Preliminary agreement download sample. Preliminary lease agreement for non-residential premises. Design rules. Preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment

A preliminary lease agreement for non-residential premises is a document that is drawn up for a specific purpose: to stipulate the conditions, terms of the lease, the date of conclusion of the main agreement and other mandatory provisions of the future transaction relating to the unfinished premises.

Sample preliminary lease agreement for non-residential premises

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Thus, the preliminary lease agreement is used in the field of construction, repair and reconstruction.

How to draw up a preliminary lease agreement for non-residential premises

To conclude a lease agreement for non-residential premises, it is necessary that this premises be registered with the relevant government bodies. In order not to miss a suitable object, the company enters into a preliminary lease agreement with the owner of the premises under construction/reconstruction.

A preliminary lease agreement is a contract with certain risks, because the subject of the agreement is a premises that has not yet been built, and the construction and registration of the premises itself can take a long time and be accompanied by a variety of problems.

Therefore, it is very important to agree on what methods will ensure that both parties comply with the terms of the contract. It can be:

  • guarantees confirming the tenant's solvency - bank documents or securing future rent in advance, which is necessarily reflected in the preliminary agreement;
  • comprehensive information about the lessor, his activities, supported by documents;
  • penalties for both parties, compensating losses in case of failure to fulfill obligations.

A preliminary lease agreement for non-residential premises can be drawn up in simple written form.

The structure of the agreement includes:

  • names of the parties, their details, position and full name of the parties’ representatives;
  • subject of the agreement, date of conclusion of the main lease agreement;
  • the main terms of the future contract (location of the leased premises, the tenant's responsibilities for the operation of the premises, the procedure for paying for the rent, the duration of the lease, the conditions for changing and terminating the main contract, force majeure circumstances, the procedure for resolving disputes);
  • final provisions;
  • details of the parties.

The nuances of drawing up this agreement are:

  • establishing the period for transferring the premises for rent (this can be the period from.. to...), which will be the time of concluding the main lease agreement;
  • penalties for each day of delay in handing over the premises by the landlord, since failure to fulfill this obligation brings significant losses to the tenant;
  • the obligation of the parties to each other to conclude the main agreement within a specified time, penalties that will be applied in case of non-compliance with this obligation.

Also, when transferring premises for rent, the parties draw up an integral annex to the agreement - an acceptance certificate, which will be evidence that the tenant inspected the premises and accepted it for rent without complaints.

After the specified date, the Main Agreement can be signed only with mutual consent of the parties in writing; a detailed description of the deadlines for deregistration of persons registered in the apartment being sold. The procedure for transferring real estate to the Buyer; price of real estate, procedure and terms of payment for the purchased real estate. If an apartment is purchased with a mortgage, this must be indicated in the Preliminary Agreement; the amount of advance payment for the purchased property. The amount of the advance depends on the price of the property, who accepts this advance (the Seller himself or the real estate agency), and the agreement of the parties. The advance payment shows the Buyer's real interest in the purchase; 4. The Preliminary Agreement signed by the parties obliges the Buyer to stop advertising and showing the property for sale, and to prepare all the necessary documents for the transaction.5.

Sample documents

  • Executive authorities, an offshoot of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - FGKU "Rosvoenipoteka". It is this institution that controls the coherence of the NIS system (savings mortgage system).
  • State department - Department of Housing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Here the register, accounting, and distribution of NIS participants are formed.
  • TsZHZ (Targeted Housing Loan) - money that is accumulated by the military during the period of their involvement in the NIS system, which is partially contributed by the state as a subsidy.
  • UNIS - this Office helps to increase the efficiency and balance of monetary expenditures of NIS participants when the right to obtain a mortgage on preferential terms comes to fruition.
  • Many experts admit that a military mortgage actually has more pros than cons.

Preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment with an advance payment: download

However, termination of the mortgage agreement may occur for reasons that are not recognized as valid and related to the dismissal of a military personnel from his service. At the same time, he faces the threat of returning the entire mortgage amount that he owes to the bank, urgently and from his own funds. The military man is also obliged to return the subsidy amounts to the Ministry of Defense, which is extremely disadvantageous for the employee.
Is it worth taking out a military mortgage? The subtleties of making a mortgage transaction for the military lie in several directions - organizations, representative offices of government agencies responsible for subsidizing and providing preferential conditions to military personnel and citizens of the Russian Federation. It is thanks to the presence of an appropriate document confirming the status of a beneficiary - an NIS participant certificate - that the bank can agree to lend money to this category of potential borrowers.

Preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment (payment of a deposit)

It is not necessary to have a power of attorney certified by a notary. Representatives of the parties to the transaction, as a rule, are their realtors who have the appropriate documents.2. The preliminary agreement describes in detail the terms of the upcoming real estate purchase and sale transaction and the main points from the Main Agreement that the parties agreed upon.3. The Preliminary Agreement form must contain the following data: full name, passport details, addresses of the places of registration of the Seller and the Buyer, as well as their legal representatives (if any); description of the subject of the contract, in this case an apartment (full address, inventory number, floor, number of floors in the house, number of rooms, area); the date BEFORE which the parties undertake to sign the Basic Agreement for the Purchase and Sale of Real Estate.
The main agreement can be signed by the parties earlier than the specified date (if the parties are ready for this).

Mortgage loan agreement for the military


The Seller or his representative by proxy) hereinafter “Seller”, etc. Seithalilova Liliya Enverovna, acting on behalf of gr. Vladimir Viktorovich Likhachev, (full name of the Buyer or his representative by proxy) on the basis of a power of attorney dated August 17, 2010, hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”, together hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, entered into this preliminary agreement, hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”, on as follows:1.

Subject of the Agreement The Parties undertake, on time and under the terms of the Agreement, to enter into a purchase and sale agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Main Agreement”) of a 2 (two) room apartment with a total area of ​​54.2 sq.m., including a residential area of ​​36.4 sq.m. .m. located on the second floor of a 17-storey panel building, located at the address: Moscow, st. B. Gruzinskaya, house 18 apt. 4, hereinafter “Real Estate”. 2.

Form of preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment

The buyer of real estate, after a long search and painful doubts, made up his mind and chose an apartment (another property) suitable for purchase. The seller and buyer (or their legal representatives) agreed on a purchase and sale transaction and shook hands. However, they are physically unable to sign the Basic Agreement and make mutual settlements immediately, on the same day.


All agreements reached between the seller of real estate and its buyer are recorded in the Preliminary Purchase and Sale Agreement. A preliminary agreement is a document in which the parties confirm their agreement to complete a transaction on certain conditions. The main terms of this agreement are: description of the object of sale, its price, payment procedure and terms. PRELIMINARY AGREEMENT for the purchase and sale of an apartment (sample) Moscow » August 18, 2010 We, gr.

Sidorov Sergey Stepanovich, (full name)

Preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment

The need to conclude a policy agreement in military mortgage transactions is justified by lengthy approvals in preparation for the purchase and sale transaction itself. The importance of the preliminary agreement is difficult to overestimate. This is a kind of agreement of intent that is beneficial to both parties.

It fixes the cost, procedure and terms of payment, strengthens the buyer’s position, protecting him from any changes in the seller’s intentions, and guarantees the latter the purchase of the property. If the PDCP is terminated unilaterally, this will entail serious penalties. to contents Structure and content Let's try to figure out what essential conditions are contained in the interim document concluded between the buyer and the seller.


The preliminary agreement will only need to establish the fact that, within a certain period of time, the participants agree to conclude the agreement for the purchase and sale of the apartment in the manner prescribed by regulatory documents. Failure to fulfill a preliminary transaction, which means refusal to buy or sell an apartment, does not have consequences in ordinary cases. The exception is, again, the transfer of a deposit for housing. Transfer of the deposit by preliminary agreement If the parties, as a guarantee of the conclusion of the main agreement, provide for the transfer of the deposit as a condition of the preliminary agreement, the drawing up of the agreement, albeit preliminary, should be taken quite seriously.

The transfer of money is an independent act that gives rise to certain consequences in the form of the rights and obligations of the participants in such a transfer.
The Seller undertakes not to transfer to another person or remove the telephone number installed in the Real Estate before and after the state registration of the Main Agreement, sign a notarized application for transfer of the telephone number to the Buyer’s name and transfer it to the Buyer upon signing the Main Agreement.2.3 The Buyer confirms that all essential the characteristics of the Real Estate, including its location, spatial orientation, view from the windows, size, layout, condition, engineering and technical equipment, as well as the condition of the local area and common premises of the house fully satisfy him. 2.4 At the time of the conclusion of the Agreement, the following persons were registered in the Real Estate: Likhachev Vladimir Viktorovich, Likhacheva Elizaveta Fedorovna, Likhachev Igor Vladimirovich for whom, in accordance with Art.

Form preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment with advance payment Rosvoenipoteka

If agreement is not reached or there is no notification, the Parties are obliged to appear at the CREDO Real Estate Agency at the address specified in clause 5.1 of the Agreement (125047, Moscow, Tverskaya Zastava Square, 3, office 234), with funds (in the amount specified in clause 3.1 of the Agreement, minus the amount of money transferred by the Buyer towards the cost of the Real Estate) and the necessary documents sufficient for the signing and state registration of the Main Agreement by 12:00 on the date specified in clause 2.1 of the Agreement. 5.4 The Agreement is concluded for a period inclusive before the date specified in clause 2.1 of the Agreement.5.5 All changes and additions to the Agreement are made by agreement of the Parties in writing, in the form of an Additional Agreement to the Agreement, which, if drawn up, is attached to the Agreement and becomes an integral part of it.5.6.

  • The Agreement is concluded for a period inclusive of the date specified in clause 2.1 of the Agreement.
  • All changes and additions to the Agreement are made by agreement of the Parties in writing, in the form of an Additional Agreement to the Agreement, which, if drawn up, is attached to the Agreement and becomes an integral part of it.
  • Registration address:
  • Mailing address:
  • Phone fax:
  • Passport series, number:
  • Issued by:
  • When issued:
  • Signature:


  • Registration address:
  • Mailing address:
  • Phone fax:
  • Passport series, number:
  • Issued by:
  • When issued:
  • Signature:

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Preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment sample - queries of this kind are often found in search engines. And although document versions are offered by various sites in large quantities, not all of them are compiled correctly and are ideal for use.

General provisions on the preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment

In the article we will talk about the features, the form of such a document, what subtleties need to be taken into account when concluding it, and also offer a sample of a preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment.

The document is intended to help the parties involved in the transaction agree on all its essential terms and ensure that the transaction will take place at a certain point in the future.

The obligation to conclude the main document, if there is a preliminary one, is stipulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part 4 of Article 445): if any of the parties evades this obligation, the other has the right to apply to the courts to force the counterparty to fulfill it. If one party unreasonably evades completing a transaction, the bona fide party is given the right to demand compensation for losses incurred by it as a result of such evasion.

On the features of the preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment

A distinctive feature of the preliminary purchase and sale agreement is that it does not create for the parties the rights and obligations provided for in Art. 549 Civil Code. After its conclusion, the parties must not carry out actual actions regarding the acceptance and transfer of real estate or payment for it.

However, as judicial practice shows, there are cases when the parties provide for the need for full payment of real estate within the framework of the preliminary agreement, and not after the conclusion of the main agreement. In such situations, the preliminary document should be qualified as a concluded contract for the purchase and sale of real estate with the condition of execution of an advance payment. This position is confirmed by the resolution of the plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court No. 54 of July 11, 2011.

Conditions of the preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment

In the process of concluding a preliminary document, attention should be paid to the need to reflect in it all the essential conditions that will be contained in the main agreement, as stated in Part 3 of Art. 429 Civil Code.

According to Art. 554, 555 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the following conditions for a real estate purchase and sale transaction should include:

  • item;
  • price;
  • a list of persons living in the residential premises and retaining the right to use it after the sale (indicating their rights to use).

As for the subject of the contract, it means an individually defined apartment located at a specific address, indicating its characteristic features (area, layout, number of floors of the building in which it is located, etc.). The price is specifically negotiated by the parties to the transaction - in this case, the provisions of Art. 424 of the Civil Code are not applicable to real estate purchase and sale transactions (Part 1, Article 555 of the Civil Code).

If the preliminary purchase and sale agreement does not contain the specified conditions, it will be considered not concluded.

All other conditions are agreed upon by the parties independently and are not limited by the legislator.

Form of preliminary contract for the purchase and sale of housing

Civil Code of the Russian Federation in Part 2 of Art. 429 states that a preliminary purchase and sale agreement must be drawn up in the form provided for a similar main document, and Art. 550 of the Civil Code specifies that this is done in writing. As for the transfer of ownership of real estate, in this case state registration of the final (main) version of the agreement is mandatory (Article 551 of the Civil Code).

In some cases, the purchase and sale requires a notarial form:

  • disposal of shares in the right to housing,
  • sale of housing owned by a minor.

Accordingly, in these cases, the preliminary agreement is also drawn up in notarial form.

A preliminary agreement, in principle, does not require registration due to the fact that the provisions on mandatory registration of the main agreement are not an indication of the form of the agreement, and only the transfer of any proprietary rights to real estate is subject to registration. As for the preliminary agreement, it does not entail the acquisition of property rights/obligations by the parties who entered into it. In other words, when concluding a preliminary document, the parties must adhere only to the requirement of its form (simple written or notarial), and there is no need to register the concluded agreement. This is confirmed, in particular, by paragraph 14 of the information letter of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2001 No. 59.

Ensuring the fulfillment of obligations under the preliminary agreement

For a long time, the question of the possibility of introducing conditions to ensure the fulfillment of an obligation into the preliminary agreement remained controversial. This is due to the fact that, on the one hand, the preliminary agreement does not entail material obligations of the parties - therefore, it is impossible to ensure their fulfillment; on the other hand, the preliminary agreement establishes the obligation of the parties to conclude the main agreement. The question was whether it was possible to demand security for a moral right.

The position of higher courts today is unanimous: civil legislation does not contain a prohibition on securing obligations stipulated by a preliminary agreement. That is, the parties have the right to provide in the preliminary document a method for ensuring the fulfillment of the obligation to conclude the main contract. This conclusion can be drawn, for example, from the resolution of the plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated 04/08/2014 No. 16973/13 and part 4 of Art. 380 GK.

Form of preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment sample 2018 - 2019

The form of the preliminary agreement is in general almost identical to the form of the main one. Therefore, the latter can serve as a model when drawing up a preliminary document.

Regarding the sample preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment in 2018 - 2019, we can say that it should contain information of this kind:

  • The name of the document, date and place of its preparation.
  • An indication of the parties concluding the agreement and the persons who will be its signatories, as well as the will of the parties to conclude the main agreement in the future on the conditions listed below. If we talk about representatives of legal entities and representatives based on a power of attorney, it is necessary to indicate on the basis of what documents they act.
  • Main part:
    • conditions about the subject; about the price and method of payment;
    • a list of persons retaining the right to use residential premises after the transfer of ownership of it to the buyer;
    • rights and obligations of the parties;
    • procedure and terms for concluding the main agreement, registering the transfer of ownership;
    • other conditions that the parties have determined for themselves as essential.
    • The final part:
      • details or passport data of the parties;
      • personal signatures and seals (for legal entities).

Conditions for termination of the preliminary agreement

Basically, these are general grounds for termination of obligations, but there is also a special ground for termination, permissible only for a preliminary agreement.

The preliminary agreement may be terminated:

  • in case of proper fulfillment of the obligation, i.e. the conclusion of the main agreement (clause 1 of Article 408 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • on the basis of expiration of the period for concluding the main contract or sending an offer (clause 6 of Article 429 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • in the event of the occurrence of a cancellation condition provided for by the parties in the preliminary agreement (clause 2 of Article 157 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • by agreement of the parties (clause 1 of article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Details in the article Termination of a contract by agreement of the parties in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • due to a significant violation of the terms of the preliminary agreement (clause 2 of Article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

In the latter case, the contract is terminated by the party whose rights are violated in court. The burden of proving a violation of the terms of the contract and the materiality of the violation rests with the plaintiff.

Thus, the preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment is a single document in written form, which contains the terms of the main agreement, as well as the obligations of the parties to conclude the main agreement. In addition, it is allowed to indicate interim measures according to the rules of Chapter 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Payment for an apartment under a preliminary agreement is not made - otherwise this agreement is considered the main purchase and sale agreement with the condition of prepayment. A preliminary contract for the purchase and sale of residential premises does not require state registration and is valid from the moment of its signing. This agreement terminates either on the general grounds for termination and termination of contracts, or due to failure to conclude the main contract within the prescribed period.

The purchase and sale agreement must provide for the price of the residential premises, which is determined by agreement of the parties. When selling residential premises with an installment plan, the contract must indicate the amount of payments, the payment procedure, and the timing of payments. If residential premises are purchased using bank loans, then the purchase and sale agreement should indicate the details of the loan agreement and attach a copy of it.4. An essential condition of the contract is the listing of persons who have the right to use this residential premises, indicating their rights. In addition, the contract must indicate the type of right and details of the title document on the basis of which the seller arose this right (for example, a certificate of inheritance, a decision ships, etc.); restrictions on the rights of the seller, encumbrance of property with arrests, liens, rights of third parties or guarantees from the seller about the absence of such.

Preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment (payment of a deposit)


I changed the owner’s full name in order to preserve personal data. I order extracts through this service. It works reliably, it has already been verified. The state fee for an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate is 250 rubles.

  • Documents of title on the basis of which the right of ownership arose (Agreement of sale, exchange, donation, privatization, Certificate of inheritance, Court decision, etc.)

It’s easy and error-free to draw up a preliminary contract using the Contract Designer. You will also need:

  • earnest money agreement template and
  • Receipt template for receipt of money by the Seller.

The contract designer will create them automatically if you select in the conditions - transfer of a deposit or advance payment. A sample (template) of a preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment contains a list of documents for the Seller.

Preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment

It is most difficult to draw up a preliminary agreement in the following transactions:

  • if you buy an apartment from a minor Seller
  • if you buy an apartment that is under encumbrance
  • if you buy an apartment using maternity (family) capital

The preliminary agreement template is located on the TEMPLATES page. Sample preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment. Video consultation Watch the video consultation. It contains very detailed explanations on how to independently draw up a preliminary purchase and sale agreement and a deposit agreement.

Form of preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment

Additional agreements If the terms of the agreement are adjusted, the parties sign an additional agreement, which may contain the following information:

  • terms of payment;
  • deposit size;
  • the duration of the contract or other information agreed upon by both parties.

Apartment purchase and sale agreement 2017-2018 (download sample)

When purchasing an apartment, there may be various situations that are reflected in the contract and affect the correctness of its completion: purchase using a mortgage or maternity capital, the presence of shares in the property, housing is purchased on the secondary market or in a new building, the presence of registered persons in the alienated apartment minors. When purchasing an apartment with a mortgage, a mixed purchase and sale and mortgage agreement is drawn up between the parties.
In addition to the seller and the buyer, there is usually a third party in the contract - the creditor. Also, a preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment can be concluded between the parties.
In essence, this is an agreement on the upcoming contract, which substantiates the parties’ intentions to conclude a main contract after a certain time.
For this purpose, the agreement is drawn up in several copies. The buyer and seller must receive 1 copy each, and another one remains in Rosreestr.


When there are several sellers (buyers), each must receive a copy of the contract. For a complete list of documents submitted along with the contract, see the article: Documents for registering ownership of an apartment.

If one of the parties evades applying to Rosreestr, the court, at the request of the counterparty, in accordance with clause 3 of Art. 551 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation can make a decision on state registration (resolution of the AS of the West Siberian District dated September 15, 2016 in case No. A81-5229/2015). Important! Since March 1, 2013, the apartment purchase and sale agreement itself does not undergo state registration.
From this date, only the transfer of rights to residential premises from the seller to the buyer is registered.

Sample contract for the sale and purchase of an apartment

Unified State Register of Real Estate in accordance with the Federal Law “On State Registration of Real Estate” dated July 13, 2015 No. 218-FZ, and if the right was registered earlier - a certificate of ownership);

  • it is indicated that there are no obstacles to the sale of the apartment (no mortgage, seizure, prohibition on alienating it, etc.);
  • it is clarified that the parties to the agreement have no obstacles to entering into it (they are fully capable, do not have diseases that prevent them from understanding the essence of the transaction, etc.);
  • it is regulated how the parties make payments for the apartment;
  • describes the order and time frame in which the seller transfers the apartment to the buyer (usually under a transfer deed) - by law, the apartment is considered transferred after it is handed over to the buyer and the transfer deed is signed (clause 1 of Art.

Sample preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment


If the parties do not establish a period within which they must conclude the main agreement, then this must be done within a year from the date of conclusion of the preliminary agreement. From June 1, 2015, it is not necessary to provide for all the essential terms of the main contract in the preliminary contract for the purchase and sale of real estate (clause

3 tbsp. 429

Civil Code of the Russian Federation, subp. “a” clause 72 art. 1, part 1 art. 2 of the Federal Law of 03/08/2015. No. 42-FZ). Previously (before June 1), the parties were required to agree not only on the subject matter, but also on the remaining essential terms of the main agreement specified in the law.

In the 2018 preliminary purchase and sale agreement for real estate, you must indicate data that allows you to definitely identify the object (Article 554 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). If the parties do not agree on the subject, the contract will be considered not concluded! Price is an essential condition (clause 1 of Article 555 of the Civil Code).

If this is not done, the agreement will be considered unconcluded (clause 1 of the information letter of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court dated February 25, 2014 No. 165 “Review of judicial practice on disputes related to the recognition of contracts as unconcluded”). What these conditions are, see a separate recommendation. In any case, the preliminary agreement must provide for the subject of the main agreement (clause

GK). The subject of the main contract must be formulated according to the rules applicable to a specific future contract. In other words, the parties need to be guided by the rules that would apply if the parties immediately entered into the main agreement.

Responsibility and obligations of the parties under a new preliminary contract for the purchase and sale of real estate It is necessary to indicate the period within which the parties undertake to conclude the main contract (clause 4 of Article 429 of the Civil Code).

A sample preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment is of little use to you. After all, using a sample of someone else’s transaction, you can miss important terms of your own, and this is fraught with serious consequences, for example, the loss of the deposit. It is better to use a universal template that can be adjusted “to suit you” or a template adapted to your transaction.

  • Sample preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment
    • Sample preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment. Video consultation
    • Drawing up a preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment
    • Clarification of other difficult points

A sample preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment will give you a general picture of the structure of the agreement. With a video consultation, you will receive a template, based on it you can draw up a preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment at your own expense.

Print out preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment 2018

Main contract.

  • The apartment must be vacated by the Seller from property not included in its price no later than days after the state registration of the Main Agreement and transferred to the Buyer under the Acceptance and Transfer Certificate no later than days from the date of issue to the Buyer of the Certificate of State Registration of Title.
  • The price of the apartment is rubles. Upon signing this Agreement, the Buyer transferred funds to the Seller in the amount of: rubles. The specified amount is an advance payment for the purchased apartment and is taken into account by the Parties in mutual settlements on the day of signing the Main Agreement.
  • The Seller will pay all costs for collecting documents necessary for state registration of the Main Agreement and transfer of rights under it, as well as the costs of preparing the draft Main Agreement.
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