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A boulevard in Sofia is named after him, and Mount St. Naum on the island of Smolensk (Livingston) (South Shetland Islands) is also named.

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  • Obolensky, Dimitri (1994). Byzantium and the Slavs. St Vladimir's Seminary Press, pp. 48-49. ISBN 0-88141-008-X.

Excerpt characterizing Naum Ohridski

“It is a shame to run from danger; only cowards are fleeing Moscow,” they were told. Rastopchin in his posters inspired them that leaving Moscow was shameful. They were ashamed to be called cowards, they were ashamed to go, but they still went, knowing that it was necessary. Why were they going? It cannot be assumed that Rastopchin frightened them with the horrors that Napoleon produced in the conquered lands. They left, and the first to leave were rich, educated people who knew very well that Vienna and Berlin remained intact and that there, during their occupation by Napoleon, the inhabitants had fun with the charming Frenchmen, whom Russian men and especially ladies loved so much at that time.
They traveled because for the Russian people there could be no question: whether it would be good or bad under the rule of the French in Moscow. It was impossible to be under French control: that was the worst thing. They left before the Battle of Borodino, and even faster after the Battle of Borodino, despite appeals for protection, despite statements by the commander-in-chief of Moscow about his intention to raise Iverskaya and go to fight, and to the balloons that were supposed to destroy the French, and despite all that nonsense that Rastopchin talked about in his posters. They knew that the army had to fight, and that if it couldn’t, then they couldn’t go to the Three Mountains with the young ladies and servants to fight Napoleon, but that they had to leave, no matter how sorry it was to leave their property to destruction. They left and did not think about the majestic significance of this huge, rich capital, abandoned by the inhabitants and, obviously, burned (a large abandoned wooden city had to burn); they left each for themselves, and at the same time, only because they left, that magnificent event took place, which will forever remain the best glory of the Russian people. That lady who, back in June, with her araps and firecrackers, rose from Moscow to the Saratov village, with a vague consciousness that she was not Bonaparte’s servant, and with fear that she would not be stopped on the orders of Count Rastopchin, did simply and truly that great the case that saved Russia. Count Rostopchin, who either shamed those who were leaving, then took away public places, then gave out useless weapons to drunken rabble, then raised images, then forbade Augustine to take out relics and icons, then seized all the private carts that were in Moscow, then one hundred and thirty-six carts carried away a balloon made by Leppich, either hinting that he would burn Moscow, or telling how he burned down his house and wrote a proclamation to the French, where he solemnly reproached them for ruining his orphanage; either accepted the glory of burning Moscow, then renounced it, then ordered the people to catch all the spies and bring them to him, then reproached the people for this, then expelled all the French from Moscow, then left Madame Aubert Chalmet in the city, who formed the center of the entire French Moscow population , and without much guilt he ordered the old venerable postal director Klyucharyov to be captured and taken into exile; either he gathered people to the Three Mountains to fight the French, then, in order to get rid of these people, he gave them a person to kill and he himself left for the back gate; either he said that he would not survive the misfortune of Moscow, or he wrote poems in French in albums about his participation in this matter - this man did not understand the significance of the event that was taking place, but just wanted to do something himself, to surprise someone, to do something patriotically heroic and, like a boy, he frolicked over the majestic and inevitable event of the abandonment and burning of Moscow and tried with his small hand to either encourage or delay the flow of the huge stream of people that carried him away with it.

Visit Orthodox monastery St. Naum is not just an excursion, it is a true triumph of the soul. The ancient building is located on the shore, in the southeast of the pearl -. A quiet, pleasant place where you can see peacocks parading in front of tourists and the most beautiful springs feeding the lake. Today the monastery is part of the non-canonical Macedonian Orthodox Church.

Historical reference

The foundation of the monastery dates back to 893-900, thanks to the disciple of Cyril and Methodius, the Monk Naum of Ohrid. When the saint died, his relics were placed in the monastery church.

Sveti Naum experienced many events. In the Middle Ages it was a very popular cultural center and boasted significant land holdings. There were also raids by foreigners, after which the monastery had to be rebuilt. The Turks caused particular damage to the structure, although it was they who restored the monastery afterwards, turning it into an object of veneration for Muslims. Believers believed that the relics of the saint could cure ailments, both physical and mental. This is where the proverb “Either mind or Sveti Naum” comes from.

Another important disastrous event in the life of the monastery is considered to be the fire of 1875. For two whole days the monastery burned with a blue flame, and after several years it was restored.

During the Second World War, the monastery was dominated by Albanian Orthodox Church. IN post-war period A number of archaeological excavations are being carried out, thanks to which in some places the original facades and part of the monastery temple have been identified.

Architecture Features

The colorful building of the monastery and the monochromatic square on which it stands create a strong contrast. Nevertheless, it all looks quite harmonious. Instead of the usual domes in Orthodox architecture, you will find pyramidal vaults, and at the main entrance there are spacious porticoes.

The inside of the monastery is no less impressive than the outside. First of all, I would like to note the gorgeous works of the Macedonian painter, who told in them the life and exploits of the founder of the monastery - St. Naum. A large collection of icons catches the eye, the most valuable of which are the “Entry into Jerusalem” and “The Crucifixion of Christ”.

Interesting fact

There is a belief in the monastery of St. Naum, because of which pilgrims from all over the world strive to get to the holy monastery. By placing your ear to the sarcophagus with the relics of St. Naum, you can hear the beat of the saint’s heart. Rare but clear beats were analyzed by scientists who concluded: the sounds correspond to the spectrogram of heart sounds.

How to find the monastery of St. Naum?

The monastery is hidden from prying eyes, so finding it is not so easy. The structure is located in the southern part of the city, on Mount Galicice, on the territory bearing the same name.

There are several ways to get to the monastery. The first is to rent a car or use a tourist bus. It's quite expensive, but convenient. If you choose the first option, your path will lie along highway No. 501, and in time it will take about 40 minutes of your life.

As a second option, you are invited to board a barge and take a short cruise. Lake Ohrid is very beautiful, so despite its short duration, you will remember this trip for the rest of your life.

In the monastery, a table with treats is set for visitors. Do not refuse a meal under any circumstances. Firstly, you may offend the monks, and secondly, you will deprive yourself of a wonderful opportunity to try real monastery wine and some national Macedonian dishes.

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A boulevard in Sofia is named after him, and Mount St. Naum on the island of Smolensk (Livingston) (South Shetland Islands) is also named.

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  • Obolensky, Dimitri (1994). Byzantium and the Slavs. St Vladimir's Seminary Press, pp. 48-49. ISBN 0-88141-008-X.

Excerpt characterizing Naum Ohridski

– Goodbye Damian... May it be yours new life will be happy and bright! You will still find your happiness, girl... And you will good people. Goodbye...
Her heart quietly stopped... And the suffering soul flew freely to where no one could hurt her anymore. The sweet, kind girl left, never knowing how wonderful and joyful her ragged, unlived life could have been... how many good people her Gift could have made happy... how high and bright her unknown love could have been... and how loud and the voices of her unborn children in this life could sound happily...
Damiana’s face, calmed in death, smoothed out, and she seemed simply asleep, she was so pure and beautiful now... Sobbing bitterly, I sank onto a rough seat next to her empty body... My heart froze with bitterness and resentment for her innocent, cut short life ... And somewhere very deep in my soul a fierce hatred rose, threatening to break out and sweep away this entire criminal, terrifying world from the face of the Earth...
Finally, having somehow gathered myself together, I looked once again at the brave girl-child, mentally wishing her peace and happiness in her new world, and quietly walked out the door...
The horror I saw paralyzed my consciousness, depriving me of the desire to explore the papal basement further... threatening to bring down on me someone else's suffering, which could turn out to be even worse. Just as I was about to go upstairs, I suddenly suddenly felt a weak but very persistent call. Listening in surprise, I finally realized that they were calling me from here, from the same basement. And then, forgetting all my previous fears, I decided to check it out.
The call was repeated until I walked straight to the door from which it came...
The cell was empty and damp, without any lighting. And in the very corner of it, a man was sitting on the straw. Coming closer to him, I suddenly screamed - it was my old friend, Cardinal Morone... His proud face, this time, was red with bruises, and it was clear that the cardinal was suffering.
– Oh, I’m very glad that you are alive!.. Hello, monsignor! Have you tried to call me?
He stood up slightly, wincing in pain, and said very seriously:
- Yes, Madonna. I've been calling you for a long time, but for some reason you didn't hear. Although they were very close.
“I helped a good girl say goodbye to our cruel world...” I answered sadly. - Why do you need me, Your Eminence? Can I help you?..
- This is not about me, Madonna. Tell me, your daughter's name is Anna, isn't it?
The walls of the room began to shake... Anna!!! Lord, not Anna!.. I grabbed some protruding corner so as not to fall.

Naum Ohridski, employee of the Slavic educators

The Monk Naum of Ohrid, a Bulgarian, was one of the closest disciples and associates of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Equal-to-the-Apostles (May 11/24). From his youth, he followed his teachers to Great Moravia and Pannonia, where for many years (863–885) of his ascetic life he preached the word of God to the Slavic peoples in their native language. The Monk Naum taught the Slavs to read and write, distributed translations translated by the Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Greek language Slavic liturgical books. In 868 in Rome, Pope Adrian II (867–872) ordained the monk a deacon, and then received the rank of presbyter. Pope Adrian II recognized the work of the Slovenian teachers as godly, consecrated Slavic books and blessed to serve the liturgy in the Slavic language. The most difficult trials befell Saint Naum and other disciples of Saint Methodius after the death of the latter in 885. The longtime enemy of Slavic enlightenment, the German Wiching, became the Bishop of Moravia. The preachers were thrown into prison, chained, and tortured. Through their prayers, the Lord showed a miracle: there was an earthquake, the walls of the prison collapsed, and the chains broke. The people, seeing this, believed in the holiness of the prisoners, but Viching declared God’s sign to be a diabolical obsession and expelled Saint Naum and his companions from Great Moravia.

The holy preachers, moved by the Providence of God, performing many miracles, reached the Danube. There they divided into groups. Some went to Mysia, others to Dacia and Illyria, “multiplying the word of God everywhere a hundredfold.”

The Monk Naum, together with Saints Clement and Angelar, went to Bulgaria. The Holy King of Bulgaria Boris Michael, who baptized his people in 865, joyfully received the disciples of Saints Cyril and Methodius. He entrusted them with the distribution and multiplication of Slavic liturgical and preaching books, the establishment of schools at churches and monasteries for the future Bulgarian clergy, which, according to the king’s plan, was to become the successor to the Greek clergy in the Bulgarian lands. The Monk Naum began to teach and preach in a monastery in honor of Saint Panteleimon near Preslav.

In 894, Saint Naum led the educational work in Devola in the Ohrid diocese instead of St. Clement, ordained Bishop of Belitsky.

Already in old age, having “enlightened the Bulgarians with the light of preaching” and “having established the Divine dogmas in the Bulgarian land,” the Monk Naum retired from the world to a monastery in honor of the Archangel Michael and all the Heavenly Powers, which he founded at the expense of the holy Tsar Boris and his son Simeon. There he ended his earthly journey in 910, taking monastic vows before his death. The Holy Church soon canonized Saint Naum, and the monastery he founded became known among the people as the Monastery of Saint Naum. His relics rest there to this day, healing spiritual illnesses with the power of Christ’s grace.

Memory of St. Equal to the Apostles Nahum is also celebrated on June 20/July 3 and July 27/August 9 along with Sts. Clement, Savva, Gorazd and Angelyar.

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Nahum, the accuser of Nineveh The name of another prophet, Nahum, means “consolation”, and he lived in the 7th century BC. e., when Assyria was the most powerful power in the Middle East. But it was not eternal either - this is exactly what the prophecy of Nahum speaks of. He also announces disaster and

The Most Reverend Na-um of Ohrid, a Bol-garin by birth, was one of the scholars of the holy equals -th Ki-ril-la and Me-fo-diya (commemorated on May 11) and also sacred to Kli-men-tu Ohrid-sky at the time -he was pro-ve-di Evan-ge-lia in Bol-ga-ria. When Saint Cli-ment left for the south-west of the country, the Most Reverend Na-um remained in the then hundred -tse, go-ro-de Plis-ke. Subsequently, the most venerable Na-um became the pre-saint of Kli-ment in the mo-na-sta-re on the bank of Ohrid -sko-go-lake, where he-vis-halled for ten years. The Pre-sta-vi-el-sha-pre-mind of December 23, 910, his powers became famous for the miraculous use of le-ni-ya-mi, especially-ben-but-soul-but-sick.

The Complete Life of Equal-to-the-Apostles Nahum of Ohrid

Equal to the capital Na-um of Ohrid († 910) - disciple of saints Ki-ril-la and Me-fo-diya and co-worker of the saint Kli-men-ta Ohrid-sko-go. Together with the holy Kli-men, they were called “but-you Mo-i-se and Aaron.” In Germany they were seized and imprisoned, but according to God's ma-no-ve-ness, they shook they were chained up and they were free to find the place of their imprisonment.

Subsequently, when Clement was carrying out holy works in Ohri-de, Saint Na-um built the Ar-Khan-Gel-monastery. a fortress on the southern shore of Lake Ohrid, which has become a source of fortress and refuge for centuries the poor and crippled. Many monks gathered around him, because he was a wise man, a strict man, a to-creator and mo-lit-ven-no-com. He worked tirelessly to translate the Holy Scripture into the Slavic language.

Saint Na-um died on December 23, 910 and was buried in the monastery he had built. From the relics of the holy Na-u-ma to the present day there are chu-de-sa.

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