The most unusual cases in the world. Mysterious incidents: types, classification, past and present, unsolved mysteries, theories and assumptions. Creepy driver and unconscious passenger

How often do you think about how our world would be structured today if the result of some key historical events was it different? What would our planet be like if dinosaurs, for example, had not gone extinct? Our every action and decision automatically becomes part of the past. In fact, there is no present: everything we do at this moment cannot be changed, it is recorded in the memory of the Universe. However, there is a theory according to which there are many universes where we live a completely different life: each of our actions is associated with a certain choice and, making this choice in our Universe, in a parallel one, the “other me” makes the opposite decision. How justified is such a theory from a scientific point of view? Why did scientists resort to it? Let's try to figure it out in our article.

Many Worlds Concept of the Universe

The theory of a probable set of worlds was first mentioned by the American physicist Hugh Everett. He offered his solution to one of the main quantum mysteries of physics. Before moving directly to Hugh Everett’s theory, it is necessary to understand what this mystery of quantum particles is, which has haunted physicists around the world for decades.

Let's imagine an ordinary electron. It turns out that as a quantum object it can be in two places at the same time. This property of it is called the superposition of two states. But the magic doesn't end there. As soon as we want to somehow specify the location of the electron, for example, we try to knock it down with another electron, then from quantum it will become ordinary. How is this possible: the electron was at both point A and point B and suddenly at a certain moment jumped to B?

Hugh Everett offered his interpretation of this quantum mystery. According to his many-worlds theory, the electron continues to exist in two states simultaneously. It's all about the observer himself: now he turns into a quantum object and is divided into two states. In one of them he sees an electron at point A, in the other - at B. There are two parallel realities, and in which of them the observer will find himself is unknown. The division into realities is not limited to the number two: their branching depends only on the variation of events. However, all these realities exist independently of each other. We, as observers, find ourselves in one, from which it is impossible to leave, as well as to move to a parallel one.

Octavio Fossatti /

From the point of view of this concept, the experiment with the most scientific cat in the history of physics - Schrödinger's cat - is easily explained. According to the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, the poor cat in the steel chamber is both alive and dead. When we open this chamber, it is as if we merge with the cat and form two states - alive and dead, which do not intersect. Two different universes are formed: in one, an observer with a dead cat, in the other, with a living one.

It is worth immediately noting that the many-worlds concept does not imply the presence of many universes: it is one, simply multi-layered, and each object in it can be in different states. Such a concept cannot be considered an experimentally confirmed theory. For now, this is just a mathematical description of the quantum mystery.

Hugh Everett's theory is supported by physicist and professor at Australia's Griffith University Howard Wiseman, Dr Michael Hall from the Griffith University Center for Quantum Dynamics and Dr Dirk-Andre Deckert from the University of California. In their opinion, parallel worlds really exist and are endowed with different characteristics. Any quantum mysteries and patterns are a consequence of the “repulsion” of neighboring worlds from each other. These quantum phenomena arise so that each world is different from the other.

The concept of parallel universes and string theory

From school lessons we remember well that in physics there are two main theories: general relativity and quantum field theory. The first explains physical processes in the macroworld, the second - in the micro. If both of these theories are used on the same scale, they will contradict each other. It seems logical that there should be some general theory that applies to all distances and scales. As such, physicists put forward string theory.

The fact is that on a very small scale certain vibrations arise that are similar to vibrations from an ordinary string. These strings are charged with energy. “Strings” are not strings in the literal sense. This is an abstraction that explains the interaction of particles, physical constants, and their characteristics. In the 1970s, when the theory was born, scientists believed that it would become universal to describe our entire world. However, it turned out that this theory only works in 10-dimensional space (and we live in four-dimensional space). The remaining six dimensions of space simply collapse. But, as it turned out, they are not folded in a simple way.

In 2003, scientists found out that they can collapse in a huge number of ways, and each new method produces its own universe with different physical constants.

Jason Blackeye /

As with the many-worlds concept, string theory is quite difficult to prove experimentally. In addition, the mathematical apparatus of the theory is so difficult that for each new idea a mathematical explanation must be sought literally from scratch.

Mathematical Universe Hypothesis

Cosmologist and professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Max Tegmark put forward his “theory of everything” in 1998 and called it the hypothesis of a mathematical universe. He solved the problem of existence in his own way large quantity physical laws. In his opinion, each set of these laws, which are consistent from the point of view of mathematics, corresponds to an independent universe. The universality of the theory is that it can be used to explain all the variety of physical laws and the values ​​of physical constants.

Tegmark proposed that all worlds, according to his concept, be divided into four groups. The first includes worlds located beyond our cosmic horizon, the so-called extra-metagalactic objects. The second group includes worlds with other physical constants, different from those of our Universe. The third is worlds that appear as a result of the interpretation of the laws of quantum mechanics. The fourth group is a certain set of all universes in which certain mathematical structures appear.

As the researcher notes, our Universe is not the only one, since space is limitless. Our world, where we live, is limited by space, the light from which reached us 13.8 billion years after big bang. We will be able to reliably learn about other universes in at least another billion years, until the light from them reaches us.

Stephen Hawking: black holes are a path to another universe

Stephen Hawking is also a proponent of the many universes theory. One of the most famous scientists of our time first presented his essay “Black Holes and Young Universes” in 1988. The researcher suggests that black holes are a path to alternative worlds.

Thanks to Stephen Hawking, we know that black holes tend to lose energy and evaporate, releasing Hawking radiation, which is named after the researcher himself. Before the great scientist made this discovery, the scientific community believed that everything that somehow fell into a black hole disappeared. Hawking's theory refutes this assumption. According to the physicist, hypothetically, any thing, object, object that falls into a black hole flies out of it and ends up in another universe. However, such a journey is a one-way movement: there is no way to return.

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If we are alone in the Universe, then perhaps our brothers in mind “live” in others - parallel worlds? Why not admit that our world has its own “double”? It may contain habitable planets, and their inhabitants may well be similar to us. You ask: where is the scientific evidence? Although indirect, there is evidence. (website)

Parallel worlds exist!

Everyone probably knows the hypothesis about the existence parallel worlds. The version that, as a result of random quantum processes, the Universe “multiplies” and forms a large number of copies of itself is very attractive.

Photos from open sources

You can also cross out the laws of physics and consider them a pure abstraction. More recently, researchers from the European Space Agency made a truly sensational discovery. Using super-powerful telescopes, scientists have discovered anomalous areas in the Universe that glow so brightly that this phenomenon simply does not correspond to physical laws. This fact confirms the theory of parallel worlds capable of penetrating each other, as if seeping through. And the “luminous spots” represent a trace of long-standing contact with another space. Different measurements may have different physical constants.

Ranga-Ram Chari, Californian astrophysicist Egyptian origin, analyzed a series of data and discovered “noise”, which can only be left by the contact of two spheres. It is in these spheres, or bubbles, that the birth of universes occurs.

Mythology and modern physics about parallel worlds

At the Max Planck Ranga-Ram Chari Observatory, it was possible to obtain photographs from space depicting flashes, which, apparently, are the places of contact of the two universes.

Photos from open sources

In this regard, we recall the ancient Indian myth about the god Vishnu, who supports the entire universe and gives creation impetus. Every second, the pores of his body give birth to spherical “bubbles”, that is, universes. As we see, the discoveries of modern scientists confirm ancient myths.

According to the multiverse hypothesis that is popular today, the birth of universes occurs at a short distance from one to another. At the place of their contact, bright rings appear - exactly the same as those found in the photographs by Chari.

We are simply not allowed into parallel worlds

Ancient sources speak repeatedly about the existence of another Universe. It is noteworthy that Tsiolkovsky, the father of cosmonautics, believed in its existence, but at the same time said that we would never be allowed there. What did the brilliant scientist mean? If we assume that in a world parallel to ours, the physical laws known to us do not work, then how will we get there? After all, all the technologies that a person can create will be built in accordance with the standards of this, but not the neighboring world. We know nothing at all about him...

Photos from open sources

It turns out that another discovery scientists has no practical benefit for humanity? Not certainly in that way. It will at least once again make us think: how does the universe really work? And what place does man and his still imperfect consciousness occupy in it?.. In the end, this explains such a phenomenon as anomalous zones, which may well be gates to parallel worlds.

American physicists received sensational confirmation. Four NASA satellites explore space on a mission called MMS. At the end of May 2016, using special equipment, they observed for the first time the collision of the magnetic fields of the Sun and the Earth. Scientists said that at this moment space was distorted, and something like gaps appeared in the magnetosphere, in which the distance illogically shortens, rapidly and the traditional laws of physics cease to operate.

Once in such a gap, you can instantly move to any point in the Universe. Specialists from the American space agency claim that these are the very same portals to parallel worlds.

Parallel worlds can be everywhere, including near us. Researchers claim that the appearance of everything anomalous: UFOs, ghosts, poltergeists and even the ability to foresee a situation many years in advance is associated with parallel worlds.

Science fiction writers still write about the existence of parallel worlds. But today it becomes obvious that this is no longer science fiction.

Where do “evil spirits” come from and where do people disappear?

In one Chinese city, a television camera recorded the moment of teleportation. First, two cars passed, after which a truck entered the frame, gradually picking up speed. A cyclist is moving across him, thinking about something of his own. A collision is inevitable. However, someone flies into the frame at great speed, leaving behind a flash of light, and the cyclist with the cart instantly finds himself on the other side of the street. He is saved.

An incredible case of teleportation was filmed on a video recorder. A passenger car crosses the tram tracks. And suddenly, as if out of thin air, another car appears in front of his hood. The driver is shocked. He was sure that the road was clear for travel and, as the video recorder shows, it was so, but then where did this car come from?

Another incident recorded by the same video recorder looks no less strange. The SUV goes to the right and it is clearly visible that there is no one between the dividing strips, but suddenly a person appears there. Slow motion shows in detail that he had nowhere to come from here.

Cases of sudden appearance and disappearance of people have been known since ancient times. One of them is documented in pre-revolutionary Russia. Two peasants were grazing cows when they fell into the fog. The fog was so strong that they had to sit out in a ravine, and when the fog cleared and the peasants came to the village, the incredible thing turned out: they had been absent for twenty years! How did this happen? They probably found themselves in some kind of parallax, in contradictions of a spatio-temporal nature.

Evidence of the emergence of skeptics refers to optical illusion or the wild imagination of eyewitnesses.

IN different times outstanding thinkers who claim that our world is multidimensional became outcasts from society. In the sixteenth century Catholic Church condemned and sentenced to painful death Giordano Bruno, who declared the infinity of the Universe and the plurality of worlds.

In ancient sources there are statements that our Earth is hollow inside and underground inhabitants live in the depths. It’s not for nothing that we inherited the saying from our ancestors: “to fall into tartarar.” Greek mythology tells the story of “tartarus” - the sinister underground world.

The philosopher Anaxagoras in the fifth century AD even built a model of the universe of parallel worlds in which there are people, cities and heavenly bodies. It would seem that this is a consequence of an early, naive idea of ​​​​the structure of the world, when science was in its infancy, but is this really so?

Arkaim is a fortified settlement, the age of which, according to scientists, reaches four thousand years. This system of cities was discovered over a large area, covering Kazakhstan, Bashkiria, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Orenburg regions. According to authoritative scientists, it is there that the illogical flow of time is clearly observed: it either slows down or accelerates. Members of the expedition have repeatedly reported the disappearances and then reappearances of their colleagues.

Most likely, there is a breakthrough into some other reality. For us, this is the world of spirits or afterworld, or some other reality; for them, our reality is the same.

Parallel worlds under the microscope of scientists

Today, in our minds, the Earth and the planets surrounding us are some kind of cobblestones filled with something dense and hot. And all this dense and hot consists of atoms, and here a paradox arises. When we examine an atom through a microscope, which we consider to be a solid ball, we immediately recognize that the atom is not solid - it is just a tiny particle of dense matter, in the center surrounded by a soft cloud of electrons that disappear and pop out of existence.

It turns out that in physical terms, an atom is a void, albeit filled with a colossal one. And there is enough space in it for the existence of other worlds, which from time to time may come into contact.

Spirits, gods, or the devil were once believed to be responsible for abducting people into unknown realms.

Over the history of its existence, human civilization has collected a number of evidence of such a phenomenon as time travel. Both during the reign of the Egyptian pharaohs and during the Middle Ages, eyewitnesses appeared who spoke of encounters not only with ghosts and apparitions, but also with strange people, machines and mechanisms.

About a year ago, the British government declassified an interesting document. It is associated with a mystical episode of the First World War. It turns out that in 1915, two battalions of the Norfolk Regiment, which landed on the Turkish coast as an assault force, disappeared without a trace. 267 soldiers under the command of Colonel Bochim moved towards the enemy fortified area. On the way, the soldiers entered a cloud of fog, and when it cleared, no one was there. The bodies of the missing Englishmen have not yet been found.

And this is not the only case when people, planes, ships disappear without a trace. Over the last century, dozens of books have been written about this.

Who leaves modern things in the past?

Chinese scientists made a sensational discovery. During excavations of an ancient tomb, it was discovered strange object. At first they thought it was a ring, but after clearing it of dirt, they realized it was a watch. And not just any watch, but a Swiss one. A corresponding modern inscription was made inside. The clock hands stopped at ten hours and six minutes. But how can this be? After all, the tomb is 400 years old and has never been opened.

Until now, none of the scientists can clarify the situation with another discovery made in the USA back in 1934. An ordinary-looking hammer has literally grown into limestone about 140 million years old. composition of iron, made at the Ohio Institute of Technology, showed that such pure metal had not been obtained in the entire history of industrial metallurgy.

Such artifacts are scattered all over the world, including in Russia. Modern things are found literally embedded in rocks that are millions of years old. One of the conclusions could be this: perhaps after some time people will create a time machine and be able to travel into the past. The same Swiss watch found by Chinese archaeologists may have been lost by a visitor from the future.

This question did not arise today. Indeed, do parallel worlds exist in real life or is it a figment of our imagination?

There are many hypotheses, scientific and not very scientific, about this. From time immemorial, mentions of mysterious creatures from other worlds have appeared among every nation.

From the point of view of scientists around the world, the beginning of the study of the existence of parallel worlds can be considered the emergence of Einstein’s theory of relativity. In particular, the existence of a space-time continuum called a “time loop”.

According to Einstein, due to the displacement of space at a certain point in time, there is a possibility of the emergence of several dimensions that have not been studied by science. So they can be independent, inhabited worlds. This is no longer a figment of the imagination, but a scientific basis.

In our time, the existence of dimensions unfamiliar to the human eye and mind remains a mysterious reality. In order not to harm your health (primarily mental), you should not try to travel to an unknown world.

The great ancient civilizations (Egypt, Greece, Ethiopia) also recognized the existence of (at least two) parallel worlds - “upper” and “lower”. These worlds were inhabited by dead souls and creatures, equated by people to deities, having their own hierarchy. The “lower” world of many civilizations was considered a world of torment and evil, while the “upper” was inhabited by good creatures and was associated with everything pure and bright.

Some modern scientists and supporters of the paranormal suggest that "drummers", poltergeists and ghosts (inhabitants of the ghost world) are inhabitants of a parallel subtle world, existing along with ours. Some consider the appearance of anomalous phenomena and creatures to be an attempt to make contact with us (this is evidenced by the phenomena “ white noise", "prophetic" dreams, the appearance of mysterious signs and records).

Others consider people from the subtle world to be exiles, or beings accidentally stuck between our world and their own. An interesting confirmation of this hypothesis is a case in one of the Moscow hostels, which took place during the Soviet era.

Three girls - neighbors began to be disturbed by strange knocks, regularly repeated in the same place. Since the youth of those times did not particularly suffer from prejudices, the girls decided to make contact with the mysterious neighbor. They succeeded quite well with the help of a simple system: one knock meant “yes,” two knocks meant “no.” And what did it turn out to be?

The mysterious guest turned out to be a teenager, by the standards of his world, who accidentally fell out of it and did not know how to get back. The girls made friends with "", placed his crib in the place where knocking was usually heard, and fed him milk and sweets. “Barabashka” did not remain in debt, turned off carelessly forgotten devices, and willingly answered questions regarding the girls’ future. One morning they found clumsily prepared sandwiches on the table.

The rumor about the “drumming noise” spread, and the story ended with the arrival of the police, who officially recorded the presence of strange knocks. The girls were taken away by KGB officers. In the car, according to the witness, one of the girls addressed the “drummer”, the answer was swipe along the bottom of the car.

There is an assumption that invisible creatures are not at all aware of our existence and live in a reality in which we do not exist. There are many assumptions and hypotheses.

The process of human cognition of the world actively continues in our time. For now, the mysterious country of Shambhala remains a mystery. The secrets of other worlds are unknown: the underwater world that exists at enormous depths, the underground world. We don't fully understand secret world nature (animals, plants, climate). Knowledge of the secrets of space and ancient worlds promises many discoveries.

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