3 liters of water and then. Is it possible to look younger by drinking three liters of water a day? How much water should you drink?

Stories are circulating on social networks about women who have become fabulously prettier in three weeks: their wrinkles have smoothed out, their complexion has improved, and their mood has improved. They didn’t do anything special - they just drank 3 liters of clean water a day.

I caught fire. Why: I already drink water - about 1.5 liters per day. Why not pour a little more into yourself? It’s free: there are coolers with free water all over the editorial office!

The first day

I've calculated everything. In the morning you need to drink two mugs (half a liter), at work eight (two liters) and at home two more (half a liter). Exactly a dozen mugs of clean water.

It's easy in the morning. I got up and drank a mug. I washed my face, had breakfast and waved another one before leaving.

At work, I enthusiastically poured myself some water and... I only came to my senses at the end of the working day. I got wrapped up and forgot. I had to catch up with the norm. I barely made it home: the liquid stubbornly asked to be released...

Second day

In the morning I looked at myself in the mirror and was amazed: it works! The wrinkles have smoothed out. Because they were stretched by bags under their eyes...

A puffy monster with slitted eyes was looking at me. Immediately for your eyes - cotton wool circles dipped in cold milk (a recipe from some celebrity, by the way, actually works). An hour was spent on facial rehabilitation. But I still drank two glasses of water.

I caught up with you at work.

In the evening on the subway I look at my swollen fingers in surprise. And at home I discovered swollen sausage toes on my feet. Everything is swelling terribly... Mommy! Yes, this never happened to me even during pregnancy!

Day three

At night I dreamed of the ocean, a waterfall and a noisy mountain river. They called me.

No, I obviously started too quickly. I decided to reduce the amount of water. I settled on two mugs in the morning (500 ml), five in the afternoon (1 liter 250 ml) and one in the evening (250 ml). I won't drink too much water at night.

Day four

Yesterday everything was quite decent, you can add another mug. By the way, all the wrinkles are there. Complexion unchanged. You should try drinking water not just anyhow, but before lunch.

Day five

I told a doctor friend about the water diet.

A cruel experiment. I understand that I would go in for sports - you need a lot of water. By the way, have you checked your kidneys lately? - the doctor asked.

I'm not complaining...

“That’s it for now,” the doctor “calmed down.” - Excess water is just as harmful as too little. If suddenly there were stones or sand in the kidneys, such “flushing” may cause them to move. You say there was swelling? Buy diuretics (medicines that remove excess fluid from the body) just in case.

Day six

Saturday, great weather! Picnic, barbecue, friends. Instead of beer I drink water. The people laugh and sympathize.

Day seven

The idea of ​​drinking more water before meals works. I want to eat less and less. It's just a little cold. I drink heated water.

Day eight

I have a strong feeling that I will never be able to drink again. Doesn't fit.

Day nine

Suddenly I realized that I stopped drinking coffee at work! And I don't want tea. Everything is replaced by water. That's probably good. But the promised euphoria is not there. Just calculations: how many mugs are left.

Day ten

I feel like a tank - something is constantly gurgling inside when I walk. Plus my head hurts. I can't concentrate. And the swelling does not go away.

All! I'm quitting. Three liters is not my thing. God bless them with wrinkles, complexion and other beauty. I won’t give up my usual one and a half liters.

My mistakes

1. Start too abrupt.

2. Drank at night. In the morning, all the water ends up under the eyes. Doctors recommend stopping with water at least an hour before bedtime.

What actually works

1. Substitute for coffee. Many people often drink coffee at work - simply because they are thirsty. And he's in large quantities harms. Coffee definitely doesn't go well with a water diet.

2. A glass before lunch - minus calories. The stomach fills with water, you want to eat less. By the way, this is how Inna Zhirkova, a model and the wife of football player Yuri Zhirkov, lost weight. And after drinking a glass of water before lunch, I noticed that I began to take smaller portions.

3. The skin dries less. In the evenings, I sometimes forgot to apply the cream. Even after washing, there was no feeling of dryness. True, our batteries do not work yet - they are the ones that draw out moisture.


Every day we need 30 ml of water for every kilogram of weight. WHO recommends adhering to this particular norm.

That is, if you weigh 60 kg per day, you need to drink 1.8 liters of clean water.

Tested for yourself!

I agreed to drink 3 liters of water a day for a whole month straight. It was terribly interesting what would come of it.
To my surprise, it turned out that you need to try very hard to drink 3 liters of water a day. But I did it, partly because my company paid me, but also because I wanted to learn something new.

Day 1. Beginning

I don't usually drink that much fluid, but to start, I decided it would be best to get a large jug of water and carry it with me all day.Oddly enough, this method turned out to be more difficult than I expected. And so at 11:30 pm I sit, completely focused on drinking water in order to reach my daily quota. It is a strange feeling when the purpose of body and soul is to drink, for the sake of drinking!

Day 5: I pee every 20 minutes.

I like to drink water. My body is 60% water, but no normal person drinks a gallon of water a day.
I drink when I don't feel like drinking at all.My health has not changed. I just feel completely full all the time - and I eat less.Plus, I pee every 20 minutes. People in the office already think I'm a drug addict because I constantly go to the bathroom.

Day 10. I became... more beautiful?

Honestly, I noticed changes. I usually need a cup of coffee as soon as possible to get my engine going. But now I woke up refreshed without coffee, which was nice.

I seem to feel better. Although, maybe it's just a placebo effect. I still have a hard time carrying that gallon of water everywhere. And drinking so much water in a day didn’t make it any easier.

Day 15. I am a ball of energy

I hardly drink coffee at all, although I used to drink 2-3 cups a day. I started running faster in the evenings. I started sleeping better. This may sound strange, but I'm not as hot as before.

Previously, when I slept, my body temperature fluctuated somewhere between 98.6 degrees on the surface of the damn sun.
My body seems to have adjusted to my new super-hydrated lifestyle.

Day 20: People say I'm happier

I don't know. Maybe this is true? I rewatched Beetlejuice today, so maybe there's something there.

Day 25: I'm getting better

I still write a lot. And the urine is always crystal clear. My friend says my skin looks fresher and I definitely feel like I have more energy.

It definitely became easier for me to drink this amount of water. I don't have a hard time drinking anymore. To be honest, I already have a callus on my hand from the jug handle.
Also, I feel like people respect me more. Okay, just kidding, that's not true.

Day 30: Freedom and clarity

Today is the last day of my challenge. I urinate a lot and am thirsty all the time. I feel like my grandfather.
I think drinking 3 liters of water is a bit much, but I understand that I didn't drink enough before.
I probably wouldn't recommend this particular challenge to anyone. Because your stomach will hurt and your friends and family will think you have a drug problem.

This is my opinion, obviously not a scientific one, but putting a quota on the amount of water someone should drink is ridiculous. If I worked with my hands on the street, I would need to drink more than when I sit and write Internet articles.
If I were 100 kg, I would need to drink a lot more water than a non-100 kg person.

Are you ready to drink so much water? Tell us in the comments. Or maybe you've been doing this for a long time? Then share your feelings.

A woman named Sarah Smith, aged 42, decided on a bold experiment. She for a long time suffered from frequent headaches and chronic fatigue.

The woman heeded the advice and drank 3 liters of water a day for a month. This is what she looked like at the beginning of her journey.

How much water to drink

In 2 weeks

Sarah took pictures of herself all the time. After two weeks, the woman said: “The headaches have disappeared. I feel like a completely different person."

In 3 weeks

The wrinkles around her eyelids became less noticeable, and Sarah lost a kilogram. “Before eating, I drink a glass of water. It helps me curb my appetite."
In 4 weeks

The result exceeded all expectations. “It’s like I was born again. The skin became younger, fatigue disappeared, sparkles appeared in the eyes. I am proud that I passed this test."

Here is a photo of Sarah before and after the experiment. Well, enough arguments to stop drinking unhealthy drinks and give preference to water!

We are not telling you to drink 3 liters of water a day. Everyone has their own norm. It all depends on age, living conditions, weight and your activity. The main thing is to drink often, but little by little, and it’s best most Drink water in the first half of the day.

This story is meant to motivate you to give up harmful drinks in favor of water, calculate your norm and make sure you maintain it. Set a goal and overcome all obstacles with dignity. You will succeed, especially if you enlist the support of your friends. So share this article with them!

Everyone, of course, knows that you should drink at least 8 glasses a day. Tell me, are you doing it? A cup of tea in the morning, a glass of water before lunch, and a couple of cups of flower tea in the evening in front of the TV screen - perhaps this is the water diet of most women. That is, even the recommended one and a half liters are not collected. What can we say about the recipe that was discovered by the British. They advise drinking 3 liters of water a day for a rejuvenating effect!

Look at yourself in the mirror
The story in question is a good reason to start working on yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror. What do you look like without makeup? A simple test: pay attention to the condition of your lips. Wrinkled, dry and not plump lips are a sign that you really lack moisture.

Water is important for the functioning of all body systems. It flushes out toxins from vital organs, supplies nutrients to cells, helps eliminate waste, and provides a moist environment for all body tissues. If you don't, it means that all these functions are broken. In addition, just imagine: toxins are not washed out in the urine, but are absorbed back into the blood!

Sarah's story
Sarah, the heroine of the report, suffered from poor digestion for several years. The woman decided to consult with doctors, a nutritionist and a neurologist came to general recommendation: Sarah should drink at least 3 liters of water per day to improve the functioning of the whole body.

The 42-year-old woman really wanted to get rid of her problems, so she decided to strictly follow the advice of experts. At least a month. And then see what happens. The result exceeded all expectations!

Sarah admits that before the experiment she looked older than her age: dark circles under her eyes, red spots, dull and gray skin... “They could have given me all of 52 years, not 42!” - says Sarah.

Sarah before and after the experiment

So, Sarah set a goal: 4 weeks (28 days) to drink the required 3 liters per day. And this is what came of it.

Week one
Weight: 54 kg
Waist: 71 cm

Sarah divided all the liquid into three parts. It was easier this way, because it was psychologically difficult to immediately put a three-liter jar of water on the table and try to drink it. So, she drank a liter in the morning, another liter in the middle of the day, and a third during the evening.

The first result was on the very first day - the previously sluggish intestines became more vibrant. Although, of course, trips to the toilet have become more frequent. The second result came a few days later when Sarah discovered that the color of her urine had become light in color rather than the dark yellow it had been previously.

The skin has not yet pleased me; on the contrary, red spots have appeared. Perhaps this is the action of toxins.

Sarah now drank more tea, but allowed herself only one time all week - a glass of wine at a meeting with friends. The fact is that alcohol is a diuretic drink, and it removes 4 times more fluid from the body than other drinks. Sarah didn't need this effect. Moreover, she found a way out - diluting the wine with water.

Sarah noticed already in the first week that yoga in the morning began to be much easier for her - her body flexibility improved. And this is confirmed by doctors; they often say that good hydration means good joints.

Week two
Weight: 53.5 kg (- 0.5 kg)
Waist: 71 cm

The spots on the face have decreased, as have the dark spots, they have become noticeably smaller. Complexion and skin tone become more even. But there are still wrinkles under the eyes. People around her began to notice that Sarah looked better: her skin became clearer.

Sarah drinks half a liter in the morning when she wakes up, half a liter at breakfast, half a liter at lunch, half a liter in the afternoon, another half liter at dinner and before bed.

The difficulty is that you need to constantly carry bottles of water with you. And also look for toilets if you have to leave the house. During 3 hours of shopping, Sarah went alone 5 times.

Some good news: The heroine has not had headaches for a week, her intestines are working better, and her husband noted that cellulite has disappeared from her thighs.

The woman expected a large number of water will make her stomach huge and inflated, but everything turned out to be exactly the opposite: her stomach became flat and toned.

Week three
Weight: 53.5 kg
Waist: 69.8 cm

Dark circles and wrinkles under the eyes have virtually disappeared, and the skin looks plumper and healthier. No more feeling of dry eyes in the morning.

Sarah began to notice some weight loss, she began to eat less, and she didn’t even feel like snacking at all.

Week four
Weight: 53 kg (minus 0.5 kg)
Waist: 68.5 cm

The difference is simply colossal. And it's really hard to believe. Sarah, of course, decided to continue drinking 3 liters of water a day.

“I became like a woman!” - she rejoices. There are no more wrinkles or spots on the face. She is fresh and attractive. Sarah has become younger and slimmer - isn't this a great example for all of us?

Based on dailymail.co.uk

From DA

07.05.2018 13:05

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