Diets for losing weight by 10 kg per month menu. Effective monthly diets for weight loss: a review of the best techniques. Diet when leaving the diet

The Tabata system for weight loss requires compliance with two main conditions: proper nutrition and physical exercise. Excess weight is better lost with cardio exercise. Tabata training falls directly into the cardio category, only it has its own big advantage, namely intervals, which helps make the exercises more effective.

Tabata complex for weight loss, created to increase stamina and speed up metabolism. And if your metabolism speeds up, then burning calories in the body will become more efficient.

This system is aimed at good results in short workouts. The fact is that it exceeds in its effectiveness many aerobic exercises. The advantage is the interval, in which the exercises are first performed at a fast pace, then a short break is taken and repeated again. Standard aerobic exercises do not immediately start the fat burning process and allow you to develop muscle endurance only after 40 minutes of training.

Tabata exercises for weight loss are designed for 4 minutes of intense exercise that develop endurance. But in order for the training to be effective, you need to give your best and follow the rules.

Set of exercises

To begin, you need to perform a 20-second intense exercise phase called “Sprint,” followed by 10 seconds. recreation. Give your body a minute's rest between sets. There should be about seven such approaches. Over time, increase the number of repetitions of one exercise that you perform in 20 seconds.

In fact, many may think that nothing can be achieved in 4 minutes. But after the first lesson, you will already understand how hard the body works and how much energy it spends on this complex. And since these exercises are designed to speed up metabolism, and this is a process that does not produce results too quickly, you will notice the first changes in a month. But still this month is worth the result.

Once the process starts, you will begin to lose weight much faster. Plus, within a couple of weeks you will notice that your body has truly become more resilient and walking with friends or climbing stairs will no longer seem so scary.

People began to call this method “Prison Training”, and all because it puts a lot of stress on the body, bringing it to the point of exhaustion, while you do not need any additional equipment, and most importantly, it is suitable for both men and women.

This complex was developed and implemented by Dr. Izumi Tabata, who was convinced of its work with his students.

Rules that are taken into account when selecting exercises:

  • They must use all muscle groups. Since there is very little time, it is necessary for all muscles to work.
  • You should feel like your body is tired after your workout.
  • The exercises should be easy so that you don’t have to watch and worry about the technique.

But, just like before any aerobic exercise, do a short warm-up, for example, jogging in place for 5 minutes.

If you have just taken up this workout, then choose the option for beginners; we have selected the most important exercises for the entry level.

  • Half squat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor;
  • 10 seconds rest;
  • Pushups;
  • 10 sec. recreation;
  • Exercise “bicycle”, lying on your back;
  • 10 sec. recreation;
  • Lunges forward, alternating legs;
  • Rest.

This is considered one approach. After each such exercise cycle, take a minute break. Try to do each exercise as many times as possible in 20 seconds. Don't be discouraged if you can only do a small amount at first - it's still good for beginners. After a few workouts, when your endurance increases, you will notice how new possibilities are revealed in you.

If you are already a more advanced athlete and understand that you are capable of more, and have also previously engaged in regular aerobic exercise, then you should try the program:

  • Deep ;
  • 10 seconds rest;
  • Quick lunges, alternately on each leg;
  • 10 seconds rest;
  • Exercise “Snail” – lie down, bend your knees and place them on the floor, bend your body;
  • 10 seconds rest;
  • Push ups. This time you need to do the opposite. Take a chair, turn your back to it and lean your hands. Lower and raise your body with your hands, leaning on the chair;
  • 10 seconds rest;
  • Regular push-ups. Try to do this exercise as deeply and quickly as possible;
  • 10 seconds rest;
  • Run in place, raising your hips high;
  • 10 seconds rest;
  • regular plank on bent arms;
  • 10 seconds rest.

After the cycle, take a minute break and perform another 7 repetitions.

Also important rule is that it is necessary to give the body time to recover and rest. Perform the complex every other day.

Practice proper breathing, namely inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Do not be afraid to breathe too often, because during intense exercise this is necessary, thus our body is saturated with oxygen.

Drink enough water. An adult needs a day. During training, do not drink a lot of water, but it is still worth taking a couple of sips during the minute rest phase. But after training, be sure to replenish your water-salt balance.

The ideal end to such a workout would be a short walk, or one, which will help relieve the muscles and remove lactic acid.

In order to understand when to start exercises and when to finish, use a stopwatch, or better yet, set special program, which will notify you about the phases.

But you should understand that training will not be effective enough if you do not adhere to proper nutrition and continue to saturate your body with harmful and high-calorie food. We want to provide you with several important nutritional rules that will help you lose weight when combined with exercise.

Nutrition rules

  • Drink enough water, which also helps speed up your metabolism;
  • Avoid sugar and white flour - these are one of the main opponents of a good figure;
  • Don't eat fried foods. Give preference to boiled, baked, or steamed food;
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables;
  • Do not eat fatty fish and meats;
  • Buy dairy products that are not high in fat (up to 5%). But you should not buy low-fat products, because they do not benefit the body;
  • Avoid fast foods and sweet carbonated drinks, they only increase your appetite;
  • Limit your consumption and give preference to natural dressings.

This is how a few dietary restrictions combined with exercise will help you see excellent results within a month.

Tabata has already become popular all over the world and has many reviews. Its benefits have been proven by both doctors and great trainers. The main goal is to increase endurance, make the heart work better, and therefore make the body healthier. And if such training also takes place on fresh air, then the benefits will be colossal. You can also involve friends in such a system, because playing sports together is more fun. Love yourself and your body, take care of it and then it will answer you with gratitude.


Your feedback on the article:

Good day to you, my dears! Are you familiar with the Tabata system? It has been used for a long time and successfully to lose weight and develop endurance. I think you will also be interested in learning how to get rid of 4-8 kilograms in just 1 month, secure your future, and at the same time acquire useful habits.

So, read what the Tabata protocol for weight loss is and how to use it correctly.

What is the essence of the method

Known for its effectiveness, the Tabata protocol is very high-intensity interval training.

It is carried out strictly according to the following scheme: a certain exercise is performed for 20 seconds, then a 10-second break follows, and this cycle is repeated 8 times, which in total is only 4 minutes.

At first glance, 4 minutes of training will be quite easy to endure. But this is not about the Tabata protocol. Here you need to give your best in 4 minutes, and at the same time try not to break the technique of the exercise. If you are not tired, do not expect any effect.

To lose weight, Tabata exercises must be performed literally to the limit of your capabilities.

And the effect of training using this Japanese method is amazing - after training, metabolism greatly accelerates, and even lasts longer. elevated level from 2 to 3 days.

Hence the “12 minutes” stated in the title of the article - classes on the Tabata system are done no more than 2-3 times a week.

Contraindications for training according to the system

This is an important point that for some reason many people ignore. Tabata training is absolutely not suitable for those who have any heart problems.

And if you haven’t checked your “fiery engine” for a long time, then exercise extreme caution and carefully monitor your condition during and after training. Although it is better to visit a cardiologist, because many heart diseases are asymptomatic.

By the way, training according to the system should not replace morning exercises. For a body that is not awake, such exercise is a bit heavy.

What exercises are suitable for practicing

In fact, when selecting exercises, there are quite strict requirements: when performing exercises, as many muscles and as many muscle fibers as possible should be involved, and the number of repetitions at the peak of your capabilities should not exceed 10.

Beginners are unlikely to be able to perform such exercises. But this does not mean that the path to the magical Tabata protocol is closed to beginners - they can too.

Exercises for beginners

Beginners should choose less complex exercises. The effect may be a little less, but it will still be significant!

By the way, the first results of your classes will be noticeable within 2 weeks. Considering that exercises using the Tabata method can be done only 2-3 times a week, this is only 4-6 sessions for a visible effect - you must admit, this is quite a bit!

So, examples of exercises for beginners:

  1. Push ups. An easier option (especially suitable for women) is knee push-ups.
  2. Push-ups with your feet on an elevated platform (for example, on a fitball).
  3. Twisting. Lifting the upper body, lying on the stomach, arms bent at the elbows and placed at the back of the head.
  4. Squats.
  5. Kicking a bag.
  6. Raising straight legs in a lying position.
  7. "Scissors". Lying on your back, raise your legs straight at an angle of 45 degrees and cross. An easier option is to raise your legs at a right angle.
  8. “Scissors” from a side lying position.
  9. Raising straight arms with dumbbells to the sides.
  10. Triceps push-ups. Sitting on a chair, place your hands on the seat, lower your buttocks to the floor, and perform push-ups, keeping your arms parallel to each other.
  11. Raising your knees to your elbows. While standing, bend your arms at the elbows and raise your legs bent at the knees diagonally towards them - left knee to right elbow, and vice versa.
  12. "Barrier". Lying on your side with emphasis on your hand, point your legs slightly forward. Raise and lower your legs without touching the floor.
  13. "Attack". Lying on your back. Without lowering your feet to the floor, strike with both feet at an invisible opponent.
  14. Raising your legs closed straight while sitting on a sofa or other secure seat.
  15. Half bridge Lying on the floor, feet resting on the floor, knees bent, arms straight along the body. Raise your buttocks and back, squeezing your gluteal muscles tightly, and return back. Don't lift your shoulders off the floor!

For beginners, the Tabata protocol is, of course, difficult. But it’s not the gods who burn the pots! Read other important rules of the system - and your exercises will be effective, but not without painful consequences.

Exercises for the prepared

Let me be clear: by trained, I don’t mean bodybuilders or fitness professionals.

This article was written for people who want to lose weight and dream of doing it easily and quickly, as well as for those who are looking for easy ways to keep their figure in shape. Therefore, those who have been involved in fitness for at least 4-6 months can be considered prepared for the purposes of this article.

If you consider yourself one of those, then many of the above exercises for beginners may seem simple to you. This means you need to complicate the exercises by adding weights, or combine two or more exercises in one - for example, squats and straight arm raises with dumbbells to the sides.

More examples of exercises for those prepared:

Exercise 1. “Burpee” with push-ups. From a standing position, we sharply “fall” into a lying position, do push-ups, immediately stand up, jump, and at the same time clap our hands above our heads.

Exercise 2. Half bridge with raised leg. Lying on the floor, feet resting on the floor, knees bent, arms straight along the body. Raise your buttocks and back while keeping one straight leg up and step back. Alternate raised legs. Don't lift your shoulders off the floor!

As soon as after class you feel the strength to continue, immediately add new cycles one by one. The break between 4-minute cycles is one minute of rest. In this case, you can create complexes of different exercises.

And remember: you have to be damn tired 🙂 – otherwise don’t expect any tangible results.

Here is a video with an example of a workout (useful for both beginners and those who have been practicing for several days):

Tabata style training will help you lose weight if...

I remember that just before the New Year there was a program on TV where they talked about the benefits of the Tabata protocol, and also assured that after working out for 4 minutes on December 31, for the next 3 days you can eat as much as you want, because your metabolism will be accelerated. I was especially struck by the phrase: “You can eat everything and not leave the New Year’s table.”

With all due respect to the authors of the program, I allow myself to disagree with them. Just me, as a person dealing with a problem excess weight, I know what “everything” can mean. People easily eat 3000-4000 calories even on an ordinary day (not like a holiday), and at the same time they claim that they do not eat anything.

Keep in mind: if you eat 3,000 calories, the Tabata protocol will not help you lose weight, it will only allow you to gain weight more slowly. Do you need this?

The abdomen, sides, and buttocks are the most problematic areas for the accumulation of fat deposits. They become the main obstacle to the formation of an ideal silhouette, hiding the curves of the body underneath. Tabata allows you to get rid of hated fat in order to gain a truly beautiful and toned figure.

This principle of training for a month and a half helps not only to lose weight, but also to be fully prepared for the upcoming holiday season, especially for those who are going to the beach. Along with the quick effect, Tabata does not require much time. The technology is ideal for busy people who do not have the opportunity to find a window in their schedule for a full hour-long workout.

Tabata exercises not only burn fat deposits, but also improve overall fitness. Therefore, they are often included in the training programs of professional athletes and the military. Not all practicing fitness trainers take technique seriously. They are of the opinion that such exercises should be performed under the supervision of a specialist.

This position of the instructors is quite understandable. Independently training and mastering effective complex exercises at home, a person simply no longer needs to visit the gym.

This is a high-impact interval training program. It is performed with alternating loads and rest. Each individual approach takes about four minutes. It is recommended to conduct classes every other day.

Exercising allows you not only to get rid of fat deposits, but also to stimulate muscle growth. As a result, the body becomes not only slim, but also acquires a beautiful relief. The effect of exercise is much higher than that of regular aerobic exercise.

More about the system

Tabata is a complete replacement for visiting gym or group fitness classes. Performing exercises within the system is subject to the following fundamental principles:

  • intense loads for 20 seconds;
  • rest pause for about 10 seconds;
  • repetitions of at least 8.

Each individual approach is about four minutes. The optimal number of approaches, guaranteeing high returns from training, is five. If your level of training allows, this number can be increased. Be sure to take a minute rest break after each approach. They train every other day. The main goal should be high-speed execution of exercises without loss of technique.

Tabata does not require the use of any special equipment. The free area required to perform the exercise is no more than two square meters. This led to the system being often called “prison training.” Another feature of the technique is the inability to hold your breath.

Intense loads dramatically increase the amount of air required. Breathing becomes more frequent. This has a direct impact on weight loss. The tissues are intensively enriched with oxygen, as a result of which the subcutaneous fat layer begins to oxidize and, consequently, decrease.

Nutrition of muscle tissue is carried out due to the energy released. They are actively involved in their work. The blood is intensively saturated with oxygen, which increases the rate of metabolism, and, therefore, the process of losing weight starts.

Purpose of the Tabata complex

Athletes were the first to try the system. The research carried out was aimed at establishing whether the degree of oxygen saturation of muscle tissue changes and whether overall endurance increases.

Along with confirmation of the listed factors, it was also revealed that the fat layer becomes much smaller. The use of similar sports supplements can increase the achieved effect.

What are the contraindications?

The system is not suitable for beginners. If the level of physical fitness is practically zero, then the body will not be able to immediately adapt to high loads. It is better to first practice on a less intensive basis, and after some time begin this training.

Another obstacle to training is the exacerbation of cardiovascular pathologies. This is due to the fact that already in the first minute of classes, beginners note the feeling of their heart jumping out of their chest.

Contraindications include varicose veins. Women in an interesting position should refuse intensive training. Experts recommend abstaining from exercise during the menstrual cycle.

Tabata training program

It is necessary to start training exclusively with a warm-up, regardless of the duration of the lesson. Bends, squats, rotations and lunges allow you to warm up your muscles. To develop a heart, you should jump for a few seconds. You can work any muscles, but experts recommend choosing a program in which the load goes either from bottom to top or from top to bottom.

Beginners should choose exercises that work different muscle groups. These include: bent squats, lunges, jumps. It is best to build training experimentally, that is, individually. The main thing is that at least 8 repetitions are performed in 20 seconds.

Exercises with which you should start the complex:

Push ups

It is not necessary to take a lying position. Support can be on your knees or on a sofa or fitball.


Correct execution technique requires that knee joints remain behind the toes, and the pelvis moves backward. The leg muscles are kept in good shape during the squat. There is no need to straighten your legs completely. Jumping rather than lifting allows you to increase intensity.


Do it on each leg. In other words, do 8 reps on each side, not 4 reps. They stand up straight, take the widest possible step forward, bending the leg being worked on at the knee 90 degrees. It is necessary to ensure that the leg that remains in place also bends and practically touches the floor with the knee. The back should remain straight, the torso should be perpendicular to the floor surface or slightly tilted forward. Alternating legs in a jump, rather than rearranging, allows you to complicate the task.


Take a lying position. The legs are raised 45 degrees up and quickly crossed. For beginners, the task can be made easier by placing your hands under your buttocks or raising your legs to a greater angle.

Knee Raises

They stand up straight. The arms are bent at the elbow joints. The right elbow is connected to the left elbow, and then the sides are changed. You need to do this as quickly as possible to get some kind of bouncing.

Running from a prone position

They lie down. Bend your knees, shoulder-width apart. Buttocks squeeze. The pelvis is raised as high as possible. The elbows and shoulders remain on the floor and straightened.


You need to lie on the floor and stretch your legs. To maintain balance, rest on your palms or elbows. The legs are lifted off the floor, bent at the knees, and pulled towards the chest.

This list of exercises is not definitive. There are many ways to structure training. The main thing is to do your best in 4 minutes.

Prepared people can begin heavier loads. They can do burpees with push-ups. It is done from a standing position. Lean forward sharply. They lean on their hands. They take it out by jumping, legs back and doing push-ups. Return to the starting position is carried out in a similar way, but in emergency situation jumping and clapping their hands.

Important Rules

The Tabata system requires strict adherence to several points:

  1. No self-pity. To achieve the desired result, you must perform at least 8 repetitions of each exercise. Otherwise there will be no effect.
  2. A complex consisting of 5-8 approaches allows you to quickly gain a slender silhouette if you have excess mass. Weights and increased repetitions allow you to increase the load.
  3. To make it easier to control time, timers operating in the 20-10 mode are used. They notify you of the completion of each stage with a characteristic sound signal.
  4. It is necessary to exercise exclusively in a ventilated area, since the body needs large quantities oxygen.
  5. Before each training session, be sure to do a warm-up. When the session is completed, do some stretching.
  6. To restore your breathing, you need to take a break for about 10 seconds, but do not talk during this time. You should not stand in one place, it is better to walk slowly.

Following the above recommendations allows you to get the maximum effect just a few weeks after training. It is especially important to control your diet. You cannot lose weight if you consume more than 3000 kilocalories per day.

It is quite difficult for an unprepared body to last for 7-8 rounds; you should start with 4 or 5 repetitions. The number is gradually increased. You can train according to one of the following schemes:

  • perform each exercise 8 times without stopping, pumping different muscle groups in each approach;
  • all 8 rounds should be done with a variety of exercises, which are repeated after a minute pause;
  • do everything in pairs, for example, jumping in rounds 1 and 2, and then squats in rounds 3 and 4, and repeat everything again from the next round.

When you decide to train using the Tabata system, you must do the following:

  1. Be sure to make sure that there are no problems with the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  2. Before training, you always need to first hone your technique, and then do a full-fledged lesson.
  3. Use a timer to keep the interval at 20-10.
  4. The load must be increased gradually either by increasing the number of repetitions or using weights.

It's interesting to know

Tabata was developed in Japan and named after its creator, Dr. Izumi Tabata, who worked on the system together with the institute’s fitness and sports staff. In 1996, during a month and a half experiment, they proved the effectiveness of the technique when athletes:

  • Stamina increased by 28%;
  • the ability to absorb oxygen by tissues increased by 15%;
  • The layer of subcutaneous fat has significantly decreased.

    The indicators were compared with similar data from athletes training on simulators.

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