Venus in Scorpio is a manipulator. Venus in Scorpio for a man. Favorite look: sporty, revealing, a little boyish

> Venus in Scorpio

Let us turn our attention to the character of the individual when it is typical for people with Venus in Scorpio to combine love with a sense of self-preservation, which develops passion in them.

Venus in Scorpio according to the horoscope

When the negative side predominates in a character, then excessive sensuality, a craving for pleasure, and a need for self-aggrandizement begin to form in a person.

The sensuality of these people exceeds all boundaries and goes beyond control. This causes unjustified waste of energy, which is fraught with the development of physical diseases. Lack of self-control, passion and unbridledness prevent such people from taking control of their emotions, so they tend to fall into angry jealousy, lose self-control and play underhanded games.

With all this, people of this category will stop at nothing on the way to their intended goal and will take any risks. If their character develops harmoniously, then such traits as wisdom, restraint, devotion, perseverance, and undemandingness take over. They manifest themselves as individuals with increased attractiveness and a tendency to deep thinking and self-control.

These people's sexuality and sensuality can go off scale. They experience a feeling of deep affection for their partner and are able to become diplomats and creative personalities in relationships. In love relationships they make concessions and are ready to devote themselves completely to their loved one.

The combination of sensuality, agility and originality in sex allows them to achieve harmony in love relationships. Erotica completely absorbs such people; for them it is a divine and selfless spectacle, because of which they can lose their sense of reality and self-control. They will do anything to satisfy their instincts. They attract attention to their person with pronounced magnetism.

Such people are capable of deep feelings of jealousy; they do not forgive insults and insults. In a loving partnership, a person demands a lot and tries to enjoy the passion to the maximum. Subconscious impulses are located in them at a high level of development. They are capable of deep, persistent, intense feelings and attachments. They often dramatize life and love relationship including.

Venus in Scorpio - human characteristics

The main character difficulties that prevent people with Venus in Scorpio from establishing harmonious relationships are intolerance, demandingness, and the desire for sensual pleasures. In the first place they put love, eroticism and sex. If a person develops inharmoniously, then he develops a fear of sex, he is afraid of what he needs so much.

Under the influence of Venus in Scorpio according to the horoscope, people experience dissatisfaction. What they failed to realize in life, all untransformed desires of a sexual nature give rise to cruelty in them. Often these people will become impatient and unkind towards themselves, which sometimes ends in self-criticism and masochism.

This category of people cannot tolerate prejudices or banal established social norms. Sometimes they behave unpredictably and may experience a very strong attraction to their sex partner. Both in love and in sexual relations such individuals do not accept established norms of social behavior. In this conflict, it is difficult for them to find the truth, which leads them to moral and physical self-torture.

Because of their passion and unbridledness, such individuals tie themselves into marriage early. But the still immature family falls into the abyss of jealousy, secrecy, and pompous diplomacy. Disappointed in marriage, a representative of such a group can become a real enemy for ex-partner. He begins to develop a desire for revenge and violence. This is an eccentric person who is capable of experiencing unusual sexual experiences.

Positive and negative manifestations of Venus in Scorpio

With this astrological forecast a person develops deep and lasting feelings, his energy potential settles in the very depths of the psyche. Consequently, it is not easy for him to interpret the reason and potential of his own attachments. And it’s not easy to explain his behavior to other people.

Thanks to their intense sensual energy, people from this category over time become deeply religious individuals. They become convinced idealists and mystical creators. But if there is no response to these feelings, then despair and disappointment sets in.

Thus, people with Venus in Scorpio, who began their relationship with the deepest love, are capable of ending it with deep hatred. Mystery and secrecy can be seen in the behavior and lives of these individuals. Self-esteem does not leave them, under any circumstances. Due to lack of self-confidence, they often cannot realize their passion for pleasure, which forces them to then focus on sexual problems.

When the negative aspects of the personality predominate in a person with Venus in Scorpio, cruelty and self-centeredness begin to appear. The personality is noble and freedom-loving, not fixated on money. Thanks to the ability to please people, he knows how to extract his own benefit from this. Such an individual appreciates all kinds of surprises, celebrations, luxurious events and sensations.

In relationships with the opposite sex, these people often have anxiety and uncertainty, which results in disappointment and grief. They show vindictiveness, intrigue, and secrecy.

Communication with a person with Venus in Scorpio

When passion takes precedence over reason, a person is capable of the most insane and thoughtless actions. He feels a deep sense of pride inside of his love and sexual adventures. Emotionality and sensuality dominate over reason in him.

It is not easy for such an individual to build a love relationship, since he lacks the sense of tact, patience and sensitivity for this. If a personality develops harmoniously, then ideals are formed in it in a friendly and loving community. He will make any sacrifice for his loved one. Does not tolerate irony and condescension in his love relationships.

If a representative of this group is abandoned, he will perceive it as an insult and insult. This will cause bitterness, aggression, and hatred in him. Having parted with a sexual partner, it will be extremely difficult for such an individual to establish a relationship with him again, since neglect and indifference will make themselves known.

If negative aspects of character begin to dominate, then a person with Venus in Scorpio begins to use his sexuality to gain control over other people. He tries to get out of any situation with dignity and honor.

The zodiac sign Scorpio itself (I mean the position of the Sun) is perhaps one of the few that evokes ambiguous feelings. Some people like it, others can’t stand it, it’s different for everyone, but it’s hard to find those who are indifferent.

But what about those whose Venus is in Scorpio? What range of feelings do they experience themselves, and what degree of feelings do they cause in others? How does this astrological indicator affect their personal life?

This type of relationship can be called “strangulation by love.” The amount of care, guardianship, and patronage that Venus in Scorpio shows to a partner can “poison” even the most ideal union.

Venus in Scorpio masterfully creates comfort in any conditions and coziness at minimal cost. But sometimes behind this masterful streak lies an unconscious (and sometimes well-recognized) desire to control your other half.

The reason for this is not the insidiousness of people who have Venus in Scorpio, but the simple human need for certainty and stability. This “love homeostasis” provides them with security and saves them from the fear of loneliness.

If a partner stops adhering to the ideas of a partner who has Venus in Scorpio about love, trying to disrupt the usual way of life, then “weapons of emotional defeat” are used: resentment, accusations, insults, imposing feelings of guilt. The signature move is emotional neglect and deprivation of the partner’s former comfort.

People with Venus in Scorpio are most prone to dependent relationships. They weave a web of comfort and coziness, hoping to satisfy all the needs of their other half. The partner’s attempts to develop, look for new interests, and satisfy his desires in other places are suppressed or received with hostility.

In addition, “Venus in Scorpio” is terribly jealous. Jealousy is a consequence of low self-esteem, and therefore, in addition to the risk of losing one’s stability, a person also risks losing one’s own value. After all, a sense of personal dignity in this case depends on a loved one, and its disappearance threatens the loss of its significance.

To retain a partner, Venus in Scorpio can publicly speak about her fidelity and keep it, secretly hoping that the other will do the same.

A rarer option is when the owner of this astrological indicator commits treason. The impetus for adultery will most likely be the desire to take revenge and restore one’s self-esteem. And the result is dissatisfaction, misunderstanding and mistrust in the relationship.

Whatever the above options appear in someone whose Venus is in Scorpio, they all indicate failure to study this astrological indicator. But you can breathe out: it can be completely different!

When working through this variety of Venus in Scorpio, I would like to call it “free love.”

Wikipedia states that “free love” in a narrow sense is an extramarital relationship, and in a broad sense it is a worldview that assumes that a person does not do anything that might interfere with the freedom of another. There, jealousy is seen as a manifestation of a sense of ownership towards a partner and his body. I can mostly agree with the last vision.

Venus in Scorpio, when worked out, gives a lot of freedom to its soulmate. And this is not about sexual liberties without obligations. It's more about freedom of choice. When you stay with a person not out of a sense of duty, but because of his importance and value to you.

There is no stability in these relations. There is more to them: the ability to accept each other, despite differences in values, interests or desires.

This is mature love, manifested in the desire to give without demanding anything in return. There is no place for manipulation here; it transforms into a search for compromise. This relationship is about care and trust, when a loved one is nearby, if necessary, and calmly moves away when the two of them become crowded.

A well-developed Venus in Scorpio knows how to love without becoming attached, destroying dependencies and conventions. She gives freedom of expression to herself and her partner.

Above, we were talking, of course, about two completely opposite manifestations. This range is possible for each individual person with such an astrological indicator.

Not everyone manages to reach the level of relationships with a plus sign. This path is not easy, it requires constant self-development, ease of self-expression, acceptance of yourself and your partner. And therefore, you always have the freedom to choose which relationship is more acceptable to you.

Listen to yourself! Love and be loved!

Sincerely, astrologer Ksenia Verzhanovskaya.

Periods of Venus in Scorpio



































































Here is one of the most passionate women who, in love, strives more for sexual satisfaction and money than for romantic thoughts. If a woman has Venus in Scorpio, then for her wealth and power are one whole. She embodies all this in intimacy with a man. If it is love, then it must be all-consuming, at the breaking point and until your knees tremble. Such a woman always has a desire to get closer to a man, because she considers this the surest way to prove her feelings. Erotica, pleasure and emotional stress - all this is so familiar to her and she likes it terribly. Therefore, if a man is looking for truly sexy fireworks and a lot of pleasure in bed, then this woman is perfect for him. She wants to be desired and to desire the one she loves.

There are many mysteries and secrets in it, and its beauty truly bewitches. An attractive look, an alluring smile and an almost mystical demeanor. If a man dreams of love experiments in bed, then Venus in Scorpio in a woman will allow him to plunge into the world of bliss and forbidden games. She loves watching horror films that excite the blood. Well, sex in a theater porter or on a dark night in an alley excites her more than intimacy on a bed in a nice little bedroom. This woman is interested in respectable men with “thick” wallets. She doesn’t hide this at all, because for her money and sex are synonymous words. By the way, intimacy with an unfamiliar man excites her, no less. She is dangerous and beautiful, which appeals to those representatives of the stronger sex who cannot stand affectation, taboos and the fear of being “caught” while making love.

If a woman has Venus in Scorpio, then she will never stop at anything if she truly loves. She will do everything to win the man she likes. Even if he is married or lives in Nicaragua? Imagine, but this is not an obstacle for her. If a man is ready to give up everything for her and rush off into the distance towards physical pleasure, then she will not be in debt either. This woman knows how to truly love, as well as be faithful and submissive if her partner wants it. But remember that she is terribly jealous. Therefore, driving her crazy and flirting with other women in front of her is not best method prove your affection. She is incredibly sensual and temperamental, so she does not hide her desires and will “burn” with love if necessary.

Women with Venus in Scorpio

Confused, complex and deep feelings accompany such women throughout their lives. They are constantly looking for answers to their questions about relationships and love, breaking the hearts of the men they meet along the way and tearing their own souls. Having reached a certain level of maturity and wisdom, such a young lady will transfer the torments of love feelings to her heart, thereby protecting her chosen one from destructive emotions. In another case (which happens more often), the passion of her personality may fall upon those who decide to try her love.

You can expect anything from her: jealousy, passion, resentment, deceit, but you shouldn’t consider this a cold-blooded calculation, it’s not like that at all. It’s just that a woman with Venus in Scorpio cannot imagine her life without love experiences and sizzling passion, so she unconsciously creates around herself an environment of inexplicable suffering, tension and restlessness. Very often she herself is not happy with manifestations of the passion of her nature, but even the ability to control emotions and a sober mind abandon her when it comes to heartfelt experiences.

This woman regularly asks questions on the topic: “Why can’t we be together?”, “Why is love always unhappy?”, “Why am I so often tormented by jealousy?”, “Why is my partner not ideal?” etc. These doubts pierce the soul of the owner of Venus in Scorpio with sharp thorns. For her, there are a lot of problems that she cannot take lightly. But there is always a way out. She just needs to understand the power of her magnetic attraction, realize how destructive it can be, and not use it against her loved ones.

This position of Venus gives the world the most seductive and fatal women, real sorceresses who do not want to go famous roads. They are called from birth to disturb public peace. Very often, such girls are seriously interested in magic, otherworldly forces, esotericism and unusual opportunities to enhance their own (already strong) charm. It is very important for her to be confident in her own irresistibility and comprehensive power over men. She needs to realize that there is no need to test the strength of the heart and character of the chosen one (and her own soul). Most she should use her own energy peaceful purposes or take care of your own personality, correcting your shortcomings. The partner of the representative of Venus in Scorpio can only reflect her problems, indicate the direction in which she needs to move to continue development and improvement.

The true task of a woman with such Venus is to learn to live in peace with her beloved, without demanding from him unquestioning submission, undivided belonging only to her. She will have to regularly fight her own nature with the help of her intelligence, energy and extraordinary talent. Only accepting the love of her companion as she is can heal her emotional wounds and help her cope with the emotions that engulf her. Sometimes such girls themselves seek suffering from love, since the main thing for them is only feelings associated with some secret or even unrequited ones. They consider tragedy to be an essential element of real, true feelings. This charming girl is not looking for an easy relationship; she is ready to go through heartache and trials in order to find true love.

Venus in the sign of Scorpio directs its wards, on the one hand, to the realization of high spiritual needs, and on the other, to the knowledge of eroticism and sex. Therefore, the wards of this planet in this position have great moral fortitude and strength, and a powerful craving for sexual adventures and the opposite sex. Usually these women are incredibly jealous, often harsh and rude, in a word, real owners. Their love is a mixture of fury and bliss, bites and kisses. It can be torment, and evil, and burning passion, and obsession. A real dance of death and eros. The range of her feelings is unusually wide: from all-consuming tenderness and trepidation to the most refined perversity.

The feelings of the representatives of Venus in Scorpio are the uncontrollable and unstoppable force of the inner “I”, the subconscious, which, at the first dissonance, causes extreme manifestations up to painful jealousy, homosexuality and sadomasochism. Such ladies need to cultivate their sexual potency in those areas of life to which they have a calling. This will increase their willpower, self-confidence, and with sufficient persistence, perseverance and determination, they will achieve a high financial position and social level. They will have a willingness and desire to help others.

The favorable configuration of Venus with other planets and horoscope elements enhances positive features character, gives the desire for spiritual and moral growth, strengthens mental abilities. An unfavorable configuration provokes scandals, quarrels, intrigues, squabbles, etc. Plus, bad aspects attract men with a dubious reputation to women, give stubbornness, vanity, lust for power and indicate the possibility of poisoning, an accident, or premature death. A bad configuration is especially harmful for women; they may exhibit negative traits: fanaticism, a tendency to criminal acts and violence.

31 March 2017, 15:58


The topic of the post is entertaining and carries very little semantic meaning.

I did not set myself the goal of loading the reader with astrological terms and concepts. And I deliberately tried to avoid professional astro-slang (as much as possible, of course). I would not like to discuss astrological topics in this post - there are special astro sites for this and it tires others.

The described psychotypes are average. There are always (always!!!) individual characteristics, so you don’t need to tell me that “I have this, but I’m not like that.” I don’t know your map and it would be incorrect to discuss something on the spot and in absentia.


ABOUT! Elvira the Mistress of the Dark, the unsurpassed Marticia Adams... These are the archetypal Halloween witches that immediately come to mind when you imagine Venus in Scorpio. Queen of Spades. All these vamp women, fatal “dark” beauties! Gothic maidens in black! Magnet woman, vampire woman. A man “falls” for such a lady and feels like a rabbit in front of a boa constrictor. Or a victim of a vampire. Both sweet and creepy. You can’t tear yourself away from this one. More precisely, do not run away. Radiation of infernal sexuality.

Well, and the feeling of strength and self-confidence coming from VENUS in SCORPIO. Where would we be without it?

But here's the news: this feeling of power has a downside. And the femme fatale is actually a phantom. And we have VENUS in a weak position, often so insecure that the partner is simply chained to the radiator. In all senses. Or they create a life drama out of relationships. VENUS in SCORPIO is a lady who is extremely demanding in relationships. And all this because VENUS in SCORPIO depends on energy exchange. Scorpio is generally about dependence on powerful energy flows. Without energy exchange with other people, Scorpios get sick by eating themselves.

This is an unpleasant situation for such a self-sufficient planet as VENUS. Here her harmony and bliss are shaken. Just being yourself doesn't work anymore. Being the receiving party will no longer work. Scorpio is not about “let’s sit quietly and drink some tea.” It's about complete immersion. With arms and legs. Scorpio broadcasts its energy through Venusian situations. And these are: relationships, money, desires. Scorpio adds a thirst for power. And VENUS obeys the sign.

Basically, “pumping” comes through relationships, of course. And more often, of course, in the lower ranges. Demands, passions, jealousy, suffering, stormy reconciliations through sex. Emotions are given a strong amplitude. Scorpio is a fixed sign - capable of wearing down an enemy with eloquent silence, hurting with a word, pushing and pushing... Well, when the critical mark is passed, there is a violent outburst, a volcanic apocalypse, everyone is scared here, of course. Then again the accumulation of strength. This is a sinusoid.

Let's deepen the portrait a little.

VENUS in Scorpio allows you to be fully involved in the situation, without slacking or feeling sorry for yourself. This means that a person will fulfill his duties responsibly and with dedication. Turn on with your heart. “Sick” for the problem. He certainly cares. And Scorpio is about transformation. Through completely turning yourself inside out. VENUS is our subtle empathy. Our love. Through Love, the owner of VENUS in Scorpio can go through all the torments of Hell and be resurrected. Cleansed. If a person does not break down, he rises to enormous spiritual heights. VENUS in Scorpio can give an understanding of cosmic Love. I'm not talking about sex, if anything... This is the theme of compassion, the theme of service. If a person with VENUS in Scorpio goes through suffering and does not lose the person in himself, rises above the thirst for money, power and strength, then this is Gandolf the White at the exit.

From my experience of communicating with such ladies. Yes, they are capable of “harassing” a partner, exhausting him or rolling him out. And at the same time, give him the power to accomplish unthinkable things. And sacrifice. If something happens, they will get their heart out, don’t mind. So just respect!

Famous ladies with VENUS in Scorpio:

Susan Sarandon 10/04/1946 New York 14:24

And the favorite of all Rus' Hillary Clinton 10/26/1947 Chicago USA 2:18

So, let's go over...

Sarandon. A great actress and a very smart aunt. Completely independent in her actions and thoughts.

Everything here is extremely transparent: Natural magnetism and attractiveness is VENUS, which is in a very effective position in her horoscope, and the water element of Scorpio allows you to immerse yourself in the role head-on and “dissect” characters. In her personal life, she did what she wanted and dated whoever she wanted. And she gave birth to children from whomever she wanted, without looking back.

And as we know, a girl at 70 remains attractive to young men. This is the scorpion flair. But there is only one marriage! She is a serious person.

“The Witches of Eastwick,” a fateful film in her career, also adds such devilry.

Demmy Moor.

Demeter Scorpio is in kradrat: both by the Sun and by the House in which the Sun and Venus are located. Those. Initially, it was not planned to have an easy life. Venus is retrograde again. Deepening into your experiences, immersing yourself in them! And a bright connection with the Sun, Neptune and Mercury. The girl is very subtle - vulnerable, sensitive, soulful and creative and, unfortunately, mentally unstable.

She actually has an interesting map - you can take it apart and take it apart.

But we need her VENUS in SCORPIO, so only about her:

Our lovely Scoprion was born without a father. Her mother and stepfather drank and became rowdy. The girl quickly “runs out” to marry a rock musician. Oh yeah! Venus in Scorpio is happy!

Demi has changed her appearance several times! How in real life, and on the screen. Performance and transformation - that's VENUS in SCORPIO. Change yourself, turn yourself inside out. How many plastic surgeries has she had? I've already lost count. I started with removing the squint (oh, that witch’s squint!) and ending with a complete upgrade for “Charlie’s Angels”

The ability to be insightful on camera! Take it by heart! “Ghost” (again the Scorpio theme, by the way) made her famous.

All her roles are memorable. And - different. Transformation for the role too. VENUS in SCORPIO “lives” and does not play. And he approaches the process very responsibly: you need to shave your hair, we’ll shave it off, you need to pump up and spin on the pole, it’s easy, you need to be perfect, we’ll cut off everything that’s imperfect. I don’t know about her dramatic talent, but she really takes a sacrificial approach to her roles.

Young husband Well, where would we be without him? VENUS in Scorpio, such a calling card - attractive at any age. Sexy!

Sophie Marceau:

VENUS, like DEMI, is in creative union with the Sun, Mercury, Neptune.

And again about sexuality.

The girl married 42-year-old Andrzej Zulawski at the age of 16. And she starred in quite explicit films. Both physically and mentally. The theme of “opening” relationships, and through sex and pain, is for Scorpio, and for VENUS in SCORPIO in particular.

Marie Antoinette

Here, of course, you immediately look for severed heads and dynasties swept away by revolution. But it’s just horror, horror - there’s nothing like that in the map! On the contrary, everything is so nice... VENUS SCORPIO gives strong involvement in the area where it stands in the House! And in this case these are balls, theaters, bachelorette parties, “blind man’s buff”, card games(required!), outfits, champagne, cheerful girlfriends! Everything that makes a girl’s life bright and rich. In any century.

And I want everything so much! And there are no brakes. Because it’s still good, the energy doesn’t hit, but flows! The taste, by the way, is really excellent! Creative girl (VENUS in conjunction with the Sun). I came up with something - boom! I already did! Moreover, he is a trendsetter (Aspect from Uranus to VENUS) A real talent for inventing new things.

And yes, a spender! The Black Moon “messed up” her a little, eh! It’s just that in her case it was on a royal scale...

Of course, there are marks of an approaching storm in her chart... High Uranus, the Moon twice struck... But believe me, she did not fully understand the situation.

Actually, I'm really sorry for her. Such a glamorous girl and such a whirlpool of life. Scorpio drama.

And finally, the unsurpassed female hologram Hillary Clinton.

I'm being ironic, but in fact, it is the aunt who personifies the strongest quality of Scorpio - the thirst for power. This is no longer about relationships. This is energy pumping at the highest level. Crowd management. In crowds. By peoples. This is what she was going for, and this is what she was “sharpened” on. Politics is Scorpio’s “strong point”!

Her VENUS in SCORPIO gave her passion specifically in the sphere of politics - she wanted it with all her heart and all her mind (because Mercury is in conjunction there)! VENUS is strengthened by squares from Pluto and Mars and Saturn. Thirsted for power! Huge (VENUS answers the question - what do I wish)! And in principle, she achieved everything. She paid for this with internal complexes regarding the female part and dramatic situations with her husband. But it didn't matter to her. There's a different scale there.

A very thoughtful woman, a good speaker (VENUS and MERCURY), knows how to be charming to others. Again, VENUS IN SCORPIO gives precisely attractiveness. And in what area, the House will tell us.

I looked at several girls. In my opinion, Clinton and Demi Moore have the most Scorpio VENUS, although I can guess what passions are in each of them on a personal level. VENUS IN SCORPIO is, in principle, not about indifference. . The drama of the heart is inherent from the very beginning!

On some forum, Polanski’s film “Bitter Moon” is cited as a vivid exaggerated example of VENUS in SCORPIO... In life, however, it can be even harsher. Or vice versa. A girl lives and works as a relationship psychologist or a volunteer at a hospice. And everything works out great for her. Or paints gothic pictures...VENUS is also creativity! And it is always better to pour out such fermenting forces into art. It's safer that way, you know.

My test. Paintings by the Hungarian artist Kinga Britschgi. Photos from the World Wide Web...

Synastry Venus in Scorpio

Anyone with Venus in Scorpio is invariably quite emotional, very sensitive and very, very intense. All their feelings are intense, whether they are feelings about a person, money or their work. All their feelings are expressed with great intensity. They are explosively filled with some kind of passion. If passion leaves their life, they are as dead as the walking dead. They should feel ardor in everything they do. This applies to relationships too. There must be an open channel for this passion if they are going to feel complete satisfaction with a certain person; there must be an open channel if there is to be an intense exchange of emotions.

Venus in Scorpio will be very, very sexually oriented. She is also very secretive and quite antisocial. People with Venus in Scorpio are often antisocial, extremely unconventional, although this is not always obvious. This is the sign of Pluto, and Pluto is associated with antisocial behavior in many ways.

Also, Venus in Scorpio can be very jealous, very possessive. If a person has a lot of Aquarius or something like that, he won't be that jealous. But there is always a strong sense of survival that ties into their closest relationships. In other words, they are very conscious of feeling safe; and if it looks like the other person might go after someone else, their entire survival is threatened - or so they feel emotionally.

Venus in Scorpio can be very true, despite the fact that all the books say how bad Scorpio is. Venus in Scorpio can be faithful, but the loyalty is directed towards emotional constancy rather than their open behavior. Scorpio is a fixed sign, and fixed signs don't like too much change.

WITH Venus in Scorpio in the map men you have a person who likes full of life women, women who have a lot of fire, you can tell a lot of character. Martian type of woman, Aries or Scorpio type. They like strong women. They don't like someone who is too weak or passive. They get bored with them. They love intensity in relationships and - in the chart of a man with Venus in Scorpio - they love intensity in any woman they are interested in.

Women with Venus in Scorpio also distinguished by sexual pride, pride in one's sexual prowess or attraction. And this is also true for men with Mars in Scorpio, since - as you remember - Mars shows the male ego. For women with Venus in Scorpio, the feminine ego is often closely linked to their sexuality.

Arroyo S.

Venus in Scorpio deep, characterized by strong and stable attachments. Her early developing temperament gives rise to shyness in her. Cautious and sensitive in intimate relationships, becomes strongly attached to a person. If a breakup occurs, it seems to her that the whole world is collapsing. She experiences the loss of a loved one incredibly acutely and painfully. When falling in love, he becomes completely immersed in his feelings. May lose self-control in critical emotional situations (this is typical for Venus in water signs). Here Venus directs her wards to realize high spiritual needs or into the world of eroticism and sex.

On the one hand, people with such Venus have great moral strength and resilience, on the other hand, a strong craving for the opposite sex and sexual adventures. These people are usually very jealous, often rude and harsh, real owners who are not influenced by the will of others. Love for these people consists of a mixture of bliss and fury, kisses and bites, it can be evil, and torment, and obsession, and burning passion. This is the dance of eros and death. The range of feelings is from trepidation and all-consuming tenderness to the most refined perversity.

Feelings with Venus in Scorpio- this is the uncontrollable and uncontrollable force of the subconscious, the inner “I”, which at the first dissonance can cause extreme manifestations up to sadomasochism, homosexuality, and painful jealousy. If these people are able to sublimate their sexual potency in those areas of activity to which they have a calling, their willpower increases, self-confidence appears, and with sufficient persistence, perseverance and determination, they can achieve a high social level and financial position. And upon achieving all this, a willingness to help others is manifested.

Favorable configuration Venus with other planets and horoscope elements enhances the positive character traits of a given individual, gives a desire for spiritual growth and enhances intellectual abilities.

Unfavorable configuration gives a strong attraction to the opposite sex, sexual adventures, unbridled jealousy, provokes quarrels, scandals, intrigues, squabbles, etc. Bad aspects attract people with a very dubious reputation to the individual, give vanity, stubbornness, lust for power, and also indicate the possibility of an accident, poisoning, premature death at the hands of a woman or because of a woman. Often this can be an indication of sexually transmitted diseases, especially if there is a bad aspect with Mars or Saturn. Problematic aspects are especially harmful for women, who may exhibit many unsightly inclinations, unbridled passions, groundless jealousy, and fanaticism.

Vronsky S.A. , Levin. M.B. Lectures on astrology

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