Breeding rabbits using the Mikhailov method: technology and practical advice. Breeding rabbits using the Mikhailov method: raising accelerated animals at home Breeding accelerated rabbits in Moldova

Breeding rabbits using the Mikhailov method in the mid-70s of the twentieth century became a real revolution in rabbit breeding. Igor Nikolaevich Mikhailov invented an automatic machine that independently looked after rabbits, without human effort. This method was called MIACRO. Who are Accelerator Rabbits? What are the conditions for breeding and keeping rabbits using this method? Read further in our article.

Who are Accelerator Rabbits?

Accelerated rabbit breeding is becoming increasingly popular these days. Acceleration is a feature of the eared pet’s body, which is based on the long-term consolidation of the basic productive forces of any breed at the genetic level. This is a strong and completely healthy generation of rabbits, characterized by maximum productivity and productivity. Also, accelerated rabbits involve enormous selection work, which involves selecting and raising the healthiest rabbits in a natural environment and with natural nutrition. The accelerated rabbit has an important advantage over the ordinary one - it is almost not susceptible to colds or illnesses, since it has a powerful immune system.

Accelerate grows quickly - in about 3-4 months it already becomes sexually mature. Such a rabbit is clean, and its waste does not have an unpleasant odor. Good fertility - also hallmark acceleration. A female rabbit of this species can give birth to eight babies at a time, which grow quickly. To select these animals, you can take any breed of rabbit, however the best option will take an existing accelerator.

The fur of the accelerated rabbit has its own name - micraxel and in its quality is equal to the down of chinchillas. This is due to proper nutrition and lifestyle of the animals. The meat of these rabbits is environmentally friendly, delicious, and has a milky taste. Due to the fact that rabbits are constantly in comfortable conditions, their meat has medicinal properties and retains all useful substances.

In accordance with the latest technologies When breeding accelerated rabbits, at four months they can already weigh 4 kg.

Basics of accelerated rabbit breeding

Breeding rabbits using the Mikhailov method is based on the maximum coordination of the conditions of keeping eared animals with their physiology. Previously, rabbit breeders fed their pets 3 times a day, and some theorists concluded that two times would be enough, which reduced labor costs for human maintenance of cages. IN natural conditions rabbits eat up to 80 times a day. Special MIACRO farms provide rabbits with a constant supply of food. Accordingly, pets eat constantly and grow continuously.

When mating, rabbits should not be touched by the scruff of the neck or the ears. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules for carrying animals that exist in accelerated rabbit breeding. Mating is scheduled when at least one free uterine tier appears on the farm in the presence of female rabbits who are already 122 days old. If possible, the female that the breeder selects for mating should be the largest of the group. Having chosen a female rabbit, it is necessary to assign her to one of the males suitable for her genetic group, who on the day of mating did not yet have work experience.

The selected male is given a mesh partition in his cage. Thus, two sections are obtained, in one of which there is a male, in the other there is a basket with a girl. Next, the rabbit breeder needs to lay the basket on its side and leave to do any other work on the farm. It takes time for the female to sniff the room, make sure it is safe and smell the male.

If, after some time, the rabbit breeder sees that the female has huddled in a corner and is not showing interest in the male, it is necessary to take her back to the cage and take the next candidate. If she is active and looking for a way to the male, then the partition is removed. In this way, correct pairing will occur according to the Mikhailov method.

If the rabbit is experienced, mating is much simpler: she jumps into the basket herself, guessing where she is going to be delivered.

If purchasing ready-made accelerated rabbits is impossible, you must take any mated females, but do not change the above method. In this case, no more than 5 rabbits should be left under the female for the first time, and subsequently - 8. The next generation will almost become accelerators. In this case, it is necessary to purchase female rabbits, and not females that have already worked. Rabbits get used to the work schedule incredibly quickly, and an old retro rabbit will finish lactation already on the 19th, 28th or 35th day. Rabbits from such a mother will develop slowly and get sick.

Also, baby rabbits should not be forcibly separated from their mother, as was done previously using the Milovanov-Pavlov method. The old method suggested that rabbit breeders wean babies on the 20th day of their life, but when using this method, many rabbits died. In accordance with the Mikhailov method, babies are not separated from the rabbit for 90 days from the date of birth. The rabbit breeder noticed that with mother's milk, the accelerator receives immunity from various diseases. Thus, he becomes healthy for life.

Conditions of detention

Raising rabbits using the Mikhailov method implies that animals must:

  • live in a spacious and clean floor;
  • eat 80 times a day due to the structure of the digestive system. The thin stomach of the long-eared animal does not contract, so the food is pushed through with the next portions of food. The more often a rabbit eats, the faster its growth;
  • drink plenty of self-purifying water, heated to almost body temperature in winter, and cool in summer;
  • do not get vaccinated;
  • also minimize contact between the rabbit breeder and his animals.

All these living conditions are easily provided by special semi-automatic cages, which are called mini-farms. Mikhailov himself developed their design and proposed it to other rabbit breeders.

Mikhailov's cage

Accelerated rabbit breeding using the Mikhailov method involves the use of special cages, which are often used by breeders and collective farms. The design of the cage allows you to keep a large number of heads in a small area. Sheds are placed outside, without walls, and consist of a series of cages with a pitched roof. One such dwelling can accommodate approximately 25 heads.

The breeders open the southern part of the cage, and, on the contrary, insulate the northern part. This is done in order to provide ventilation to the animals. Therefore, rabbits are reliably protected from drafts and cold, but are provided with fresh air.

The ceiling design is sloping, which creates the illusion of a natural animal burrow. It is comfortable for them to be there, and there is enough space for normal life activities. The bottom is covered with a grid so that all droppings fall down, which makes cleaning the cage much easier. The animals are very clean, and the mesh bottom allows the rabbit breeder to always keep the pets’ home in order. Gases from the cage escape through a pipe that requires minimal maintenance.

Approximate cost and payback calculations

In practice, the production regime of such farms is about 27 animals, weighing 4 kg, every 48 days. In fact, in one production cycle, which lasts 15 months, the mini-farm produces 520 kg of clean, environmentally friendly meat, and the skins are enough for 4-5 expensive high-quality fur coats. After 1.5 years, you can get approximately $7,300 from one farm. USA, and the cost of maintaining 1 accelerator rabbit is approximately $40. At the same time, the rabbit breeder can always start expanding the household, which will increase income.

Moreover, Micraxel accelerator fur is also highly valued in the market. Processing firms and companies are engaged in buying fur from 10 to 18 dollars, and rabbit fat and its liver are also highly valued. Rabbit fat is widely used to create perfumes, the cost is about 20-100 dollars per 1 kg. You can also sell fluffy waste, since manure makes good fertilizer. You can sell whole rabbits.

Video "Mikhailov's Farm"

In this video you can see the conditions in which accelerated rabbits are kept in Mikhailov’s mini-farms.

Academician Igor Mikhailov, a resident of St. Petersburg, has become a truly famous person thanks to his new approach associated with the practice of raising rabbits. If you look at the essence, he was able to make a real revolution in rabbit breeding. Today, many people use his developments in raising rabbits in their households.

Method of breeding rabbits according to Mikhailov

Breeding rabbits according to Mikhailov made it possible to raise real accelerated animals, which began to have the ability to reproduce extremely quickly. So, one pair of furry animals will be enough to replenish your household with another twenty-five individuals in nine months.

Mikhailov, developing his innovative method, first of all, was based on the most important conclusion that he made personally. So, in particular, in the process of studying the issue of increasing the productivity of rabbit breeding, he was able to discover that rabbits would begin to react unsatisfactorily to their communication with humans. This reaction ultimately leads to severe stress, which in turn leads to...

Thus, Mikhailov was able to conclude that communication between rabbits and humans (breeders) should be kept to a minimum. For this purpose, the animals are specially placed in a kind of house, which was built according to the developments of the Mikhailov method.

The main nuances of the design of a house for rabbits:

  • automated rabbit care system in the form of self-filling and self-cleaning feeders with drinking bowls;
  • all excrement from rabbits accumulates in tanks, which are then changed;
  • The air in the cages is purified using a ventilation pipe.

For regions with a hot climate, there is a version of a rabbit farm, which has built-in mini pools. So, at temperatures above +25 degrees Celsius, rabbits begin to lose their appetite and feel unwell. In such conditions, they have the opportunity to cool off in the water of a mini pool, which will solve the current problem.

Super rabbit using the Mikhailov method

Rabbits in houses designed according to Mikhailov begin to quickly gain weight. So, already at the age of four months they reach an average of five kilograms. This result in rabbits under normal conditions is achieved only after they reach one year of age.

To raise new rabbits, Mikhailov’s method was based on the biological properties of the rabbit’s stomach. The thing is that the animal has a weakness in the gastric muscle, which causes the stomach to quickly contract and food to be quickly digested and moved to the intestines. To solve this problem, Mikhailov began to provide food for rabbits up to eighty times, and not as in classic version three times a day. It was the feeders he developed with built-in heating that made it possible to achieve this result.

Academician Mikhailov was also able to find out that baby rabbits born in the first three months of life should eat exclusively the mother’s milk. Due to this, young rabbits can reach a weight of four kilograms already after four months of age. Such rabbits develop natural immunity and practically do not get sick. On the other hand, it is recommended to carry out systematic measures to prevent diseases and their immediate treatment if detected.

As a result, if you follow Mikhailov’s method, you can get accelerated rabbits that will gain weight four times faster than rabbits that received classical care. The quality of meat and wool in rabbits raised using the Mikhailov method is significantly improved.

Possibilities of rabbit breeding using the Mikhailov method

The uniqueness of Academician Mikhailov’s method lies not only in creating a microclimate and constant nutrition for rabbits, but also in some nuances, one of which is heating the queen cell in severe frosts. The design of the rabbit house includes a medical heating pad, which allows the baby rabbits to be warmed with warmth, in addition to the warmth of the fur of the rabbit herself. Under these conditions, even frosts of -47 degrees Celsius will not be fatal to newborn rabbits.

Another important aspect in rabbit breeding is the time when the baby rabbits leave their mother. Traditional rabbit breeding says that young rabbits should be separated at one to one and a half months of age. Of course, this method will allow for eight births during the year, but in most cases, half of the young rabbits will simply die. Mikhailov proposed increasing the jigging period to three months. In this case, the number of births is reduced, but the economic effect will be achieved due to zero mortality.

Breeding rabbits using the Mikhailov method is not the only one, Zolotukhin’s method is also the most famous, read in more detail about the article, there are drawings of cages, video and photo materials on self-assembly of cages, and a lot of advice from the author.

Some experienced rabbit breeders advise keeping rabbits outdoors all year round. Such breeding of rabbits will help increase their immunity, resistance to diseases, and improve the breeding qualities of the animals. On the other hand, in severe frosts it is worthwhile that in extreme cases they can be moved to the barn, arranged in several tiers.

Particular attention should be paid to queen cells. So, if the birth occurs in winter, then in order to preserve all the offspring it will be necessary to move the cages to a warm and not ventilated room. In addition, to prevent rabbits that live in the cold in winter from getting sick, you can pour polyurethane foam into the cracks between the sleepers. It is also important to change the hay bedding at least every five days. This will prevent mold from forming on the litter.

Rabbits are found on almost all private farms. How to properly raise these animals? How to create winter and summer diets? How to properly organize rabbit breeding?

If you decide to start raising and breeding rabbits, you need to prepare a place where the animals will live. Allocate a separate room for them, in which there will be no drafts or humidity, and equip cages of sufficient size. Prepare bedding and food in advance.

Methods for keeping rabbits

There are several ways to keep and raise rabbits on farms:

  • cells;
  • enclosures;
  • shads;
  • minifarms.

Cell culture

Up to 8 same-sex rabbits are kept in one cage at a time. Young animals are separated from their mothers at 45 days; males live separately and alone. The cage area is calculated as follows: 0.07-0.1 m2 per rabbit. Each cage is equipped with a drinking bowl and feeder.

This type of rearing is similar to keeping animals in pits. Several females and one male live in one enclosure, and they breed there. The enclosure is fenced, protecting the animals from dogs and other animals; a roof must be installed that will not allow precipitation to get inside.

Growing in pits

Many farmers use this type of keeping and raising rabbits. On the farm territory, a hole is dug up to 2 meters deep, the width and length can be 2-3 m. The walls around the entire perimeter are covered with slate, mesh or cement and several passages are left.

After this, a group of rabbits is placed in the pit. They dig long passages and burrows in which they live and reproduce. To catch animals, doors are made at the entrances to burrows. Feeders and drinking bowls are installed in the pit.

Contents in sheds and minifarms

Sheds are long, unheated sheds in which cages are placed in a row. The main advantage of this content is protection from precipitation and wind. In winter, the nests are heated.

Minifarms are complex structures developed by Professor Mikhailov. They are difficult to transport, but for maintenance large quantity This type of raising is very convenient for rabbits. Cages are placed in two or three tiers, in which automatic feeding, watering and cleaning systems for rabbits are installed. This allows you to spend less time caring for the animals.

How to properly care for rabbits?

Rabbits are very sensitive to diet and care. Improper feeding and unsuitable living conditions will lead to the death of livestock. Here are some rules for raising rabbits:

  • exclude drafts and direct sunlight;
  • provide rabbits with a complete and proper diet;
  • vaccinate your livestock on time;
  • plant young animals at 45-60 days;
  • observe the temperature regime, since at low temperatures rabbits grow more slowly;
  • regularly clean the litter and wash the feeders;
  • Change the water in drinking bowls daily.

What to feed rabbits?

For good growth and well-being, rabbits must eat constantly (one animal approaches the feeder up to 60 times per day). The diet contains succulent, roughage and concentrated feed. Hay is given to rabbits in unlimited quantities.

Give the animals fresh twigs of raspberries, currants, birch, oak or elm. Do not feed stone fruit tree branches to rabbits. Juicy food also includes vegetables (cucumbers, pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, beets, etc.), which are given to animals raw. Not recommended for feeding to rabbits white cabbage, as it leads to bloating.

Vitamin and mineral supplements

Rabbits need mineral and vitamin supplements. Here is a table showing the required dosages for animals of different groups:

Table 1. Vitamin and mineral supplements

Groups of rabbitsVitaminsVitaminsVitaminsVitaminsVitaminsVitamins
Groups of rabbitsADEB12Per head per dayPer head per day
Per 1 gram of feed Carotene, mg.Fish oil, g
thousand IUthousand IUmgmcgCarotene, mg.Fish oil, g
Rabbits during the rest period8 0,9-1 10-40 10 1,2 1-1,5
Baby rabbits10 1 10-40 10-60 1,8 2-2,5

Vitamins A and D are contained in fish oil. Vitamin E Rabbits get from good grass hay. Yeast contains vitamin B12, as well as protein and vitamin D2.

As mineral supplements, rabbits are fed chalk (up to 1% of the total diet), table salt (in the same dosage as chalk) and bone meal (it contains calcium and phosphorus, it is added to the food at 2 g per rabbit). animal).

Winter and summer feeding regimes

In the summer, the animals are actively fed succulent food, but rabbits should not be given a lot of freshly cut grass, as this leads to bloating. Dry the plants for a couple of days before feeding. Here is a list of herbs that can be given to rabbits:

  • sorrel and rhubarb;
  • legumes and cereals;
  • plantain;
  • nettle;
  • yarrow;
  • wormwood;
  • burdock;
  • alfalfa;
  • clover;
  • dandelion.

In winter, the main food products are roughage, concentrated and combined feed. Rabbits are fed grain (wheat, oats, barley, corn), legumes (in small quantities), cakes, meal and bran. Any compound feed (except poultry feed) is used, from which animals receive the required amount of protein and minerals.

IN cold period The animals are given succulent food in the form of root vegetables. Rabbits happily eat zucchini, potatoes and beets (in small quantities), as well as pumpkin and carrots.

Video - diet of rabbits in winter and summer

What should you not feed rabbits?

Some foods are contraindicated for rabbits. They lead to stomach upset, bloating and poisoning. Here is a list of such products:

  • all legumes (they are fed in limited quantities and only together with other plants);
  • nuts;
  • potatoes and red beets in large quantities;
  • cabbage (white and red);
  • pasta, bread and other flour products;
  • sausage, cookies, chocolate and other human food are harmful to animals.

TO poisonous plants that are strictly contraindicated for rabbits include tansy, datura, wild garlic, spurge, hemlock, bindweed, wormwood (in large quantities), and larkspur. Carefully inspect hay and grass for these plants.

Many experienced farmers note that newcomers to rabbit farming often forget to water the animals. This leads to indigestion and decreased appetite, which means the animals grow poorly and slowly gain weight.

During the cold season, rabbits are given water after every meal. Warm water is poured into the drinking bowls, so it will not freeze longer. If it is not possible to fill the drinking bowls during the day, snow is placed in them.

Including twigs and green food in the diet will reduce grain consumption. Rabbits are given a variety of grass, as feeding one type will lead to a decrease in appetite. Straw is not suitable for feeding animals; it is used only as bedding.

Where to start breeding rabbits?

Before you start breeding rabbits, familiarize yourself with the breeds and choose the one that is right for you. There are three directions of productivity of these animals: meat (California and New Zealand breeds), meat-skin and skin or down (Angora and white downy rabbits).

Beginner rabbit breeders are better off choosing meat-skin breeds:

  • Soviet chinchilla - rabbits with silver-blue fur, reach 7 kg, females bring up to 8 cubs;
  • white giant - animals of a white color, red eyes, adults gain up to 7-9 kg, the female gives birth to 8-9 rabbits, in rare cases - 12-13;
  • gray giant - large rabbits with a variety of colors (the most popular is agouti), the weight of an adult animal reaches 7 kg, this breed is fertile, and females are distinguished by high milk production;
  • Flanders are giants among rabbits, the weight of an adult male can reach 12 kg, females in rare cases give birth to up to 15 rabbits.

After preparing the room in which the animals will live, you can start buying animals.

Pay attention to appearance rabbit: its fur is soft and shiny, its eyes are clear and active, its body is strong.

Breeding methods

After purchasing the rabbits, decide which breeding method you will use. A distinction is made between purebred mating and crossbreeding of different breeds.

First breeding method

The first breeding method is used to improve breed qualities. Only the best representatives of the breed are allowed for breeding. The female and male are selected carefully, all the nuances are taken into account, and they check whether the family lines are compatible.

Lineages are a large group of animals that share the same male ancestor. If the group is led by a female, it is called a family. Lines are a very important link in the work of breeders, since thanks to them specialists obtain purebred animals.

This breeding method involves the use of inbreeding (inbreeding). Rabbit breeders mate nieces and nephews, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. At correct selection pairs, the offspring acquire the necessary breed qualities. It is not recommended for inexperienced rabbit breeders to use inbreeding, since incorrect mating will lead to decreased viability, deformities and deterioration in marketability.

Second breeding method

The second method is called crossing, or hybridization. In this way, rabbit breeders obtain individuals with good growth and other necessary characteristics. With this method, representatives of different lines are mated.

Industrial breeding

Large production facilities keep a huge population of rabbits (tens of thousands). Here, animals are raised in special facilities, which are placed in large rooms with good ventilation and the required air temperature. Feeding, watering and cleaning are automated.

Breeding in such industries is carried out by breeders. Rabbits are regularly examined by veterinarians. Males, females and young animals are kept in different buildings. Large enterprises have their own workshops where they produce feed for rabbits.

Technical services monitor the operation of all systems. In separate rooms, rabbits are slaughtered, cut up and carcasses are stored. Meat is supplied to chain stores, catering establishments and private households. The purpose of such production is to obtain certified and environmentally friendly products.

Breeding at home

Breeding rabbits at home will allow you to earn a good income, because one female produces up to 30 babies a year, which is almost 70 kg of expensive dietary meat. For keeping on private farms it is better to purchase baby rabbits meat breeds, since they are less whimsical to the conditions of detention, calm and prolific.

Breeding animals in winter

During the cold season, the premises where animals are kept are insulated and the lighting is increased. The cages in which the birth is planned are covered on all sides with mats stuffed with straw (they can be replaced with plywood). In severe frosts, females are moved indoors for giving birth.

Here are a few more rules for breeding rabbits in winter:

  • give rabbits only high-quality and complete food;
  • include pine twigs in your diet (they are rich in vitamins);
  • feed more root vegetables (up to 200 g is added to the norm), this will increase the digestibility of feed and lactation;
  • lactating females are given mineral supplements (4 g of a mixture of chalk and salt per rabbit);
  • do not allow outdoor births at temperatures below -10 degrees;
  • Mating of animals in winter is carried out in the middle of the day for 3-4 days.

Rabbits that were born in the cold season have stronger immunity. Such animals gain weight well, grow faster, and are also highly fertile.

Peculiarities of reproduction and mating of animals

In the autumn months, animals begin to actively molt, so during this period the animals reproduce less well. Sexual heat in females lasts up to five days; in summer it is repeated every 5-6 days, in winter – every 8-9 days. At this time, animals eat less and become more excited. The genital slit swells a little and takes on a rich pink color.

Rabbits mate only in the male's cage, which is first cleaned and treated with a disinfectant. Mating is carried out in the morning and evening.

Animals that have reached the age of 4 months and weigh 2.5 kg are allowed to mate. One contact is enough for fertilization. One male is capable of covering no more than two female rabbits per day. After successful fertilization, the rabbit falls on its side and squeaks, the female is left for a few more minutes, after which she is placed in a separate cage.

A special feature of breeding these animals is that female rabbits are able to combine pregnancy and feeding their young, thanks to which farmers receive compact litters (with proper feeding and good care).

Pregnancy and childbirth

Not every mating results in fertilization. Pregnancy in a rabbit is determined by the following signs:

  • the female becomes aggressive;
  • when you touch the fur, the rabbit growls and bites;
  • the female begins to actively build a nest;
  • Before giving birth, the female rabbit pulls out the fluff from her chest and belly and lays it on the floor of the nest.

Presence of pregnancy can be determined veterinarian by palpation method. It is carried out a couple of weeks after mating. The doctor gently palpates the female's abdomen for the presence of pups, which feel like small balls. An inexperienced rabbit breeder should not palpate, as this will harm future offspring.

The fertilized female rabbit is placed in a separate cage with a section for breeding. Over the course of a few days, the female is given more hay. Before giving birth, the female rabbit pulls out fluff from her belly and chest and lines the nest with it; it will warm the little cubs well.

Do not irritate a pregnant female, do not move her to a new room or another cage. Any noise should be excluded, strangers should not approach the rabbit. Do not disturb the female, provide her with adequate nutrition and clean water, only in this case the birth will be successful.

Childbirth occurs 27-31 days after mating. The female rabbit does not need the presence of a person during childbirth, but the farmer should monitor the entire process in order to prevent possible complications. The birth lasts from several minutes to a day.

After giving birth, inspect the cage, if there are newborn rabbits outside the nest, remove the female, put on gloves and carefully transfer the baby to the nest. After 15-20 minutes, put the rabbit into the cage. You should not disturb or irritate the female, as in the first days after giving birth, due to stress, she can destroy the offspring. Do not touch the baby rabbits until they grow fur.

Raising and breeding rabbits brings farmers not only good income, but also a lot of positive emotions. Provide your animals with high-quality feed, follow the rules of care and take a responsible approach to breeding rabbits.

Video - breeding and raising rabbits at home

Accelerated rabbit breeding is currently the most modern and productive method of industrial rabbit breeding. The essence of this approach is based on the research of Academician I.M. Mikhailov in the field of mass rearing of rabbits in an artificial environment.

According to the theory put forward, due to improper feeding of the animal, its gastric muscles are poorly developed; the stomach cannot quickly move already digested food into the intestines, as a result of which the growth and development of the animal slows down, and its body accumulates dangerous toxins.

The academician’s idea is to maximize the use of the biological potential of the rabbit’s body to develop natural immunity to all possible diseases, as well as obtaining healthy and numerous offspring.

The method proposed by the author of the theory is based on creating an ideal habitat for rabbits, where the animal has access to proper nutrition and clean water, and its waste products do not have a destructive effect on the rabbit’s body.

In addition, one of the main postulates of the theory is to feed baby rabbits with mother's milk for as long as possible: up to 3-3.5 months instead of the recommended 35 days with the standard rearing method.

Thus, by the age of 4 months of life, rabbits reach 4-6 kilograms of weight, and full litters of 8-15 rabbits can be obtained regularly, including in the cold season.

This technology, having become a domestic alternative to the world-famous “Bush legs”, is currently becoming increasingly popular. After all, rabbit meat, which is useful in itself, under absolutely environmentally friendly conditions for keeping the animals, acquires amazing healing properties, incredibly valuable in the modern environmental situation.

At the same time, professional breeding of rabbits using the Mikhailov method does not require large physical, time or financial costs. It is enough to spend once on purchasing and equipping special cages for animals, called mini-farms, and in the future you will only need to replenish water and feed supplies every few days and profitably sell your rapidly growing livestock.

Thanks to the maximum reduction in the labor intensity of such animal husbandry, accelerated rabbit breeding is available not only to owners of private houses, but also to business people living in a modern metropolis: you can equip such a farm on a balcony, in a country house or near a garage, while ensuring yourself a stable and very useful income.

What are Accelerate rabbits?

So, what kind of breed is this - accelerated rabbits, what is its difference from all other breeds of rabbits?

Purely theoretically, an accelerated rabbit is, rather, not a breed, but a state of health of the animal. An accelerator can be a rabbit of any breed, whose ancestors were raised in ideal conditions on mini-farms for more than 90 generations. Stress-free, plentiful healthy eating, warmth and clean air stimulate the maximum use of the resources of the rabbit’s body, which, being genetically fixed, led to the creation of an ideal animal.

The differences between such a rabbit and its counterparts raised under normal conditions are not external, but functional:

  • Accelerated rabbits do not get sick. However, they do not require special vaccination; it can only harm the animal. Thanks to environmentally friendly conditions of detention and antibodies to pathogens obtained from mother's milk, the immune system of these rabbits itself is able to cope with any infection, which often becomes the cause of mass death of animals when they are bred under normal conditions.
  • Such rabbits grow rapidly and reach sexual maturity at 4 months, while in natural conditions this requires at least a year. At the same time, accelerated rabbits do not require additional vitamins and dietary supplements; they receive all the necessary micro and macroelements along with environmentally friendly food, to which the animal has constant access.
  • The fur of accelerated rabbits is of particular value; its qualities are comparable to chinchilla fur. Thick, soft and warm, it is at the same time surprisingly durable: their Accelerate rabbit fur products do not shed for more than 20 years, maintaining an impeccable appearance during this time.
  • Rabbits of this type are completely free of any unpleasant odors: raised in special conditions, they breathe only clean air, so the smell of feces, characteristic of wild rabbits and rabbits living in ordinary farm conditions, does not accumulate in accelerators.
  • Accelerate rabbit meat is not poisoned chemicals, antibiotics, pesticides and other poisons widely used in agriculture. Most Throughout their lives, these animals feed on the milk of their mother rabbit, after which they switch to special environmentally friendly feed, thanks to which their soft milk meat acquires healing properties and can be used both in dietary nutrition, and during the rehabilitation period.

In addition, accelerated rabbits reproduce rapidly. In each litter of female rabbits, as a rule, there are at least 8 young rabbits, which after 4 months are ready to produce their own offspring.

Conditions for keeping accelerator rabbits

Special conditions for keeping accelerated rabbits, repeatedly mentioned above, are provided with the help of special semi-automatic cages, called mini-farms. The design of such cells was proposed by Mikhailov himself, who developed the first drawing of the system for the implementation of his project.

Currently, you can either purchase a factory-made mini-farm or make a house for rabbits yourself, using numerous advanced drawings. Cages for accelerated rabbits are equipped with systems of forced ventilation, heating, food and water supply, as well as unique system sewerage.

The advantages of such cells are:

  • Possibility of constant access of the animal to food without additional maintenance of the cage. According to Mikhailov’s theory, for the normal functioning of a rodent, 2-3 meals a day provided by humans are not enough: in an adult rabbit, the need for food arises up to 80 times a day. Such almost continuous nutrition not only ensures rapid growth of the animal, but also does not allow the food eaten to sour in the stomach and become a source of unpleasant odor for the rabbit.
  • Providing rabbits with clean water at a comfortable temperature around the clock. The cages are equipped with water filtration and heating systems, thanks to which the rabbit receives warm water even at sub-zero temperatures. environment.
  • Regular ventilation of the cage, provided by an extensive ventilation system. Air continuously circulates throughout the cage, cleaning it from germs, stale air and unpleasant odors, and the rabbit feels as if in clean natural conditions.
  • The presence of warm shaded and cool sunny zones of the cell. The back wall of the mini-farm is made blank and equipped with additional heating, which will become a source of heat for the rabbit in winter. The front wall is open sun rays and is well ventilated; thus, the rabbit is given the opportunity to choose the most comfortable climatic conditions for itself.

In addition, the mini-farm is quite spacious and provides the rabbit with the living space necessary for free movement. No special premises are required for its installation - the cage is installed in the open air for constant access to rabbits fresh air and sunlight.

Human care for rabbits consists of replenishing the supply of food in the feeder, water in the drinking bowl, and once a week cleaning a special reservoir where animal feces are received.

You can view the structure of the mini-farm in detail by watching this video.

Advantages and benefits of accelerated rabbit breeding

Industrial breeding of accelerated rabbits using the Mikhailov method is currently one of the most cost-effective options home business in Russia. The goal of this technique is to obtain an adult rabbit ready for sale both “for meat” and for breeding already in the fifth month of life; Moreover, his weight at this age exceeds the classic 4-5 kilograms.

This program is based on the ability of the rabbit’s body to rapidly grow in the first phase of the postembryonic period while creating optimal conditions for it external conditions; and the way to implement it is long-term feeding of baby rabbits with mother's milk, their subsequent enhanced nutrition and keeping the animals in comfort and taking into account all of their physiological needs.

The advantage of the technique is also the low initial costs for the purchase of breeding rabbits and the necessary equipment, as well as the small time costs for its implementation.

The high payback in such a business is due to the constant level of demand in Russia for dietary rich in vitamins rabbit meat, as well as the value of accelerated rabbit fur.

If all the requirements of the method are met, the population of accelerated rabbits is not susceptible to epidemics and reproduces stably at any time of the year. Income from the sale of rabbits can be calculated based on the average frequency of littering - 3.5 times a year and the minimum number of rabbits per litter - 8 individuals.

With an average cost of a female rabbit of 1-1.5 thousand rubles and the cost of feed and electricity, the net profit from the sale of meat, skins, fat, kidney liver per year will be 10-12 thousand rubles and will grow proportionally with the increase in breeding stock.

However, before proceeding with the implementation of this method, it is necessary to take into account some of its features:

  • It is not recommended to make cage houses yourself for the first time, in order to avoid design errors that can lead to disruption of the entire system.
  • Mini-farms should be located in groups throughout the territory; a free-standing cage does not provide the necessary microclimate and is unstable during operation.
  • In addition to feed, rabbits also require fresh hay, and when calculating costs, you should take into account not only the amount directly eaten by the rabbit, but also its additional consumption.

In addition, ensure that you have a market for selling rabbit meat and skins in advance, so that in the future there will be no problems with an excess of unsold goods.

Attention, TODAY only!

Breeding rabbits using the Mikhailov method is a promising direction of modern rabbit breeding, which allows you to obtain organic meat and high-quality skins with minimal costs of money and labor. But the main advantage of this method is zero mortality of young animals.

What is Mikhailov's rabbit breeding?

Rabbit breeding according to the Mikhailov method is an organization of the economy that takes into account biological features rabbits. This system was developed and patented by Igor Nikolaevich Mikhailov, for which he received many foreign and Russian awards.

His research began back in the 70s of the last century. Having decided to start rabbit farming, he quickly realized that traditional methods of breeding rabbits were too labor-intensive and ineffective, as they did not take into account physiology. While studying animals, the scientist bred accelerated rabbits and developed a cage of a special design, with the help of which caring for the animals takes no more than half an hour a week.


Rabbit breeding according to Mikhailov is designed to create conditions for rabbits on a personal plot that are similar to natural ones:

  • Limit human-animal contact. As a result of long-term observations, Academician Mikhailov found that rabbits experience severe stress when people touch them. Accordingly, the more worries, the worse the appetite, that is, the animals take longer to gain weight. Taking into account the results of the observations, the scientist developed a cage that allows rabbits and humans to meet less often.
  • No restrictions on food and water. Wild rabbits do not feed hourly (as they are fed in traditional rabbit farming), but constantly. The number of meals per day can reach 70-80. This is due to the fact that in these animals the intestinal muscles do not contract. In order for nutrients to be absorbed, the bolus of food is pushed through with new portions of food. So in the rabbit house there are also drinking bowls.
  • Maintaining hygiene. Previously, rabbit breeders had to constantly remove excrement from the cage (and this violates the rule on animal isolation). The bottom of the Mikhailov cage is a mesh through which the rabbits’ excretions fall into the container. Therefore, animals in mini-farms do not suffer from diseases transmitted through excrement and urine.
  • Rabbits feed longer (up to 3 months) on their mother’s milk, with which they receive everything essential vitamins, macro and microelements, immune proteins. The mortality rate in this case is practically zero. This method reduces the rate of population growth, but it allows you to buy less food for rabbits: since accelerators are killed at the age of four to five months, they are fed with plant food for 4-8 weeks.

Advantages and disadvantages

This method is widely used not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but even in the USA and China. Why did Mikhailov’s system interest rabbit breeders around the world?

  • the possibility of year-round living of animals on the street;
  • obtaining healthy dietary meat without residues of vaccines, drugs, toxic substances;
  • possibility of breeding rabbits in all natural areas(for northern regions it is necessary to additionally insulate the cages, for southern regions it is necessary to install mini-pools in farms);
  • savings on green feed, vitamin supplements, animal feed;
  • the sale of natural fertilizers - excrement, rabbit liver and fat, skins, and the rabbits themselves brings additional profit;
  • saving time: you need to change food once every 5 days, water - once a week, remove waste - once every 2-3 weeks (depending on the volume of the waste container);
  • it becomes possible to provide the family with fresh meat on a small plot of land.

This method has three disadvantages:

  • the need for initial investments (to create a large farm - up to a million rubles, to construct 1-5 mini-farms - from 15 to 100 thousand rubles);
  • care must be taken to ensure that inbreeding (inbreeding) does not occur;
  • It is necessary to keep records of animals: record their date of birth, parents, in order to prevent the reproduction of immature individuals.

Thus, anyone with little experience working with rabbits can start rabbit farming using the Mikhailov method.

Mikhailov's cage

Rabbits are raised in mini-farms with an area of ​​about 1.5 m2. The internal space is divided into compartments: queen cell, housing for adults, feeding trough, . The cage is additionally equipped with a cone for removing waste and a tank for collecting it. Professor Mikhailov believed that the smell of rotting waste, urine, dust, and feed residues negatively affect the health of rabbits. Therefore, the minifarm has a regular ventilation system. In winter, the houses use electricity to operate the water heating system and heat the queen cell; in the summer, they use electricity to cool the liquid.

We are building a Mikhailov cage. To make a cage you will need sheets of iron, plywood, boards, a picket fence to create a stable barrier, roofing felt to cover the roof, metal mesh, and insulation for the north side. If you think that you cannot assemble a mini-farm yourself, then ready-made cells can be purchased from private manufacturers. If you want to save money, you can find video tutorials, drawings and diagrams for making cells on the Internet. In the company of Igor Mikhailov - MIACRO - you can buy the latest drawings of rabbit houses, an instruction book and the accelerator rabbits themselves.

It works most effectively when special animals are bred in it. Mikhailovsky Accelerator Rabbits bred from large breeds animals (White Giant, Silver). They quickly gain weight (by the 120th day of life, a slaughter rabbit weighs 4-5 kg). Accelerator rabbits are more resilient and reach sexual maturity faster (by 4-6 months). Such animals have strong immunity.

The meat of such an animal is environmentally friendly, has excellent taste, and has no unpleasant odors. Accelerator skins do not have bald spots; thanks to natural nutrition, their coat is silky.

Rabbit breeding according to Mikhailov has been known for about 40 years. During this time, the professor gained followers who advise beginners the following:

  • Place the cage so that it does not fall from strong winds. The best way– place several mini-farms in a row, uniting them with a common roof. place on a solid support: concrete, asphalt.
  • Do not immediately invest large amounts of money in creating a farm. Start with a few cells and test your strength.
  • Do some selection. Select fertile females that quickly gain weight in males and use them and their offspring for further breeding. Reject weak, defective, sick animals.
  • Make sure that the rabbits are not disturbed by the sun in the summer (install a canopy) and frost in the winter (insulate the cages in the fall).
  • Hygiene is the key to success. Disinfect feeders, drinking bowls, house floors, change the bedding every 1-1.5 weeks. Keep newly purchased animals in quarantine for a month.
  • New food is introduced to rabbits gradually, in small portions.
  • Keep an eye on the droppings: liquid feces mean that one of the animals is sick.
  • Don’t skimp on cages: there should be no more than 20-25 rabbits in one cage at a time (including babies).

Mikhailov method – effective method income for people who understand rabbits. With small expenses on feed, the purchase of accelerated rabbits, and the construction of mini-farms, within six months you will receive a large income from the sale of valuable rabbit meat, skins and other products. And if you are still unsure, there are reviews and video tutorials on this topic on the Internet.

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