Arabic cuisine. Arabic cuisine: recipes for meat dishes, pastries and sweets. Pilaf with dried bananas

Arabic cuisine includes cuisines from the Middle East as well as the Arabian Peninsula. Many experts argue that in order to become more familiar with the features of traditional Arabic cuisine, there is no need to go to any expensive restaurants. It is enough to visit a cafe or look into a street tent. Here you can find a variety of lunches as well as snacks.

Arab national cuisine is oversaturated with a variety of delicacies, which are characterized by quite unusual tastes and aromas. No dish will be identical to another.

If you decide to visit the United Arab Emirates, it's worth trying a little of everything to see what you like best and what you can cook when you get home.

On the site you will find various step-by-step photo recipes that explain how to prepare this or that dish of Arabic cuisine with your own hands at home.

Recipes with photos

  • Homemade pita
  • Dzhezerye carrot candies
  • Beef up your sleeve
  • Eggplants with minced meat in a frying pan
  • Lamb with beans
  • Kebbe

Features of national dishes of Arab cuisine

Features national dishes Arab cuisine is considered to have a huge variety of recipes for products where the main ingredient is rice, since the Arabs are very fond of this product. Also widely popular here are first courses (harira, beyzar), snacks (falafel, manakish), as well as fish (bricks) and meat (biryani, haris) delicacies.

It is worth clarifying that the cooking of Arab countries is conventionally divided into cuisines:

  1. Arabian. This cuisine is replete with legumes (lentils, beans), milk (camel, goat), rice, baked goods (flatbread) and dates. On ordinary days, Bedouins very rarely eat meat products. This product is usually served only on major holidays. If someone has a baby or is planning a wedding, then, according to tradition, in honor of the occasion, the whole goat is baked and served along with boiled rice.
  2. Mediterranean. Includes Maghreb cooking. This cuisine is famous for the fact that aromatic spices such as saffron, cumin, cinnamon, black red pepper, and ginger are added to almost every dish. In addition, fish and seafood are very often eaten in the Maghreb. The Maghreb people also prefer to eat soups and stews. The most famous and popular first dish is harira, made from lentils.
  3. Syrian. Syrian cuisine is famous for its well-known shawarma, which requires special preparation. You need to grease the warm flatbread with butter or yogurt, and then just spread the filling. In addition, the cuisine of the Syrian people is characterized by the fact that to create any delicacy, the ingredients must be cut finely. Vegetables are mostly stuffed. Local residents also love to consume grains and olive oil. Some products undergo several relatively complex cooking steps. What is noteworthy is that food in Syrian cuisine, unlike other Arabic ones, is not very spicy and greasy. There are no side dishes or soups as such. Most delicacies are a mix. To make various products, fermented milk drinks are often used, for example, lyabne, which is a thick yogurt, which is seasoned with olive oil, pickled cheese and mint. In addition, Syrian cuisine is rich in a variety of desserts (baklava, sherbet). The most famous delicacy is kunafa - a dough with nuts, cheese or cream, sprinkled with syrup.

Culinary masterpieces of the Arab states (Libya, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Algeria and Iraq) differ from each other and at the same time have several similar features, namely the use of the same products, as well as the same methods of preparing similar products. By the way, some of them are prepared identically, differing only in the name. For example, an Iraqi delicacy called “kuzi” is called “haruf bir-rizz” in Syrian cuisine, but in the cities of the Maghreb this product is known as “couscous”. That's why experts talk about a common national Arab cuisine.

Traditional Arabic cuisine is characterized by the fact that it contains... meat ingredient Lamb is often used. In addition, Arabs eat poultry, but rarely eat veal. Due to the fact that Islam is widespread in Arab countries, pork is prohibited from being eaten.

The highlight of Arab cuisine is the specific heat treatment of food. Most meat delicacies are made without the use of fat. To do this, the frying pan is heated strongly (up to about three hundred degrees), then meat pieces are laid out, which, touching the heated surface of the container, are covered with a thin golden crust at lightning speed. By the way, this crust prevents the meat juice from evaporating. Due to this, the meat always turns out incredibly tender and juicy. Sometimes pieces of meat are first fried in a dry, well-heated frying pan, and then fried in fat. Arabs like to serve boiled rice and stewed or fried vegetables as a side dish for meat.

Also in Arab cuisine, a special place is occupied by cheeses (somewhat reminiscent of feta cheese), eggs and fermented milk products.

As for diet, most people in Arab countries prefer to eat twice a day. Breakfast must be hearty, lunch comes before or after the sun sets.

Lunch on holidays usually begins with berries such as melon or watermelon. After this, bintas-sakhn (sweet dough, topped with butter and honey), boiled meat with spicy sauce, or lamb are served. At the end of the meal, broth is always served. For snacks they eat fresh or pickled vegetables, game, watermelon seeds, nuts and much more. In addition, it is customary to serve helba (a spicy sauce containing seasonings and mustard) for lunch.

It is worth noting that during the feast you need to eat only right hand and only those products that are offered by the owner of the house.

In many Saudi Arabian cuisine recipes, fruits are found, in particular dates, which play an important role, as well as grain crops. This fruit is often used to make a paste that can be stored for twelve months. In rare cases, date paste is combined with barley flour. Also, the Arab people prefer to eat sun-dried or dried dates.

Secrets of preparing homemade products: soups and main dishes

There are not too many secrets to preparing homemade items such as soups and main dishes. As for hot dishes, the Arab people prefer to eat soups cooked in meat broth, which also include rice, potatoes, beans, capers or peas.

The technology for preparing soups implies the following. Before sending the meat to cook, the product is fried in a frying pan without adding fat, then completely filled with cool water and left to cook until fully cooked. Prepared vegetables are placed in already prepared and filtered broth.

It is worth noting that with soups you should definitely serve kubbe (a flatbread stuffed with meat, made from dark wholemeal flour) or several varieties of sambusa (triangle-shaped pies). Each type will have its own filling:

    cheese is placed in the jabna;

    Lyakhma uses meat filling;

    spinach is used in sabeneh;

    the khudar is stuffed with vegetables.

Among the traditional main dishes, meat and fish delicacies, as well as seafood, stand out. For example, chefs can dry fish, bake it on the grill, or cook it in the form of a kebab. Vegetables are often a side dish for fish delicacies. Hot spices and spicy sauces will add a zest to the taste. In Arabic cuisine restaurants you may be offered to try barracuda, lobster, shark, tuna, as well as various types of shrimp.

Meat products are not inferior to fish. In national Arab cuisine there are quite a lot of different recipes for making dishes from veal, lamb, chicken and other, more exotic types of meat. Mostly tourists coming to the United Arab Emirates first of all want to try kebab. This dish is quite popular in Arabic cuisine, and the locals really like it. The product can be cooked different ways. However, the taste of the finished product will always be excellent. Sometimes kebab is made from several types of meat. Arabs love to cook classic recipe lamb kebab marinated in lemon juice and herbs. What is noteworthy is that such a fried dish without the use of fat requires a special sauce.

Also, in addition to seasonings, almonds, raisins and figs can be added to meat products.

Don’t forget that pilaf made from rice and lamb meat is quite popular in this cuisine. It also contains almonds, figs and raisins.

In addition, burgul is quite often prepared - this is a porridge made from corn, which is either poured with sour milk or served at the table along with small pieces of meat.

Traditional salads, desserts, sauces and snacks

Traditional salads, desserts, sauces and snacks of national Arab cuisine are characterized by excellent taste and a fairly simple recipe. Among the desserts, the most popular and widely sought after are:

    baklava ( puff pastry with nuts, sprinkled with syrup);

    halva (made from seeds, granulated sugar and nuts);

    candied fruits (fruits that are boiled in sugar syrup).

In addition, in Arab cuisine there are recipes for creating pies with various fillings, pies with cheese, nuts or raisins, candied fruit, honey, and cream donuts.

Another favorite sweet delicacy of the Arabs is dates, dipped in honey or chocolate. Flatbreads are often prepared from such fruits and eaten together with butter.

Among the traditional snacks of Arab cuisine, meze stands out, which is a set of various tasty and quite appetizing snacks. A huge round dish is served on the table, which is divided into several small cells. In such compartments they often put corn or wheat porridge, several varieties of vegetable salads with the addition of chopped parsley, triangular pies with meat, cheese or vegetables, mutabal or babaganoush, and nut-garlic paste.

Salads in home Arab cuisine are made from a wide variety of products (vegetables, fruits, meat). At the same time, they can be either light (almost dietary) or quite filling.

Traditional sauces in Arabic cuisine can be both spicy and not very spicy. The famous one is helba sauce, made from mustard, red pepper and aromatic spices. Local residents also use vegetables, yogurt with lard, and tomatoes to prepare this product.

On our website you can find various recipes with photographs on preparing appetizers, salads, sauces and desserts of Arabic cuisine.

Arabic drinks

Arabic drinks can be either alcoholic or non-alcoholic. Among the latter, an important role is played by coffee, which the Arabs prepare according to a special recipe. Initially, coffee beans are roasted, which must be stirred regularly with a metal rod. After this, the fried grains are crushed in a mortar. Coffee is brewed in brass or copper containers that look like a teapot. Then the brewed coffee is poured into cups and served to guests according to seniority. It is customary for guests of honor to be served a hot drink three times, after which they must generously thank and refuse. Traditional Arabic coffee is consumed without adding granulated sugar. However, it may contain cardamom or cloves.

Local residents also like to drink green tea after eating meat dishes, which is brewed with mint or sage.

They also cook in this kitchen milkshake with grated banana called “muz bi-l-laban”. The Arabs claim that this drink, although light, is quite filling.

A traditional alcoholic drink in Arab cuisine is arak (anise-flavored vodka), which was originally made from dates, and then the drink was made from rice and grapes. Arak is poured into glasses surrounded by ice. Then water and honey are added to the drink. When it comes into contact with water, arak becomes cloudy, acquiring a milky hue. When the drink is drunk, a residue will remain on the walls of the container. Therefore, for a new portion of alcohol, you should take a clean glass that has been cooled in advance.

Recommendations on what to try upon arrival in the United Arab Emirates will help you decide which dishes you want to eat first from the national Arab cuisine. Below is a list of the most popular and widely sought after dishes that are prepared in this country.

Considered Arab fast food. It is a pita bread containing soft cheese, chopped herbs, and chopped olives. It is advisable to eat this dish warm.


It is prepared from chickpeas, which are first turned into a puree-like mass, and then soft balls are formed from such porridge. The pieces are then coated in flour and then fried in olive oil. Often the dish is served either in pita bread or in lettuce leaves along with sauce.

It is a pita bread, inside of which there is a meat filling, chopped cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce leaves, which are seasoned with paprika and other seasonings, as well as olive oil.


It is caviar made from blue caviar baked on coals, which also includes chopped nuts, garlic cloves, cilantro and lemon juice.


It is considered a salad, which includes blueberries, sesame paste, as well as olive oil and cumin.

Rolled grape leaves containing minced meat or chopped vegetables.

These are pies that are made from very thin puff pastry with fish or shrimp filling inside. This dish is served with a slice of lemon or fresh herbs.

Al Madruba

The product is made from salty fish, which is boiled with flour and spices. The finished dish is served to the table with sauce, which has a salty taste.

It is prepared from chicken, lamb or fish, as well as from rice and a mix of vegetables. The dish is characterized by a rich aroma and taste due to the fact that several types of spices are fried in a frying pan over low heat. Then a layer of meat is laid out there, then vegetables and rice. Some cooks also add pistachios and raisins.

It is made from crushed boiled wheat, which is mixed with chopped parsley and mint.

This dish consists of lamb meat, which was cooked together with wheat.

Prepared from lamb. And the side dish is rice with nuts.

The meat base is lamb or chicken. The rice is seasoned enough big amount sauteed onions with tomatoes. The meat is fried on skewers.

Kussa Mahshi

It is stuffed zucchini, where the filling is meat or a mix of vegetables.

A sweet dessert where the dough is soaked in syrup and filled with nuts, raisins or pieces of dried fruit.


It is a sweet pudding soaked in pink water and sprinkled with ground pistachios on top.

It is a pie with cheese, which is carefully greased with cream.

Is a bean soup.

It is a lentil stew that is prepared in honor of the holy month of Ramadan.

Name of the dish

What it is?

Fish delicacies

Meat products

First meal

Of course, the table does not give the entire list of dishes that are present in the national Arab cuisine. You can get acquainted with its flavor only while visiting the country.

On our website you will find a huge number step by step recipes with photos that describe the preparation of various delicacies inherent in Arab cuisine, which you can easily make yourself at home.

Situated at the crossroads of Africa and Asia, Egypt has a lot to offer that is delicious and original. Egyptian cuisine has incorporated dishes from other eastern countries; Egyptian chefs have adapted recipes from Turkish, Lebanese, Syrian and Greek cuisines to suit Egyptian tastes. Simple national dishes are prepared with plenty of fresh and ripe fruits and vegetables, and seasoned with a small amount of spices, although Egyptian dishes are rarely spicy.

Every meal is accompanied by bread, which is called “aish”. Traditional bread "aish baladi" (Baladi bread) is a round and fragrant flatbread made from wholemeal flour, rolled in ground wheat. It is split in half, like Greek pita, and filled with various fillings. And of course, it is an integral part of mezze - snacks that you can order in many restaurants. Dip slices of bread in baba ghannuugh (eggplant dip with olive oil and garlic), hummus (chickpea paste) and tahina (chickpea paste). sesame seeds) Then try cold or hot wara inab - rolls of grape leaves stuffed with minced meat and rice. And snack on various salads: torshi (pickled vegetable salad) and tabulah (bulgur salad, made of parsley, tomatoes and onions, dressed with lemon juice and olive oil) Perhaps, after such appetizers, you won’t have to order the rest of the dishes.

Along with bread, the daily diet includes legumes, fuul. They are prepared in different ways, for example in fuul midamess, when the beans are boiled with vegetables and bean puree is made with tomatoes, onions and spices. This dish is served with an egg for breakfast, and without an egg for lunch or dinner. You can buy Fuul bread from stalls on the street.
Chickpeas and beans are included in many national dishes, they are ground or mashed into a paste and added to tahini and hummus with lots of garlic.

There is no Egyptian lunch without rice and bread. Most Egyptians use meat in small quantities, and cook it with vegetables or serve it with rice. With lamb or beef they make torly, a vegetable goulash with onions, marjoram and lemon juice. Kofta is very popular - meatballs made from minced meat with spices and onions, which are put on skewers and served with traditional side dishes: rice, lentils, herbs, tomato salad, tahini sauce and bread.

Thanks to the proximity of the Red Sea, Egyptian cuisine offers a wide variety of fish dishes. The most common dish in restaurants is assorted fish. There are a lot of specialized fish restaurants. In addition to the usual snapper, try shrimp (hambari), squid (calamari), scallops (gandofli) and eel (ti"baan). Tender deep-fried eel meat can be easily purchased from street vendors.

Rice and vegetables

Rice is often cooked with nuts, onions and vegetables. In Egyptian cuisine, it is customary to stuff green leafy vegetables with various mixtures with rice, for example, wara inab - rolls of grape leaves stuffed with a mixture of spiced rice and a small amount of minced meat. A traditional salad, unchanged for the Egyptian table, is chopped tomatoes, coriander, mint, some green hot peppers and onions, dressed with garlic oil. The Egyptian dish mussaka is also prepared with eggplant, which is the main ingredient of baba ganoush: fried eggplant is layered with minced meat, sprinkled with cheese and baked. Recipes often use okra, white and cauliflower and potatoes, for example, stewed with tomatoes and garlic.

Hamaam - grilled pigeon stuffed with rice - is considered a national delicacy. They are specially grown in different parts Egypt. Since pigeons are small, you need to order several at once, but they are difficult to eat, like any small bird. The most delicious pigeons are prepared in small local restaurants.

Egyptian desserts are usually drowned in honey syrup. Baklava (filo rolls with nuts and honey) is the least sweet of all desserts. You'll also find fatir pancakes with fillings ranging from eggs to apricots, and the extremely sweet basbousa dessert, made from semolina dough, soaked in honey and sprinkled with hazelnuts. At the end of dinner, many homes and restaurants serve fresh fruit: fresh figs, dates (of which there are more than 200 different varieties and sizes), oranges and pomegranates.

Coffee has always been and remains a national tradition - local residents often gather in cafes to drink coffee and discuss last news, play backgammon and listen to Egyptian music.
A special treat is fruit juices. Small shop owners often mix fruit juices with ice and sugar syrup to create a delicious hot weather drink.
As in any Muslim country, alcohol is not welcome and is very expensive for tourists. However, Stella, the local beer, has a mild taste and comes in large bottles, ideal to quench your thirst in this hot country.

Wine cream and papyrus.

Take a few eggs, break them, mix with melted honey and fresh grape juice. Boil red wine and mix with all ingredients. Then beat everything until foamy. Finally, add the pomegranate seeds.
The recipe belongs to the ancient Egyptians and is written on papyrus.

Some Egyptian names of dishes and products:

Tahini - sesame seed paste
Babaghanoush - eggplant puree with olive oil and garlic
Ta"ameya - cutlets with a side dish of beans
Kofta – minced lamb or beef cutlets
Kebab - well-marinated lamb or beef, grilled on skewers
Kalaoui - fried kidneys
Mayya ma"daniyya - water
Ahwa - coffee
Baklava - phyllo dough rolls stuffed with nuts and honey
Hamaam - pigeons
Torly - vegetable goulash with onions, potatoes, beans and peas
Hummus - chickpea paste
Fuul - thick bean sauce
Aish or aysh - Egyptian bread

Of course, native Arab citizens enjoy eating Middle Eastern, Indian, and European food. But in most cases they honor their culinary traditions.

Eating Emirati cuisine is an expensive pleasure; local fast food or cheap cafes for migrants are much cheaper (read our review “”). Most tourists visit a national restaurant once during their vacation, just to try it. But it’s worth trying; Emirati cuisine is unique, shaped by desert conditions and the centuries-old influence of neighboring cultures.

Ingredients and Features

Emirati cuisine has absorbed elements of Bedouin, Middle Eastern, Persian, Indian and several other Asian culinary traditions.

For centuries, the basis of the diet of local residents was fish and seafood. However, fish dishes in Emirati cuisine are not distinguished by variety and flavor. The main fish dish is fish fried with spices.

The second important component is dates. They are eaten before a meal as an aperitif, and after a meal as an aftertaste. Dates are added to many dishes to add a slightly sweet taste. And, of course, dates are used in all dessert dishes. Read our article “”.

The most commonly used meat is mutton and lamb, less often beef and goat meat.

Pork is not used in Emirati cuisine for religious reasons. However, you can buy pork and pork delicacies; some supermarkets have special departments.

Chicken and chicken eggs appeared in the diet of UAE residents relatively recently - after the oil boom in the 70s. Before this, the meat of the birds “Arabian khubara” or “bustard” was consumed. This is a fairly large bird, males are the size of turkeys, females are the size of chickens. Now khubars are listed in the Red Book.

Camel milk is now not as popular among indigenous Arabs as it was before, when there was no alternative. Camel milk is almost never used in cooking; it is customary to drink it separately.

Now you can buy fresh camel milk in any large store in the UAE, and even pasteurized camel milk has appeared, which we talked about in the article “”.

Rice plays an important role in Emirati cuisine. Interesting fact, that rice does not grow in the UAE, there is not the required large amount of water. Rice is grown only as an experiment in one indoor farm in .

Emirati Arabs have been eating rice for centuries, after establishing close trade ties with Persia and India. This shows us that the Gulf Arabs have never been poor, they have been eating imported rice for centuries.

The main seasonings are kukruma, saffron, cardamom, cinnamon. All these spices come from India and Iran and appeared in Emirati cuisine several centuries ago. The UAE has its own national seasoning, called “besar” - a mixture of cumin, coriander, dill, pepper and cinnamon. In Emirati cuisine, the leaves of the prosopis plant are used as a seasoning, most often for dishes with poultry.

The main method of cooking is to stew the whole dish in a pot. This method is common in hot countries to wash fewer dishes when water is in short supply.

Arab cuisine intertwines the culinary traditions of the inhabitants of several eastern countries. The main place in it is occupied by dishes from rice, poultry, veal, goat meat, beef, vegetables, fresh and canned fruits. Muslims also enjoy eating eggs, dairy products and fish. Among the spices, they prefer cinnamon, garlic, black and red pepper. In today's article you will find several interesting recipes for traditional Arabic treats.

Key Features

Arabic cuisine was formed taking into account the religious beliefs of the inhabitants of this region. Therefore, there are no pork dishes on the menu of the local population. Instead, beef, lamb and poultry are successfully used here. The meat is fried, boiled, stewed or baked in the oven.

Arabs love hearty and tasty food. Therefore, their traditional lunch consists of soups with rice, beans, vermicelli, peas or capers. Local chefs flavor their masterpieces with a lot of spices. Particularly popular among Arabs are cinnamon, garlic, olives, onions, aromatic herbs and a mixture of ground peppers. Various pilafs, stewed or fried meats are served as second courses. Most traditional Arabic recipes call for a hot sauce made from mustard, dried herbs and red pepper.

Thermal processing of products occurs with minimal addition of fat. Often, Arab cooks fry meat in a dry, very hot frying pan. In this case, the proteins contained in it come into contact with the hot surface of the dish and coagulate, forming a crust that prevents the juice from flowing out.

The so-called burgul is especially popular among the local population. It is a corn or wheat porridge sprinkled with sour milk. On holidays, burgul is covered with small pieces of meat or seasoned with fat.

Various fruits are no less in demand among residents of Arab countries. Dates are especially loved by the Muslim population. They are valued in the East in the same way as grains. They are eaten not only fresh, dried or dried. A special paste is made from these fruits, which is subsequently mixed with barley flour.


This classic Arabic pastry is a cake made with semolina and soaked in sweet syrup. To create it you will need:

  • 2 glasses of semolina.
  • 1 tbsp. l. vanilla sugar.
  • 100 g softened butter.
  • ½ cup each of sugar and coconut flakes.
  • 1 tsp. baking powder.
  • 1 glass of fresh kefir.

All this is necessary for kneading the dough. To make sweet impregnation, you will need:

  • 1 glass of filtered water.
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
  • ½ cup cane sugar.
  • 1 tbsp. l. rose water.
  • Almonds (for decoration).

In a deep container combine semolina, coconut flakes, baking powder, regular and vanilla sugar. All this is poured with kefir and melted butter, and then mixed thoroughly. The resulting dough is put in the refrigerator for two hours, and then placed in a greased form and leveled. Cover with almonds and place in the oven. Bake the product at 150 degrees until fully cooked. The browned basbousa is cooled slightly, poured with syrup made from sugar, lemon juice, plain and rose water, and left to soak.

Omelette with meat

Lovers of hearty breakfasts will surely enjoy the recipe for Arabic cuisine described below. To repeat it at home, you will need:

  • 4 selected eggs.
  • 350 g beef.
  • 120 ml pasteurized milk.
  • 100 g of feathered green onions.
  • 40 g butter.
  • 10 g flour.
  • Salt.

The washed beef is ground twice in a meat grinder and combined with eggs, beaten with the addition of milk, salt, flour and chopped green onions. All this is poured into a frying pan, greased with melted butter, and baked in a preheated oven. This omelet is usually served with French fries or


A dish with such an intriguing name is nothing more than scrambled eggs cooked in an oriental style. Since it involves using a specific set of components, check in advance whether you have on hand:

  • 3 selected eggs.
  • 4 tomatoes.
  • Green or red chili pepper.
  • A clove of garlic.
  • Salt, ground black pepper and olive oil.

The shakshuka recipe is extremely simple, so any novice cook can easily reproduce it. You need to start the process by processing the spices. Garlic and chili pepper are crushed in a mortar and fried in olive oil. As soon as they are browned, add tomato slices and continue cooking until the released juice has completely evaporated. After a few minutes, add some salt, pepper, add eggs, mix lightly, cover with a lid and bring to full readiness.


This is a traditional Arabic delicacy that is very popular among those with a sweet tooth, big and small. To make authentic Lebanese baklava, you will need:

  • 10 sheets of phyllo.
  • 50 g brown sugar.
  • 250 g chopped almonds.
  • 100 g melted butter (+ 2 tbsp for filling).
  • Liquid honey

The sheets are greased with melted butter and stacked on top of each other. The resulting workpiece is cut into squares with a side of about seven centimeters. Each one is filled with a filling made from brown sugar, almonds and a couple tablespoons of butter. The edges of the squares are carefully fastened together so that they form unique pyramids. All this is transferred to a baking sheet and baked at 190 degrees until golden brown. Hot, browned baklava is poured with liquid honey.

Pilaf with lamb

It's delicious and hearty dish represents interesting combination rice, meat, spices, nuts and vegetables. It is ideal not only for a casual lunch, but also for a dinner party. To surprise your family and friends with real Arabic pilaf, you will need:

  • 500 g basmati rice.
  • 1 kg of lamb.
  • 1.2 liters of settled water.
  • 4 medium-sized onions.
  • 4 tomatoes.
  • 50 g each of pine nuts, raisins and roasted almonds.
  • 1 tbsp. l. ground cumin and tomato paste.
  • 5 g cinnamon.
  • 1 tsp. chili pepper and ground cardamom.
  • Salt and refined oil.

The washed meat is cut into cubes, placed in a pan, filled with water and cooked under a lid over low heat. No earlier than an hour later, chopped onions, fried with tomatoes, spices and tomato paste. Almost immediately, the washed and sorted rice is poured into a common pan. All this is simmered over low heat until the cereal is ready. Before serving, add raisins and nuts to each serving of pilaf.

Spicy beef in tomato sauce

Using the method described below, you get a very tasty Arabic stew. It goes well with many grain or pasta side dishes and is ideal for family dinners. To prepare a spicy oriental goulash, you will need:

  • 800 g fresh beef tenderloin.
  • 350 ml natural yogurt.
  • A glass of filtered water.
  • 2 medium-sized onions.
  • 2 ripe tomatoes.
  • 1 tbsp. l. curry and tomato paste.
  • 1 tsp. hot ground red pepper.
  • Salt, refined oil, bay leaf, cinnamon and cloves.

The washed and dried meat is cut into thin strips and fried in a greased frying pan. After a few minutes, chopped onions, salt, tomatoes and spices are added. Almost immediately, all this is mixed with tomato paste, poured with water and yogurt, and then brought to a boil and simmered over low heat until fully cooked.

Arabic chicken

This exquisite dish corresponds to the best traditions of oriental cooking. It has a pleasant, moderately pungent taste and subtle aroma. To serve one of the most popular dishes of Arabic cuisine for a family dinner, you will need:

  • 500 g white chicken meat.
  • 50 g wheat flour.
  • 2 selected eggs.
  • 3 medium-sized onions.
  • 60 g butter.
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice.
  • A clove of garlic.
  • 200 ml water.
  • Salt, refined oil, herbs and spices.

The washed chicken fillet is cut into medium pieces and placed in a deep bowl. A marinade made from water, salt, spices, lemon juice, crushed garlic and herbs is also poured there. After a couple of hours, each piece of meat is rolled in flour, immersed in a batter consisting of sautéed onions and beaten, lightly salted eggs. Then the chicken is fried in a frying pan and transferred to a deep dish. The remaining batter is poured on top. Bake the dish at 160 degrees for about fifteen minutes.

Arabic coffee

This drink is very popular among residents all over the planet. It is prepared in special Turks. And the raw materials used are roasted grains ground in a mortar. To brew this drink, you will need:

  • 500 ml boiled water.
  • 4 tsp. natural ground coffee.
  • 4 tsp. cane sugar.
  • ½ tsp. powdered cinnamon.
  • 2-3 boxes of cardamom.
  • ½ tsp. vanillin.

Pour sugar into a slightly warmed pot and bring it to a brown tint. Then add water to it and wait until it boils. A mixture of ground coffee, vanillin, cardamom and cinnamon is poured into a container with bubbling liquid. All this is heated, not allowing it to boil, and removed from the stove.

Meat breaded with nuts

For lovers of unusual food combinations, we recommend paying attention to the recipe for Arabic cuisine described below. To reproduce it in your own kitchen, you will need:

  • 600 g meat tenderloin.
  • 2 selected chicken eggs.
  • 20 g butter.
  • 50 g hard cheese.
  • 100 g shelled walnuts.
  • 200 ml pasteurized milk.
  • Lemon.
  • Small onion.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • Breadcrumbs, salt, refined oil and spices.

The washed and dried meat is cut into portions, beaten and placed in a bowl. Then it is poured with a marinade made from beaten eggs, milk, cheese shavings, crushed garlic, lemon juice, butter and onion half rings. No earlier than a couple of hours later, each piece is rolled in a mixture of breadcrumbs and chopped nuts, and then placed in a hot, greased frying pan and fried over moderate heat.

Arabic-style lamb with prunes

This interesting dish is equally suitable for adults and little gourmets. It goes well with boiled rice and can be a good option for a family dinner. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 700 grams of lamb.
  • 150 g prunes.
  • Large onion.
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. soft butter.
  • 1 tbsp. l. wheat flour (without a slide).
  • 1 tsp. fine sugar.
  • Cinnamon, water, salt and ground pepper.

The washed and dried meat is cut into not too thin strips and fried together with onion half rings. After some time, all this is crushed with flour, added some salt, sprinkled with spices and poured hot water. Simmer the lamb over low heat until soft. Shortly before the process is completed, sugar and soaked prunes, freed from seeds, are added to a common frying pan.

Pilaf with dried bananas

Arabic cuisine is very unusual and multifaceted. It contains quite a lot of interesting and delicious dishes, such as meat pilaf with dried bananas. To feed your family such a dinner, you will need:

  • 600 g fresh veal.
  • One small onion and one red onion each.
  • 2 large carrots.
  • A glass of rice.
  • 100 g dried bananas.
  • 2 glasses of water.
  • 5 cloves of garlic.
  • Refined oil, salt and seasonings.

The washed veal is cut into small pieces, briefly marinated in spices and fried in a greased frying pan. After some time, onion half rings, previously soaked in a mixture of pink and white pepper, are added to it. Ten minutes later, carrots cut into strips are sent there. Following this, rice is poured into a common bowl and filled with water. All this is salted, supplemented with garlic and slices of dried banana, covered with a lid and simmered over low heat until fully cooked.

Cheese pies

Arabic cuisine is famous not only for meat and sweet dishes, but also for various pastries. Yeast pies with cheese filling are especially popular among the local population. To prepare them you will need:

  • 3 cups wheat flour.
  • 1 tsp. baking powder and sugar.
  • ¼ cup each of vegetable oil and natural yogurt.
  • 1 tbsp. l. fast acting dry yeast.
  • ½ glass of warm water.
  • 150 g each of feta cheese and cheddar.
  • 3 tbsp. l. chopped greens.
  • Egg (for brushing)

The yeast is dissolved in sweetened warm water and allowed to brew a little. After some time, yogurt, butter, baking powder and flour are added to them. Cover the resulting dough with a clean napkin and put it aside. As soon as it doubles in size, small pieces are plucked off, rolled out, filled with a filling consisting of two types of cheese and chopped herbs, neat boats are formed and greased with beaten egg. Bake the products at 200 degrees until lightly browned.

The UAE is multifaceted and very interesting country. The young state, which has created all the conditions for its guests, is becoming increasingly popular. Lovers of luxury go there for oriental chic, active tourists for an extraordinary pastime, and gourmets for exquisite Arabic cuisine.

United Arab Emirates. Photo:

However, in addition to Arab national cuisine, there are also cuisines from other countries. The combination of large and small European cafes and restaurants with local oriental flavor will delight even the most experienced tourist.

Some tourists compared their trip to the UAE to a trip to a fairy tale. To feel the spirit of the East, you need to try the cuisine of this country at least once.

Peculiarities of UAE cuisine

Apparent freedom should not mislead the traveler. The UAE is a Muslim country, so all life here is influenced by Islam.

For example, you should be aware of the month of Ramadan (Ramadan), in which you are allowed to eat only after sunset and before sunrise. During this period, restaurants usually open only after dusk, particularly after 8 pm. In 2013, Ramadan will fall from July 11 to August 9.

There are restrictions on pork consumption in the UAE. You won't find pork in regular restaurants. If you are not Muslim and want a pork chop, you will have to find a specialty restaurant that will prepare it for you.

Street food

It is better to start getting acquainted with the national cuisine of the UAE on the street. Numerous tents and small cafes offer a variety of snacks and small full meals. All dishes purchased on the street are mostly wrapped in Arabic bread - lavash, which has a flat shape. But another type of bread is also common - pita (round buns).

Pete. Photo:

One of delicious dishes with bread is called Manakish. This is melted cheese with olives and herbs, which is wrapped in pita bread or pita bread. It is sold hot, and after the manakish has cooled down, it is eaten with your hands.

Manakish. Photo:

And this is an Arabic dish called “Falafel”. It is popular not only in street cafes, but also on every family table in the Emirates. Tender chickpea puree balls are dipped in flour and fried in olive oil. To decorate and make it even more appetizing, falafel is served on fresh lettuce leaves or wrapped in pita bread.

Falafel. Photo:

The world-famous Shawarma (shawarma) came to us from the East. It is sold in literally all countries, and each has its own name and filling. You won’t find shawarma without meat in the UAE, but in other countries they can wrap just vegetables in lettuce leaves.

Shawarma shop. Photo:

In a real Arabian Shawarma, chicken is fried and wrapped in pita bread with vegetables (tomatoes, lettuce, garlic and cucumber), olive oil, pepper, and paprika are used.

For Shawarma lovers who have already tried this dish in other countries, it will be interesting to try the Arabic version.

Spices in the UAE

If you try a dish that is unfamiliar to you, be sure to take into account local culinary traditions: in the UAE they add very large quantities of seasonings to food. Both in fashionable restaurants and in a small tent on the street, the food will be equally spicy, generously seasoned.
The most commonly used seasonings are coriander, cinnamon, sesame, cumin, chili pepper, and curry.

Spices at a bazaar in the UAE. Photo:

The variety of spices presented in the Arab bazaars is amazing, and you can try them all before you buy them. Moreover, you will be treated to something you didn’t even plan to buy.

Meze appetizers

In the East it is not customary to rush. Both conversation and eating begin from afar: therefore, before the main course you will be offered several appetizers: vegetable salads, eggplant caviar (mutabbal, baba ganoush), cheese or meat pies, nut and garlic pastes, corn and wheat porridges.

Arabian Meze. Photo:

All this will be served to you on a large platter, divided into cells. These small portions are meze. By the way, some restaurants serve vegetables in meze for free.

Fish in the UAE

The UAE is washed by the waters of the Persian and Oman Gulfs; when visiting this country, you will feel like you have arrived in a maritime power.

There is a huge variety of fish dishes here. Many restaurants rely not on meat, but on seafood. They have a popular buffet system, where the fish lies on special tables in ice. In other establishments you can find aquariums in which your potential, still live, “dinner” swims.

Seafood restaurant in the UAE. Photo:

One of the most popular lunch dishes is Briki. This is a dish of fish (sometimes minced lamb) or shrimp fried in the finest puff pastry. Bricks are made from dough in the shape of triangles and served with lemon slices and herbs.

Arabian Brick. Photo:

Another, no less interesting fish dish is the famous Al Madruba, boiled salted fish. During cooking, spices and flour are added. Al Madruba is served with a sauce that emphasizes its unusual salty taste, which is why this fish is especially popular.

Fish is also prepared in a hundred other ways: dried, made into fish kebabs, fried on the grill. And they certainly run the show delicious sauces, spicy seasonings and fresh vegetables, which make them even tastier and more refined.

Seafood in the UAE. Photo:

Other seafood is also popular - lobster, shrimp, crab, barracuda, tuna, khamur - sea bass. You can even find shark on the menu.

Meat dishes

Chicken, lamb, veal, lamb... Wide choice meat products, which will satisfy any gourmet. Meat in this country is mainly consumed in the form of kebabs, and sometimes several types of meat are combined in one serving.

Cooking meat on the grill. Photo:

“Lamb kebab” - this is what is written on the menu in Arab restaurants. Often there are no explanations or names, so you can only hope that this is the kebab you were looking for. However, if you are in the United Arab Emirates, then you do not need to worry about the quality of meat and excellent taste.

Kebab. Photo:

The meat is always fresh and tender. Especially lamb, which is pre-beaten and marinated for several hours in lemon juice. Then they are fried without using fat, add a lot of spices and serve with a suitable sauce. Once you try this dish, you will forever remember what real kebab is.

Biryani is a national Arab dish. Everyone who has ever been to the UAE has probably tried it. Local chefs not only cook Biryani excellently, there are restaurants specializing in it.
This is a rice dish with meat (chicken, lamb), vegetables or fish. Necessarily a large number of spices that are fried in a frying pan first. Place meat (fish, vegetables) cut into strips on fried spices, and rice on top.

Biryani with mutton. Photo:

For this dish, they take a certain type of rice - basmati, because of its long and thin grains. Sometimes pistachios and raisins are added to Biryani, as well as cloves. In general, this dish is similar to pilaf, so it will not seem exotic.


The UAE, as one of the eastern countries, is rich in sweets and various spices. Pistachio puddings, raisin bread pies, cheese pies, honey donuts, dates, date honey, custard donuts, halva, Turkish delight... It's too much to list.

Arabic sweets. Photo:

This is the largest sweets store in Dubai, which is famous far beyond the country's borders. Its area is about 1000 square meters. meters.

Shop Candylicious. Photo:

But unfortunately, national sweets are not represented there. Mainly sweets from different countries world, and from the local - only fresh Dubai cakes.

If you want to buy real oriental delicacies, you have a direct route to the bazaar. In sweet shops, tourists are no longer surprised when they buy kilograms of local delicacies to take home as souvenirs.

Dates are very beneficial for the digestive system, so they are eaten several times a day. For example, dates with almonds are served for breakfast and offered to guests with tea in the evening. To do this, remove the seeds from the fruit and put almonds in their place. People with a sweet tooth eat dates with honey, chocolate and butter.

Dates with almonds. Photo:

Umm Ali (omm ali) is a festive Arabic dish. It is served as a dessert for tea on a weekend or prepared for important guests. This bread pudding is soaked in fruit syrup or rose petal water, and large nuts, raisins and dried fruits are added.

Umm Ali dessert. Photo:

Umm Ali is one of the oriental delicacies that is most popular among tourists.

While Umm Ali pudding is one of the least sweet dishes in the UAE, pistachio baklava is one of the sweetest. To prevent an excessive sweet taste from remaining in your mouth, wash it down with tea.


In the hot Emirates, of course, you are constantly thirsty. There you will always find natural juices from all kinds of fruits, as well as their mixtures. In the stalls on the streets where fruit juice is squeezed, there are usually at least 5-8 types.

Coffee shop in the UAE.

Coffee in the UAE is a ritual. There are so many coffee shops in cities that you won’t have any difficulty finding them even with eyes closed- by smell. Locals visit coffee shops at least once a day.

To ensure that guests relax with a cup of coffee, local coffee shops make every effort. A good establishment will definitely have twilight and an atmosphere conducive to relaxation.

Arabic coffee. Photo:

The most popular coffee in the UAE is the light Arabian variety. Its main feature is that it is brewed from unroasted coffee beans.

They also drink tea, but less. Mainly after a heavy meat lunch or dinner. It is served in special tea cups. Green tea, mint and sage, which have calming properties, are common.

You will not see alcohol for free sale in this country. Not even in every hotel you can drink a glass of wine or a glass of beer. Alcohol in the UAE is sold only in hotels that have a license to sell alcohol.

Non-alcoholic beer in the UAE. Photo:

However, for a country like the UAE, the availability of alcohol is not that important. The antiquity of traditions and the richness of Arab culture will inspire you for a long time to make other journeys and further searches for the unknown.
In the Emirates, you will try dishes rich in healthy spices, plunge into the magical, tranquil atmosphere of Arab coffee shops, and see as many sweets in the bazaars as you have never seen in your entire life.

For you, we have revealed only one side of this multifaceted state, now all that’s left is to see and experience it live. Have a nice trip, bon appetit!

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