Exhibition budgerigars. What is the difference between the exhibition budgerigar Cech and the usual “wavy”? What types of budgies are there?

The Czech parrot is a show class budgerigar. In this article I will talk about this bird. I will give a description and characteristics, differences from ordinary budgies. I will describe the nature of the bird and its habits, possible diseases and their prevention. I’ll explain how to care for Czechs and where you can buy them.

The Czech parrot is a bright and spectacular representative of the bird world. A distinctive, memorable feature is a fluffy voluminous crest of different shades and colors, and a edging in the form of contrasting beads on a lush beard, descending from the head to the chest.

Czech is the same budgerigar, only a little “tuned”

Parrots acquired a variety of colors through systematic selection by professional breeders.

Parrots are popular not only as show specimens, but also as pets. The beautiful bird is a great addition to a modern interior.

The size of an adult Czech from the crown to the tip of the tail is on average 25 cm, sometimes it can reach 28 cm.

The name “Czech” was formed and consolidated due to the import of a parrot from Czechoslovakia into the USSR.

Like all artificially bred representatives of the living world, Czechs have poor health. They are extremely sensitive to various diseases and are infertile. A pair produces from one to a maximum of four chicks per cage. Most of them have developmental defects and are infertile. This explains the high price for representatives.

Differences from ordinary budgies

The external difference between a Czech and an ordinary budgie is the presence of a fluffy cap (or crest) on the head and a fluffy beard edging in the form of contrasting beads.

The size of the exhibition representatives is larger, the length from the crown to the tip of the tail is 5-8 cm longer. The character is calmer. They fly much less.

Budgerigars chatter and sing all day long, Czechs are more silent.

A distinctive feature is the nature of the position of the wings on the body, the Czech folds them neatly on the chest, and the usual wavy one crosses them.

Character and habits

Representatives of this breed are tame parrots. This is due to the fact that the parent couple quickly loses interest in their offspring, and the breeder has to feed the chicks on their own. During such care, the birds get used to the person and feel comfortable in his hands.

The bird is inquisitive, sociable and quite playful. He prefers to be close to his owner, carefully observing all his actions (therefore, you should not keep them in a cage all the time). She is smart and amenable to learning human speech.

Rules for caring for Czechs

The cage should be spacious, measuring more than 50x40x35 cm. It is advisable to choose deeper drinkers and feeders than are offered for ordinary budgies. You need to choose wooden perches with a diameter of 2.5 cm.

Food preferably from professional industrial production. In addition to ready-made bird food, you can treat it to grains, dried fruits or fresh fruits, sprouted fresh grass. You need to place a mineral stone in the cage and periodically give vitamins in the dosage specified by the manufacturer. Water and food need to be changed every day.

The cage must be cleaned daily.

How and where to buy

Show parrots are not sold in pet stores. It is possible to buy such a representative only from a specialized breeder.

When purchasing a Czech from a registered breeder, a permanent ring is placed on the bird’s paw, allowing one to determine the exact age and personal number.

This ring is necessary for obtaining a pedigree and subsequent participation in exhibitions. If the breeder cannot provide such a ring, then it will also be impossible to obtain a guarantee and confirmation that the bird is truly a show-class Czech bird.

The cost of a parrot depends on who it is bought from (an amateur or a professional breeder) and on the degree of tameness in human hands. A manual registered Czech will cost from 5,000 rubles. With a ring, but not raised by a person, it will cost from 3,000 rubles.

If the bird is not purchased for exhibitions, you can save money and buy a representative secondhand for a price of 1000 rubles. Note! In this case, there is a high risk of purchasing an old, sick bird.

Possible diseases and prevention

Parrots of this species are fragile and do not have good health. They require careful and careful treatment.

In order for the bird to be healthy, it is necessary to carefully care for it, observing preventive measures to prevent the occurrence and development of diseases:

  • clean the cage every day;
  • feed only high-quality fresh food, update the feeder every day, make sure that the food does not become damp and does not acquire an uncharacteristic color (feeding moldy food is strictly unacceptable);
  • change the water daily, pour cool, filtered water into the sippy cup;
  • do not place the cage near heating appliances, near windows and balcony doors and in places where there are possible drafts, do not allow temperature changes in the room;
  • relieve the bird from possible stress, do not make noise or frighten it;
  • avoid contact with sick people, animals and other birds;
  • do not bring branches, grass and other objects from the street into the feeding cage;
  • If you suspect an illness, immediately contact an ornithologist.

In the article I talked about the exhibition budgie. She gave a description and characteristics, differences from ordinary budgies. She described the nature of the bird and its habits, possible diseases and their prevention. She explained how to care for Czechs and where you can buy a bird.

Exhibition budgerigar CZECH almost 2 times larger than a simple budgie, this is a good choice for those who want a larger parrot than a regular budgie, but are not ready to get a large parrot.

CZECH It is well tamed and learns to talk, it is beautiful and impressive, a good companion, and at the same time does not require special conditions of detention.

Photos of parent stock: "PHOTO GALLERY"

Register and reserve chicks with us at FORUM.

Differences between CZECH and simple wavy:


· CZECH from the top of the head to the tip of the tail is 22 - 29 cm (according to the standard 24.5 cm), and a regular wavy is 13-18 cm. (they can be larger if they were related to CZECHs, in common people they are half-Czechs);

· CZECH has a fluffy cap and a long beard (with gorgeous beads, if it has a standard color), the beak is practically hidden under them, and a simple wavy has a smooth small head without a tufted cap with a protruding beak, a short beard, and practically no beads;

· CZECHES They have many unusual, beautiful colors, as there is constant selection in this direction. In the usual standard colors, the simple wavy and the CZECH are very different from each other, due to the chic beads on the beard and cap of the CZECH;

· Well, it’s impossible not to mention that the posture of CZECH proud, her chest is like a wheel, and her head is held as if she were wearing a crown!

And here are clear examples of how big the difference is between these parrots:

This is a photo of a 3 month old chick "Czech" next to a simple wavy (in this photo you can clearly see the difference in size)

Next are photographs of ordinary wavy birds and Chekhovs. In these photographs it is not correct to compare the sizes of birds, since all the birds are taken from different angles, but here you can clearly see how different they are in appearance!

Video clips from the Royal Parrot Nursery


· CZECHES A little calmer than wavy birds, due to their larger body mass, they get tired of flying faster, but at the same time they are no less fun in games and in communication.

3.Taming and learning to talk:

· CZECHES, as a rule, are sold already tame, and therefore it is easier to train them to talk. Each pair of CHEKHOVs has a separate aviary and nesting house, and breeders constantly take the chicks in their hands for the purpose of ringing and monitoring their development, since parents often stop feeding their few offspring 3-5 chicks before they leave the nest, and then breeders have to feed the chicks themselves. While in simple wavy birds, breeding occurs according to a completely different scheme, a common aviary with many birds and nesting houses, parents easily feed their numerous offspring, as a rule, these are 8-10 chicks in one brood, they have a well-developed natural reproductive instinct. And after the chicks fly out of the nest, the breeders catch them from the common enclosure. Naturally, the chicks in this case are wild, because they have not yet seen a person, and as a result, the chicks are more difficult to make contact with a person.


· For CZECH you need a more spacious cage (minimum 50*40*35), thicker perches (minimum 2.5 cm in diameter) and, of course, the feeders should have large openings so that the parrot does not get stuck in them.

· There are no special differences in feeding, dry food, vegetables and fruits, mineral stones, fresh water, a course of vitamins, all this is necessary for both simple wavy and CZECHAM.

Standard show budgerigar.

To date, many different races and color variations of budgerigars have been bred, but still, the breeding of the exhibition type budgerigar should be recognized as one of the largest achievements in the field of breeding parrots in general. The appearance of these parrots in the 50s. of our century in England, for amateur breeders in many countries, was the beginning of a sharp rise in the popularity of budgerigars. With the goal of increasing the size of birds, English fanciers have been breeding budgerigars for decades. Eventually, large body sizes began to be passed on to offspring and became fixed genetically. The increase in certain groups of feathers, for example, the mask, head feathers, flight feathers and tail feathers, occurred along with an increase in body size. The exhibition type of budgerigar is so different from the usual type of these birds that breeders and hobbyists from many countries around the world have become interested in it. In order to be able to hold international amateur competitions, international judging rules and a standard for budgerigars were adopted. The basic requirements of the standard for the exhibition type of budgerigar included those used by English fanciers. The following is a description of a flawless show parrot according to the current international standard.

Wings and their placement

Fitting tightly to the body, closed at the sacrum, but not crossing. The length of the wing from the bend to the end of the flight feathers should not exceed 12 cm. On each wing there are seven well-developed primary flight feathers. Long-winged birds are not subject to assessment.


Sturdy and squat. The body shape is round, the neck and shoulders are wide. The body from the head to the tip of the tail with a straight back line should resemble an elongated drop. The chest is convex, protruding forward in a graceful arc. A budgerigar should give the impression of a strong and massive, but not overfed bird. The ideal length from the top of the head to the tip of the tail is 24-25 cm.


Straight, even, with symmetrically arranged smooth feathers, it should be a natural extension of the body. It ends with two perfectly developed long tail feathers.


Proud and natural. The angle of inclination of the body to the horizon is 60°. No part of the body should touch the perch.


When viewed from any side, the head should appear large, symmetrical, rounded and wide. The forehead is powerful, high, and forms a smooth arc from the base of the beak to the back of the head.


Preferably not too long, firmly planted. The mandible completely covers the mandible.


When viewed from all sides, it should appear full, short and wide.


Expressive, clean, equally distant from the forehead, crown and back of the head.


Must correspond to the description of the color variation - pure, uniform, of the same intensity, without extraneous shades.

Mask and throat signs

The color of the mask is pure, it is located on the front of the head and is limited by a wide arc on the crown and chin. Six large, perfectly round, equally spaced throat marks, forming an even chain at the bottom of the mask. The two outer marks on either side of the head are partially covered by elongated teardrop-shaped malar spots. The color of the mask, throat marks and cheek patches must correspond to the appropriate color variation description.


Straight, strong, two fingers pointing forward, two back. The claws of the fingers should firmly grip the perch.


The drawing must fully comply with the corresponding description of color variations - clean, clearly expressed, clearly defined.

How the exhibition type of budgerigar differs from birds of the ordinary type is clear from the above description. With all this, we must not forget that selection by color is much more difficult than selection by type. All this is also complicated by the important fact that when breeding exhibition budgerigars, inbreeding is widely used, which gives both positive and negative qualities in the genotype of birds. It should be noted that exhibition budgies are significantly less fertile than ordinary budgies. The normal number of chicks in a brood is one to four, rarely more. In addition, chicks with various anomalies of growth and development are quite common.

Many birds are often infertile and sick. Based on such factors, it should be noted that exhibition-type budgies require more careful care and compliance with the necessary conditions of keeping and feeding.

On the territory of the former Soviet Union, exhibition budgerigars appeared only a few decades ago, in the early 80s.

The standard for the exhibition budgerigar "Czech" is copied from S. V. Skorbovenko's book "Budgerigars"

Read in this article

There are several main types of budgies, which differ in appearance. Birds are identified by color and type of plumage. The main favorites among budgies are show budgerigars. Czechs look more massive and majestic than ordinary budgies. Before you go to the pet store for a new friend, it’s worth understanding what differences there are between wavy animals. In this case, it will be much easier not to make a mistake in choosing a specific type of parrot.

Features of the Czechs

You can visually identify Czechs among other representatives of the wavy animals by their appearance. They look larger and their body is longer than that of their relatives. The body length of Czechs ranges from 21-28 cm; in the case of ordinary budgerigars, these figures reach no more than 20 cm. The body and head of Czechs also look more massive, especially due to the “cap”. After the first moult, closer to 4 months, exhibition budgerigars develop a special fluffy cap.

The Czechs clearly have large beads in the cheek area. Visually they look larger than other representatives. Domesticated Czechs can have a wide variety of feather colors. Most often you will find individuals of olive, dark green, blue, gray, white, yellow and combination colors. The life expectancy of Czechs is 12-14 years with quality care. A balanced diet, lack of stress and full attention are very important for animals.

The behavior of Czechs is different from other budgies. The exhibition species of birds behaves calmer and more restrained than their relatives. If ordinary individuals are very active and loud, then Czechs sit in one place more than others. Thanks to this feature, they begin to pronounce words faster or even pronounce entire sentences.

Czechs are playful birds, but unlike other species of wavy birds, they fly less and not as often. Due to their large body weight, birds get tired quickly, so they are more passive. When choosing a house for your future pet, you should pay attention to a cage with dimensions larger than in the usual case. It is important to choose strong perches for the Czechs and a larger drinking bowl with a feeder so that the bird feels as comfortable as possible in the cage.

What is important to know when purchasing?

There are different types of budgies, among which the Czech breed will always be different. There are fewer original representatives of this species than standard wavy ones. They hatch fewer chicks, and the price for this breed will be higher than in the case of other budgerigars. The large size of the bird and beautiful plumage influence the cost.

"Advice! Those who want to purchase a real show Czech parrot should look for a pet from breeders. Most often, birds for exhibitions are sold with permanent rings, which can be used to determine their identity.”

Thanks to the non-removable ring, you will be able to find out about the following indicators:

  • serial number;
  • the age of the individual (this is indicated by the color of the ring);
  • information about the club;
  • breeder number;
  • date of birth of the bird.

If you decide to buy a Czech at the poultry market, it is very easy to end up with an unscrupulous seller. Most often, budgies without rings are sold here, which makes it more difficult to clearly determine their age and breed. Sellers can sell an old individual instead of a young chick. If there is no ring on the paw, you will not be able to participate in the exhibition, since in this case it will not be possible to obtain a pedigree for the pet.

What else do you need to know about the Czechs?

The main feature of the Czech bird is its aristocratic appearance. She loves to stick out her massive chest, which is why she always looks proud and at ease. What distinguishes these beautiful exhibition animals from others is their large head with a powerful forehead. When folding the wings, they do not cross at the back, as in other wavy birds.

A purebred Czech should have a beautiful, uniform color, without interspersing other shades. There are four toes on the animal's paws, two of which look forward and two look back. These are pack animals; they feel most comfortable in a cage, being with a couple. In this case, the bird will show special cheerfulness and enjoy playing with its partners. If one of the pair dies or if the owner decides to separate the birds, this could end in disaster. The Czech will suffer greatly and miss his mate, which may even cause him to get sick.

It is important to pay special attention to the budgerigar if he lives alone in the house. A Czech feels most comfortable when people communicate with him as with a friend. Czechs are considered to be quite talented in teaching, because after short lessons they begin to speak quickly.

Feed the Czech breed with balanced grain feed. Don’t forget to please the Czech with fruits and berries, which the bird loves very much. It is important to feed your pet cottage cheese and boiled eggs. Some types of grains can be hazardous to Czech health. This category includes pear, apple and cherry seeds.

What types of budgies are there?

In addition to Czechs, there are other breeds of wavy birds - they all differ in color and type of plumage. Before you go to the store or poultry market, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of birds. Having studied in more detail what differences there are in appearance, it will be easier to make a choice.

Multicolored birds

The color of wavy birds contains various inclusions, which are evenly distributed throughout the body. Another name for this subspecies of birds is rainbow budgies. There are several main subspecies of multicolored individuals:

  1. Penguins. Their main feature is that the lower part of the body is painted in one tone, and the upper part in another.
  2. Harlequins. The color in the belly and chest area has a different color from the main one and has clear contours.
  3. Motley. These are very bright birds, which have 3-6 different shades of color, all of them arranged chaotically.

A very bright and unusual duet is obtained when two multi-colored individuals live in a pair. They additionally delight owners and guests with their unusual plumage.

Monochromatic individuals

This type of one-color budgies looks quite unusual. When purchasing such a pet, you will be able to independently verify that it has only one dominant color in its color. Basically it can be yellow, green, blue or white. In ash-gray birds, the wavy pattern on the plumage is dominated by black. White and yellow budgies have pale colored wavy hair. If the color of the animal is blue or green, then the waviness on the feathers is normal. Albinos with pure white coloring do not have wavy hair.

Crested subspecies

Another name for these budgerigars is Chubby parrots. This breed has unusual tufts on its head, which is how they get their name. The feathers in this area grow in different directions, which is why something like a crest is formed. The color of the feathers of budgerigars can be completely different. There are several varieties of crested. They can have a double or triple round crest on the head, as well as deformed feathers in the back area.

It is not so easy to meet forelock birds, since the process of their breeding is quite complex. A certain gene is responsible for the presence of a crest on the head; scientists have not fully understood the phenomenon itself. The crested species is considered quite sickly, as it often exhibits problems with coordination and trembling muscles. In some cases, forelocks are bothered by neuroses, seizures, or.

What do spangles look like?

This species of bird is noticeably different from the usual budgie. Spangles have a completely different pattern on their plumage. On the wings and tail, the plumage pattern of the animal is located in the opposite mirror direction. The tips of the bird's wings have a thin black line that stands out clearly against the general background. Most often, individuals with yellow coloring have a predominant yellow pattern on their wings, while blue spangles have a white pattern in this area.

curly birds

This category of birds has a very unusual appearance, otherwise they are also called Feather Duster. They got their name because of their unusual curly plumage. The growth of feathers in animals does not stop; long curly feathers grow completely or partially on their body. This breed cannot fly due to its long, curly feathers.

Curly-haired individuals are born as a result of a rare mutation, in this case the gene that is responsible for feather growth is damaged. It is not always possible to identify a curly chick at birth. At the age of 2 weeks, their tail feathers are shorter than their coverts. Most often, curly chicks have longer fluff than representatives of the standard type. Determining the sex of a bird is not always convenient, since the color of the wax is ambiguous. When the feathers of ordinary parrots stop growing in length, the growth of curly parrots does not stop, they become long and begin to curl.

In most cases, the life expectancy of curly-haired representatives does not exceed 1 year. They cannot fly or sit on a perch normally due to the nature of their plumage. Most often, the bird sits all day in a feeder with food to ensure the growth of its feathers.

What colors do budgies have?

“An interesting fact is that in the wild you can only find birds of a light green color. Domestic budgies of various colors are a mutation that is actively used by humans. Thanks to successful selection, this breed is full of diversity.”

When you go to the poultry market, you will be able to make a new friend of this color:

  1. Green. The animal you encounter will be dark green, light green and olive green. The plumage color of the latter species is the most beautiful, since all the transitions are very clear and bright.
  2. Blue. This artificially bred animal coloring was “created” about 25 years ago in France. Birds of this color are the most common.
  3. Yellowfaces. Birds that are blue in color and have a yellow face fall into this category.
  4. Gray. In pet stores you can find birds of similar shades with different saturations. Anthracite birds are considered the most unusual; their plumage is very dark, so it is sometimes confused with black.
  5. Lightened. The main color and shade of their flight feathers are 80% lighter than those of standard representatives.

You can also buy pets in purple, blue, gray-blue, gray-pink and mauve colors at the market. Thanks to active selection over the past 20 years, it has been possible to develop budgerigars with the most unusual colors and plumage.

The Czech budgerigar, brought from the Czech Republic, is becoming increasingly famous in the world, since it has some advantages over a simple budgerigar. You will find detailed information about the Czech, as well as what other breeds of budgerigar exist in this article.

Despite the fact that Czechs are not fans of long trills, they know how to pronounce words clearly and make long speeches. In the morning, these birds are able to silently wait for their owner. Due to their large mass, they fly rarely and little, as they quickly become exhausted. However, it is possible and even interesting to play and communicate with them. Czechs can still show anxiety, for example, at an exhibition, among noise and many unfamiliar people.

It is worth noting that to keep Czech parrots you need larger feeders and drinkers and stronger perches.

Fixed ring and price

An ordinary budgie can be bought at any pet store without any documents or a ring. After all, they are bought for their own pleasure, and not for an exhibition career.

Anyone who wants to purchase a real show Czech budgie needs to know that the purchase can only be made from a breeder. And only one that is officially registered in the “Russian Club”. In this case, he has a personal unique number and the opportunity to order permanent rings for his feathered charges. Each ring has:

  • a certain color according to the age of the bird;
  • year of birth;
  • unique breeder number;
  • serial number of the chick;
  • club data.

Somewhere on the poultry market they can sell a Czech without a ring, which means there is a complete lack of guarantee in determining the age and origin of the bird. Unscrupulous sellers may sell an old bird instead of a young one. Also, without a ring, there will be no way to register a pedigree for a Czech parrot and, accordingly, to take part in an exhibition.

Czechs breed fewer chicks, so there are not as many of them as ordinary representatives of the breed. Being a small species, the Czech parrot is an order of magnitude higher than a simple parrot. The chic appearance and large size also affect the price.

In addition to Czechs, there are other types of budgerigars in the world. Since there are too many of them, we have highlighted the main and most interesting varieties.

Other budgies

Single color

This breed of “wavy birds” has a certain feature - only one color dominates in the color of the birds. For example, green, yellow, white, blue. If the predominant color is green or blue, then the bird has the usual waviness, if yellow or white, then the bird has a pale waviness. Ash gray (anthracite) parrots have black wavy, while pure white (albino) parrots have none at all.


Such parrots are also called rainbow parrots, because this breed has different colors in its color, almost evenly distributed throughout the body of the bird. This species has its own varieties:


The name of the parrot breed comes from the English spangle, which means “bugle bead” in Russian. Birds of this species have an inverted, mirror-like waviness.

Curly (Feather Dusters)

The budgerigar breed, bred in Japan, is similar in appearance to the Parisian trumpeter canaries. These birds acquired their name because their body is completely or partially covered with a large mass of long curly plumage. Because these parrots never stop growing feathers, they have lost their aerodynamic properties and cannot fly.


Many people call this breed of budgerigars Chubby. The birds received this name for the original feathers that grow on the head in different directions, resembling a crest. There are two types of crested budgies: American and continental. In the American species, the base of the crest is located closer to the occipital part.

According to the shape, there are such types of crests as pointed (in the form of a bunch), round and semicircular. And the forelock parrots themselves have the following varieties:

  • with a double round crest;
  • with a triple round crest;
  • with deformed feathers on the back (with or without a crest).

All types of crested "budgies" can have any colors that exist in budgies.

Due to some nuances associated with their breeding and maintenance, this breed should be considered in more detail. The presence of crest in these birds is a little studied property, but scientists have established that the gene responsible for the presence of a crest is dominant.

Unfortunately, it is among the forelocked parrots that such deviations from behavioral norms as poor coordination of movements have been discovered. Nervous system disorders such as neuroses, convulsions, and seizures were also often observed. It is very difficult for crested parrots, since most chicks die almost immediately after birth, and some die before they are born.

What do you know about budgerigar breeds? Share with us in the comments - your opinion is very important to us.

This type of exhibition budgies has been known for a long time. It is believed that he was bred in the Czech Republic. Although if you delve into history, during the Second World War they were also bred in Great Britain.

Surely you will wonder why this species of birds is called nothing more than Czech show or budgerigars. The fact is that the differences between parrots of different species, budgerigars and Czechs, are not so significant. From a distance, you may not even notice the differences, but if you take a closer look at these birds, the characteristic differences will still catch your eye.

Czech show budgerigars have slightly larger body sizes. In addition, they have a peculiar appearance. The feathers on their heads form a kind of cap and beard, skillfully hiding them from prying eyes.

In addition to its unique appearance, the Czech budgerigar is also distinguished by its posture. At the same time, this difference is too noticeable not to pay attention to it. If the posture of ordinary parrots has a slightly hunched appearance, then the Czech has the posture of a gallant soldier. When he freezes in any position, you will probably notice the chest baked forward.

However, the differences between similar bird species do not end there. The show budgerigar is calmer than the regular budgerigar. As a result, he spends more time not aimlessly walking around the cage and singing songs that come to mind, but studying the space around him. It is believed that it is thanks to this trait of his character that Czechs are more talented in learning and much easier to remember and parody what a person says.

general information

The body length of the described species of parrot can reach an impressive twenty-nine centimeters. However, most often you come across specimens whose body length varies within twenty-five centimeters.

If you compare the indicated sizes with the sizes of ordinary budgerigars, you will see that Czechs are more than five centimeters longer in length. The average length of the bird is twelve centimeters.

As for the coloring of the plumage of this species, it is exactly the same as that of ordinary wavy ones. There are specimens in which the plumage color predominates, both yellow and other colors and shades. For example, pet stores most often sell parrots with colors called classic gray. However, the yellow-faced Czech is also popular.

In some cases, as a result of selection of this species, truly unique and interesting specimens are born, the colors of which undergo certain mutations, popularly referred to as spangle.

The lifespan of this species of bird with proper care is about thirteen to fifteen years.

However, if you decide to get yourself not just one, but a couple or even more birds of this species, then you should think about making sure that the cage you purchase is as large as possible.

Moreover, after purchasing it, you will need to equip it with what is necessary for any bird - and a bathing container.

Czechs, just like ordinary budgies, willingly make contact with the people who tame them. However, if you have only one Czech partner, then try to devote more of your free time to him.

As for food, ordinary grain mixtures are enough for Czechs, which can be bought at any pet store. If you want to pamper your pet, then offer him some berries or

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