The dryness on the apple is strong. How long does a love spell on an apple last? Magic love spell with a red apple

Drying on an apple is the most common and quite effective magical ritual. With its help, you can greatly dry out your loved one or husband. The apple has always been considered a symbol of temptation, so it will not be difficult to tune in and form the desired intention.

Prisushka differs from a love spell in a slightly different range of effects. A person begins to “dry,” but not physically, but with his soul. The most effective rituals are the rituals of similarity magic:

“As the apple dries, so will you dry,” “As the branch dries, so will you.” . ."

How to dry up your husband if his feelings for you have cooled? The magical dryness on a husband who has stopped paying attention to his wife acts more gently than a love spell. The drying does not suppress the will and does not zombie. This is a gentle effect on feelings, a reminder of past love and an attempt to revive it.

Drying on an apple - a ritual

For the ceremony, buy the most beautiful pouring apple on the waxing moon.

It is better to buy an apple at the market so as not to give change. All items for magical rituals are purchased on a cash basis or without change. Making a purchase in a store without change will be problematic. If you buy a kilogram of apples or take an apple from the refrigerator, the ritual will not work - magic has its own laws!

So, you bought a liquid apple on the waxing moon without change. The husband's icing can be done on men's day (Wednesday, Thursday, Monday), but it is best to choose Friday - Venus day.

What needs to be prepared for the ceremony

  • Beautiful pouring apple
  • Knife with wooden handle
  • Red wool thread
  • Two small pieces of paper with a pen
  • Your loved one's hair (you can take a few pieces from a comb)

Carrying out the ritual

  1. Take a shower and tune in to the ritual of witchcraft
  2. Prepare the table by covering it with a clean tablecloth
  3. Turn off the phone, TV and remove pets from the room
  4. Let your hair down and untie your belt, unfasten the locks, remove the rings - this is necessary for the free flow of witchcraft energy
  5. If you stand barefoot, even better!
  6. Take an apple and cut it into two parts
  7. Write your name and his name on pieces of paper (completely clean, without cells or rulers)
  8. Place leaves with names and hair (yours and his) between the halves of the apple.

Love spell words

“As this apple dries, so will my beloved (name) dry for me (his name).”

Say these words an odd number of times or according to intuition. Speak with passion and confidence. At the end be sure to add: AMEN!
Now you need to wrap the apple with thread so that both halves are connected

Important point!

If the season is cold or rainy, then the apple will probably never dry out! Therefore, it is allowed to put it in the driest place in the house or dry it in the oven. But just dry it, not bake it! If you are not sure that you can dry an apple in the oven, then it is better not to experiment.

Second point.

This apple must not be discovered by the husband! Try to hide it so that no one sees it. This will be a talisman of your love. Treasure it like the apple of your eye. And don't throw it in the trash! If you do everything correctly, you will succeed in drying the apple, and the effect will be amazing. Your husband's attitude will begin to change before your eyes!

And one last thing.

You will not be able to achieve results with any rituals if a rival cast a love spell on your husband. Before you do the drying, make sure that there is no love spell on your husband, and that there is no quarrel in your relationship. If someone has exerted a magical influence on your spouse, you need to remove these influences.

Not only for men, but also for women, but apple dryer- a purely female invention that acts quickly and effectively. Proven by more than one generation of the fair sex!

Bewitch or wait for mercy from Fate?

Why apple?

« Eh, apple! Where are you going??
Once you fall into my hands, you won’t turn back!“- the old witch muttered and hummed under her breath, picking up a round, ripe, rosy apple that had just fallen from a branch from the garden path.
« Just perfect for a long-distance love spell!“- she concluded, admiring the appetizing fullness of the fruit, its complete dense roundness and the dark burgundy color of the thin skin.

A good, strong love spell at a distance requires not only a great desire, but also a beautiful apple, from looking at which your mouth will run on its own, and the sweet apple sourness will spread in your mouth.

The sorceress knew this firsthand; she had long practiced love spells, regardless of the distance separating one loving heart from another - distant and still cold.

She noticed long ago that Any object has a certain energy, you just need to be able to free it from there. For this reason, the old sorceress had a lot of rituals and ceremonies in reserve, associated with certain conspiracies - words-spells.

The sorceress especially liked love spells on apples - an ancient occult symbol, used since ancient times in love magic.

Feedback from those who came to her for help confirmed that this fruit, symbolizing eternity and immortality, is always in her hands gave 100% result, of course, if you carry out the necessary ritual according to all the rules.

Which apple to choose for a long-distance love spell?

Rules These, with the help of which to bewitch a loved one at a distance, the sorceress knew:
  1. A beautiful love song without beginning and end requires a beautiful apple, which also has no beginning and end, because the apple is a ball, just like the closed hoop of a ring.
  2. Red Apple gives a hot, hot intensity of feelings.
    • Red fruits are more often used by those who are desperate to get their husband back from a spree with promises and the power of thought, or, conversely, by those who long to be with their loved one no matter what happens, even if their loved one is married.
  3. Pink or yellow– a calm, almost shy loving caress.
    • This is a helper when a love nest gets cold, when a woman and a man experience feelings for each other similar to love, because the ardor of passions has subsided over the years.
    • Such an update-love spell on a loved one is usually done married women independently, while the man is at a distance from her and home - whether on a business trip or on vacation.
  4. Green(not by color, but by ripeness!) An apple will give the opportunity to “pave a bridge” to an emerging feeling; it is more suitable for a young girl and a young guy just looking for a woman’s embrace. It’s true what they say: “Young is green!”
  5. If the apple cut according to the ritual rule turns out to be with worm or foulbrood, then the ritual should be postponed - it is not suitable for the ritual. You need to throw out the fetus, and wait with the ritual or refuse altogether.

A love spell on a man at a distance does not last long - a year and a half.

Then you will have to either fake a new apple or break up.

When to bewitch your loved one to an apple?

The witch knew and days when a love spell on a man will be especially fast and effective:
  1. The effect of the love spell will be long if the dry spell is made on a man’s day: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.
  2. If these days fall in the phase of the waxing young moon - new moon. The moon itself is a “love advisor,” and the young moon is a symbol of emerging relationships. The moon will grow, and feelings will increase, fueled by desire and the energy of moonlight.
  3. But the most successful day to cast a love spell on your loved one from a distance is Apple saved.
  4. Illuminated apples in the church acquire truly magical properties! It has long been noted that if you whisper your cherished wish over such an apple and then bite into it, your wish will certainly come true. What can we say about the powerful Volkhov ritual of casting a love spell at a distance?!

Thinking about this, the witch grinned: “ But the first priska went to women straight from the hands of their ancestor Eve! It was she who first persuaded Adam to eat a sweet apple. Adam ate, and was so “imbued with love” that he rejected all the original commandments of his Father and resignedly followed Eve beyond the outskirts of the Garden of Eden, agreeing to share with his wife all the hardships for many years! And the Lord sent them children as a consolation... Wouldn’t Eve have given Adam an apple? Would there be a human race on Earth?! That's it. Maybe that’s why a love spell on an apple is considered one of the most effective ways to awaken the heart of a loved one from a distance? At home, so to speak?».

There are a great many ways to bewitch a man from a distance to excite heartfelt feelings with the help of a cheeky, fragrant fruit.

  • on the mirror;
  • for the first snow;
  • in the cold;
  • for spring rain;
  • to the water at the doorstep;
  • on nettle leaves;
  • for sugar and honey...
You can’t list all the ways to return and dry at a distance! And you need something from the listed list, some ritual objects, the poured apple itself - and the bewitch is ready! And it really works!

Preparing for the ritual

It just won't work! Before you bewitch a man from a distance at home, you need to do some manipulations and get ready.
  1. If you cast a love spell on your loved one at a distance on your own, then you will have to work with the apple yourself, not allowing anyone else to look at it or touch it with your hands before and after the ritual.

  • It is best to buy sunny fruit on the day of the charm, but you can postpone it for a day or two. During these days of waiting, no one should see an apple!
  • On the day of the ritual, prepare for it mentally, imagining how you will meet someone who is now far from you, what tenderness and affection awaits you both, what words you will say to each other when you meet.
  • Get ready for the fact that you will have to control yourself and not run every minute to the “magic apple”, tormenting it with questions like: “How are you there? Are you drying out? The best way avoid impatience - do and forget about what you did.
  • You can negatively affect the expected event if you torment yourself and the apple with thoughts: “What if it doesn’t work out?!” The solution is the same as in the previous version - do it and forget it!
  • Never, ever tell anyone that you cast a love spell on your boyfriend from a distance using a fruit, or about how you managed to bring your loved one back from a distance when he seemed to be out of reach.
  • Important to remember!

    The effects of a love spell, as they say, are stable only for a short period of time, designed for the fact that during this time you will be able to convince your loved one that he is unlikely to meet anyone better than you in this life.

    And with your tongue you can easily destroy your own “spell” and the consequences will be fatal. The worst thing is that second time “apple pie”, if you blabbed her about her, already won't work on the object of your feelings either at a distance or in close proximity to the object.

    Remembering how much magical work (not just casting a love spell on a guy or getting her husband back) was wasted, splashed out like handfuls of water, just because some ladies couldn’t keep their mouths shut, the old woman shook her head: “ You must love to brag so much that you can break your own happiness like mirrors in your own home! It's not like you can look at it, you can't even store the fragments!"

    How many times has it happened in her practice: she comes, unhappy, all in tears: “ Help! Cast a love spell on a man (guy)! I can't live without him! Read some spells, bewitch and dry! I will pray to God for you forever

    Here the sorceress, sympathizing and pitying, bewitches, reads spells and prayers, asks for blessings for the bewitcher, and she, as soon as she gets the spoken apple in her hands, flies to “call” all over the area: “I’ll tell you a secret...” It’s all the same Submit an ad in the local newspaper! The love spell doesn't work after that!

    And how beautifully everything was done!

    Love spell on an apple "two halves"

    What does a witch do with an apple to bewitch her beloved?

    The ritual is completed.

    Love spell result

    The ritual consists of not troublesome actions, it requires only the necessary concentration of attention, knowledge of the words that the speaker reads over the apple and a great desire - a message to the strength of those who can fulfill it.

    Any woman can do a love spell on her own.

    The main thing is not to get too carried away and do not turn the appeal to otherworldly forces into a kind of game, retribution can come quickly, and the reprisal will be cruel.

    If everything is done correctly, then as the apple pulp dries out, the attitude towards you of the person on whom the love spell was cast at a distance will change - he will want to spend more time next to you, he will find many things in you. positive traits, which I had not noticed before, etc., etc.
    « He won’t go anywhere – he will fall in love and get married!“Is that what they say?”

    That time everything was done perfectly! All that remained was to hand over the apple with a bow to the “customer” so that she could put it under her pillow for a day, and then leave it to dry in some secluded but sunny place.

    As soon as the apple turns into dried fruit, it will need to be buried not far from the house, or even better, on the path along which your loved one walks to your porch.

    The job is done, and the rest is up to you, dear women!

    So, last time this chatty hen, having taken possession of the apple, immediately rushed to show off her trophy to some friend, to whom, as it turned out later, the chatty chicken’s man had gone. Apparently, my friend knew how to cook borscht better than “chicken” and remain silent longer.

    « No! – the sorceress decided, swinging the apple in her palm again. – In the near future, no conversations on the topic: “How to get a guy back from a distance?” An apple is useful for removing the evil eye. In fact, you can just eat it! Enjoy the taste, not the result, so to speak! »

    One of the most common rituals designed to make a person love-sick is the drying. Since time immemorial, she has helped to capture the attention of a loved one, achieve his favor and reciprocal feelings. Interest in dryness has not subsided even today.

    Perhaps the most popular variation of this love ritual is apple piecing. I am often asked to teach how to make apple icing at home, and such requests mainly come from women and girls. For this reason, I decided to discuss this topic in this article. Apple drying is one of the simplest and most affordable, but no less effective. magical rituals, which is the reason for her fame. This love ritual has its own technique, its own characteristics, and before doing it yourself, you need to at least have a general idea of ​​the ritual.

    I am sure that not everyone will be able to answer the question of why in this love ritual preference is given to an apple over any other fruit. The answer is very simple: the apple is considered the fruit of love, a symbol of temptation (remember Adam and Eve). Love rituals involving this fruit have been known to mankind since ancient times.

    The task that is assigned to the apple pie is to evoke longing for love in the chosen one or the chosen one. The ritual affects the energy field of the victim, influences consciousness and will, and leads to changes in behavior. You can find out that a person is under the influence of apple dryness by the following signs:

    • Severe melancholy: the victim begins to feel mortal melancholy, is very bored, nothing makes him happy.
    • Loss of appetite.
    • Desire to be with only one person- the customer of the dryness.
    • Detachment from the outside world: the victim puts only the person who ordered the ritual on a pedestal, everything and everyone that surrounds him or her ceases to have any meaning.
    • Feeling worse: the ritual begins to act, affecting, first of all, the health of its victim. People with strong immune systems may experience lethargy and fatigue.

    The apple pie has several varieties: some of them are appropriate for cases where the victim and the customer are already in a relationship, others - when the relationship is just being planned by the customer. You need to be careful when choosing the right ritual and be sure to strictly follow the dryness instructions.

    How to choose an apple for a ritual?

    Choose wisely not only the ritual itself, but also its main attribute - the apple.

    • For each ritual, an apple from a tree, picked with one’s own hand, is suitable - it is saturated with living energy, which means that the result of drying will be faster and more pronounced.
    • Some of the dryness on an apple allow the fruit to be purchased at the market, fruit stall or store. Usually this is all stated in the instructions.
    • Choose exactly the fruit that you yourself will like and make you want to eat it. The apple should be the most juicy, rosy and beautiful. Give preference to large fruits - they are easier to work with.
    • Do not make cuts or remove the core under any circumstances, unless this is a condition for drying itself.
    • If it turns out that the apple is wormy or rotten, postpone the ritual for one to two weeks. If you come across a damaged apple 3 times in a row, this is a sign that it’s time to stop trying; higher powers are against it.

    There is nothing out of the ordinary. Start performing the ritual only when you are mentally prepared for it, have thought about all the pros and cons - magic cannot be approached over trifles, it does not tolerate a frivolous attitude. Use drying only in vital cases.

    How to make your own apple dryer?

    Method number 1 - simple drying on an apple

    This method is one of the simplest. To carry it out you will need rosy apple, and not necessarily from the garden - you can buy it in the store. The ritual is performed at midnight, preferably on a waxing moon.

    Look at the apple and try to imagine the features of your chosen one. After you manage to recreate the portrait of your loved one in your imagination, read the following plot:

    “As the apple dries up, so will you, God’s servant.(name of the chosen one), you'll miss me. Amen".

    Read the spell 7 times, then place the apple on a saucer or plate and place it in a place where it will receive direct sunlight (on a windowsill, for example). It is not advisable for anyone to see him. The effect of the ritual will appear within a few weeks.

    Method number 2 - drying on a red apple

    The purpose of this drying is to evoke longing and attraction on the part of the victim. This ritual is performed using red apple(color of passion). It must be picked with one’s own hand in the garden, at dawn. Also prepare 2 candles And 2 toothpicks. Dry at midnight, turning off all sources of artificial light.

    Sit at the table, light the candles, look at the apple and imagine the image of your chosen one. Give free rein to your dreams and imagination: you are together with your loved one, you are filled with a feeling of happiness (visualization enhances the effect of drying). Then pierce the apple with toothpicks in two places (opposite sides), while reading the plot:

    “As this ripe red apple dries, so does God’s servant(name of the chosen one) will yearn and pine for me, God's servant(own name) . So be it! Amen!"

    After drying, go to bed, and leave the apple in a place where direct rays of the sun fall. The effect of the ritual will be noticeable almost immediately; it will take time to get a stronger result.

    An article on the topic: “apple sugaring on the love spell master website” will help you do everything right.

    One of the most common rituals designed to make a person love-sick is the drying. Since time immemorial, she has helped to capture the attention of a loved one, achieve his favor and reciprocal feelings. Interest in dryness has not subsided even today.

    Perhaps the most popular variation of this love ritual is apple piecing. I am often asked to teach how to make apple icing at home, and such requests mainly come from women and girls. For this reason, I decided to discuss this topic in this article. Drinking on an apple is one of the simplest and most accessible, but no less effective, magical rituals, which is the reason for its popularity. This love ritual has its own technique, its own characteristic features, and before doing it yourself, you need to at least have a general understanding of the ritual.

    I am sure that not everyone will be able to answer the question of why in this love ritual preference is given to an apple over any other fruit. The answer is very simple: the apple is considered the fruit of love, a symbol of temptation (remember Adam and Eve). Love rituals involving this fruit have been known to mankind since ancient times.

    The task that is assigned to the apple pie is to evoke lovesickness in the chosen one or the chosen one. The ritual affects the energy field of the victim, influences consciousness and will, and leads to changes in behavior. You can find out that a person is under the influence of apple dryness by the following signs:

    • Severe melancholy: the victim begins to feel mortal melancholy, is very bored, nothing makes him happy;
    • Loss of appetite;
    • The desire to be with only one person - the customer of the drought;
    • Detachment from the surrounding world: the victim puts only the person who ordered the ritual on a pedestal; everything and everyone that surrounds him or her ceases to have any meaning.
    • Deterioration in well-being: the ritual begins to take effect, affecting, first of all, the health of its victim. People with strong immune systems may experience lethargy and fatigue.

    The apple pie has several varieties: some of them are appropriate for cases where the victim and the customer are already in a relationship, others - when the relationship is just being planned by the customer. You need to be careful when choosing the right ritual and be sure to strictly follow the dryness instructions.

    How to choose an apple for a ritual?

    Choose wisely not only the ritual itself, but also its main attribute - the apple.

    • For each ritual, an apple from a tree, picked with one’s own hand, is suitable - it is saturated with living energy, which means that the result from drying will be faster and more pronounced.
    • Some of the dryness on an apple allow the fruit to be purchased at the market, fruit stall or store. Usually this is all stated in the instructions.
    • Choose exactly the fruit that you yourself will like and make you want to eat it. The apple should be the most juicy, rosy and beautiful. Give preference to large fruits - they are easier to work with.
    • Do not make cuts or remove the core under any circumstances, unless this is a condition for drying itself.
    • If it turns out that the apple is wormy or rotten, postpone the ritual for one to two weeks. If you come across a damaged apple 3 times in a row, this is a sign that it’s time to stop trying; higher powers are against it.

    There is nothing out of the ordinary. Start performing the ritual only when you are mentally prepared for it, have thought about all the pros and cons - magic cannot be approached over trifles, it does not tolerate a frivolous attitude. Use drying only in vital cases.

    How to make your own apple dryer?

    Method No. 1 - simple drying on an apple

    This method is one of the simplest. To carry it out, you will need a rosy apple, not necessarily from the garden - you can buy it in the store. The ritual is performed at midnight, preferably on the waxing Moon.

    Look at the apple and try to imagine the features of your chosen one. After you manage to recreate the portrait of your loved one in your imagination, read the following plot:

    “As the apple dries up, so will you, God’s servant.(name of the chosen one) you'll miss me. Amen".

    Read the spell 7 times, then place the apple on a saucer or plate and place it in a place where it will receive direct sunlight (on a windowsill, for example). It is not advisable for anyone to see him. The effect of the ritual will appear within a few weeks.

    Method No. 2 - drying on a red apple

    The purpose of this drying is to evoke longing and attraction on the part of the victim. This ritual is carried out using a red apple (the color of passion). It must be picked with one’s own hand in the garden, at dawn. Also prepare 2 candles and 2 toothpicks. Dry at midnight, turning off all sources of artificial light.

    Sit at the table, light the candles, look at the apple and imagine the image of your chosen one. Give free rein to your dreams and imagination: you are together with your loved one, you are filled with a feeling of happiness (visualization enhances the effect of drying). Then pierce the apple with toothpicks in two places (opposite sides), while reading the plot:

    “As this ripe red apple dries, so does God’s servant(name of the chosen one) will yearn and pine for me, God's servant(own name) . So be it! Amen!"

    After drying, go to bed, and leave the apple in a place where direct rays of the sun fall. The effect of the ritual will be noticeable almost immediately; it will take time to get a stronger result.

    • Love spell on fruit
    • What is a ritual for longing?
    • Signs of Lovesickness Caused by Magic
    • Choosing a fruit for the ritual
    • Magic rite for melancholy
    • Ritual with photography
    • Ritual with red fruit

    Love spell on fruit

    A very popular method for attracting the attention of a guy you like is the smooch. This magical ritual has an average effect on a person. If a girl wants to please a guy, arouse his interest, or push him to take a decisive step, an apple stick is a good choice.

    Ease of use and simple devices for performing the ritual have made this ritual very widespread. And a fairly strong action allows you to achieve the desired results.

    What is a ritual for longing?

    Depending on the impact, different love spells have different effects. In order to induce melancholy, drying agents are usually used. Such rituals influence a person’s energy field and act on his will and thoughts.

    One of the very powerful and effective rituals is the dryness on an apple. The effectiveness of this love spell lies in the magical power of the apple itself. Probably not everyone knows, but this particular fruit is considered a symbol of love, and the love ritual with its participation has a centuries-old history.

    Signs of Lovesickness Caused by Magic

    Like any other magical love spells, drought causes certain changes in behavior. A man who has undergone this type of magical influence is distinguished by the following characteristics:

    • intense melancholy.
      The bewitched man is very bored, with mortal melancholy. Usually, this causes loss of appetite.
    • bad dreams.
      Using a drying agent on a loved one may be characterized by bad dreams or insomnia in the first week.
    • desire to be with one girl.
      Using this ritual guarantees the guy’s passion only for you; other representatives of the fair half of humanity will be uninteresting to him.
    • detachment from the world.
      The use of dryness provokes some rupture with the outside world. A man makes the center of his universe - the girl who dried him up.
    • deterioration of health.
      Usually, in the first and second weeks after the ceremony, a person’s well-being worsens. This is what expresses the beginning of the ritual. However, if a guy has a very strong immune system, then he will simply be tired or lethargic.

    Choosing a fruit for the ritual

    In order for the drying to work on the apple, and the result to be exactly the way you want, you need to take the choice of fruit seriously. Depending on the ritual, the apple can be bought in a store or market, or picked in the garden. This condition is mandatory to fulfill. You must like the apple.

    Beautiful, liquid, bright - choose the fruit that you like. Unless otherwise stated, no core cutting or slicing is allowed. It may happen that the selected apple turns out to be wormy or rotten inside. Then it is better to postpone the ritual for a week or two.

    Magic rite for melancholy

    The easiest to perform, but very effective, is drying using one apple. Choose a beautiful and ripe fruit that you can buy in the store. At midnight, looking at an apple, try to imagine your loved one. Next you need to read the following plot:

    “As the apple dries up, so you, servant of God (name), will miss me.

    Repeat the spell seven times, and upon completion, place the fruit on a saucer and place it in a place where the sun's rays will fall. The first results can be seen within a few weeks.

    Ritual with photography

    For the next ritual you will need a photograph of your loved one, a beautiful apple and a red satin or silk ribbon. Your boyfriend should be alone in the picture. Depending on the clarity of the photo, the result will be visible. Do not crop the photo under any circumstances: magic does not like scissors. At midnight, sit down at the table and cut an apple into two halves. Write yours on the photo full name and fold the photo into a small square. Place the photo in the core of one of the halves and cover with the other.

    “A pouring apple will help me dry the servant of God (name) to the servant of God (name) forever and ever.

    At the end of the ritual, the apple must be removed to a sunny place. Please note that if the apple begins to rot over time rather than dry out, then it is better not to bewitch this man. Attracting your loved one in this way requires you to have only positive and joyful thoughts. In no case, do not be sad or sad. Wait for the result in a good mood.

    Ritual with red fruit

    This drying involves the use of a red apple, which must be picked from the garden at dawn. The bright red color of the fruit symbolizes passion, which will help to evoke not only longing in your loved one, but also attraction. In addition to the apple, you will need two toothpicks and two candles. Magic does not like electric lighting; it is better to “conjure” by candlelight. At midnight you need to sit down at the table, light the candles and, looking at the apple, imagine your beloved. Dream a little, imagine: you and your loved one are together, happy and smiling. Such visualizations significantly enhance the effect of a love spell.

    Now you need to pierce the fruit with toothpicks on two opposite sides with the following words.

    “How this red and ripe apple dries up,
    so the servant of God (name) will pine and yearn for me, the servant of God (name).
    Let it be so.

    After this, you need to silently go to bed, and leave the apple in a place where the sun's rays fall. The drying effect begins almost immediately, but noticeable results require a little time.

    Exist various methods magical effects on humans. A love addiction for an apple allows you to please a guy, make him feel bored and yearning. A Various types and the types of this ritual will help each girl find the necessary ritual.

    If you need to attract the attention and love of a certain man, then you should definitely turn to magic: only special rituals will help you achieve the desired result.

    The most popular in this matter is the so-called drying of the guy.

    This love spell involves transferring the analogy of drying up feelings to a specific object, most often an apple is used: the faster the enchanted fruit dries, the more attached the victim of the ritual is to you.

    Such a love spell is performed quite simply and does not entail negative consequences, which is why newcomers to the magical arts often turn to him.

    Features of drying

    Rites of dryness for men can vary significantly in type, depending on the goals that you set for yourself. However, one general requirement must remain unchanged: the apple, as a magical object, should be chosen very carefully.

    In order to commit right choice, just follow some recommendations:

    • It is best if you pick such a fruit with your own hands from a fruit tree: only in this case can you say with confidence that the apple will be truly fresh and filled with natural energy.
    • If you do not have such an opportunity, then you can simply purchase the fruit in a store or fruit stall, but first you should make sure that such an action is permitted by the conditions of a particular love spell.
    • Be sure to choose the most beautiful and juicy apple: it should stand out against the background of other fruits and you yourself will like it.

    Sucking on melancholy

    This simple ritual will allow you to evoke in a man’s soul a feeling of boredom and longing for you. To perform it correctly, one apple will be enough for you. Such a fruit can simply be purchased in a store; this will not diminish the power of the ritual.

    This apple drying is carried out exactly at twelve o’clock at night, when you will be left completely alone. You need to mentally focus on achieving the desired goal: to do this, take the prepared apple in your hands and give it the features of your loved one.

    When you are ready, say the following spell words to the fruit:

    “As the apple dries up, so you, servant of God (name), will miss me. Amen!"

    This phrase must be said at least seven times, after which the magic apple is put away on a plate in a sunny place where strangers will not touch it. With the gradual drying of the fruit, a longing for you will flare up in the heart of the enchanted man, which he cannot do anything to remove.

    Drying according to photo

    This love spell is somewhat stronger than other spells, but will require some preparation from you. First of all, you should prepare the following items:

    • Big beautiful apple.
    • A photograph of a man whose love needs to be dried.
    • Sharp knife.
    • Red ribbon.
    • Pencil or pen.

    Particular attention should be paid to the selection of not only the magic fruit, but also the photograph: the photograph should be clear and taken relatively recently. In addition, it should only show one of your loved ones.

    Exactly at midnight, when all the necessary things are at hand, you can safely begin the ritual. To do this, cut an apple into two halves, and on the back of the man’s photo write your full name and your date of birth. Such a photograph should be carefully folded into a small square and placed between the two halves of an apple. Fold the fruit itself so that it looks whole again and tie it with a red ribbon. The following words should be read on the node:

    “A pouring apple will help me dry the servant of God (name) to the servant of God (name) forever and ever. Amen!"

    Such a charmed apple should also be put in a hiding place, where there will be enough direct sunlight. As it dries out, the bewitched man’s passion will only increase.

    Please note that if such a charmed apple does not dry out, but immediately begins to rot, then this is an important signal for you: it will not be possible to dry this man for certain reasons.

    Drying on a red apple

    This ritual is also quite powerful due to the fact that it uses a strictly defined fruit of a rich red color. This fruit has long been considered to have a special power, similar to the energy of love and passion. To enhance the effect of this plot, an apple should not be bought, but picked in the garden, preferably at dawn.

    In addition to the magical red apple, you will need two more wax candles and two new toothpicks for drying.

    In the evening, stay alone and light both candles on the table. Place an apple near them and mentally focus on your desire to be with a man: think about this fact as if it had already happened, imagine your joy and happiness.

    When you feel ready, stick one toothpick into the apple on opposite sides, saying the following words:

    “Just as this red and ripe apple dries up, so the servant of God (name) will dry up and yearn for me, the servant of God (name). Let it be so. Amen!"

    Such a charmed fruit must be left on the straight lines for a while. sun rays so that the drying effect passes as quickly as possible.

    Apple pie is a traditionally feminine way of making a man experience the torment and torment characteristic of deep love affection. This love spell method, attractive with its simplicity and ease of achieving the desired effect, has been very popular among the fairer sex since time immemorial.

    Prisushka is a magical ritual that implies the awakening of feelings such as tenderness, melancholy, longing, lust, passion and undivided love for the girl performing the sacrament.

    If you take an apple as a means to conquer a man, you will not go wrong in your choice. Everyone knows the biblical story about the Serpent-tempter who gave Eve this fruit, and what happened after the first people on Earth tasted it: they experienced a hitherto unknown feeling - shame, and as punishment for disobedience (after all, God did not tell Adam to eat the fruits of the forbidden trees) were expelled from paradise.

    The story from mythology has also survived to this day. Ancient Greece about an apple that became the cause of a destructive war (“apple of discord”).

    According to legend, Eris, the goddess of discord, gave a fruit with the inscription “The Most Beautiful” to Aphrodite, Hera and Athena in order to quarrel between them. She made the right decision, because the celestials could not decide which of them was more beautiful.

    The Graces attracted the help of Paris, who identified Aphrodite as the first beauties, and she, wanting to thank the young Trojan prince, stole Helen, the wife of the king of Sparta, for him. This ended, as we know, with the Trojan War.

    And how many fairy tales that have survived to this day are built around the fruit of paradise: “The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “The Scarlet Flower”, “Geese-Swans” and others.

    The apple tree, which gives people its fruits, is popularly called the tree of life, and, moreover, one can often find a comparison of a person with an apple in the wise folk sayings: “An apple from an apple tree...”, “A wormy soul like an apple”...

    Endowed with numerous magical qualities, the fruit rightfully took a leading place in the love magic of the Slavs.

    The terms “love spell” and “sugar” (“dryness”) are often used interchangeably, but the difference is still present and we would like to point out their differences to you.

    Prisushka is somewhat different from a love spell in that its action does not suppress the will of the object at which it is directed. A person yearns and suffers, but he is aware of what he is doing, his feelings manifest themselves in a natural form.

    With a black love spell, the consciousness of the bewitched object is clouded, closed: in the head there are thoughts only about the one who bewitched him.

    Drying is also a softer method to arouse sympathy in the man you like. In terms of its strength and possible consequences, dryness is classified as an intermediate method of influencing a person between non-working (weak) and very strong (non-removable).

    Love spells are considered to be a means of heavy artillery, because their consequences are disastrous both for the heroes of the ritual and for their descendants.

    Drying your loved one is quite simple; no special knowledge in the field of magic is required, the main thing is to prepare well and follow all the instructions of the ritual.

    Let us immediately note that if the selected object has strong protection, drying may not work. The magic will not work even if the man experiences strong hatred or disgust or disgust towards the performer of the sacrament.

    There are several types of apple icing. They do not require special preparations or special magical surroundings. The lunar cycle does not matter, nor does the location.

    • We take a good large ripe fruit. We cut it into two halves and put small paper notes inside the apple with the names of the couple and locks of their hair. Then we pronounce the words of the love spell: “As a pouring apple dries up, so the Servant of God (name is called) will begin to dry up for the servant of God (name himself). Amen!" Then we fasten the halves of the apple by stitching with red thread (preferably wool) and hide them in a secluded place, inaccessible to anyone. The result will be noticeable when it rots most of fetus
    • "Love spell on a red apple." It is used for dryness of both boys and girls. For the ritual you will need a variety of Amur red apples, preferably from own garden, and a photograph of the one against whom the conspiracy is being made. You also need to take a wool thread (red) and a new knife with a wooden handle. Cut a ripe apple in half and place a photo between the halves. Next, having connected the parts of the fruit, tie it with a thread in three directions, making knots. Every time you tie a knot, say the phrase: “Give me an apple of love, love (say the name of your chosen one)!” This apple is drying in the sun, and you, dear (name again), are drying up from great love for me! Let your life become attached to mine, so be it!” The enchanted fruit is placed either on a windowsill chosen on the sunny side of the house, or in a warm place (behind the radiator). A dried apple should be buried in the garden of your loved one’s house, or hidden under his threshold. If this cannot be done, cook a compote from dried fruit and treat it to your lover. The plot will not work if you are in a quarrel or your boyfriend has left you.
    • If a woman wants to return her husband who abandoned her, she must also cut the ripe fruit and attach a photo of her husband, only love plot on the apple will be the following: “Any of my hubby (you call him), come back to me (you call yourself), come back forever, come back soon, forget the other bitches, smear dirt on their faces, let the one who took you away from me like a bitch die. Let my tears flow down to her drop by drop, come out sideways and make a hole in her chest. Mother earth, hear my prayers. I ask you, I offer you a sacrifice.”

    Bury the apple deeper in the ground (not in a snowdrift or sand), and bury the knife with it (as a sacrifice).

    They say that as soon as the first worm crawls through the apple and gnaws a photo along the way, it will return to the family, and will forget about its adventures and love on the side forever.

    The main thing is that you wait for his return. Otherwise, he is destined for death from melancholy.

    The ritual with an apple, performed for dryness, belongs to the rituals of white magic because of its mild effect. However, if the feelings are carried out incorrectly or if the feelings are not serious, the consequences of the “apple binding” will be similar to the consequences of any love spell. Your loved one’s behavior will show aggression, health problems will arise, your loved one may start abusing alcohol, etc.

    When performing a ritual, pay attention to details that may distort the effect of magic:

    1. If a cut apple has any flaws: rot, worms, mold, do not use it. This suggests that either the object of the love spell was chosen incorrectly, or the time for magic is inappropriate. Postpone the ritual immediately.
    2. If, after the start of the sacrament, someone disturbed you (called, knocked, a bird began to beat on the window), the thread broke or slipped, the pen stopped writing or the pencil broke, the knife fell or broke, etc. - postpone it for at least a decade. The drying will not work or the effect will not be what you need.
    3. If the apple rots very slowly, then the spell did not work. Give up the desire to get this person as a mate - he is not suitable for you.

    Remember, drying does not last long on an apple. It is necessary to strengthen it with your attitude towards your sweetheart, to be gentle and affectionate with him, to constantly tell him how good, smart, and handsome he is! Feed him yummy food and don’t deny him closeness! Create comfort so that he cannot do without you!

    ratings, average:

    Everyone knows this story about Adam and Eve and how the treacherous Eve seduced Adam and lured him with an apple. Currently, many girls do not succeed the way they would like. But, as great minds have always said: we are the creators of our own destiny and happiness, which is why many resort to love magic to create their own personal female happiness. There is such a type of love magic as piecing on an apple.

    What does love magic include?

    Love magic is a fairly broad area that includes both dark and light sides. Of course, black magic is used by experienced fortune tellers and mediums who are not afraid to take responsibility for the love spell they have committed. To attract the attention of your lover, just choose one of the following types of love magic:
    • love spell;
    • conspiracies;
    • drying.

    As a rule, love spells are a kind of hypnosis or zombification, depending on who you like. After a love spell, a person is as if in a shroud, driven by some force and not understanding everything that is happening. Most often, this kind of magic has consequences that are quite sad. Believing religion, one can note the fact that it is considered a sin. A person interferes with his destiny and tries to change it, not knowing the future consequences.

    As for conspiracies, the following can be noted: they can be both negative and positive. That is, if we charm our family for prosperity and happiness, this is a positive conspiracy, but if we charm water, for example, and give it to someone to drink, thereby tying the person to ourselves, this is already considered negative.

    And finally, drying. This topic is quite controversial regarding its seriousness. Many people believe that this is similar to zombies, but with a milder effect that can only cause love-sickness or mild interest. The effect of this kind of magic is short-lived, and there are practically no guarantees that this hobby can develop into a great and pure feeling. Many girls still take up this type of magic, being confident that with the effort they make, the feelings of their loved one will definitely become hot and bright.

    Consequences of a loved one's sugar

    Why are dryers usually made? As a rule, to cause a slight effect of falling in love, manifested in melancholy. Then the only thing left to do is to show all the charm and feminine charms. Like any magical rituals, drying brings changes to the life of the object of interest in the following form:
    • loss of appetite, this often happens when people fall in love;
    • insomnia appears;
    • idealization of a particular girl;
    • feeling unwell, unwell or sick;
    • isolation (a person moves away from friends and family).

    Therefore, if you decide to definitely dry your loved one, you need to carefully approach the choice, since the rituals differ in their magical effect.

    Choosing Ritual Attributes

    Since many sugars for your loved one are made on an apple, you need to carefully approach the choice of this very fruit. Why should we take this seriously? If you choose an apple with your soul and listen to your inner voice, then the dryness on the apple will have a stronger effect than when choosing the first apple you come across.

    Types of rituals

    The most common method is to dry the apple at midnight. It's pretty simple but effective method to send lovesickness to the groom. To do this, you need to choose a ripe and liked apple, and at midnight, holding it in your hands, you need to clearly imagine your loved one and pronounce the words:

    “As the apple dries, so you (name) will miss me. Amen".

    You need to say this seven times, and then put the fruit where it will be exposed to sunlight. The result will surprise you within a few days.

    For period blood

    Drying the apple is also done in another way. For many, it may seem quite unpleasant, but for those who still decide to cast a “spell,” it will be very effective. This ritual is performed during menstruation. Of course, you need to choose a beautiful and ripe apple, cut it into 2 halves, and what is most unpleasant and embarrassing, you need to “wipe” yourself with half of the apple in that very place so that the fruit is covered with menstrual blood. Then leave for 15 minutes so that the apple dries a little, then remove excess blood with a napkin.

    The most interesting thing about this apple addiction is that you don’t need to say anything, since everything happens at the energetic level. That is, your desires themselves will be sent to the universe, will be heard and directed in the right direction. At this point the ritual is not yet completed. This fruit must be given to the chosen one to eat; of course, this must be done so that nothing is noticeable. It is not recommended to eat this apple yourself. After such a ritual, the guy will be persistent, but in the first three days after the ritual, under no circumstances should you have sexual intercourse with him, only on the 3rd day, after which he is yours forever.

    In order to achieve their beloved, girls are capable of much. But you need to remember that any conspiracy or drying is an unwanted love influence that changes not only the fate of the person charmed, but also yours. You need to be deeply confident that this person is your destiny.

    Drying powder for apple- very popular magical rituals. Their roots go back to the deep past. It is worth remembering only one of Pushkin’s fairy tales, in which this fruit helped remove a rival from the road. In many folk tales, the apple was considered a magical object that helped goodness to triumph.

    Who can do it for?

    In magic, an apple symbolizes love and sexual energy. It is noteworthy that most love spells using an apple as an attribute belong to white magic, so they cannot harm.

    Apple drying can be used by both men and women. But you need to choose the right fruit. It is optimal to use red fruits in rituals, as they symbolize love passion. Universal drying involves using only an apple; no other attributes are required for the ritual. But at the same time, it is very important that the performer sincerely believes that he is taking the right actions and the ritual will be effective.

    During the late evening, during the waxing period of the moon, it is necessary to retire to a separate room. You should turn off the artificial lighting in the room and light a red candle. Then you need to take the fruit in your hands and press it to your chest. For some time you need to think about your lover or beloved. Thoughts must be positive. After this, you need to cast the following spell on the apple with outstretched hands:

    “As this magic apple dries and withers, so you, Slave of God (name of your loved one) will miss me more and more. Amen!"

    After this, you need to put the apple in a secluded place and forget about it forever. The drying will begin to act almost immediately, but the strength of the effect depends on the relationship you have with your chosen one. If there was physical intimacy between you before, then the love spell will manifest itself very quickly.

    Features of the ritual depending on the gender of the person being bewitched

    Love spells on an apple are notable for the fact that they have the same effect on both men and women. But due to natural emotionality, rituals are more effective if they are performed by a woman. A ritual in which, in addition to fruit, a photograph of a loved one is used is considered especially powerful.

    Basic conditions of the ritual:

      The photo must be fresh, taken no earlier than six months ago. In the photo, the image of the beloved should be clear without any blurriness or spots. The fruit should be ripe and beautiful, without any flaws.

    Secluded in a separate room, on the back of the photo you should write the name and birthday of the loved one whom you plan to bewitch. After this, the photo is folded to form a square. After this, the apple is cut into two parts and a folded photograph is placed inside. The apple is then tied with red wool thread.

    During all actions, you must always think about your loved one and imagine a future happy and harmonious relationship with him. There is no need to say anything. The power of the ritual depends entirely on the internal energy message. Once there is a feeling that the energy beam has reached the target, the apple should be removed to a secluded place. Typically, results appear within a week. When the relationship with your loved one begins to improve, the apple can be thrown away.

    Reviews from those who cast a love spell on an apple

    According to reviews, love spells with apples are very popular. Many people emphasize that in order for the ceremony to be successful, you need to choose the right fruit. Of course, the apple should be beautiful and ripe, but besides this, you need to walk through the market and buy exactly the fruit that will attract you. It should be remembered that when buying fruit, you cannot take change.

    Despite the fact that love spells with an apple belong to white magic, there are reviews that focus on the negative consequences of rituals. Many people say that after a love spell, a man’s character changes and the person next to him is completely different from the one he dreamed of.

    Analyzing reviews of love spells with apples, we can draw the following conclusions. If people feel sympathy for each other, then in this case the love spell of this type will be very useful. It will strengthen the relationship. But if you are going to bewitch a person who does not have any feelings for you, then this will not lead to anything good. Moreover, such a ritual will have serious negative consequences.

    How and when does the ritual begin?

    Love spells on an apple begin to work very quickly. As a rule, the first results will be visible within a week. This ritual is convenient because after it no contact with the person being bewitched is required. the result manifests itself in the form of a strong attraction to the performer.

    It will immediately be noticeable that your lover strives to spend as much time as possible with you. Moreover, the emotional background of your communication with you will be positive. The man will be ready to remove any obstacles that will interfere with communication with you.

    But if a man was indifferent to you before the love spell, then torment may occur in his soul, due to the fact that he will not be able to explain to himself the feelings that have washed over him. Moreover, when he is next to you, he will not experience sincere love or at least sympathy. In such cases, the lover will resist external influences and his health may temporarily deteriorate. This will show up:

      Headaches. Apathy. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

    Due to the fact that the love spell with an apple acts gently, it won’t be long before a man gives in to his inner desire and turns his attention to you. It is this moment that will need to be taken advantage of in order to awaken sincere feelings in the soul of the chosen one.

    It should be remembered that when you bewitch your chosen one, you should not remain idle, relying entirely on the power of magic. An apple is a magical remedy that awakens sympathy and slight love. To keep your chosen one close to you, you need to awaken stronger feelings in his soul. And this needs to be done quite quickly while the love spell is in effect. And his strength will weaken significantly in about a month.

    Possible consequences and precautions

    A love spell using an apple belongs to village magic. It is believed that it does not have negative consequences. With this love spell it is impossible to bewitch a person long time, it is a suitable means to attract attention.

    Love spells on apples have a mild effect. The bewitched person develops an unobtrusive attraction to the performer of the ritual, on the basis of which one can begin to build a harmonious relationship.

    Negative consequences from this love spell appear only if something goes wrong during the ritual. That is, if external interference arises, then the ritual should be abandoned. A wormy apple may indicate that the ritual will be ineffective and dangerous. You also need to stop if the outwardly beautiful apple turns out to be spoiled inside.

    Other warning signs that may appear during the ceremony:

      The candles went out. Your health suddenly worsened. You accidentally cut yourself with a knife or were burned by a candle flame.

    Such signs indicate that the Higher Powers are against the ritual. Also take this as a sign that you and your chosen one are not suitable for each other.

    How to make a love spell on two halves of an apple

    The most famous are the rituals that involve cutting an apple during the process of divination. For the most effective ritual, you should pick an apple from a tree in the garden. If it is not possible to do this, then you can purchase the fruit at the market. It should be a beautiful fruit that will attract your attention. When purchasing an apple, it is important to pay for it without change, or you should not take change.

    Before casting a love spell on an apple, you need to properly tune in to it. During the ritual you should be in positive mood. The ritual is carried out in a separate room. It is advisable to organize the environment in such a way that nothing and no one will disturb you.

    The ritual is very simple, but requires complete concentration on the goal. To do this, you need to light candles in the room and sit, thinking about your lover. To make a strong energetic message, it is important to awaken the strongest love feelings in your soul. It is thanks to them that it will be possible to perform a quality love spell.

    After this, you need to cut the fruit into two parts with a sharp knife. Under no circumstances should you cut into the core. After this you need to take a clean one White list paper and write on it the name of your chosen one and given name. Then the leaf is folded so that it fits the diameter of the apple. It fits between two halves. In this form, the apple is tied with red thread or ribbon and hidden in a secluded place. If it happens that the thread breaks while tying the fruit, then this is a sign that the love spell will not be effective. Therefore, it is tedious to interrupt the ritual and simply throw away the apple.

    A little time will pass, and such a magic apple will attract your loved one to you. During this period, you should try to spend as much time as possible with your chosen one. You need to try to improve your relationship with him. If you manage to do this, then most likely your relationship will turn out well. But if you are not destined for each other, then you need to prepare for it, that you will have to let the person go. The effect of the love spell will fade over time, and it may happen that you and your chosen one will remain good friends.

    For a strong love spell, use red fruit. The following ritual is suitable for cases when you are sure that a man likes you, but for some reason he cannot take the first step towards you.

    To do this, you need to retire to a separate room. An Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos should be installed there. Behind it you need to put a red apple. After this, you should go outside the threshold of your house and with deep feeling say the following spell:

    “The beautiful natural red apple is drying up, so the Servant of God (name of the chosen one) sighs very much for me. The beautiful natural red apple is constantly rotting due to rot, so the Servant of God (name of the chosen one) will soon want to see me. Holy Mother of God, I ask you, I beg you, remind my dear God’s Servant (proper name) about me. Let him constantly think about me, let him constantly yearn for me. Just as a beautiful natural red apple will dry up, so will my dear one miss me. He will dream about me and look for a suitable opportunity to meet me. Amen".

    The described ritual should be carried out during the waxing moon. It should be understood that it will be successful only if your chosen one really sympathizes with you. Every day the relationship between you will improve. Once the apple dries, your loved one will most likely propose to you. But at the same time, it is very important that no one finds the apple behind the icon. It is important to sincerely believe in the effectiveness of the ritual. Any doubt significantly reduces the effectiveness of the love spell. It’s not very good if the apple behind the icon begins to rot rather than dry out. This portends that the relationship will soon end due to circumstances beyond your control.

    Any love spells using apples are suitable for beginners. If you have made every effort, but at the same time, have not been able to win the favor of your chosen one or chosen one, try casting a love spell on an apple. It will allow you to awaken sympathy in the soul of your lover, which already gives hope for further development relationships.

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