April 30th of the year is a lunar day. Influence of the day of the week

The Moon is the celestial body closest to us. Since ancient times, people have noticed that the phases of the moon have a powerful impact on almost all aspects of their lives and health.

That, What phase is the moon in today?(growing or decreasing, what lunar day is it today), affects the biorhythm of water metabolism in the body, functional physiology, affects the conception of children and many other processes, which has long been confirmed scientific research. The lunar phases today affect our mood, success and well-being.

Moon phase today, November 30, 2017

On the date 30.11.2017 V 07:27 The moon is in phase "Waxing Crescent". This 12 lunar day V lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Aries ♈. Illumination percentage Moon is 85%. Sunrise Moon at 14:59, and sunset at 03:24.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 12th lunar day from 14:38 11/29/2017 to 14:59 11/30/2017
  • 13th lunar day from 14:59 11/30/2017 until the next day

Moon influence November 30, 2017

Moon in the zodiac sign Aries (−)

Moon in a sign Aries. Time is characterized by increased impulsiveness, haste, bordering on recklessness. It is better to postpone matters that require precision and thoughtfulness, since if you do not take into account any little detail, this will certainly result in negative consequences.

Important negotiations or contracts can be disrupted literally because of nonsense. There is a very high probability of various kinds of confrontation, which could end in an accident. Beware of fire and sharp objects.

12 lunar day (−)

November 30, 2017 at 07:27 — 12 lunar day. Not a particularly favorable day for lovers and others interpersonal relationships. The likelihood of conflicts and disagreements in the business sphere has also increased. It is better to devote the day to charity, giving alms, making gifts, fulfilling the requests of other people.

Waxing Moon (±)

The moon is in phase Waxing Crescent. The second lunar phase is the interval between the first lunar quarter and the full moon. During this period, the active growth of the Moon continues. The second phase is characterized by an even more significant increase in energy and internal forces, and strongly expressed activity.

In the business sphere it begins favorable time to carry out planned activities, solve difficult issues and problems. Things that require a lot of activity will not be difficult.

In the second lunar phase may be useful physical exercise, it is during this period that it is good to start new workouts. Changes in absolutely all areas of activity are favorable, both in relationships on a personal level and in business.

Not a bad time to move, travel, change your activity. Life energy gathers more and more and closer to the full moon its peak is noted. This period is characterized by emotional outbursts, increasingly frequent conflicts, and the emergence of traumatic situations.

Influence of the day of the week (+)

Day of the week - Thursday, this day is under the auspices of Jupiter, the king of all gods. On Thursday, intuition intensifies, it allows you to distinguish allies from enemies. The energy of this day bestows fame, honor, and success in society. On Thursday, everything works out, you just need to believe in yourself, that everything will work out. But if there is no such confidence, it is better to postpone the matter until later.

On this day, contacts with superiors are successful, negotiations are successful. And your heart will tell you that things will go well. It will also help solve your amorous affairs.

The influence of different periods of the cycle

The Earth with its satellite and the Sun lead a kind of celestial round dance. As a result, the phases of the moon replace each other. Conventionally, we can distinguish two main moments of the cycle, during which processes in nature radically change direction. This is the full moon and new moon.

ON THE NEW MOON human immunity weakens. Viruses, on the contrary, begin to show increased activity. Blood clotting increases, this is the optimal period for donation. The sky without a night luminary hints that it is good to organize a secret society, a secret project, to develop fraud.

R WASHING MOON gives vigor and increases energy levels. It is necessary to provide adequate nutrition. Load and physical exercise will be very useful. Plants begin to actively develop shoots and leaves. During this phase of the moon, it is recommended to plant “tops”, crops whose harvest is located above the surface of the earth.

FULL MOON– energy peak. As a result active development bacteria, cases of infectious food poisoning are becoming more frequent. Blood clotting is very low; it is possible that severe bleeding will occur with minor damage. The person is on edge, or overestimates his strength.

WANING MOONgood time to get rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary. Throw away old things, clean up, say goodbye to the obsessive past. Reduce your caloric intake, diets will be especially effective. During this phase of the moon, it is recommended to plant root crops, since the sap flow is directed from the leaves downwards.

We noticed that at certain periods of time you lose adequacy and the ability to think sensibly. In addition to hereditary predisposition and temperamental characteristics, mood swings are influenced by the moon. Depending on the distance of the celestial body from our planet, a person’s emotional mood fluctuates in one direction or another.

Why does the moon affect the human body?

The Moon is a faithful satellite of our planet and the closest neighbor among other celestial bodies. Therefore, it is no less than the royal star of our Universe - the Sun influences the Earth and all living beings. We live according to the laws and rules of lunar rhythms. The phases of the night star correspond to the biological rhythms of people. In other words, water exchange in living beings and plants on our planet depends on the presence of the Moon in one or another phase of the cycle. Data scientific research confirm the fact that this cyclicity affects the reproduction of living beings, plant vegetation, and other processes.

Recently, American scientists specializing in physiology and the mysteries of dreams discovered that a person has a special “biological alarm clock”, the daily time of which is measured in 24 hours that are not familiar to us. It turned out that we subconsciously obey a different time calculation, according to which there are already 25 hours in a day - exactly as many as the lunar day.

The data obtained at the University of Illinois (USA) can be considered a sensation. Scientists at this institution claim that the likelihood of conceiving a male child increases significantly if copulation with a woman occurs within 12 days before the full moon.

What is the Lunar Cycle

Knowledge about lunar rhythms helps us not only calculate favorable days, but also to predict life in the long term. From the time of ancient Babylon people know how to calculate the large lunar cycle. It is called Saros. It has been noticed that at intervals of 18.6 years from the date of birth, a person enters a period characterized by health problems and global changes in life. This pattern is especially clear in women.

There is also a small lunar cycle, which lasts approximately 9 years. But its impact is felt by people aged 60 to 62 years. It is not for nothing that this stage in life is considered one of the critical ones. Knowing what lunar day it is today can help you calculate your own monthly cycle.

What are lunar phases

The Earth's satellite goes through its cycle within a month, more precisely in 29.6 days. This period is divided into phases. There are four of them in total. In each, respectively, 7.5 days. According to the law of nature, the new moon starts in a new zodiac sign. They follow one after another in strict order. In other words, if the first new moon occurred under the sign of Libra, then the next one will already be under the sign of Scorpio. We must also take into account the fact that the Sun passes the full circle of the Zodiac in a year, and the Moon much faster - in a month.

In addition, we observe two more important patterns in the night luminary from the newborn Moon to the full one. In the first the Moon is waning, in the second it is growing.

In total, there are four main phases of the Moon - the new moon, when the Earth's satellite is in contact with the Sun. Then follows the first quarter - the right square with the Sun.

The Full Moon is in opposition to the Sun, and the last quarter is when the Moon and the Sun are in left quadrature.

The empirical experience of many generations tells earthlings that it is better to plan any new business during the period of the waxing moon, or immediately after the new moon. Completion of projects is successful when the luminary is waning, or on the eve of the new moon.

The waxing moon gives a person strength, energy, and good luck. This means that all undertakings must be timed to coincide with this time. For example, important negotiations, major transactions. However, during the period of growth, the Moon also adds to the individual a penchant for philosophizing and mysticism.

But when the night light wanes, a person feels fatigue, apathy, and a slower reaction. The best thing to do is to devote this moment to matters that do not require special attention. If according to personal horoscope(natal chart compiled by date of birth) the Moon experienced a period of growth, then a person’s ability to objectively evaluate actions and make decisions is noted. If the luminary was in a waning stage, then it is characterized by subjectivity of thinking.

From the new moon we calculate the period until the first quarter. It is reasonable to devote this moment to planning, resource calculations, but not to the practical implementation of ideas.

Psychologists note that people born within a week after the New Moon differ in their behavior and have characteristics. Often these are scientific theorists, philosophers, mystics. They often devote themselves to serving the church, or even decide to become a hermit outside the monastery walls. The rhythm of modern life is alien to them, social life. They don't understand, they don't accept it. The world of living nature is closer to them. They often choose professions related to agriculture, zoology, and hunting. Among them are many excellent herbalists, foresters, and biologists.

From full moon Before its last quarter, the most favorable moment comes for completing things and summing up the work done. However, it is useful to solve some problems during this period, however, taking into account the fact that they are quite fleeting, and you will have the opportunity to deal with them before the start of a new cycle.

It is curious that those born in the first week after the Full Moon are distinguished by independence, confidence and freedom of thought. These are people who can impartially evaluate their own actions and are loyal to the actions of others. They are rarely influenced by outsiders. True, sometimes they are often too categorical and adamant. It would not hurt such people to once again follow their inner voice, intuition, and not the rules accepted by the majority of fellow citizens. Among those who were born under this position of the night luminary, there are many people holding responsible government positions, politicians, as well as brilliant representatives of creative professions: artists, architects, sculptors, musicians.

Now about what happens to us from the beginning of the last quarter until the new moon (new moon). Often during this period people complain of loss of strength, absent-mindedness, and fatigue. This is natural, and therefore do not take on new projects, do not test your nerves and fate. Otherwise, you will simply waste a lot of energy, but will not be able to cope with the assigned tasks on time. Don't worry, you can catch up later. In the meantime, it is more useful to focus on analyzing the results of what has been done previously, analyze your mistakes and note your achievements.

Tired but necessary visits to various authorities, collection of papers and documents can be timed specifically for this period. Then the process will proceed with amazing ease and the results will be excellent.

Information about the phases of the moon will also help to correct character traits. So, everyone who was born seven days before the New Moon often avoids public events and is afraid of crowds. You shouldn’t overpower yourself and strive to become such a “public” person. As a result, such violence against one’s own “I” will not lead to anything good. It is wiser to spend more time in solitude, calm, home environment. The advantages of such individuals include a high level of intuition and a rare gift of foresight. Develop it in peace and quiet, do not advertise your personal life.

By taking note of the information about the phases of the moon, you can minimize the amount of stress and problems in your life. Remember that the transition of this mysterious luminary from one phase of the Moon to another is always accompanied by difficult moments for every earthling. Within 2-3 days, we all involuntarily become a little more receptive and vulnerable. Therefore, do not force events, take care of yourself and your loved ones during this difficult, unbalanced period.

Lunar cycle

The complete change of all phases of the moon is called the lunar cycle, during which time the moon goes through all stages of its development from new moon to new moon. The beginning of a new lunar cycle is marked by neomenia - the first appearance of the young moon in the rays of the rising sun. You can find out what phase of the moon is today without resorting to independent observations; here you will find all the information. The duration of the lunar cycle is most often 29 or 30 days, the inaccuracy is associated with the complex orbit of rotation around the Earth.

The importance of the lunar calendar

Your condition and general well-being may depend on what the moon is now, since the moon has a powerful influence on life on our planet. Since ancient times, people have tried to find out the lunar day today in order to adjust their affairs, especially with regard to agriculture. Lunar landing calendar and currently playing big role during planting and harvesting. Following important recommendations will increase productivity. Before you get started, you need to know what the moon is today.

Moon calendar

The calendar, compiled according to the changing phases of the moon, is in no way connected with the movement of the sun, and therefore is in no way tied to the cycles of the seasons. Although there were attempts to create lunar-solar calendars, they were unsuccessful and are now practically not used in any way. Typically, a year according to the lunar calendar has 12 months, with some reservations; there are many options, each of which has its own characteristics.

Meanings of lunar days

Each day of each phase of the moon has its own meaning, which is extremely important to know in order to make the most of your time and get the maximum benefit from it. In order to calculate the success of the planned days, sometimes it is simply necessary to find out what lunar day it is today. Some days are best for doing important things, while others are best for taking care of your health. The lunar haircut calendar will make caring for your hair much easier and will make your hair healthier. Some days are intended for setting up your household. They often turn to the lunar calendar before carrying out land work.

Thanks to us, you can find out without any problems lunar horoscope for today, as well as the meaning of the day according to the phase and position of the moon in the sky. There is a description of each day in the lunar cycle, but each lunar day is unique, since some minor details should be taken into account in order to understand the full picture. It also matters whether the lunar cycle is complete, since the number of days in it varies. You can find all the necessary information with us.

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation for 04/1/2017 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Characteristics of the Moon on April 30, 2017

On the date 30.04.2017 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waxing Crescent". This 5 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Cancer ♋. Illumination percentage Moon makes up 21%. Sunrise Moon at 08:02, and sunset V --:--.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 4th lunar day from 07:10 04/29/2017 to 08:02 04/30/2017
  • 5th lunar day from 08:02 04/30/2017 until the next day

Moon influence April 30, 2017

Moon in the zodiac sign Cancer (±)

Moon in a sign Cancer. A time of unhurried stability. Ideal for well-functioning enterprises engaged in monotonous production. Businesses related to antiques and jurisprudence are also doing well. The legal process initiated by you at this time should end as beneficially as possible for you.

You need to be more careful about lending and lending money. There is a possibility that you will have to wait a very long time for their return. Since emotional sensitivity increases at this time, you should be more tactful and attentive to your loved ones, this will only benefit you.

For the development of spiritual powers, auto-training, meditation practices and the development of extrasensory sensitivity are useful. To avoid unpleasant consequences, careful handling of metal objects and fire is required.

5 lunar day (−)

April 30, 2017 at 12:00 - 5 lunar day. Neglect of your own principles and debt obligations, indecision and doubtfulness can lead to very significant changes in your plans and put an end to the achievement of previously planned undertakings.

You should be as conscious as possible and try to avoid negative influences from outside. Particular attention should be paid to the food consumed on this day.

Waxing Moon (+)

The moon is in phase Waxing Crescent. The first lunar phase begins from the new moon until the beginning of the first quarter of the moon (the beginning of the second phase). During this period, the Moon is at the beginning of its growth. The first phase is characterized by an increase in energy to complete planned tasks.

During this period, it is recommended to make plans and start new projects, weigh and outline plans for the development of new ideas, carefully analyze problems and issues, both of the future period and those that remained unrealized from the previous lunar month.

At the physiological level, during the first lunar phase the body accumulates strength. Energy is still quite low in all areas of life, be it well-being, personal life or business.

As in work, in the personal sphere there comes a stage of rethinking current relationships and, quite possibly, taking them to the highest level. New connections and acquaintances quickly arise. Together with the growth of the Moon during this period Vital energy is also increasing.

Day of week influence (±)

Day of the week - Sunday, this day walks under the Sun, because it is permeated with its cheerful, invigorating energy and imparts good power to people.

Since ancient times, Sunday has been reserved for rest, for work not of the body, but of the spirit. And people communicate with each other with pleasure, meet to spend time in conversations, games, and pleasures. This is a day of Sunday festivities, going to visit at the call of the soul, which straightens up after a week of fatigue and work, washed by friendly participation and unity. Sunday is for light work, not hard work.

The Moon in Cancer enhances romantic moods, sensitivity, sentimentality, and makes people prone to daydreaming and reminiscing. Relationships with the opposite sex are more comfortable. There is a desire to patronize and patronize. Women have an increased ability to conceive; sperm are especially active during this period.
Also, during this period, mental ability and time for solving difficult problems increase.
Although schoolchildren may have difficulties with the exact sciences.

The influence of the moon makes people more vulnerable and touchy, mood swings and moodiness become more pronounced. The possibility of falling under outside influence increases. Be carefull.
There may be problems with the digestive system due to uncontrolled absorption of food.

Description from Sergei Vronsky

The 4th lunar day is happy for all sorts of new beginnings, especially good for searching for missing things and people. The day will be favorable for all kinds and types of water structures.
On this day, big egoists or even criminals are born. Parents must use all their strength and skill to guide him on the right path.
It should be noted that this day can become unlucky due to the fault of the person himself. Especially if he finds himself in the sphere of some fatal influences, circumstances, or takes up arms against his neighbor.
Diseases, if not immediately addressed, can be very dangerous.
And dreams on the fourth lunar day can come true.

Description by Pavel and Tamara Globa

4 lunar day. Symbol - Tree of Knowledge, Choice between Good and Evil.
It is better to spend this day in solitude. You need to think ten times before making a decision.
This is the first day among the unfavorable ones in the lunar month. It carries a dual characteristic - a day that is positive and negative at the same time.
If possible, do not make hasty decisions. Contraindicated group work. It is forbidden to pick flowers or cut down trees.
It’s good to spin or walk through the forest on this day and unravel threads.
People born on the 4th lunar day are carriers of some kind of cosmic secret. It is advisable for everyone to unravel this mystery within themselves on an intuitive level.
Tangled hair or threads in a dream the day before is a sign that you need to abandon your plan.
Stones: sardonyx, amazonite, green jade.

Description by Alexander Zaraev

First half 4 lunar day quite favorable, mental balance comes, the ability to make contacts increases. The day is favorable for trading activities and any risky ventures, thus opening up new prospects and successful opportunities in your life. However, the second half of the day can slow down positive trends, and only through demonstrating good nature and diplomacy can conflicts and intrigues of rivals be avoided.

Description according to Jyotish

Nakshatra Ardra Symbol: Human head. Destructive activity: destruction of old buildings, getting rid of old, outdated things and habits. Meeting face to face with obvious and hidden, perhaps underlying problems and difficulties.
The nakshatra has a sharp or sharp character. It is recommended to take active actions, attack, overcome obstacles, meet with the enemy, astral battles, the danger of accusations and punishments, dismissal from work, separation from friends. It is not recommended to start a trip, make purchases or other important undertakings. You need to be vigilant.

Tithi: 5 [until 04/30/2017 22:19:00 ] A favorable day for starting important things, marriage, treatment.


It is better to avoid gum surgery. It is good to treat caries and other operations related to aesthetics appearance teeth.
It is better to refuse to visit the dentist. The body is not ready for outside intervention.

☉ Sunday

neutral day

Moon days. Moon phases. Moon in zodiac signs April 30, 2017

4 lunar day

🌒 Young waxing Moon

♊ Gemini

4 lunar day

🌒 Young waxing Moon

♋ Cancer

5 lunar day

🌒 Young waxing Moon

♋ Cancer

Influence of the Moon April 30, 2017 from 0:00 to 4:42

unfavorable period

♊ Moon in the sign of Gemini. The mobility of the sign helps in solving accumulated small matters that distract from large ones, since during this period a superficial attitude towards the world will not allow you to focus on what is important. These days people are more talkative than usual. Ease of communication will help you establish new contacts and get comfortable in any team. Due to the unpredictability and frivolity of the sign, a feeling of concern about a waste of time may arise.

Influence of the Moon April 30, 2017 from 4:42 to 8:04

unfavorable period

4 lunar day. The fourth lunar day is a day of passivity, restraint and analysis. Before making any decision, it is advisable to calm down and think it over in solitude. Do not succumb to provocations and do your best to maintain peace and tranquility in your soul. It is advisable to relax, listen to music and sleep longer on this difficult and confusing day.

🌒 Young waxing Moon or 1st lunar phase. The period of the lunar cycle from the new moon to the 1st lunar quarter. The energy of the life-giving forces of the Sun begins to accumulate. This is the period when processes in the human body and psyche awaken and stabilize. The emotional state of a person is in a hidden form. A good time for various endeavors and communication. Creative people are inspired. “Turn on” your brain, make plans, make important decisions, take care of organizational issues in business, make financial transactions, and do not avoid physical activity. Remain peaceful and sympathetic.

♋ Moon in the sign of Cancer. A time of very strong impact on a person’s emotional state. We become soft and receptive to everything that happens around us. A philosophical attitude towards yourself and your inner world will help you cope with life’s difficulties. Calm and affectionate heart-to-heart communication, sensitivity to the suffering of others helps to find friends and helpers.

☉ Sunday. On this day of the week the world is ruled by the Sun. The energy of Sunday is divine, cheerful, favorable-passive. A day of unconditional love and generosity. A day to celebrate and prepare for a brighter future. On Sunday you need to start new things, make plans, make important decisions and enjoy everything around you. Active recreation, walks in nature, physical exercise, and visiting a temple are recommended. On this day they go to visit, celebrate various events, dance, sing, and have fun from the heart. On Sunday you cannot do the activities of Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Influence of the Moon April 30, 2017 from 8:04 to 23:59

neutral period

5 lunar day. The fifth lunar day is a day of active action and testing of inner strength. Having believed in yourself, your uniqueness and your principles, you can take on any job and achieve previously planned goals. The awakened energy will help you find a new talent in yourself. The impulsiveness of this lunar day promotes the open expression of emotions.

🌒 Young waxing Moon or 1st lunar phase. The period of the lunar cycle from the new moon to the 1st lunar quarter. The energy of the life-giving forces of the Sun begins to accumulate. This is the period when processes in the human body and psyche awaken and stabilize. The emotional state of a person is in a hidden form. A good time for various endeavors and communication. Creative people are inspired. “Turn on” your brain, make plans, make important decisions, take care of organizational issues in business, make financial transactions, and do not avoid physical activity. Remain peaceful and sympathetic.

An unfavorable day when it is better to indulge in passive rest. A critical day when a person succumbs to internal temptations. On the 15th lunar day, it is necessary to practice asceticism, to tame the flesh and spirit. Pride and arrogance are contraindicated. The day is dangerous due to excessive energy consumption, exhaustion, and half as many things will be done as in any other period. Lunar day, completely unsuitable for intimate contact - physical intimacy, at first can lift you to the heights of pleasure, and then turn into bitter disappointment.. Day of asceticism, you should not ask for anything today. You need to thank a higher power for what you already have. It’s also good to protect your energy. Fumigation with the incense of Myrrh or Frankincense, best method work on the subtle plane today. It’s also good to study your horoscope to see the vestments of your shadow sides.

The symbol of the day is moderation, which clearly echoes the XIV Arcana of the Tarot cards “Moderation”, calling us to maintain calm, purity of thoughts, balance in emotions. This is a pure day - justice, purification. This is a day of harmony between the physical level and the spiritual world. Balancing physical exercises such as yoga are recommended. On this day, you need to remain calm, not disturb your inner comfort, not argue or quarrel, keeping your emotions at the same level. This is the period of seduction various representatives organizations. It is better not to join any secret organizations or movements, as you may subsequently be misled.. It is good to study on this day breathing exercises. Carry out work to harmonize the inner world. You can study psychological practices allowing you to see joy in the little things. Draw a flower with five petals and during the day write down in these petals every pleasant little thing that happens to you, from a delicious lunch with your favorite dish to the random smile of a passerby. To maintain an even emotional level, fumigate the room with incense - lavender. And it’s good to burn a purple candle to immerse yourself in a meditative state and protect your emotional level.

Waxing Moon in Scorpio

What to wear?

Bright red and strict black are the colors of today.

Scent of the day- the scent of sage or wormwood will be a good addition to your image.

Talismans - alexandrite, hematite, hyacinth. Metal - iron and bronze.

What are we eating?

Excess food that enters the body is stored in the form of stone and fat deposits. Plants with a bitter and pungent taste help digest food. Season your food today with pepper, mustard, garlic and other hot seasonings. For dessert - fruits, juices and fresh honey.

beauty and health

The skin today absorbs well everything that is offered to it. Saturate it with vitamins and minerals. A mask of chopped cabbage with egg white will accomplish this task.

This is the right time to heal and strengthen the organs located in the lower abdomen. Any methods are suitable - physical exercise, douching with St. John's wort solution and baths with it, strengthening massage using St. John's wort oil, etc.

Intimate scenario

The Moon in the sign of Scorpio excites and activates insatiable sex. When the Moon is in Scorpio - this is about 3-4 days a month - the most better days for having sex. This is the time when sexual desire is off the charts, a passion is manifested that seems impossible to satiate... There will be no boundaries or restrictions, you will be able to open yourself up, and the orgasm will be more impressive than ever. Have you never had an orgasm before? Make love during the days of the Moon in Scorpio, and you will find out what it is.

What to do at home?

Time to prepare medicinal ointments from summer-dried herbs. Indoor plants need to be watered.

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