Reserve an account with Sberbank for the state defense order: how to open, submitting an application. We learn to open a special account in Sberbank for state defense orders

For the purchase of goods, payment for work, services in order to meet state and municipal needs, on the basis of Federal Law No. 44 of 04/05/2013, an account is reserved in Sberbank for state defense orders. The special account is designed to conduct secure transactions and protect the interests of both parties.

A separate account for the state defense order is a special account in a financial and credit organization, opened by the main contractor who entered into a contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the execution of the defense order. Such measures are necessary to guarantee the security and transparency of payments, as well as to control the distribution of state budget funds.

According to Art. 8.1 of Federal Law No. 275 of December 29, 2012 “On State Defense Orders”, Sberbank PJSC is one of the banks authorized to work with special accounts.

To reserve a separate current account for state defense orders at Sberbank, there is no need to visit the office; the application can be completed online on the official website To do this, you need OGRN, TIN, legal form of organization, State Defense Order ID, mobile phone number, e-mail.

To open a special account, 365 calendar days are allotted. During this time, the contractor needs to submit supporting documents to the bank branch. Otherwise, the procedure will be canceled and the received funds will be returned to the sender.

To carry out settlements between the parties to a state defense contract, it is necessary to conclude a banking support agreement. It is also required to connect the Sberbank Business Online service for the purpose of electronic control of the execution of the state defense order. The application for accession is located in the corresponding tab on the bank’s official website.

Once the account is reserved and the documentation is verified, transactions can be processed.

Spending money from a separate government defense account

Sberbank services government contracts on the basis of the previously mentioned Federal Law No. 44 and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 963 of September 20, 2014 “On the implementation of banking services for government contracts.”

In order not to make mistakes when working with a special account, you need to be guided by Art. 8.3 Federal Law No. 275 of December 29, 2012 “On State Defense Orders”. The following regulations are specified there:

  1. The contractor has the right to spend funds from the RS exclusively on advances for services, goods, work, or to equip the needs of the state defense contract.
  2. You can manage funds only if the State Defense Order ID is indicated in the order for write-off.
  3. Deductions must be made to specially created accounts for defense orders.

There are exceptions to the last rule. These include:

  • payment of taxes, insurance premiums;
  • payment for products if the cost is controlled by the state;
  • settlement payments with foreign contractors who took part in the state defense order;
  • other expenses amounting to less than 3 million rubles.

Based on Article 86 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a bank may stop performing transactions on special accounts to collect fines, penalties, penalties and other overdue payments.

The account is closed after notification of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation about the execution of the state defense contract.

List of invalid operations

Not all transactions can be carried out using a separate government defense account. Prohibited items include:

  1. Settlements on loans from the executing institution.
  2. Providing funds to create the authorized (share) capital of a third-party company.
  3. Transfers to individuals, transfers to charity. An exception is payment of wages to employees and payment of insurance contributions.
  4. Purchase of precious metals, foreign currency, shares, securities.
  5. Execution of the assignment agreement (assignment of the right of claim).
  6. Write-off of funds to other accounts opened with a financial and credit organization.


You can reserve an account with Sberbank for state defense orders through the official website. Within a year, you must submit supporting documentation to the bank branch, otherwise the procedure will be terminated.

For a long time now, the largest financial institution in the country has had a system in place that allows individual entrepreneurs and legal entities to reserve an account with Sberbank. This service has significantly simplified many work issues related to the execution of cash settlement services.

How to reserve an account with Sberbank online

Throughout its history, Sberbank has strived to win the trust of individuals through the introduction of new services, improving the quality of service, training employees, and has recently been actively promoting new products for legal entities. Currently, the lender is trying to make the most of the specifics of service on the online system, without necessarily contacting the office.

How to open an account for an individual entrepreneur or legal entity

The reservation procedure is one of the stages of registration of cash settlements, without which the activities of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity cannot be recognized as legal.

The procedure for creating an online account for ordinary people is quite simple, and most importantly convenient. By following all the steps according to the instructions below, you can successfully and quickly reserve an account with Sberbank:

  • Follow the special link intended to go to the reservation -
  • Click on the “Open account” button.
  • A window will open to enter the necessary details: OGRN of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, TIN, annual revenue, type of organization, phone number, and email address.
  • Check the box - I agree with the terms and conditions for the processing of personal data. Click to continue.
  • Attach copies of documents (just scan the originals) online. For ordinary legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, it is much simpler than for those who work in the field of government defense procurement.
  • Within 30 days, contact the bank office and submit all documents to activate the full capabilities of the current account.
  • You can use the PC in the next minute (but only for incoming transactions).

The system immediately issues the number and bank details. Thus, you can reserve an account with Sberbank for an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity and receive payments in five minutes.

When reserving an account, remember that for each region Sberbank has its own tariffs for servicing individual entrepreneurs and legal entities within the framework of cash settlement equipment.

How to reserve for state bronze orders

A specially created current account is a so-called special account opened in a bank by the Lead Contractor and his contractors who have entered into a contract with the state for work in the field of defense.

Such a RS was created solely for security purposes in order to prevent the disclosure of government information in order to comply with the requirements of the federal law on separate accounting of the movement of financial funds. To reserve an account with Sberbank for a state defense order, it is recommended to follow the same steps as described above.

An important difference between reserving an account for a state defense order and the usual procedure is the deadline regulating the provision of original documents to the Bank. It is 365 days, unlike the standard one.

Opening Features

When reserving your account, pay attention to the following important points:

  • The online ordering service is valid for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs registered in the country in accordance with the established procedure (data about them is contained in the tax authorities);
  • Follow the deadline for submitting original documents to confirm the initiative - 30 days from the date of application for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, 365 days for state defense orders. Otherwise, the application will be cancelled.
  • To carry out debit transactions on the account that you have opened, you will need its confirmation, the connection of a suitable (or legal entity), as well as the Business Online system (Internet bank).


To reserve a current account with Sberbank means to quickly receive a launching pad for further business development, both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. This service is a great help for many companies, because they can use their own account to accept funds immediately after registering it.

Opening a current account for legal entities is accompanied by the execution of a certain number of documents. The “Account Reservation in Sberbank” service is designed to speed up business processes when working with counterparties. The owner reserves a room and starts working without waiting for it to open.

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The essence of the service

Reservation has a number of advantages:

  • urgency. The booking process takes a few minutes. Money can be received on the opening day and stored there until fully activated;
  • ease of maintenance. To make a reservation, you need a computer and the Internet, the system works without interruption for 24 hours. The number is assigned by the program and transferred to your personal account. Notifications about the transfer of funds come immediately after replenishment;
  • availability. Your personal account can be managed from anywhere in the world with Internet access.

The service of reserving a current account in Sberbank is the assignment of a number without submitting papers for opening in the future. A person can use a reserved number before registering the main one.

What operations can be performed

The owner of a reserved account can replenish it (even on the opening day). Within 5 days from the date of booking, deposits can be made without confirmation of actions.

Other banking transactions are prohibited.

Documents for opening a current account must be submitted within 5 business days from the date of the transaction, otherwise the bank will be forced to return the money and cancel the reservation.

How to make a reservation at Sberbank

The reservation procedure provides the opportunity and time to provide a complete set of papers. The owner, in turn, can use the number to inform his counterparties.

To reserve a current account, the client fills out a form indicating:

  • full name and legal form of the enterprise (information must fully comply with the Charter).

Online reservation

You can use the service and receive details remotely. (the authenticity of the company is verified automatically: the program checks the TIN number provided by the client with data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities).

To do this you need:

  • go to the official website;
  • Click the “Small Business” tab;
  • select “Cash and settlement services for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs” in the menu;
  • fill out information about the organization;
  • select the bank branch where servicing is planned;
  • click "Submit".


  • The basis for the reservation is the instruction of the Central Bank dated May 30, 2014 No. 153-I. According to the document, a legal entity or individual entrepreneur registered in the Russian Federation can obtain a number;
  • The bank gives the client 30 calendar days to collect the documentation necessary to open a current account. Papers must be submitted in original, copies are attached. A notary or bank employee has the right to certify copies;
  • When making a reservation to support the State Defense Order and State Contract, the client must submit a set of required documents within 365 calendar days;
  • One client is entitled to book only one room;
  • Currency – Russian ruble.

If the package of documents is not submitted within the specified period, the reservation will be cancelled.

Important! The period for submitting documents is reduced to 5 working days if the money is credited to the reserved account immediately after its opening.

Before using the reservation service, the client must know that:

  • reservation is of informational nature;
  • the number issued at the time of booking may be indicated in the documents;
  • the account works only for the receipt of money;
  • Operations for crediting funds can be made on the day of reservation;
  • expense transactions are possible only upon submission of a complete set of documents;
  • after the number is cancelled, the money is returned to the sender.

Mode of using a separate account

You can also reserve a special account - a current account for fulfilling the conditions of the state defense order. When you book it, the money will arrive faster.

The client has the right to spend funds under the government order for advance payments for work under the government contract. Money is written off according to an order indicating the government contract identifier code.


To reserve an account with Sberbank for a legal entity, log on to the official website and register. Waiting for account reservation in processing – 5 minutes. This allows you to work with transfers of legal entities on the first day of registration, and helps resolve some business issues quickly and without risk.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Undoubtedly, it’s a convenient thing when you don’t have to wait many days for the bank to fully open a current account.

This service, as well as the recently introduced opportunity, makes the life of entrepreneurs much easier. The Bank undoubtedly strives to win the trust and loyalty of not only countless individuals, but also legal entities. And it is becoming more and more noticeable how the bias in banking services is moving towards online, without visiting offices.

The service can be ordered at

What is Account Number Reservation?

An application is filled out online on the website indicating the details of the entrepreneur. After this, a current account with limited functionality is immediately created for 5 days (or 90 for government contracts). The limitation is due to the fact that This account can only accept payments , but it cannot be carried out. Sometimes it happens that you urgently need to accept a payment to another account, and this is where the reservation service comes in handy. There is no need to wait the old fashioned way for your account to be fully connected; you can accept payments within 5 minutes after completing your application.

As for the restriction only on accepting funds, it is lifted after paperwork is completed at the office. You can bring documents to any of the Sberbank branches selected in the application. Also, after completing the application online, the client will receive the full details of the newly created account and will be able to provide them to current counterparties.

What are the main conditions imposed by Sberbank for online account reservation?

  • The service for online ordering of a current account is valid for legal entities (except for credit and autonomous non-profit organizations) and individual entrepreneurs, residents of the Russian Federation, information about which is contained in the Federal Tax Service database.
  • The reserved account must be formed within 5 days from the date of reservation (up to 90 days for support of State contracts under the State Defense Order) by submitting the necessary documents.
  • If documents are not provided within 5 days, the account is canceled and, if funds are available, the money is returned.
  • The bank may refuse to reserve an account if there is a decision to suspend payments on the client’s accounts or if there is information about questionable transactions on the accounts.
  • Only 1 account is allowed to be reserved for one client/organization
  • The reserved account is opened in rubles.
  • During the reservation period (5 days upon receipt of the account number online), the bank temporarily stores the received funds and will credit them to the account after the account is fully opened.

Sberbank can be singled out as an institution that provides banking support for the State Defense Order. Reserving a separate current account for the state defense order is a service provided, which involves the issuance of funds in accordance with the conditions specified in the contract. Operations carried out with a current account can be divided into two groups - permitted and unauthorized.

What is: a separate special account for the state defense order

A separate special account for the State Defense Order is a current account that the chief executive who has previously concluded a contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has the right to open. This is done in order to control the distribution of the state budget. Funds in the account can only be spent on order fulfillment. The legislation establishes a special regime according to which payment for order security occurs:

  1. The owner of a current account can debit funds from it only for the need to pay advances for certain services.
  2. If it is necessary to spend targeted money, this can only be done after specifying the IGK. This abbreviation refers to the government contract identifier.
  3. Each contract participant must have an open special account for a defense order, since only this account can be used to write off funds.
  4. According to Article No. 76 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the bank has every right to freeze an account in order to write off fines, penalties, and so on.
  5. The bank may close the account after receiving a corresponding notification from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Procedure for opening an account under the State Defense Order

There are two ways to open a state defense account. Namely:

  1. Through Sberbank Business Online (personal account, section "Services")
  2. Through a bank branch.

If you use the first method, the applicant must fill out a special application. The following information is entered into it:

  • State Defense Order identification number;
  • taxpayer identification number (TIN);
  • Mobile phone number;
  • organizational and legal form of the company (OPF);
  • main state registration number (OGRN);
  • email box.

Having a special account for legal entities is especially beneficial, since government orders can be paid for in a short time. This happens because it is possible to receive funds even before signing an agreement with a credit institution.

Features of working with an invoice for the State Defense Order

When working with an account under the State Defense Order, you need to become familiar with which operations are available and which are not. Ignoring these rules may result in a large fine.

What can you do

According to current legislation, the contractor must follow certain regulations. Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. The funds that are in the current account can only be spent on paying advances for work, as well as on equipping the needs of the State Defense Order.
  2. Funds can be written off only to open government accounts.
  3. Funds can only be disposed of if you have a State Defense Order ID available for debiting.

But there are certain exceptions that need to be taken into account. It should be noted here:

  1. Payment of tax or insurance contributions.
  2. Payment for products, the cost of which is set by the state.
  3. Settlements with foreign contractors who participate in the State Defense Order.
  4. Other expenses, the cost of which does not exceed 3,000,000 rubles per month.

What procedures are prohibited

Establishes procedures that are prohibited from being carried out under the State Defense Order. These include:

  1. Operations on credits and loans. The exception includes only those transactions that are specified in the contract.
  2. Making transfers to individuals. The exception includes only employees who need to pay an advance, wages, or compensation.
  3. Transfer of funds to charitable foundations.
  4. Purchase of foreign currency and securities.
  5. Execution of the assignment agreement.

Rules for paying a payment on a special account

To pay a special payment order, you will need to fill out the appropriate order. To do this, you need to follow the following algorithm of actions and enter the necessary information into the document:

  1. Indicate the 6-digit payment number and date.
  2. In the field called "Payment type" indicates how it will be implemented.
  3. The amount should be indicated not in numbers, but in words. Also, any reductions are not allowed.
  4. Below is the amount in numbers.
  5. Provide information about the applicant. If this is a legal entity, then the name and exact address are entered. Individuals indicate their full name, place of residence (as in the passport), and what type of activity they are engaged in.
  6. Next, the payer's current account number, consisting of 20 digits, bank identification code (BIC), name and BIC of the recipient's bank, recipient's subaccount number and information about the recipient (see paragraph 6).
  7. In the “Purpose of payment” field, you must indicate the name of the service or product being paid.

Banking support

Not all Russian banks have the right to work with state defense contracts. Support means the provision of certain services:

  1. Checking the status of accounts. This is done at the request of the main customer in order to control the contractor’s expenses.
  2. Expanded scope of support. The papers submitted by the contractor will be carefully studied. This is done to verify the execution of the government contract.

If settlements are made between participants in a government contract, it is best to open a special account. To do this, you will need to contact the credit institution with a corresponding application. It is worth considering that all banks have individual contract forms, so you must visit the branch in person.

Responsibility for non-compliance with conditions

To reserve an account with Sberbank under the State Defense Order, you will need to meet certain conditions. If expenses are not made for the intended purpose or if any other condition is violated, then the owner of the current account will be held liable. Requirements that must be met:

  1. Strict implementation of the established plan. Violation of this condition entails a fine of 1,000,000 rubles.
  2. The resulting penalties must be eliminated in a timely manner.
  3. Use of targeted funds for purposes other than their intended purpose is strictly prohibited.

How is a special account closed under state defense orders?

Closing a special account for state defense orders in Sberbank becomes possible immediately after the order is completed. To do this, you must follow the following procedure:

  1. Contact Sberbank by submitting the appropriate application.
  2. The organization will immediately notify the main customer of the notification received.
  3. Next, he sends an application to the bank, which allows him to close the current account.
  4. The bank will report this decision to all cooperation participants.
  5. The account is completely closed.


Question Answer
Does the executing organization have the opportunity to replenish the current account independently?Eat. In practice, such a need arises only if you need to pay for account maintenance services. Received funds are not allowed to be spent.
The employee demands monetary compensation for travel and housing. Is this legal?These requirements contradict the law, since compensation for travel and housing costs is not provided for in the contract.
I am a performer and enforcement proceedings have been brought against me. Can Sberbank write off funds from a current account under a writ of execution?This will only happen if the state acts as a claimant.


There are two ways to reserve a separate account with Sberbank under the State Defense Order: the first is to contact the bank branch in person, the second is to use the official website. The contractor has 365 days to provide supporting documentation.

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