What particles are used to form the imperative mood? The imperative mood of the verb. Indicative. Indicative

Features of the formation of forms of the imperative mood

1. If the present tense stem ends in -j- ( chita[j] ut, pageo[j] yat), then the same stem also forms the form of the imperative mood: read Ø , build Ø .

2. For verbs ending in -it, the imperative form may have the suffix - And- in the stressed position: place - place, award - award, treat - treat, express - express; in unstressed - Ø : direct - direct Ø , put - put Ø , hit - hit Ø .

Infinitive Imperative mood
throw away throw it away and throw it away
stick out stick it out and stick it out
pour out rashes and rashes
throw away throw it away and throw it away
clean clean and clear

4. like beat, sew, pour form imperative forms with the stem on -ee: beat Ø ,shay Ø , lei Ø . This basis does not coincide with the basis of the present tense: beat[j]yut - bey, sh[j]yut - shey, l[j]yut - lei.

6. Forms of the imperative mood are formed in a special way the following verbs: There is- eat, drive- go, give- give , lie down- lie down.

Verbs that denote an action or state that occurs without an actor or does not depend on the will of the actor do not form the imperative mood.

They do not form imperative forms:

  1. : shivering, shaking, dusk, dawn.
  2. Verbs of state: to feel unwell, to chill, to darken, to brighten.
  3. Modal verbs: want, wish, be able.
  4. Verbs of perception: hear, see, feel.

The imperative mood can also have 1st person forms plural: let's go bathe(SV), let's play play chess(SV), let's run to the river(NSV). These forms are homonymous to the 1st person plural forms of the present and , but differ in their special incentive intonation and semantics of compatibility of action. Forms of joint action are most often formed from: let's go those, we'll return those s . Such forms are found only in verbs of unidirectional movement: let's go those, we carry those, let's go those, let's run those. Appending postfix - those brings a hint of politeness.

  • Give give me your hand, dear reader, and let's go together with me.
  • (I. S. Turgenev)

To form forms of joint action, they are often used come on, come on with the form of 1st person plural. numbers or with an infinitive: let's go to the cinema let's have lunch, let's read.

Forms of the 3rd person imperative are formed analytically: using a particle let (let him), Yes and forms of the 3rd person singular. or more numbers of the present or simple future tense.

  • Let's raise our glasses and move them together!
  • Long live muses, long live intelligence!
  • (A.S. Pushkin)
  • Let them carry it into the deck
  • Bees want more honey.
  • (S. Ya. Marshak)

Forms of the imperative mood can be accompanied by the particle -ka, softening the command and giving the statement a touch of ease.

  • Go and see for bread.
  • Get busy you're busy.

The shape can be used as a particle Look , reinforcing the command.

  • Look, don't be late!
  • Look, come, I'm waiting.

“Rain, rain, go away! Let me wander through the puddles!” - in that children's poem we see verbs that express a request. They are called imperative.

verb in Russian

In Russian, such words are used in The forms of these verbs have a surreal meaning, which means that they are not connected with reality, because the action called in this way is possible, but does not necessarily happen in reality. Here are some examples of sentences that use imperative verbs:

  • Anatoly Andreevich, allow me to submit the report within a week ( request).
  • Don't wait too long on this ( advice).
  • Let this be the last time ( requirement).
  • Be silent. Listen ( order).

Singular forms

Imperative verbs change according to numbers and persons. This table provides examples of unit forms. numbers.

Plural forms

If we address more than one person with an impulse, then we use the verb in the plural imperative form. number. They also change according to persons and, unlike the changes in previous forms, can be used in the first person. This is explained by the fact that one person cannot ask himself to do something, but he can make a request for joint action from people nearby.

Formation of verbs. imperative mood

Such verbs have the second person form and are formed from the present form. and bud. tense in which the stem is highlighted (part of a word without an ending):

  • walks - move-;
  • writes - write-;
  • reads - reads-;
  • will install - install-;
  • will leave - leaving -.

The suffix -и- (-й-) or a zero suffix is ​​added to the stem:

  • move + and;
  • write + and;
  • chita + th;
  • set + and;
  • leave the + zero suffix.

The endings of this verb form express the grammatical meaning of the number.

Imperative mood of sentences with singular verbs

  • Deliver me from this heavy burden.
  • Never play on the roadway, it is life-threatening.
  • It's high time for bed, collect your toys and go to bed.
  • Dashenka, take the album with photographs from the shelf.
  • Anatoly, email me your annual progress report.
  • Add more examples to your work.

The imperative mood of the verb. Example sentences with plural verbs

  • Open the doors, go out into the field!
  • Don't forget to turn off the lights when leaving the room.
  • Leave me, go away.

If the imperative form of a verb is singular, it will remain before the plural ending and before the suffix -sya:

  • correct, correct;
  • stay, stay;
  • reset, reset;
  • don't argue;
  • don't touch
  • if you please.

In business

The verb in the imperative mood is quite actively used in various fields of activity. For example, in the business world we use instructions.

What should you do in case of fire?

If signs of fire are detected:

  • immediately call the fire department of your city, village or other populated area;
  • evacuate people;
  • take all possible measures to extinguish the fire.

Heads of the enterprise:

  • duplicate the fire message to the fire department and inform superiors and the person on duty;
  • organize the rescue of people using all possible means;
  • check whether fire protection systems are turned on;
  • turn off the power or take measures to eliminate the fire;
  • stop all work at the fire site, except for those related to extinguishing the fire;
  • remove workers and other persons from the danger zone, except those involved in extinguishing the fire;
  • provide guidance on extinguishing the fire until the fire department arrives;
  • ensure compliance with safety requirements by all workers taking part in fire extinguishing;
  • organize the protection of material assets;
  • meet the fire department;
  • ensure the provision of necessary medical care to persons affected by the fire;
  • inform the fire extinguishing manager about all the features of the fire object;
  • organize the involvement of forces and resources to carry out activities related to extinguishing the fire and preventing its development.

In educational activities

IN educational activities sentences with imperative verbs are used, for example, in algorithms.

Example - application of the spelling rule for unstressed vowels:

  1. Change the word or choose a word with the same root.
  2. Select the root.
  3. Find the root in which the vowel is stressed.
  4. Check all the remaining words using this root.

In everyday activities

In everyday life, sentences with imperative verbs are used in application manuals household appliances, conducting repair work, cooking, making clothes and the like.

Take, for example, a cooking recipe:

  • Beef strips. Cut two hundred grams of beef and one onion into equal strips seven to eight centimeters long. Heat a frying pan over very high heat and melt 100 g of pork fat. Dip the chopped meat and onions into it, fry, stirring all the time, avoiding burning. After two minutes, add a teaspoon of table wine, the same amount of beef broth, salt and sugar to taste. Bring to a boil and serve, garnished with herbs.
  • Cucumber salad in sweet and sour sauce. First, prepare the filling: dissolve two teaspoons of granulated sugar in two teaspoons apple cider vinegar. Wash the cucumbers, cut them, place the chopped pieces in a salad bowl, finely chop the greens, stir. Pour in sugar and vinegar sauce. Can be served.

The verb is one of the most important parts of speech. It serves to describe an action, to designate a certain process, that is, without it there will be absolutely nothing, just a meaningless name for a phenomenon that cannot manifest itself in any way, having been fixed in a certain state. This nominative part of speech is characterized by such constant morphological features as aspect, reflexivity, transitivity and conjugation, while non-constant ones include gender, person, number, tense and mood. The latter will be discussed in this article. How to determine in Russian what it affects, why it is even necessary? Let's try to understand and, importantly, remember.

What is inclination? General overview

In principle, some scientists define mood as “attitude towards reality.” It’s a rather abstract formulation that doesn’t really explain the meaning of this morphological feature, I must admit. But if you try to figure it out, everything becomes extremely clear.

There are three in total in the Russian language, indicating a real action and used in all three tenses - it is the most common and, therefore, the easiest to remember. Or the most difficult. Its existence in three tense forms allows you to conjugate verbs with all accessible ways, because of which you have to remember a huge number of endings, which is not always so easy.

It also occurs quite often in Russian. It means an order, a request, some kind of instruction - any action that a person must perform not according to his own will, but according to the will of his interlocutor. Verbs in the imperative mood exist in only two forms, which, of course, simplifies working with them, but at the same time creates certain difficulties for those who are not native speakers of Russian and cannot intuitively choose the correct ending.

In Russian, it is also called the subjunctive, and shows an unreal action that is possible under certain conditions. It is called the simplest: only one form, changing only by gender, to which a particle is added - identifying such an element in the text is not difficult.

Now that we have a basic understanding of what moods are in Russian, examples will help us understand the rule better.

Imperative mood - why, how

So, we continue to consider in Russian. As mentioned above, it means, based on the name, a command in any of its forms: an order, a request, a polite instruction - the semantic connotation depends only on the intonation, there are no features in the formation of the form depending on the motive that the speaker puts in.

The imperative mood in Russian is a rule that is deposited in our subconscious; we apply it without even thinking. But it is still necessary to understand why it is this way and not otherwise.

In order to use verbs in the imperative mood, you first need to determine who you need to address. To address a request to a person whom the speaker addresses as “you,” the appropriate form is used singular. To form it, you need to take away the ending from the verb in the indicative mood ( read-read-read..., run-run-run..., be-will-will...) and add one of two vowels ( And or th) or soft sign (read, run, be). Fortunately, native speakers of Russian usually intuitively know which ending to choose, so putting the verb in the second person singular of the imperative mood usually does not cause difficulties.

If we address a person with “you” or want to address our request to a group of people, then “those” are simply added to the singular form of the imperative mood ( read, run, be) - everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance.

Is it really that easy?

But this is the Russian language - where are there no exceptions? No one has abolished verbs in which, during conjugation, the root vowels and consonants change, or even the root completely. For example " eat-EAT-EAT, go-GO-GO" Here, unfortunately, the rule is useless; either intuition or banal subconscious knowledge of the required form will help - there is no other way.

The imperative mood in Russian is the simplest topic, to master which you need to be able to form the second person singular form of this mood, and, if necessary, simply add a “polite” ending to it.

The use of exception forms is not so frequent as to be a serious difficulty for native speakers. Foreigners, however, will have to try very hard to understand the imperative mood of the verb.

And a few more features

Firstly, you need to take into account that they are formed only from imperfective verbs - they are the ones who answer the question “What to do?” ( open-open-open), while the perfective form, accordingly, is only from the perfective - with the question “What to do?” ( open-open-open slightly).

Another interesting thing related to the imperfect form of the verb: the presence of the suffix “va” after the roots “zna-”, “da-”, “sta-” (as in the words KNOW, GIVE, ARISE). Usually, to form the imperative mood, the verb is placed in the first person singular, corresponding to the pronoun “I” (I know, yes, I get up), that is, this suffix disappears, as in all other forms of the verb ( knows, you give, you get). But in the imperative mood the suffix returns ( Get to know, come on, get up), we should never forget about this.

What about the subjunctive? Education and Application

Let's move on to the subjunctive conditional mood. Here everything is much simpler than even in the imperative. The peculiarity of the use of this mood is that for its formation a form of the past tense is used, changing in accordance with the gender and number of the object of the statement, that is, in order to talk about an object in the singular, we use the singular forms of the past tense ( I went and drew), and if we are talking about a group of people or someone to whom we respectfully address “you”, the plural of the same past tense is used ( pointed, talked).

The second component of the subjunctive mood is the particles “would” and “b” - their choice depends on the context and is most often determined by the euphony of the phrase.

That is, when we want to show the possibility of action under any condition, we take a verb in the appropriate past tense form and add the necessary particle to it: I would say, I would go, they would laugh.

A little more about the features of use

This form, by the way, is used not only to express an action under a certain condition, but also in the case when we want to express dreams, desires ( I would like, I would dream) and fears, doubts ( wouldn't have happened). It would probably be more correct to say that all these shades are used equally, therefore the name “conditional mood” used in school textbooks is very arbitrary (it makes a funny pun), it is better to use the term “subjunctive mood”.

And now once again and briefly

In principle, the whole theory is presented above according to the simple rule of mood in the Russian language. The table will help consolidate it.

Practice, practice, and practice again!

To finally consolidate the learned material, try putting the following verbs in different moods.

  • In the indicative: draw, laugh, take, rustle, answer, hate, go out, refuse, put, be proud, tear off, order, purr, hope, scratch.
  • In the imperative: go, renounce, shout, call, get, dream, achieve, switch off, give, bloom, overcook, curse, boast, imagine, realize.
  • In the subjunctive: paint, visit, appear, command, destroy, warm up, breathe, freeze, buy, ask, reduce, break off, do, congratulate, think.

Summing up

The indicative, subjunctive and imperative moods are one of those basic rules that do not require much memorization and are applied for the most part automatically, according to the sense of language that each speaker has. But at the same time, in no case can one deny the need to study at least a basic theory: without knowing the rules, you will never be able to understand certain features of a linguistic phenomenon.

In any case, practice is sometimes a much more effective teacher than dry theory. The huge advantage of this particular case is that we apply this rule every day, so it won’t be difficult to learn it.

That's why it's so important. This part of speech is necessary in order to correctly name and describe the action. Like other parts of speech, it has its own morphological features, which can be constant or inconsistent. So, to the constants morphological characteristics include person, gender, tense, number. Let's look at the concept of verb mood in Russian. How to define it? All these questions can be answered in this article.

In contact with

What is inclination?

This grammatical feature a verb that helps change a word. This category is necessary in order to express process relation, which just calls this word, to reality.

Important! Verb forms are indicative, imperative and conditional moods


Depending on how the words express the attitude towards the processes that occur in reality, there are moods for verbs:

  • direct;
  • indirect.

By direct we mean the indicative mood, which allows you to objectively convey the action. For example: Yesterday we watched a movie.

Indirect is an imperative or imperative mood. It serves to express those processes that do not coincide with reality. For example: I would read this novel tomorrow, but I will go on a visit.

Thinking about the definition of a verb


The classification is based on features and characteristics lexical meaning verbs.

In modern times there are three types:

  1. Indicative.
  2. Conditional.
  3. Imperative.

The first type usually denotes the action that is actually happening and could happen in the past, can happen in the present and can happen in the future. For example: I will do my homework on Thursday.

The second type denotes an act that will be performed in the future, but under a certain condition. For example: I would do my homework on Thursday, but I'm going to the theater.

The third type is either an order to do something or a request. For example: Be sure to learn your homework tomorrow.

Three types of verb mood

How to determine the mood of a verb

In order to determine this, it is necessary to understand how the action occurs and what grammatical characteristics it has. So, verbs in the indicative show a real action, so this word will change over time.

If the verb is in the imperative form, then it is the action will be performed by some other person. Such words usually encourage some kind of activity.

Therefore, the action will not be actually performed, but required. Most often, to obtain the imperative verb form, a specific tense is used, for example, future or present, to which the suffix -i must be added. But it’s possible without it. For example, catch, scream, die. If it is used in the plural, then the ending te is added respectfully to the ending of such a word. For example, catch, scream, die.

The conditional mood refers to those actions that could happen if there were all the necessary conditions. By the way, the conditional is also called the subjunctive. This form is easy to identify in the text, since it usually always contains a particle would or b. For example, I would jump into the river if I had a swimsuit.

Important! Any verbal word form can be used in oral and written speech, not only in direct meaning, but also figuratively. Usually figurative meaning completely changes the meaning of the word, so this category also changes.


The most common verbal word form in the Russian language is considered to be indicative, since it allows us to talk about what happens in reality to a person, object or any person. Only the indicative can determine time, and how this action is performed will depend on what it is: in reality or in the future.

Another feature of this form is the change in persons and numbers. If the verb is perfective, then it can change tenses:

  1. The present.
  2. Future.
  3. Past.

Each time is formed here in its own way. Thus, the future tense is formed using the word “to be”, which is added to the verb in the indefinite form. But this is a complex form of the future tense, and the simple form is . For example: I clean my apartment all day long. (present time). I cleaned the apartment all day long. (past tense). I will clean the apartment all day long. (bud. time).

The indicative mood can be found in various types speech, and therefore in many speech situations These are the most commonly used verb forms.


Words that are used in conditional form indicate actions that can occur, but some conditions are necessary for this to happen. For example: I would pass this test if I had help. To form such forms, you simply need to put the verb in the past tense and attach the particle would or b. The particle can appear anywhere in a sentence. It is necessary in order to highlight the word you need, which can be any part of speech.

The subjunctive, or conditional, also has its own peculiarities of use. It allows not only to express some action that could occur if special capabilities were created for this, but also helps express desires and dreams, doubts and fears.

The subjunctive mood in Russian helps to express the nuances of the conditions of action. Examples: I would like to go to the sea if my work didn’t keep me. There wouldn't be any trouble!


Imperative verbs encourage the person listening to the speech to take some action. Such words, varied in emotional and grammatical design, can be either polite when they contain some kind of request, or an order. For example: please bring a book. Bring a book!

Imperative verb

Attention! If such a word is preceded by the particle not, then the imperative form will indicate that it is undesirable to perform the action. For example: Don't pick snowdrops!

The formation of this form also has its own characteristics:

  1. Often, introductory words are used to express a request, which are separated in writing by commas.
  2. If it is necessary to address politely, then the word is put in the plural.
  3. The suffix -i is often used.
  4. It can be formed from both perfective and imperfective verb stems.
  5. Sometimes they use the words let and let.

Verb mood


The various moods are easy to learn, and therefore do not require memorizing the rules; a table of verb forms will help with this. Each verb, depending on the speech situation, can be used in any form. Therefore, this category is always defined only in a sentence.

1. Verbs milk, cut, water, hide V literary language form the imperative mood with –i. Example:...Drink the alarm and swear words! (A. A. Blok).

2. Some verbs with a prefix form parallel forms of the imperative inclined singular: throw away - throw away, iron out - iron out, push out - push out, paint out - paint out, get out - get out, spit out - spit out, stick out - stick out, put out - put out, straighten - straighten, rash - rash, stare - stare. But the plural form has no variations and is formed from the second singular form, for example: push out, paint out, spit out, etc. The same ratio of forms is found in the verbs cork, clean, notify, sugar, drift, dainty: cork - cork, clog, (not) drift - (not) drift, (not) drift, etc.

3. Some verbs in it: spoil, writhe, wrinkle, puff up, flatten have parallel forms in both numbers of the imperative mood: spoil, spoil - spoil, spoil; writhe, writhe - writhe, writhe, etc.

4. The common literary form of the imperative mood of the verb to go is go, put - put, put - put, lie down - lie down, go - go.

Stylistic options

The formation and use of participles and gerunds causes certain difficulties.

Difficulties associated with the use of a special form of the verb - the participle - in speech can be divided into two groups: in the formation of participle forms and in the use of participles.

Errors in the formation of participles usually consist in the incorrect construction of the form-building basis (cf.: the use of the incorrect form skipping instead of the normative one - jumping) and in the incorrect choice of the form-building suffix.

When choosing a formative suffix in the formation of the participle form, pay special attention to the following cases.

Formation of participles

active past participles passive past participles When forming a participle, all word-forming prefixes and suffixes of the verb must be preserved
It is formed with the help of suffixes -вш- from the stem of the infinitive (past tense) ending in a vowel: write - wrote, decide - decided. It is formed using the suffixes -nn- (-n-), -enn- (-en-) and -t- (cleaned, covered, finished). The most common mistake is dropping the suffix -sya when forming participles from reflexive verbs: The wind tore off the remaining leaves on the trees.
The suffix -sh- is used if the stem of the infinitive ends in a consonant: carry - carried, and also wipe - wiped, bruise - bruised.

Formation of gerunds

Participles are not formed

Syntactic norms

Syntactic norms are the norms for the correct construction of phrases and sentences.

Options for coordinating the main members of the proposal

Modern norms of coordination of the main members of a sentence, as is known, often allow for variant forms of gender and number of the predicate: five (most, several) students left / left; three voted/voted; the engineer spoke / spoke, etc.

The choice of one form or another of the predicate depends on a number of factors that must be taken into account in each specific act of communication.

Variants of the number forms of the predicate are noted when the subject is expressed by a word or a combination of words with the meaning of quantity.

1. The subject is expressed by a collective numeral denoting a group of persons: three wrote/were writing; five left/left.

2. The subject is expressed by a combination of a cardinal or collective numeral with a noun in the genitive case, as well as a combination of the words most, many, several with a noun in the genitive case: five athletes performed / performed; two fighters died/died; most of the artists left/have left.

Singular predicate Plural of the predicate
The predicate precedes the subject, especially when the sentence is not extended (There are several notebooks on the table.) The subject and predicate are separated in the sentence by other words (Most of the meeting participants, during the discussion of the issues on the agenda, supported the speaker’s point of view.)
The subject has the meaning of approximate (About 50 people were present at the meeting.) We are talking about a well-known, specific subject (We were accompanied by the same two girls whom we met yesterday).
an abstract noun is used as part of the subject, especially with the meaning of time (Several minutes have passed.) When a quantitative word has a plural definition (The first six days passed unnoticed.)
The components of the quantitative-nominal combination are separated (the mother had five children). There are homogeneous members in the subject or predicate (Some of the guys have already rested and set to work with renewed vigor).
The subject contains words with the meaning of limitation (Only a few people are alive.) Five people from different directions rushed towards the criminal; Two cars parted ways different sides; Three little dogs scattered.
When a subject is expressed by a combination of the word part, a lot, a little, a little, a lot, as much as with a noun in the genitive case, the predicate is always used in the singular: Part of the classrooms has been repaired; So many people died in prisons! There is a plural definition, the predicate is used in the plural: This painful week and a half of uncertainty is over; The first half hour passed quickly.
With interrogative, negative and indefinite pronouns such as who (nobody, somebody), the predicate is put in the singular masculine form, even if we are talking about many persons or a female person: Which of them (women) was the first to raise the question of equality? Someone in a black hat looked into the office. Availability with subject subordinate clause with the conjunction word which is in the plural: Five former officers, who could be recognized by their clear movements and bearing, immediately took command.
If the subject is expressed by a collective noun such as children, junk, denoting many persons or objects as one whole, the predicate is used in the singular, There were junk hanging and lying around in the wardrobe. When a subject is expressed by combining a noun or pronoun in the nominative case with a noun or pronoun in the instrumental case, the predicate is always in the plural. The coach and his ward spent whole days at the stadium.
When the subject is expressed by a complex noun with the first part half (half an apple, half a room, half a bucket, etc.) or a combination of the numeral one and a half (one and a half) with a noun, the predicate is preferred in the singular form, and in the past tense - in the neuter form singular gender: Half the group participates in the subbotnik The presence of the subject definitions is all, these: All ten books were on the director’s table; These five weeks flew by almost unnoticed.
When the subject is expressed by an unchangeable part of speech (adverb, conjunction, particle, interjection), the predicate is put in the singular form, and in the past tense - neuter: “Uh-uh” is often heard in the answers of interviewees. “Why” sounded most often in his questions.
With a pronoun like that (nothing, something), the predicate in the past tense is put in the singular neuter form, even if we are talking about many objects or the name of a certain gender (masculine or feminine): “What happened? – Something (a cup or saucer) fell from the shelf.

The choice of the form of the number of the predicate is also influenced by such factors as the activity or passivity of the action. A predicate expressed by a verb of being, presence, state or a short form of the passive participle, especially with the subject - inanimate noun, usually used in the singular: There are a few houses left in the village; Most of his classmates were outraged by his behavior. The singular form of the predicate in such cases expresses the passivity of the action. To express the activity of an action, a predicate is used - a verb in the plural.

If the subject is expressed by the phrase “part + animate noun in the genitive case,” the predicate can have a singular or plural form: Some of the artists performed / performed. The choice of the form of the number of the predicate in this case is influenced by such factors as the activity or passivity of the action.

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