May 14, 1990 which stone is suitable. How to choose a talisman stone by date of birth for men and women

An amulet made from natural minerals has long been considered one of the best amulets for a person. It has already been proven that each stone has its own healing properties and has a beneficial effect on human health. Such amulets are selected according to the zodiac sign, date of birth, name and other characteristics of the person. Esotericists and magicians say that a correctly chosen stone can change better side both the man himself and his fate.

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    How to choose a talisman according to your zodiac sign?

    Astrologers claim that certain properties of minerals depend on the position of the Sun, Moon and other planets in the zodiac constellations - each stone receives those vibrations from space that are suitable only for a certain zodiac sign. They protect their owner from misfortunes and illnesses, becoming a kind of talisman for him. The first tables of correspondence between semi-precious and precious minerals and zodiacal constellations were compiled in the Middle Ages. IN modern world these tables were appreciated and finalized by the International Jewelry Association.

    To select the right stone, you need to pay attention not only to its belonging to a particular zodiac sign, but also to its shape. This parameter affects the manifestation medicinal properties.


    People belonging to this sign have leadership qualities and strong energy. They can immerse themselves in work, but they lack the patience to see it through to completion; Aries are also angry and unrestrained. Their violent temperament and energy need to be controlled, so the following stone options are suitable for them as an amulet:

    1. 1. Diamond - will help Aries become more diligent and concentrate in order to complete things. An additional benefit will be the ability of the stone to instill determination and confidence in the owner.
    2. 2. Ruby - will pacify the violent temper of Aries, making them kinder, more restrained and more generous. This option is ideal for both women and men.
    3. 3. Amethyst - will allow Aries to become more peaceful, relax, and get rid of unnecessary negativity.
    4. 4. Sapphire - makes the owner more reasonable and wise.
    5. 5. Rock crystal - will add the missing sensitivity and tact to Aries, allowing you to better understand people.
    6. 6. Agate - suitable for young students, it will teach them to focus on their studies and self-discipline. The best options are red, orange, yellow colored stones.

    Only red and green garnets are suitable for Aries men. For married women a green diamond is ideal, for unmarried women - zircon or red jasper.


    Individuals born under this sign are very decisive, reliable in family life and straightforward. They love beautiful things and comfort, but they are stubborn. Due to their soft character, it is difficult for them to resist other signs, so when choosing talismans, Taurus should pay attention to the following stones:

    1. 1. Chrysoprase - will relieve fears and doubts , will make a person bold and self-confident. The stone, which is worn on the left hand, protects its owner from nervous diseases.
    2. 2. Emerald - gives Taurus wisdom, relieves depression and fills them with joy.
    3. 3. Agate - gives the owner prosperity and longevity, enhances the creative qualities of the individual (this only applies to light shades), is especially useful for women. If the color of the agate is black, then it is better for a man to wear it - in this case, the person will be protected from negativity and dark forces, and will also become more confident.
    4. 4. Turquoise - suitable for purposeful individuals and helps them complete their tasks. Attracts income and helps in risky situations. Ideal for girls as a symbol of true love.
    5. 5. Malachite (light green) - absorbs negativity, protecting its owner from the evil eye and damage. Helps the owner to free himself from grievances and bad thoughts.


    These people are creative and know how to make the right decisions at the right time. They are endowed with good intelligence, but are very restless and therefore do not complete things. Routine is unacceptable for them - most of all they need communication, but those around them are sometimes put off by their fussiness and optionality. In this case, the following will help:

    1. 1. Alexandrite – gives strength, relieves depression and negative energy. Changing color, this mineral indicates the health status of its owner.
    2. 2. Agate - helps Gemini control emotions, fills them with energy, patience and perseverance, and also protects from envy and anger. This stone is considered a source of longevity.
    3. 3. Beryl – adds positive energy and strength to the owner, instills confidence, improves mental abilities and protects on the go. It also helps in achieving the goal.
    4. 4. Prehnite – helps to overcome difficulties.
    5. 5. Citrine (lemon yellow) - makes a person more attentive, protects against rash actions, and helps in business.
    6. 6. Carnelian - suitable creative people, improves health.


    Cancer is an extraordinary, sensitive and vulnerable person, prone to introspection. The following stones are suitable for such individuals:

    1. 1. Emerald - will allow you to control emotions, overcome stiffness, discover hidden talents and improve your financial situation.
    2. 2. Apatite - will relieve excessive sensitivity and touchiness.
    3. 3. Sodalite - will improve the imagination necessary for creative work, and will help you find a way out of difficult situations.
    4. 4. Moonstone - makes people more confident and sociable.
    5. 5. Yellow chrysoberyl or green quartz (the so-called “cat’s eye”) - will help you achieve success in your career.

    a lion

    Since childhood, Leos are very confident people who can easily achieve their goals. For their strong character and powerful energy are suitable:

    1. 1. Ruby – strengthens and preserves health.
    2. 2. Citrine – instills calm in a person and helps to achieve inner balance.
    3. 3. Chrysolite - will help in communication, make Lviv more diplomatic and teach them to listen to the opinions of others.
    4. 4. Heliodor - increases the thirst for knowledge, develops organizational skills. For Lionesses, heliodor is the key to happiness and family well-being.
    5. 5. Tourmaline - eliminates fears and dissatisfaction with oneself, helps to find a preferred direction in creativity.


    Representatives of this sign love the attention of others and are distinguished by exceptional self-confidence. The following stones are suitable for them:

    1. 1. Rhodochrosite - reveals in Virgos the organizational abilities that they have from birth.
    2. 2. Jasper - will help you establish relationships with people and make friends.
    3. 3. Chrysolite - will reveal natural beauty, add femininity and softness.
    4. 4. Jade – will protect the owner from negative influences external environment, will add excitement and bring success to business.
    5. 5. Pearls (pink, yellow) - pacifies, softens the rigidity of character, ensures financial well-being.
    6. 6. Onyx - replenishes energy and strength, protects against stress and depression.


    Very unpredictable personalities, characterized by frequent mood swings. The following will help calm the emotions of this sign and make changes in character:

    1. 1. Aquamarine - will ensure harmony and balance in life, give confidence and determination, strengthen feelings between lovers.
    2. 2. Tourmaline – develops creative thinking, balances dark and light energies in the sign’s representative and develops creative abilities.
    3. 3. Opal - strengthens self-confidence, helps overcome laziness and concentrate.
    4. 4. Diamond is the best option for Libra, which helps to gain a certain status in society.
    5. 5. Diamond - will help you make important decisions on your own.


    These are very complex individuals who have an extraordinary mind. The best option for pacifying their hot temper and development positive qualities will be:

    1. 1. Aquamarine - will remove hot temper and help establish friendly relationships with others.
    2. 2. Pomegranate – develops qualities such as perseverance, willpower, love.
    3. 3. Opal - will help in making the right decisions and concentrating.
    4. 4. Aventurine – relieves anger and irritability, improves well-being and mood.


    These people have an active life position, do not like conflicts and easily make contact with people, but they are very lazy and temperamental. The following stones are suitable for Sagittarius:

    1. 1. Turquoise – attracts good luck and helps you achieve your goals.
    2. 2. Chrysolite - gives balance and self-control to its owner, teaches tact and self-respect.
    3. 3. Topaz - allows you to cope with excessive perseverance, and also attracts money and preserves youth.


    Representatives of this sign are very hardworking, have an ardent temperament and move towards their intended goal, no matter what. Best suited for Capricorns:

    1. 1. Onyx - helps to gain the respect of colleagues.
    2. 2. Ruby – attracts prosperity, love, inspires confidence and enhances positive qualities.
    3. 3. Opal – protects from troubles and eliminates negativity accumulated in the process of communication. This mineral also opens the way to self-realization, which is very important for Capricorns.


    Such people always get along well with others, but it is very difficult for them to establish close relationships, so they have few close friends. Suitable for Aquarius:

    1. 1. Amethyst – restores energy and strength, removes isolation and fatigue.
    2. 2. Sapphire – develops intuition, helps to find purpose, gives perseverance and wisdom.
    3. 3. Zircon - improves memory, brings inspiration, reveals talents and increases the thirst for knowledge. The stone also charges with confidence and optimism, allowing you to cope with any difficulties. This amulet helps single women find a life partner.
    4. 4. Citrine – activates and enhances everything best qualities Aquarius.


    Very creative and independent people who are able to overcome any adversity. They easily adapt to environment, but can be compliant. Best suited for Pisces:

    1. 1. Amethyst – harmonizes all areas of life and attracts good luck.
    2. 2. Aquamarine is the main amulet for Pisces, which helps in the fight against inconstancy, gives love and prosperity.
    3. 3. Aventurine – enhances perseverance, strengthens willpower, gives joy and a positive outlook on things.

    There may be cases when a person does not like any of the stones indicated for his zodiac sign. Then you need to listen to your intuition and choose an amulet at your own discretion, having previously learned the esoteric properties of all minerals. Otherwise, the acquired talisman will become a stumbling block, and not a talisman, because negative character traits can also be strengthened.

    Some stones can only be worn during the full and waning moon, others - only during the waxing one. Each of the natural minerals requires individual care and treatment (for example, rock crystal must be cleansed once a month from accumulated negative energy using water and salt).

    Selecting a stone by name

    It has long been known that a name can influence the character and destiny of a person - like stones, it has its own energy and characteristics. In order for a person to develop harmoniously, the amulet is selected according to the table of names and stones. It will help a person cope with a violent temper, and will also change his fate for the better.

    The table of names and stones is given below.

    First letter of name Female names and their corresponding talismans Male names and their corresponding talismans
    A Agatha - heliodor; Alevtina – chrysolite; Ada – blue topaz; Alexandra – “cat’s eye”; Alena - jadeite, emerald, jade; Alexandra - aventurine, garnet, alexandrite; Alina – sapphire, rose quartz; Alla - turquoise; Alice - lapis lazuli; Albina – mother of pearl; Anastasia – fluorite, opal, obsidian, chrysoprase; Amalia – topaz; Angela – opal; Anna – citrine, amber, hematite, carnelian; Angelina - turquoise, peridot, lapis lazuli; Antonina – rauchtopaz; Arina - tourmaline, chalcedony, diopside Alexander – argillite, alexandrite, chrysoprase, rauchtopaz, turquoise; Abram - sapphire; Anatoly – black agate; Alexey – chrysoprase; Andrey – amethyst, citrine, andalusite, onyx, amber; Arkady – topaz; Anton – amethyst; Artem – turquoise
    B Bronislava - opal; Bella - topaz Bronislav - ruby; Boris - pomegranate
    IN Valeria – agate, amethyst; Valentina – amazonite, olivine, amber, carnelian; Vera - jasper, ruby; Varvara – jet, malachite, ruby; Veronica – tourmaline, sapphire, rose quartz; Vasilisa – garnet, rhodolite; Violetta – spinel; Victoria – variscite, coral, azurite Vladimir - carnelian, green jasper, emerald, heliotrope; Victor - corundum, smoky quartz, selenite, olivine; Vadim – zircon; Valery – rhodolite, garnet; Vsevolod – blue topaz; Valentine - citrine; Veniamin – onyx; Vasily – aquamarine; Vitaly - emerald; Vladislav – rose quartz; Vyacheslav – sapphire
    G Galina - jade, hyacinth, aventurine; Helena – zircon Gennady – rock crystal; Gabriel - pomegranate; German - malachite; George – amethyst; Gleb – black agate; Gregory – coral
    D Daria – jadeite, diamond, obsidian, citrine; Diana – rock crystal, zircon, golden topaz; Darina – chrysoberyl Denis - jadeite, malachite, aventurine, amber, spinel; Dmitry - agate, lapis lazuli, topaz, aventurine, dioptase; Demyan – chrysolite; Danila – rock crystal
    E Evgeniya – beryl, jadeite, rubellite, aventurine; Eve - ruby; Ekaterina - lapis lazuli, rauchtopaz; Evdokia – alexandrite, corundum; Elena – opal, tiger eye, jadeite, carnelian; Ekaterina – pearls; Elizabeth – turquoise, charoite, carnelian, olivine Egor – zircon; Evgeniy – chrysolite; Elisha – topaz; Efim – tourmaline; Eremey – spinel
    AND Zhanna - "Hawkeye"
    Z Zoya – emerald; Zinaida - pomegranate
    AND Irina - opal, topaz, coral, pearls; Inna - emerald, jade, garnet, diamond; Isabella - topaz; Yvette – sapphire; Inga - pearl Igor - malachite; Ivan - rose quartz, corundum, moonstone, beryl, amazonite; Ilya - obsidian; Ignat - black agate; Joseph - opal; Hippolyte - chrysolite; Innocent - serpentine
    TO Karina – jasper, eudialyte, chrysolite, quartz; Kira – zircon; Clara – chrysoprase; Carolina - citrine; Claudia - amber; Christina – andalusite, onyx, carnelian; Ksenia – chalcedony, blue topaz Klim - pomegranate; Kirill – amethyst; Kuzma – zircon; Konstantin – hematite
    L Larisa – turquoise, black agate, aventurine; Lydia – jet, malachite, amethyst; Lily – jasper, rhodonite; Love – lapis lazuli, turquoise, chalcedony; Louise – spinel; Lyudmila – alexandrite, sapphire, white agate Leo - sapphire; Laurel – chrysolite; Luka – rose quartz; Leonid – citrine
    M Marina - mother of pearl, amethyst; Maria - carnelian, pomegranate; Margarita - "tiger's eye", pearl Maxim - emerald; Matvey – sapphire; Makar – pomegranate; Mark – rock crystal; Michael - aquamarine
    N Nadezhda – rose quartz, agate; Natalia – obsidian, malachite, beryl; Nellie - beryl; Nastya - fluorite, malachite; Nina – smoky quartz, jasper, amber; Nonna - coral Nikita - carnelian, garnet, citrine, hematite; Nicholas - padparadscha, alexandrite, hyacinth, heliotrope; Nazar - ruby; Nestor – topaz; Nikifor - heliodor; Nahum - emerald
    ABOUT Oksana – chalcedony, chrysolite, citrine; Olga – tourmaline, carnelian; Olesya – aventurine, opal Oleg – topaz, garnet, turquoise, pearls, carnelian
    P Polina – onyx, jade, selenite; Praskovya – amber Peter - rauchtopaz; Pavel – garnet, opal, ruby, bull’s eye, blood jasper; Prokhor – olivine; Plato - pomegranate
    R Regina – golden topaz; Rose - citrine; Raisa – moonstone; Rimma - "cat's eye" Robert – sapphire; Roman – moonstone, amethyst, obsidian, agate; Ruslan – opal, aventurine, topaz, onyx; Rodion - rock crystal; Rostislav – citrine
    WITH Svetlana – coral, rock crystal, rhodonite; Sofia - rose quartz, lapis lazuli; Seraphim – spinel; Snezhana - pearls; Stanislava - coral; Sophia - amber; Stella - topaz Semyon – aquamarine; Svyatoslav - pomegranate; Sergey – tourmaline, chalcedony, spinel, lapis lazuli; Samson – zircon; Seraphim - chrysolite
    T Tatyana – jet, rauchtopaz, “tiger eye”; Taisiya – pomegranate; Tamara – sapphire Timofey - citrine; Taras – rauchtopaz; Timur - amber; Trofim - pomegranate; Tryphon – olivine
    U Ulyana - topaz, rhodolite
    F Faina – quartz Felix - ruby; Philip – opal; Fedor - pomegranate; Thomas – malachite
    E Eleanor – ruby; Edita - pomegranate; Emilia - turquoise; Elvira – pearls; Emma – rhodonite; Elsa – heliodor Emil – mother of pearl; Edward - sapphire
    YU Julia – emerald, lapis lazuli, jadeite Yuri – jade; Julian – turquoise
    I Yana – citrine, cat's eye, jasper Yaroslav - sapphire; Yakov – chrysolite.

    Choosing an amulet by date of birth

    In ancient times, all jewelry was selected according to date of birth. This was necessary in order to help a person get rid of negative character traits and strengthen positive ones. Such an amulet attracted good luck and prosperity to the life of its owner.

    To find out which stone will be the best amulet for a person, you can use the ready-made tables given below. In them, each mineral corresponds to certain dates (day, month, year of birth).

    By date of birth.

    By month of birth.

    You can also select a stone according to the time of year (you should take into account when the person was born).

    For a stone to become a talisman, you need to love it. If the stone that was found in the table does not suit the person’s feelings or does not like him, then it is better to choose something else.

    By date of birth, you can find not only a talisman for a person, but also a suitable flower, tree and totem animal. To do this, you should use the Druid Horoscope, which indicates the meanings of each plant and the magical properties of totems.

    How do you know if the stone is chosen correctly?

    In a number of cases it was noted that when correct selection As a talisman stone, after some time, positive changes occur both in the person himself and in his life:

    • a person does not lose energy and feels good after communicating with any people around him;
    • there is a feeling of protection from the evil eye, damage and other witchcraft;
    • immunity is strengthened;
    • positive character traits are strengthened and negative ones are weakened;
    • prosperity and success come;
    • personal life improves;
    • intuition sharpens.

    It is worth remembering that positive changes manifest themselves differently for everyone - it depends on the properties of the chosen stone. Don't expect big miracles from just one copy. Often you need to select not one, but several stones at once - only then the effect will intensify, and each amulet will cause positive changes in life. For miracles to happen for sure, you need not only to purchase stones, but also to take an active life position, because “water does not flow under a lying stone.”

    Human nature tends to change with age under the pressure of certain life circumstances, according to which preferences also change. It is possible that at some point there will be a desire to choose a new talisman - this is a natural process. Contact with the world of natural minerals allows a person not only to find well-being, but also to gain useful spiritual knowledge.

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If you listen to the opinion of the compilers of the Chinese horoscope, then the year of birth affects people’s lives no less than the zodiac sign. The 12-year cycle of the eastern calendar determines what a person’s fate and character will be.


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People whose birth fell in the year of the Rat are distinguished by their thriftiness and foresight. Rats are intellectuals, so acquiring education and new knowledge is important to them. During the years of this sign, cunning and cautious careerists are born. Therefore, Rats are often surrounded by wealth, but not close people.

Precious stones that are suitable for the Rat as a talisman should soften its character.

  • Amber makes the Rat kinder and more generous. A talisman with it can relieve stress, calm a person and set him up for positive thinking.
  • For men born in the year of the Rat, it is useful to have a product with amethyst. It will protect against drunkenness and other bad habits.
  • Red garnet gives Rats energy for new achievements, and diamond helps them realize the negative traits of their character.


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People born under the Ox family are very successful financially. Their success is due to hard work, physical endurance and high mental abilities. The Ox's shortcomings include rejection of everything new, unwillingness to understand and accept other people's opinions, isolation and inability to show feelings.

Stones that help open the soul and express one’s thoughts are suitable for the Ox.

  • A good talisman for the Ox is a moonstone. It protects against rash actions and makes a person more merciful.
  • It is beneficial for the Ox to wear an emerald. It teaches you to find a common language with loved ones, protects peace and happiness in your home.
  • Jade gives energy and vitality, lapis lazuli helps the Ox survive changes, agate is useful for self-expression and personality development.


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The most courageous and desperate people are born in the year of the Tiger. Without thinking, they rush forward, and then heal their wounds and rush into battle again. For the Tiger, there are no authorities, so he often finds himself at the center of conflicts. Representatives of the sign need a talisman that protects them from themselves. The optimal Tiger stones are diamond, amethyst, ruby, topaz.

  • Amethyst will protect the Tiger from rash actions and desperate undertakings. The stone helps common sense to overcome the craving for extreme sports.
  • Diamond is necessary for the Tiger in difficult moments, as a source of additional energy.
  • Topaz makes the Tiger cautious, strengthens logical thinking and a rational attitude to life. The stone is a talisman for the Tiger against accidents.
  • To get rid of jealousy and outbursts of anger, it is advisable to have jewelry with a ruby. For the Tiger, this is a sure way to calm down and relieve stress.


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Those who are classified by year of birth Chinese horoscope to Hares (Rabbits, Cats), they move through life very carefully. The Hare's actions are explained more by instincts than by logic. Disadvantages include some superficiality and frivolity. What precious amulets does the Hare need? Representatives of this sign are suitable for stones that give courage, determination and self-confidence.

  • A rock crystal is a good talisman for any Hare. It will give energy and activate actions to achieve the goal as quickly as possible.
  • Carrying jade is beneficial for the Hare. The stone allows you to understand yourself more fully and the world, helps to better understand loved ones.
  • Pearls for a Hare woman mean good luck in love and happiness in family life.
  • The Hare's birthstone is topaz. It promotes financial well-being and a successful career.
  • Products with emeralds and sapphires are also suitable for the Hare.

The Dragon

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People who are under the protection of the Dragon by year of birth are distinguished by their nobility and generosity. The Dragon is characterized by excessive demands, pride, arrogance and arrogance. But all this is compensated by sincerity, ability to solve problems, and resourcefulness. Stones that suit the Dragon must be energetically strong.

  • For the hot-tempered Dragon, it is advisable to have jewelry with amethysts. It will protect you from rash decisions and tame the stormy temper of the sign’s representative.
  • Amber can make the Dragon softer and more tolerant of his own and others' shortcomings.

  • Opal suits a strong Dragon sign. A black stone will feed him with energy, and a pink one will help him in love.
  • Golden peridot will make the Dragon compliant and diplomatic. The dragon does not shine with wisdom; sapphire will help him get rid of this shortcoming.


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In the year of the Snake, wise and strong-willed people are born. They achieve a lot in life thanks to their determination, organization and ability to adapt. Snakes are no strangers to cunning, resourcefulness and deception. A talisman for representatives of this sign must have strong magical properties and powerful energy.

  • Stones suitable for Snakes are, first of all, jaspers of different colors. Gems allow you to fully reveal your best character traits.
  • For love, Snakes lack warmth and openness. Heliotrope helps cold-blooded Snakes feel an ordinary person and appreciate all the delights of life.
  • Precious jewelry with opal will make a person born under the sign of the Snake easier and more accessible to communication and close relationships.
  • Turquoise and topazes will teach the Snake honest methods of fighting for a place in the sun.


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People born in the year of the Horse actively and cheerfully walk through life. They have the strength and energy to do anything. They experience all difficulties easily and quickly forget about their negative experiences. But the Horse can become stubborn and “buck.” She does not notice that she sometimes offends others, so she often remains alone.

  • Amethyst or topaz will help the Horse restrain his impulses, teach him to think first and then act. The stones will give the Horse a calmer attitude towards life and save him from unexpected dangers.

  • The pomegranate will make its owner attentive to the concerns of loved ones and will protect the family unit.
  • Obsidian will bring wisdom to the Horse and the ability to understand people.
  • Emerald, onyx and turquoise are suitable for Horses. These stones help you look inside your soul and develop your personality.

The most curious people by year of birth are Monkeys by eastern calendar. This is a sign of romantics, pioneers and creators. They do not recognize conventions and restrictions. The rules were not invented for the Monkey. She frivolously violates them and runs away from responsibility. Therefore, Monkeys often find themselves lonely and unable to work in a team.

Precious jewelry with stones that help concentrate is suitable for the Monkey.

  • A strong talisman is agate. The stone increases memory, attentiveness, and develops a tendency to reflection and introspection.
  • Aquamarine will make a responsible and purposeful person out of the Monkey and will help to complete the work started.
  • Monkeys are unhappy in love because of their inconstancy. Red pomegranate will help them build strong relationships and save their family.
  • Ruby is necessary to protect the Monkey from the negativity of others.

People have been choosing stones based on their date of birth for a long time so that they become amulets, talismans, and amulets. They perform protective functions, help in work, personal life, and make a person successful. In addition, they can even heal and prevent the influence of negative energy. Many people prefer to make choices based on their zodiac signs. But it is best to take into account the number of birth and the full date.

Numerology helps people not only determine certain events in life, but also choose the best talisman based on their date of birth. The most important ones are the birthday and month. If a person was born on the 12th, then you need to add both numbers. The result will be 3. It is this indicator that determines which mineral is ideal for a person.

There is another option for determining a stone by its full date. Here you need to take into account not only the day, but also the month and year. As a result, the result will be more accurate. The principle remains the same - you should add up all the numbers of the date of birth. For example, if a person was born on November 27, 1989, then you need to do this: 2+7+1+1+1+9+8+9. The result is 38. Now you need to add the numbers again and you get 11. After the next addition, you get a two. This is the number of a person’s life, which influences the choice of amulet.

If the result is one, then topazes, yellow sapphires and rubies will suit people. For those who have a life number of two, tiger or pearl or moonstone is recommended. For people born under the number 3, the best amulet is an amethyst.

If the birth number is seven, then a tiger or cat's eye is suitable for a person

If after all the manipulations you get a four, then the person can be protected by hessonite and sapphire in blue tones. In addition, it is allowed to wear a red-golden garnet. For people born under the number 5, the talisman is a diamond. If the resulting number is six, then the protectors of the person will be olivine and emerald.

If the birth number is seven, then a tiger or cat's eye is suitable for a person. It is also allowed to use pearls and moonstone. If the result is an eight, then the protectors are sapphire of blue color and lapis lazuli. Coral is recommended for Nines.

A special place for people who end up with zero, which happens very rarely. If we take into account the entire date, then such a figure will definitely not work out. But sometimes people who were born on February 29 are called “zeros”. This can only happen once in 4 years. The best protectors in this case will be red diamonds, since they are as rare as people with the number 0. They are also recommended to have jadeite and majorite. These minerals will reveal the potential of their owner.

For people born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th, it is recommended to choose a moonstone

Birthday stones

It is recommended to choose talismans by date of birth. If a person was born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th, then of all the options, amber and ruby ​​are best suited. You can also use corals and red opals, rubies. By the way, topaz of yellow or gold color, as well as sapphire of the same tones, will come in handy. In addition, you can use turquoise, heliodor, garnet and carnelian.

For people born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th, it is recommended to choose moonstone, white pearls, tiger's eye and cat's eye. You can also wear jade and opal in green tones. If a person was born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th, then coral and topaz are suitable as the best protectors. You can also choose emerald and amethyst.

If you choose a talisman by day, and a person was born on the 2nd, 13th, 22nd or 31st of any month, then the best options are: garnet, zirconium, hessonite and gray or red-brown opal. Also recommended is aquamarine in blue tones, sapphire in light blue color, whitish coral and diamond.

How to choose a stone by date of birth (video)

For those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd, zirconium, diamond and white sapphire are recommended as an amulet. If your birthday is 6, 15 or 24, then green opals, beryls, aquamarines, jadeites and emeralds are ideal. You can also wear ruby ​​and red coral. Olivine, heliotrope and alexandrite are also suitable.

If the date falls on the 7th, 16th or 25th of any month, then as an amulet you can wear pearls, white lunar pearls, green jadeite and tiger's eye. For those born on the 8th, 17th or 26th best defenders there will be turquoise, sapphire, lapis lazuli, aquamarine of a light blue hue. You can also wear opal in gray or brownish-red tones. For people born on the 9th, 18th or 27th, ruby ​​and red opal or coral are suitable as a talisman. It is also recommended to give pomegranate, carnelian and amber.

Gallery: selection of stones by date of birth (50 photos)

Pearls are perfect for a Cancer woman

Amulet by month of birth

Talisman stones can be selected according to the month of birth. Here are the main options:

  1. If a person was born in January, then the best option is pomegranate. It will protect against nightmares, insomnia, prevent a snake attack, and help find the way if a person is lost.
  2. If a person was born in February, then it is better to choose amethyst. It helps to calm down. Its ability to relieve a person from alcohol intoxication has been known since ancient times. The amulet will protect against deception.
  3. For those born in March, the best talisman is aquamarine. It improves health and restores youth. Sailors believe in the protection of this amulet.
  4. Among all the stones, diamond is best suited for people born in April. It will make a person stronger in every way.
  5. For those born in May of all. It improves health, prevents diseases or treats them. It is believed that emerald helps a person see the future.
  6. For people born in June, several options are suitable at the same time - moonstone and pearls. They are able to influence family relationships, strengthen the marriage.
  7. If a person was born in July, then ruby ​​has proven itself to be an excellent stone. It will bring harmony and tranquility into a person’s life.
  8. If a person was born in August, then you can give him peridot. It will protect its owner from any evil. In addition, it was previously believed that it enhances healing abilities.
  9. Of all the stones, sapphire is suitable for those born in September. It gives its wearer many positive traits. By the way, it used to be believed that the brighter the stone shines, the better the person.
  10. If a person was born in October, it is recommended to choose tourmaline and opal. Such amulets are very powerful. They will strengthen friendly relations. They are recommended to maintain a normal emotional state. They also help with treatment.
  11. Citrine and topaz are suitable for those born in November yellow color. These crystals prevent various diseases and are capable of changing their color to notify their owner of various dangers.
  12. For people born in December, the following are recommended as amulets: tanzanite, blue topaz and turquoise. It will make a person lucky, successful and rich.

You should always consider the month of birth when choosing a talisman for a person.

Choosing a stone according to your zodiac sign

The best gemstones for Aries are diamonds. It is these that experts recommend paying attention to. This mineral is very suitable for Aries, it is the most worthy.

If you need to choose which stone is suitable for Aries men, then diamond will be the ideal option. Diamond symbolizes human strength, and Aries has just such a character. These stones are also suitable for an Aries woman.

By the way, even the name of the material itself comes from the Greek word, which has the translation “indestructible.” So it is not surprising that diamonds (or rather diamonds) are stones for Aries men and women. They will make a person successful, lucky, bring a lot of victories into life, and prevent defeats. In addition, if you need to choose which stones are suitable for Aries, then a diamond will help get rid of rage, irritability, anger, and these emotions are very typical for people born under the Aries zodiac sign. So if you carry a diamond with you, you can prevent this behavior.

If you need to choose stones for an Aries woman by date of birth, then there are many options. One of the universal ones is ruby. It will help Aries women become more generous, compassionate, and noble. If a person is Aries, ruby ​​stones will help restore his interest in life and relieve him of torment.

Another talisman stone for the Aries woman is amethyst. It will get rid of negative energy and help you make the right decisions in difficult situations. Sapphire and sapphire are also suitable for the Aries sign.

When choosing stones for Cancer according to your horoscope, it is best to pay attention to emerald, aventurine, chrysoprase, and aquamarine. Pearls are also suitable for women. You can give Leo amber, carnelian, opal, rock crystal. For the Virgo zodiac sign, peridot is an excellent talisman. You can also choose jade, sapphire, jadeite. If a person has a zodiac sign like Libra, then best options– aquamarine, opal, amethyst, jade, morion.

For Scorpio girls, it is recommended to choose aquamarine as a gift. In addition, coral, tourmaline and tiger's eye are excellent for people born during this period. It is better to give turquoise to Sagittarians, and ruby ​​and malachite to Capricorns. The best amulet for Aquarius is amethyst, and Pisces are recommended to choose aquamarine and sapphire.

Women's names and stones for them (video)


By choosing the right stone based on your date of birth, you can be sure that it will be a good talisman, amulet or amulet. It is necessary to take into account both the number of birth and the full date. In addition, many people prefer to choose a stone according to their zodiac sign, which is also the right decision.

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Since the beginning of time, people have believed in fate and in the fact that a person can force supernatural forces to serve him. Since ancient times, it has been believed that talismans bring good luck and can even change a person’s destiny. Each zodiac sign has its own talismans that bring good luck to representatives of a particular sign and protect them from negative influences. Wearing a talisman in accordance with your date of birth and zodiac sign helps you attract positive cosmic energies to your side and live life to the fullest.

Talismans for Zodiac signs

The Aries talisman must have a connection with fire and gold. Suitable colors would be red, yellow and orange. The symbols of this zodiac sign can have the shape of a square; it is this figure that corresponds to power, strength and victory.

People of this sign are great for metal jewelry with natural stones. The stones contain the energy of the Earth, so they are good as a talisman for Taurus, attracting luck, love, wealth and good health.

Geminis need talismans that are associated with the mobile and changeable nature of this zodiac sign. For example, a successful symbol for them would be a key, a mask, a book, a feather. Preferred colors: yellow, orange, green.

Figures and images of fish, dolphins, sea turtles, and shells will bring Cancer luck in love and good health. A silver pendant in the shape of the moon or crescent activates the energy and strengthens their connection with their higher self.

This zodiac sign is ruled by the Sun, images and symbols of the blazing Sun attract luck and love to Leo, and help maintain good health. Pendants in the shape of stars and sunflowers will be an excellent amulet that will help protect your destiny.

Natural stones bring prosperity to Virgo, especially those with round holes in them; they bring luck and love to people of this sign. They enhance energy and are considered favorable symbols.

The Libra talisman should symbolize balance and harmony, for example, a silver pendant in the form of scales. The metal of Venus, the ruling planet of this sign, is considered to be copper, so copper objects and jewelry are good for attracting love.

Scorpios are lucky in themselves, although talismans will enhance the energy, so use them if you want something more. Coins will bring good luck in love and business. The symbol in the form of a frog is suitable for them, because this sign is associated with the element of Water and transformation.

A figurine in the form of a scarab or a Phoenix bird will help Sagittarius increase their potential and attract positive energies. Everything that has to do with horses - a horseshoe, a figurine of a rider - will bring them well-being.

The old sages say: stones according to zodiac signs God has disposed, and divine actions are not subject to correction. Today's thinkers claim: without experience in communicating with minerals, it is impossible to determine stones by zodiac sign. Man is free in creativity and divine in possibilities. Whichever stone your soul attaches to is the talisman.

Where is the truth? In the dogmas illuminated by the discoveries of the ancient followers of Hermes Trismegistus, or in the innovative ideas of modern theologians? Practice shows: realities are always unexpected, unshakable dogmas are flexible, bold ideas never fully reflect all the features of the world order. according to zodiac signs are indeed distributed quite clearly and accurately - however, there is no rule without exceptions, and therefore a person’s desire is able to overcome a given predisposition.

Inexpensive jewelry has a pronounced ability to “adapt” to human specifics. Semi-precious stones according to the zodiac sign are sometimes defined as possible, optional, recommended without urgency, denied without categoricality.

Such variability in orientation is explained by the completely terrestrial properties of minerals. Change chemical composition– and many are characterized by variable filling of crystals – natural for most minerals on our planet. It is difficult to expect that the sum of different ingredients will always produce the same result. That’s why it turns out: a semi-precious talisman can help one person and not another – while both of them were born under the same sign (just in different decades).

Distributing natural stones according to the signs of the zodiac, we tried to accumulate the achievements of modern astrologers, lithotherapists, esotericists and magicians. In-depth research into the properties of jewelry and decorations is ongoing. Old minerals disappear from circulation, new finds are introduced into use and - the spirit of the times! – artificially created materials.

The stones of the zodiac signs, without changing their basic position, over time expand or narrow the horizon of their possible impact. Scientists diligently monitor changes taking place in a dynamic world and consistently bring the information obtained to the masses.

By recommending stones to you according to your horoscope, we guarantee the accuracy of the published information and data. Remember, however, that the effectiveness of precious and semi-precious amulets depends not only on the correspondence of the stone to the sign, but also on the method of acquiring the jewelry, the period and “density” of communication with it, the synergy or antagonism of the forces inherent in various minerals in one product.

And the most important thing. Not only the ability to walk on water, but also the ability to “redirect” the action of a stone depends on the depth of faith and obsession with an idea. Fall in love with a stone that is initially unsuitable for you, invest time and mental strength in shaping its activity, and you will definitely get the result that you expect and believe in.

Aries. (21.03-20.04)
Main stone Ruby

From March 21 to March 31- under the influence of Mars - especially courageous, aggressive, firm, strong, undisciplined, courageous, prone to bravado and ardent in love are born. lucky stones: Agate, Amazonite, Hematite, Rock Crystal, Serpentine, Carnelian, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Quartz, Sapphirine, Carnelian, Hawk's Eye, Tiger's Eye, Jasper.

Born from April 1 to April 11- under the influence of the Sun - natures are proud, generous, noble, courageous, capable of command, ambitious, and able to overcome obstacles. Love is a great affection for them. Lucky stones: Heliotrope, Pearl, Coral, Cat's Eye, Sardonyx, Amber.

Born from April 12 to April 20- under the influence of Venus - passionate and gentle natures, dexterous and impulsive, music lovers and fine arts. Lucky stones: Diamond, Garnet, Ruby, Sapphire, Zircon.

Calf. (21.04–20.05)
Main stone Sapphire

Born from April 21 to May 1- under the influence of Mercury - have great mental abilities and a penchant for commercial and agricultural enterprises. Melancholic. Lucky stones: Aventurine, Agate, Amazonite, Amethyst, Bull's Eye, Quartz, Carnelian, Tiger's Eye, Blood Jasper.

Born from May 2 to May 11- under the influence of the Moon - dreamy, noble, indecisive, prone to politics and literature. Lucky stones: Turquoise, Jadeite, Coral, Onyx, Opal, Sodalite, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase.

Born from May 12 to May 20- under the influence of Saturn - unsociable, pessimistic, afraid of poverty and love loneliness. Lucky stones: Aquamarine, Diamond, Beryl, Garnet, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Tourmaline.

Twins. (21.05–21.06)
Main stone Rauchtopaz

Born from May 21 to May 31 under the influence of Jupiter - they are intellectual, selfless, have good intuition, and a talent for art. Lucky Stones: Agate, Amazonite, Rock Crystal, Moonstone, Malachite, Jade, Obsidian, Rhodonite, Quartz, Carnelian, Tiger's Eye.

Born from June 1 to June 10- under the influence of Mars - They are aggressive, sarcastic, anxious. Lucky stones: Pearl, Cat's Eye, Onyx, Opal, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Amber.

Born from June 12 to June 20- under the influence of the Sun - They are uncontrollable, authoritative, unrestrained, vain and talkative. Lucky stones: Alexandrite, Beryl, Garnet, Emerald, Sapphire, Topaz, Tourmaline.

Cancer. (22.06–22.07)
Main stone Emerald

Harmonious and satisfied with oneself Cancer to maintain its positive qualities you need to wear a bracelet or pendant made of Agate, Pearl, Emerald, Cacholong, Selenite. For suspicious, indecisive and insecure Cancers, ring finger or at the level of the solar plexus it is good to wear Emerald, Malachite, Sapphire, Carnelian, Jasper.

Negative qualities of Cancers: greed, laziness, imbalance, arrogance, selfishness - are well smoothed out by the vibrations of iridescent minerals: Cacholong, Coral, Opal, Selenite, Chrysoprase. Talisman stones for Cancers, their magical allies: Rock Crystal, greenish-blue Aquamarine, Pearl, Emerald, Opal, Chrysoprase.

According to ancient Arabic beliefs, a person wearing an Emerald does not see terrible dreams, the stone strengthens the heart and eliminates sorrows. According to ancient Russian legends,
it is a stone of wisdom, composure, hope. Emerald has the ability to see
into the future and break the evil spell.

A lion. (23.07–23.08)
Main stone Diamond

Born from July 23 to August 3- under the influence of Saturn - strong, mystical, ardent natures, not loving loneliness and coercion. Lucky stones: Aventurine, Rock Crystal, Moonstone, Jade, Obsidian, Carnelian, Sodalite, Tiger's Eye, Blood Jasper.

Born from August 4 to August 12- under the influence of Jupiter - scrupulous and judicious natures, picky, loving arithmetic and ceremony. Lucky stones: Jadeite, Cat's Eye, Onyx, Opal, Sardonyx, Citrine, Amber.

Born from August 13 to August 23- under the influence of Mars - strong, powerful natures, loving and worshiping power and command. Intelligence meets strength. Prosper and succeed in the army. Lucky stones: Alexandrite, Hyacinth, Garnet, Ruby, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Diamond, Emerald, Topaz, Peridot, Zircon.

Virgo. (24.08–23.09)
Main stone Jasper

Born from August 24 to September 2- under the influence of the Sun - they have a sense of harmony, calmness and a tendency to sedentary life. Lucky Stones: Aventurine, Agate, Amethyst, Bull's Eye, Rock Crystal, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Malachite, Jade, Carnelian, Hawk's Eye, Tiger's Eye, Jasper.

Born from September 3 to September 11- under the influence of Venus - secretive, shy, often monogamous. Lucky stones: Rutile Quartz (Hairy), Heliotrope, Jadeite, Pearl, Cat's Eye, Onyx, Sardonyx, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, Citrine.

Born from September 12 to 23- under the influence of Mercury - modest and resourceful, sometimes lazy, often marrying late. Lucky stones: Diamond, Garnet, Emerald, Sapphire, Topaz, Chrysolite.

Scales. (24.09–23.10)
Main stone Aquamarine

Lucky and aesthetic Libra For those who have successfully arranged their lives, small translucent stones are well suited as a talisman: Rose Quartz, Coral, Light Agate, Chrysoprase.

Negative qualities of Libra: selfishness, envy, laziness, imbalance, arrogance, intrigue - are well smoothed out by the vibrations of orange and green minerals, as well as eye minerals: Heliotrope, Cat's and Tiger's Eyes, Olivine, Rauchtopaz, Carnelian - large sizes that should be worn on the ring finger, on neck or wrist.

Talisman stones for Libra, their magical allies: green Aquamarine, Cacholong, Malachite, Jade, red, pink and green Tourmaline.

Corals - flowers of the sea, a favorite decoration since ancient times, which has always attracted the attention of true lovers of beauty.

Delicate and beautiful Coral is a symbol of happiness and immortality. Even in ancient times, they believed that Corals warded off troubles and illnesses. If Coral is worn on the index or ring finger right hand, it purifies the blood, helps control hatred, irritability, anger and envy. Coral teaches you to be wise, drives away depression, and ensures success with the opposite sex. It helps with travel, prevents disasters, especially those related to water, and protects against the evil eye. Coral absorbs the energy of Mars, and unrestrained and aggressive people should have it with them.

Scorpion. (24.10–22.11)
Main Stone Black Opal

Born from November 24 to November 2- under the influence of Mars - frustrated, capable of medicine, with the gift of healing people, insecure in youth and energetic in maturity. Lucky Stones: Aventurine, Amethyst, Hematite, Rock Crystal, Serpentine, Moonstone, Malachite, Carnelian, Hawk's Eye, Tiger's Eye, Blood Jasper.

Born from November 3 to 13- under the influence of the Sun - strong and passionate natures, proactive, noble and generous with willpower. Lucky stones: Amethyst, Turquoise, Jet, Coral, Opal, Sardonyx, Citrine, Amber.

Born from November 14 to 22- under the influence of Venus - frivolous, emotional and amorous, with artistic talent and strong passions. Lucky stones: Aquamarine, Alexandrite, Beryl, Heliodor, Garnet, Emerald, Topaz, Tourmaline, Black Star.

Sagittarius. (23.11–21.12)
Main stone Garnet

Born from November 23 to December 2- under the influence of Mercury - a courageous and independent nature, sensual with a strong spirit, fond of hunting and sports. Lucky Stones: Agate, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Jade, Quartz, Sapphirine, Hawk's Eye, Tiger's Eye, Blood Jasper.

Born from December 3 to December 12- under the influence of the Moon - they have imagination and imagination, love long journeys, and have changeable moods. Lucky stones: Turquoise, Hairy, Onyx, Opal, Sardonyx, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase.

Born from December 13 to 21- under the influence of Saturn - persistent, sensitive natures, loving luxury and gourmet, not having an aversion to food in general, retiring to satisfy their gastronomic needs. Lucky stones: Hyacinth, Garnet, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Peridot, Zircon, Black Star.

Capricorn. (22.12–20.01)
Main stone Topaz

Born from December 22 to January 2- under the influence of Jupiter - calm, prudent, systematic natures acquire wealth and success, but there is a risk of going broke. Lucky Stones: Agate, Amethyst, Rock Crystal, Serpentine, Moonstone, Malachite, Jade, Obsidian, Quartz, Hawkeye, Sodalite, Tiger's Eye, Blood Jasper.

Born from January 3 to January 13- under the influence of Mars - people who reek of domestic boredom, known for their bad influence on others. Lucky stones: Turquoise, Jet, Heliotrope, Jadeite, Cat's Eye, Onyx, Opal, Sardonyx, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, Charoite.

Born from January 14 to January 20- under the influence of the Sun - efficient, have vitality, passionate, contradictory, sometimes prone to despondency. Lucky stones: Alexandrite, Hyacinth, Garnet, Opal, Ruby, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Zircon, Black Star.

Aquarius. (21.01–19.02)
Main stone Turquoise

Born from January 21 to February 1- under the influence of Venus - shy and delicate, melancholic and refined in love. Lucky Stones: Aventurine, Amethyst, Rock Crystal, Pearl, Serpentine, Jade, Obsidian, Sapphirine, Hawkeye, Jasper.

Born from February 2 to February 11- under the influence of Mercury - gentle, intelligent, a little vain, moral, and have a sense of humor. Lucky stones: Ametrine (citr. Amethyst), Turquoise, Lapis lazuli, Onyx, Sardonyx, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Charoite, Amber.

Born from February 12 to February 20- under the influence of the Moon - natures are easily disappointed, reserved, modest, sensitive, truthful, adamant, pleasant. Lucky stones: Aquamarine, Alexandrite, Hyacinth, Garnet, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Chrysoprase, Zircon, Black Star.

Fish. (20.02–20.03)
Main stone Amethyst

Born from February 21 to March 1- under the influence of Saturn - capricious natures with unrealistic dreams, loving women, loneliness and change. Lucky Stones: Aventurine, Amazonite, Amethyst, Bull's Eye, Hematite, Moonstone, Jade, Carnelian, Tiger's Eye, Blood Jasper.

Born from March 2 to March 11- under the influence of Jupiter - they love greatness and glory, are sensitive and vain, honest and solemn. Lucky Stones: Rutile Quartz (Hairy), Heliotrope, Pearl, Coral, Opal.

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