What is shatavari herb and how to take it for women's health. Shatavari - use and contraindications Shatavari instructions for use in tablets

Shatavari is a plant with a wide range of healing properties, which were noticed by people in ancient times. Eastern medicine and Ayurveda in particular treat it with respect and even great reverence, introducing kalpas (therapy) of various diseases into its composition. Some people mistakenly call this remedy shavatari.

Dried plant root

This herb is used to prepare a drug of the same name “Shatavari”, which is widely used for the treatment and prevention of many ailments. Especially him useful for women of all ages– both very young girls and mature ladies. And all thanks to the fact that the spectrum of action of the product is extremely broad.

If you want to know more about what shatavari is and why it is valuable, the uses and contraindications of this drug, as well as how to take it, the following information is for you.

About what shatavari is

Eastern medicine is a storehouse of valuable recipes, healing agents and highly effective methods that help resist various diseases. There are also drugs in her arsenal that help fight disorders in the female reproductive system, including treating infertility. Shatavari is just one of these drugs prepared on the basis of a medicinal plant. Has this grass Russian equivalent – ​​asparagus racemosus . This is the name we know it by.

Shatavari is also called in Ayurveda tonic for women's health. Translated from Sanskrit, the word "shatavari" is translated as "having a hundred husbands" and it well reflects the purpose, features and effectiveness of this drug. You can also sometimes hear this remedy called “the cure for a hundred diseases.”

Ancient texts contain information that shatavari specifically affects ojas ( vital energy), feeds it. This unique plant promotes sacrifice, love and higher consciousness.

From a physiological point of view, shatavari is actively affects the hormonal system , due to which the synthesis of progesterone is stimulated, and estradiol is more quickly transformed into estrol. Thanks to this, the Ayurvedic drug helps prevent the development of serious pathologies in the female genitourinary system and is recommended to be taken together with shatavari and.

Although shatavari is considered a female plant, men can also use it to treat sexual problems. It prevents the accumulation of dihydrosterone, which in older men can lead to enlargement of the prostate gland. In addition, the product can be used for the treatment of spermatorrhea, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, infertility.

What form does shatavari come in?

Today, some manufacturers of Ayurvedic preparations offer ready-made shatavari without foreign impurities, preservatives and flavorings. The medicinal product can be produced in several variations:

  • Churna (powder). This form of Shatavari is considered in Ayurveda traditional . Churna is quickly absorbed through the intestinal walls, and therefore begins to act faster.
  • Paste. It is usually prepared on the basis of the same powder. It can be diluted with plain water, honey, melted butter ghee().
  • Oil tinctures.
  • Decoctions from fresh plant roots.
  • Ghulam- a jam-like product, usually sweetish.
  • Tablets and capsules. Ayurveda does not widely use shatavari in this form. This option was conceived more for Western consumers in order to facilitate the application process . The drug in the form of capsules and tablets begins to act later than in powder form, but its effectiveness is no less.

The Himalaya brand is a real expert in the manufacture of this product. The company produces capsules, tablets and powder, the reviews of which are extremely positive. Many women claim that the drug helped them get rid of various disorders of the reproductive system and severe gynecological pathologies.

Himalaya Shatavari preparation

Composition and properties of shatavari

Shatavari is a natural and safe (if used correctly) medicine, which contains an incredible amount of very valuable substances. This plant contains components that cannot be created in the laboratory.

That's just partial composition shatavari:

  • Bioflavonoids. They are considered a natural antioxidant that can slow down the process of premature aging.
  • Proteins. They are the main building material all cells and tissues of the body.
  • Steroid glycosides.
  • Asparagine. This substance has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and the heart, strengthening them and making them more resistant to the effects of negative factors.
  • Phytosterols. They help improve the functioning of the hormonal and reproductive systems.
  • Tannins.
  • Phytoestrogens. They help to equalize hormonal balance and thereby treat diseases whose causes lie in hormonal imbalances.
  • Calcium.
  • Zinc.
  • B vitamins, which are also called “beauty vitamins”.

But this is not the full spectrum of action of shatavari. The drug is in powder form used in cosmetology, making masks based on it. Also, infusions and decoctions are prepared directly from this plant, which can be used not only to saturate the body with valuable substances from the inside, but also to achieve a faster external effect. With the help of shatavari the condition of the skin and its color improves, wrinkles are leveled, wounds are healed, rashes are eliminated . The plant is also capable of being a powerful antibacterial and disinfectant, so it helps fight serious skin infections.

Read on our website:

Dosha Pitta in Ayurveda

Healing roots plants

Indications for the use of shatavari are the following disorders and conditions::

  • Soreness and other unpleasant symptoms that occur during PMS, menstruation or menopause.
  • Menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea.
  • Diseases of the female genitourinary system, including infectious and inflammatory ones.
  • Bleeding of any nature, including gynecological.
  • Hormonal imbalance, which provokes various diseases.
  • Reduced libido in both women and men.
  • Uterus removal.
  • Insufficient milk production while breastfeeding.
  • A state of anemia, exhaustion of the body (including nervous), weakened immunity.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver. Used to treat gastritis, ulcers, hemorrhoids.
  • Pathological disturbances of visual function.
  • Diseases of the urinary system.
  • Problems in the functioning of the heart and disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels.
  • Inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term. The product is also used to treat male infertility.

When using shatavari, you can count on a complex effect from taking it. The product has the following properties:

  • Helps eliminate irregularities in the menstrual cycle and normalize it.
  • Due to the content of natural hormones, it can be used after surgical removal of the uterus, as well as to prevent the formation of tumors.
  • During menopause or PMS, it smoothes out unpleasant symptoms. Affects as an effective pain reliever . In comparison with synthetic drugs, which have a very negative effect on the condition of some organs (especially the gastric mucosa), shatavari is safe in this regard.
  • Activates eggs, which helps pregnancies occur faster. Shatavari is a well-known Ayurvedic remedy for the treatment of infertility..
  • Prevents spontaneous miscarriage.
  • If a person experiences muscle spasms, myalgia, or impaired joint mobility, shatavari should help.
  • Has an effect similar to that of an aphrodisiac. Increases sexual desire and makes it possible to get even more pleasure from intimate relationships.
  • Helps stop bleeding due to coagulation properties.
  • Acts as an antiseptic, cleanses the genital tract from pathogenic microflora, eliminates vaginal dryness.
  • Increases the volume of breast milk.
  • Normalizes fluid balance in the body. Helps very well with diarrhea, preventing dehydration.
  • Activates hematopoietic processes.
  • Calms, relieves physical and psycho-emotional stress, increases stress resistance.
  • Strengthens the nervous system replenishes vital energy, inspires, gives strength for new achievements.
  • Eliminates swelling, removes excess fluid from tissues.

There are so many properties of shatavari that it is impossible to list them all. It is probably easier to indicate contraindications to the use of an Ayurvedic remedy. We'll talk about this a little later. In the meantime, let’s continue to discuss the positive effect of the drug.

How does it affect a woman’s body during infertility?

Unfortunately, infertility is a problem that affects a large number of women. Often, the reasons for not achieving a long-awaited pregnancy are a strong hormonal imbalance, exhaustion of the female body, or an acidity level in the genitals that is unfavorable for conception. Those who take shatavari, increases the chances of pregnancy and its successful gestation.

True, if the patient has serious diseases that prevent conception, then they must be treated under the supervision of a doctor. Shatavari can be used as an auxiliary remedy, but not the main one.

Use and contraindications for menopause

Ayurveda advises using the herb during menopause. Due to its excellent properties, it helps to relieve unpleasant symptoms. Those female sex hormones of plant origin, which are contained in shatavari, support female body and help ladies feel much better and lead their usual lifestyle. In addition, by taking the drug you can slow down the signs of natural aging, prolong the youth of the body, and increase energy potential.

Can I take it during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Pregnancy and the lactation period are not a contraindication to the use of shatavari. On the contrary, the drug is highly recommended. Since at these moments real hormonal “storms” occur in a woman’s body, they can lead to various side effects: mood swings, poor health, the possibility of developing complications during pregnancy, etc. Reviews from doctors are very positive, since the drug contains only natural ingredients, is safe for both mother and child.

Breastfeeding is one of the indications for the use of shatavari. Women who feed their baby with their own milk may face the problem of lack of milk. The main reasons are also hormonal in nature. This herbal preparation enhances lactation, thereby activating milk production . In addition, this milk is rich in big amount nutrients important for the full development and health of the baby. Shatavari helped a huge number of young mothers feed their babies, long time without using breast milk substitutes and complementary foods.

Read on our website:

The concept of dosha in Ayurveda

Application of shatavari

Since the drug shatavari is manufactured in different forms, there are some features of its reception. Whether you choose powder, paste, capsules, tablets or any other dosage form, Ayurveda experts advise washing them down with warm milk with ghee and honey, or at least boiled water. This helps enhance the effect, speed up the absorption of the drug and the assimilation of its components.

Powder: how to drink

If you need to alleviate the condition as quickly as possible, then churna for women - the best option. When taking the drug, you should adhere to a specific treatment regimen. In the morning, about half an hour before breakfast, take ¼-1.0 tsp. churny. This must be done on an empty stomach so that the powder can be freely absorbed by the intestinal walls. We have already mentioned how to drink the product. The drug should be taken with warm milk or water. If a woman wants to get pregnant, then you can add a few stamens of crocus (saffron) to the milk. True, this method is good not only in this case, but in all others. Saffron stamens are very useful and have a complex effect. Average The duration of therapy is 3-4 months.

This treatment regimen can be adjusted depending on the problem that worries the woman or man, as well as its severity.

How to take in tablets and capsules

The instructions for using shatavari in capsules produced by Himalaya read as follows. If you are interested in preventing diseases that can develop due to hormonal imbalances, it is enough to take one capsule per day 20 minutes before meals. In the presence of gynecological diseases, inflammation or any other disorders, the dosage per day is increased three times. You need to take the drug in the same way - 20 minutes before meals three times a day. Don't forget to drink warm milk (or boiled water). The course should last 20 days, after which a ten-day break should be taken. You must complete at least three such alternating courses.

For teenage girls who have problems with the menstrual cycle, the drug is prescribed twice a day.

You may also be wondering how to drink shatavari tablets. Taking the drug is similar to taking the drug in capsules, since their principle of action is similar.

Before you start taking shatavari, we recommend that you read the manufacturer's instructions. Since the dosage of active ingredients in one capsule or tablet may be different from different manufacturers, be sure to read the instructions that come with it before using the product. If the dosage is insufficient, the expected effect may not occur, and if it is excessive, side effects may develop.

Contraindications for use

Although shatavari is a very useful Ayurvedic remedy, it is not at all harmless. There are not only indications, but also contraindications. These include:

  • Women's diseases that are caused by increased concentrations of sex hormones. Since shatavari contains phytoestrogens, taking it can cause critical hormonal imbalance.
  • Serious disturbances in the functioning of the stomach or intestines, lack of digestive enzymes (enzymes).
  • Individual intolerance to the drug.
  • Fungal infections. The drug can provoke an area of ​​fungal infection.
  • Mastopathy, which developed as a result of an increased amount of estrogen.
  • Severe kidney pathologies.
  • Long-term use. Like many other remedies, shatavari should not be taken for too long a period. This can lead to constipation and other problems with the digestive system.

If you have any doubts about whether you can take shatavari, consult your doctor.. In addition, it should be noted that Ayurvedic medicine should be used only as part of complex therapy, especially when it comes to serious diseases. There is no need to replace shatavari with full treatment.

Side effects

Shatavari usually does not cause any side effects. But, if they do occur, they are most often mild. Sometimes there may be signs of individual intolerance or stool disturbances. True, most often this is explained by the fact that the instructions for use are not followed (irregularity, excess dosage, prolonged use, etc.).

With gusto, I begin to review the medicinal Ayurvedic lotions that I love no less than Thai cosmetics, which I began to master immediately after getting acquainted with Indian goods stores in Pattaya. I'll start with the magical female herb shatavari.
I’ll sum it up right away: it’s sincerely unfortunate that so few women in Russia know about its existence, and even fewer know it personally.

I will write at length and in colors: the laconicism that is characteristic of me at times is inappropriate in this case, because asparagus racemosus is not just treatment plant. It works at different levels and, as practice shows, can directly change the quality female life, and not just “fix the sores”. If my verbal outpourings irritate you, you can skip the next three subheadings and go straight to the “Properties of Shatavari” section. For those less nervous, I suggest that you first read the background, description of the medicine and personal review.

Shatavari Himalaya

How did I know about shatavari?

From lectures on Vedic culture, which I started dabbling in about three years ago. Having cried over my sinfulness under Torsunov, impressed by my divine nature as a “girl” under Narushevich, imbued with transcendence under Khakimov, I finally got to the practical and wise Vaishnavi women - Marianna Polonsky and Lalana. The latter has nothing to do with Pattaya - please do not get lost in the web of my notes...

Ever since these worthy women told about the ability of Shatavari to restore women’s health from ashes, I dreamed of getting it. And there was no limit to the shrillness of the squeal of joy when, upon entering Pattaya, I saw a modest bottle with the inscription Shatavari Himalaya. It cost about 150 Thai rubles for 60 capsules - a monthly course.

Review: shatavari, what are you doing, stop!

Before starting the reception, I had a very superficial idea about the properties of shatavari - Lalana and Marianna said that it was “the best Ayurvedic herb for women.” For the sake of the purity of the experiment, I did not google additional information, I just made sure that there were no contraindications for breastfeeding, and began taking an average dose - two capsules a day. After 10-14 days, global transformations began in physiology and mentality, which I was slightly dumbfounded by. And that continues to this day.

  1. Reproductive system.
    Although before the next “ holidays“There were 3 weeks left of a girl’s life, the lower abdomen began to show characteristic bloating. There was something pulling and aching in the area of ​​the female apparatus, but it did not reach the point of serious pain.
    For the first time, chronic thrush that went away with pregnancy and childbirth has worsened - just have time to change your underwear. The feeling was as if an old sore was showing itself at the limit of its capabilities before the final lull. Treatment with turmeric quickly eliminated the disaster, seriously and for a long time. Below - in contraindications - there is an explanation for this phenomenon. The duration of subsequent holidays increased, but production volumes were modest.
    Neutrality in the review.
  2. Breast-feeding.
    I confess: I did not notice a lactogenic effect, because I simply did not observe lactation. because we live well: Viktoralekseich and I have had no problems in this area from then to this day.
    Neutral review again.
  3. Mental condition.
    I’ll linger especially here, because Shatavari invaded my exhausted psyche and began to impose the following order there.
    To the year of Viktoralekseich moral strength on a daily basis good mood and the peace became less and less. A thinned hormonal system + a body melting before our eyes from breastfeeding + unprecedented daily physical exercise... However, who am I telling – isn’t it the mommies reading this review! All experienced people know well what a modern mother, poorly prepared and poorly provided with the conditions for calm motherhood, turns into by the first year of her child’s life.
    Just three months ago, I was regularly happy with each one, but now the unconditional joy of life was replaced by chronic worries: where did he go, will he fall from the chair, will he not reach the fan, will he slip on the tile, etc.
    Let’s bring in Ayurveda for convincing and clarify: my neurasthenia is aggravated by the peculiarities of the “most nervous” constitution of the body - Vata-Pitta, air is fire. The state of mind of our agile, frail brother, usually disgustingly cheerful, in a thinned state can sway and flutter violently at the slightest anxiety. What happened to me every day, and I have to admit, I was on the verge of depression. The ground for a previously fairly solid personal concept was disappearing from under one’s feet, and all attempts at external joy came up against the crushing thought: “Life will definitely not be easier for another couple of years. Humble yourself.”
    My son didn’t even want lullabies in the shower, and this is a serious symptom on the scale of my crazy personality. And I didn’t have any illusory hopes for any herb, even if it was all Ayurvedic.
    But 10 days after I started drinking, a sudden and unexpected thing happened. rollback. As if in the first months of Viktoralekseich’s life or before giving birth, the colors of reality became bright, every Thai smile made me happy, as if I was in Thailand again for the first time, I could breathe easier, and my right eye almost stopped twitching. It felt as if, after a long period of illness, I had miraculously healed and crawled out onto the streets of Pattaya, flooded with sunrises and sunsets and studded with bougainvillea. Or it was as if I had been haunted by, excuse the prosaicism, PMS for several months, and one day all the confused hormones suddenly lined up in an orderly row. Or as if instead of the song “There’s a little lamb in my head” in the voice of the cheerful brother Krestovsky, they turned on the track “You know, everything will still be” in the voice of the same bearded brother...
    In general, you understand: it was bad, it became really good! And this “good” continues to this day, giving an inexplicable peace from within, when everyone around is going crazy from frustration or some other anxiety. I’m all such a girly girl, a Vedic goddess, I smile and prepare my own - even paint frescoes from me!
    Positively enthusiastic review.
  4. And more about hormones.
    I blush and fidget with my handkerchief in embarrassment as I outline the next transformation. But for scientific purposes I am ready even to such an act of mental exhibitionism...
    The consequence of hormones instantly arranged in neat rows was the return, again, excuse the organic chemistry, of libido. Irretrievably gone from me after, released without tears or regrets, but as if it was necessary, it suddenly appeared, knocking down the doors with a crash, and settling down in my translucent bodily shell.
    With all its appearance it seemed to show: “Madam, I didn’t go anywhere at all, these are all your funny fantasies. Let’s leave these conventions and breathe in unison and voluptuously, for I am still seething...” That’s roughly how it happened.
    The obscenity and shame that rushed into my head made me dizzy, and... I’ll finish with this. Otherwise, God forbid, who else will think that Alekseyviktorovich and I kissed. Meanwhile, our entire blog is almost sublime and platonic.
    Over time, the shock of the return of physiological interests melted away. What remained was a healthy (or improved) state of the female mind, which finally recognized that, in addition to turning into a night harpy bodyguard over your child, at night you can also sleep in an embrace with your other half. The mania went away a little, life became calmer.
  5. Mentally.
    Even more than about hormones, I’m embarrassed to write about changes in thinking. If I attribute the changes that have occurred medicinal herb, I can be considered to be wildly obsessed with Ayurveda. I, like all crazy people, consider myself a person of healthy psyche. Therefore, I will leave the chance to look objectively scrupulous and formulate it this way.
    Perhaps Shatavari really is clarifies mind. Perhaps the time of situational enlightenment coincided with my indulging in this weed. But the essence is this: something like an aggravation of women’s intuition occurred, up to a clear vision of the development of events in our family several moves ahead.
    Without delving into the details of the life of one unremarkable family, I will only note that several important events were clearly “intuited”:
    September leaving Thailand instead of what was clearly planned from the very beginning of the year December. In such cases, it is customary to say: “nothing foreshadowed...”;
    – instead of several months of the planned Vietnam, by the way;
    – and a few more strategic changes.
    One “but”: my intuition has always been extremely developed, and practicing spiritual practices (thanks to my mother Asia!) constantly aggravates it.
    But still, a real insight happened here, which was witnessed by the skeptic Alekseyviktorovich, because unexpectedly for both of us, I once revealed the course of events several months ahead during our usual philosophical conversation. In line to see a doctor with Viktoralekseich, who has fallen ill with roseola, you know, philosophical conversations flow easily and pleasantly... A mystical positive review.
  6. Appearance.
    On external level The effect of taking shatavari did not occur immediately. But after a couple of months I noticed: my hair began to not only shine, but shine, as if it had either been laminated, or pumped up with Botox, or smeared with keratin. And the Khmer robbers from my entourage are now trying to touch my Russian braids and say: “BeautifUl!”
    Nothing has changed in caring for them - regular Thai shampoos and Berina conditioner.
    Something else subtly changed in the face. From Pattaya with sunken eyes and cheekbones so sharp that it seemed you could cut yourself on them. Those who meditate on anorexia, of course, could envy me, but they are the only ones who envied me. Yes, and this happened only in my imagination. In the unfortunate reality, looking at me, my friends clicked their tongues, shook their heads and, with pity in their eyes, advised: “You should stop with this.”
    Now for the first time in Last year I don't want to cry because of what I see in the mirror. Nothing has changed - the face is the same emaciated. But the sharpness in his features, which added 10 years of age, disappeared. Even his eyes and smile softened. It is difficult for me to explain what kind of change this is - at the external level, or comes from within. And it doesn’t really bother me: feeling almost young again and not particularly disgusting is priceless.
    Positive and grateful review.

In Pattaya, shatavari was bought in an Indian store

Now I take Shatavari in homeopathic doses - 1 capsule per day. This is my third package, I thoughtfully brought it to Sihanoukville from Pattaya. After that, I think you can take a break for a month or two. I still have no idea where to find asparagus racemosus in the Khmer Country. If any of the readers suddenly have this information, I would be eternally grateful for the tip. And yes, we know about online stores: not made with a finger. I just don’t really like neutered shopping...

One hundred husbands VS one hundred diseases

Under the exotic name “shatavari” hides the prosaic asparagus - asparagus racemosus, or asparagus racemosus. In appearance, the plant resembles the decorative “Christmas trees” that grow in the flowerbed of every aesthetic summer resident of the domestic market. The sowing grass grows in India and Sri Lanka, and is sometimes noticed in West Africa, Southeast Asia and even Australia. The roots of the plant are used for medicinal purposes.

Like all names in, shatavari is a Sanskrit word, and translated means “having a hundred husbands”: shat - hundred, vari - husband. They say that in order to keep a hundred men on the hook for family happiness, you need remarkable women’s health, a strong psyche, wisdom and ultra-femininity. There's something about it. After all, even the skeptical me was chilled from the pelvic organs to the mentality itself. True, I still didn’t want hundreds of husbands: I would rather plow my own field...

However, there is a more puritanical interpretation of the meaning of the word shatavari: shat - one hundred, vari - healer, i.e. healer of a hundred diseases. The Bengali name for asparagus racemosus is Shatamuli (Bengal is a state in India).

Shatavari is the most important healing plant not only in Ayurveda, but also in Tibetan medicine. Numerous disseminators of Vedic knowledge claim that first there were the Vedas - an immense manual on all spheres of life on Earth, and only then it branched out into all other knowledge, refracting in the mentalities of peoples different countries. I didn’t hold incense when the Vedas branched out - I’m just passing on information from more competent ones.

Shatavari in nature: asparagus racemosus

So, asparagus racemosus is truly magically capable of regulating the reproductive system in the female body, to put it roughly. If it is subtle and general, shatavari can literally transform a woman. And not only as an organism, but also as a WOMAN - a wife, a spiritual companion of a man.

If everything that I chaotically wrote above is difficult to understand due to ignorance of the Vedic principles and foundations of Ayurveda, this is the place where you, Mr. ignorant materialist, should start reading this article. Further there will be only applied information, without my emotions and spiritual background.

Properties of shatavari

The effectiveness of asparagus racemosus these days is guaranteed not only by old Ayurveda, but also by restless British scientists. The latter discovered that the healing power of shatavari is tied to the phytoestrogens it contains - hormone-like (but not hormones!) substances. Hence the great successes in the treatment of women's and other problems:

As can be seen, the impact on the female reproductive system Shatavari is not limited and can be taken successfully by men. Although in Ayurveda there is also a male analogue of shatavari - ashwagandha.

Application and dosage

The roots of asparagus racemosus are dried, ground into powder and in this form used for most medicinal purposes. The most popular manufacturer is the Indian brand Himalaya. Shatavari Himalaya are bottles of a characteristic recognizable design in white and green tones, inside there are ordinary capsules with precious asparagus racemosus powder.

Shatavari Himalaya is not officially medicine, this is a dietary supplement. However, like many other Ayurvedic herbs, due to the difficulty of registering such drugs outside India and non-standard instructions. The latter can be easily seen using the example of contraindications - read the paragraph later. The standard dosage is one capsule twice a day. I reduced it to 1 dose of 1 capsule due to its lightness: my 45 kg body weight does not require more to keep the capricious Vata dosha in relative balance.

Contraindications side effects

Unlike traditional chemicals, clearly state the contraindications for Ayurveda medicines for a specific person Only a qualified Ayurvedic doctor can. This depends on the constitution of the person’s body, his illnesses at the physiological level (manifested) and mental state (unmanifested illnesses). Also in Ayurveda, it is of great importance which medicines are taken at what time of day, season of the year, and with what meals.

But there is a list of health conditions for which taking shatavari will definitely cause harm or unwanted side effects. Among them:

  • poor digestion – weak digestive fire;
  • excess mucus in the body – unbalanced Kapha dosha;
  • slagging of the body - excess And we;
  • the presence of yeast (fungal) infections (explains the recurrence of thrush in me);
  • inflammatory kidney diseases– Shatavari increases urination.
  • And you should know: long-term use sometimes causes constipation.

Shatavari made me feel taller and healthier. All that was left was to comb my hair.
Where to buy shatavari
  1. In Russia, the easiest way is to order online. The same Shatavari Himalaya costs not a penny, but not God knows how much money either: 390 rubles - in the Russian online store of Indian goods Gandhariyuru.
  2. In Thailand: – Pattaya – Indian, about 150 baht. – Bangkok – a market in the Indian quarter. – Phuket – there were messages on social networks that there were also Indian shops on the island. But I have little understanding of the local topography.

Ayurvedic medicine is gaining popularity outside India. Thanks to this, Slavic women have recently gained access to shatavari - the use and contraindications for this dietary supplement (BAA) have not yet been studied by domestic medicine, so there are practically no medical reviews about the drug. However, women are still actively purchasing medicine, trying to get rid of gynecological and hormonal disorders.

Use of shatavari powder and its contraindications

The literal translation of the word “shatavari” from Sanskrit is “having a hundred husbands.” This is a very succinct and understandable hint at the areas in which the Indian plant in question is used.

In Ayurvedic sources, Shatavari is considered the best remedy to support women's health, rejuvenate the reproductive system and the body as a whole, increase libido and increase the chances of getting pregnant. The main indications for the described dietary supplement are very numerous:

  • frigidity, low sex drive;
  • severe cramps during menstruation;
  • infertility;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • menopause;
  • recovery after hysterectomy surgery;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • bleeding;
  • gynecological tumors;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes of the genital organs;
  • insufficient secretion of breast milk;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • genital herpes.

In addition to specific ones, there are also general indications for the use of shatavari:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • frequent or prolonged bacterial inflammation;
  • cystitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • gastritis;
  • irritation of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, kidneys and lungs;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • dysentery;
  • poor mobility of joints and muscles;
  • spasms;
  • epilepsy;
  • hysterical fits;
  • lipid and fluid balance disorders in the body;
  • herpes;
  • anemia;
  • skin diseases;
  • increased heart rate;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • high acidity of gastric juice;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • liver damage;
  • deterioration of visual acuity.

The instructions for shatavari indicate that there are no contraindications to dietary supplements; only short-term side effects may occur with prolonged use or exceeding the established dosages, usually constipation.

Scheme for using shatavari powder

The basic course of therapy with the described remedy is to take 0.25-1 teaspoon of powder half an hour before breakfast (on an empty stomach). You can take the drug with water, but it is better with warm milk, as it accelerates the effect and absorption of the active ingredients.

The duration of treatment is 3-4 months.

Method of using shatavari capsules: 1-2 tablets 20 minutes before meals, washed down with warm water or milk, repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

The course lasts 20 days, after which a break is taken for 10 days and therapy is resumed. A total of 3-5 repetitions will be required.

Shatavari in Ayurvedic practice is considered one of the best drugs for women's health.

And now we will talk about a drug popular in India - Shatavari.
From a botanical point of view, this plant is Asparagus racemosus - wild Asian asparagus. This is a climbing plant that is common in the jungles of Southeast Asia, Africa, and Australia.

When to use

In Ayurveda, in oriental medicine, shatavari is used to treat and normalize painful conditions. Its use has a beneficial effect on the female body, or more precisely, on the female genital area at , reproductive functions.

In ancient treatises it is written that shatavari has a pacifying effect on a woman and awakens love in her.

Later, scientists found that the substances contained in the plant stimulate the synthesis of progesterone, normalize the balance of the female hormonal system, and accelerate the transition of estradiol to estrol at the liver level. Preparations based on shatavari prevent the development of estrogen-dependent diseases (fibroids, mastopathy, endometriosis, cervical erosion, sporadic goiter).

Shatavari - effect on the body

Shatavari activates eggs, increasing their ability to fertilize, helps increase milk secretion in women, enhancing the synthesis of prolactin and somatotropin. The bioflavonoids and natural antibiotics contained in the plant cleanse the blood and mucous membranes of the female genital tract.

In addition, shatavari is used as an emollient for gastritis, peptic ulcer, dry skin, even herpes. Shatavari also helps preserve fluids, so it is used in the treatment of enterocolitis, diarrhea, and dysentery.

Shatavari is a mild immunomodulator, a natural anti-inflammatory agent, common in India, like triphala.


Saponins, bioflavonoids, proteins, alkaloids, tannins, vitamin B, calcium, zinc, steroid glycosides, and phytoestrogens were found in the leaves and roots of the plant.
Shatavari - beneficial properties

The medicinal properties of shatavari are used in the following cases:
· In the form of a strong aphrodisiac - it increases sexual energy, desire, treats female frigidity, increases their libido.
· In case of infertility, it activates eggs and increases their ability to fertilize.
· Used for pain or cramps during menstruation, normalizes the monthly cycle.
· Normalizes the balance of the female hormonal system, prevents the development of diseases and the growth of tumors.
· Used after removal of the uterus or during menopause, because contains natural analogues of female sex hormones.
· Prevents miscarriages.
· In the treatment of impotence or inflammation of the male genital organs.
· As an antiseptic, to cleanse the mucous membranes of the female genital tract, for vaginal dryness.
· To increase the secretion of breast milk.
· As a diuretic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, emollient for cystitis, urolithiasis, colds, prolonged fevers.
· In the treatment of gastritis, gastric ulcer, hemorrhoids.
· For diarrhea and dysentery, it relieves thirst, retains fluid in the body, and normalizes water-lipid balance.
· For muscle spasms, impaired mobility of the neck and joints.
· As a tonic for nervous system which gives vital energy.
· For epilepsy and hysteria.

· For anemia.
· For herpes, including genital.
· In the treatment of many skin diseases, bleeding.
· Like heart depressant, which normalizes heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and increases hemoglobin.

Extracts from the plant are included in cosmetics, they rejuvenate the body, improve the condition of the skin, its color, and slow down the aging process. In addition, the drug helps heal wounds, cuts, and treats skin infections.

Mode of application:

The drug is used in the form of powder (churna), paste, oil tinctures or in the form of decoctions. Wash it down with warm water or milk, possibly with the addition of sugar, honey or ghee (ghee).

For prevention, take 1 capsule per day for 20 minutes. 20 days before meals, then take a break for 10 days. The course is repeated three times.

When treating diseases: as prescribed by a doctor or 2 caps. twice a day before meals.
For infertility: 2-3 capsules once a day with milk and several saffron stamens.

For teenage girls: 1 capsule, take 2 times a day, also with milk or warm water.


  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding,
  • individual intolerance.

Attention: the information is not given as a guide to action, but solely for informational purposes!

The video about the benefits of shatavari is, however, very long, almost 50 minutes, but it explains everything in detail.

Shatavari is one of the main rejuvenating elixirs for women in Ayurveda. It is a natural aphrodisiac and antioxidant, supports the health of the reproductive system. Renews, tones, softens and improves skin color.

Shatavari is one of the main rejuvenating elixirs - Rasayan for women, a plant that gives strength reproductive organs, normalizing the function of the hormonal and immune systems and relieving infertility. These properties of Shatavari have long been used in Ayurvedic and Tibetan medicine.

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus, Shatamuli) grows in India and literally translates as “having a hundred husbands.” It is the main anti-aging plant for women, tones and rejuvenates the reproductive system, and is an antioxidant that prevents degenerative changes associated with aging. It is usually used for diseases of the female genital organs, infertility, during menopause, normalizes menstrual cycle, and is also an aphrodisiac. When used externally in the form of compresses, it has a softening effect on stiffness of the joints and neck, and relieves muscle spasms. When used in the form of masks, it improves skin color and relieves irritation.

The plant's rich content of bioflavonoids and natural antibiotics cleanses the blood and mucous membranes of the female genital tract. Shatavari contains plant analogues of female sex hormones, therefore it is especially effective for women during menopause, as well as after surgical intervention in the reproductive system. Shatavari balances the female hormonal system, accelerating the transition of estradiol to estrol, and stimulates the synthesis of progesterone. Thus, the plant prevents the development of estrogen-dependent diseases (fibroids, mastopathy, endometriosis, cervical erosion). Shatavari also increases the amount of milk in nursing women, this is due to increased synthesis of the hormones prolactin and somatotropin. Has a positive effect on men's genital area- used in the complex treatment of impotence and inflammation of the genital organs.

Indications for use:

  • infertility
  • weakness of the female genital organs
  • menopause
  • diarrhea, dysentery
  • dehydration
  • increased acidity
  • stomach ulcer
  • pulmonary abscesses
  • herpes
  • cough
  • increased blood clotting and viscosity
  • thrombophlebitis

The medicinal properties of shatavari are used in the following cases:

  • as a strong aphrodisiac, increases sexual energy and desire, treats frigidity in women, increases libido. According to ancient Indian tradition, shatavari promotes the development of love and devotion.
  • as a remedy for infertility, activates eggs and increases their ability to fertilize
  • for pain and cramps during menstruation due to its antispasmodic and soothing properties, normalizes the monthly cycle
  • to balance the female hormonal system and prevent the development of many female diseases and tumor growth
  • after surgery to remove the uterus and during menopause, since it contains a large number of natural analogues of female sex hormones
  • to prevent miscarriage
  • in the treatment of impotence and inflammation of the male genital organs
  • as an antiseptic, cleanses the mucous membranes of the female genital tract
  • for vaginal dryness
  • to increase the secretion of breast milk
  • as a diuretic, antibacterial and emollient, helps with cystitis and urolithiasis
  • as an antibacterial agent, cleanses the blood
  • also used as an anti-inflammatory agent for colds and long-term and persistent fevers
  • as an emollient for the mucous membranes of the lungs, kidneys and genitals
  • in the treatment of gastritis and gastric ulcer
  • for healing ulcers and wounds, as an astringent
  • in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery, as it relieves thirst and retains fluid in the body
  • for muscle spasms, stiffness of the neck and joints
  • as a tonic for the body and nervous system, gives vital energy to a weakened body, treats epilepsy and hysteria
  • to normalize the water-lipid balance in the body
  • for anemia
  • for herpes, including genital
  • as an antiseptic, treats many skin diseases
  • helps with bleeding, as an astringent
  • as a product with excellent nutritional properties
  • as a means of softening and calming the heart, reduces heart rate
  • to lower blood pressure, increased hemoglobin
  • with increased acidity
  • to improve vision, increases visual acuity
  • for hemorrhoids
  • to protect the liver

Shatavari is used in the form of powder, paste, oils or decoction and is often washed down with warm milk or warm water, to which unrefined sugar, honey or ghee may be added. In combination with ginger tea Shatavari provokes menstruation and is taken for menstrual delays. For ease of administration, it is produced in capsules.
In addition to oral administration, shatavari is used in cosmetology and is an important component of many Ayurvedic beauty formulas. It is included in various cosmetics - face and body creams, tonics, milks, lotions, oils, masks, hair products - primarily as a strong antioxidant that slows down skin aging, as well as a blood purifier. Suitable for all skin and hair types.

  • Shatavari is used in cosmetology thanks to

Antioxidant and rejuvenating properties
Tones and rejuvenates the skin, saturates it with oxygen, improves complexion.

  • Used in anti-aging cosmetics.

Nourishing and softening properties. Nourishes and smoothes the skin, makes it soft and smooth, relieves irritation and stress, soothes inflamed skin.
- astringent, wound-healing properties. Thanks to the natural viscosity of shatavari, it heals and tightens ulcers and wounds.
- anti-edematous properties. Thanks to its ability to retain liquid, shatavari maintains the skin's moisture balance, retains essential moisture and eliminates puffiness.
- antiseptic and antibacterial properties

  • Shatavari treats skin diseases, particularly skin infections.

In India, shatavari roots, boiled in oil, have long been used to treat skin diseases.


Large amounts of Ama (toxins), excessive mucus, fungal (yeast) infections; fibrocystic mastopathy, problems caused by excess estrogen; acute lung obstruction. Long-term use is contraindicated in patients with chronic cough.

It should not be taken for inflammatory kidney diseases, since Shatavari increases urination, as well as for edema due to impaired renal function.

Long-term use may cause constipation.


Asparagus racemosus.

Mode of application:

For prevention: 0.5 teaspoon (3 g) half an hour before meals, washed down with warm water or warm milk. Take 20 days, 10 days off. Repeat the course at least 3 times.
- For the treatment of inflammatory processes and diseases: 0.5 - 1 teaspoon (3 - 10 g) per day 30 minutes before meals. Drink with warm water or warm milk.
- For the treatment of infertility: 0.5 - 1 teaspoon twice a day with warm milk and saffron.
- Teenage girls: 0.5 teaspoon (3 g) twice a day with warm water or warm milk.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it can be taken for 3 months. The duration of its use depends on the appointment of a specialist.

Storage conditions:

store in a dry, cool place, protected from moisture and direct exposure sun rays, at a temperature not exceeding 30 C. Do not store in the refrigerator.

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