The three-way tap on the washing machine leaked. Washing machine taps. Connecting equipment to the crane

Regardless of the model of the washing machine, there is one aspect that worries almost all owners - how to connect the faucet for the washing machine to the water supply.

However, this is not as complicated a procedure as it might seem and it is quite possible to do it yourself, because to connect to the water supply you only need to install a faucet to connect the washing machine. Of course, it is worth studying the issue in advance, as well as deciding what materials and tools will be required. This article describes the operating technology in detail, which is why, by listening to the tips below, you can connect the machine to the water supply network without resorting to the services of a specialist.

Types of taps for connecting to the water supply network

In stores you can purchase ordinary flow-through faucets, as well as triple and corner taps. Each model has its own characteristics.


Its water outlet holes are located on both sides. A similar mechanism is mounted on a branched pipe that connects the water supply network to the washing machine. The flow system works on the principle of overlap, stopping the flow of water to the device and dividing the branch into two.

This model will be an ideal option if there is already a pipe for household appliances and it will be connected to it. In this case, it will be possible to connect the ends of the pipe and the inlet hose with a flow-through tap.


Due to several outlet holes, it connects devices to the water supply. One hole serves to shut off the water. The rest combine all branches of the water supply network into one stream.

triple tap

There are many models of taps of this type, which have different configurations, which allows you to connect several devices by inserting them into the water supply communication. A flow faucet is not intended to perform such tasks.

That is why a triple tap is often used to simultaneously supply water to a dishwasher and a washing machine.


An angle valve is a modified design of a flow-through model and is used when it is necessary to create a rotation of the water flow at a right angle when connecting a device that will be the final one in the system.

Angle tap

For example, this could be a washing machine, boiler, faucet or toilet cistern.

When installing the machine, the corner option is used when a separate pipe for household appliances is already installed in the bathtub.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a suitable model, it is important to pay attention to such details as:

  • the material from which the faucet for connecting the washing machine is made. It is recommended to give preference to brass models. Despite its pretty high cost, brass is particularly strong and durable. Powder alloys are more inexpensive, but there is a high probability that a faucet made from them will crack during installation;
  • device for shutting off the water flow. A triple and multi-turn system is most often installed in taps, but a triple system is still considered more practical and wear-resistant;
  • valve configuration. You should not ignore this part, as it controls, and in the event of a leak, it is with its help that complete closure is carried out. It is recommended to choose a model with a comfortable handle that turns easily and does not slip in the palm of your hand.

Connecting the washing machine to the water supply

Having selected the optimal faucet model, you can begin connecting the washing machine to the water supply network. Installation will not be possible without a set of tools and parts.

To work you will need:

  1. Double hose, which is usually included with the machine. In the case where it is not provided by the manufacturer, you will have to buy a suitable hose yourself;
  2. Filter for purifying water in a flow system. Without this part, the water quality will noticeably decrease and the risk of sedimentation on the internal parts of the device will increase;
  3. Fum tape, spare fasteners, O-rings. All these materials will ensure a tight connection between the elements;
  4. Adjustable wrench;
  5. Device for calibrating plastic pipes.

After all the necessary preparations, you can start working. First you need to install the faucet for the washing machine.

Installation method:

  1. the cold water supply pipe is blocked;
  2. All water must be drained from the pipes, as it interferes with installation;
  3. the required section of the water pipe is removed. For cutting plastic pipe you can use specialized scissors, and use a grinder to work with a metal pipe;
  4. the ends of the pipe need to be processed by applying a thread of a suitable diameter;
  5. first of all, you need to install a protective filter that will minimize clogging of the machine;
  6. then you need to install a tap that supplies water. If it is installed on a plastic pipe, then before work you need to expand the diameter of the pipe with a calibrator;
    After this, you need to tighten all the nuts using an adjustable wrench. When working with it, it is important not to overtighten or tighten too loosely, since in both cases it willthreatens to leak;
  7. All components must be sealed with O-rings and fum tape.

Connecting equipment to the crane

The process of connecting a washing machine to a tap also does not require special knowledge and skills. For installation, you will need an inlet hose with which the device is connected to the water supply. Usually the hose is included in the kit, but most often it does not differ in wall thickness or length.

A washing machine cannot work without water - a well-known fact. Therefore, connecting the washing machine to the water supply is considered an important step. Low-quality components, as well as disruption of the connection process, can lead to dire consequences - flooding. Not only your property can be damaged, but also your neighbor’s. Then it will not be possible to avoid unexpected expenses.

Do you want to know how to choose a faucet to connect a washing machine to the water supply and how to install it correctly? Read the article carefully. The risk of errors will definitely be reduced to zero.

Washing machine faucet: a necessity or a waste of money?

To connect the washing machine to water, it is not at all necessary to buy and install a special faucet. Direct connection is also possible. But is it worth doing this? Insignificant savings are fraught with large expenses.

The valve will be needed in a situation where you need to urgently shut off the water to the washing machine. Not installed? The likelihood of flooding the apartment and neighbors if a leak occurs is very high. In this case, you will have to spend more on repairing and restoring furniture than on purchasing a water seal.

Choosing a shut-off valve: main types

Today, a large assortment of all kinds of valves is offered for sale. Their position, as well as the number of pins, determines the type of device:

  • Straight tap with two water outlets. Separates household appliances from common system communications. It is attached to a separate pipe that runs from the central water supply to the unit itself.

  • Water tap tee. Unlike double, it has three outputs (which is clear from the name itself). If necessary, the user can close one exit. The other two are flow-through and are used to connect the main pipe to the branch pipe. Tees can be: different shapes, with overlapping of one or two outputs at once.

  • Angular. Used during installation automatic washing machine in conditions of limited space (for example, in a very small bathroom), where it is not possible to install a standard straight-through faucet. It is an improved, well thought out design with two outlets.

Angle valves are used to supply water not only to washing machines, but also to other equipment, including plumbing fixtures - toilet cisterns, bidets, etc.

Most often, manufacturers of washing machines recommend the types and types of components that should be used with the device. Washing machine installers advise you to listen to these recommendations.

Why isn't a standard flow valve suitable?

Situations are not uncommon when users of washing machines did not encounter water supply to household appliances and don’t understand why a standard flow valve cannot be installed.

If you know what water hammer is, then such questions will not arise: water under high pressure literally tears metal-plastic and even metal pipes. Is the washing device connected directly using a regular hose? There is a high probability that during a water hammer it will be torn into pieces.

A tee tap is most appropriate. It will not only withstand high pressure, but will also allow you to connect several different devices to the water at once. For example, a washing machine and a dishwasher.

Important points

When choosing a valve for your washing machine, consider:

  • Material. Sellers offer faucets made of silumin or brass. The first option is very short-lived, although more attractive in price. Opt for the second one. Pay $1-2 more, but get a reliable shutter device.

  • The design of the mechanism for overlapping. Multi-turn or ball - two possible options. Ball valves boast a long service life:

  • Valve design. Its handle is used in emergency situations when you urgently need to turn off the water supply. It should be comfortable and not too small. Then you can turn off the water in a couple of seconds.

Installation of SMA tap

Have you chosen a part of the desired shape, type and design? Wonderful! Proceed to install it yourself.

The process itself is quite simple. The main thing is to have patience, tools and additional parts. You will need:

  • Double wall hose. Manufacturers include conventional single-wall filler hoses with the devices. Experts advise not to install them. Optimal solution- spend money and buy a more reliable hose, which has two walls, as well as wire reinforcement.

When buying a hose, consider the length. Manufacturers often save money and include very short hoses in the kit.

  • Water filter. It is attached to a branch of the pipe running from the water supply to the tap thread. Tap water is no different good quality. Is it possible to put 2-3 filters in front of the machine? Great! The principle - the more the merrier - works here.

  • Accessories for sealing. All kinds of sealing elements are used to ensure high-quality connection of parts and prevent leaks.

How to install a washing machine

  • Adjustable wrench. Needed for tightening nuts and seals.

Is everything you need at hand? Proceed by determining in advance the optimal connection diagram. The following options are possible:

Using a tee, cutting into a pipe

Follow the following instructions:

  1. Shut off the water in the riser.
  2. Cut the required pipe length taking into account the length of the tee.
  3. Place the mounting nuts onto the pipe.
  4. Install the tee.
  5. Tighten the joints thoroughly with tightening rings.
  6. Connect the inlet hose to the drainage system.

Through a two-way tap

The circuit is used in cases where a separate tap has already been provided for the device. The latter must have a threaded bushing. All you have to do is screw the purchased faucet onto it, installing a filter in it in advance. Then connect the inlet hose.

Through the tap on the corner

A simple scheme similar to the previous one. The main difference is that an angle valve must be screwed to the pipe outlet.

To carry out connection work, you can call a specialist to your home, who will bring the necessary faucet and tools with him.

It is possible to choose a faucet for an automatic machine without outside help. The main thing is not to skimp on quality and strictly follow the instructions given in the article. Then there will be no problems during installation and subsequent washing!

ball valves for water in Moscow

Ball valves- this is a common type shut-off valves, used to regulate the flow of working media inside pipelines. The use of ball valves allows not only to completely shut off the flow of liquid or gas in the pipe, but also to change the intensity of the flow, strengthening or weakening it.

A design feature of ball valves is that to regulate the water pressure, a spherical valve is used, which has two round holes strictly opposite each other, the diameter of which exactly matches the diameter pipes on which the crane is installed. When the ball valve is open, water flows through it unhindered; when it is closed, the pipe lumen is completely blocked. The spherical shape of the valve allows it to avoid deformation under the influence of water pressure, and also makes it easier to move when opening and closing the tap.

This page presents ball valves for water, that is, those that are used for hot and cold water supply systems, air conditioning, heating (including underfloor heating systems). The most popular among our customers are Ball ValvesBugatti(Bugatti), manufactured in Italy, however, ball valves from Russian manufacturers are also in demand.

To install ball valves and other engineering plumbing, most Muscovites need services locksmith. You can order them from us!

Connecting a dishwasher or washing machine must comply with certain safety conditions. In case of breakdown or preventive maintenance of the device, a faucet for the washing machine is installed, which can be used to shut off the water supply in an emergency. Its valve is shaped like a butterfly or a flag so that you can clearly verify that it is closed.

Types of household taps

Washing machines are usually equipped with a 3/4-inch external thread, which does not always correspond to the diameter of the water supply outlets (in Moscow apartments, fittings with a 1/2-inch thread are most common). However, other diameters are often found, so products of different designs are available for sale.

When choosing which ball valve to buy to connect a washing machine, you should pay attention to the following features:

  • thread size at the inlet and outlets;
  • material (most often it is nickel-plated brass);
  • shape (straight, angular);
  • configuration (regular, pass-through);
  • aesthetic properties (this is important if the faucet will be visible).

A straight-through tap is a special tee with a valve to which you can connect additional supply. This allows you to connect your washing machine to an outlet that already has a sink connected to it ( three way valve in this case, it will shut off the water only for the machine).

Our range

The Santekhkomplekt online store offers a wide selection of household taps for connecting various plumbing fixtures. In our catalog you can choose an inexpensive faucet of the shape and configuration you need, without worrying about its quality and reliability, since we work only with the best manufacturers.

Our main suppliers are the Russian company Aquasfera and the Italian Giacomini. In production they use only high-quality alloys that are not subject to corrosion under the influence of active components of water. We can guarantee you the original quality of products from these brands, and an affordable price allows you to ensure the safety of your water supply system without extra costs.

Washing machine tap – This is a real, indispensable assistant for connecting this device to the water supply. This makes it possible to quickly turn off the water if any emergency suddenly arises. What is a crane like this? This is a regular fitting that can always be purchased in an online store on the Internet without leaving your home.

More about taps

  1. Ball. With their help, it is possible to turn off the water by moving the ball, which is located in the faucet body.
  2. Multi-turn. With their help, the water is blocked thanks to the plates.

According to professionals, the first type is still better, because:

  • their designs are quite simple, resulting in increased service life;
  • these taps are highly leak-tight;
  • ball models are quite compact - this is an ideal choice for small spaces;
  • the speed of shutting off the water in case of some unexpected problems is quite high.
There is an angle tap for a washing machine - it is used in places where it is necessary to change the direction of the pipeline by 90 degrees. In addition, there is also a tee tap, which is necessary when connecting several devices at once.
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