Asparagus plant. Asparagus: description of species, planting and care at home. Appearance and structure

Many people like to chew raw pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds, so for many the question is how to quickly peel the seeds at home. There is a great demand for them in stores, this is explained by their usefulness for the human body. Pumpkin seeds help get rid of many diseases. They contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as a large number of vitamins E, A, B, C, D and K. Pumpkin seeds are used very actively in cooking.

How to choose good seeds

The most effective way is to grow a pumpkin and then pick out the seeds from it. But if there is no place to grow vegetables, then the seeds can be purchased at the market. In this case, it is necessary to turn special attention to some nuances:

Obtaining raw purified kernels

Pumpkin seeds are actively used to treat many diseases. They need to be consumed in small quantities. It is enough to eat 10 g of seeds per day. It will not be difficult to clean this amount by hand. But if you need to prepare kernels for several people, then the following kind of problem may arise: how to peel pumpkin seeds at home. To solve this problem, the following method is suitable:

  1. The pumpkin must be cut in half and removed from the seeds.
  2. Remove pulp from the seeds and rinse under running water using a colander.
  3. Next, you need to drain the water, then place the seeds on a baking sheet or oilcloth in one layer.
  4. Stirring occasionally, allow the seeds to dry.

If for drying apply heat treatment , this will destroy the beneficial components in the product. Therefore, it is not advisable to use pumpkin kernels for pre-drying. high temperatures. Ideal drying is considered to be near heating devices or in the sun. If drying occurs in the oven, then the temperature should be set to minimum and the door slightly open. The air in the oven should not feel like it is burning your hand.

How to peel pumpkin seeds:

If pumpkin kernels are used without a medicinal effect, they can be fried. In this case, the peel becomes fragile and is easily digested.

How to clean seeds in large quantities

Quickly remove the husk from the kernel large quantities can be done using the following method:

When all the pumpkin seeds have been processed, the peel must be removed with a spoon, and the liquid along with the pumpkin seeds must be drained through a colander. Next, you need to rinse the seeds with running water. Then the kernels should be dried, after which they are ready for use.

There are varieties of pumpkin where the seeds are without skin and do not need to be peeled. If you have a personal plot, then a special variety of pumpkin can be planted there. Thus, you can provide yourself with pumpkin seeds in sufficient quantities.

Industrial cleaning

In production conditions, cleaning is done using specialized equipment. It consists of cyclones and crushers. Their principle is similar to how a blender works. The installation consists of several nodes. Equipment in industrial scale produced for the purpose of production of kozinaki and confectionery industry. You can watch a video on the Internet to see how seeds are cleaned in production.

Description of the process of cleaning sunflower kernels

The production facility has special equipment with which you can clean sunflower kernels in a short period of time. The cleaning process follows the following scheme:

Such installations are useful only for industrial cleaning. To clean seeds at home, there is no point in buying such a device. The cost of the device is very high. This option is not suitable for home.

The technology for cleaning the seeds is similar to the traditional roasting of unpeeled sunflower kernels. In industrial production conditions, they are cleaned using special seed crushers. To peel, clean and separate sunflower kernels, you need to purchase specialized equipment; its cost starts from 700,000 rubles. Before the stage of roasting the seeds, it is necessary to remove the husks using a seed crusher.

Sunflower seeds, pre-calibrated, are poured into a 50 kg hopper. After processing, the seeds enter the equipment drum. The result is pure seeds, unpeeled seeds and flour. Unpeeled kernels are sent for re-husking.

To thoroughly clean sunflower kernels from the unpeeled seeds they contain, a vibrating pneumatic table is used. Its cost starts from 140,000 rubles. The separation of sunflower seeds by specific gravity occurs due to reciprocating movements and periodic shaking of the surface of the box. Fans create an air flow, which helps to separate the raw materials into fractions. There is a whole range of equipment that allows you to fully automate the process of seed cleaning. This includes the following settings:

  1. Centrifugal seed grinder.
  2. Screw conveyor.
  3. Cyclone.

Separating pumpkin seeds from the peel

In addition to the main activity - the production of fried seeds, there is an opportunity to set up the production of pumpkin kernels at the production facility. If the device can simultaneously clean sunflower and pumpkin seeds, this will increase the profit margin, which will soon recoup the costs of setting up a business. Where are pumpkin kernels used:

  1. When baking certain types of bread.
  2. In the manufacture of confectionery and for many other purposes.

Direct waste after production:

  1. The husks can also be sold at negotiated prices.
  2. With its help, pontoon and hyxose sugar, mushrooms are grown, and biofuel is produced.

Pumpkin seed production process not much different from sunflower seeds. Cleaning nuances:

Then the machine has the ability to fry pumpkin seeds with or without salt, or with the addition of spices. The finished product is packaged in metallized polyethylene packaging of 60 g. Thanks to such reliable packaging, the kernels are protected from negative external influences.

Benefits of roasted sunflower seeds and pumpkin kernels

Almost every person roasted sunflower seeds associated with watching TV or summer walks along the streets. Sunflower seeds are an amazing product that is easily absorbed by the body, saturating it with vitamins and minerals.

The biological value of sunflower seeds is much higher than that of eggs or meat. The vitamin D content exceeds acceptable standards, even compared to cod liver oil. Sunflower seeds can improve the condition of the skin and mucous membranes; when consumed, the acid-base balance is normalized. Sunflower seeds contain a large amount of essential amino acids, which ensures normal metabolism. Potassium, magnesium, phosphorus ensure stable functioning of the cardiovascular system, prevent the occurrence of myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis.

Husk the seeds helps strengthen nervous system, because opening the peel calms the nerves. Such a simple process is a kind of meditation, which in terms of effectiveness can be compared to the use of rosary beads. When the seeds are peeled manually, a massage is created on the fingertips, where the nerve endings are located.

Some nutritionists claim that white pumpkin seeds bring much more benefits to the body than dark ones. Pumpkin seeds stabilize blood pressure, so they are useful for people with hypertension. Patients with a weak vestibular system use this product for nausea. Pumpkin seeds are also useful in the early stages of pregnancy, they help to cope with toxicosis. If you use them during lactation, then all of them will be passed on to your baby through breast milk. useful material, vitamins and other nutritional elements.

Pumpkin and sunflower seeds are a natural and tasty product given by nature itself. But when consuming them, it is necessary to control the amount of seeds eaten. Some people may be intolerant.

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