Catfish: benefits and harms. Why can't you eat catfish? Why it is useful: features of the effect on the human body

Som refers to large breeds fish The body of the fish has elongated shape and brown color. The catfish is distinguished by its large head size and many small and large fangs. One more characteristic feature fish are whiskers. The largest representatives reach five meters in length and weigh three hundred kilograms. Also, catfish live for a very long time, sometimes their age crosses the border of a hundred years, but generally the average figure is twenty years, which is also not short for a fish. .The catfish lives in different parts Europe and is widespread in our country. Everyone knows the legend that catfish feed on dead representatives of reservoirs; this is fiction. Fish prefer to eat small shellfish and plants, and as they grow older, their appetite increases and the catfish begins to eat large fish. History knows cases when huge individuals attacked people. Catfish is a favorite fish for catching, as it has practically no scales, as well as a small number of bones. True gourmets consider catfish meat to be very tasty; it has sweet notes. The head is used for preparing fish soup and various cutlets, and the tail is suitable for rich dishes. There are also some peculiarities, for example, before cooking, the fish should be soaked in white wine or lemon juice to get rid of the specific smell of mud that catfish have.

Useful properties of catfish:

In addition to its culinary and taste characteristics, catfish is distinguished by its high mineral content. The benefits of fish will be obvious to people with weakened immune systems. The calorie content of catfish is 115 kcal per hundred grams of product. But the fat content can be adjusted by the cooking method; if the fish is steamed or stewed, then excess fats will not penetrate the body. Doctors advise pregnant women and older people to include fish in their diet when the body especially needs vitamins. Catfish contains a number of minerals that have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and support the functioning of the central nervous system. Phosphorus has a positive effect on skeletal system and strengthens hair and nails. The protein that catfish is rich in contains amino acids essential for the metabolic process. Vitamin A ensures visual acuity and prevents the occurrence of eye diseases. Catfish is a universal fish; it provides the body with energy, but can also be used in dietary nutrition, which is very rare. Regular consumption will protect the body from common diseases that are associated with a lack of vitamins.

Contraindications to eating catfish:

Som has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance and allergic reactions. It is also not recommended for young children and people prone to pancreatic diseases to consume the fatty parts of catfish. In other cases, fish will be useful and will enrich the body with all the necessary substances and compounds.

Catfish is one of the largest freshwater predators. Its uniqueness is the absence of scales and sedentary lifestyle. Some representatives live up to 50 years and reach a weight of more than 150 kg.

It is the low mobility that causes the presence of fat in meat and liver in large quantities.

From a culinary point of view, fish is of particular value due to its large size and nutrient content.

About the benefits and harms of catfish fish, its calorie content (boiled, fried, cold and hot smoked), the potential danger of the product (including liver), as well as cooking rules delicious meat find out from our review.

About the fish

The common catfish is a predatory, large, scaleless fish of the catfish family.

Catfish are easily distinguished from others by their round, blunt head and long whiskers.

This fish has been known since ancient times; legends were made about it; the catfish is the hero of many folk tales.

The fact is that catfish live for a very long time, growing to gigantic sizes. There are known cases of catching fish weighing 305 kg.

Catfish prefer to spend all their time in one place, even in search of food they do not swim far. The main food is small and large fish, crayfish, shellfish, frogs.

Hunts mainly at night, during the day it rests in quiet places. Catfish do not disdain carrion, so fishermen use rotten meat as bait.

Catfish live in the fresh waters of the European part of Russia and are raised in nurseries.

How to choose

Common catfish are sold in markets and stores, often chilled or live (swimming in aquariums).

Chilled fish is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days, then it begins to deteriorate and becomes hazardous to health. For this reason, you should not buy a frozen product, as it may not be the freshest.

When choosing fish, follow the rules:

  • the optimal fish size is 50 cm, weight is 0.8-1.2 kg, large and old fish do not have good taste;
  • The eyes of fresh fish are light, the gills are pink;
  • the belly should not be swollen;
  • the fish is smooth to the touch, covered with a thin layer of transparent mucus;
  • the skin is gray-brown, without spots or damage;
  • after pressing, there should be no dents left on the meat;
  • the smell is fishy, ​​subtle, slightly herbaceous;
  • When cut, the meat remains elastic and does not fall apart.

Useful properties, composition and calorie content

Like many freshwater fish, catfish are low in calories, making them suitable for a healthy diet.

  • Calorie content - 127 kcal.
  • Belkov - 17 years old
  • Fat - 8.6 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 0.
  • Glycemic index - 0.

Depending on the method of culinary processing of catfish, the calorie content changes:

Why it is useful: features of the effect on the human body

Catfish meat contains a lot of protein, which is better absorbed than protein from pork or beef. It is valuable due to its content of amino acids, vitamins and microelements.

The product contains vitamins B, A, C, E, PP, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, iodine, iron, fluorine, chromium.

For adult men and women, a serving of 200 grams covers the body's needs for proteins and amino acids.

Regular consumption of catfish contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, strengthening bones, maintaining thyroid function.

Vitamins E and A in the composition have antioxidant properties. Therefore, it is recommended to include fish in the diet of women. This helps maintain youthful skin, hair, and strengthen nails.

Amino acids are necessary to maintain reproductive functions. If there are no health problems, then occasionally you can eat fish liver.

But you shouldn’t overuse it because of its high fat content. You need to be sure that the fish was caught in unpolluted waters.

Catfish meat contains only 2% connective tissue versus 8-9% in animal meat. Thanks to these properties, it is well absorbed and recommended for nutrition by older people.

With age, the ability to digest meat decreases, and the need for proteins and vitamins increases.

Older people can replace beef or pork with fish. Catfish have very few small bones, which reduces the risk of choking or bone injury.

IN children's diet fish are introduced no earlier than 12 months. Catfish meat is fatty, so the child is given it a little at a time, starting with half a spoon.

For children, it is better to prepare puree from boiled catfish and mix it with pureed vegetables, such as zucchini or potatoes.

Fish must be present on the table of pregnant and lactating women. The need for protein, calcium, magnesium, and potassium doubles during this period.

Fish oil prevents stretch marks on the skin and muscle cramps that occur in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Thanks to its extensive amino acid composition, catfish is an indispensable food for athletes. If you eat fish 2-3 times a week, then can be preserved and strengthened muscle mass, ligaments.

Potassium and magnesium are necessary for athletes for normal heart function.

The product has a zero glycemic index, so it can and should be eaten if you have type 1 and type 2 diabetes. But you should limit yourself to 150 grams once a week, since fatty meat can disrupt the functioning of the pancreas.

If you are prone to allergies, you should be careful when consuming this fish. Iodine and phosphorus can provoke severe reactions - from hives to anaphylactic shock.

Danger and contraindications

Catfish is a rather fatty fish, it cannot be eaten in large quantities patients with kidney problems, liver problems, stomach ulcers.

Diabetics, children, people with obesity, and atherosclerosis should refrain from eating liver. Contraindication for use- intolerance to iodine, phosphorus, vitamins A and E.

Smoked catfish contains a lot of salt, and salt is the main cause of edema and high blood pressure. Smoked fish should be avoided by pregnant women, patients with kidney pathologies and hypertension.

Another danger of meat is that it accumulates harmful chemical substances of water. If you are not sure that the fish was caught in environmentally safe areas, then you should not buy it.

The healthiest cooking methods are baking and stewing. But with normal health, you can afford to enjoy smoked or fried fish.

To neutralize the fishy odor during cooking, add aromatic herbs and spices: parsley, dill, garlic, onion. The best side dishes are boiled rice, potatoes, vegetables.

In cooking

You can prepare delicious and simple fish dishes at home.

Despite the relatively high fat content, nutritionists do not prohibit people watching their figure from eating fish.

Moreover, there are no carbohydrates at all.

Fish oil is very beneficial it maintains good cholesterol levels and improves lipid metabolism.

The only limitation for those losing weight may be the method of preparation.

Banned are fried and smoked dishes topped with creamy sauce.

It is best to bake catfish, cook fish soup from it, make steam cutlets.


Wash the catfish, gut it, cut it into portions. Place chopped potatoes, onions, and carrots into the pan.

Cook the vegetables until half cooked, then add the head and pieces of fish to the soup, cook for another 10 minutes, add salt and spices. Sprinkle the finished fish soup with herbs.

Fillet with dill cap

Sprinkle fish fillet with lemon juice and salt. Place a thick layer of chopped dill and a slice of lemon on top. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Dill will give the fish its aroma, lemon will make it soft and juicy. Serve with stewed vegetables.

In folk medicine and cosmetology

For a long time in folk medicine fish soup was fed to the sick and weak so that they recover quickly. Broth contains many nutrients that stimulate the immune system.

Fish caviar is used in cosmetology for the production of anti-aging cosmetics.

But cosmetologists do not recommend smearing your face with fresh catfish caviar. This will not be beneficial and may cause an allergic reaction.

ABOUT beneficial properties Find out about catfish fish, as well as the rules for its consumption, in this video:

Catfish is a unique fish. From it you can prepare many different and delicious dishes. If you know the rules of selection and culinary processing, then eating it will bring maximum benefits.

In contact with

The common catfish, which lives in the waters of most European countries, as well as in Russia, has interesting characteristics physical body. It has an oblong head shape and a very long tail. This fish is famous for its unusual taste, so fishermen often try to catch it. Fishing is done not only with a hook, but also with silicone baits and lures.

Despite the variety of other fish species in fresh water bodies, many fishermen prefer this fish because it has a special taste and a fairly long, fleshy body.

This individual is one of the largest fish in fresh water bodies in most of Russia and Europe. She happens to be predator. The aggression of this fish extends not only to small fish, but can also even grab a small child or dog and drag it along with it. However, such cases in Lately practically never occur, since the number of this individual has greatly decreased due to its uncontrolled catching and poaching.

The color of this predator can be completely different, from dark gray to greenish. It has a large round head and many small and very sharp teeth. The catfish has two long whiskers that distinguish it from other species. The eyes are quite small compared to the head.

The weight of this predator is very large, it can even reach 400 kg. The longest individual found in Russian water bodies was about 4 meters. But on average the catfish does not grow more than 20 - 25 kg.

They usually live at the bottom of a body of fresh water, finding the deepest place for their residence. Therefore, to catch such an individual, skill is required. Their activity decreases in winter, but increases again in spring. All winter they stay in the deepest hole and do not crawl out of it.

The prey of this predator are small fish, frogs, river mollusks and all sorts of small animals that can get into the water. At the same time, the catfish does not hunt spontaneously; it waits for its prey and suddenly rushes at it, grabbing it with its small and sharp teeth.

Catfish can also eat drowned animals or birds that fall into the water. He is often called a water orderly, since in this way he cleans water bodies of decay and decay products.


This predator contains not only essential amino acids, but also the following substances:

  • B vitamins.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin RR.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Magnesium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Fluorine.
  • Potassium.
  • Calcium.
  • Chromium.
  • Zinc.
  • Iron.
  • Copper.

The presence of a large number of useful components helps improve appetite, elevate mood and improve a person’s well-being.

Nutritionists greatly value the meat of these individuals, as it is extremely beneficial for the entire human body. It has positive influence on the:

  1. Liver.
  2. Heart.
  3. Kidneys.
  4. Gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Nervous system.

It is useful to consume dishes from this predator for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children over three years of age. It is also extremely beneficial for older people to eat this meat. The desired amount to eat is a portion of approximately 250 - 300 grams three - four times a week.

The meat of this fish is low in calories. It contains about 115 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, nutritionists recommend consuming it for people who are obese or those who want to lose weight.

Soma does not contain carbohydrates, so it is completely digested without being stored as fat. The nutritional value its very high. A person will feel full after eating a small piece of this nutritious meat.

Catfish is useful for improving digestion, strengthening bone tissue, improving appearance nails, skin and hair, as it contains a significant amount of valuable components.


Like any fish, catfish has some restrictions on its intake. It is contraindicated for those who suffer from the following problems:

  • Allergy.
  • People who suffer urolithiasis in case of consumption of smoked or salted meat.

In general, catfish is completely safe to eat if cooked properly and thoroughly. It is often given to young children over 2-3 years of age because it contains a large number of amino acids and other valuable components.

Dishes from this specimen varied. You can steam it, fry it, boil it, stew it, or bake it in the oven. The most common recipe is catfish soup. It is prepared extremely simply. For cooking you will need a small fish, pre-cleaned and cut. Bones must be removed as much as possible. The meat is boiled until half cooked, then finely chopped potatoes, fried carrots and onions are added to the broth, as well as salt and pepper to taste.

Some people say that river fish have taste and smell of mud. To eliminate it, you need to soak the meat in a citric acid solution for about half an hour before you start cooking. During this time lemon acid will completely dissolve all foreign odors and tastes. Also good recipe To get rid of the taste and smell of mud, soak it in milk. In this case, you need to soak it about 40 minutes.

In order to choose the right catfish for yourself, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the color and shape of the body. It must be of the correct, even shape and have no foreign odor. If the purchase is to be frozen, then you should pay attention to the product in a vacuum. Such packaging preserves the quality of the meat and allows it to be stored for a longer period.

Catfish are one of the largest fish that live in fresh water. Its size can be huge, and its weight can reach 300 kg! Unfortunately, not everyone can catch a fish of this weight, but relatively small catfish are not at all difficult to catch, and they then become a wonderful table decoration. Housewives and chefs love to cook catfish, because the fish has no scales, which makes cooking much easier.

Cooked catfish is given even to small children, because there are no small fish bones either, which means there is practically no risk of choking or choking. There are at least a dozen recipes for catfish in any cookbook. Naturally, you can prepare a simple fish soup, bake the fish in the oven or on the grill, make cutlets out of it and even salt it.

Catfish is a predatory fish that eats small fish, frogs, mollusks and even unwary birds. Its main distinguishing feature, which makes it impossible to confuse it with other fish, is its mustache, which also acts as tentacles and guides. The whiskers are such a powerful sensory organ that even in pitch darkness the catfish can perfectly navigate and find food for itself.

Another one distinctive feature What makes it different from others is its streamlined shape and complete absence of scales. The skin of catfish is brown, but can have a more or less dark shade, depending on its habitat. On average, the lifespan of catfish varies from 15 to 35 years, it all depends on what the fish eats. Some individuals lived to be 100 years old, but such cases are quite rare.

Taste features

  • The pulp is very soft, airy and has a subtle sweetish taste. What is especially important for fish lovers is that there is no need to remove small bones. It contains many macroelements that are beneficial for the body. There are vitamins groups A, C, I, E and minerals. The benefits are simply enormous, because the composition contains protein and amino acids, which are necessary for the regulation of all processes in the body.
  • In Rus', catfish was considered almost sacred; it was believed that it helps against many ailments and illnesses. Midwives advised all pregnant women to eat catfish meat to maintain the immunity and health of the unborn child. Girls of marriageable age were prepared with catfish to quickly find a groom, because it was believed that with prolonged use, the hair becomes thicker and acquires shine. Nails become stronger, skin acquires a more even tone, blush appears, and most importantly, nerves become stronger and mood improves.

Why can't you eat catfish? Last news

Recent research by scientists is simply shocking! It turns out that catfish is not such a wonderful and healthy fish as everyone thought; moreover, upon closer study, we managed to find out that it is extremely harmful and it is better not to eat it, even on holidays!

An international group of nutritionists shocked with their statement that frequent consumption of catfish seriously endangers the human cardiovascular system. Despite the fact that catfish meat contains a huge amount of vitamins and useful substances, most of all there are omega-6 acids, and the quantity significantly exceeds the amount of Omega-6, and it is this component that is the main reason that various kinds of inflammatory processes actively develop in the body. Unfortunately, catfish lovers will have to look for a replacement; despite all the taste features, eating catfish is still dangerous to health.

The largest catfish fish, officially listed in the Guinness Book of Records, was caught in Thailand in 2005, its weight was 292 kg.

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