from selling them.

Ducks are quite common in rural areas.

The main factor in duck breeding is the choice of breed.

There are several varieties of ducks, which you will learn about later, as well as the characteristics of each breed and the peculiarities of breeding these birds.

In agriculture there is three types of ducks:

  • Meat breeds - these breeds differ from others in their rapid weight gain.
  • Meat-producing breeds – these breeds are characterized by good egg production and weight gain.
  • Egg breeds – these breeds differ from others in their high egg production.

What breeds of ducks are considered meat ducks?

Peking duck, what is it characterized by?

Peking duck considered the best in the meat breed of ducks.

The Chinese developed this breed about 300 years ago in the west of Beijing, but not much later they began to be bred in other parts of China. In the second half of the nineteenth century, the Peking duck was introduced to America and Europe. After which it appeared in our country.

What features Peking duck has:

  • The bird looks very large with a wide, raised body and a broad chest.
  • The weight of an adult female is 3.4 kilograms, and the drake is 4 kilograms.
  • The egg production of one duck ranges from 85 to 125 eggs per year. The mass of one is 90 grams.
  • Compared to other duck breeds, the Pekin duck has a fast metabolism.
  • The average body temperature of ducks is 42.2 degrees Celsius.
  • Peking ducks are considered omnivores.
  • Peking ducks are white in color, have an orange beak and thick reddish legs.

What positive qualities Peking duck can be characterized below:

  • This breed of duck is one of the most common in our country.
  • Peking duck is precocious.
  • Birds fatten up very quickly.
  • This breed tolerates cold seasons very well.
  • Ducks have a fairly high vitality.
  • They are resistant to various diseases.

What can we say about negative side this breed:

  • Some farmers find them very noisy. This breed has increased nervous excitability, so a little noise in the yard will constantly attract them.
  • Ducks need certain conditions of detention, which determines their productivity.

Ducklings at the age of one and a half months already have a mass of about 2.4-3.1 kilograms. It is best to raise them for meat before the juvenile molt period (approximately seventy days).

Since at this time they stop growing, but begin to consume food twice as much, internal organs develop and new feathers grow, which are then not removed during the removal process and deteriorate the meat quality.

Meat breed – black white-breasted duck

The black white-breasted duck was bred by crossing two breeds: Peking duck and Khaki Campbell. This breed was bred at the Ukrainian Institute of Poultry Breeding.

What features this duck has:

  • This breed is characterized by an elevated body with a deep chest.
  • The duck's back is large and quite long, slightly raised towards the tail. The tail is also slightly raised.
  • The duck's main color is black, but part of the belly and chest are white.
  • Drakes are distinguished by a blue-violet tint on the neck.
  • The legs are small, not thick, black.
  • The beak is medium, concave, dark or slate in color.
  • The duck's eyes are shiny, large and black.
  • The wings are massive, very tightly pressed to the body.
  • The weight of an adult female is 3.6 kilograms, and the weight of a drake is about 4 kilograms.
  • The egg production of the black white-breasted duck is about 115-125 pieces, the weight of which is 80-90 grams. The egg shell color is white.
  • Positive sides this breed of duck:

    • This breed of duck is a meat duck.
    • Ducks reach puberty by six months of their life.
    • These birds fatten very well and are early maturing.
    • They belong to ducks of a general user nature.
    • Poultry meat and eggs are of high quality.
    • Ducks have good survival rates.

    Ducklings at the age of 60-65 days reach a weight of one and a half kilograms. The meat of this breed of duck differs from other breeds in its greater fat content and quality.

    No negative qualities were noted in this breed of ducks.

    Moscow white duck breed

    The Moscow White duck is also one of the most famous. It was bred thanks to two breeds: Pekingese and Khaki Campbell.

    The state farm “Ptichnoe” in the Moscow region was engaged in breeding this breed of birds. The goal was to obtain a meat breed with sufficient high egg production.

    In terms of external factors, the duck is similar to the Peking duck, but it still has its own characteristics.

    Peculiarities Moscow white ducks:

    • The bird has a massive body with a wide, rounded chest.
    • The head is small, located on a very flexible neck. The beak is red.
    • The duck's legs are not long and widely spaced, pink in color.
    • Feather color is white.
    • The weight of an adult male reaches 4.4 kilograms, and the weight of females is one kilogram less.
    • Ducks have blue eyes.

    Advantages Moscow white duck:

    • Females are characterized by a high ability to lay eggs. During a period they carry up to 120 pieces, the weight of one can reach 0.1 kilograms.
    • A positive quality is the prevalence of the breed, which indicates its low cost.
    • Birds are characterized by good adaptation to different weather conditions.
    • Ducks do not need fancy grooming.
    • Birds have very tasty meat.
    • The positive side is a good reproductive system.
    • The survival rate of ducks is ninety percent.
    • The bird has good meatiness without strong fatty deposits.

    No negative qualities were identified in this breed of ducks.

    Meat-egg breeds of ducks

    Khaki Campbell - meat-egg breed of ducks

    This breed of duck was developed in England by poultry farmer Adele Campbell back in the 1800s. Her goal was to get a duck to provide meat for her family.

    This breed of ducks was developed through very complex crossing methods.

    Peculiarities This breed is listed below:

    • The color of the feathers of this duck can be different: fawn, dark and white.
    • Birds of this breed are light in weight. The weight of a male ranges from 2.5 to 3.5 kilograms, and of a female within 2.5 kilograms.
    • Puberty occurs at 6-7 months.
    • Egg production in birds ranges from 250-350 eggs. Eggs with a white shell and weighing about 80 grams.
    • Birds have a small head, beak and neck.

    Positive traits, which the Khaki Campbell duck breed has:

    • Birds are characterized by high egg production.
    • This breed has very tender and tasty meat.
    • Birds are very mobile and active.
    • Birds adapt to different living conditions.

    TO lack The following facts can be attributed to this duck:

    • Females are not very good brood hens.
    • You need to monitor the diet of ducks; if they eat well, then they are quite calm.

    What is the characteristics of the Mirror breed of ducks?

    The mirror breed of ducks was obtained as a result of a very complex selection method in the 1950s at the Kuchinsky poultry farm.

    The purpose of breeding this breed of ducks was to obtain an early maturing breed with good meat qualities. This breed is not very common among farmers.

    Peculiarities Mirror duck:

    • This bird is early ripening, with very good meat quality.
    • The weight of one duck is approximately three kilograms, and the weight of a drake is 3.8 kilograms.
    • The egg production of one bird per year is 160 pieces, sometimes reaching 200 pieces. The shell is white, less often yellowish, and sometimes even speckled.
    • The body of the bird is long and slightly raised in front.
    • The head is small, the neck is medium, the beak is wide and long.
    • The legs are small, but almost always feathered.
    • The wings and tail are also small.
    • Feather colors can be white, grayish, silver and creamy. In males, the head is covered with black or brown speckles.
    • Positive traits mirror duck:

      • The bird is very active.
      • The duck adapts to different living conditions.
      • The mirror duck has high egg production.
      • The survival rate of young ducklings is over 95 percent.
      • Poultry meat is characterized by good taste.

      Meat breed of ducks – Cayuga

      The Cayuga duck is an American breed of duck. She is very beautiful. It was bred back in 1874.

      Which peculiarities can you tell us about the bird:

      • Cayuga ducks have a very beautiful feather color - black with a tint of green.
      • Birds are very strong.
      • The eyes are dark brown.
      • The legs and beak are only black.
      • The legs are small, the tail is also directed upward.
      • The weight of males of this breed ranges from 3.2 kilograms to 3.8 kilograms, and females from 2.8 to 3.1 kilograms.
      • The average egg production of this breed is 100-150 eggs per year. The weight of an egg is 70-80 grams. The peculiarity is that the first ten eggs are black, and then they begin to lighten and acquire a gray or greenish-white color.

      TO merits This breed includes the following indicators:

      • Females are very good brood hens.
      • Cayuga ducks adapt to different environments.
      • The birds are very calm and obedient.
      • Ducks are very fond of walking areas where they eat various worms.
      • The birds have good survival rate of their young.

      Saxon duck breed

      Saxon ducks belong to the meat-egg breed. Ducks were bred in Germany. The bird first appeared in 1934.

      When breeding the birds, the Peking, Rouen and Pomeranian breeds were used. This breed is very good for breeding in the home.

      Peculiarities that the Saxon duck has:

      • The bird is very massive and well-fed.
      • Ducks have very beautiful plumage. Drakes have a dark blue head and neck with a metallic tint, and the rest of the body is reddish-red. And in females the main color of the plumage is yellow-green.
      • Ducks of this breed are quite productive, the female weighs from 2.6 to 3.1 kilograms, and the male from 3 to 3.5 kilograms.
      • The meat quality is very good.
      • The egg production of birds is good, about 150-200 eggs per year. The weight of one is about 70-80 grams.

      Positive sides Saxon duck:

      • Ducks have good egg production.
      • Ducks have a good survival rate.
      • Saxon duck has good quality meat characteristics.

      And finally, egg breeds of ducks

      Egg Breed – Indian Runners

      Southeast Asia is considered the homeland of Indian runners. These ducks began to be bred in the last century.

      At first this breed was very rare and could be seen in zoos. This breed of duck is the only egg breed.

      Peculiarities such an unusual breed of ducks:

      • Her body is straight. When running, they look like a running bottle.
      • Birds attract attention at exhibitions.
      • The color of the feathers varies: it can be white, or it can be brown, black and blue.
      • Ducks have a very long neck and long legs, which contribute to their fast movement.
      • The female weighs 1.75 kilograms, and the male 2 kilograms.
      • The egg production of one duck is about 200 eggs, but record ducks are capable of laying 350 eggs per year. Birds fly all year round. The weight, color and taste of the eggs laid by this breed resembles chicken eggs.
      • Although the mass of the bird is not very large, its meat has a very tender and juicy taste.

      Positive sides Indian runner:

      • Birds are very active and love to be outside.
      • Indian runners are very clean ducks.
      • Very high egg production.
      • Ducks are adapted to different weather conditions.
      • Birds are very good parents.

      The disadvantage of this breed is the fact that it cannot be limited in water, as this may reduce its productivity.

      Features of raising ducks

      In general, raising ducks is not such a difficult process. These birds are unpretentious to food and temperature, which sets them apart from other birds.

      Regardless of the fact that ducks can easily tolerate frosts, they should not be subjected to such tests. You need to make sure that it is not below zero in the poultry house.

      By following this rule, the bird will feel comfortable and this will not affect its productivity. When keeping chicks The room temperature should be around 28 degrees Celsius, and humidity should be between 70-75 percent.

      Poultry rearing begins with the incubation of ducklings. In compliance with all necessary rules. Compared to other eggs, duck eggs need to be treated with great care. During the incubation period, they need to be cooled according to certain rules. But, in general, breeding duck chicks is much easier than any other.

      Chicks can be raised open or closed. But the best of them is the combined method.

      Ducks are not conflict birds, but if they are kept in a very small room, even they begin to conflict with each other. Basically, one adult duck should be allocated about 0.3 square meters.

      The premises for keeping ducks should be clean and dry, with good ventilation. There must be an optimal level of humidity. It is necessary to ensure that mold does not form, otherwise it may affect the health of the birds.

      For chicks, the room should be illuminated around the clock, and for adult ducks 15-16 hours will be enough.

      Although birds are unpretentious to food, they really need water. Water should be poured onto the third part of the bird's beak.

      Ducks must be provided with access to the pond. Birds needed constantly feed. The normal daily diet should consist of grains and mash. The mash consists of cake, vegetables, potatoes or pumpkin, bone and fish meal.

      Ducks are very good parents who take good care of their offspring. But the chicks can do without their care. Since they can find food and water for themselves. But in any case, you shouldn’t leave them on their own; you need to keep an eye on them from time to time.

      Meat breeds They gain weight very quickly. And if they are bred to produce tasty meat, then they need to be killed at ten weeks of age.

      Raising these birds at home is not difficult. You just need to choose the breed you need and find out about its conditions of detention. Then in the end you will get a very good result. Especially experienced poultry farmers advise beginners to start breeding poultry with ducks.

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In agriculture, such an industry as poultry farming has been strengthened since ancient times. Of course, the most popular bird is chicken, but recently duck meat has become considered more delicious, since it is less popular than chicken.

However, not every duck meat is suitable for use in cooking. The classification of ducks in agriculture is quite small, but capacious:

  • Meat breeds. Such ducks are distinguished by the fact that they gain weight very quickly.
  • Meat-egg breeds. Ducks of this breed are characterized by both rapid weight gain and high egg production.
  • Egg breeds. They differ only in their high level of egg production.

But it is meat ducks that have the best meat, which is why they are most common in farmers' poultry yards.

Breeds of ducks: 1 - Peking; 2 - white Moscow; 3 - khaki;

Features of meat ducks

Meat breeds of ducks are characterized by rapid growth and weight gain, high fertility, good health, tasty and satisfying meat, which is also very nutritious.

In addition, ducks of meat breeds grow to large sizes and gain the same weight (about 4 kilograms), thanks to which they can produce an impressive amount of excellent meat in record time.

An important point in keeping ducks is that from each duck it is necessary to hatch about 50 ducklings per year. Proper care and feeding will ensure rapid weight gain: in 2 months, ducklings gain about 2.5 kg and are quite suitable for slaughter.

The best breeds of meat ducks

There are quite a few breeds of meat ducks, but some of them do not have enough positive qualities to be successfully bred. Therefore, this list will help you navigate the best duck breeds:

  • Gray Ukrainian duck
  • White Muscovy duck
  • Rouen duck
  • Black white-breasted duck

When we have found out which breeds of ducks are meat, it is necessary to give them a full description so that you can evaluate which breed is best suited for your farm.

This most popular duck breed got its name due to the area where it was bred - the western hills of Beijing. Moreover, the breed was created more than 300 years ago. Then Peking ducks began to be bred in other areas, and already in the 19th century they were brought to Europe and America, thanks to which they quickly spread throughout all European countries.

If you see a cute white waddling duck with an orange-yellow beak on a farm, there is a 100% chance that it will be a Peking duck. But don’t be fooled by its appearance: it’s quite massive. This duck has a long, raised body and a wide chest and back. The weight of adult ducks and drakes reaches 3.5 - 4 kilograms. Characterized by average egg production: 80-120 eggs.

Having reached the age of 50 days, ducklings weigh 50 times more than when they are born - about 3 kilograms.

When slaughtered, you will get meat that is much juicier and more tender, and less fatty than that of adult animals. If you are raising ducklings for slaughter, their growth should last until the juvenile molt. Later they begin to grow more slowly and consume more food. In addition, they begin to develop the rudiments of new feathers, which are then not removed, which significantly reduces the quality of the meat. Therefore, there is no point in delaying the slaughter process.

Peking ducks grow and fatten quickly and tolerate cold winters well. This is due to their fairly intense metabolism and high (for humans) body temperature - 42.2 degrees. Their short intestines also influence weight gain, allowing food to pass through the digestive tract relatively quickly, allowing them to continually gain weight.

These ducks are unpretentious in food and will calmly consume food of both plant and animal origin.

The disadvantages of Peking ducks include too much loudness, which is caused by their increased nervous excitability. Therefore, ducks should be protected from disturbances and loud noise.

Weighing the Peking duck cross STAR-53 at 56 days.

Ducks also require special housing and feeding conditions, which is also a disadvantage for some poultry farmers. Improper care can cause shedding and a significant decrease in productivity.

However, Pekin ducks are one of the advantageous breeds as they have excellent vitality and good immunity against infectious diseases.

Gray Ukrainian duck

The selective breed was developed by crossing domestic and wild ducks. The resulting gray Ukrainian duck is a heavy, meaty breed with a robust body and mallard-like plumage. A duck at the age of four months weighs about 3 kilograms, while the weight of a drake reaches 4 kg. Egg production is average: approximately 120 eggs per year. The weight of ducklings two months after birth is 2 kg, which makes them quite suitable for slaughter.

The gray Ukrainian duck does not require any special care. She gains weight both on feed and on aquatic plants - duckweed and algae. She grazes on the grass and calmly consumes food waste from the kitchen.

But it is necessary to observe the proportions in the duck’s diet: in summer the feed should be 25%, and in other seasons - approximately 50%. It is also necessary to give her vegetables to eat.

The Ukrainian gray duck is extremely resistant to low temperatures. She can spend the winter in an unheated room, go for a walk in the cold and still successfully gain weight and lay eggs. But this breed must be protected from drafts.

White Muscovy duck

The Muscovy duck is also a selective breed: the result of crossing Peking ducks and Khaki-Campbell drakes. The breed was bred with the goal of producing a duck that would have good immunity and be able to withstand the cold in Russia.

The white Muscovy duck is very similar to its “Peking relative”. White color (although the Peking duck's plumage has a cream tint), massive body, chest. Flexible neck, small head, pink-red beak.

Muscovy ducks reach 3.5 kg, and drakes - 4.5 kg. However, these are fairly average numbers as some individuals continue to grow and gain weight. Ducklings, having reached 2 months, weigh about 2.5 kg. The breed has a high egg production - about 130 eggs per year. Duck meat is tasty, tender and almost lean, the bones are medium-sized and thin.

White ducks are completely unpretentious in food. It is enough to give them food from grains, and she can find additional nutrition herself. Usually her choice falls on grass and vegetation in the gardens. They also do not need special care: thanks to their strong immunity, the white Moscow duck is not afraid of cold weather and frosts.

What to feed ducks. How to make duck food.

Rouen duck

This breed comes from France, where it was bred by selecting and taming wild ducks based on live weight. Using this method, the French wanted to obtain a breed with excellent productivity and large mass, which they subsequently succeeded in.

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Rouen ducks weigh 3.5 kg, while drakes weigh 4 kg. With high-quality fattening, ducks of this breed can gain about 6 kilos. Having reached 8 months, ducklings weigh about 2.5 kg. Egg production is average - only about 100 eggs.

Rouen ducks have very high quality dark meat, it is tasty and quite tender. With these qualities, the duck is not used in industrial poultry farming, since the carcass, when it reaches the market, does not have a marketable appearance.

Since Rouen ducks descended from wild ones, they have many common features: dark brown plumage, brown chest, gray body below and yellowish-green beak.

The disadvantage of this breed is that its breeding requires good experience in poultry farming, since the breed is prone to obesity. Due to the fact that this feature of the Rouen duck slows down the breeding process, the breed is mainly raised for personal purposes.

The history of the appearance of this breed is reminiscent of the history of the Moscow duck. The black duck was bred in Ukraine by crossing white-breasted Ukrainian ducks, Peking ducks and Khaki-Campbell drakes.

Ducks of this breed with excellent ability to gain weight weigh about 3.5 kg, and drakes reach 4 kg. Ducklings gain weight of 1.6 kg by the age of two months, and 2.5 kg by the age of three months. The egg production of this breed is also average - about 130 eggs.

Black white-breasted ducks are well-fed and quite early in maturity, due to which their meat has excellent qualities. In addition to the fact that their meat is better, it is much fattier than the meat of other duck breeds.

They are easy to recognize by appearance: their plumage is black, their chest and belly are white, their body is strong and raised. The chest and back are wide, very sloping towards the tail. The duck's head is black, while the drake's has a blue-green tint. The beak is completely dark.

This breed has no disadvantages, which is why they are very popular among farmers.

The Muscovy or Indian duck is a relative of the wood ducks of Mexico and South America. Many people often confuse indo-ducks and turkeys, which is completely wrong. Since Muscovy ducks began to be domesticated, they have become widespread throughout the world.

Indo-ducks do not look like dabbling ducks, but rather like spur geese, and differ from other breeds in their unusual appearance. The first thing you will notice is the beak. It is narrow and tapers towards the tip, resembling the shape of a crochet hook. The beak is light, almost flesh-colored, but around it, as well as the eyes, there are areas of pink skin, devoid of feathers. Growths and warts appear on them.

Their plumage has a variety of colors: white, black and white, brown, blue, white with a pattern. Large wings, long tail. The chest and back are quite wide.

Muscovy ducks weigh up to 4 kg, drakes - about 6 kg. Ducklings at two months of age reach 1.2 kg. This breed is also characterized by an average egg production - 110 eggs, and the ducks themselves are excellent brood hens.

The Indian duck also does not require special care and nutrition from the farmer; she is practically unpretentious, has good immunity, and is not noisy. Muscovy ducks do not like company, but are very quiet. But they cannot be left without a reservoir.

Thanks to the excellent taste of the meat - it is lean, tasty and dietary - musky duck has gained popularity among many poultry farmers.

It is these meat breeds of ducks that will be an excellent investment for any farmer; they will provide not only excellent meat, but also good offspring. Despite the fact that most breeds are unpretentious, they should never be left without at least minimal attention, otherwise you risk losing both meat and hens. If you provide them with certain conditions that will ensure their comfort, you will certainly meet your expectations regarding meat ducks.

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Video: Breeding ducks at home as a business.

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