Types of broths. Broths for sauces. How to make broth really tasty

Types of broths

IN The taste of the first course mainly depends on the quality of the broth in which it is cooked. Broth is the basis of any soup.

IN In cooking, meat, fish, mushroom and vegetable broths are used to prepare first courses. Less commonly, soups are prepared with milk and fruit infusions.

N In practice, there are distinctions between meat, meat and bone broths, and bone broths, for which different raw materials are used. If you are preparing meat and bone broth, then first boil the bones until half cooked, and then add the meat cut into pieces.

WITH There are also soups, for the preparation of which meat-vegetable or fish-vegetable broths are used, which are cooked with the addition of potatoes, onions, carrots and herbs. Almost all broths must be filtered after cooking.

M Many housewives cook concentrated broths, which retain their nutritional qualities well in the refrigerator for a long time. To prepare the soup, you need as much concentrated broth as indicated in the recipe for meat, fish or mushrooms (200 g of meat - 200 ml of broth).

N Some first courses are prepared in meat or bone broth, and then additional meat products are added to them: sausages or smoked meats.

D To prepare the broth, you need to use parts of meat with a significant content of connective tissue. The broth needs to be salted some time before it is ready, determined by the type of meat and the size of its pieces. For example, beef broth is salted 20-25 minutes before the end of cooking, chicken broth - 8-10.

Meat broth prepared this way. The prepared products are placed in a saucepan, filled with cold water, brought to a boil over maximum heat with the lid closed, then the foam is removed and the broth is cooked until tender at a low simmer.

Fish broth It is prepared from processed fish food waste, the so-called conditionally edible parts: head, bones, fins and skin. The fish fillet is cut into pieces and added directly when cooking the soup to retain all the nutrients.

Bouillon is a decoction that is prepared from various types of animal meat, poultry, fish, bones, offal, as well as vegetables and mushrooms. Such decoctions can be used as an independent dish, or as a base for soups. Broths are also often used to prepare sauces and some other types of dishes.

Broths can have different levels of strength. It depends on the ratio of the amount of raw materials for preparing the broth and the amount of water. In addition, you can increase the strength of the broth if you re-cook one or another product in a ready-made broth. That is, the strength of the fish broth will be higher if fresh fish is boiled in it again.

Know how to cook different kinds Every housewife should make broth at home, and in order to do it correctly, you need to know some secrets. This will be discussed in more detail in the following subparagraphs of the article, devoted to the preparation of meat, chicken, fish, vegetable and mushroom broths, as well as step by step photos recipes given in this section of the site.


Meat broth is the most popular base for first courses. It is prepared based on the most different types meat: on beef, veal, pork, lamb. In addition, meat broths are prepared on the bones, as a rule, on beef, as well as on the giblets, so-called by-products.

As for broths prepared with clean meat or meat with bones, they will only turn out tasty if the products mentioned are truly high-quality and fresh. It is preferable to use chilled rather than frozen meat. Broth made from frozen meat is significantly inferior in taste to broth made from chilled meat.

In order to cook a really tasty broth, they use this secret: you need to pour cold water over the meat and only then send it to cook on the stove. Only in this way will the meat give maximum nutrients to the broth and only in this way will it give the broth its taste. In this case, it is best to chop the finished boiled meat and return it to the first dish 10 minutes before the end of cooking. It should not be used for preparing second courses. To prepare them, the meat, on the contrary, is boiled by placing it in already boiling water. This way it remains juicier and concentrates the flavor inside. In addition, beneficial substances are not digested from meat cooked in this way.

When studying a recipe for making meat broth, keep in mind that its preparation time is about two to three hours and by the end of cooking the amount of water in the ingredients will be halved. If the broth is prepared on the basis of bones and meat, then first boil the bones (about three to four hours), and only then add the meat (approximately one and a half to two hours before the end of cooking). If the broth is cooked only on the basis of bones, then they are first cut into not too large pieces and, if possible, split lengthwise. This will allow the bones to cook better and, accordingly, release more nutrients into the broth. Boil the bone broth for no more than six hours.

Meat broth, whether it is made from pure meat, meat on the bone, or just bones, should never be overcooked. As a result, it loses its taste and nutritional qualities.

So, remember that the cooking time for broth on meat should not exceed three hours, on bones - six hours.


Chicken broth is cooked according to the same principles as ordinary meat broth, but its preparation time is much shorter. The chicken broth will be completely ready within one to two hours after the start of cooking. It's very easy to check for readiness. You just need to pierce the bird carcass with a fork. If it easily penetrates the meat, then the broth is ready.

It is preferable to cook young chicken. The broth from it will turn out much tastier, and its preparation time will be short. The meat of an old chicken or rooster is quite tough, and therefore it will take more time to cook both than in the case of a young chicken.


Recipes for fish broths are very diverse and offer almost any fish as a main product, even those that have specific smell(in this case, the aroma of the dish is adjusted with spices and herbs). At home, even small river fish, as well as fish waste, are used to make the above-mentioned decoctions. A broth prepared from fins, tail, skin, bones, and head will turn out no worse than from a whole fish. Only in the case of using fish waste, the finished broth must be strained.

Fish broth will only be tasty if the fish is fresh. Before putting it in a pan, it must be peeled and gutted. Be sure to remove the gills and eyes. Then the fish is cut into pieces, filled with water and sent to the stove. Cook the broth without boiling, that is, over low heat. In terms of time, the process of preparing broth at home, as a rule, takes no more than an hour.


Vegetable broths are not at all difficult to prepare, and they turn out no less aromatic and tasty than meat or fish broths. Any vegetables in any combination are used as ingredients. Quite often, these broths include spicy root vegetables such as celery root and parsley root.

To prepare vegetable broth, vegetables are first peeled and washed. Place in a pan either whole or cut into large pieces. Then they are filled with water and sent to boil on the stove. After the water boils, reduce the heat and cook, avoiding boiling of the liquid. Otherwise, the broth and vegetables in it lose everything beneficial features. Cook the vegetable broth for about one or one and a half hours.

At the end, the finished vegetable broth is filtered, getting rid of the vegetables from which it was cooked. They are no longer needed, because the vegetables have given all the aroma, taste and benefits to the broth.


Mushroom broth is usually made from dried mushrooms. There are no tricks here. The mushrooms are washed in warm water, then placed in a saucepan and filled with cold water. After this, cook the broth for about one and a half to two hours. To speed up the process, mushrooms can be soaked in cold water in advance. The procedure will take from one to two hours. The broth should be cooked with the addition of the water in which the mushrooms were soaked.

How to cook transparent and how to lighten?

The broth, cooked clear, is usually served as a separate dish. It is only seasoned with salt and complemented with pies to make it more filling. It turns out incredibly tasty. However, the question of how to cook the broth clear and not cloudy remains open. In fact, it's not difficult at all. You just need to follow some rules:

  • the broth is brought to a boil, after which the heat is reduced and simmered;
  • during the cooking process, foam is periodically removed from the broth, the first time after boiling, and subsequent times as it forms;
  • Also, to prepare a clear broth, place a whole peeled onion in it.

It is not possible to prepare a clear broth from just any product. Chicken and game meat, beef, and fish are best suited for this purpose.

In addition, you can make the broth transparent and lighten it using a special guy. The recipe for its preparation is quite simple, which means it can be done at home without difficulty.

To prepare the guy you will need a glass of ready-made and not hot broth, three hundred grams of minced meat and one chicken protein. These components are mixed and left for half an hour. Then the resulting mass is poured into a saucepan with broth and cooked over low heat for about forty minutes. Then the broth is carefully filtered.

There is a similar recipe for guy pull, but instead of minced meat, it uses raw grated carrots.

It is best to lighten fish broth with a strain of a dozen whipped egg whites. To do this, the broth is cooled in the refrigerator, and during this time the whites of ten eggs are beaten. The whipped whites are poured into the broth and simmered over low heat for about half an hour, remembering to stir it constantly. At the end, the resulting white foam is removed with a slotted spoon, and the broth itself is filtered.

To sum it up...

It is quite simple to prepare a delicious homemade broth with good aromatic qualities from meat, chicken, fish, vegetables, and mushrooms. It’s easy to make the broth transparent and also lighten it. The main thing is to know exactly how to do it. However, this is not a problem. Step-by-step recipes The photos presented in this section explain and illustrate in detail how to prepare this or that broth at home. So read, study the photos and cook your own culinary masterpieces in your home kitchen!

At first glance, this takes quite a long time. However, keep in mind that this is not at all difficult, and the result will be worth the time spent. The taste and nutritional content of homemade broth is usually far superior to any commercially prepared products, such as cubed, instant, or canned broths.
Broths good quality When cooled, they freeze and can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks, provided that they are poured into a jar while hot and immediately sealed. Watery broths are of lower quality, they lack richness and aroma, and their shelf life is very limited.
Broths often lose their flavor when frozen.

This basic stock is used to make strong stocks, soups and eintopfs.
1. Place the beef bone and beef chunk in a large pot of cold water until completely covered and bring to a boil over high heat.
2. Reduce heat and cook at a temperature close to boiling point. From time to time, skim the foam from the surface with a slotted spoon.
3. Add soup greens (leeks, carrots and celery) and herbs (garlic, thyme, peppercorns and parsley stalks).
4. After 1.5-2 hours, the meat will be ready and can be removed from the broth. If you do not serve it with soup, then use it to prepare another dish.
5. After 2-3 hours, strain the broth through a hair sieve.
6. Once the broth has cooled, skim off the fat from the surface with a spoon or ladle.
If you regularly skim the foam from the broth during cooking, and the temperature does not exceed the boiling point, then the broth will be nice and clear. During cooking, the broth can be topped up with water.

It is the basis for strong broths, soups, sauces and eintopfs.
1. Cover the poultry trimmings and a large soup chicken with warm water and, covering the pan with a lid, bring to a boil over high heat.
2. Maintain the temperature just below the boiling point to prevent the broth from becoming cloudy. Skim foam and fat from the surface of the broth from time to time.
3. No earlier than 2 hours of cooking, add vegetables (leeks, carrots, celery), seasonings and herbs (garlic clove, white peppercorns, thyme sprig and parsley stems).
4. Simmer the broth, without bringing it to a boil, for about another hour.
5. When the chicken meat becomes soft, remove it from the broth, preferably with a slotted spoon, and rinse it with cold water. Remove the poultry trimmings from the broth as well.
6. Strain the chicken broth through cheesecloth. After this, thoroughly degrease and cool. If you do not use chicken meat as a seasoning for soup, then you can cook another dish with it. For example, stew or salad with poultry.

Prepared like poultry broth. Cooking time is almost identical. Instead of poultry trimmings and whole chickens, use veal bones, sinew, and skin. Veal broth is a very valuable basic broth with a neutral taste. It is often used as a base for light sauces and creamy soups.

This is the basis for strong broths and thickened game soups, and is also used for game juice (juice for frying game meat).
1. Fry finely chopped game bones and sinews in a small amount of fat.
2. Add vegetables (2/3 onions and 1/3 carrots) and fry along with the meat.
3. Pour liquid (water or red wine) over the meat and vegetables several times and evaporate the liquid.
4. Now fill with cold water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for about three hours.
5. Skim off foam periodically. After 2 hours, add peppercorns, juniper berries, garlic, thyme and rosemary.
6. Strain the broth through cheesecloth. Cool and skim off excess fat if necessary.

The bones and heads (without gills) of flat fish such as flounder or sea ​​tongues. This is a fish with a very neutral taste and many uses. You can also make broths from the bones and heads of other fish, such as pike or pike perch. However, broths from these fish are only suitable for very specific dishes. Salmon fish bones are not suitable for fish broths, but are used to prepare red wine sauces for salmon dishes.
Before preparing fish stock, it is very important to thoroughly clean the bones and heads. The gills need to be removed. Shortly before using the bones and head, rinse with cold water.
Fish broths are not suitable for shellfish or shellfish dishes.
1. Coarsely chop the fish bones and heads and rinse under running cold water. Remove the gills.
2. Place the fish bones in a sieve and shake to remove any remaining water. Cut the onions, white part of the leek and celery into pieces.
Stew the vegetables a little in small quantities vegetable oil. Add the bones and simmer a little more.
3. Pour white wine over the vegetables and bones and pour in the amount of cold water specified in the recipe.
4. Bring to a boil and carefully skim off the foam. Add the spicy ingredients (celery, garlic, parsley stems, thyme and crushed hot peppercorns) and simmer the broth for 30-40 minutes.
After this, strain the fish broth through cheesecloth and cool.

Along with the meat, you will need vegetables such as carrots, leeks and celery. Peppercorns, juniper berries, tarragon, sage, rosemary, thyme and garlic are also useful, as they will highlight the character and flavor of any strong broth, but there should not be too much of them, otherwise they will overwhelm the taste. The aroma of poultry or game broth is emphasized by adding slightly fried, then dried and cooled poultry or game bones.
To clarify 1.5 liters of broth you will need:
200 g of coarsely chopped meat for clarification: beef, game or fish, depending on the type of strong broth.
80-100 g diced vegetables (carrots, leeks and celery).
1 chicken protein. If you take more protein, it will change the taste of the broth.
For minced meat you will need 4-6 tbsp. spoons of water, for filling - about 1.5 liters of broth.
You need to add about 400 g of fried poultry or game bones to the poultry or game broth.
A strong broth will be clear if you comply with the following conditions:
The utensils and meat used for clarification should not contain fat. Fat greatly affects the lightening result.
Do not add broth that is cloudy like milk.
Stir the strong broth constantly with a metal spatula, bringing it almost to a boil so that the protein does not coagulate so quickly and does not stick to the bottom.
Once the broth boils, immediately reduce the heat. Simmer the strong broth without bringing it to a boil and under no circumstances stir it again.
Constantly skim off any foam from the surface. It contains fats and dirt particles.
If the broth does not become clear, strain it and cool. Prepare the next portion of products to clarify the broth and repeat all over again. Do not under any circumstances increase the weight of egg whites. The reason that the broth remains opaque may be that the dishes are not well-drained or the products are of poor quality.

1. Pass lean beef through a meat grinder with the largest holes or buy raw minced meat like Tatar.
2. Peel the carrots, leeks and celery, wash well and cut into cubes approximately 0.5cm in size.
3. Add a few crushed peppercorns, a clove of garlic, parsley stems and a little egg white to the meat and vegetables.
4. Mix these components with the addition of a few tablespoons of cold water into a uniform mass.
5. Pour in the cold broth and, stirring constantly with a metal spatula, bring to a boil.
6. Reduce heat and carefully remove foam from the surface. Leave the strong broth to soak for about 2 hours and do not stir anymore. If too much liquid evaporates, add some cold water.
7. Strain the broth thoroughly through cheesecloth.
8. Remove fat from the surface with filter paper or a paper napkin and season the broth to taste with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Double strong broth is very similar to regular strong broth. For it you just need to take double the amount of minced meat to lighten it. Double strong broth is often not seasoned as it is quite flavorful from the meat. The strong broth is tasty not only warm; in summer it can be served cold, in gelled form. To do this, increase the amount of meat to lighten and use beef that contains a lot of cartilage (for example, Hessian), which will make the cold broth gel-like.

Strong poultry broth is prepared in the same way as beef broth.
Fry the wings and necks of chickens, chicks or poultry in a very small amount of fat until golden yellow.
Place the poultry bones in a sieve to drain the liquid.
Coarsely chopped minced meat for lightening, diced vegetables (leeks, carrots and celery) along with a few crushed peppercorns, a clove of garlic, sage leaves, a little water and egg white, knead into a homogeneous mass.
Pour in cold poultry broth or beef broth. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly with a metal spatula.
Reduce the heat until the broth barely simmers. Remove the foam from the surface.
Add the fried wings. Strong chicken bouillon Under no circumstances should it boil anymore, nor should it be stirred. Let it simmer for about 2 hours.
If too much liquid evaporates, add some cold water. Strain the strong chicken broth through cheesecloth.
Using filter paper or a paper napkin, carefully remove fat from the surface of the broth.
Season the strong chicken broth to taste with salt, pepper and a little nutmeg. Reheat and serve in hot soup cups.

Whether the meat is poultry or mammal, strong game broths are prepared the same way. Instead of poultry meat for clarification, of course, you need to take game meat, and instead of poultry trimmings, you need to take fried bones of a wild animal or wild bird. For strong broths made from pheasant, hazel grouse or pigeon, old roast poultry is especially good. Old poultry is ideal for soups and strong broths, but is practically unsuitable for frying. The same can be said about soup chickens. Game bird or soup chicken can be cut into small cubes or thin strips and used as a dressing for the same strong broth.

Strong fish broth is prepared according to the following scheme:
Coarsely chop fish meat (trimmings or inexpensive fish, except salmon).
Place the fish, the white parts of the leeks and celery, diced, a few mushrooms, crushed peppercorns, fresh thyme, garlic, egg white and a few tablespoons of water into the pan.
Using your hands, mix everything into a homogeneous mass.
Pour in cold fish stock. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil.
Reduce heat and carefully skim off the foam from the surface of the strong fish broth.
Simmer the broth for about 40-45 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth or a filter.
Season the broth with salt and pepper, then reheat and serve very hot.

The shells of lobsters, crabs, lobsters or crayfish can be used to flavor strong broths. However, never use fish broths for this. It is much better to take a neutral-tasting broth that will not change the taste of the shellfish. Shellfish and fish are not suitable for each other. Shellfish that have been stored for a long time are not fresh, this can be determined by the characteristic fishy taste, which significantly reduces their quality. Strong shell broths cannot be diluted with fish broth, the basis for sauces; they are prepared on the basis of veal or beef broth, and to clarify them, use beef, but not fish. To lighten the broth, add tomato puree and overripe peeled tomatoes to the minced meat, which give the strong shell broth a reddish tint. For dressing, use meat or vegetables corresponding to a strong broth, dumplings, and rice.

The importance of soups in nutrition

The main significance of soups is that they stimulate the appetite.
This role in soups is performed by two groups of appetite stimulants:
1) flavoring and aromatic substances
2) direct chemical irritants (stimulants) of the activity of the digestive glands.

The aroma of soups is given by herbs (or spices), white roots, carrots, onions and other seasonings included in the recipe, as well as substances formed during cooking.
The attractive appearance of soups stimulates the appetite.
Therefore, the smell, taste, and appearance of soups are extremely important.

It is necessary to take into account that with the constant use of the same flavoring and aromatic substances, the body adapts (gets used to) them, and they cease to stimulate the appetite.

Chemical stimulants of the gastric, pancreatic and other glands also play an equally important role. digestive tract: extractive substances passing into broth from meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms; organic acids sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, sour cream, kvass; mineral elements of food products, etc.

Soups are an important source of minerals, vitamins and other biologically active substances in our diet.
There is no loss of minerals when cooking soups, since they remain in the broth. B vitamins and carotene are retained by approximately 80-85%.
The loss of vitamin C is significant (up to 50%), but they are compensated by fresh herbs, which are added when serving the soup.
Soups cover up to 30% of the body's fluid needs and provide the necessary consistency of the food mass in the stomach and intestines.

The calorie content of soups varies.
The most high-calorie foods are hodgepodges, soups with cereals, legumes, and pasta. Energy value The value of soups is increased by meat, poultry, fish, sour cream, bread, pies, pies, etc. The calorie content of the liquid part of the soup is low and is only 1-5 kcal per 100 g of broth.

The range of soups is varied.

Soups are classified:

By supply temperature;
on a liquid basis;
according to the method of preparation.

By supply temperature
soups are divided into two groups:
cold and hot.
The temperature for dispensing cold dishes is not higher than 14°C, hot food is not lower than 75°C.
Fruit infusion soups (sweet) can be served both cold and hot.

On a liquid basis distinguish between soups
on broths - bone, meat and bone, fish and poultry;
milk and decoctions - mushroom, vegetable, cereal (hot soups),
and also on kvass, fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt;
beetroot decoctions, decoctions with kvass (cold soups).

By cooking method soups are divided into seasoned, pureed (or pureed), and clear.


Bouillon is a decoction obtained by boiling bones, meat, poultry, fish, and mushrooms in water (mushroom decoction). The word “broth” came into our language from French at the beginning of the 8th century. and comes from the verb “to boil, to form bubbles.”
Depending on the type of products used, broths are distinguished: bone, meat and bone, poultry, fish, mushroom.
Broth made only from meat pulp, especially for soups, is very rarely cooked.
Extractive substances, proteins, fats, and mineral elements pass from the products into the broth.
Extractives give flavor, aroma and color to the broth.
There are two groups of extractives - nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous.
Nitrogenous extractive substances include free amino acids, the content of which in the muscle tissue of large and small cattle up to 1% of its mass, dipeptides, guanidine derivatives (creatine, creatinine, etc.), carbamide (urea), purine bases, etc.

Among amino acids, glutamine plays a special role.
Its solutions, even in very low concentrations (0.03%), have a strong meaty taste. The sodium salt of glutamic acid (monosodium glutamate) is used as a flavoring.

Guanidine derivatives (creatine, creatinine), which pass into the broth, also play an important role in the formation of meat taste and serve as indicators of the concentration of meat broths.
Purine bases are the end products of protein metabolism contained in meat.
A large amount of them in food is harmful to the body, especially in old age and in a number of diseases.
Nitrogen-free extractives include glycogen, glucose, fructose, inositol, acids (lactic, formic, acetic, butyric), etc.

All extractive substances have a sap-like effect.
The amount of extractive substances varies depending on the breed, sex, age, and degree of fatness of the animal.
The thermal state of the meat (cooled, chilled, defrosted) and the method of defrosting it are also important.

The taste of the broth is significantly influenced by the amount of collagen that has turned into glutin, as well as the fat rendered during cooking.
When cooking meat, poultry, and fish, broths are obtained that are similar in composition, but differ in the ratio of individual nutrients and organoleptic properties.

Thus, meat and bone broth contains more extractives and mineral salts than bone broth, but less fat and nitrogenous substances, the bulk of which is glutin.

The nutritional value of meat and bone (meat) broth is largely determined by the type of large-piece semi-finished product taken for cooking.
Thus, broths from the beef thigh contain more extractive substances and less protein compared to broths from the brisket.
They are transparent, have the best taste and aroma, and have a strong juice effect.
Brisket broths are somewhat cloudy and contain a large number of protein substances (glutin), which form a colloidal solution in broths and impart so-called richness, as well as rendered fat.

When cooked, glutin (it makes up 77% of the dry residue of the broth), an insignificant (compared to the content in meat) part of the minerals and fat passes into the bone broth.
Most of the fat collects on the surface and is mechanically removed, but some of it is emulsified, distributed in the broth.
Emulsified fat makes the broth cloudy and worsens its organoleptic properties.

There are practically no extractives in bone broth.

When cooking fish broth, extractive, mineral and nitrogenous substances also pass into the water. The total amount of soluble substances passing from fish into the broth is 1.5-2% of its mass. Fish broths contain less glutamic acid, purine bases, and dipeptides than meat broths.

A feature of fish broths is the content of a significant amount of amines, especially in broths from sea ​​fish, and methylguanidine, a strong base that in high concentrations has a toxic effect on living organisms.
The nitrogenous substances of fish in the broth are represented mainly by glutin: the amount of emulsified fat is insignificant.
The mineral composition of the broth largely depends on the type of fish.

According to organoleptic indicators, the best quality broths are obtained from freshly caught freshwater fish(perch, pike perch, ruffe, etc.), as well as from sturgeon and salmon fish.
It is not recommended to cook carp, bream, carp, roach, as the broth from them has a bitter taste.

Bone broth.

Edible bones are used to prepare it.
Edible bones include: beef - articular heads of tubular bones, pectoral, vertebral and sacral; pork and lamb - vertebral, thoracic, pelvic, tubular and sacral.
Broths are not prepared from the rib and shoulder bones of beef carcasses; they are sent for technical processing.
Vertebral bones are used to make sauces.
Vertebral and flat bones are cut crosswise into pieces measuring 5-6 cm, the articular heads are cut into several parts, and the tubes are left intact.
Young beef and pork bones are lightly fried in the oven (30-45 minutes at a temperature of 150-200°C) to improve the taste and appearance broth.
The rendered fat is drained and used to sauté vegetables.
Prepared raw bones are poured with cold water, and fried bones are poured with hot water (70-90°C) and boiled at low boil.
During the cooking process, foam and fat are removed from the surface of the broth. Duration of cooking beef bone broth is 3-4 hours. from pork and lamb - 2-3 tsp.
With longer cooking, the taste and aroma of the broth deteriorate.
30-40 minutes before the end of cooking, add parsley (root), baked onions and carrots, and salt.

Carrots and onions, cut lengthwise into several pieces, are placed in heated, clean, dry frying pans and baked until light brown, avoiding burning.
You can also add stems of parsley, celery, dill, onion trimmings, carrots, and white roots to the broth.
The finished broth is filtered.

Bone broth can be prepared concentrated.
The yield of concentrated broth is 1 liter with 1 kg of bones.
When preparing soups, such broth is diluted with water to the required volume in accordance with the norm for adding raw materials per serving.
So, if the norm is 100 g of bones, you should take 100 g of concentrated bone broth per serving.

Meat and bone broth.
It is prepared in the same way as bone broth, but 2-3 hours before the end of cooking, pieces of meat weighing 1.5-2 kg are added. This ensures higher taste not only of the broth, but also of the meat.
In addition, the broth is more transparent.
To prepare the broth, use beef (shoulder, subscapular, brisket, trim of fatness category I carcasses), veal (brisket), lamb (shoulder, brisket), pork (shoulder, neck, brisket).
Cooking time for beef is 2-2.5 hours, lamb and pork - 1.5-2 hours.
At the end of cooking, remove the cooked meat and filter the broth.

Poultry broth.

To prepare it, bones, offal (heart, stomachs, necks, heads, legs, wings, skin, necks), and whole poultry carcasses are used.
The bones are finely chopped, the carcasses are seasoned, poured with cold water, quickly brought to a boil, and then cooked until tender at a low simmer for 1-2 hours.
During the cooking process, remove foam and fat.
30-40 minutes before the broth is ready, add parsley (root), carrots and onions.
The finished broth is filtered.
If bones, offal, and whole carcasses are used simultaneously to prepare the broth, then first boil the bones and offal, and then add the whole carcasses in accordance with the timing of their cooking.

Fish broth.
For its preparation, fish and fish products are used. food waste(heads, fins, skin, tails, bones). Large heads and vertebral bones are cut into pieces.
First, the gills are removed from the head, and the eyes are removed from large heads.
The prepared food waste is poured with cold water, brought to a boil, the foam that forms on the surface of the broth is removed, parsley (root) and onion are added and cooked at low boil for 40-50 minutes.
The finished broth is filtered.
When cooking broth from the heads of fish of the sturgeon family, an hour after the start of cooking, the heads are removed, the pulp is separated, and the cartilage continues to be cooked until softened for 1-1.5 hours.
The finished broth is filtered.
From food fish waste you can cook a concentrated broth with a yield of 1 liter from 1 kg of raw materials.

Mushroom broth.

Prepared from fresh or dried mushrooms.
Dried mushrooms are poured with water and left in it for 10-15 minutes, and then washed several times, changing the water.
Thoroughly washed dried mushrooms are poured with cold water (7 liters per 1 kg of mushrooms) and left for 3-4 hours to swell.
The mushrooms are taken out, washed, poured with the water in which they were soaked, not draining it completely (there may be sand at the bottom), and cooked until soft for 1.5-2 hours.
The finished broth is filtered.
The cooked mushrooms are washed to remove any remaining sand, then chopped, chopped, or passed through a meat grinder and placed in the soup 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking.
To prepare seasoning soups at pre-preparation enterprises, you can use semi-finished concentrated bone broth and broth with gelatin, produced by specialized workshops or preparation enterprises.

Concentrated bone broth from beef bones or from beef and pork bones is prepared in accordance with TU 28-24-84.
Its technology does not differ significantly from the traditional one.
To obtain 100 kg of finished broth, take 190 kg of bones.
The finished broth is poured into functional containers and intensively cooled.
The chilled broth has a jelly-like consistency.
Its shelf life is 48 hours at a temperature of 4-8°C.

At pre-cooking enterprises, concentrated broths when preparing seasoning soups are first diluted in boiling water in a ratio of 1:3.

Broths with gelatin(chicken and meat) are prepared in accordance with TU 28-25-84.
Swollen gelatin (1% of the broth weight) is added to the finished chicken or meat broth, obtained by boiling meat or chickens for pre-production enterprises, and boiled for 3 minutes.
Then the broth is poured into functional containers, intensively cooled and stored: meat - no more than 48 hours, chicken - no more than 24 hours at a temperature of 4-8°C.

At pre-production enterprises, chicken broth with gelatin is used to prepare seasoning soups and sauces without dilution.

Meat broth with gelatin is pre-diluted in boiling water in a 1:1 ratio.

You can also use bouillon cubes and powders when making soups.

The industry produces meat, chicken and mushroom bouillon cubes.

Dry broth concentrates have been used for a very long time.
The Charter of the Russian Navy (1797) already mentions “dry broths for cooking soups.”
Powders are prepared by evaporating concentrated bone broth (the yield of dry residue is approximately 6%).
The dry residue is mixed with salt, chopped dry roots and herbs.
When using bouillon cubes and powders, soups are boiled in water without salt.
Cubes or powder are pre-dissolved in a small amount of hot water and added to the finished soup 15-20 minutes before leaving.

Broth is the basis of any soup and often a dish in its own right. The taste of the broth directly depends on the quality of the products that were used to prepare it and the spices that were added to it. We wrote about how to mix spices correctly here.

In cooking, there is a whole list of broths, on the basis of which first and second courses are prepared. These can be meat, fish, vegetable or mushroom broths. Dairy or fruit preparations are used less often.

Meat broth

Meat broths can be prepared from plain meat, meat with bones, or bones alone.

Depending on the desired concentration of the soup, first boil the bones and only then add the meat cut into portions into the broth.

By the way, if you want to get a rich meaty taste of the broth, put raw meat in cold water and bring the broth to a boil immediately with the meat. If your priority is tasty meat, first boil the water, and only then put the chopped meat into it.

If you want to get a clean meat broth, after boiling, remove the foam that has formed on the surface. If you carefully catch all the parts of the foam with a slotted spoon, your broth will turn out clear and free of foreign impurities.

To get a spicy and aromatic broth, add spices to it: if these are dried herbs, add them immediately after boiling, they need time to reveal their aroma. If the herbs are fresh, they can be added 5 minutes before the end of cooking. They need to boil a little so that the soup does not turn sour after cooling.

Fish broth

Fish stock is typically made from processed fish waste: heads, fins, bones or skin. It is these parts of the fish that contain the most gelatin and produce the richest-tasting soup.

To get the most transparent fish broth, after cooking it must be strained through a fine sieve.

To cook fish soup, add fish cut into pieces to the strained broth and boil it until tender.

Meat and fish broths can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3-5 days in airtight containers. Useful material they are not lost, which means they can be used both for preparing first courses and second courses (for example, risotto).

Vegetable broths

Unlike fish and meat broths, vegetable broths are best used immediately after preparation, since their shelf life is short. The exception is mushroom broths.

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