Diseases of Labrador puppies and their signs. Is Labrador Retriever susceptible to a lot of diseases? Do Labradors bark often?

Susceptible to ear infections skin diseases, as well as obesity and joint problems, in particular dysplasia.

Dogs of every breed have a genetic predisposition to certain diseases, and Labradors are no exception to this rule. The gene mapping method helps reduce the risk of developing congenital pathologies in Labrador retrievers, but it does not always give 100% results. If you intend to get a Labrador, then before purchasing a puppy, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the characteristics of common diseases characteristic of this breed.

Obesity and thyroid dysfunction

Like most dogs large breeds, the Labrador is prone to gaining excess weight. This is facilitated by the dog’s excellent appetite, due to which the animal is always ready to eat any food offered to it, regardless of its quantity. Because of this feature of the breed, many loving owners, trying to please pet, are inattentive to calculating the required energy value daily ration pet. Daily excess caloric intake leads to the dog gaining excess weight. A dog whose weight is outside the normal range becomes inactive because it is difficult for him to run, jump and walk at a fast pace, which is why the desire to frolic on walks disappears. Lack of physical activity only exacerbates the Labrador's obesity problem.

If a caring and responsible owner feeds the Labrador correctly, but the animal continues to gain weight, then the cause of the deviation is probably a decrease in thyroid function. The presence of the disease can be determined only after taking a blood test for thyroid hormones. The pathology is corrected with medications prescribed by the veterinarian.

Anyone is overweight large dog It is dangerous because it puts additional stress on the joints, which causes them to become inflamed and deformed. Joint diseases in Labradors significantly worsen the dog’s quality of life, and if they progress rapidly, they lead to complete immobilization of the pet.

To avoid obesity in your Labrador and everyone negative consequences If this deviation occurs, you need to take a responsible approach to planning your dog’s daily diet. Proper nutrition should also be combined with sufficient physical activity.

Hip dysplasia

Labradors have a genetic predisposition to this disease, due to the large size of the dog and intensive skeletal growth in the first year of the animal’s life. Symptoms of the disease include lameness in the hind legs. If the disease progresses rapidly, this makes it impossible to fully motor activity dogs.

Diagnose dysplasia hip joint only possible with the help of x-rays. During this diagnostic procedure, the dog must be completely immobilized, otherwise the slightest movement will completely distort the results of the study. Hip dysplasia in Labradors is treated with conservative and surgical methods, and the choice of treatment tactics depends on the severity of the disease. If the disease causes immobilization of the hind legs, then the animal needs a hip replacement. Conservative treatment prescribed for mild dysplasia involves taking chondroprotective drugs.

Elbow dysplasia

This disease develops in Labradors due to displacement of the elbow joint, fragmentation of its coronoid process and other abnormalities in the structure of the joint. The first symptoms of the disease can be detected in a puppy aged 4 to 8 months - with elbow dysplasia, the dog limps on the front leg. The disease is diagnosed by x-ray. Elbow dysplasia is treated with conservative and surgical methods. A complication of joint disease in Labradors is arthritis, accompanied by pain and limited joint mobility.

Lick granuloma

Many Labradors experience weeping sores on their paws from time to time. Hair falls out on the affected areas of the dog's limbs, and the formation itself becomes covered with a crust. These symptoms indicate licking granuloma, a disease caused by idiopathic licking. This is the name given to a dog's obsessive licking habit. certain areas paws, which causes their irritation. Strange behavior in Labrador it is caused by paw injuries, stress and boredom. It is believed that licking granuloma occurs mainly in fawn Labradors, but there is no scientific explanation for this predisposition. The same applies to methods of treating pathology. To avoid infection, the affected areas of the paws should be regularly treated with antiseptics prescribed by a veterinarian.

Progressive retinal atrophy

This disease is characterized by the fact that it affects both eyes at the same time, causing blindness in the Labrador. Retinal atrophy is a congenital anomaly caused by the presence of a recessive affected gene in the DNA of one of the parents. Despite the fact that retinal atrophy affects adult dogs over 7 years of age, the first signs of the disease can be detected at an earlier age. Symptoms of atrophy include a decrease in visual acuity at dusk and increased light reflection of the retina in the dark. As the disease progresses, the dog becomes completely blind.

Today there are no effective treatments for retinal atrophy, since the disease is congenital in nature. A key role in the prevention of pathology is played by genetic analysis of dogs preparing for mating.

Skin and ear diseases

Labradors are susceptible to many skin diseases: eczema, atopic dermatitis, fungal skin infections and others. Representatives of this breed also experience otitis media caused by allergies or ear mites. Susceptibility to ear disease is explained by the fact that the Labrador has floppy ears, which is why they are poorly ventilated. Diseases of the skin and ears and Labrador require drug treatment, which is prescribed by a veterinarian.

A thorough study of the puppy’s pedigree at the stage of selection will help reduce the risk of diseases that occur predominantly in Labradors. At an older age, the dog is provided with balanced diet, sufficient physical activity and proper care for skin, fur and ears. If there are any health abnormalities, the dog should be immediately shown to a veterinarian.

Labradors are very beautiful dogs. Their physique is strong and well-knit. In the dog’s appearance, one can immediately see a wide skull and a wide chest. The proportional body is quite voluminous and moderately muscular.

The history of these pets began in the 19th century. At that time, on the island of Newfoundland there was a pet of the same name. He served the local fishermen faithfully. Researcher Peter Hawker took several of these pets with him to England. He then crossed the pets with curly-coated retrievers. There is also an opinion that the breeder did not stop there and crossed an English Foxhound between them. Thus, a new breed was born - Labrador Retrievers.

The appearance characteristics of these pets were initially variable. The breed standard was first established in 1887. At the end of the 20th century, Labradors with black and chocolate coat colors were included in the document.


Today's Labrador Retrievers are muscular dogs with a strong build.

A cute face with floppy soft ears and a kind look are also characteristic of the breed. There are 3 varieties of Labrador coat color:



    pale yellow.


Labradors are patient and reliable dogs. They love an active lifestyle and attention to themselves. Walking and playing are a dog's best pastime. Watching your pets, you can even decide that they never get tired of activity.

Labrador retrievers are easy to train. They are obedient and submissive by nature. Dogs always take part in family events, believing that nothing can happen without them. Labrador Retrievers enjoy looking after children and playing with other pets.

If these dogs are left at home for a long period of time, they may become bored. Time spent alone is not easy for dogs. This can lead to pet apathy and destructive behavior.

The ideal place to live for a Labrador is a country house, where he can frolic outside at any time. This dog needs regular walks and runs.

Labradors are big dogs, so inexperienced dog owners should not get them. At the sight of something interesting, the dog can suddenly jerk, and therefore, when walking with him, the owner should always be “on alert.”

Representatives of this breed are very intelligent, but their hyperactivity often characterizes them as fools in the dog world. Mental immaturity is characteristic of Labradors during the first three years of the animal’s life. Dogs are not prone to deep analysis of a situation; they make all decisions instantly. This promises them some problems in childhood. There is nothing wrong with the determination of a young dog; it is important for the owner to show patience.

Also, this behavior of the Labrador makes him an excellent nanny for kids. Fast reaction and the pet’s caution will prevent the baby from falling or grabbing a dangerous object.

Over time, however, you will have to teach the dog to think several times before performing any action. If the Labrador has not yet left puppyhood, it is better not to allow him to play with small children. Since he himself, not through negligence, can push the child.

For those who want to have a Labrador as a territory guard, disappointment is inevitable. Despite the fact that the dog can bark loudly, he is not at all aggressive and is overly friendly. “Bribe” him with sweets or kind words very simple.

Education and training

During the first three years of life, Labradors need regular exercise and training. When walking your dog, you need to use a high-quality, reliable leash. A powerful neck and strong shoulder muscles will not allow you to hold yourself up. A lightweight collar will “break off its hinges” if the pet wants to run.

Therefore, you need to be careful when walking with a Labrador. At the same time, it is worth raising the dog and teaching him basic commands:




    "To me".

Yard country house is best place for pet training. The fence on the territory must be high enough. Otherwise, these good jumpers will inevitably escape and go on their own.

Labrador retrievers are naturally excellent swimmers. If there is a body of water near your home (river, lake, swimming pool, pond), it will be the best place for training your pet. But young representatives of the breed may need some time to get used to the water. It is important that the dog enters the pond from the shallows, and does not jump into it from a cliff. This way she will know how to get out when she gets tired of swimming.

The best option for training a Labrador is to use several methods at once. Then you need to choose the best one that will promote the dog’s obedience.

Excessive demands have a bad effect on the animal. Until the pet has completed one command, you should not move on to the next. The dog is poorly oriented in space, falling into multitasking mode.

You should not be rude to the dog; it is better to use the method of rewards for work done correctly. So you need to reward the dog with his favorite treat after a successfully executed command.


Labradors need to be brushed with a rubber brush. If you accustom him to the procedure from puppyhood, the dog will adore it. This type of brushing will not only rid your pet of excess hair, but will also improve its blood circulation, stimulating the growth of new hair.

Labradors can be bathed frequently. It is necessary to regularly examine your pet's ears and teeth. In case of contamination, the dog’s ears must be cleaned with a cotton swab soaked in peroxide. You can periodically brush your animal's teeth to prevent tartar from forming. If you have obvious problems with your teeth or gums, you should contact your veterinarian.

Caring for a Labrador requires regular trimming of its claws, or frequent walks on asphalt and crushed stone (then the claws will wear down on their own).


There are two ways to feed Labradors:

    giving them store-bought food (dry and canned);

    feeding to dogs natural food.


When feeding dogs regular food, it is important to calculate the amount correctly. So for every kilogram of animal, 20 grams of meat are given at a time. Meat products should make up half of a Labrador's daily diet. A quarter of the dish is porridge, and the other quarter is vegetables.

If your pet's meat does not look fresh enough, it should be boiled before serving.

Never feed your animal fried or smoked meat from the store.

Porridge and vegetables

In the summer, it is worth giving your dog: zucchini, carrots, beets, tomatoes, pumpkin, cabbage, and greens.

Before serving, you can boil the vegetables a little so that they are better absorbed by the dog’s body. In winter, you can buy frozen mixtures, lightly simmer them and serve them to your dog.

Low-fat fermented milk products are also useful for Labrador Retrievers: kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese.

If you feed your pet natural food, it is necessary to include valuable vitamin supplements. For dogs prone to obesity, L-carnitine (slows down the production of subcutaneous fats), calcium (strengthens bones) and others are needed.

Pets also need vitamins E and C, lutein and taurine.

To prevent arthrosis, green algae extract and glucosamine are added to dog food.

Feeding the puppy

For the first few weeks, the Labrador puppy should eat strictly according to the instructions, following the regime. Until 2 months of age, there should be at least five meals. After 3 months - 4. And so on until you switch to two meals a day.

If you are going to feed your dog dry food in the future, then you need to accustom your pet to it from puppyhood. The food for puppies must be of high quality, so you cannot skimp on food.

If the food contains all the necessary microelements, only then will the Labrador grow and develop healthy. Achieving this by feeding only natural foods can be difficult.


Labradors are strong animals with a fairly developed immune system. But some diseases do not always bypass purebred dogs.

They are characterized by the following diseases:



    Eye diseases.


    Mast cell cancer.

    Labrador retriever video

    Labrador retrievers are very active dogs that should not be left idle. It is unacceptable to overfeed your dog or force it to remain inactive. Since this breed is very prone to obesity and the subsequent development of related ailments (heart problems, osteochondrosis, diabetes, etc.).

    The pet loves to be active and play with children and other pets in the house. Until the age of three, he remains a cheerful child with an underdeveloped psyche. Training and raising a pet should take place in a calm environment, without distractions. At the same time, the owner should not be rude to the dog, otherwise he will not be obedient.

    Caring for and feeding a Labrador Retriever does not cause any particular problems.

    The beautiful dog will be a wonderful, cheerful companion for single owners or for large families with children.

Everything you need to know



Labrador is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world these days. Moreover, the number of fans of this breed is growing from year to year.For many people dog labrador retriever is the epitome of a dream dog. Representatives of this breed are very active, sociable, affectionate, playful and friendly. Thanks to a large number of advantages, such as sociability, stable psyche, good exterior, intelligence, as well as endless devotion to the owner and members of his family, the Labrador has long been known as an ideal family dog.The first dogs of this breed appeared in ancient times on the island of Newfoundland.

Initially they were bred as working dogs, but over time this breed became truly universal. Nowadays, Labradors are used as hunters, guide dogs, and rescuers. These dogs are excellent swimmers, and the waterproof properties of their coat make them indispensable for working even in icy water.This breed is also often used for police work. In addition, Labradors have the ability to anticipate the approach of an epileptic seizure in a person. Specially trained dogs signal their owner, who suffers from epilepsy, to quickly find a safe place at the time of a seizure.

Typical Labrador Retriever diseases

Entropion (turning of the eyelids)

Entropioncalled a lesion of the eyelid, as a result of which the cornea comes into contact with the eyelids and eyelashes. This leads to symptoms such as irritation, pain and damage to the cornea we recommend

Diseases of Labrador Retriever -

The appearance of cataractsmay be associated with eye injuries or systemic diseases that lead to visual impairmentcapabilitieswe recommend

Diseases of Labrador Retriever -Keratitis

This pathology is associated with the influence of an external pathogenic factor on the cornea. In addition, keratitis in dogs can act as a secondary disease, which is a signwe recommend

Hepatopathydisease in Labrador Retriever

Hepatopathy(liver failure) is quite common in dogs. It is worth noting that this pathology poses a huge problem for veterinarians. This is due to difficulties in treatmentwe recommend

SeborrheaLabrador Retriever

For seborrheakeratinization of the skin of dogs is disrupted. This is manifested by excessive scale formation. It is worth noting that this process may be accompanied by the appearance of excess fat.we recommend

Exterior of the breed

The Labrador Retriever is a strong, muscular dog with a dense build. Average height Labrador ranges from 54-57 centimeters. Labradors have a wide skull, a large, deep chest and a strong loin. The breed has three color options: fawn, black or brown.

Maintenance, care and health of Labrador

The Labrador is a wonderful dog, endowed with various talents, which is ready to become a devoted friend and faithful assistant to its owner. But when buying such a dog, you need to keep in mind that the Labrador, with its lively temperament and active character, needs long walks, training and trips to nature. If the dog is not provided with the necessary activity, then, most likely, it will look for activities for itself that are unlikely to please the owner. Labradors likeAne Corso Italiano It is imperative to train him, even if you do not plan to use him in any work or activity. It is necessary to start training from the very first days after the puppy appears in the house. For this breed, the most important factor is to build relationships between the owner, his family members and the dog through strengthening emotional bonds and trust, and not through dominance. Try to spend as much time as possible with your dog: go for walks, play, go out into nature.

The Labrador's coat does not require special care: it only needs to be brushed regularly, if possible, with a special brush. Regular examination of your dog's eyes, ears, teeth and nails is also necessary.

As for feeding, it must be borne in mind that if it is improper and overnutrition labrador is capable dial very quickly excess weight . For this reason, you need to carefully monitor your dog's diet. Also make sure that your dog never picks up food while walking outside.Diseases and recommendations for the mastiff

The first representatives of this breed appeared in Russia in the 60s of the 20th century, and at first Labradors did not become widespread. The breed began to gain popularity in the early 90s of the last century, and in 1996 the National Retriever Club appeared in Moscow. This organization unites numerous nurseries and clubs in Russia specializing in breeding Labradors and golden retrievers.Diseases and recommendations for huskies

a brief description of
Behavior with children
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Endurance in the cold
Endurance in the heat

Labrador Retriever does not count service dog, it is rather a companion that can bring great benefits to people. Labradors are extremely difficult to make guard dogs. They know how to bark loudly, but this is not a manifestation of anger, aggression or fear, but of joy and friendliness.

This cheerful, loyal, patient and kind dog is an ideal solution for a family with small children. The positive disposition of a Labrador is conveyed by his eyes - devoid of even a drop of aggression, radiating goodness and the belief that everyone loves him. The owners’ task is not to undermine this faith, and then the Labrador Retriever will become a reliable and loyal friend.

Labrador, just like its “brother”, belongs to group 8 “Retrievers, spaniels, water dogs” in the IFF classification, to section 1 “Retrievers”.

There is no exact information about how Labradors originated. Most researchers believe that dogs came to England from the islands of Newfoundland, located on the east coast of Canada. It is believed that the ancestors of the breed came to Foggy Albion on fishing boats that delivered cod. But how did the Newfoundland dog, the ancestor of the Labrador, form on the island?

There is a version that they arose as a result of crossing Viking dogs that found themselves on the island in the 10th century BC, and Basque dogs that existed on the island in the 16th-17th centuries. The Europeans who discovered the island were amazed by the qualities of the dogs: how much they loved water and were ready to work effectively both on water and on land.

An interesting fact is that the development of Newfoundland dogs went in two directions:

  • Big dogs. They were distinguished by a large build and had long shaggy hair. The inhabitants of the island used them to transport goods, in particular firewood.
  • Small dogs. They had a lighter constitution and short, coarse hair. They were characterized by a love of water, agility, and activity. Dogs of this line became the ancestors of modern Labradors.

Dogs began to be imported into England in 1830. They began to be bred as an independent breed. It is believed that the Labrador dog acquired its final characteristics after crossing with a curly-haired retriever, setter, or foxhound.

In England, Labradors were recognized as an independent breed in 1904. Until this time, they were classified as retrievers. The first English breed standard was established in 1916. At first, only black dogs were accepted, but later chocolate (sand) and fawn colors became acceptable.

In Russia, the first representatives of the breed appeared only in the 1960-1970s. Today, the Labrador Retriever is one of the four most popular dogs in the world.

Characteristics, character, description

The Labrador, whose characteristics were initially determined by its purpose, is distinguished by physical strength and endurance. Representatives of the breed were used for fishing and hunting. Fishermen made demands on their working dogs:

  • Undemanding in food and the ability to eat fish.
  • The ability to quickly find game or fish freed from nets, the ability to bring it to the owner.
  • Ability to withstand heavy loads.
  • Excellent performance in water.

Labradors, having short, non-wet hair and a strong constitution, coped unsurpassedly with the tasks that the fishermen assigned to them. Newfoundland.

Each quality of dogs helped them in their service to the owner:

  • Strong bones and strong limbs made it possible to climb onto the rocky shore from the boat without harm.
  • Agility helped to catch the fish that slipped out and bring it to the shore.

What is the temperament of a Labrador Retriever?

The Labrador breed has a character that is a harmonious combination of friendliness, devotion and love for its owner. They are very active and love to play and run. If the owner is unable to give him that level of activity, long quality walks, then he should choose a less active dog.

Dogs are also suitable for families with small children; the main thing that is required from the owner is good upbringing. A well-mannered, adequate Labrador will not pose a danger even to children. They are kind and patient with other pets and willingly participate in family activities.

At first glance, Labradors may seem a little “foolish.” But this is a misleading impression. It develops when you see a hyperactive and spontaneous pet, which is the Labrador Retriever; its character and mental qualities do not always correspond to its appearance.

Labradors are dogs of late development, that is, up to 3 years of age, they are characterized by “puppy” behavior and excessive friendliness. Until a respectable age, the pet will joyfully wag its tail when carrying out the owner’s instructions, thereby proving its friendly attitude every time.

Labradors are bad guards and will not guard the territory. The only thing he will do is notify about the danger by barking.

Loneliness for dogs is akin to suffering. He does not like to be alone; he constantly needs communication with his owner and members of his family. There have been cases where a pet, not receiving proper attention and communication, left the owner’s house.


Every breed of dog has a predisposition to certain diseases. Labrador retrievers are no exception to the rule. To prevent health problems, it is necessary to carry out timely examination, vaccination and deworming.

Here are the most common diseases in Labradors:

  1. Obesity.
  2. Dysplasia of the hip or elbow joints.
  3. Panosteitis.
  4. Osteochondrosis.
  5. Licking granuloma.
  6. Retinal atrophy.
  7. Cataract.
  8. Epilepsy.

The likelihood of the occurrence and development of diseases in representatives of the Labrador Retriever breed can be reduced using gene mapping, but the risk still remains.

Care and maintenance

Before purchasing a dog, you need to make sure that the Labrador feels comfortable according to its needs.

  • A Labrador's place is a territory where he will feel safe. This should be an area protected from drafts, away from heating devices, ideally a corner of the room.
  • Placing your puppy in the kitchen or bathroom would be a bad idea.
  • The bed should be a durable and soft mat that is easy to clean, for example, a straw or rag mattress covered with dense material. It must be wiped and cleaned daily (during the molting period - 2 times a day), and washed once a week and the floor underneath it should be washed using a disinfectant.

Many owners prefer to keep their pets outside to save themselves the hassle of walking the animal. In this case, an enclosure measuring at least 5 meters must be equipped with a roof and a wooden floor, covered with sawdust for hygiene purposes. Regardless of where the Labrador lives, outdoors or indoors, he needs attention and communication. If he sees his owner only during feeding or cleaning, he may grow up aggressive or, conversely, shy.

Basic rules for caring for a Labrador:

As for feeding, it should be taken into account that Labradors are prone to obesity, so their diet should be carefully balanced and include meat, fish (sea varieties), meat broths, vegetables, and dairy products. You should not include salty, spicy, fried foods, potatoes, pasta, milk, or tubular bones in your dog’s “menu.” Remember that the food on your table is not always suitable for your pet.

If owners prefer ready-made food, then it should be super-premium or premium. Mix natural food and ready-made food it is forbidden! A properly selected diet is indicated by a shiny, thick coat, the absence of allergic manifestations and good mood pet.

Education and training

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by great intelligence and intelligence, so training and raising a Labrador will be easy.

From the first minutes of a puppy’s appearance in the house, he needs to be accustomed to the daily routine, place, toilet, and his nickname. Call your baby by name more often, and reward him with a treat and pet him for completing the action. To make your dog get used to it faster, play with it, teach it to come to you when called, and never offend it. Labrador puppies are very inquisitive by nature and do not tolerate boredom, so to prevent your baby from losing interest in you, make your walks and games varied, this way you will teach your pet to always keep you in sight.

The main commands that a dog must understand are: “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Place”, “Ugh!”, “Pick up”. They should be clear, clear, without using long sentences - this will only confuse the puppy.

How to train a Labrador?

The sooner training begins, the better. It is not necessary to arrange special lessons - a Labrador puppy will respond well to training during the socialization process. Sometimes it is enough to repeat a command a couple of times for your pet to remember it for life. Labradors are not only smart, but also cunning - they work best for pieces of treats, while the amount of work will be reduced to a minimum, achieving a maximum of tasty reward - homemade crackers, a piece of meat or boiled liver. You should not give sweets (cookies, sweets, cakes).

The main problems of dogs are their desire to pick up food from the ground and attempts to escape from their beloved owner. However, even with minimal contact between the owner and the pet, these troubles can be avoided.

No matter how cute and charming your pet is, never allow him to do something that you would never allow him to do. adult dog. Do not make allowances for age, stop attempts to sleep in your bed, gnaw property, pick up pieces from the floor and eat food from the hands of strangers, jump on family members and guests, and bite. Remember that Labradors love water, but uncontrolled swimming can make it extremely difficult to lure the dog to shore.

For the Labrador breed, training must follow the following rules:

  1. For every correctly performed action, the dog must be rewarded.
  2. Learning new commands occurs only after the old ones have been consolidated.
  3. The first lesson should be carried out in a calm environment so that the pet is not distracted.
  4. The lesson is carried out before feeding.
  5. The process should not be long so that the dog has the opportunity to rest.
  6. The student must be punished or rewarded immediately after he performs any action.
  7. You can’t shout at the dog, just tell it in a stern voice: “Ugh!” – Labradors have a great sense of intonation.
  8. You can't hit your pet. If you want to scare him, all you have to do is slap him on the head with a rolled-up newspaper.

When asking your Labrador to perform a certain action, be firm and persistent, otherwise you will have problems with his obedience in the future.


Purchasing a dog is a very important point that must be approached responsibly, taking into account the opinions of all family members, the health status of household members (none of them should be allergic to wool), living conditions and financial situation. Breeders strongly do not recommend getting a Labrador puppy if there are children under three years old in the house. A child requires a lot of attention and strength, therefore, the owners will not have any left for another baby. In addition, this is dangerous, because children can unknowingly hurt an animal, and a dog, in turn, can bite a child. Older children should be explained that a dog needs to be looked after, it needs affection and communication.

The puppy should be adopted at 6-8 weeks of age. During this period, he has already developed communication skills and is able to adequately perceive others. You should not purchase a baby Labrador from an advertisement - there is no guarantee that the puppy is purebred and does not have any defects.

If you are interested in Labrador puppies, then when purchasing, pay attention to the following points:

  1. It is better to contact professional breeders who will provide you with all the necessary information about the puppy’s pedigree, its behavior and health. The coordinates of nurseries can be found on specialized websites or found out at a veterinary clinic.
  2. When purchasing a puppy, you must draw up a purchase and sale agreement, issue a puppy card and a veterinary passport.
  3. Carefully examine the puppy: it must be healthy, vaccinated, well-groomed, clean, non-aggressive, and branded.
  4. It is recommended to take a puppy from a homogeneous healthy litter. If among the puppies there are sick, aggressive or too quiet, it may well be that the rest of the offspring also have hidden defects.

Determine for yourself the purpose for which you are purchasing a Labrador. If your goal is to raise a champion, then ask the puppy’s parents how they meet the breed standard.


The price of the Labrador breed depends on many factors. Here are the main ones:

How much does a Labrador cost in Russian nurseries? On average, a purebred puppy, equipped in the kennel with all necessary documents, will cost from 30 to 60 thousand rubles. Breeding dogs (with certain defects) are sold several times cheaper and, provided that they are not bred and exhibited, documents for them are not issued. The cost of such puppies is on average about 10 thousand.

However, buying a small Labrador is the least expensive of those that will have to be incurred in the future: high-quality food, veterinarian services, toys, enclosure equipment.


You have become acquainted with the Labrador breed, the photo of which is presented above. A responsive, trusting, friendly, kind dog with an incredibly “cozy” appearance is the dream of any owner. Labrador is very family-oriented and loyal. This explains why young couples prefer to have this breed.

Interesting facts about the breed

  • The Labrador is the only dog ​​with webbed feet. This structural feature makes them unsurpassed swimmers in the canine world.

  • Dogs love to hold objects in their mouths. They have a soft jaw, but the owner must ensure that the pet has more toys. Otherwise, he will switch his attention to other objects in the house.

  • Labradors have a very high pain threshold. It is not surprising that they are selfless and can rush into the very center of a fire or disaster in order to save people.

  • They have a sense of smell that is 25% higher than that of the German Shepherd.


When it comes to Labrador diseases, no one wants to think about cancer, and hopefully it will never affect your Labrador.

Obviously, no dog owner wants to think about their beloved pet facing a terrible disease like cancer.

Unfortunately, one of the most common cancers in dogs is osteosarcoma, or bone cancer, and it is also one of the most common cancers in Labradors.

In the article below, veterinary experts talk about bone cancer - risks, symptoms and treatment.

Osteosarcoma (Bone Cancer) in Dogs

Osteosarcoma accounts for 5% of all cancers in dogs, but 80-90% of malignancies involve bone. Much more common in large breed dogs, osteosarcoma is an aggressive cancer that forms on the bone, often requiring amputation of the affected limb, along with chemotherapy to provide temporary relief from this aggressive disease.

Which dogs are at risk for developing osteosarcoma?

Osteosarcoma mainly affects adult large or giant breed dogs. Giant breeds such as Great Danes, Saint Bernards, Pyrenees Mountain Dogs, Newfoundlands, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and Irish Wolfhounds are at greater risk of developing osteosarcoma. Also at increased risk large breeds, such as Rottweilers, Labradors, Golden Retrievers, Shepherds, Dobermans, Weimaraners and Boxers.

This tumor is not as common in small breed dogs and is rare in cats. Dogs that weigh more than 36 kilograms, studies show, are 60 times more likely to develop osteosarcoma than dogs that weigh less than 34 kilograms. Although sarcoma is more common in older dogs, there is also increased likelihood its occurrence in dogs aged 1-2 years. Male dogs are more likely to develop osteosarcoma.

It is not known why some dogs develop osteosarcoma, but one theory suggests that rapidly growing cells found on growth plates in bones are genetically at great risk of mutation. Another theory is that the tumor develops at the site of injury. Increased cellular activity at the site of a fracture or injury can lead to the development of cancer cells. In reality, both theories may be true, and there may be other reasons.

What are the symptoms of osteosarcoma?

The symptoms of osteosarcoma are often closely related to its location. Most osteosarcomas develop in the dog's limbs, below the elbow or near the knee. Tumors often form on or near the growth plates. An infected dog will, in most cases, have pronounced bone swelling. X-rays often show a characteristic bone pattern that, coupled with history and breed, can help determine the development of osteosarcoma. These tumors often cause pain in the joint, which may initially manifest as lameness in the affected limb.

Up to 90% of these tumors will have metastasized to the lungs at the time of diagnosis, but due to the small initial size of the metastases, less than 10% will initially show up on a chest x-ray. Due to the high rate of metastases, all dogs with osteosarcomas are treated with the assumption that they have metastases to the lungs, regardless of how they appear on initial x-rays.

Osteosarcoma will sometimes appear in a variety of locations and, like other types of tumors, may initially be mistaken for osteosarcoma. Because of this possibility, a biopsy is always recommended. Fungal infections of the bone have similar symptoms and appearance on x-rays, so a fungal culture is often performed to help clarify the diagnosis.

Osteosarcoma is an aggressive, highly metastatic cancer that requires an aggressive treatment protocol. Once the tumor has been positively identified as osteosarcoma, the affected limb is usually amputated. In rare cases, when the tumor is correctly located, limb-sparing surgery may be performed, but such cases are extremely rare.

After amputation, a course of chemotherapy is usually started. The most successful drugs are carboplatin and cisplatin.

Carboplatin more expensive, but safer and easier to manage. Doxorubicin is also sometimes used. A qualified veterinary oncologist is often the best source of information, as he or she will always be up to date on the latest chemotherapy protocols. If sarcoma is properly detected and treated, a dog's life expectancy varies, but can be as long as a year or more.

Is osteosarcoma preventable?

It does not appear that osteosarcoma is preventable. Due to some strong breed correlations, any line of the breed that has a history of osteosarcoma should undergo a thorough medical examination prior to breeding. Unfortunately, we do not fully understand the cause of osteosarcoma, but we hope that as our knowledge improves, we will be able to provide more effective methods treatments and early diagnostic tests.

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