Dementia ritual. Ritual of Dementia I find strange objects. What is this

Talk to Sheogorath. He prepares you to carry out an important mission: to stop the Gray March by standing in its place. You will need to earn the respect of the citizens of the kingdom - they need a leader whom they will follow when Sheogorath himself leaves the Islands. To do this, you need to take control of one of the Courts of Madness - replace the current Duke or Duchess with yourself. The change of power is accompanied by special rituals. Talk about the ceremony with the priests, Arctus and Dervenin. Then report your choice to the Mad God.

It is interesting that the rituals in both parts of the kingdom are based on legends associated with the name of Arden-Sula, but the vision of those ancient events among maniacs and demented people is completely different.

Version of Dementia. History of Arden-Sul.
Arden-Sul suspected that there was a traitor in his circle. Having poisoned the ritual wine, he gathered his flock in the Chapel. He then removed their hearts and used the ancient divination technique, visceromancy, to read their blood. When Arden-Sul could not see the traces of betrayal in their hearts, madness took possession of him, and he took his own life in the same way. From that day on, the Coronation Ritual of Dementia was founded.

Ritual of Dementia
To become the ruler of Dementia, you need to cut out and bring the heart of its current ruler to the Altar of Arden-Sul in the Chapel. Once this is done, Arctus proclaims the person who brought the heart Duke or Duchess. Then all you need to do is receive Sheogorath's blessing.

Mania version. History of Arden-Sul.
Arden-Sul was the greatest of the rulers of the earth. Many years ago, he decided to throw a nightly feast in order to delight his children with fiery dancing, magnificent wines and freedom of love. Green pollen flowed like a river, and the hawkmoths could not refuse the pleasures it gave. When the bacchanalia reached its climax, people began to clutch their chests - their hearts could not stand it! Green pollen has collected its toll. The ground turned crimson as their lifeless bodies bled out. In memory of the night when the time comes for the change of ruler of Mania, he takes green pollen and allows his blood to pour out on the Altar.

Ritual of Mania
When the ruler of Mania decides that the time has come, he chooses a successor from among his courtiers. The successor is invited to the celebration... a night of noisy fun. Wine, songs and, naturally, green pollen. During the feast, the departing ruler takes three doses of this powerful drug. His heart cannot stand it and breaks... he bleeds. The successor collects the blood poisoned by the drug and brings it to the Altar of Arden-Sul in the Chapel. Once this is done, Dervenin proclaims the successor Duke or Duchess. Sheogorath then gives his blessing and the Ritual is completed.

Rises a matter of choice: You can only remove one ruler. It should be noted that there is no fundamental difference: the quests are the same, the outcome does not change. Depending on your choice, when completing certain tasks, you will be accompanied by golden saints or dark seducers; for a player who makes a different choice, the “color” of the accompaniment changes to the opposite. The rewards and the procedure for receiving them are somewhat different. Here are all the differences:

Choosing Dementia
- In the quest "Ritual of Dementia" there is an option to remove the ruler by force. Upon completion of the quest, you will receive a heavy two-handed Syl (blunt weapon), enchanted for electrical damage and vulnerability to electricity; Ring of power, enchanted with a chameleon, increasing stamina and resisting poison; as well as the special ability to summon a dark seducer once a day for 60 seconds. You will be given use of the Forces' quarters and will have access to a garden with Dementia-specific plants. Thadon's Mania plant garden will remain open to the public.
- In the quest “Retaking The Fringe”, dark seducers will help you.
- In the quest “The Helpless Army” you will help the golden saints. As a reward, you will receive the heavy armor of the golden saints and the ability to summon an auril once a day for 120 seconds.
- In the quest "The Roots of Madness" your opponent will be Thadon. You will receive his Crown of Euphoria, a light helmet enchanted to increase speech, increase magic, and resist magic.

Choice Mania
- In the quest "Ritual of Mania", the option to remove the ruler requires secrecy. Upon completion of the quest, you will receive the Crown of Euphoria, a light helmet enchanted to increase eloquence, increase magic, and resist magic; Ring of Power, enchanted to increase Charisma, Disease Resistance, and Shield; as well as the special ability to summon a golden saint once a day for 60 seconds. You will be given the use of Thadon's chambers and will have access to the garden with Mania plants. The Dementia House garden is closed to the public.
- In the quest “Retaking The Fringe”, the golden saints will help you.
- In the quest “The Helpless Army” you will help dark seducers. As a reward, you will receive light armor of dark seducers and the ability to summon a mazken for 120 seconds once a day.
- In the quest “The Roots of Madness” your opponent will be Syl. You will receive her hammer, enchanted with electricity damage and vulnerability to electricity.

Sheogorath wants us to lead one of the Houses, overthrowing Syl or Thadon. To learn more about the Coronation Ritual, you should talk to the priests in the chapel.

The High Priest of Mania, Dervenin, will explain that the outgoing ruler of Mania must die of a heart attack from an overdose of Feldu. The Successor brings the collected blood to the Chapel of Arden-Sul on the Altar.

You can learn from Arctus, the high priest of Dementia, about the coronation ritual of Dementia. To do this, you need to cut out the heart of the current Duke and place it on the Altar in the Chapel in the Chapel.

Ritual of Mania

The High Priest of Mania will advise you to start by talking to the Argonian Wide-Eyed, who controls Thedon. You can find it in the vicinity of the Palace.

Wide-Eyed will talk about Theidon’s daily routine and let it slip that at noon she has a very important task to complete. At noon, we carefully sneak behind Wide-Eyed, who will leave the Palace and head to a dead end with a bust of Sheogorath. It turns out that the bust is a kind of lock that opens a secret door leading to the dungeon where the felldew is kept. Go down for the Argonian, but try not to catch the eye of the golden saints.

Wide-Eyed will end up in storage with a large mountain of green pollen. Carefully, take yourself two portions of pollen and quietly leave the dungeon. Now you also need to quietly get into the kitchen, where the cook Gundlar sprinkles pollen into Theidon’s food. Your task is to increase the dose to a lethal dose. One portion should be added to food, the second mixed with wine, there is a large bottle in the cupboard. After this, we quietly leave the room.

At eight o'clock in the evening, enter the throne room of the House of Mania. You can even sit at the table. Thadon, having had dinner, will begin to read poetry and, stuttering, clutches his chest and collapses dead. Collect Thadon's poisoned blood and head to the Chapel of Arden Sul. Pour your blood on the altar and congratulations as Duke of Mania. Before you have time to talk with Sheogorath, an indignant Syl bursts into the Chapel with threats, declaring that she is going over to the side of the Prince of Order.

Notes: Becoming Duke of Mania, in addition to the title, you will receive the Ring of Power, which increases Charisma, Disease Resistance and Shield Skill, as well as the ability to summon Golden Saints.

Ritual of Dementia

If you decide to become the Duke of Dementia, High Priest Arctus will advise you to talk with those close to the Forces, Kitlan and Anya Herrick. If Anya Herrick's attitude towards you is above 60, she promises to help you and distract the guards, Kitlan, in turn, will give the key to all the doors of the Dementia House. Now you should quietly sneak into Syl’s chambers and end her life.

When you enter the Duchess's bedroom, you will see her sleeping on the bed. However, this is not a duchess, but a stuffed animal. Apparently, Syl sensed something and disappeared. Kitlan will confirm that this is one of the Forces' tricks, and will suggest that the Duchess most likely escaped through a secret passage in the garden.

We head to the bust of Sheogorath, which is located to the right of the entrance to the ducal chambers, and through a secret passage we go down into the dungeon.

The underground ruins are filled with traps that shoot health absorption spells and hostile dark seducers. Once in a room with tables piled up, look on the left for a button that opens a passage in the wall. In the depths of the dungeon, behind the next door, we encounter Syl, armed with a hammer and equipped with armor. After dealing with the Duchess, do not forget to cut out her Duchess's heart and return to the Palace

Returning to the Chapel of Arden-Sul, place Syl's heart on the altar and be congratulated as the new ruler of Dementia. During a conversation with Sheogorath, an indignant Thedon will run in, declaring that he is going to go over to the side of Jyggalag.

Notes: After completing the Ritual of Dementia, in addition to the title, you will receive the Ring of Power, which increases stamina, resistance to poisons and the chameleon spell, as well as the ability to summon a dark seducer.

General issues

Can I buy a home where I can safely store my belongings?

After completing the quest “Ritual of Mania” or “Ritual of Dementia”, along with the position of Duke, you receive the Duke’s chambers at your personal disposal. No one can get in here except you, so you can store your personal belongings here without fear of losing them. In addition, there are random containers scattered throughout the Islands, in which you can also safely store your belongings. One of these is the box of Hirrus Clutumnus, which becomes available after completing the quest “Final Peace”

How to stop the knights of order at the Obelisks?

During your travels through the Shivering Isles you will encounter Gray Obelisks of Order. Most likely, they will be guarded by Priests and Knights of Order. The difficulty is that priests of order can activate stopped Obelisks, and working Obelisks, in turn, resurrect dead Priests.

Should I choose between Mania and Dementia? What is the difference?

You will have to make a choice between Mania and Dementia periodically, when completing quests in the main plot, such as entering the Islands through the Gates of Madness, choosing the path to eliminate adventurers in Zedilian, choosing an altar to light the Sacred Flame of Agnon, and the coronation ritual.

Each choice has consequences - items received, spells, titles, etc.

Why do all the markers disappear on the map?

After the quest “Return of the Reach”, all markers in the Reach will disappear and you will need to open them all again. In addition, the Reach is, as it were, “cut off” from the general world of the Shivering Isles.

But after re-discovering all the markers, they will no longer disappear.

Playing on the Shivering Isles

How do I get to the Shivering Isles?

After installing the Shivering Isles add-on, the quest to find them will begin automatically within 24 hours of the game.

If the quest does not start automatically, you can start it yourself. To do this, you will need to swim to an island that has appeared in the Bay of Nibenay. After discovering the Strange Door on it, the quest will begin automatically.

Can I play as a character created in the main game in the Shivering Isles?

Yes. You can start the game on the Shivering Isles with an existing character. At the same time, any abilities, skills, items and things you acquire will be preserved, since the Shivering Isles are fully compatible with the main Oblivion project and do not conflict with other additions.

Will I be able to return to Tamriel after playing the Shivering Isles?

Yes. You can return back to Cyrodiil at any time without any losses. The only difficulty is that in order to fast travel to the Strange Door, you will first need to fast travel to the Reach. And also vice versa. Fast travel to the Shivering Isles will only be possible through the Reach.

Does the Shivering Isles plugin make any changes to the base game?

For the most part, no. You can still complete any quests that were part of the original game. The changes being made to Tamriel are minor: a new island will appear in the Bay of Nibenay, and the dialogues of the quest to worship the altar of Sheogorath may also be updated depending on the completion of the main storyline Shivering Isles.

New items

What new items are there in the Shivering Isles?

On the Shivering Isles you can find a huge number of new items not found in Tamriel: weapons, armor, spells, books, ingredients, etc.

What really good weapons are there in the Shivering Isles?

Some special weapons can be obtained by completing main story quests. Others can be obtained almost immediately:
  • Duskfang / Dawnfang: Enchanted one-handed sword that can be obtained by completing quests in Zedilian.
  • Nervebreaker: A powerful enchanted two-handed hammer wielded by Syl, the Duchess of Dementia.
  • Shadowman: A powerful enchanted two-handed weapon that can be obtained from the Grove of Reflections. Such a weapon can be either a claymore or a mace.
  • Weapons and armor made of amber or madness ore: can be ordered from the blacksmiths Crucible and Bliss.

I find strange things. What is this?

The Shivering Isles have many unusual items that you can find during your journey. Most of of which are exhibits of the Crucible's Kunstkamera. The five skulls that can be found throughout the Islands belong to the souls of Suicide Hill.

Other strange objects that can be found on the Islands have a variety of purposes and are often associated with game quests.

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